r/maliciouscompliance | Big Boss tried to cut costs. We get paid overtime...

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hello everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day must attend interview in person I was working for a university in the UK as an admissions officer when I decided to apply for the role of senior admissions officer in the same office I submitted my application and didn't hear anything for a while a week or so later I was abroad for a week to visit my family when I received an email to confirm that I got invited for an interview the next day at 9 a.m. I replied and asked if we could postpone the interview until Monday because I'd be back by then but they refused the lady who refused was my current manager and she knew I was abroad so I didn't think this was very fair I asked if we could do the interview over Skype instead but she also refused this the interview time was set and if I was interested I will be there otherwise it's my loss I was pissed off as I couldn't believe how inflexible they were I started rereading the email again and decided to go through the attachments to see what I had to prepare for the interview I noticed they added a travel expense form which stated that if you travel from five miles or further you could claim your expenses being abroad in Europe is definitely over five miles so I decided to drive to the airport booked the last flight which was 350 pounds for a one-way flight got a cab from the airport and stayed in a hotel near the university as my house would have been at the other side of London I made it to the interview in time and they were shocked to see me as they obviously didn't expect me the interview went well but I did not get the job when I handed in my expense claim form I was advised that it only applied to UK travel and they refused to pay I asked them why they sent me the claim form when they knew I was travelling in from abroad and said that nowhere on the form it stated that it was only for UK travel they said it was their policy but I was not allowed to view said policy I was do a lot of money so I decided to file a Freedom of Information request for them to provide the policy this appeared to be a his storico policy and as they could not send me the evidence they decided to pay me my travel expenses which came to a total of 550 plus pounds the policy has been updated since so if you saw that travel expense form would you end up taking the chance here let me know if you would bite the bullet and go for it banking all your hope on that they would actually reimburse you pay more for less food okay so I work for a major restaurant chain as a server given the ongoing situation we had been doing takeout and delivery only at the time of this story also we were honoring our online only deals in an effort to increase business normally our food is fairly expensive without being a fine-dining place these online deals would discount the total cost around 50% great value I was working the front host stand and therefore answering phones I had one customer called to order pickup and he promptly cut me off midway through my answer speech this immediately irritates me but I take a breath and soldier on I just continue expecting a certain type of customer / interaction at this point customer jumps right into the order so I politely backtrack him to take the phone number and name the customer wanted a double order of wings and a medium pizza ok no problem I put it through with some difficulty as the customer isn't making it easy having to clarify or repeat certain questions etc but this is part of the job and he's not being outright rude just frustrating finally I gave him his total approximately $51 I then mentioned to him that right now we have a special that has three pounds of wings and two medium pizzas for $49.99 but he cut me off before I could get much further than just wanted to let you know that right now we have a special okay fine I'm tired of arguing I put it through as requested of course I proceeded to tell my colleagues about this guy and how he even turned me down trying to save him money despite being short and what felt to me as entitled during the exchange we all have a laugh when customer arrives I choose to take his payment first and then bring out his food as he accepts it I point out that for next time what I was trying to tell you about the special is that you could have gotten another pound of wings and another pizza for a dollar and a half lass he looked at me like I had three heads and sheepishly mentioned maybe he should have let me tell him about it yeah you think if I was the caller I probably would have at least heard him out but I can also kind of understand because I feel like most of the time those specials that are presented at least in my experience haven't really been worth entertaining plus you never know what kind of situation the caller was in when he was making this order and acting that way move your car this is a short and simple story that happened years ago when I still lived at home I was 20 at the time and my sister was 17 still in high school I was about to leave for work and notice she parked her car behind mine so I asked her if she could move her car to let me out I figured that she could just Park her car where mine was once I move out of the way she rolled her eyes and for whatever reason had a slight attitude about it and told me move it yourself if you're the one that has to leave she couldn't even be bothered to give me her keys for me to do so so I did I moved her car and parked it a mile down the road and my grandparents drive away and walked back I put her keys back and didn't say anything as I grabbed mine and just left made me late to work that day but I didn't care next time I asked her to move her car she begrudgingly did it takes what a minute to move your car it's a slight inconvenience sure but just go ahead and move the car it's no big deal parents forbid me to use my preferred name at school I'll just keep adding letters to the end of it I came out to my parents as a trans man before the start of my freshman year of high school and they were extremely hostile about it so much so that they forbade me from using my chosen name at school or even with my friends well I thought that was a load of crap and changed my name in the school system on the first day it had my legal name listed but for most purposes my preferred name was used after about three months they found out about it and were pissed so they said to me Opie you have to change her name in the school right now so I was like okay I will so I changed it from Bob not my actual name to Bob with a second B the next day they checked the homework portal again and discovered I had indeed changed it but not to my legal name Opie we told you to change it back to your legal name no you told me to change it and I did my god they were pissed I was grounded for a month and my phone was taken but it was totally worth it so after that every time they told me to change it I would tack on another letter by the end of the school year my name was Baba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba eventually they stopped grounding me and just gave up I was allowed to use my preferred name the rest of high school provided it wasn't around them note my mom has started coming around and I'm planning on cutting off my dad once she divorces him for being a piece of garbage including what he did to me well I'm glad that Opie's mom started coming around to it and frankly it's just quite unfortunate to hear about the father and also I was reading the comments and one person said they're lucky you didn't start adding OHS to Bob now that would have been funny pizza party screw-ups so when I first started college I worked in the small pizza shop the students could use their meal plans on if you don't know what a meal plan is it's basically you pay a set amount per semester and can swipe a car to eat wherever you want with rules depending on how much you paid now I have to say pizza was awesome high-quality ingredients interesting combos of toppings and really good salads but we were in a Test Kitchen this brand had never been anything other than to sit down and enjoy style of pizza so turning it into a fast food place was difficult we weren't that busy normally good days $800 bad days maybe 250 when he came to see how we were holding up the brand owner the one who created the entire store name told us to only set enough dough to use that day absolutely no more we made the large sicilian-style and it took four point three pounds of dope or pizza if you didn't want it to be thin places you drown it to 4.5 so any given day we to go through roughly sixty to eighty pounds we had to let it rise for a few hours because it was a yeast base now on any day this was no big deal get down to half a pizza stretch of dough and let it rise easy until the end of the semester came the compliance now till this point we weren't something as much as our big boss would have liked so for the last two months of the semester he was in house breathing down our necks for the slightest thing you could see as waste he was also pressing us to sell as many whole pizzas as we could oh boy did we for those of you who have never had a meal plan no one uses all of the meals they've paid for most people end up with like twenty to thirty left they'll buy a bunch of food for a party and be done with it but there are ones that end with near 100 that is where this is going I worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. these last few weeks cuz my finals were done and it was easy money so I had heard people saying how they were going to use their meals and just buy a bunch of food I even offered to take down orders if they wanted to let us know ahead of time by the last day I had orders for over 65 pizzas from multiple people being the good employee I was I told our big boss about it he was impressed and even set out extra for the day when we started to prep I also knew it was not even close to enough most college kids don't think about calling ahead for really big orders they just expect to be able to get it so there were going to be plenty of those kinds of people he said the words that doomed our kitchen if we need more as the day goes we will get it as needed 6 employees and our kitchen manager will get to his role in a bit just gave up and went with it so the day went on 11 o'clock came and immediately we had orders non-stop for three and four pizzas each we had pre-orders already prepped and rising so each time we took chunks under the dough laid out our got more and more nervous by 3 we were out of the raise dough and were scrambling to get the chilled stuff to rise enough to stretch four o'clock and all the other restaurants around us had closed down because they were out of supplies and it went home we were still catching up our big boss is red-faced pissed off and trying to blame us for all his bad planning then the final blow came in the form of two frat boys and their entire house they asked if there was a limit on the number they could order I was on the register and looked at by my kitchen manager call him Steven and asked he got the most devilish smile and said as long as you don't mind a weight we can sell you as many as you can buy these two mad lads bought 25 pizzas apiece they were having a final party and wanted to blow the rest of their meals on it as soon as I called out the order to our big boss in the back all I hear is a frantic how many did you say he comes running up front looks over the receipt and all the colour drains from his face he tries offering a refund but it has to go through the school and can take over a week had to deal with a Brad mom and a child learning this so in the end he had to stay and help us make them it took over 6 hours to cook them all Steven emptied the ingredients all over their pizzas so they were absolutely loaded we all got paid overtime and Steven quit the following week listen to your employees epilogue on our last day Steven pulled us all into his office and gave us all fifty dollars out of his own pocket because we never should have had to have put up with that brain-dead butt monkey and that he was sorry we had to to this day one of my favourite managers edit I should mention that when the next semester started the entire restaurant had been remodeled a completely new one was in its place with Steven back as the manager looking Lee the cat that caught the canary he said big boss pulled this place out and we were free to choose the one that replaced it he offered us our jobs back with a 50-cent raise we sold almost four times our daily business the other three places were a little salty we were doing so well but it was all good never had another problem like that again I like the happy ending the story had and med manager has a devilishly good name I'll be happy to assist you this happened to my brother and not me but is still one of the best stories I've ever heard my brother used to work at chick-fil-a as a cashier and would take the customers order one day he had a Karen come in first she was just fine until she got her food she complained that the bun was bad and she wanted a new one my brother was going to a sister until she said just do your job properly and get my bun he shrugged and agreed he gets a brand new bun goes to the register and rings it up he looks at her and says that'll be 27 cents she looked at him really confused and asked why she had to pay to which my brother said I'm just doing my job properly I feel like if somebody's gonna come out and try and help you why would you be rude and dismissive it's not like the cashier made the order travel the customer sites the latest fad of posts about company travel reminded me of this little gem I was working for an MSP that had customer sites close to my home I would arrange to be on-site at about 9:30 this meant that I would get a lie-in and leave my house at around 9:00 to get to the customer site I would then claim on expenses the travel from the customer back to the office this worked fine until we got a new manager who stated that we had to start work at the time in our contract and we could only claim mileage to and from the office the contract stated that our start time was 8:30 and I stated that it would be a waste of my time driving to the office turning around and driving to a customer site he was having none of this so I would arrange with the customer that I would be on-site at 9:30 and I then proceeded to clock in at 8:25 get to my desk sit down and have a cup of coffee and read my emails I then drove to the customers site did the work and drove back after claiming for double the amount of travel expenses were asked but I pointed to the email that had been sent out this lasted until the manager changed who saw sense and changed the system back to how it was personally this kind of thinking really frustrates me I feel like they equated to you're not doing enough work if you're going from your house straight to the customer you have to be in the office it's like people who have a night based sleep schedule and people get upset at them for sleeping during the day it just makes no sense if they're productive and it's efficient for that person and it saves money I don't get why you would be so rigid about it but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story town channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn Olaf occations on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to this story time Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 36,060
Rating: 4.8962622 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: FodlW6rPdpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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