Exploding Kings Forest Nothing

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hot small trees which some people will love and some people will hate and unfortunately for people who will watch this later on you will not be able to see the live stream chat because there is a glitch right now so that will not update but everyone's laughing at me as we have massive trees and this is force nothing with exploding kings so let me do the introductions i'll kind of break it down talk about how it all works you're probably familiar with force nothing i hear in the teal we have hi-max playing as the tutors here in the or sure i'd say two tens uh here in the orange we have demo dave playing as the slavs in the gray we have davka playing as the britons in the yellow we have trebuchet playing as the bulgarians in the purple we have coxfield playing as the ethiopians in the red we have a sensitive boy playing as the khmer in the blue we have tommy 86 playing as the cummins and then last but not least we have the emperor matt who kind of reminds me of myself because when i first made a username for age of empires it wasn't t90 official it was t90xvi uh because i just thought roman numerals looked cool and all the ais had roman numerals so anyways emperor matt is playing as the huns so so yeah i forgot to enable small trees this is force nothing and the big thing you need to remember here is that if a king dies it explodes and there's a massive explosion radius it destroys units and buildings and also trees so it would be really satisfying if someone would accidentally delete their king right now we'd have this massive circular explosion uh that would look pretty cool from the mini map but we're not gonna have that i did have them go fast speed and so they're gonna eventually just try and build up here they have the chopped space they have to make a mill and then probably delete it so they can maintain the space and then farm make houses and all those things now the good news about a regicide start on this is that you start with more bills so you start with more bills and with more resources so it's a little less brutal and a little less time consuming than your standard force nothing all right so um i like force nothing because oftentimes i use my stream as kind of like a a time to get closer to people and just interact with people more and i love casting and obviously when it comes to high level stuff to community games to low elo there's a lot of focus on the games but i also like the the little side conversations we're able to have uh and you get i don't know eventually you guys are gonna run out of questions and i'm gonna run off stories but we've been doing this for six and a half years and i've done an alright job keeping up with with things so yeah this is kind of the time for that we do have some people talking about the speed and also the trees so it is pretty awkward to have to click the trees that are on the bottom side because of the the way they stick up and it's harder to hit those trees but for the most part not too much happening it is diplo they are allied with each other so maybe later on we'll see that change maybe we'll see some trade or some backstabs and we can talk about the sieves too but i don't know if you had a question or wanted to chat about something this would be the time it is a little more awkward because people who might see this on youtube later on can't see the chat but it is what it is so um when you run out of stories just start back at the beginning you know you make that joke but i actually have done that many times there's certain stories that i retell and either people haven't heard it before they still think it's funny so um curry says i've been following your stream and vids for a couple years now but one thing i have not worked out yet why are you making fun of doubt like doubt castles and so on um so doubt is kind of a meme right it's it must be really weird right because doubt is a high level player he's clearly good he's kind of a meme and the best way i could explain it is if you've ever heard doubt talk or ever had a conversation with doubt you you might understand why people trash talk him and make jokes about him a little bit more he's constantly like every other word out of his mouth is sarcasm and he doesn't take himself very seriously and so that's kind of where like i think it it stems from initially the other thing is is that dow has notoriously complained about people who micro and he's notorious for failing castles to the point where this whole meme started where he's the lord and he fails castles and his micro is is awful in it i don't know like doubt just kind of turned into a meme so he's really good but uh you know a couple of different events transpired and everyone just you know kind of trolls and makes jokes about doubt and no one really thinks that del's bad at the game right but everyone you know is constantly talking about doubt and i think people like doubt because i think viewers relate to it because viewers are like wow this guy is not very fast he's not as as speedy as some of these other nerds these other gamers and he's still good and people like to root for people who are like that especially in a strategy game so um okay um doc what asking me about ncaa d3 football i have no clue i have no clue i cannot answer that question also god my right contact is just suddenly giving me an issue what's going on here man yeah um i think also like doubt being friends with some of the biggest name in the game has also started the doubt stuff but the doubt stuff goes way back i i apologize if maybe i haven't explained that stuff too well over the years t90 when are you having a low evo legends tournament slash showdown i need this in my life so bite my assets i i want to do a t90 community tournament which will have a low eagle legend section to it um and i also there's a simcity tourney i'd like to plan out and do there's a lot of different events i'd like to do i i've been saying this for many months but i also kind of knew uh for a month or two prior to my to me leaving twitch that i would be like it would be rough to host an event because of the switch coming and then getting adapted to it and then you have the holidays and then av4 so just a lot of things going on i can't give you a win but i'm hoping in like january we're gonna have one of those things happen and then maybe come like march we we tackle one of the next projects demo dave's to see you all in an hour guys going for dinner and he's one of the players here that's funny i mean you could you could chow down on some food while watching this look at demo dave though look at him he's he's shift cueing his units onto the next trees he is not going to dinner he is try harding those trees down what rating is louie the legends a thousand elo and below though i do say pretty frequently that if you're at around 900 i would say you're probably no longer lowy the legend because things have changed so um sorry if you had this question a million times already but what are your thoughts about aoe4 so far um good question so it's a tough it's been a tough one for me because i regardless of the game just on principle absolutely hate the recurring theme within the gaming industry of unfinished products being released i have very little patience for that and it really bothers me especially when these games sell millions of copies and make millions of dollars um i think it's unfair to fans i think it's unfair to to people who buy games and yet i can't blame the studios too much because the reality is people are buying stuff anyways right so i guess my issue with h4 is that it's not a finished game and it's it was released in a state where there's so many crucial aspects that rts's need that where it doesn't have it right now but at the same time it's like if it is what it is right and the game's been released in the state it is it could have been much worse but also um they have said that they're going to improve things so at this point i kind of just want to hold out for improvements see where it goes and we'll see i don't think it has as much depth as age of empires 2. and i'm not necessarily a guy who has ever desired something new because i the reason i've been on age two for eight years is because i i think it's a it's a perfect game right i mean when i say perfect the elements of the game is perfect there's still some things that can be improved elsewhere so i guess long story short i i do like aspects of h4 i find it hard to accept some of the things that are that are uh where it's lacking right now but i think it will improve there and we'll kind of see but i don't know like i think it needs more time for me to really feel if i'm head over heels in love with the game or if i'm not but i know that age of empires 2 is going to be a game for me regardless so and it's tricky because a lot of like people who like h4 and have always liked my h2 content they might be they might really want me to like my opinion on age four to match theirs and then so like it's it's a tough thing as a content creator because like people desire different things right now but i'm going to do both and we'll see and as always the age of empires 2 definitive edition is the best version of h1 powers2 ever without a doubt but i still won't pull any punches and if there's things that i think need to be improved i think i'm gonna bring that up i think i can do a better job and be more a little bit more uh courteous in how i bring that up that's always been a weakness of mine but uh yeah i'll always be honest in how i feel that's kind of it yeah emperor picked huns now i mean they could have gone random civ i did allow them to pick so yeah maybe they all ended up going random but i feel like huns is not bad for the start here but it's not it's probably not great when it gets later on right you don't get onager you also would have to use trebs to take out trees okay grace says he's gonna drush teal says they're going fast dimp into gg cuxfield says i'm going to go fast castle into accidentally nuking myself that's funny but yeah what what sieves have c john under here so we have i forget if bulgarians get it tunes get it slabs get it ethiopians get it cumins get it can i forget about bulgarians i feel like they don't i think it'd be a lot if they got sea janitor and also got siege dram yeah good question and don't feel bad about asking about age of empires 4 everyone's got so many different questions uh which is understandable i just i'm kind of at a state where i don't have a lot of strong answers because a lot of it depends by my asset says what other industry can you sell an unfinished product and be like well we'll send you the fix later imagine buying a movie that isn't finished and then they just send you the update later yeah but it's like people buy it anyways and i'm not here i'm not here trying to get people to boycott the game because i want the game to be as good as possible right um if nothing else just for the people like my friends who are going to compete competitively in it like i want them to have good opportunities there that that's what's tricky like eventually maybe it'll get to a point where people are not going to buy games that aren't finished but i i think it's it's just kind of i don't blame big companies for doing it as long as they it works for them you know as long as it works for them and and then the other thing is just like it's a matter of of what you understand i think right like i think your average gamer isn't gonna have issues with some of the things i have issues with it's gonna be completely fine for them william i will stream roller coaster tycoon we were just talking about that i think i'm gonna commit to doing it wednesday uh but i have to look at my schedule for the rest of the month and try and figure out how how much i want to stream because i think if i have if i have some time that i could relax a bit i'll probably take that still stream a lot of course but i'll probably take that people are too harsh on it it's a fun game just enjoy it yeah but like i can't enjoy it right this is where everyone comes from different perspectives right i can't enjoy it to the same in the same way that i would enjoy another rts game because it doesn't have aspects that rts games need to have but that might only affect like two percent of people that's what's tricky right but yeah i agree like within the age of empires 2 spectrum people also forget that h2 de was released in the state which wasn't so good either right though it's not like this game was perfect when it came out it's not it's not perfect now either so anyways good questions good questions i just you know what sucks though is i feel like answering those questions never really i don't know how to put a word on it but i feel like answering those questions never really um it it creates more questions than answers you know i mean it feels weird to to come out as someone who says depends all the time and say that but i don't know i'm really struggling to answer those questions uh constructively and that that's like as constructive as i can give my feelings on the matter but i feel like it doesn't really it doesn't really help like as a whole you know i just kind of avoid it uh is there a sense that the push is to move the community to age four i don't think so but i think the worry is like microsoft just said in a statement that they they want age of empires 2 and age of empires 4 to thrive and i think if that's the case then we'll see h2 tournaments continue and h4 tournaments to happen as well if that's not the case and there's not age two and age four tournaments having happening either simultaneously or like back and forth over the next six to nine months then i think microsoft's saying they want both communities to thrive at least competitively is not correct so i'm hoping i'm hoping there will be both i'm hoping there will be both now these guys are credit to the to the guys here uh if you can salute and chat do it credit to the players they're just chatting they're just chatting away they don't have anything else to really do here but they are building up and we're going to have our first person in feudal age actually right now so we have high max in feudal imax said his score is higher because of scouting and if you've never played force nothing the annoying thing is the lack of space you've got to constantly delete buildings and rebuild buildings like right now hi-max wants to create more villes but imax doesn't have space for houses i think what i would do is delete my tc and then make a market and then i'd sell all my wood except for 275 of it so i would get gold let's see what tommy does oh wait a second with cumins you can make a second town center but i guess you're not gonna have the food income to keep two tcs pumping though that's tricky fury says i played in an online team game once got insulted by my teammates and since then i do not dare to play online again yeah that sucks it doesn't happen that frequently like i think the age of empires community is a whole lot better in that regard than other games but i i've been there you know the whole oh my teammate sucks like there's nothing more ridiculous than someone blaming a team game loss primarily on their teammate like dude get over yourself like come on get over yourself i've seen that when i play team games as well like i don't know if they feel like they don't want t90 to think they're a noob so they have to like blame it all on their teammate like come on dude you win some you lose some it's okay all right so here is the market so this is the first person to build the market unless i missed it ethiopians do get plus 100 food and gold when you make it to the next age so the whole idea here is you sell all your wood and you get the best market price and then what i would suggest is you actually buy a little bit of food instead of waiting and then you go up to castle oh those prices though yeah perfect and then you don't have to worry about selling more wood because you're gonna have more wood to chop so this is a really good start for purple no don't dude you're giving someone else good market prices okay not the end of the world i would have sold more wood but he's happy with it on the way to castle age not a bad spot to be yes you can always rebuild another market uh varion what's up he says i've heard a lot of streamers say they have a lot less motivation to play aoe2 right now i feel like there's a general feeling that community is growing apart do you feel that and do you think we'll get back to a norm a more normal feeling hmm so i'm gonna i'm gonna talk about this in a video of ariane but i think like if you're talking streamers and this is not to imply that someone uh prioritizes only viewership over every other aspect right but but like for a streamer so let's let's say you're a good you're a high level player your top 10 player and you've already dominated age two scene and then h4 comes out and you start to stream it and you're all right in h4 and you get double the viewership there's a lot of hype as a streamer it's very motivating if you're getting more viewership and there's a lot of interest in something new right there's always that aspect so you might not if you had to pick necessarily prioritize a new game over the game you've been playing but i think there's that like if there's that hype train there street like for me as someone who streamed for six years you want to always follow that what's what's interesting for the viewers at that time so i think currently there's like a whole lot of reason for people to to do something new right a big reason that i took this deal and there's a lot of them is because i want to do what i like and i don't have to i don't want to have to worry about the direction anything else is going if that doesn't match what i like right i love aoe too i absolutely love aoe2 i really am interested in ab4 as well but i don't know if i'm ever necessarily gonna like switch over that and only that so i think it's just a weird time because we never as age fans never really had other things to necessarily compete with so i i honestly have no clue but again my worry is if microsoft actually wants age of empires 2 to continue the path that it's on they will continue to back h2 tourneys and age 420s in a back and forth manner or a structured manner over the next six to nine months if we only see age four twenties then i start to worry i'm hoping it'll be a good mix and then everyone's got what they want and uh you know the community continues to thrive and age two like even if all of you guys leave right now everyone listening to this let's say you get bored with age two and you go to play halo instead for three years this game will never die and i can tell you that because when i started making content for this game none of you were here and you either didn't know the game existed or you didn't think anyone still played the game so if people disappear entirely they're still like the community will never go below what it was when i started i promise you that it was it was dead dude you guys shouldn't be listening to me right now this community was dead though um anyways that's the way i see it um i i guess in the worst case outlook right snippy was there snippy was there so snippy was there i think six months after i started maybe maybe a bit longer than that obviously there were still some people but you know i think the biggest youtuber had 25 000 youtube subscribers that was zero empires one of the ogs man so um so yeah i don't know like i i'm 28 and when i'm 38 i want to still do this and i don't care maybe this is a very old man mindset but i kind of don't care about anything other than age two in the long term so i think there's gonna be people like that and there's people who move on we'll see did you ever play battle of middle earth two no i never did never did um i did play a little bit of age of empires before the definitive edition or before the hd edition but i didn't fully commit to to playing this game all the time until 2013. i watched videos and i like occasionally played a torrented version of the conquerors on my school laptop in 2011 and 2012. and i did also play this game when i was a kid on my brother's pc but i never like when i started to know life age of empires and old age of empires was 2013. that was uh april of 2013. so this was a lot more serious than i expected you know it's like whoa normally i'm talking about how someone called me chicken on the phone and a bunch of other random stories oh god all i want is to play force nothing i will never stop watching your streams until you rig me into a force nothing game wait if i rig you into a game you're gonna stop watching why would i ever rig you then that's not cool got some chat here you need a market and sell wood you didn't know says tommy tommy i think sensitive boy was joking actually wait sensitive boy wasn't joking sensitive boy didn't even mark it yet through tommy was being helpful and sensitive boy was so sensitive he didn't know that's funny so okay market will be on the way up eventually and then we'll see some of that gold income come into red look at that sensitive boy congratulating his teammate also markets will give karto so if you look you can see uh you kind of look around and get a feel for where everyone else is at hmm yeah kaiser picking huns is so nice because you don't have to make houses the only downside is that you need someone else to monitor the trees for you also emperor can you please make some new lumber camps my friend this is this is painful please please make some more lumber camps man holy crap he's walking so far yeah i'm not sure what red's elo is i've seen sensitive boy playing community games before i'm not really sure but if you look at the populations right now emperor matt has done a really good job he's just now on the way to castle but 61 bills purple's doing good too but kind of struggling to produce out of all three tcs with only eight farms three tc's now for trebuchet i think they're they're going to tcs pretty quickly here but i don't know if they're gonna have the food to produce out of them all the time balling star says i remember the days when you actually had to research carto right okay can we talk about things that this game had before the definitive edition i like i make i'm going to make a video on this to be clear so i will 100 steal your ideas but i might need your help because i'm going to tell you things that used to be present before the definitive edition uh eventually patched them out that we had just accepted as normal okay uh palisades scanning do you remember that so basically if you had an area scouted and you thought the enemy might have an army there you could just try and build something and hover it over an area you've scouted and if if it would glow red you would know that there was something from the enemy there do you remember that you guys might not even know that's a thing but that was so ingrained into the minds of high-level players because because it was huge like you could find out where armies were just by scanning and i remember having to adapt to that not being possible when they passed it out that was actually that was actually possible at the start of definitive edition and then they patched it out like a year in or something yeah not being able to see how many villagers you had on each resource oh dude how did we play that holy crap what's tommy up to tommy says are you friendly purple he says i talked to him he said he likes you and you have nothing to worry about who is tommy talking about here tommy the diplomat um you think viper's dominance was part of the palisade scouting i mean everyone did it but yeah he certainly did it and benefited it remember playing 20 games in a row against the same person and really getting to know them yeah but it wasn't like i made a ton of friends varying i think they could fix that if they just allowed a rematch you know if they allowed you to rematch someone i think that would be really good if i play someone and i really enjoy the game where i want revenge and it says do you want to rematch and then i could enable that would be good so just to be clear i'm making um [Music] this is kind of my thought process i'm making a video on things that used to be a part of the game or not a part of the game that are now so like top 10 things that definite vision improved i'm making a video on things that need to be introduced age of empires 2 to go to the next level like increased lot like better lobby systems now working restore rematch feature fixed team games uh and just like things like that that's kind of on my list right now and uh so i'd like to talk to you guys about it when we have the time yeah like back in the day dude it was crazy to me and we have some similar things with the queue but people could have three or four hundred elo higher than what they would actually be at because they would just host their one thing all the time though i i like it's also a tough topic because one people some people just want to play what they want to play and i don't necessarily want to hold them back from that but i think ranked lobbies are fine like if they were to make ranked lobbies instead of it being a q but the biggest thing is you just need a rematch feature i i think in the old days you used to have to tell miners to start mining after building a mining camp yeah does anyone know if that was the case in the super old days because an hd and the conquerors so we're talking like at least the conkers i played the patch i played from like 2010 onwards i don't think you had to tell miners to go mine after making a mining camp i think they did it automatically but i don't know about the super early days because i i played so many different versions i don't know this is definitely a case where we say the good old days but the good old days were not great like varian says he missed voobly lobbies varyon do you miss having to play in 400 ping games like i get what you mean but it's so easy to look at the past and be like oh that was great and then if you were to go back you'd be like oh god the lag issues when we didn't have servers which is so much more insane i have to say green's base definitely is is very satisfying the lack of lumber camps bothers me efficiency wise he would be making more progress otherwise but but yeah i mean it's just so clean to not have to see the houses here in age of kings was it the case that you had to tell a villager he minds after building a mining camp but in conkers after making the building okay so his age of kings that did that gotcha yeah i think that's going to be tricky when i make that video is i have to do a little bit of research because i didn't i didn't experience or remember some of the early stuff but makes sense age of kings i think had a lot of crazy stuff i mean people were playing on dial-up back then right if they were playing online what's up rayden um i i forget i think it was bennett who asked the question and he said uh he asked me like kind of how how things have gone on this new platform compared to my expectations they've gone pretty much as i expected and a little bit better in some ways um what's what's been a little bit better is just how much like how at peace i am with it and how like when you make a decision you always worry that you're gonna look back with regret i've had zero regrets i know this is the best move for all the different reasons i made the decision i 100 percent know that um viewership's been about what i expected and i know it's just going to get better the thing that's really tricky about the move they're like obviously a lot of people heard about this move right and many people have decided they they haven't they haven't given this shot yet and some people have said they're not going to that's just how it goes the thing that's been tough is that i had 250 000 followers on twitch and there's absolutely no way even like 10 of that know about move right so you build up your your viewership on one platform over over half a decade and then it's just hard to inform everyone right and that's just how it goes because some people i saw the analytics on my channel like you guys might watch very consistently show up every friday for community games or watch events but i had 125 000 unique subscribers on twitch but on average i had like anywhere from like let's just say 4000. so that means that it's very common for someone to show up watch and support and then never return or return like two years from then because you guys regardless of how you're watching this are definitely are way more dedicated than the average viewer it's it's like it's tricky because uh you just can't inform everyone and i'm also not gonna like i don't wanna throw it in front of people's faces because i want people if they're gonna be here i want them to be here so that's been the tricky thing but it's all expected stuff right it's just crazy man when you're talking like how things work with this type of an industry and how viewership works it's pretty crazy when you break down the numbers like artem here says he just found out yesterday yeah exactly right so i just don't want to be that guy like you guys ever watch a youtube video and they're constantly like they'll have a video but it's clear they're trying to promote something heavily on top of that like whether it be their podcast or their merch or their stream or something i just i think it's important that people know what i'm doing and get excited about it to show up kind of on their own but what i don't want to do is be that annoying guy who's like who's trying to go too far with promoting their next thing because what that does is that turns people off from wanting to be around right and that's important because i think that that gives you me a little bit more of a dedicated audience i think you guys kind of i think you guys respect that and like that so watched your stuff for a while they started to start watching your streams literally the day you came here went to twitch and saw the notification yeah i feel i feel bad about like people showing up to to watch a stream and then hearing the streamers going to go elsewhere but there's not much i can do right if people are showing up all the time glad you can make it here t90 did you consider going to mixer um there will be a day i talk about i think everything probably not today but yeah mixer did approach me back in the day mixer did approach me uh back when it existed very different situation probably not going to get into everything right now but yeah they did they did approach me i wouldn't really say i considered it but i did i did talk to them at that time so actually on that note on that note when we're talking about like the promo stuff in videos guys as we're building up towards eventual explosions so i have i have merch and i'm not like believe me i i don't want to be that guy who who who throws merch in your face right but i feel like i never talk about it and there's been a lot of people who are like holy crap like that'd be a really good gift or i really like this mug or really like this t-shirt and so i'm thinking it's probably a mistake for me not to talk about it a little bit more i was thinking at the end of louie the legend videos um i would have like a little plug for the merch and just show people where it is because it's it i have like new low evo legend merch if it's a short and sweet thing or even just an image would that be off-putting to you guys at all i'm just curious because i think what i'm gonna do with my merch anyways is i think i'm actually just gonna donate all of my income from merch to charity at the end of each year um i've been trying to think about like uh a fun way to put holy villagers man yellow how many villagers does yellow have 151 oh actually demo dave has 184 yeah i think i think i'm going to be doing that anyways so if i could boost the amount of of that comes in from the merch i think it'd be really cool yo kate man what's up okay what i'll do is i'll probably um i'll probably include that and then i'll just look for feedback and then if people say it's too much i'll just keep an eye out so ah yeah like the beginning in the middle of the videos is probably super annoying okay that's true good point good point yeah so just keep it short and sweet at the end make sense now i mean i'm not really sure i i have made a donation each year to a local charity back where i grew up i'm not necessarily tied to donating to that charity but it feels like like i kind of i left home you know and that's it's one of the bigger charities back where i grew up and i actually like volunteered there for a bit in my high school days so i feel like that's probably who i would donate to it might not ring true to you guys like because you didn't grow up there but i makes me feel a little bit better about supporting a cause if it's like a a smaller charity an area that i used to live do it sustainably yeah i don't know we'll see i mean to be honest guys like i'm not i'm not really a big merch streamer right so i it's not i've made like really what you could consider solid money for merch but it's i think it was like eleven hundred dollars over four years so like eleven hundred dollars over four years before taxes it's not like it's not a ton but i think if i let people know we could really make a big dent uh in in some of their charity goals so all right so let's start with comp let's let's start with composition talk okay the first off let's go through demo dave he's making barracks with slabs slaps a very good infantry so that makes sense and then eventually we're probably going to see the cheap siege but he's almost got too many villagers right now which is i think fine for now you eventually delete them because there's nothing else you can really do until you have more space um he doesn't have that much gold and he's not really talking about trade over here you've got plenty of wood for teal and high max is tootins so it could also go for onager to cut through the trees also could it's pretty much the same tootins and slabs have very similar strengths here you've got emperor matt making cave archers now remember he can't get on here with hun so it's going to be struggle to get through the trees anyways in the blue you've got tommy and tommy's only at 80 pops so we'll set tommy back but tommy could go for onager tommy has the siege workshop on the way to him um and then here whoa he has 10 thousand gold and he's an imp as well this is huge now they don't get siege on injured but comer could just go for onager or ballista elephants to cut through the trees but this is what i'm talking about man sell your resources constantly and get gold huxfield as onager inn doesn't have as much gold but it's starting to open up some space through the trees over here you've got uh the potential for a lot of gold for trebuchet who also has honinger and is now cutting towards gray and is telling gray to make a market so yeah that's this is diplo so you you want to find an ally and then use the market to get gold and then spend the gold on trade that way you have consistent gold income um to matrix huns do get two man saw yes they do so that would puns aren't the worst for this that's for sure yeah i think the number one thing you should do if you want to be ultra try hard is you should sell uh to get gold and then you should buy stone because the gold you get in return from selling wood is eventually just going to be at uh 13 or 17 or something but that's going to be stuck where it is but the price of buying stone will always increase so you want to get in while the price is cheap and right now no one's really doing it it's 179 gold to buy 100 stone with 12 000 gold i would buy 5 000 stone matt doesn't really check out there but that's the try hard way to do it davko seems to have an alliance with trebuchet apart from that there has been communication and red says hey perp tom perp gonna kill me question mark feels like sensitive boy is too sensitive to talk and tommy's kind of like the spokesman which is funny i didn't respond to him yet so i don't think purple actually wants to kill him but something to think about yeah there's actually no upper limit on the price there's there's no upper limit on the price of stone i think the most expensive i've ever seen stone was like 1500 gold for 100 stone and it wasn't a force nothing game if i recall might have actually been one that i played in i remember i i told my viewers i think it was four years ago one more game and i had about two and a half hours i i had to go to volleyball and i ended up missing volleyball because i played in a forest nothing game and frickin t west bro like it might have actually been five years ago i forget how long it was now but t west and a few others oh they were so try hard they bought all the stone and they traded and then i got really upset well not like truthfully upset seriously upset but i got annoyed because they were ganging up on me so then i had to fight and really take it seriously and it went on for six hours and then i died anyways then my volleyball team lost feels bad man i actually would love to get back into playing volleyball just something organized once a week or once every other week would be so good for me and i used to but then covet happened and then i never really got back into things and i'm in a different area now so yeah maybe this conversation is gonna get me back into it you know what i thought would be really funny so i've been going to trivia every once in a while with friends and i thought it'd be would be really funny to to write down the questions that they ask and ask my viewers and see if my viewers can figure it out because our team is pretty average in trivia even though we try and i thought like you know like it's every wednesday so every thursday stream or every community game stream i just bring out a couple of the questions just see hmm okay yeah it's kind of like a pub quiz yeah i guess i don't know what a pub quiz is but it sounds great just like a small brewery nothing crazy not too many people hmm so it's not exploding bills it's exploding kings we have the trade here from yellow starting sign of of peace to come in in the lands here i hear death though why do i hear death did you guys hear that i heard villagers dying i think maybe i heard orange's villagers dying to his monitors here you still have your volleyball bikini i didn't wear a bikini man i wore shorts and a t-shirt t90 trivia you don't even know where wyoming is okay you can stop that right there okay i know where wyoming is there there might be a few states that would give me some problems but i know where wyoming is and it's not like fifth graders trivia the problem is like the average age of people who go to this freaking thing is like 50. so it's always like they have name that tune and it's always songs from the 70s and 80s we don't do too well very we're very one-sided group in terms of what we uh in terms of what uh we we know like for me i'm pretty good when it comes to sports and i'm fairly good when it comes to um like video games and things like that and then our group is like mainly science-oriented so we're very very one-sided hmm yeah of course wyoming is in france duh of course no siege manager yet for demo dave and i'm unsure if he's cutting to be friends with this person or not because that's a lot of honors i think he's gonna try though it seems like he's making it pretty clear what he's up to he's also not making any inventory yet so feels like he might just be doing this to trade it's interesting because gray doesn't necessarily seem to be talking much ray doesn't necessarily seem to be like the best player but everyone wants to trade through gray hi green want to trades his teal well what green needs is for someone to cut through the wood lines now you have red saying hey perp want to trade okay so they're just maybe late to the conversation here i actually would love to go back to wyoming i was in wyoming when i was growing up it was a really good trip i think as well it's like does anyone know where old faithful is is that the dakotas i forget anyways it's somewhere out there um and we were in wyoming uh like yellowstone national park and um a few different parks up there when i was a kid and i think it's one of those things that i'd like to do again at some point whoa so tommy's committing to cutting through the middle which is super weird he's cutting right to yellow and they should be able to see this as well old faithful's in montana is it really in montana i thought old faithful was in yellowstone which is in wyoming maybe maybe it's another geyser i'm thinking of you guys want to hear a funny story though so i was like five years old when we went out there and it was with my family right and so i at the time my favorite animal was a horse okay it is wyoming and uh or maybe maybe yellowstone goes into maybe it like maybe it goes into multiple states i don't know so anyways to finish this story before the attack start my favorite animal was a horse ty was like 10. and so one of the things we did was we went on like a family horse ride so we were all on separate horses it was actually really funny memory because my dad's horse did not like him so my dad's horse refused to listen to him and would go the other way all the time anyways it was really funny he hated it um so we had like a horse instructor and i was on her horse because i was only five and she was really sweet and really nice to me and so five-year-old t90 was like she must like me and so i had a crush on her she's like 25 or 26 and five-year-old t90 was all about it so i told my brother that i had a crush on her and he's like oh here we should go to the gift store and so we went in and i found a horse-stuffed animal and i bought it and then i i found out like where their little uh wherever their cabin was that they worked out of and hours later we went up and i gave her the stuffed animal and then i was so shy i ran out of the room blushing and that's that's the story i remember like i actually still feel i'm still blushing right now because i remember how big of a step that was for me had a crush on the uh on the horse instructor man or whatever you'd call that yo blue how can i help yo blue how can i help says yellow twice if anyone wants to chop to me for trade i'd be willing says green didn't someone offer earlier i'm pretty sure highmax offered earlier buddy not much has changed yeah man oh yeah that was a good trip that was a good trip i enjoyed that lots of wildlife out there i'll trade with you sis teals this is like 15 minutes later yes they could have been trading this entire time meanwhile yellow and grey have been trading and it's not the most efficient trade but it is something orange is trading as well also purple's thinking long term he's cut all the way down here for trade the further your markets are apart from each other the more gold you get which is why that makes sense i think it would have made sense to cut in towards red and already be trading and then just make more markets later on talking only to use this yellow tommy says do you want to trade or planning to destroy me i have a feeling that tommy's whole cutting through the middle thing is going to look pretty silly at some point but i don't know who trebby she's talking to he says i'm not as long as you're not so you're saying lorena is 45 no i actually didn't think of that story that's the first time i've ever told that story because like why would that story ever come up five-year-old t-90 oh god like trading through the middle is so bad because okay so first off your trades more vulnerable to attack i'd say and then the other thing i think is an issue is that you're not teaming up with people on the sides of you if you deny trade with them they're just going to say oh i'm going to kill you then that feels very weird ducks field says t90 taught me well as farms are being placed that's probably a farm joke but we're not going to laugh at that i didn't teach him who to trade with because we still haven't seen the trade yet to be fair though uh no no not to be fair there's just not a lot of gold right now probably should have more gold in the bank than that but on the bright side for tommy at least he is trading like i think half the players aren't even trading yet so and yellow seems to agree with it all right and now we have purple saying he's going to cut towards red a red is making ballista elephants which you can actually use to take out trees so both players had an option to cut through maybe not a whole lot of uh trust there but remember that when a king goes down there will be a massive explosion i'm just waiting for it and i feel like they're far enough away where there won't be a chain reaction with the explosion but it does depend if you choose to kill someone you choose to explode some of your economy at the very least elite boyars and honesters demo dave has been around the community a while i would normally expect someone of his experience level to remember that slabs do get sieger and tommy says the trade highway is open this is where you need to get like a little toll area charge them a fee to go through i hate freaking tolls man what a scam i hate that crap we were in the orlando area which is near disney and the tolls they were insane so fair warning if you want to go to disney world someday i actually think i mean in some ways people over hype it but in other ways it is pretty cool there's a lot of different parts lots of things to do but the traffic and the tolls are just insane i hate tools horrible i mean there's also what's so nice about the way this game is played out is that there are a lot of buildings that will be destroyed like this has been a long game normally when people die there's not as much on the map there's plenty for everybody and yo here comes the trade wow this is some long distance trading hey let me see if it shows me yet let's see okay it doesn't show me until the market's complete but i think that's going to be around 140 gold a trip yeah varion aren't you close to orlando we went to a concert uh like two weeks ago it was it was really good not bad there was also this little fair the best thing about the trip was the unplanned thing that happened there was this fair so there were a bunch of stands with like but we bought hot sauce and pickled jalapenos and got some coffee just like small stuff you know it's real nice i didn't really expect it to be going on felt like such an old man because i was talking to some dude about his pickled jalapenos for 20 minutes don't scare me like that orange this is high max dude how long has it been let's see the last time i've seen you was that at the land in uh england well no we never actually uh i don't think we ever even saw each other in the united states i think the only time i met you was that the ecl land which might have been three years ago well this year like right now i wouldn't be super comfortable hosting a meet-up because i think it's a little a little irresponsible uh depending i just don't want to go through the stress of it to be honest and the headache of it but i think hopefully granted i am a florida man so you never know but uh hopefully 2022 i'll have a few meetups like i did one three or four years ago in the states you know got some beers got to meet some people played some video games i think that'd be really fun all right lots of trade yes um and yellow says i'm starting to get hungry for people so i thought he was gonna save for dinner apparently we have a cannibal over here unless he's talking about in the game i hope so who is my favorite non-top player curie asks my favorite non-top player oh that's tricky man i get why you would say blue coffee but there's so many good ones that are exciting the ace of emeralds comes to mind ice it comes to mind i think if i had to pick one i would have to say fat slob because fat slob has been doing it for 20 years and i just love that and like time is passing fat slobbed by like people are on the definitive edition now and fatsob's like nope i will never change the settings i play with i will never change the platform i play this is all i do and if you don't like it you don't have to play me and he's still going the dude's like 65 years old they're 70 years old according to his profile that would probably have to be fatsof i just i just love it i need to get a new fat saw video up it's been a while i think we'll maybe do that uh i think around christmas time makes sense i normally do a big upload around christmas all right 42 that can't be right does he have another market somewhere hold on yep he's got this market so because he has this market it's not giving me the proper amount okay 101 gold per trip and he's got more trade cards queued up and demo says to everyone any teams yet yeah this has been so s i mean normally there's one person like varian for example would be boring or bored sorry not boring well that's who and he would say i need to kill stuff right now and they would just attack and that would kind of start it all off but no one wants to be the one started off here hi max says tommy is everything okay there okay we have team wholesome down here towards the south we have a sensitive boy and tommy it's weird they've been communicating but they're not actually trading together i've never seen that before and then you've got high max who really seems to care sensitive boys is talking about the trade cards that's pretty much all we're seeing we do see some siege but not a whole lot else unless you're talking about green green's got tarkins and green's got cav archers there should be a tourney with all these non-top players like bats love john slow blue coffee and so on can someone screenshot that curry i know you meant well but john slow would not appreciate the fact that you just you just looped him in the same conversation as blue coffee and fats because you got to realize john slow is like he is he is a meme in some ways but he's like 2k or 2k1 he's like top 200 top 250 depending on the week in the world so i think if someone were to see that and or screenshot that and send that to me on discord i'll have to send it to him it's actually his birthday today too what a birthday um wish that is now i love john slow okay so red is trying to talk to its matrix or not to matrix sorry tommy same difference and tommy is saying i need space it's so weird to me how tommy and sensitive boy were all chatting up and they're not even trading together the weirdest thing about this game respecting each other's boundaries and everything too like what bathtub is the best in the world he beat viper he did beat viper i'm cutting to teal dot dot friends there's orange i no no okay demo dave is bored demo dave feels like he has enough gold to make whatever he wants and he wants to attack paladins from tutans and elite teutonic knights this could be epic okay that was not so epic demo dave just killed his own siege but it's about to go down and hi-max says he says hi max now i think c john intershots will be hugely important here but i'm really wondering how bowyards are going to square up i feel like bowier should own paladin and should own teutonic knights here comes green green's army will struggle against siege but cav archers and tarkin is pretty good if you want to go for a king snipe okay hi max says are we making bigger trade and it's ammo dave says yes so maybe he's not gonna attack yeah now it is worth reminding people that i'm undefeated against the viper in rm okay undefeated in standard rm ranked games 1-0 i'm also undefeated against fat slob and fatslaw beat the viper one is up on viper 1-0 so if you think about it i'm better than viper i mean had i signed up for hidden cups instead of actually hosting them i mean easiest wins of my life right teal and green have a hug army i'm pretty sure he meant huge but maybe he thinks they'll hook i think i will scout their base with my king a bit just to make sure what tommy you mad man and yellow's like no don't sacrifice yourself wait yellow has some swordsmen there yellow could actually kill that king tommy what are you doing buddy what are you doing okay there goes the king you're gonna kill this king and you don't wanna traffic jam we thought it was a king but no it's it's one of those one of those dudes that directs traffic and there's a word for that uh it's not traffic director oh god your king just got stuck in the freaking trade what if he doesn't find it what if he can't find it anymore this is so bad okay he's cutting another path tommy sometimes i just get so confused by you traffic cop yeah maybe that's it we got we got paul blart out here not quite a mall but that's a good movie so okay he's bringing the king back i think tommy is realized now and you've got you've got two separate sides of the road now and he's like the median tommy just doing some weird things right now um over here we actually had a massive fight which i completely missed out on because i was too focused on the traffic and it looks like the boyars are destroying as i kind of expected oers have insane melee armor imax needs to cue up more paladins and he doesn't have a ton of gold and he doesn't have support from green anymore either and if you look at the queue for demo dave demo dave is going to have a whole lot more he has boyars and he also has champions it's cool to see the voice in action i don't think there's much that toons can really do against bow yards because a bow yard is like a teutonic knight on a horse very strong high melee armor higher attack more mobility more hp paladins will help a little bit but will the q be there for highmax remember the kings are out here right so the kings could go down speaking of kings tommy's king is back in his town center so you could if you really wanted to if you think you're going to die in highmax's position you could send your king into demo dave's base but you probably don't want to do that yet because you just spent two hours playing this game and you don't want to play two hours to die like this you know and here comes green as well so green can help i think if green helps this will be okay for them i think cav archers will do very well here yeah there you go imax says thank you demo dave was trickling a little bit not grouping up his units anymore and i think champions like slav champions they'll get killed by the paladins and cav archers i think bowiars and siegers are the real worry just champion is not going to cut it so high max holds on let's check resources 8 000 gold for purple for red 12 000 gold he's making tons of ballista elephants right now for yellow eight thousand gold making two-handed swordsmen and sending a lot of them this way oh oh oh wait a second oh wait a second at demo dave says can't handle me on your own to high max he's like you're you're a wuss you had to get some help but look at this yellow's going in for green and green's king is right there now green does not have a gather point set very far forward on this castle which is important because if it dies they'll die right here green has to be careful he doesn't want to lose this game and hurt his teammate i don't think he knows and his king is now down now will that kill tommy a lot's gonna go down imax will also lose his trading partner but will that range tommy's tc i think the answer's no but it's gonna be super close here we go exploding kings okay it does not whoa that's so satisfying i love it i love it that's beautiful actually explain to me how these die but the trees around it don't yeah that doesn't make any sense to me this is what i wanted to see large cut out of the trees now plenty of space traffic jam continues and green who's now dead says good job yellow all right um well green's army is still helping over here and yellow disconnects oh no thanks ge he disconnects his king won't even explode for now [Laughter] for now that king is still out there and someone could accidentally detonate it at some point and imax is like people are dying fast which is very true we'll see if demo dave will die though like green's units are coming in clutch here and the paladins from imax are still coming in so i think the problem for highmax is he doesn't have trade anymore though he's not going to be able to afford too much as he sells all of his wood also doesn't have a teammate i don't know if he's communicated with tommy but maybe should start trading down that direction trebuchet is the king explosion crashed my game wait really so when the explosion happened you disconnect it okay purple's saying we go gray and red says let's get him okay so what they're gonna go for gray and they're just gonna pat oh yellow's dead i'm i'm so dumb i'm sorry i just forgot yellow disconnected i feel so bad for yellow you played two hours to disconnect like this ethiopian sea janitors crazy splash damage this is the probably the strongest deathball on the map right now you know what though i think that highmax and demo dave should be buddy buddy here i think they need to team up because if they don't team up i think they both die if gray goes down there's no way that demo dave's gonna be able to do too well without a friend imax lost his buddy to matrix why do i keep saying to matrix tommy excuse me could maybe be a friend to highmax right now and it looks like he might be anyways here come the show tell warriors and there goes there goes demo dave's king demo davis sent his king this way and if it gets here you can't do anything about it people is he gonna give it up wait he could tell purple turn back or i detonate the king that's what i would do i'd leave the king here and say do not attack me or i kill you which i mean purple could run his king away but still purple will lose all of his base okay i mean i don't know where exactly where the king is going wouldn't it be funny though if purple turns on orange and then orange ends up losing his king to the castle into the castle what okay i'm very confused frey has longbows not bad and [Laughter] here come the sea janitors from tommy who i think is going to attack demo dave but i'm a little confused on what's going down right now because tommy just apologized tommy's friends with everyone i didn't know filster was playing thank you tommy i needed that i'm trading with you by the way okay so there must have been a big shot and orange isn't happy about it okay here come the shotel warriors oh this is gonna be juicy this is gonna be juicy now this is the play if you're allied with yellow you can delete his castle and delete his king you can delete enemy or sorry ally buildings after they leave the game or disconnect so what would have been funny is gray deletes the king and then backs up and just waits for the bomb to deal with all of this as we have ballistas and we have showtils and we have sea johnathers i don't think i think a lot of people might think that he just he died and they might not know okay i mean brands are just not able to deal with this much firepower there's no other way to say it oh wait a second did regis turn on per oh no he's attacking a trade card okay never mind false alarm false alarm i thought he turned orange still has his king down here we have to pay attention if he stays alive it's stalemated here for now so this is the main push we want to focus on and boom big shot that is way too many sieges you cannot micro down that many sea challenges with longbows it's just too much stuff so gray needs help but he's not going to get help from orange because orange is is kind of damaged from before and boom oh missed it missed it missed it boom great job from gray honestly very good job from gray considering the situation at hand here this is could be so much worse not sure about loading up into a siege tower but the problem for gray is it's still really bad and of course the king is out here too right so if the king goes down we know what happens there's an explosion in theory it could trigger the other king to explode so i know trebuchet is going to be upset but him dying and the way he did could make this really fascinating grace still trying to hold on he's mixing in light calf which is probably the only thing you can do to snipe the siege you can use your longbows to micro again really good job from gray this is sick one shot could wipe his entire army and he's not allowing it to happen the king is in this castle it's being well protected right now but ballista elephants very good against archers and they're very good at hitting those archers as well you just don't have enough if you're on your own and demo dave isn't exactly interested in helping so did something happen between gray and orange earlier does anyone remember i think demo davis just preoccupied with his own life he's just too busy imax is worthy underdogs here tommy and tommy says i am bored tommy you are at 120 pop with 30 idols bud [Laughter] but okay fair if you feel like you want some action he says i'm gonna go now you could get to 200 pop well looks like they're gonna turn on demo dave telling you that king that yellow king is going to be so interesting and remember demo dave doesn't have his kit tommy tommy's turned on high max what oh the ultimate betrayal i never expected that when tommy said he was gonna go i didn't think that he would turn against timex oh jeez and tommy will still lose all the siege but that was crazy and wait a second oh tommy came in to kill jaimax he came in for the kill i'm not sure if he was focused over there if he was focused over here or both but the king for highmax is still alive it is still back here and imac says you double crossed me the thing is tommy did that without any obvious communication to demo dave unless i missed some of that chat somehow i'm i'm a little confused by that i might have missed some chat but that was the biggest surprise of the game and now i think imax is screwed imax needed tommy to stay in this game have a chance demo dave is a really good player who i think is motivated as well just not to go out this early and to leave his mark on the game gray still alive by the way the king is back here so we still hung around somehow but you have to imagine the next wave of shotels and ballistas will probably finish them off now there's no trebs yet for okay no there's trebs from tommy okay so if he can get his trebs on the castle it's okay here where's the king where's the king oh no way the king made it through high max is running with this king and we know where he's going he's going right to tommy's base oh tommy you done goofed bud you're bored huh okay well you're going to be out of the game pretty soon oh that's so good from high max because he knows he's probably dead wait how can he see oh he's allied with yellow oh hi max please delete yellow's king before you delete your own he won't think of it so don't get your hopes up but that would be such an epic play you can delete allies buildings and units when they're dead tommy's actually running now what's happening i did tommy notice that i mean tommy was pretty free-spirited with his king earlier on in the game guys so i i have no clue what to think of this beyond the fact that tommy just likes to run around with his king hey max just researched treason and i think he now finds out that this king is on the move and i don't know if he chases it or what why would tommy go this way well he doesn't want to lose his king right that's obvious his push continues wait a second wait a moment tommy could kill demo dave and coxfield at the same time and if he's lucky if the placement's good enough he could maybe kill red as well if he were to detonate here or let's say here i think he kills red he kills purple and he kills orange where's the king at i missed it oh god where'd the king go guys where's the king i don't see the king where is it i don't see it the king there it is now it'd be very tough for him to know that orange has this king in this castle the safe play is probably just detonated in the middle of all this tommy says you don't need to be scared anymore imax says gg well played as the explosion goes off it wipes tommy off the face of the earth and then tommy okay is gray is defeated wait did his king go down his king did go down but where okay the king was there and at the same time tommy i don't see any longer over here and now i need to somehow get to his point of view and i need to check again it won't let me check his king guys it won't let me check his king he okay he must have deleted it it's somewhere on this part of the screen i'm gonna look for it we'll have an explosion over here it went off but now this is what matters where did he explode that what no way and a sensitive boy wins and purple's like what what he says dang it was just getting fun and a sensitive boy says well played gents wow okay so to wrap up what happened there gray ends up dying and he was killed by red and by purple and then because demo dave had brought his king over to purple earlier both purple and orange go down at the same time leaving sensitive sensitive boy with the victory that was eventful so honestly respect to tommy i know imax might be a little annoyed with him for the backstab but respect to tommy for doing that because he went down imax went down but the other guys went down as well i'm sure since the de boyne won't complain either yeah there's something so satisfying about exploding kings right he crazed like i don't understand what happened i wouldn't understand it either but exploding kings is so funny man i still think that's something i'd like to see a little bit more and we saw someone try earlier on in the stream i think something that needs to happen more is players using their kings to get resources from people or to get people to do what they want i just want someone to go in there and then have their king be in let's say purple's base like demo dave did and say hey give me 2 000 gold or i'm gonna delete my king i just want to see what happens not saying it's a good strategy to win the game but it'd be so funny or you could even be nicer about it and be like hey my king's been having heart issues and he might have a heart attack can you lend me resources so i can pay for his doctor visit you know i'm just like i'm just trying to think of ideas now earlier today i don't want to fully spoil it for you guys but it will be on youtube at one point someone tried that so he put his king inside of uh someone's town center told the person it's in your town center and they ejected the town center out to um the middle of the map walled it in and then killed the king which was hilarious yeah i'm not sure what happened to yolo's king um oh yeah yellow's king didn't go off yet wait it's alive oh yeah the explosion didn't hit yellows king interesting so well played everyone um yeah mutually a short destruction that was a funny game we we got to see what we wanted to see we got to chill out and i got to talk to you guys a little bit more about certain things uh high max with the most kills in that game 610 kills something tells me his demo contributed there or his uh his nuke pretty sure the kings do contribute to the kd um like green for example 422 kills i think a lot of that came back to the the king uh trade count was pretty even overall purple had a really good army composition but i guess he forgot about demo dave he had 60 000 gold brought in in total 32 000 of which from trade and the timeline normally shows you pretty clearly when the demos went off when the kings died but solid game there can't complain too bad you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 71,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, exploding, kings, explosion, king, community, commy, commi, comi, comy, explode, explodes, regicide, forest, nothing, fn, forrest, no, thing, nothings, forests, forrests
Id: RtApTxnKTQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 17sec (4697 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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