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if you are a controller player you about it everything you touch in life accepts cheating everybody guess who's crying about hey there guys welcome back to Ma my name's Jack and today we're gonna look at some mad lads your nose is the biggest thing in the world - Jesus Christ you should see my wiener I'm sick of all these fake good hell your FPS videos on YouTube 99% of them don't work the only way I've gotten better FPS is looking up this program on my computer and deleting it retweet to spread awareness oh I've tried this myself guys dude he definitely works go ahead do it what would you do if you found out that everything is made up and the points don't matter a nice reference to whose line is it anyway improvise adapt overcome what is reddit just full of Marines now what's this about I wish you guys did as much work on the game as you do tweets wish you'd stop complaining and shut the hell up smiley Miley you left yourself logged in at the Sprint store tamati this didn't actually happen but how cute would it have been if it did Minneapolis ice cream truck plays extreme metal and serves no ice cream boo what's the point Matt Peterson conceived the extreme metal truck after his own bad experience with an ice cream man as a child oh geez is this dark this sounds like it could be very dark violations of these rules may be met with a warning a kick a ban if you get banned we will sell all of your personal information on Yahoo imagine if there's another comment saying his animations still sucks his Animesh has fact two Australians named Morgan Rua kin Evan che fooled officials into letting them play in an international golf tournament at North Korea's only golf course would for five days they were treated as honored guests and taken on official visits around Pyongyang before being exposed as frauds due to their poor coping skills oh my god how are they still alive Swedish TV accidently put subtitles from a kids show over a political debate and it's brilliant I've reviewed the best sand castle in the galaxy if this random picture gets 1k upwards I will delete my account any committed like a good fan would my friends dad is such a mad lad I tried FaceTime with my dad you keep pressing effects and doing this stuff while I'm trying to tell him my feelings what a mad lad dad get rid of the t-rex face I'm trying to talk about my breakup I don't know anyone IRL who cares but I hit a 500 day streak on duolingo whoa dude you can I get you for protection when duolingo comes from me after not using it for about three months teach me how to bake for my life in Spanish what's something you've gotten away with as a kid because young and don't know what they're doing when really you knew exactly what you were doing my parents had weird schedules for school my mom usually packed my lunch to the evening and my dad would give me lunch money in the morning not knowing that I already had lunch packed I continued that scam for a couple of months until I had enough money to buy a Wii which is when my parents notice that they've been tricked by a seven-year-old but of course they didn't think I did it on purpose kid you go on placeless y'all used to think the Xbox one was gonna be called Xbox 720 I ain't forget high school hello Hector how was your day just kidding I don't care my personal hero was this girl I went to high school with who turned in Sonic the Hedgehog for every single art assignment the art teacher hated her and tried to fail her but our principal came in and said since she technically followed every assignments instructions she couldn't she made a Sonic the Hedgehog mosaic out of broken glass for one of our finals oh my god I want pictures playing Google sneaker not doing homework or got suspended from school for four days after this picture was mailed to dozens of parents it was worth it even without the red circle it's really hard not to see it also props your friends standing on the side just like in loving memory of my wife's sense of reason last scene just after we got married in 2006 sadly missed this is either a self-depreciating compliment or a harsh jab at their wife towns teen pregnancy spiked due to one impressive youth I just want to thank everyone who supported me over the years my brother Zacks had been stealing our Netflix for the past two months now by disguising her account as settings and honestly I ain't even mad I'm just really disappointed in myself for actually believing that in account names settings would legitimately be Netflix settings today I learned about King jadwiga of Poland she was named king of Poland because there were no ruling queens allowed but the rules didn't specify the king had to be a male there's no rule on the book that says a giraffe can't play football we got ourselves an Air Bud situation to ward off their evil eye Andra farmer puts up sunny Leone poster to keep crops safe he says the trick has worked and nobody is looking at his crop now good on you sunny taking one for the team meanwhile in Germany a pilot decided to draw the troll face my god that is some good work there you'd have to really plot that out too I'm impressed found this today should I pray for stamina or health your girlfriend wants you to pray for stamina oh we do you here what have you done this place is pure chaos ah [ __ ] us absolute chaos geez does anyone need artificial grass I stole it out of my ex-boyfriends mum's house last night I'll just she chatted stuff about my dead man selling for 1 pound but we'll take any offer going from 5 pence hit me up should have took a wheelchair to plot twist the weather map isn't broken I'm going to like your comments so I'll force you to like your own comment to make it seem like you don't like your comments what an evil idea the mad lad my dad has cried twice in his life when his mum died and at the end of Charlotte's Web you can imagine why the latter one happened latter maybe she fell off a ladder rickrolling is not a bad thing I do it as a profession sign me up what's the pay mattias trust german teenager who flew to Red Square in 1987 a West German teenager shocked the world by flying through Soviet air defences to land a Cessna airplane in Red Square he was jailed for more than a year but a quarter of a century later he has no regrets yeah I guess in the long term of things it really didn't make any of a difference if anything he's got a bad actor to tell moral of the story kids do dangerous reckless things it's great tick tock one star by The Lion King promoting bad things 1 star [ __ ] Patriots fan I'm in the grocery store and I lost my mom mom if you find this please find me I'm scared they always sometimes never sunglass matrix for manliness always wear it outside always put it away indoors sometimes wear it on your head but not when you're at your desk sometimes words in a backyard barbecue but not when you're at a fancy dinner sometimes word with the weird necklace thingy attachment outside but not inside or when you're at a Funeral never ever wear is behind your head or your back collar oh it's your chatting the people at a bar oh my god do not do these things what the hell is wrong with you pardon me madam I am in dire need of 10k to get an office set up with a PC monitor sound system chair and all that good stuff would you be as kind as accepting my offer of being my sugar mummy good proposition to make it midnight I'm sure that a Christian she'll be eager to reply someone remake this as a charger reference here you go someone give this Matt flipper a gold I love you oh very cute night-night kitten did you just send night at 6 a.m. yes unfortunately I work in his home town at a store that sold his book one of our favorite stories is when he came in asking where to find it and we all pretended like we had no idea who he was and mispronounced and misspelled his name he was not pleased well that's just not as fun with that context thanks buddy we can always rely on you to ruin stuff have some cake please only take one takes to put it back fat-ass are in right now yeah people today abbreviate everything cuz it's too much to type out the full thing a cure I can see the ladies changing oh yeah and that's how you lose your job but add up passing Chagas in my motorized porta potty why then again Who am I to talk I was loving the idea of someone localizing the entire overall row borealis within their kitchen before like that very critical Thank You Doritos you saved my life for you yes yesterday my wrist for AIDS has stopped working luckily had a bag of Doritos next to me and as you know it contains 90% air are you like challenging me I just finished a puzzle that doesn't have a picture mm hmm hmm this person's a psychopath final exam answers answer key oh and there it is just as we all predicted I'm telling you it's gonna become a thing that's gonna get old and then loved all over again looking straight at the camera for one hour one minute and two seconds sir I wish I had that kind of time on my hands cause of India how do you feel about your cal privilege and how much easier your life is compared to that of other animals moo moo moo moo get it jokes cows ha funny moving on nine-year-old me after saying bad morning to the teacher cyberpunk 2077 in my history class we were learning about the amendments one day a kid in our class came in with a tank top on this violated our dress code I'll teach is said to change his shirt he said that he had the right to bear arms of course I want to hug this kid you went to constrict this person and therefore restrict their movement and freedom to bear their arms how dare you i gk fence fight woman paint fence neon colors after neighbor complains to County on one hand I laugh on the first world level of things to be upset about but on the other hand fun fact your houses value can actually sort of change and shift depending on sort of the houses around you as well so if your neighbor has a terrible looking house or takes very bad care of it that can actually affect your houses value you could lose probably thousands of dollars just one of the many weird things I learned from dating someone in real estate and he plans today David yeah I'm so busy I just don't know how I'm going to cope with the excitement teen 1 teen - Wow oh my god there's actually a difference in total numbers of letters well the more you know someone put poor skeletons at a table in an Arizona Lake for divers to stumble across ok but what if they were actually legit bodies and some sort of serial killers done this to make people it's just some like quirky little artsy tourist thing kpop fans spam Dallas police snitch app with videos and memes to support protesters thereby spawning future college papers on the intersection between antia and kpop yet 2020 just gets weirder and weirder a lot of people think they can burn belly fat by doing crunches or slim their arms down by doing push-ups but targeted fat loss isn't possible and there's no evidence to suggest it is this is true yeah ab workouts just build up your core muscle and burn calories the kitchen is where you lose the belly fat noted do abs in the kitchen I don't know how to use auto clicker so I just been an onion that pushed the enter button just enough for my AFK farm oh what a great find meanwhile there's gaming companies out there spending thousands of dollars trying to find the right way to sell something like this well whoop-dee-do that does us for another m'kay video today guys thanks again for watching love thee come around to say hello hey if you found today's content pretty fun why don't you give it a like for us on the video if you're new to the channel always subscribe come along and join the MK club we have food and other things that humans eat why not check out some other videos on the channel say hi to Robin and Lexie for me while you're at it but with all that said my name was Jack I'm gonna steal someone else's outro and say I love your faces and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: EmKay
Views: 618,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: -aMOROmM3w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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