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I used these old toys in a dead rat to make rat 'less stop just stop it how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash DIY country of birth time period parents location various factors make people's lives unequal from the very beginning death parade why is that why is there a picture of a cute dog there's or something I'm not getting here after four hundred and thirty hours and two rolls of filament I made a 3d printed shirt yeah but you didn't have to my friend melted babies onto each other and made them into earrings uh I I would politely decline keep losing you USB well never again not with your custom-made Barbie head keyring you won't these heads are 100 percent hand sourced wash and made with no Barbies harmed in the process you're literally chopping their heads off custom-made home defense battle saw I mean I guess anything can be used for home defense if it uh you know if you're crazy enough bedside table art deco-style you just are those just pieces of mirror they're just like reflective circles fifty beer caps per link two thousand two hundred beer caps in total over eight feet long over 100 hours to make this weighs ten pounds I mean okay it looks pretty cool not gonna lie but that just seems very time-consuming well this is one way to get a bad day I suppose if it looks stupid but it works it ain't stupid I'm sorry but this is still stupid brief jerky beef jerky underwear this is awful two hundred and five bucks gfy sometimes it speaks for itself so that is a router on the satellite dish and I like the sign blame the guy who kept pooping here okay this is funny this is I mean I hope it's like ironic but I mean come on lay that spoiler that's amazing my neighbor's cat died and to save her the bother of bearing it I said I would do it but to surprise her I thought I would do some a DIY taxidermy to say she is ungrateful as an understatement this is horrifying and I'm going to have nightmares tonight why not why not have your car covered in DVDs and CDs I it still wanting to show this thing off okay look it looks nice don't get me wrong it looks aesthetically pleasing but why out of a chair I made a candle from the wax casing of baby Bell cheese's but why coffee bean crayon jar lamp why are there crayons in there I asked you oh my god is this a throne made out of game consoles I'm it looks I don't I just don't like the fact that you used game consoles when you can't afford case for your controller but your younger sister and decorated cow skull but why apparently these dice contain guinea pig crap according to the person who made them okay but you didn't have to do that made a pipe for the cool neighbor chick balls come off to hold some bud from a creative group I'm in I guess it's different yeah that's the way to describe it a yard fence made out of doors because why not someone stole a friend's door handle so they superglued sure buds together to replace it huh worker put four holes in the door because the power meters kept on hitting the door i fair enough I guess office chair wheels are a nice touch I like the light and under there as well what's going on here all right all right what are you putting together those are air pods Oh earrings she's making earrings I knew it okay okay well you know what that's kind of meat I guess all right all right it's creative my friend just made these your friend is awful I agree boopity boop boo boo DIY converting your old TV to a flat-screen I mean it looks cool on the outside but when you look from the back that just looks horrendous for all you frugal musicians make guitar picks out of your calluses when they follow I just ate come on handmade a gamer tray is it's just a bunch of cards and stuff put together though okay um game controllers made out of chairs because why not I guess ping a golf visor homemade decorative decorations over bill insides unique this just looks like a third grade art project okay there lampshades made out of cheese graters that's kind of that's kind of cute okay what in God's name is this thing is that there Lea trying to cook meat on that I mean if it works I guess I don't even know what I'm looking at right now that's like it's like the shell of a car on top of a van I don't I don't know handmade chair from acclaimed wood it's found a bunch of different wooden objects it was like you know what I'm gonna make a chair this is like more like a throne they're shorts made out of are those just bags or do they have the candy in them I hope they're just the bags in fact I hope that these why do they exist Hawaiian shirt mirror I mean I guess it's kind of cute okay wanted some van Healy so I made my own I just imagine the hot glue for failing while you're going down a hill yeah that could happen why use regular tiles when you can cancel all these instant that is one thing you could do with iPhones ah and iPad clock it's just an actual clock just with the back of an iPad as the face I stuffed half a pair of jeans but but why did you though deconstructed and reconstructed keyboard storage box this looks like awful bad this is the definition of disgusting oh you poor poor animal being turned into a fricking shelf can you imagine I feel bad for the mailman remember when people used to drive by mailboxes ooh the baseball bat yeah let's bring that back unique one-of-a-kind kitchen nightlight helps you find at those midnight snacks this is a blender with a light homemade monster candle good for you I guess please don't buy your mouse arsenal engagement rings from the big supermarkets remember that there are small businesses like myself are making producing Mouse bumhole engagement rings - uh you don't have to worry about me buying them from supermarkets because I don't think they sell those at supermarkets I made this lamp from broken to me as controllers okay but I like it it looks cool okay art Nike bucket hat I made with socks why no health care no problem oh it's a it's just a chair with wheels on the bottom good god these crocheted onesies mm I don't like those this time I made a realistic pancake key cap but why why is it the escape key as well it's a little escape pancake escape pancakes I tried my friend made a giant paper hat oh my god I didn't realize yeah I see the person at the bottom that is a giant paper hat pickle shoes disgusting get it away from me making a pig chair you don't you don't have to though if you don't you know I know from a distance it kind of just looks like a pink flower death by lethal injection free shipping taxidermy rat no I'm all right I'm good a woman on my timeline has a remote stick because her family loses the remote so often oh there there meme gauges in a car this is bad no rocking horse no no no you need a rocking motorbike saw this being promoted on Instagram he's got a photo of himself driving his rolls-royce on the Bonet of his rolls-royce why I don't these DIY sandals my 15 year old brother made by cutting the toes off of his shoes he owns moldable pairs like this and wears them everywhere I would I would just get normal sandals but that's just me my mom showed this to me and said aren't these cute no my own creation bike shopping cart took about five hours in total to make and set me back five bucks five bucks for all that alright that's that's kind of impressive I'm not gonna lie new use for shoes why do your toes look like that what is this thing it's like our little robot dude he's just like he's cooking something why does he look like that though it's horrifying stopped up cycled skateboard keys hanger okay I mean I guess it looks kind of cool I'm not gonna lie another skateboard but it's on a like chair wheels I you can even adjust the height if you want now that's a form of transportation yeah and a trip to the hospital you have to be joking right rolling a spliff out of a snakeskin Wow it took me a second to realize what this was but this is a truck parked in front of a trailer home and it's being used as the the stairs up into the house good God basketball hoop table 50 bucks that's not even worth 10 bucks I made these with my wisdom teeth go back in time and tell yourself not to so I haven't hosted my plants yet but look what I made today all including the stand cost me 11 bucks succulent toilet that's a way to describe it this toothbrush my sister's boyfriend made who thinks of themselves you know what I'm gonna make a toothbrush out of a spatula and a comb cuz that's not a toothbrush brush my mom repurposed a toy the grandkids don't play with anymore I mean I guess it's useful but it doesn't mean it's good 1995 Ford Tempo body on a Toyota pickup frame of meat the toy empo Christ garbage can upgrade um I don't think so ceiling fan update with 10 buck metal basket and vintage flowers why do you need that on the light though is just gonna make things look weird whenever things are lit up from it war heroes in a half shell turtle power hmm I'll tell you what's not a good idea this this right here zip tie shoes this door handle was put on with a zip tie oh look a double zip tie post but thankfully the last and we have reached the end of our slash DIY thank you all so much for watching and suffering with me if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bells to get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 171,827
Rating: 4.9438667 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/diwhy, r/diwhy top posts, r/diwhy best post, di why, diwhy, ezpz r/diwhy, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: 1MhHs1f-LEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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