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here i come to be a parts changer this is a toyota camry of some sort yep looks like a camry it is of the 2000 and what year are you how about 2017 year model variety this particular vehicle has come to me from the body shop and they need to have the i think it's the right front lower control arm replaced um interestingly enough the uh the book time says this thing takes a seven and a half hours to replace um that perplexes me ever so slightly it could be accurate it could be grossly inaccurate so uh let's uh lift it up and take a peek down under and figure that out who knows maybe it only takes an hour to do and they they would like to pay me seven hours this is also a possibility probably unlikely but you never rule out everything [Music] okay so they tell me it's the right front and i have the part right now so let's take the wheel off and see what's going on [Music] all right let's see what the deal is let's see ding fries are done so what's wrong with it oh right let me change the light right there it's bent right here right there okay and this one is not bent okay well that's what they want that's what they're gonna get so why does it take seven hours got three bolts for the ball joint one bolt here that's easy and looks like there's two here for this inner mount they both come through the top and yeah there we go this is why looks like i have to remove this uh engine mount right here um seven hours huh oh i'm gonna kill this one how about 45 minutes there's got to be a catch oh well let's see let's uh pull it down and see what's up let's see i guess first i'm gonna pull this cover i need to support the engine and get this uh mount off right here oh yeah i'm absolutely going to destroy this uh figuratively not literally it's okay time to make some money can't answer the phone if everyone's on the phone yeah everyone is on the phone okay joke's over doo doo doo doo i like silence when it's time to sleep all right let's get this engine supported because the mount has to come come out and something has to hold the engine up it's not going to work [Music] gravity hey man what uh what was your schedule supposed to be tomorrow are you closing oh okay i'll totally work yeah all right that's cool then i will work for you yeah yeah i just don't want to close no i don't get down like that i'll be pissing out around noon one o'clock yeah it's got to show up those are the rules but yeah yeah no problem i got you tomorrow thank you man you're welcome no worries okay so the bottom of this mount there's two bolts that secure it to the subframe and they're underneath these little covers here so we got to pop these covers then we can go in and get the bottom bolts out so we'll do one two three and then we'll get the one off the top of the mount which is up here and uh hopefully i can just lift this engine up enough to clear this stud or these studs and then slide this out and then we can get the bolts out for the control arm that's the plan but like i said it's supposed to take seven hours so we'll see maybe step one is remove engine step two remove mount but let's see how this works all right up here at the top there's one nut at the top of this mount let's get that one first and that's gonna disconnect the engine from the mount so glad i got my green ratchet back i missed it oh that was a bad idea okay it's loose that's a lot of space is it gonna clear please please make it oh yeah i'm gonna win okay let's go back down and the rest of these bolts nuts loud noises hmm i need more engine up what's the deal here time for some maneuvering of components what is blocking me oh no i'm gonna get this out i'm not playing you do this the hard way when i think i can do it yeah the easy way okay so this goes there then we rotate okay perfect that's what i need to get to okay come on down let's pop this control arm loose from the ball joint more loud noises oh there's a nut ah [Music] come out and i got what there's two more big ones up top that one on that one and this thing is uh should be free what are those 22s yep okay [Music] can i get the other one yeah yeah sure can oh this is gravy [Music] okay it's disconnected more pry bar not that one pry bar cam need more lumens there's some begin coming out now okay that's free let's uh pop this joint out right here [Music] [Music] seven hours [Music] come out got it okay that how'd that go went went like that let's check the other side just to make sure i didn't see how that thing fell out um yeah back side and the slant points towards the bottom okay shoot the back side and the slant goes towards the bottom okay that's that's correct he went like that all right let's box out unbox the new one oh that's cute came with a new ball joint yay avoid premature pushing wear do not fully tighten bushings until suspension is at right height roger dodger that doesn't make any sense in this application at all because these mount flush to the subframe and this also mounts rigidly into the subframe so this must be issued by the department of redundancy department okay and then i find out i pulled the wrong one out that'd be great all right well i guess i need to get this ball joint out since we have a new one um cotter pin and a 19. easy enough i probably have to take the backing plate off something stupid so i understand that there is in fact a specified way to bend the tabs on the cotter pins we clearly see how toyota did there they just folded the thing down so i guess that's not mission critical in an automotive application [Music] come on kid come out that's why i'd overuse these it's mangled ugly um 19 wrench where are you here no i don't accept this yeah again by the book i'm probably supposed to remove this axle and stuff to get this nut i do not accept i should have done this earlier uh oh um pry bar [Music] prybar the answer to all of life's problems now what do we do here let's move over that point of view sucks yep here's how this is going to work out well i've already established i'm not taking this axle out so how this is gonna go [Applause] [Music] how i think i win oh the packing plate okay i'm not taking this axle out so i think pry bar will be the solution a little bit of bendy action right here and then i can bend it back when i'm done yep that's how this is going to go down love it okay just to prevent any conflict of components i'm going to remove this tall joint from this control arm and just reassemble it the way it came apart that way i can maneuver that thing in without having to take the weight there i have a feeling trying to do it with the control arm attached it'll be a real big pain [Music] you guys go back up here camera clicks don't need that little protective thing that's beautiful i love it um 19 wrench where have you disappeared to turn her somewhere i just had it there it is [Music] oh sorry guys i'm over here giving everyone the finger here we'll use two fingers so we don't offend anybody [Music] [Music] no seriously i really didn't mean to do that i looked at my head and i was flipping myself off i'm like oh i just gave the finger to about 200 000 people i wonder how that's gonna work out it's like if i ever wondered when i was gonna get cancelled today might be the day uh let's see do those holes cotter pin holes line up need a little bit more need another nanometer almost you know what impact wrench [Music] there but my chrome that's okay see this is let's snap on chrome and snap on chrome is foreign i know that's a little excessive but it's gonna do you're doing it wrong there actually that is pretty freaking ugly the pin was super long there out shorter it's less uglier [Music] become less ugly there that'll do [Music] smells like hydrocarbons oh come on don't do that you're gonna i don't want to fight you i want to play nicely little does this control arm know my ability to escalate the levels of violence is unmatched i think i gotta move you guys you're gonna get hit with a control arm and that would be bad there go into your home piece well it was kind of stubborn coming out so i guess it stands to reason it should be stubborn going in that's fine the proper application of course do what i command oh let's see we're a little too far off on the bottom so i need to sort of pry it back out there oh there we go now we're sitting pretty let's get the bolts in start from the bottom [Music] um let's see we need to get up here still a little off um let's see we're gonna i need to adjust some stuff here you guys are gonna move a little bit moving on up oh it's so close yet so far far away this is why it takes seven hours it's uh there's interference of physical space you oh you evil let's move some more stuff around there well that was easy over here making a mountain out of a molehill okay i got that little metal shim deal in place let's see let's come back down here a little bit of linear encouragement but it still needs to go oh there we go now we're cooking nice see that we're getting somewhere here just a little bit i'm not hurting anything re-ruining the threads okay let's run these down a little bit i don't think it caught on the threaded part down here now [Music] it's almost there yes sir a little bit of nudging you're gonna go [Applause] fail cut okay let's get this one lined up a little bit that's it all right all right go in what are you doing you're lined up i can see there [Music] close i think it just needs a wee bit of encouragement [Music] nice and the one in the back what is this let's see if this is gonna do it do your thing [Music] oh yeah okay some final duck of ducks you can't see wrong socket slipping let's do this with the right size socket again loud [Music] and there's that one okay goofy engine mount let's uh see if i cannot remember how that happened let's see that's not right came out a lot harder than that whatever i'll take it engine coming down engine going back up engine coming back down there [Applause] block of wood gravity forward click all right let's go down below and set this ball joint up it's uh it's nearly in its home should be fairly easyish yipper that's beautiful that would be two nuts in a bolt okay let's pry bar of this get the angle right for the bolt uh almost come on please oh wiggle wiggle wiggle there now i got it yay all right we're in the home stretch [Music] sweet okay everybody's connected tight tight got bolts for the bottom of the motor mount and i don't know where i put them around my right direction i have nuts for the bottom of the motor mount nice i moved through the matrix i dropped oh no that was a fail that's what i get for showing off uh oh that one went kind of far let's look over here where'd you go yeah there it is she's way back there reach got it okay game on okay this one i can't reach those so we're gonna do it like this stick it in there [Music] seriously hmm let's try it uh try it again slowly okay next one slowly there we go okay bottom of the mouth's tight top of the mouth is tight those bolts are tight that one is these ones are that one is uh we're good to go here let's throw the wheel and little cover thing back on because body shop wants this thing back asap seven hours and yes i know what you guys are all thinking i can and will charge them less the uh the book time is obviously mistaken and uh it would not be a good idea to rip off even another shop or a body shop or the insurance company for that matter go to jail for that yeah no need to rip people off so the seven and a half hours of book time is clearly an error on all data's part and that's uh that's not what the bill is gonna be i'm not allowed to tell you what i actually tell you but i am about to tell you what i'm not charging well no i mean if if you were my customer i could tell you what i'm charging you but i'm not supposed to tell the internet what i charge people because of agreements let's see the reason being if like let's say i do a job and it's like 10 billable hours and then i make a video on it if the video is 40 minutes then one could argue that they were ripped off by like nine hours worth of labor and they could claim that they have video evidence that it never actually took 10 hours i know that sounds silly but we are living in the age of the lawsuit all right wheel of toyota get on there okay and comment section triggered if you're using an impact put on the wheel warping the rotor going down now i'm really really gonna set the internet on fire okay going down until the tire stops because we don't want to put weight on the lug nuts then i will apply actual clicks wait for it here comes here it comes and click not yet looking for 90 click number two right there click next actual click approaching and click 90. another one more a little bit thick that one actually did make a click how about that and i think that was it 90 right right there yep sweet oh yeah i'm going to catch some flack for that one it's not calibrated all right down the rest of the way calibrated or not it's funny i think it was come out mission complete okay that was fun i'm gonna swing this over to the ligament rack and uh center up the steering wheel make sure nothing else is bent and then this particular vehicle is done so sorry guys it appears that i no longer have the last scene of this particular video it appears that i accidentally deleted it or i forgot to record it completely both of which are probable and possible for redemption i offer you a picture of some carbon felt spark plugs that came out of our mercedes 3.5 liter while you look at these i'll take this opportunity to thank you guys for watching this video and remind you to not forget to have yourselves a great day
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 3,098,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fCQxtHCS0wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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