TAKING ON MY FAVOURITE COLOSSUS | Shadow Of The Colossus (PS4 Remake) Part 2

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Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Shadow of the Colossus! So glad I get to say that again. Where's my egg roll? Egg roll? (Wander calls for Agro) Agro? That sounds the exact same Egg roll There you are buddy, thanks, thanks for showing up, I needed you we've gonna fight Gaius egg roll Alright, are you up for it? Are you up for the task? This episode we should be fighting Gaius and Phaedra Gaius is over that way Ahhhhhh Turn turn turn til you burn turn til you burn Agro OK we'll go out this side I need to go across the bridge again anyway, I think see, this is the thing I played the game so many times but some of the Directions of the colossi I still mess up. I just wanna be make- and make sure- because ever since one time I played the game Where I- ohh can I still climb the...? ohh, that'll be a task Wonder if you can still climb it? aw man! I don't think you can! Did they remove that? Unless it's on the other side. That's bullshit if they removed that! it used to be grass all the way up side the Tower that you were able to climb to get up to the secret garden if you were good enough You can kind of break the game a small bit to do it That's horseshit. That's egg roll shit, but ever since one time. I played the game years and years ago In the original I got lost looking for Gaius I think it was than- this one, and ever since then I've always been paranoid about getting lost again even though I don't... Watch this'll, this will be the time I get lost Saying how I played the game a million times, favorite game ever made, and then everyone's like Judging me at home, bein like 'ah ah he's a liar huh?' I'm not going to swear. I love this game! I even- see I went to Quadratus without even having to look for it Because it's it's the ones where you have to like go into the mountains or maybe it's not Gaius that I got lost on there's one another get to go into the mountains, but you can go left or right down a certain pathway and the pathway is like in the middle of the area I need to, I need to look around and appreciate it more, I'm kinda just flying through Aw the lighting is here is cool. It has like a hazy misty fog. Oh hey salamander! Whoa I hear footsteps behind my head what is that? It's a salamander! Shh Shhh Got him! did I get him? Yay, got his tail They're not really the ones that I should be getting any way they they improve your grip But not by a whole lot they're almost pointless to you. But, It's the silver ones at all the altars They have silver tails, and if you get them then your grip meter goes up. Oh wait. Yeah, the grip meters all changed I didn't even notice that till now Look at it. Well. I knew that it was yellow, and that was changed, but it hasn't like a little line coming out of it Huh But yeah that hazy misty fog coming through the cliffs is really cool, here we go this is the area Yeah, it's not Gaius then that I kept getting lost on It's really atmospheric Anybody being worried that the game was going to remove the atmosphere because of the art style changes Rest assured this still looks fucking awesome, water looks like water, that little low hanging fog that's across all the water is so good-looking! And because the lighting quality and render engines have just gotten so good over the years since this game came out You can see like the top of the rim is all lit but underneath it is self shadowed I don't know if it actually has like full ambient occlusion going on which is what that is But it's self shadowing itself so underneath the thing is all like dark and then bits of the outcrops are all lit again That's so awesome Welcome to graphics talk with Jack, welcome to game tech talk But since I got out all the trivia, In the first series I played let's talk about this stuff. I love talking about game mechanics. I love talking about pacing mood, story, characters, graphics, tech, all that kinda stuff It's beautiful all the little like mossy clumps in the water And the water actually ripples going through it. What does underwater look like? Oh God that's terrifying. Oh Jesus. I can't see anything How am I gonna fight the underwater guy? Oh man I still dont know if you swim faster underwater or over water, and so thats one of those things that I've always been like You swim faster underwater for sure But I don't know if it's actually a truth fact, and I'm all covered in water now. I'm all wet That's very nice So this Colossus now is kind of make or break it for me. this one Gaius, Phaedra, AviĆ³n, and.. Phalanx are my favorites. So they're gonna be, they're gonna be, if they're not good then Game's trash. throw it out. move it. not really. I'm joking It's gorgeous, I really wish they fixed the camera though The camera's still kind of as shitty as it was because if you move the camera like this If I don't push anything the camera just keeps moving and then if I walk the camera always wants to like correct itself So every now, and then you're trying to fight the camera whoop! The camera was the secret Colossus all along whoosh! nice ok, can you see him? oh there he is See I want to look at them, but I kinda have to tilt the camera in a certain way Because it wants to fight me all the time Yeah, that's cool The beams in the sky, they're so menacing looking now, it looks like an alien invasion is about to happen. That's awesome! Oh baby, oh baby! Oh baby!! *sounds of Giaus coming alive, deep booming, earth movement* Oh he sounds a lot more rocky *more deep rumbling and crashing as he stands* That's a cool sound How could you not think that he's the most badass one Because I know he's not the tallest one, or the longest one Malus and Phalanx are bigger But Malus, the last one, is like a building So it doesn't really feel the same and Phalanx is like a snake so that doesn't feel the same But having a two-legged one being able to walk around like this being that tall Is just so scary. This is exactly what you think of when someone explains this game to you Oh he deforms the ground so cool-looking okay, we gotta go stand on this thing. oh, and there's fog on the platform and everything now Okay, you've won my heart over with this one already. Okay, he has blue eyes Now he has red eyes! or orange eyes, I guess. smack me! come on I'm here. I want you to do it I want you to do it, hit me! Psych! ha ha! Nice You're so much hairier than you were before! oh geez he's doing it again already, that's fantastic for me Go go go! Go go go (jack says the next sentence to the tune of 1000 miles) make your way downtown walking fast climbin a colossus. Oh Jesus Christ oh God hold on hold on hold on hold on. Oh yeah, baby! You're a very slender boy Have you been working out? Oh Jesus, Wander why you sideways? Not comfortable. Oh God. Oh mama Now all we need is PSVR for this game *laughs* Please? imagine being in VR climbing this dude why aren't you movin one? Okay a bit of a collision detection issue right there Why Jesus Oh Shimmy-sham Oh shaky-shaky, oh, yeah, oh, there's a big dirty boy on you. Oh get him off get him off, he's like a parasite Oh hey Agro!! *laughs* Agro's just down there being like 'when's he going to come back? Well he's not gonna teleport again is he?' come on Wander just climb. bloop boop boop bildle-a-do Music ever so good whoosh! aw stahp! Get off me! God. Did you know you've got dandruff? huagh! So this guy then is different again because not only is he Way bigger than you're expecting like it- compared to the other Colossi that came before it So this is what I'm talking about the pacing of the Colossus Okay, that should be that one done right Okay, I need to get off anyway. Oh no no no not there not there not there back onto your back But this is also the first guy- oh no he's not the first guy who has two, Quadratus has two Nevermind okay, Wander, we need to fall but don't fall off. Just fall down attaboy you did it Wonder, is this still glitchy? I know I grab down to the bottom. Normally, if you jump and try ta grab you grab like the top for some reason Oh Shakey shake, Oh shake rattle and roll put those Zumba classes to work Oh and you are, you are gettin dead my dude Oohh!! Oh baby, oh baby. Oh, baby Oh Baby!! Man that went really well that- Gaius has an issue sometimes that That because you're so - oh I fell off *laughs* Because you're so dependent on him swinging his hand down and sticking in the ground sometimes he doesn't do that for ages Oh god I'm still rolling oh, I'm I'ma just lie down here for a while. Oh yes, sleepy sleep ahaha! Like I like this Boulder So something- that fight can either take 20 minutes, or as you saw what five minutes oh? Man This is good. This is really good so far. They've done such a good job changing things A lot a lot of the like core mechanics are all still the exact same except stuff controls a small bit better Because now I'm using X and R2 and everything instead of triangle and R1 which is just a weird combination of buttons It's so unintuitive so now it's a lot more easier for people to just pick up and play it which I really like *explosion sound* All their little heads stay It's kind of weird as well, who's watching this for the very first time by the way? Who's never ever seen this game before and is now watching it for the very first time here? That, that would be very curious to me because to me everyone seen this game by now The land of the vast green fields rows of guiding graves It is giant indeed but fearful it is not are the ones fearful? really? because if it's people's first time watching this then I don't want like, saying the names of the colossi isn't really spoiling anything and saying that some are bigger than others Isn't really spoiling anything either But I'm gonna if it's your first time watching it then obviously I'm gonna try not to spoil it for you Because that would suck if you watchin for the first time and then I suddenly said oh here this thing does this and the story is all this and blah bla-blah umm We're over this direction, ok thought you were back to the right. see, play it a million times still get lost sometimes so Yeah, the icons on the map so the echoes show up in the map when you kill them That's really apparent you can also go back to the icons where you've killed them and play them in Reminiscence mode is that what it's called? so you can play like a flashback of them But it's all See the replay of them, or you play them in that mode or something and I can't remember But you can replay them if you go pray at their graves basically see how the the lighting kind of hits different things different ways I mean obviously that's what lightning does, but the way it's kind of dunno if it's globally illuminated, but the way it kind of sits on different objects the way, it shades is very very nice Like the way, I'm curious to know if it's actually bouncing off surfaces and self-reflecting and that kind of stuff, or if that's too complex Some games do that these days Uncharted does that in a lot of ways, but Naughty Dog are also fuckin technological wizards, so Like the sense the sense of adventure the sense of Aloneness and the sense of like foreboding and scale and all that kind of stuff is still here The sky is just a lot darker than it was but I guess it make sense Since a storm is brewing kind of And it does remind me a lot of The Last Guardian now, the way some of the areas are lit and the way some of the foliage and everything looks Oh there's a shrine down here. I'm going to this, wanna get a little lizard I want to get more grip cuz the more grip becomes more strength I believe but just look look at that That's a wallpaper right there And the little low-hanging fog and everything it adds so much atmosphere This looks like a Zelda shrine Is that? it is This is like a late-game area then Okay little salamander keep your peepers peeled Keep your eyes like bananas. Cuz we need to find a little salamander crawlin around on this thing There he is I see him! You don't see him anymore he went behind the bush now. I can't see him oh there he is Got him! give me that tail Goes up ever so slightly so That's strange before When you had a, okay so you can see the grip meter and the grip meter before it was just a circle there was no line coming out the side, but the circle got bigger and bigger and Bigger and that meant, because the circle is where your your power is so if I do this you see that the little circle builds up, and then full circle is the strongest stab you can get so more gripmeter Meant you could hold on longer obviously, but because the circle got bigger it meant that your power Swelled out bigger and it meant that you could stab harder, but now that the line is getting bigger And I don't know if the circles getting bigger I don't know if that means that I just have the same stab strengths for the entire game now Weird. little pray, make a little love and get down tonight So not going that way, that's that's a scary foreboding area, and that's when the game came out a lot of people were Apprehensive about the idea of- because the idea of having just a boss game having an open world boss only game Oh god. I'm shaking my camera it makes no sense on paper Because it's like oh you just fight the bosses? It'll be like if you're playing Dark Souls and you didn't have any Random enemies to fight you were just fighting the hard bosses is it through here? No.That's a different one. Did I even go the right direction? I did not go the right direction See what I mean? play the game million times I'm still fucking getting lost I Think I was supposed to go back in the the other way um But the fact that it's an open world with nothing in it as well and even by like today's standards, that's just So bizarre no one does that because open worlds are supposed to be littered with stuff to keep the players interest to keep them going to keep them distracted from the main story so you pat out your game more and Like Ubisoft games are the biggest culprit for this any Assassin's Creed games. It's just there's shit everywhere and it adds nothing but time and I guess achievements, but this was a game that came along a while ago. It was open-world there weren't that many open-world games back then, was it 2007 and There was nothing in the world There was no random enemies to fight there was little stuff to see and a lot of the story was told through the environment But other than that there was nothing really to find. There's nothing really to hold your interest besides making your way to each boss Which just sounds so bizarre, but when you actually played the game it makes perfect sense Thats what I'm saying on paper it shouldn't it shouldn't make any sense, but the open-world then was made empty for a reason because this is a forbidden land nothing exists in this land other than the Colossi And Dormin obviously oh, this is nice and spooky lota little salamanders around I really like this boss as well Because this is one of the first, actually this is the first like environmental boss This is the first one that actually uses the environment as well as the Colossus itself *music changes to a soft pan flute melody and gets louder* Awe nice, they look really cool that little bit of haziness that's going on. so those are the, the guiding graves as Dormin called them Can I actually fall-? ohhh Can you actually go down there? wait hold up. I'm getting off, Agro HA hahahaha! I fell off, Agro! I did not know you could come down here! I actually thought I was gonna die as well cuz I missed the platform, okay, I'm gonna take my time and explore this I've never been down here like ever Cool I mean there's nothing really down here, but I didn't even know that that was an area that the character could go Oh hey Agro! oh egg roll you do the darndest things It's a really cool arena And I, as I said in my original playthrough as well Back in 2007 the idea of like levels were just levels. They were static things that you went through and Accomplished and some of them were a little wackier than others, well, then this game came along and had moving levels But not only was the game all just boss fights, but the boss fights themselves were walking levels that's, that's a programming nightmare Hey, Phaedra Because you have to account for all the physics of everything moving around your character being on it, the collision detection of everything going on the the level itself has to have like a Model it has to have like joints and moving parts and all the collision detection and that has to go together n'all the collision detection of your character versus The Colossus has to all work together and they did that in 2007 or was it 6? one of those years Oh yeah, boy *Phaedra makes a sounds that is not unlike a horse whinny* Oh You sound different that's cool Go Agro! go Agro! Show this dude what a thing or two Bye Agro Ow My bones! aw that's so fucking cool. It's like if you ever watch War of the Worlds the Tom Cruise movie Steven Spielberg / Tom Cruise movie and that idea of like a giant walking thing around the environment So fucking cool And to be able to play a game like that cuz this is the type of game that I would love to make I'm going in here, dude In a different scenario not the exact same type of game, but to have giant creatures in it Boom boom aw and the lighting in here is really nice But I want to make a game with giant creatures that just show up and Walk across the land and destroy it and shit like that Because that's cool!! more games need giant creatures in them! Ohh, stomp stomp stomp you can stomp all you want, but I'm not there Tricked him! I got him. now bend down There you go. There you go. There you go Now you just look like a big old crab monster. I'm coming. I'm coming for dat ass! *Pheadra groans* Ohh, the sounds of them are way better than they used to be they actually sound like monsters now! they're intimidating! Doo do! Doo doo doo doo doo doo oh are you gonna do a shake? Are you gonna do a shimmy shake? do it! OH! a-shimmy-shammy A-shimmy-shammy. Yeah these things kind of look like they're bleeding now Bend that head for me, no bend it! There you go, Thanks, oh god, where am I? camera, please Doo doo doo doo doo doo stAB death doo doo! Oh, shake shake shake Senora. Oh god! god, climb up! what happened?! Oh, Jesus he's flopping all over the place on his own! WHOOAA MOMMA! STAB! nice, good big one, good big ones, you gotta choose your gaps you gotta choose your moment wisely like Slim Shady, huh! What're'ya falling all over the place for Wander? nothing's even happening! Dude, I'm getting some great stabs in cause the tension with this game is like you gearing up for a stab And it's like can I make it a small bit bigger kind of make it just a tad bit bigger before he shakes Nice! Cuz you're building it up and building it up and building it up and then as soon as you're about to strike He moves and you ruin your thing you're like noo! Good job you get out of the way egg roll Man it's so sad. These creatures just going along not even by their own will and they're just they're trying to protect the thing They're creepy they look like the smoke monster from lost They're just trying to protect the thing that's in them, and they're just there and the only come alive when you show up And then you kill them. They weren't they weren't doing any harm to anybody. I'm the bad guy here. Now go to the- through the wormhole, get to gargantuan! Could you guys not stand around me and watch me sleep. That's so creepy. *explosion* This is one of those games, I really wish I could experience for the first time. Not only that I really wish I could experience for the first time and record videos of it. Because my reactions to these things the very first time I ever saw them blew my absolute mind. Seeing these giant creatures me being like, "how the fuck do I get on that and then kill it?!" Like you take it so much for granted now Cause you're like yeah this game has existed for years and years this game has been out for a decade. Thy next foe is... Avion? Uh huh, casts a colossal shadow across a misty lake. As it soars through the sky, to reach it is no easy task. You look like a character I've seen already. Oh god. What does it look like? Looks like a cartoon character I've seen before. Ooh, some sort of eagle? Ahh, I can't remember! Shit! Oh, the doves are coming in. ya little baby face here tentatively walking around The next Colossus is my second favorite Because the one I just defeated is one of my like top fives, but the next one is my second favorite after Gaius And it's Avion, and I love it so so much and Avion just means plane in French But yeah, thank you guys for watching this episode I'm gonna leave this here because again, two Colossi per episode some of them are gonna be shorter some of them are going to be longer. I probably could do A shit ton of them in one episode and I could do like four in an hour if I wanted to but I want to take My time I want to appreciate this series. I want to just go through it and Experience everything it has to offer so far the visuals? super super nice. I like that the lighting looks a lot more realistic I like that.. The the animation of the like fur on the creatures backs actually looks like hair now And actually looks like fur for some of them it almost looks grass like which again, they've been just sitting in the dirt for so long that they're supposed to look like they're made of Earth and stone and they're supposed to look organic and also a bit more like rigid at the same time, so I really really like that. That's a really nice addition to this and that was the first thing that caught my eye in the trailer besides just the visuals looking nicer in general. Also, the sound effects are waay better than they were Because it's it's higher fidelity audio at its source with the bass that's in it is kind of a lot more There's a lot more clarity to it. It's not just overblown stones the the audio mixing is a lot more spread out It's a lot more balanced stuff. Isn't overpowering the other thing even though in real life If you were around a giant creature like that You'd be going deaf because stuff would be ringing in your ears all the time But each of the colossi now seem to make a lot more distinct sounds from each other so they all have their own Personality as well as having their own. Look. Which is a really nice addition, so So far I love this I was I thought I'd be a lot more critical of it because of the game that it is and because I've played it so many times but Everything at its core feels the exact same while also just having this really nice icing on the cake Which is everything is just far more beautiful looking and sounds better Still don't like Wander's face. That's my biggest complaint so far because I don't think I don't think they got his face right he needs to be a lot more angular He needs to look less like a baby. But also 60fps. Is there any way to go back? I mean I haven't played it in 4k with the cinematic mode on yet to see just how different it looks it might look way clearer and I think certain render techniques are a lot different like there might be more grass or self shadowing the shadows might actually be higher quality and the lighting might be better, but 60fps is the only way to play this game for me right now Because you're seeing everything move more fluidly in everything's more responsive, and I'm playing this through a capture card, which means everything shouldn't be as responsive because there's that slight tiny delay, but Just awesome. And Eggroll just such a babe, as always <3. But anyways. I've rambled enough. Thank you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it PUNCH that like button in the face like a BOSS!! and high fives all around WAPOOSH WAPOOSH THANK you guys and i will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO! "*sung* eggroll! my eggroll!" muah love you
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,933,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, shadow of the colossus, shadow of the colossus remake, PS4, PS4 remake, remaster, Shadow of the colossus PS4, update, new remake, graphics, PS4 version, shadow of the colossus jacksepticeye, PS4 Gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, full game, colossus, boss battles, OST, soundtrack, music, colossi, HD remake, HD remaster, favourite colossus, gaius, phaedra
Id: CGj6yR0FX0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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