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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good evening or afternoon i should say it's not evening yet hello hi and welcome to the super duper extra special early access stream if you're here and you're watching this you've made it further than anybody else ever has enjoy the spooky music sit back and relax because it's gonna get scary i'm buying time because i don't know what to do with this there we go hello everyone good to see you thanks for showing up so this is the next game after man of medan we played man of medan last year and people really liked it i liked it a lot um it was a little weird at first to get used to but then the more i played it the more i liked it and i really enjoyed the series we did on it and the developer sent me a code again for this one the game is not fully out we are here to do uh a sneak peek of it so to say uh so we have about a 20 to 30 minute gameplay demo of it that we get to show off which i will be doing and then we'll probably go back and we'll redo it and we'll see what else we can do but i'm really really excited for this this one is called little hope so it's part of the dark pictures anthology again but it's a separate story so it doesn't follow on any of the man of madan stuff except maybe the curator guy who talked to us but it should be just as good if not better i if anything the type of game that this is and the sort of um setup that this is in the spooky town and the ghosts and all that is something much more akin to the the things that i like the whole lost at sea element of it is great but i connect more the horror that i enjoy more aligns with what we're about to play here so i'm really excited for it i'm going to wait a little bit just to give people a chance to come in and be part of it because right now we haven't been live for very long and it takes a while for notifications to go out for everybody and then we can all play together because since it's so short since it's only like a half hour i don't want to plow through it immediately and have some people miss it but this will be going up afterwards so if you're watching this after the fact hello if you're watching live hello as well so we're getting a sneak peek this music is not from the game by the way i just found creepy music to go along with it which i kind of like i think it sounds great and i also have a i'm on noisely.com so we can get these thunder and wind and rain sounds going which i also think sound great how's everyone doing in chat today are you having a good day it's friday is it yes when you when you do youtube like this you don't really remember what days of the week it is are you all excited for the weekend uh here in england it's going to be a bank holiday weekend so it's going to be there's not going to be any work or anything on a monday so any of you here uh in this part of the world i hope that you're getting ready for a long weekend and you're gonna have fun but stay safe a very irish potato top of the morning to you and thank you derek moon thank you as well been a fan of you for over 10 years but i haven't been uploading videos for 10 years everybody i haven't even been doing this for eight years yet maybe it just feels like 10 years because it's tedious but thank you uh dx noodles thank you as well you're my favorite youtuber you do not have very high standards but thank you i'll take what i can get chimney thank you so much susan and carson as well thank you guys and hunter you guys are very sweet thank you very much are people coming in are you all here are you getting ready i know it's early in the day but i wasn't allowed to upload any of this until um i wasn't allowed to do anything with it until 4pm so i had to wait around a little bit a very irish potato thank you again um and i wanted to stream it because i feel like the i've i haven't really streamed these types of games before and i think it's going to be really fun because it's choice-based and we all get to freak out together um and redo stuff so we go through it once first and see what happens and see what the story's all about and see what everybody's up to in it again if you're just joining it's a sneak peek of the new dark anthologies game it's called little hope the town of little hope and it's only like 20 25 30 minutes long so we'll see what happens in it uh maybe i should put the title of the game in the title of the stream as well oh it's it's underneath the stream too so that's good and then when we get through it once we'll see what happened and then i don't know how much variety there's going to be in such a small demo of it but then i'll go back and i'll redo certain sections and we'll try and save everybody and then try and kill everybody and whatnot which i think will be very fun uh let me boot up the game and make sure it actually works thank you austin i appreciate it oh now we actually have the game audio jesus christ all that happened was that it's a dark pictures anthology and i got scared there he is the curator ah yay i miss him i love these kinds of games it feels like such an event that you get to do it feels like sitting down and watching a movie all together we we had until dawn the same developers back then and that's one of my favorite series we've ever done um i wish i took a little bit more time with it but i was heading out for pax when i was recording that out to pax west so only got a few episodes done before i left and then i wasn't even going to play it and then i was so happy that i did play it because it was so much fun um and you can go watch that in the channel after this if you want to because i i really enjoyed that series i that game was amazing and i wish we could go back and play it again for the first time but then we got man of medan which was a little shorter than i expected and not as good as until dawn but i still enjoyed it the more i played it and they they're trying new things with this because it's their multiplayer as well so you miss a lot of the story if you don't play it multiple times but then you miss even more if you don't play it with other people um toss boy so this one it should be multiplayer as well we're not doing that today that's not what we're here to do but i am curious to see that and i i don't know it's fun you get to sit down and experience all the spooks together so i hope you guys have got your diapers on because it's about to get scary all right let's start the game why can't i not start the game i have to click into the game uh okay i don't really have anything so i guess just start demo theatrical code curators could we'll do the theatrical cut right now i think they said that the curator's cut for this build isn't a hundred percent um so we'll just go through the theatrical cut and see what it's all about andrew what's up dude little hope police department we have griffin mcelroy what do you think um i'll be optimistic let's take a look around see what we can find there you go we'll be on our way from little hope while the others are still m.i.a in the woods something up yeah there's something kind of familiar about this place sure turn on subtitles these small town police stations all look the same yeah it's will poulter he's a cool actor i like him a lot he was in um is it bandersnatch is that the name of it from [Music] uh black mirror uh hold on let me go to the settings and see subtitles minimal all all right so now you guys get to see everything it's very dark lads i don't know what i'm looking at all right let's take our time oh sweet glorious coffee yes will poulter yes top of the morning beans to you will poulter god my hand scared me all right there's got to be a phone in here someplace okay also you should probably take that first aid kit like i i'm just a gamer i don't get stuck in these situations i don't even go outside but if i was in a situation where stuff was happening especially if i had a giant scar in my head i'd take the first aid kit so immersive jesus christ it's a drawer will poulter i know your name is andrew but i'm just going to call you will poulter from now on god damn i'm getting scared by nothing oh we're the millers yeah he's the guy in that meme he's like wait you guys are getting paid everyone probably knows him from the meme more than anything else take the first aid kit you're gonna need that will poulter you got a giant slice on your head we didn't find out that dude's name did we all right what can i find this is cool this reminds me of uh resident evil 2. keep looking i am no name wow oh that's all over your hands in terms of a little hope certificate of commendation presented to little hope police department january 1972 officer george reynolds and ernie hoffman responded to a call concerning a house fire arriving before the fire service the officers with no concern for their own safety rushed into the house to attempt to rescue the family members trapped inside tragically many lives were lost as they were beaten back by the flames however the mayor chief of police and a grateful public thank the police department for their continued dedication to service april 4th 1972. okay let's see if we can turn up the [ __ ] brightness all right that's about as far as i'm willing to go because it'll just start looking [ __ ] otherwise but just know if it's dark for you it's dark for me as well okay there's shiny shines everywhere oh it's cut [ __ ] thing i thought this was her way out he did this i don't trust the guy we're with seems like an [ __ ] hello god this game looks gorgeous though it's hard to control at the same time it's thundering outside hell yeah get that immersion brah is that more coffee soda energy for kids me let me inspect old witch jail real nice it's like bloodborne when they have the hypogea in jail i think that's how you pronounce it it could be quail old witch quail built in 1684 demolished in 1783. in 1692 there's a lot of dates during the little hope witch trials many of the accused were imprisoned here the little hope witch trials hell yes this is so dope give me some witches i don't know if i should be going through here yet no no no no no no we've got some we've got some little hoping to do i have eyeballs i must use them although that's probably the way out down there there's gotta be something yeah why don't you look around stretch jail is the old spelling of jail yeah i figured we have a winner found a phone [ __ ] yeah will polter this could be our way out ring a ding ding dominos mine's dead what was that [ __ ] camden oh there johnny boy hey take it easy jesus you guys anger issues thinking i know what's wrong please do share there's no cable plugged in there's got to be a cable here someplace yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] thing real nice hello dammit it's not working trash is the place kills will poulter it's like dude it's not plugged in [ __ ] idiot ah dope oh wait you're talking about dope isn't the drug dope don't do it cause that's not dope all right what drug is dope i've always heard it just be dope but i i actually realized that i don't know what dope actually is hello what this hippies oh jesus tc toilet caper okay let's just say is that say hippie junk on it all right so i'm not 100 sure on what the premise of the game is because we we all just started off here together i don't really know either they sent me a video beforehand um showing or like has a sort of setup and it said that they were they were all on a bus together and they survived the crash and now we're here oh dope jesus what is that it's the banana phone oh dope is weed okay hello will poulter what do you think answer it hell yeah i got this i can do this be careful let go of me johnny boy don't stress it professor how much damage can a phone do i should not be here falsely accused she sounds real upset talk to her try to get some details her location anything we can use to find her no i'm here in the past dude what's your name can i ask what's your name as i walked a man and a woman appeared at my front i had not seen them approach i reached out approach you guys don't realize that ghost phone just rang it to me help me out here what the hell is going on with you [Music] okay okay okay stay cool stay cool can you at least tell me where you are i know i didn't say i was jesus christ get off of me oh god we're back in the past come here girl she's a devil i would speak with you i can tell you can always tell talk of our secret eternal damnation awaits if you do we have an understanding do we not no evil words shall leave my lips should you breathe a word or the edge of a word about the other things then i will come to you in the black of some terrible night and bring a reckoning that will should be now reverend let us begin enough time has gone begging go be with you ken he's the reverend scarier than the devil himself and good judge wyman do not be fooled by the protestations of the accused the devil is the master of deceit all his servants feign innocence they can do little else i solemnly swear before god i am innocent of all accusations against push now amy what the hell should we do i don't know let's just stay quiet i want to see what's going on we need to stay quiet we just let this play out see what happens i mean no offense reverend cava i do not believe any of my neighbors those who know me best will speak out against me they know i am that i side with the righteous i will not be caught in the web of your deception the devil hides himself where he has least expected play thing reverend i beg the court's forgiveness but i stand by my statement my wife amy is innocent i respectfully ask this good court to pay no mind to the words of a man whose very home is foul with the stench of brimstone he's saying you stink you smell like shite [Music] um approach your approach i will approach good decision i beg you good judge let us conclude our business here without further ado lest we afford the forces of darkness the opportunity to bend these proceedings to their will because i will shine mary what is happening mary my sister what ails you stay out of this what have you done to this child you have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the devil himself the poor creature seems possessed no doubt you're doing it it's not true reverend why have you trained against me sir we will see the truth of it amy lay your hands on mary let us see what's going on here ends on mary there on the ground from this affliction it must be so if you were the one who bewitched her i can't take much more i can't take this anymore uh leave her alone i'm mad leave her alone who speaks who's there god preserve us please that's cool [Music] step aside everybody eyes and your top hat will help they are here among us they are here among us what the [ __ ] what if you don't want more proof is needed that the devil walks among us take heed and pray the devil is here in this very room where does he look protect yourselves seek out the lord what the [ __ ] never answer a phone again what the hell was that [ __ ] was that for real felt pretty damn real to me seriously dope don't do it trials happened centuries ago most of them over 300 years ago then how come we just saw one like i say i have no good explanation that little girl who had some kind of seizure mm-hmm what do you think was going on there this girl i saw in the woods the whole thing scared me i don't know what woods we were just in but i'll say this one anyway i know that little girl she's the one me and angela saw back in the woods accusations were often malicious made by someone with a grudge or by meddling liars like that little girl who took perverse pleasure in poisoning their own communities hmm yeah you know what she faked it she got up and she smiled and i hate children um and the devil is in them so i'm with you that that kid knew exactly what she was doing when she dropped angela 2.0 deep in the [ __ ] the woman we just saw condemned i saw her back at the intersection hmm her husband looked like you yeah he did she was in deep [ __ ] you know what i think i'm going to go with a more a higher vocabulary on this one i noticed something else weird her husband he looked a lot like you professor the two people with that little brat looked just like daniel and taylor what the hell does all this mean [Music] who is it hey professor you in there come on let's go hey taylor we're in here we can't open the damn doors just try using a little force they must be locked let's all try to force the handle use your shoulder it'll cure what ails you ah will poltergeist taylor professor find anything that could get us out of here nah big fat nothing back there that guy he looks like the the kid's dad are you okay i'm fine why the concern shot what's bugging you cause you look like melted ice cream we saw angela's double get tried and condemned for being a witch okay so now what uh we've already tried a few places and come up with nothing except enough weird [ __ ] to put us in therapy for life and we have to continue on into town forget about what's happened so far our best shot at finding help is in town really forget about what's happened there's some real scary [ __ ] going down in the outskirts and our plan is to stroll into the center of weirdsville just a suggestion but maybe we should figure out what the [ __ ] is going on here first the plan we need to know what that woman is facing what's going to happen to her next i like the idea but how would we even begin to find that out so all the people at that trial look like these people maybe the answer lies down the one path we haven't taken yet what the hell kiss me this is [ __ ] crazy we have no clue what we're getting ourselves into uh i'm gonna be optimistic again i'll be that annoying guy who's always chipper come on will poulter we can save humanity it's already been a hell of a night but i'm sure we'll pull through the geeky exterior is all play there's a warrior in there thanks twilight i kinda reminds me of silent hill it's cool oh and i'll get to play as john i don't want to play as john though jon stinks i like will poulter these are students toward town oh so you guys are my students got it isn't it silent hilly and even has this phone out with his flashlight on that's a nice touch there's little hope here lads get it it's just a little professor joke whatever can i do anything to these houses no ah this is cool though i love spooky towns i love spooky woods this fog is getting worse you said it melted candle oh this is gorgeous though maybe the fog was the reason for the diversion we were never meant to make it out of here okay keep saying more things because i don't know what's going on narrow bridge am i hearing something i can't see for [ __ ] jesus angela that water looks black i don't want to go anywhere near it yeah it's [ __ ] nighttime also what's the point of wearing glasses if you're still going to fall into a hole i say we ditch angela that's it okay who's first up angela professor you keep telling us you're in charge so ah let's check all our options i'm not going first you [ __ ] kidding me maybe we need to check all our other options first right thought so come on oh what the [ __ ] is going on with this guy i want off this bridge as fast as possible it's through the hole angela that fast okay someone has to go first you lead i'll be right behind you she heard me oh not will poulter he's turned into a poltergeist oh not all at once come on this is why it's called little hope pusher no one would know hey cam down riverdale nothing's gonna happen what do we do we can't stay here in this year of our lord 1692 we are here present to bear witness to adjust execution no amy is declared guilty of consorting with the devil and is to be drowned as a witch and sorceress let us pray in silence for soul i thought you burned witches not drown them is that the phone call we heard or was it the other scene going on what why do you look like angela your words have little meaning to me but i beg you help me [Music] that's so cool the devil is in the wind seeking to help his own he would release her from the chains isaac let us conclude our business here swiftly the will of the court must be imposed before it's too late before it's too late devil fortifies her you must bind it tightly you cannot do this isaac not save yourself with riddles there is no riddle the devil takes many farms you know that better than any if little hope he has hid himself under a shroud of innocent taken the father of a child i am cute while mary still draws breath a little hope remains beyond salvation cool evil reference see your very face isaac jesus [Music] i was just joking about angela jesus here is little orb that husband did [ __ ] all to help god damn it john oh she's so going in the she's going in the drink oh angela what did you see tell me i don't know how to tell you what i just saw um be honest right honesty is the best policy surely you can't do any harm your double was pushed into the river in chains she drowned he's coughing up blood who was that all right i'll go first okay you two get on down here his voice sounds very familiar every spry angela the [ __ ] what the hell is that nice shoes look poulter [ __ ] don't leave me behind hey give me your hand here [Music] hold on hold on oh [ __ ] well i'm coming back for you hold on oh [ __ ] which one did i pick oops oh no angela grab hold of my hand come on move it oh jesus christ don't just spring buttons on me oh good lord this is tense we gotta go get angela oh can i say hell yeah come on angela climb [Music] we got her we got her gang we got her i knew all along i knew that that was gonna happen it's fine angela this is what you're gonna look like in six months oh damn it come on man oh i want it all like right now i know i knew it was gonna be short but jeez that was dope god i don't want to like i don't want to [ __ ] on what they've made before because let's face it making video games is very hard oh wait wait for it there it is um uh man of medan was was decent i i liked it but it didn't blow me away this so far is already way better the whatever about the characters i don't really care about them um but the town is cooler looking the setup and the premise is cooler the visual styling and artistic like musings are a lot better just because i like this sort of town in the woods covered in fog shrouded in mystery kind of [ __ ] and the the witch trials and everything is really cool um we're going to go back through it again so don't leave the stream yet we're going to we're going to go through it once more because i want to see what happens if i don't make certain decisions i want to try and make the opposite decisions on all of that now um because this this is just a a little demo a little taster of it so the professor and some students and maybe i don't know who angela is maybe another professor uh go out and then they crash and then they end up in little hope but it seems like it's cool that they're doing witch trials and they think witchcraft and magic exist but really it's just like timelines converging on top of each other and then they see like ghosts but they're not ghosts they're just them from the future or something that's really cool i like that setup um but yeah [ __ ] angela right i i'm gonna let her die this time wait what should we do next time then because i i want to go through it once more at least um and see what we can do should we should we let both of them go and not yeah we'll do that we'll just not pick anybody in that scenario um because i picked john that time but i want to see what happens because i i'm not continuing on this save so i just want to see what actually happens and get some of the the answers out of it um but that was angela's like double is her name angela in the past as well uh and now we have a bit more um we've a bit more kind of story to roll with now um let me see what they said about the curator's code because i don't want to jump into it if it doesn't work um ah so it says the curator's cut has a limited difference between the theatrical cut so far because it's the it's not done yet um and this is just a tiny section oh i didn't pick annie what didn't i pick the dude the hell left um but please still have a go and take a look at the different decisions so maybe we'll do that as well um because i also just don't want to end a stream immediately like that so let's go back and do this one we won't pick anyone on that and then i'll try and pick the opposite decisions for all the ones that i did what's up andrew he's my favorite he's nice shoes what do you think uh now i'm doubtful i was optimistic before but this game has driven the optimism out of me oh wait i can't pick uh why is it not working i'm not so sure we'll find anything useful in here uh-oh it's derelict students are all the same doom gloom and negativity never mind how it looks all we need is one phone to still be hooked up something up yeah there's something kind of familiar about this place these small town police stations all look the same i guess coffee oh [ __ ] why is my controller working my controller's not working why there's got to be a phone in here someplace okay this is kind of broken um let me restart it because i i started the game with because keyboard and mouse doesn't work in the game yet or at least not for this build so i have to go back and restart it to try and get the the controller to work oh properly indeed oh no the spooky scares are happening again [Music] she's gonna scream close your ears can't scare me again i've seen this before there we go all right could be an alternate dimension um i guess so okay we have to whoops we have to listen through this again you [ __ ] students are all the same doom and gloom and negativity jb yes thank you go get yourself another coffee it'll help and john and rusty thanks for coming members what do you think thanks maureen reminds me of nicholas cage's season of the witch i've never seen it must be the season of the witch it's derelict you students are all the same doom gloom mind how it looks all we need is one phone to still be hooked up something up what's the release date for this something kind of familiar about this place when does the full game come out i can't remember 10 police stations all look the same coffee i just want to see the coffee again that's the real reason all right here we go there's got to be a phone in here someplace yeah i found it last time i'm very smart um now i want to go see what happens with the door and i also didn't go this way what's in here john something epic reynolds ryan my best bud little hope police department huh oh it comes out on 30th of october perfect i'm really glad i got to play it a little early because i've gotten the opportunity to play the other ones earlier but i kept saying like no i want to wait for the full game to come out and not spoil anything but this one i've been really excited for i just wanted to get into it i've lost everything huh spooky all right something going on with the jail cells at least do you find anything john or do i have to do all the work again because it's kind of cringe not gonna lie howdy i wasn't saying anything [ __ ] you um it was this door that i didn't try and it's locked cool all right let's go do the phone now i don't think i missed anything else did i i checked all these rooms oh john jesus you scared me i mean professor how's it going there's got to be something yeah yeah i'm working on it we have a winner found a phone found a phone pretty epic this could be our way out mine's dead [ __ ] whoa hey he just [ __ ] hulks out for no reason i'm thinking i know what's wrong please do share there's no cable plugged in why so much dialogue for a simple thing there's got to be a cable here someplace so he has something wrong with him because he keeps coughing and he keeps being in pain and then those blood coming out of his mouth at the end i wonder if his characters are going to converge or something also we got tc what does do we know a tc or anything from now being in the past present future tc carson the original voice actor for kratos ring ring oh i didn't ring this time no hello mom come pick me up i'm scared all right i'mma head out ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone maybe i just have to inspect all these things real nice yeah look at that craftsmanship also that mocap on the lady when she was pleading for her life before they pushed her into the lake and she was saying that the devil is among us that was really damn impressive looking keep looking i am keep your [ __ ] hulk in check [ __ ] thing i thought this was her way out [Music] what is that [ __ ] let's get the [ __ ] out of me [Music] what do you think hello answer it oh yeah i'll do the opposite this time wait let's think about this what if someone shoots me through the phone oh no he answers it hello who is this who's the face who's on the line i can't tell but they sound in pretty bad shape this is getting way too crazy just hang up i got it again [ __ ] i keep getting scared yeah so that's twilight and riverdale come here girl i would speak with you you cannot talk of our secret eternal damnation awaits if you do we have an understanding do we not no evil words shall leave my lips should you breathe a word or the edge of a word about the other things then i will come to you in the black so did he put her up to it and bring a reckoning let us begin enough time has gone begging go be with you i beseech this court and good judge wyman i love these actresses fooled by the protestations of the accused the protestations the master of deceit all his servants feign innocence is he supposed to have a face i solemnly swear before god i am innocent of all accusations against push now amy what the hell should we do ah let's get out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here i beg you not to abandon me why all that is holy with whom are you conversing woman even though i have seen this with my own eyes i scarcely believe it amy is lost to us even now she pleads for evil spirits to remain by her side you must help me i'll beg you she can hear us she can hear us if she can then maybe others can too i would ask the court to hear direct testimony a witness who saw with their own eyes the accused take part in some unspeakable satanic ritual in the woods outside of this very town reverend carver you mislead us all forgive me good judge but it is my wife who stands accused and i know her to be innocent yeah that's him i would not be so quick as to cast stones john is joseph not when your own conduct does not bear scrutiny please hear me good judge all accusations against me are false they're founded only in malice if there be darkness here among us i will shine god no no mary my sister what ails sir it must be so if you were the one who bewitched her i i said in rage last time right i don't think i can take much more of this [Music] here comes bloodborne they are here among us they are here among us what a little [ __ ] kicker what's more proof is needed that the devil walks among us take heed and pray the devil is here in this very room protect yourself a little [ __ ] eating grin yeet the child throw her out a window what the hell was that [ __ ] was that for real felt pretty damn real to me was that a realsies or a foolies seriously didn't the witch trials happen centuries ago yeah most of them over 300 years ago then how come we just saw one like i say i have no good explanation yorkshire not broomy yeah i little girl who had some my my regional dialects up that area are all over the place so uh the whole thing scared me john i feel real uneasy i feel scared and i [ __ ] myself a little the whole thing scared the crap out of me but that little girl was freaky my gut says her fit was a setup a scam to put that woman on trial in even bigger trouble you mean your wife accusations were often malicious made by someone with a grudge or by meddling liars like that little girl who took perverse pleasure in poisoning their own communities uh i agreed last time i still want to agree because [ __ ] that kid but this one come on she's just some little kid who most likely doesn't get how big a deal the whole thing is she knows exactly how serious it is she's the devil either way the woman on trial angela 2.0 she seemed like she saw us and so did some of the others where are you looking a little kid just seeing us appear out of nowhere hey guys could easily believe that was how's it going especially back then dream up all the excuses you want for that little kid i don't trust her one little bit we can't explain how we happen to see each other how do you expect some little girl from 300 years ago to wrap her head around it the woman we just saw condemned i saw her back at the intersection hmm this one she was in deep shed and she knew it it's tough to watch okay that's that who's that hey professor you in there come on let's go twilight's at the door hey taylor we're in here who is in the damn doors i hear you who is it we can't either they must be locked oh no it's locked they can't open let's all try to force the handle in three two one thanks for helping angela taylor hey professor find anything that could get us out of here nah big fat nothing back there nah big fat stinker are you okay i'm fine why the concern shot what's bugging you you just saw you on trial 300 years ago you'll get tried and condemned for being a witch okay so now what uh we've already tried a few places and come up with nothing except enough weird [ __ ] to put us in therapy for life and we have to continue on into town forget about what's happened so far our best shot at finding help is in town really forget about what's happened there's some real scary [ __ ] going down in the outskirts and our plan is to stroll into the center of weirdsville just a suggestion but maybe we should figure out what the [ __ ] is going on here we're going to do a jaunt down into stinker town that's not vibing with me bro what's going to happen to her next i like the idea but how would we even begin to find that out to weirds down those paths maybe the answer lies down the one path we haven't taken yet what the hell sometimes the idol animations are hilarious it's just characters standing around like this is [ __ ] crazy we have no clue what we're getting ourselves into yeah i'm not being optimistic anymore no that version of will poulter is dead it's dead as angela's character was at the beginning or the end of the last one the trial the strange girl angela's double feels like it's all building towards something only question is are we headed someplace good or bad and bad is probably very very bad oh my god stop talking good is good and bad is very bad um also why did angela grab muscles there and they were about to start talking what's his name we don't know his name do we hm maybe i should take selfies with this camera oh it's a polter would you like a picture it's like oh my god that's willpoulter oh my god [ __ ] i left the flash on oh hide hide what's up angela you ready to die let's go let's go this fog is getting worse angela trying to hit it i mean can you blame her look at this dude he's a walking about recovery and abercrombie and [ __ ] bob was the reason for the diversion we were never meant to make it out of here never mind i'm throwing taylor off the bridge this time you want to go first angela okay andrew there's a hole in the bridge don't fall in i can't see for [ __ ] god it scared me again [ __ ] what is wrong with me that water looks black i don't want to go anywhere near it i like our squad it looks like we can [ __ ] some [ __ ] up okay who's first up daniel that's his name professor you keep telling us you're in charge so all right i lead the way whatever okay i'm just gonna knock the bridge behind me though when i get over and then you guys can't cross the cross don't stress the professor and me will make sure you get across no problem uh i didn't have this one before so i'll just go with nervous right we'll we'll get you over for sure i'm not letting it scare me this time no i know the hand grab is coming i'm ready this time hey here it comes my god what do we do we can't stay here that's cool looking though attaboy john wait is he gonna get crab now this is different no no stinky now getting me this time in this year of our lord 1692 we are 1692 no that's all the husband does this entire time he just goes no sorceress let us pray in silence for our soul i've done no wrong i am no witch i do not deserve death i thank you [Music] those character models are awesome how do you look like angela who the hell are you and how come you look just like angela i do not know any angela i am the simple life of a good man of farmer i have done no wrong i get [ __ ] up [Music] the devil is in the wind seeking to help his own he would release her from the chains isaac let us conclude our business here swiftly the will of the court must be imposed before it's too late before it's too late that'll fortifies her you must bind her tightly a hunter are you leave the hunting of hunters to me no i guess i'll just duck my head down i suck this mocap you will not save yourself with riddles there is no riddle the devil takes many thumbs you know that better than any if little hope he has hid himself under a shroud of innocent taken the form of a child by accused so good well mary still does brad's little heart remains beyond salvation there lies your evil reference see your very face isaac and then the husband's just like oh no i think the husband wanted done with her already all right so this time we don't make any choice we see what happens and i'm also not doing any qtes i want to see how far this can go i want to see if the characters actually can die i mean oh no angela oh stinky poop jump angela use those tiny legs what did you see tell me i don't know how to tell you what i just saw oh nothing oh i didn't see anything give us a moment here will ya we've just gone through something pretty tough tough in what way i need a moment the [ __ ] here comes angela the reverend kind of looks like will i guess a little bit yeah we haven't seen a character that looks identical to him like the others maybe will's the little girl all right i'll go first okay you two get on down here that water effect is really cool too what the hell is that honestly she just looked that different from regular angela all right no decision i pretend i do not see don't leave me behind i'm sorry i have to [Music] hold on hold on oh you got a second chance whoops dude that's so cool oh don't do it don't puke in here dude what is wrong with me john finds himself out anyways [Music] oh damn it oh no we need to get out of here right now that was awesome it's almost worth getting the characters killed just so you can see cool [ __ ] all right angela i'm sorry but i'm not everybody in chat agrees that that was [ __ ] dope right yeah that was so cool i'm glad we went through the second time um i don't know if they said that there wasn't a whole lot different about the the curator's cut so i don't know if i should do it um because you can't skip any of the stuff either so you have to watch the whole thing again shout out to milk he's getting trouble for ignoring the plea for help i'm sure he comes back later when he needs to be saved and the other characters are like um i'm sorry yep everyone agrees everyone agrees that it was cool and angela deserved it i can't tap out of this easily where's my mouse um that was fun i'm glad we we got to see more of it um i'm also trying to figure out what that little doll is in the o of hope it kind of looks like the little girl it's a very blair witch kind of thing to do can i play play this or did you just get access i got early access to it um which i'm very glad about because that's that's really really fun i definitely think that this has way more potential than man man of medan because man of medan was like the setup wasn't even that interesting to me and then getting taken over by pirates and then going on to a boat i'm just not a fan of like boat horror any movies or games that just have you on boats and scary stuff is happening it's like it doesn't scare me that much because it's so self-contained that it feels like oh well off the boat it's not that scary whereas this it feels like well outside the town could still be scary it's the idea of stuff following you that scares me uh chris thank you so much appreciate it uh zombie thank you for the do anyone see me when i do this oh you're not getting ignored i don't ignore anybody i'm not like willfully ignoring stuff just to make people feel bad it's just i need to concentrate on the game so i apologize if your stuff doesn't get read out um obviously she's never watched an episode of meme time before yeah she'd be a lot happier if she did um jay gamer thanks for becoming a member um zombie thank you oh yeah for that one thank you i appreciate it joan thanks for becoming a member gtx thank you so much randy i've dropped kicked that little girl no cap i feel like it it's cool looks i want to see where she ends up and what happens with the little girl uh mercer thank you so much do you know vinnie uh do you know vinesauce vinnie slash joel yes i believe i've met them um but not uh a crazy amount we haven't hung out much and i i didn't talk to them for very long but they're cool sushi thank you are you playing demon souls when it comes out yes i'll probably do some demon souls because i i'm really excited about it um jack can you please say i love fire trucks i love fire trucks what i uh okay i love fire trucks um so this game comes out in october i believe that's what people said let's look it up um should be yeah 30th of october 2020. i'm really excited for that that's going to be really fun so we have a uh two months and then it'll be out so thanks to them for giving it to me so early appreciate it uh character thank you what if the opposite thing happens to your double opposed you that's what i was trying to think would stuff could they affect us and us affect them like how much is it gonna cross over to one another it's a cool uh premise to kind of dive into and see where it's gonna go and i for one i'm all in it really does feel like a new age um silent hill which i feel like there's been rumors of the new silent hill for the last while and i really really want a new one to come out so hopefully maybe someday but i'll settle for this for now um i'm excited for evelyn to play it as well because i think she'll really really like it these games always have hidden things to them like how medan was a hallucination i wonder if this one would be like reincarnation i don't know tiffany we'll see say oh thank you when are your mats going to be out of pre-order whenever the manufacturing can be done the um the manufacturing timeline of everything is all messed up now because of coronavirus ah the lone wolf thank you uh angel thank you so much i've been watching since 2015 when i was eight my god feels like forever ago zombie thank you again swedish fan for six years that's nuts thank you that's a long time to be around t karma thank you definitely excited to play and explore this part of the series it looks a bit more on the edge of your seat so it'll keep you interested yeah for sure and i'm very interested to see what the multiplayer aspect to it is going to be like because it was really fun in man of madam but again very contained at then because when you're there and you see that stuff is a hallucination that's not scary to me so i am immediately like eh like stuff is happening and it's cool to see but it's not scaring me and it's not intriguing me because it's easily explained away and then you got to the end of it and it was like oh it was just a hallucination so there was no real twist to it i hope there's something i hope there's something twisty in this one john doe thank you oh i got you before uh michelle thank you so much uh kath happy birthday hope you have a wonderful day uh adam starr thank you for becoming a member mr happy ending thank you for the two dollars play some tell me why i've been thinking about it i don't know if i will i'm just not really that interested in it um and i don't really want to play stuff just for the sake of playing it anymore i also just don't want to play stuff to pander to you guys just for the sake of it either because there's a ton of stuff i could play that people keep asking me to play all the time but that's not it doesn't get the juices flowing it doesn't feel as fun and there's a lot of stuff that you can get like easy views and easy money out of if you want to but that's not super interesting to me either like i i like playing the stuff that intrigues me like like this and doing it in live stream format is fun as well because we can all make jokes together and when it's choice-based stuff we can kind of dick around a little bit more because if it's me on my own recording for a let's play i always feel like i have to play it perfectly because then people get one episode a day or something and they can't see the next one or it and then people start getting mad if you don't make the right decision so playing it in a stream is really really fun because then we're all just kind of [ __ ] around and we're in the same sort of headspace together and we're having fun and then we can just go back and like play with the scenarios again [Applause] will you play a way out with with gab no i already played it with robin and i don't really want to go back and play it again it's a it's a really fun game but it's like a one one and done kind of game for me alicia thank you so much appreciate it and virgil thank you we're gonna get your masks we do have masks for sale on jacksepticeye.com and we're giving away any of the profits of them to help coronavirus um and we do have other versions of the mask coming in because people told me that polyester is not the best it's better than nothing but it's not the best for um what the masks are supposed to be doing so we we are trying to source cotton ones and i asked the team to do that i don't know if they're in yet no it's still they're still the polyester one so there's still something but um people were saying that studies have shown that the cotton ones are even better so i i want to get cotton ones in it's just again trying to source that kind of stuff so quickly in this current climate is a really hard thing to do um but at least there's masks there um if people want to if people still want to get them and money is going towards helping the cause as well at the same time furry jesus christ that's no that's too much stop you don't need to give anybody that kind of money i appreciate it but i feel weird about about it this is my first stream i'm so glad i'm here i appreciate the enthusiasm it's very sweet of you ranger thank you so much it's it's hard to like divide time in streams i feel because i really want to put a lot of effort into the game and what i'm doing because that leads towards like the best version of the content but then i'm live streaming so i like interacting with the chat but the chat's moving so fast and it's hard to divide my attention and there's always going to be people that get missed out on and feel like they're being ignored and then there's all the super chats and the memberships and everything coming in that i want to also address because people are being so generous and supportive but it's even harder to get to all of those and then as soon as i start reading them then more of them come in and then i'll just end up being reading all of them but then some people feel left out if they don't get their stuff read out there as well so all i say is please don't interact with the live streams if all you want is me to read out your name or something because i can't always get to everything and i would i feel so bad when people feel ignored or they feel like they're i i don't appreciate their messages or anything like that i really do try to get to as many of them as i can but there's so many different things to juggle when you're doing a live stream when does demon souls come out is it coming for the switch love i love rams after no martin it's coming out for exclusively for playstation 5 and they've said that it's coming out in the launch window which is usually about a four-month period so anywhere between the launch of the ps5 whatever that's going to be and four months after that is when i think they're hoping but it'll probably change um a lot of games i think that are planned for the start of the console life cycles are going to get pushed back and get delayed because again the world is just in a weird place hurley and markov i don't know how to pronounce the start of it thank you for becoming members i appreciate it what have you done in this stream so far i just got here well bad timing because we finished playing the game we played little hope twice through and got some cool interactions i was gonna play the curator's cut but them saying that there's not a whole lot different um and there's i picked all the opposite choices that i did already so i can't really do much else if if the curator's code is not that different and playing it again normally is not that different than i don't really see and i don't want to do everything here now that we have to leave some stuff for when the game actually comes out to keep it more fun is it raining no i just turned on a thing it's not actually raining here it is england so it would track but no i hope you guys enjoyed it was that fun i had a great time do you have new merch yeah we released new designs as well lunar sam designs that i really really like i'm trying to i keep wanting to elevate the merch to a level where it's it doesn't look youtubery merchy looking anymore and that's a hard thing to do especially when you want to keep things affordable in a way um so we're trying to come up with like cool designs and i had a lot of feedback on this one and changed some stuff and had i like brought in the design went into photoshop and changed some stuff around to try and make it more what i would like um and i think they came out really well because i just don't like plastering like big sams on everything the way it always is it's very it feels very like four years ago and it's not really who i it's not really the way the channel is anymore and i think the channel has grown and moved and evolved and matured a little bit so i want to i want the merch to kind of reflect that as well and i like there's a lot of merch that people make that they wouldn't wear themselves because it's designed just for their audience but i want to make stuff that i i personally would still really like to wear does that make sense does it sound dumb i don't know and the merch side of things was is never there to just make money out of it or anything like that so i want to make sure that the stuff we're releasing is actually stuff that i i really like i think is cool looking uh eventual one thank you can you wish me and my friend bri an early happy birthday happy birthday brie cynthia thank you so much um maria thank you as well appreciate it and tiffany thank you guys is the new avenger game something you'd look into i i keep getting the offers for like codes and stuff for it and i i thought about it but every time i look at the gameplay third i know myself i won't enjoy it and that's one of those games where i don't want to feel like i'm playing it just because a bunch of people in my audience keep asking me for it i want to get out of that sort of like pandering territory but if it comes out and people have good things to say about it then maybe i'll change my mind it's just from what i've seen so far it doesn't look super interesting it looks like something that i get bored of in like an hour yes i am very pumped for resi8 aaron today's my 24th birthday happy birthday brandon um okay well i feel like we did everything we were supposed to do in the stream um and i also want to be like aware that a lot of people can't make it to the stream so they're going to watch this afterwards so hi um so i don't want to bloat this entire thing with too much that's not just the main event of the the game because i want to be cognizant that most of the people who are going to watch this won't have seen it live um and i want to i want to just give a good experience for those people as well so i'm gonna end the stream here it's a short one but thank you guys so much for showing up thank you guys for being part of it and hanging out and just being here i really genuinely appreciate it it's so much fun to stream certain games these days and i it's just nice to have you guys here live and i'm able to interact with you and see what you're all saying and i don't know just kind of hang out and interact together that that side of the community is something that i really cherish and value so i want to keep that going so thanks i appreciate you guys but i am going to leave it here um and i'll see you guys on the next one what's the next one going to be i have no idea but we'll we'll see i might ask you guys for some suggestions but whatever but thanks guys i'll see you in the next one i guess oh loud thunder right at the end okay bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,674,640
Rating: 4.9639583 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, little hope, jacksepticeye little hope, man of medan, dark pictures anthology
Id: 1OqN-jWRXy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 28sec (5308 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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