r/maliciouscompliance | "I DON'T NEED A WOMAN'S HELP FOR MY CAR!"

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hey everybody welcome back to the story time channel my name is steven and let's get into our stories of the day why don't you just buy a bunch of pens and put them all over the house you got it babe a very minor malicious compliance story but was reminded of it when packing up the house to move so my husband works from home and has a very tidy office i work in a lab and so can't usually work from home and since our house is small i never really set up a workspace for myself and to be honest i am not the most organized person so usually my belongings are found scattered all over the house my husband once turned around the car when he realized that he forgot to make the bed so my messiness is a challenge for him anyway one day a few years ago while my husband was out i had to sign something couldn't find a pen in my bag and so stole one from my husband's desk a few hours later the following conversation occurred hey did you take the blue pen off my desk oh yeah sorry i ruffled through the stack of crap on the kitchen table until i find it here you go husband slightly irritated i wish you wouldn't take my stuff you're always losing things now i'm a little huffy because while it's true that i lose things from time to time we're talking about a one pound paper mate not a mont blanc well you're the only one with an office full of office supplies i don't even have any place to keep my own stuff well why don't you just get a bunch of pens and put them all over the house with the rest of your stuff then even you'll be able to find them and then he stalked off back to his office okay fine i think let's do it your way i hop on amazon and oh look ten pens for five pounds let's get three sets in each color plus a few pen holder cylinders and a pack of sharpies for good measure because you can never have enough sharpies add the card and confirm the next day my malicious package fortuitously arrived while my husband was out of the house when he returned home he was greeted by a lovely bouquet of pens in the entryway he was soon to discover a similar bouquet in the kitchen on the mantel table at the top of the staircase bedroom dresser and bathroom cabinet this is a small two-bedroom house so pens had suddenly become the primary design motif his only comment was an exasperated really to which i just grinned in reply he did move the one out of the bathroom but the other stayed where they were and actually were pretty handy i have not needed to borrow any of his pens since so i like to think we both won this actually brings up some thoughts about how i should organize things does anybody have any tips on how to keep track of stuff like pens or pencils or whatnot let me know if you have any specific strategies in the comments below don't want a woman's help in an auto parts store even though she knows what she's talking about okay when i worked at an auto parts store about 20 years ago i was trying to help a customer with a carburetor i'm female and was in my late 20s at that time i had actually taken classes on fuel systems and rebuilt a couple myself the man with his teenaged son in tow as to speak with a man pretty sure he called me hun somewhere along the line i got my store manager a 60 year old amazing man i miss you paul customers started to talk about floats and jet sizes etc my manager paused the man and said he had no idea about such things and proceeded to call me over customer's eyes almost bugged out son smiled my manager explained that he's good at management stuff and hires folks who understand the technical stuff best day ever postscript that customer and his son would be lying for me in the future even waiting to speak with me when some of the guys i worked with were available it's disappointing to hear that it happened in the first place where they were judging based on sex but i'm glad to hear in the postscript that they learned from it and they were looking to them actively for help in the future you don't want me to talk to you okay this happened a few years ago now i had just started teaching after finishing graduate school and one of the co-chairs for my department i'm a high school science teacher was on a major power trip and because i was the new guy i guess she decided i would be an easy target the thing that finally pushed me over the edge was when she told me that under no circumstances was i allowed to talk to any teacher in the building unless they taught the same subject i did as someone who was just starting out and needed all the help i could get this seemed like a problem but actually turned out to be one of the best things that happened while i was working there now not only was her order totally unenforceable it was also a major breach of district and school policy and for any of you who have worked in education you understand how a school district tends to react to things like that especially when it also involves the harassment of an employee but rather than report it immediately to my assistant principal i decide to bid my time and use my department chair's own words to destroy her and so begins my evil plan as a beginning teacher i was required to submit weekly lesson plans to my assistant principal and the department chair at the beginning of the year i had emailed my assistant principal to ask him if i needed both co-chairs to sign off on the plans since we all had different schedules i was worried i wouldn't get them back in time to make changes if they were needed he wrote back saying that as long as he and at least one of the chairs signed off there were no problems with the email in hand i had everything i needed i continued submitting my lesson plans to the assistant principal and the other department chair as i had been but took the others names off my emails my lessons continued getting approved and everything was fine for a month or two then i get a call to report to the assistant principal's office because he needs to speak with me i walk in and there she is standing next to his desk with this smug poop eating smirk on her face before the assistant principal who we both report to can say anything she starts demanding to know why i haven't been submitting my lesson plans and insists that the assistant principal write me up and take disciplinary action immediately for my failure to follow policy he tells her that i have been submitting all of my lesson plans on time and pulls them up on his computer to show her the email chain between us she turns to me her face turning redder and redder i thought that vain bulging in her forehead was going to burst then i demand you write him up for not communicating his lessons with me as per policy i'm the department chair that's when i made my move as innocently as can be i say to the assistant principal but i don't understand the problem i did exactly what she told me to she looked like she was about to have a stroke in her best i want to see your manager voice she says and when exactly did i tell you not to send your lessons to me me still ignoring her and as calm and respectful as can be well i was told that i was only allowed to speak to teachers that teach the same subject i do i teach biology and so does the department chair i've been submitting lesson plans to my other department chair i gestured at her still not looking at her teaches earth science which is in my subject so it was my understanding that i wasn't supposed to talk to her for a full 10 seconds you could have heard a pin drop in that room both of their jaws dropped the assistant principal was the first to recover he turned to her and asked sounds to me like he followed your instructions to the letter instructions that you and i are going to have a serious talk about she goes white realizing how much trouble she's in at this point both myself and the assistant principal are trying desperately not to start laughing she rounds on me why you little smart butt me cutting her off i'm sorry but i'm not supposed to talk to you she screams like a banshee and storms out of the office my assistant principal is laughing so hard he can barely breathe and i go and have my lunch but she did get her wish there was disciplinary action taken after the harassment the violation of policy and storming out of the office which caused the scene in front of several parents and students she was removed as department chair she lost her authority and the extra pay that came with it i was brought homemade muffins and a thank you card from the rest of the department for getting us all out from under that witch and you know i never did bother to ask if i was allowed to talk to her after that this person was on such a major power trip that they started making rules that were blatantly against policy they were doomed to fail you want the hoa to enforce the rules i live in a small subdivision that has a homeowners association you've all heard horror stories about hoas but this one is actually really relaxed in the compliance department the hoa is still ran by the developer and the management is outsourced to a third party company so no head of the hoa karen that lives in the neighborhood constantly monitoring everything we do however have a private facebook neighborhood group my neighbor is a complainer he always complains about the ineffective hoa because people have installed sheds and above ground pools while these things are discouraged they are allowed with arc approval basically email the management company a modification request with the specs and pictures and they approve it so all the stuff he is complaining about has more than likely been approved by the hoa management company i don't think my neighbor is aware of this because he complains about it every few months like clockwork so earlier this month i noticed my neighbor and a few other houses in the neighborhood had put out political yard signs in their yards according to the hoa covenants this is prohibited as there is no approval process it's just not allowed so i emailed the guy at the management company that handles our hoa to let him know he emailed everyone that day to remind them that yard signs are prohibited and gave everyone 7 days to remove them before they get a violation my neighbor posted last week about receiving a violation in the mail he was pissed but hey he wanted an effective hoa right this is unrelated to the story but personally i am so against hoas the communities are nice and the areas look good but i wouldn't be able to stand giving money to people who tell me what i can or can't do with my house you would like a man to help you a few years ago i worked in the electrical department of a big box home improvement store at the time i was in my mid-40s female and had been with the company about 15 years i also had worked in construction before being hired there and had helped my dad build a couple of houses i didn't have a background in electrical but over the years had asked a ton of questions of the electricians who shop there and did a bunch of research on my own so i was fairly well versed in basic knowledge and knew the products we carried and how to use them one day in struts mr honorman engineer with his dotting wife on his arm i'm the only one in the department and i'm working through customers as best as i can finally i get to mr important and he proceeds to ask me some technical type questions regarding wire sizes and conduit fittings his questions reveal that he knows less than he thinks he does so i ask him for clarification so i can get him what he needs he puffs up his chest and insists that he knows what he's doing and to just find him the non-existent product the three or four other customers in the aisle have now edged closer and are enjoying the exchange mr important then says the magic words is there a man i can talk to of course i say just give me a minute to get someone for you i walk out of the department find the nearest young male lot associate tell them what's up and send them off to help the vip i call the assistant manager for backup for the young man and go on my break fallout assistant manager took me aside when i get back to gently chide me for my actions apparently lot guy shows up and tells the customer that he knows nothing about electrical and when i get back from break he will ask me since i am the most knowledgeable person in the department customer who witnessed the exchange who was a regular tells mr vip that he is an idiot and that said part doesn't exist and that what he wants to do is against local code which is what i told him to begin with minus the idiot part vip stomps out in a huff adoring wife following behind this isn't the first or last time i have done this usually it's not so dramatic and it's a little old lady looking for light bulbs the lot guy i found was someone i knew wouldn't care if the customer was a jerk he thought it was hilarious all i'm gonna say is i'm glad this sexist guy ended up just having to walk out frustrated with nothing how i successfully ruined my brother's week using his own rules so from since i can remember my brother has always hated people going into his room even for entirely reasonable things like collecting laundry and stuff it doesn't help that he's incredibly messy and disorganized so if he lost something you could expect to be thoroughly grilled on whether or not you might have gone in and taken it even if he knew he probably lost it so anyway down to the story my brother has what seems like hundreds of alarms set every morning and i mean too many to count he's a very heavy sleeper so he needs multiple alarms to wake up so anyway one weekend he was going away on a camp so the morning after he left i'm woken far earlier than i would have liked by dozens of alarms going every 5 minutes or so so i go to his door and tell his google home which he uses to set his alarms and tell it to cancel home because obviously i couldn't just go in and unplug it now could i when he gets back i tell him what i did he asked why i couldn't have just unplugged it and i stated his rule to him he just shrugs and forgets about it until he forgets to reset them for the next day and the next causing a chain reaction until he finally resets them all it resulted in him being late to school every day so i can understand them not wanting people to go into their room if it's just a general thing but if there is a legitimate purpose for somebody entering their room i think they should be able to overlook that you want me to put the things in their place properly after use so my dad has this habit of going off about random things because it strokes his little ego my sibling is particular about most things in the way they should be done to the point of annoyance at times once and it only happened once i forgot to plug in the laptop that all of us share because we aren't that rich and my sibling had to use it urgently the next day but it was low on battery so they had to keep it on charge while using it not a really big deal but being particular to them it was today i took the laptop for some work along with another thing from the room my sibling half scolded half shouted at me to make sure i charge the laptop afterwards and keep things in their place they claimed i won't even check if the laptop is getting charged or not and just dump it in their room my father joined them that i never keep things where they belong and other such stuffs they both told me to put the things in their place properly after i used them when i got done it was 3am and they were all sleeping i was taking care not to make too much noise then i remembered how they acted rudely for no reason i understand i made a mistake once but after that i made sure it never happened again i turned on the big tube light i made more noise than needed and took my sweet time keeping things in the proper place when my father and siblings shouted at me to switch off the light i told them that i am keeping things at the proper place and need light for that in the end my father got up for a few minutes and my sibling was pissed i feel really guilty for acting rudely but i also feel happy to do this to them if they're gonna go and blame you for everything and gang up on you the worst they can do is deal with a little bit of light when they're trying to sleep today's my last okay this is a quick compliance and you'll see what i mean but i think this fits here a few years ago i was stuck in a poopy albeit well paid job i was middle management and freaking hated it my boss was a butt hat who while on a personal level was nice as a boss was a horrible fit so after working here i got an amazing opportunity at another firm doing what i wanted to do i walk into my boss's office and hand in my two week notice he looks down and says thanks no need to stay please get your things and leave i was kind of shocked because i still had work that was complicated and important to the firm albeit not something that he couldn't do himself so i asked him to confirm that he wants me out and that as of this minute i don't work for the company so he's firing me he said yes i'm not needed and so i can leave immediately so i calmly said okay great can you please put that in writing so that i have a record that i'm being fired since you don't need me so i can file for unemployment immediately you can see the blood leave his face and the realization of what his decision would do and stammers out a why why would you do that i say well i wanted to give two weeks so i can finish up my projects and hand them off i was expecting that income and if i'm fired i won't get it and because it's courtesy to provide a two-week notice since you're firing me i won't get paid and the employment will replace a portion of my lost income he says stay here please i'll be right back and speed walks out of his office to presumably hr i'm sitting there for about 20 minutes and my co-workers who sit right outside his office are cracking up when he comes back he says that i'm not being fired but that today was my last day and that i'll be paid for the two weeks so for my last two weeks i was able to get paid go to happy hours and relax all because i maliciously complied for 20 minutes hey enjoy your two weeks paid vacation and enjoy your brand new job that was exactly what you wanted but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 44,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: 9oJb5iDmVVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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