The Legends of Texas! Probably The Best Diplomacy Ever!

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here we go all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to a free-for-all regicide diplomacy a we to game on real world map Texas amazing I love it dave is experienced he said when he grew up he played Texas all the time I'm gonna introduce the players now just let Dave get right to it we have Ari on in the purple playing as the Vietnamese here in the red we have a mr. Turkish rating playing as the Berbers in the green we have Phil stirrer playing ask Slavs in the blue we have Mayans for nd [ __ ] in teal we have Spanish for wrath on the gray we have Kel Rick playing as the Japs in the orange we have Malians for sally and then in the yellow we have Snape snaps playing as Burmese I think that's everybody I was not expecting the map to be this open in all honesty Dave yeah I knew it it's super open and usually I think it generates a bit bigger than this okay just like a small land mass which should be pretty epic for regicide actually like look how close some of these players are yeah very close and some players might be boxed out of wood and gold you know also a nice little Easter egg here if you look low Raths Castle the es guys planted their flag in Texas okay interesting now is that where the capital of Texas is you look it might be where is the capital awesome I think it's Austin or it could be Houston it's a toe it it might be no I think it's something else I think it's like oh man I can't think of the name I'm gonna get butchered in the comments for this Millington is it Arlington no isn't it weird how they'd never choose the most popular city there's 50 states man I don't I don't it's Austin yeah it's Austin ok ok and where I live in Pennsylvania they chose Harrisburg everyone thinks it's Philadelphia Pittsburgh anyway so yeah fun little easter egg as dave said maybe that flag gives you some special power-ups I don't know I think the worst position on this map Dave has got to be Ariana's position he has three of his golds forward if he doesn't castle that that's gonna be tough for him and look where he has to get wood as well very far forward it's gonna it's gonna eat the wood to keep the fishing ships rolling and like but I mean there's still some guys with terrible positions yeah on this map like look at red man he's in the middle of everyone Kel Rick goes up super early don't know why and he's kinda in the middle of everyone to freedom man freedom you can do what you want in Texas now remember the Alamo speaking of freedom look at that doc this is played on explored look at Keller exceed Ock Carrick my boy if you look at all the possible scenarios that is probably the worst possible he's also got it it's unexplored he's got his fishing ship and the gather point is set to the far shore it's alright man he wants to collect the turkeys and that's why that's why I think the the worst stock would be right next to CalWORKs mill the second worst is probably right where he placed it looks like someone's dropping here is it I don't know fine but I saw a comment in the chat and I want a response it Phil stirrer said why did David get disappointed 1t9 he said I could play no Frank's no French people allowed in Texas ah there we go that's what it is Texans are nice though they just love guns this will stir and got be careful man hmm so civilized we have Vietnamese Burmese Malians Mayans perverse Spanish Slavs Japanese I think in regicide you always want to see if that has a strong unique unit so there's a few of them here wrath is usually very strong but he's uh he's struggling big time here it's like look at where he put his doc like that is the worst spot on the other than killer other than kill Rex correct together stirs you know what Keller excite be better you know wrath and he's Japanese yeah here we are dissing Keller X doc and rots is pretty bad as well man tell Rick made a watched on the stove he's paranoid Wow he's mining camp walling his villager amen to this stone you never know when someone's gonna show up with some guns can be careful hmm well I have noticed there's a lot of boar and Keller kids yet to take his boars he's gone for the inefficient fish instead of the boar and it's Texas as well so he have a you have twice the hunting bonus so you should probably take advantage of that there's boars everywhere that happened that haven't been taken but okay Sally's taking a few now do you get three boars in Texas how realistic yeah three cows you know well I think if Ariana's able to build a castle next to his gold then I like his position but it's between orange red and purple whoever is aggressive in this area will get a lot of resources CalWORKs going for a farm now so he's got two fishing ships and a farm it's good strat man and he's not allied with anyone except green who is on the exact opposite end of the map it feels like we're picking on keller ik but in reality we're just rooting for the guy okay not picking on him Oh watch that village eart whoa Oh Kel Rick lost a Vil next two aren't just wood line but nice nice boar micro you can only pay attention in so many things correct yeah so Rath is about to hit castle age Dave so he will be the first one there it's pretty far ahead of everyone else but turkeys trading whoo I did say is I believe second-best here he is going to hit as well and he's Berbers Berbers is bigger but look at what look at what Ariane's already towering irene is pushing forward with towers I hope he doesn't go into that castle does he know he's gonna go mmm he might he doesn't know it's there oh he's gonna okay he's pulling the fat slob not an awful idea the towers a little bit weird but he probably thought twice about building another one oh he's allied with Turkey trading so he just needs to make market ah okay perfect that I don't know it's explored why is he walling back there I don't know maybe just wants a straight line probably just wants a straight line you know how annoying it is to make diagonal walls yeah things have to be straight in text look at those beautiful mining kitsch well not the mining camp apparently the mining camps not not all that straight but it's fine Sally and Snape snaps also behind with the castle age times Snape snaps is Burmese so they get the air and by Sally is malian so he can go for Geppetto's there's so many strong arranged options here a Rath is Spanish so he can go conks I mean I could go on and on here Snape's also has a really nice area if yeah it's secure like that whole point she's got the water around the edge if she could somehow wall between her and orange she's got I think would is it is gonna be a big deal here yeah for some players anyway not for like wrath but for some of the other players yeah just look at the importance of fishing I always try and stress this when we cast 16 fishing ships for Snape snaps zero farms 1,400 food that's crazy and she's got up fires kicking around to to protect her fish yep so what's fill stir up do you know what fill stir has more wood than anyone look at all the wood he has by his base compare that to Snape snaps and filters that late-game kind of guy Dave so he'll stockpile that up he might not be able to get to 20,000 stone this game but maybe 20,000 wood is a possibility he's also fishing which is smart why didn't he make a market why do you make a barracks in a blacksmith and sometimes you forget that's kind Davis I think because you've spoken to filter many times on discordantly you don't give him what's what's the what's the word here it's not yet he's not getting the kill Rick treatment yeah he's not getting the kill Erick treatment exactly you don't cut him as much slack Cal Rick he's already putting towers down in his goal to he's been watching some expert games maybe doesn't have the execution but he's got the tactics yeah man he wants to secure the golds he wants to secure the stones yeah it just needs his buildings and then he can advance of that Tower imagine being Rath you're on three T C's you're feeling good about your boom and then you see these random towers going up that's gonna be a small annoyance Rath is farming in downtown Austin right now yeah man right over the flag as well how disrespectful the City Hall people people get shot over that in Texas so what are they talking about I believe they're talking about a wrath no Diplo we got our first target if he does not join us we shall force him to join us I think they're talking about kill Erick yeah that's true he has a lot of people on neutral that's probably not the smartest play I'm on Team Keller here I want him to at least get fourth oh the last time I saw Carrick was that Eli in info bow game oh yeah he got he was stuck it was like this he was stuck in the middle of like four players no all right well so we're not trying to give Phil stir hard time but near Rico build your buildings and click up my dude finally builds a stable click up to castle age Phil's sir he is 2700 food he's gonna build a mill on the boars and the deer and always building two stables all right I think he also Walden that Eagle but then deleted it because he felt like being nice I see that yeah he's just like just showing you what I could have done on any signal to this board with all those yep alright just another day in the life of a Texan man you never know the board's gonna get you oh my goodness in Texas yes seriously just what you expect so it's a risky hobby Sally did build a castle very close Oh God very close to Ariana and look what's in Sally's castle Dave bits ARDS I think he said before he's like I could use a community mod yeah that's what he said yeah he did he wanted those elite petard oh he's chip betos honestly Malians are probably the e best sieve for sniping in castle age because Gepetto's do so much damage and you were you were talking about the Gold's for re on before in that castle there if he decides to yep go against some Orient's the first one up to Imperial age so maybe and look he's falling in he tried to wall in orange his fills but weren't got there first oh yeah you're right orange is gating it off he says no so it's it's pretty much kill or be killed right now I don't think this friendship is gonna last all that long dude Cal work started the trade what Joe Rick started the trade with with who with orange he's getting 11 gold per trip I don't see it huh whoa let's go hey in Texas it's all about having nice neighbors okay this is how you start that go over for dinner have some barbecue works out all tyrunt's are on the move oh the king is in the castle at the back which is good because those pitar don't be able to kill that so at this point do you want to lose your MTC or do you want to lose your castle which as your king here come the kobato's - oh no purple realizes he might not have enough petard here he only has now the king still might come oh my god he'll survive but the kobato's might be able to kill that bring the cast and there's one more petard as well yeah yeah and the petard goes down so that's a failed snipe oh no how did he survive man I couldn't tell it was the castle too low or did he just son garrison that that's kind of funny yeah it was risky business there but he is an imp as you said could maybe make a trebuchet or two and start pushing back Sally he's only got twenty six fills though and like all those hunt villagers on the Left have been idle for about like five minutes yeah I noticed that I thought they were at a meeting of some kind wrath is coming in on Carrick in that tower he's allied with them or neuter them that's not gonna do much there it's a rate he's getting a sama bro that tower is gonna be so much stronger now yeah but his trade it's gonna be cut off his trades gonna be cut off and you know what I don't think telluric has steel as enemy yeah he hasn't as neutral so his tower will not auto attack this like this map started slow but it's about to get ridiculous I know yeah look at look at Turkish trading we haven't talked about him much 130 population multiple castles now he could build a third and he's Berbers I think fool camel Archer beats everything that any other person can make Howry on he just needs to kill that one last Beto and hope that it doesn't take down his Trev it's the trebs gonna die oh that's unfortunate two trips down the drain with only 13 working villagers who that hurts to see well he has sorted his idle situation out so that's good but again the lack of gold he is no gold he has no wood it's not the best situation for him I like how Turkish has made his base nice and compact here yeah - like conserves but he's got a good urban planning department he does really does fill stir he's on a few TCS now I gotta hand it to fill cert he does get better every game because in other games he'd stay on one TC right so he's actually creating out of every TC now 50 villagers and he'll probably be at 100 in the next 10-15 minutes if he doesn't get attacked he's certainly not as fast as Turkish trading of course and he could turn on anybody at any time did Ariane lose a third trip to that one good bet he did oh my god that one competi so much valium is make a rat nurture man he made one he made two rats and archers I saw him making him and he he doesn't even have fletching so where's Snape's going snake he's in a transport she's going around the horn here Dave murder holes he just finished murder holes he killed the Geppetto Oh sick where's this transport seller wrath Oh at the North Niraj here it's just going for the relic how boring where is the relic I don't see one maybe it's a Jehovah's Witness Oh Cal Rick being sneaky he's attacked grounding Till's villagers with the Mega Man is still neutral with them so not gonna attack the trade cart or any villagers but it will that castle will kill them ah Snape's is going the whole way around to get that relic you gotcha our ancestry help me orange bullying me Sally says we can make up if I get to keep these gold piles deal dude those are his gold piles you're not keeping what is yours that's that's an awful deal I don't think Aryan could do anything about that though he said let me live and I will serve you and Sally says alright okay like Sally's just being mean at the moment the right of our end space that relic trying to wall it in like come on man I don't even see that heard of Ariane spit oh yeah our eons here my bed he's being greedy which is what he'll have to be if he wins yes oh boy Phil stirs in big trouble turkish trading just turned on now turkish Trading has his King already had his king with his camel archers you have to be careful that filter knows this is not going to be a good situation also Kell Rick might be in trouble here because there's a lot of Cavalier is soon to be paladin yeah wrath or is wrath gonna go for blue you might go for blue Mayans can't do really anything against that this is just like America man although all the big corporations just buying up all the land here Turk is trading in Wrath Carrick the trade survived the cat's away oh no better leave this castle and go into the TC Oh quick hit him again no not two yellows Castle no there's no way back wait he's out that's great yes he's in the castle way to go man no to the castle the trade will go down I don't think you can do it that's right the trades don't work back in the castle yep I freaking love Cal Rickman will the trade make it I don't know the castles attacking a stable there might be a chance here boom nice look at that man nobody else in this game can do that but tell Rick is he saying anything at this point it's focusing me he just says Turkish trading is attacking me it's pretty much it heavy breathing come yeah and pretty much it easy with his king is going down the Kings coming out to the front Phil sir my boy characters died I was just about the check he gets defeated and Phil sir you know he does have Raz Dave but it's not gonna be enough here he's gonna have to pull the kill ring you know get into a transport and just go on a final cruise you know just roll the rounds maybe these cruise lines yeah just just go over to quell Rick's land and hope no one sees you you know we haven't talked about Indy [ __ ] a lot at all this game and look at the plumed archers he has he needs help so yeah helps and plumes is what he'll meet especially because Rath is preparing seed ramen that's normally well Texas pride man Texas pride militia right here this actually doing it no attack the truck man don't attack the Kip no that's the key you can tell you can tell he had that oh [ __ ] moment as the King started scrambling back towards the cow [Laughter] all right well um you know Snape's maybe we haven't given her enough credit she has Aaron by she has held she's a 200 pop lots of res got all that space - yeah I don't think orange is gonna be a valuable ally to anyone I think that you know he hasn't been kind to Ariana and that's gonna hurt him Karma's gonna hit him soon either Turkish trading will kill him or Snape's yeah or just just really have anything built up a blue is dead there's no way versed paladins and seed rams he needed help he needed help yep yeah guys if you want to be plumed archers want to beat long bows beat those strong ranged units just add seed ramps it helps so much and pound enforce very strong and indie [ __ ] is defeated I didn't even see that did his King run into that group it must have yes no just as he was researching help as well it's a fast madman yeah very fast aggressive game Sally says this game is aggressive as hell I agree yeah readies doing such a good job like with map control look at him he's already on those golds yeah Phyllis er yep what look at his gold Dave yeah it's crazy 13,000 and he has the wood as well so he really can make Camel archers all game wrath Raths res is looking pretty good too and he's gonna take all of India turrets space but there's no well he's got the goats from filters base so he's got gold streak Wow and he also has two relics which helps and look what he's doing along the shoreline he's making watchtowers to prevent transports coming to snipers interesting I like it it would be funny to see someone go for a snipe on transports and lose it if you get heated shot yeah man Spanish get keep correct yeah okay and our young has a trade Kurt you started the trade that's all he can do basically except I'm not sure how well that's gonna go against all of these camel are true oh man get concern can we get some t90 cry emotes in the chat poor Ariane it's in the worst possible position orange picks on him and now Red's coming in after him nope he's got his King in a transport with four villagers all right yeah let's see okay go to Phil stirrers place he's allied with a lot of people so he can probably see what's free which is nice he's also got trade cogs just good okay so he's adapting he's going to water now what's up granny pumpkins he said first time here YouTube videos are the bomb so I had to check it out live well you if you're just getting here man this has been an aggressive Texas only game and let's get this funny enough there have been zero gunpowder units in Texas yeah imagine that yeah I'd say look at the Turks but I don't know yeah Rath he's getting ready for a push look at all this production buildings Rams the Paladin jeez oh there were Palmer canons that's true that works and he's playing it really safe as well where's his king yeah he's putting keeps around his king at least he's not going bombard towers that would suck if you if this there's money on the line or a ton of proceeds you'd want to go bombard towers but alright I'm pretty sure orange is picking a fight he can't win here he anomie dread oh he did and yeah and that's yeah Malian skirmishers not the best no it's kind of weird how he wanted to defend Ariane like okay I took your gold earlier and almost killed you but sure I'll defend you oh yeah it's coming back it's funny that's funny [Music] Phil sir your original castle was alive it just lost so much HP the King ran forward so you probably had your gather point for the King here because you were creating the boyars and the king went that direction speaking of Kings aren't sheen's to protect his man he's about to lose both of his castles he picked a fight he couldn't win yeah he needs a different unit cop if he's gonna do oh look at this flight Dave look at this fight between Snape's and Rath oh my god that's huge Wow and this is a fight that Snape's should win because she has helps and air by the sea tramps do soak up quite a bit of damage true that's true he gets in the choke point with there and by yeah she she's working on the upgrades with the helps as well if she gets 3240 helps in front at all times it would be a good situation but lacking the numbers of the halberdiers and the Paladin Hammacher now hanging close and auditors will wipe up the trebs in the air by Wow great stuff from RAF that's not easy to do against burmese remember Snape's has the resource it it honestly just comes down to pure skill here how many helps can you get how many air buys can you get take the the flights at the right time this is so good for turkish trading because he's not gonna have a hard time killing orange and the others are just fighting amongst each other and trading those resources away [Music] this is very USA like you know very few alliances just just kill everyone you can take their lands get their oil you know this this is very this is America right here all right it's all a puppet state come back later yeah exactly yeah it works out it works out I can thank the players later for being so realistic I love that emote everyone's typing Kate Kona its Ariane Ariane is allied now with red after red came in and killed all his stuff now they're allied together after orange defended him against red you know that kid in school growing up that everyone he was in your group of friends that everyone just totally [ __ ] on him all the time picked on him yeah every group had that that's what are you honest Oregon's been the nicest dude is well he didn't do anything to revoke these two and he's still like okay I'll be friends with you guys oh man and Sally says the two strongest are not interested in fighting that's actually not true everyone is fighting at the moment yeah I guess he just doesn't really know like what Snape snaps is doing Aaron just to clarify I'm not saying that I was okay with that situation but I think that that's cuz this one had it I wasn't a bad audience you're speaking to twitch viewers half of them were probably that guy I mean I was that guy so hey you know what would be juicy or some demos here I know that Burmese don't get the heavy demo anything would be juicy but house in this situation sweetest he says I'm disappointed not one of the players said yee-ha that's such a perfect username yeah cuz in Texas you're always having that sweet tea that's perfect for this man we need to get him again fair game where's oranges King is it in that cast they're outside he needs to start making some deals with neighboring countries oh he's right outside the castle he tried to garrison oh hey that's a monk I'm sorry it's in the castle it's in yellow sky so Snape's is going for elephant sound it's kind of working out for Snape's is back yeah she's doing a good job but I think the problem is Turkish trading will probably shift his focus toward Snape's once he's finished with ours well rathus shifted his focus towards turkish trading at the moon yeah if rath wants to play this smart he'll he will not focus on read it all here and red will kind of help them out indirectly you think so he's got the trade running alright he's just making more trade he's got the trade cogs no he's getting coinage is he gonna sling somebody please don't sling somebody come back into play man if he can secure some wood somewhere like maybe sneak up to fill stirs big oh speaking of that he's got a town center up in filter space he's gonna put down yeah let's go you know what when it comes to gaming so often it comes down to mindset and Ariane is so confident he's not repairing his castle damn it now he's repairing his castle I should have said that earlier maybe he's losing confidence yeah exactly the confidence is growing with every blow of the hammer yeah and he's still got some gold to take to yeah and like if he could get well he's Vietnamese and I'm right he doesn't so so Ariane he's just letting people run over a man he says finishing guild so he's he gonna swing somebody is he really gonna sling orange is he that good of a guy oh man this is getting too real mal once did enemy Turkish just to defend him yeah okay so mean okay you pick oh no he's Ariana's giving gold to Turkish drink the one guy well you know what though that might put Turkish trading on his side and right when Turkish trading least expects it arjan could come in with well I don't know with what yet but there's potential for a few things you could try and snipe with look it Snape's military right now and rat doesn't have anything over there she's building it up yeah wrath is definitely torn between the two sides because he's building up he's clearing out blues old base for space I mean Burmese should be Spanish in every way right you have the elephants you have champions which are better house which are better the one difference is paladin but I don't think powder will be enough what he could do is build docks and go for the elite cannon galleon his Spanish that would work out well in this little River here or this straight whatever yes yes oh Snape's and turkish making an alliance against rah red let's fight teal yeah this is one of those situations where since wrath saw more action and got more kills his score is higher and so that puts a target on his back Zach bucko welcome to the stream man it's good to see new faces coming in I know that as the string goes on more time zones can make it welcome our Toro all man the troll host got me I was gonna think it for the sub he hosted me for one viewer thank you Arturo fvh at chips think for the prime Apogee thank you for eighth granny pumpkins who again was new to the stream tonight welcome thank you for the new sub I think we're all caught up there so Dave who do you want to win not not who do you think will win yeah exactly I think Ariana's well I just stopped giving rez to people he's he's building stables now I know military production buildings that's what I'm saying dude it there's a chance cuz then 30 trade we haven't seen him at his best yet because he got killed off early on maybe he's a better late-game player than Viper yeah we just don't maybe yeah he's got that like what's the what's the saying if you can handle me at my worst yes yes I'm sure all the girls in Texas are sharing that on Instagram right now with like a little faded back yes exactly exactly Snape's and Saints the Turkish both pushing in yeah wrath is wrath is in trouble at this point I think the only the only way to get out of this situation because he can't match the population of the to attack um it's just to talk you know say listen you guys are to be wanting me I don't have gold just say something Bluff a little bit if you have to see it's good to make Ford production buildings but wrath has too many at the moment yeah he's producing out of the wrong ones yep and Ariane says my lord I will help you alright who are you gonna send it to this time alright if they team up on you oh he's gonna send it to wrath yes seriously if he wins this game he will be a legend you called it before the game you said this is gonna be a legend video we'll see man dude his economy red hair his economy is definitely more diverse I will say that he has to trade cogs he has to trade carts he has wood from different areas so is more more he's more culture and more culture so he's experiencing different parts experiencing different parts of Texas and everyone knows everyone knows don't even try and deny it Texas is one of the host culture hyper diverse places restaurants so is that we're all del possum I have the feeling I'm sorry to to those who live in Texas I'm sorry if this is the last video you watch for me it was a good run it was a good run we've just lost all of our Texas audience he's got 40 tradenow area he is 136 pop all in that little tiny triangle of a man if only he wasn't a sieve like Vietnamese if only he could do something else he's got the Battle of fits dude they lack husband jury maybe he has to snipe he has I mean they're gonna wrath is gonna take a lot with him going down like looki he's making the bomber towers now yeah they'll got plenty of wood in his face that he can take his so got gold he's taking like Snape snaps and Turkish are gonna fight each other eventually and Rath is gonna take forever to die I just wonder if this will change at some point if they honestly it's all down to Ariane if Ariane were to attack anybody this could change how the game unfolds and a look Snape says together we can fight red and Snape's is asking wrath for peace and our eons like guys I'm part of the group too Snape's is making petard x' as well is she planning to sue for peace and then make a beeline into rats face maybe [Laughter] guys all cats I'm getting ready to destroy this [ __ ] red oh my goodness Sally says that's the spirit of the law I don't know if Spirit would be so vulgar but let's go XS balls on this guy [Laughter] let's go I told him to play like he lived in Texas yeah now we really made a mistake as casters we didn't read that with enough of an accent we should have read every bit of chat from this game in an accent God who do you think I am Donny I can't do accents so that's all on you 52 trade now for Arya Arya can't attack too quickly you can't can't do it he's gotta wait he's got away by December he's gonna be the hidden like he's gonna be the dude who waits in the dark yeah he is the man who knocks that's what I'm saying oh yeah totally totally nan teal skills 531 kills by far the most still has the gold as you said Dave if he has an alliance now he could consider training as well that would be pretty awkward and these towers have definitely been useful this is why I said build Bob our towers earlier he's even using the bills big Texas balls using the bills to kill the trebs and turkeys trading while he has the resources he just cannot push the Spanish player it's stop dude it's really tough you need like grams and trebs and Bob air cannons yeah everything hmm so Snape's she's gonna make a move soon yes I think Korean has the highest pop in the game can we just appreciate that wha here's the highest pop in the game Wow and he's making trebs dude he's gonna he's gonna go for that sneak approach so let me ask those in the twitch chat and Dave I want your opinion as well what looks more suspicious having six tables with flags on them or having this group of elephants what would be the smarter move I think either is suspicious yeah you have to have 60 stables and you gotta be ready to go flash it's time I was thinking the flags would be more suspicious but you're right I mean both are pretty bad bad sight for red maybe if you had the elephants in a different location it'd be different do you know what else arjan has all the wood that I said fill stir could use yep so players Ariane doesn't have a lot of wood right now at his main base so it's good that he tea seed there what about Rath we're still talking late-game but he doesn't have as known as trees look at to the bottom right okay yeah you're right you're right Snape's Snape's has to move forward for wood so we're still we're still talking 20 30 minutes game time so that becomes an issue Turkish trading is a time yeah he has a ton of everything he's really painted up well like all Reds even taking wood in Turkish trading space right now he's fully PopCap 52 trade arjan just changed him to enemy are eons going for it Dave and he's a tuck in the house his man your trade lines gonna die Orion yes your trading partner now he did I saw him sending some trade over to Snape's so maybe he's trading there he's also trading on waters we see that trade cog passing well I think it was it was too early like this this is not the collective yeah yeah they need to go together for sure and red knew it was coming he started building up unit to the back yeah he knew this was coming he expected it no wrath is coming from the north - he's gonna get sandwich yeah that was skate yeah I I know he has the resources but 7000 Gold's is not a lot when you're in this situation it really isn't and what he needs to hold on to is his castle numbers he's down the six now we could lose well he could lose these three castles and his King is in one of them so he needs to be very very careful yeah he's loose someone to Snape's now - it's down to four castles this is just a classic diplo game it was a standard free-for-all Turkish trading might be okay he probably will be but because it's Diplo you have to say the right things you have to butter them up you know put a pecan pie on their doorstep every now and then it's pecan it's it's it's pecan pie come on man everybody in Texas knows that kid boga when he he says pecan Sandies that's where I got it from he when he does his uh his voices so I'm gonna blame kid bogan even if I lose I take you with me purple let's go turn doesn't even care man he's building a castle right within range of those treads yeah he's that confident I mean again I wouldn't be but hey maybe I'm not a man of reason you really need to delete his walls though you know yeah but it's kind of helping him at the moment it's not letting any of the camels yeah the camel archers are also on the front so Snape's is demolishing his base right now now this is where teal needs to turn on Snape's I think would be the smart Diplo decision orange with all this light cab yeah orange moving in hey there Malian Lightcap now where is the King for purple is it back in that original castle it is and he says how do you feel now smart red oh man the trash talk he is to be careful man he has to be careful cuz I feel like you talk this much then people want to kill you after red you know man if I survived everything Arya and survived I'd be talking this is true this is true you don't mess I feel bad for Turkish raiding he's to beat least three be ones actually four be ones and he's against elephants it's and Sally says crush him with that evil face with the evil face as well took the time to type that I guess he doesn't have the eco to worry about so just making like death hmm so Rath has a lot more map control which will help out in late-game Snape says the better units though Snape's does have the better units and she still has the rez what happens from here are injen and purple are still pretty weak I know I know Purple's done a good job here but in terms of resources he doesn't have a lot orange also doesn't have a lot so do the top dogs better or what Red's King is on the run is he allied with fill stir oh my god those are so pro that he Garrison's the villagers earlier expecting red to flee at some point and he got the snipe those stirs in the twitch chat he's like yes [Laughter] that's why he chooses Frank's men that's why so he can build enough castles just for moments like that this time he only needed slabs what a pro the Turkish training was pretty good yet anyway immediately enemy teal and teals actually got Snape's base with transports and bumper candies what the King is inside that way hold on is that Oh Snape's has her King on water no that's that's orgeous Kat is our just king yes and I don't know I really don't think the rock expects though the King is now on the move and the King should survive what an epic play from wrath I did not see that one coming oh jeez and you know if if wrath research is treason he will see that the king is on water as I say that Snape's realizes it's probably a better decision to hit lands that would have been an epic night Snape's has got some trade cogs run into there not too bad on this map actually yeah they're not it's a lines going look at oranges like cab they don't know what to do you know if you want really fast with the light kevin jump you could probably clear about 10 tiles so maybe if the candy galleons getting close enough you're okay what is this equestrian or just skip the horses can skip they're not that heavy what's up waffle Joel so this this actually sucks for Snape's because you can't trade on lands now I'm just like how is this gonna play out here I have no idea you had only who's the advantage again if if wrath was Burmese and Snape's was Spanish then I would probably say wrath gets the win eventually but this is buying some precious time for Ariana I feel like I feel like Ariane has a stronger bond like Ariane and orange have a stronger bond than Snape's hasn't either those two which is really weird because Ariane oil-like sally was the one who first attacked Ariane that's what's weird yeah but he issued a public apology did you not see it in that show he said I want to publicly apologize for attacking our Eman well no I think it's gonna be those two going after Snape someone's Snape smocks up wrath here if she can anyway I mean I don't really know how things work Sally let's light a way to waste Yello yes he as you said man he's the puppet master he's pulling the strings here to the Petyr Baelish here man who wants to kill teal and yellow before turning on orange Till's coming in again with those cannon galleons he doesn't have any follow-up units though and teal is allied with purple so purple is still a trade he might be able to get that King if if orange is careless okay orange sees it yeah but it's just like to have so it's not like he can stay here forever let me recover I come in in two minutes yeah what's his total [ __ ] by the way yeah he's just Minds gaming it up and when you're engaged in the battle like Snape says you don't have time to look at the mini-map and see how well purple was doing you just take them for their word I haven't seen this combination of like stealth and falls at the same time I know he didn't give up I like to remind everyone watching this at one point arjan said okay this is over and he transported his King and villagers away and then five minutes later he came back he goes okay I think we've gotta do this [Music] I know so Snape's tapes is doing quite a good job I do think you have to stop making the elephants Naldo make champions and halberdiers and then you're good because elephants they're just too expensive despite how strong they are yeah I don't know there's still like it's still decent there's still trade well against the hell but here is just whether you have the gold to keep up the production yeah but you would think I think champs would be a bit smarter right may she have the research well wrath has three relics I'd like to remind everybody of that Snape says - I'm just checking his markets and his docks I don't see trade cogs being created so eventually he'll just be relying on those relics which is actually quite decent it just makes a mouse now Sally's getting back into the game - he's making an eco we're Turkish used to be yeah and he's building up so he's gonna be a factor here pretty soon nope for a while I thought Sally was just being a big old jerk but now I'm kind of on Team Sally and Ariane you know look at how many elephants Ariane has this is crazy Vietnamese elephants their bonuses that they get extra HP so 370 HP he has more resources than everyone he's trading on water still with these fancy trade cogs with is it Phil stirs doc Phil stirs doc so no one will expect that he could do this man The Legend of Ariane is this gonna be it he's making production buildings forward to his design the only thing I'm concerned about with him is that King yes the Kings in an awful position yeah I was thinking that as well he isn't a nice position to maybe Stonewall up a lot the peninsula helps him out there who researched reason is that Ariane I don't know actually I didn't hear the alert so it would have been him yet whose point of view were you on I was on Sally's yeah okay so it's probably Ariane and Snape's xed his elephants that said use I think you got to be a bit nervous about that same yeah yeah see now if Ariane doesn't make a move within the next five minutes Snape's might appeal the teal and say hey we're the only two fighting we should ally and kill the other two because they're up to some funky business planning against us see is REM gonna start moving towards teal wait till Snape's engages and then double back where can you can you afford to kill Snape's and have to deal with teal though that's the thing like you can't be happy go ahead you could theoretically fight Snape's like elephant against elephant and you got orange kicking around in her base - yeah but against teal like with all this barbaric cannon or towers and stuff you got to go for teal teal is definitely the strongest here and if he doesn't decide soon again this could really bite him in ass he's trading would have snails hmm what if Snape's and teal gang up against Ariane yeah that's what I'm saying he has to make a move soon and and Snape's is getting impatient she says purple the sec is here Foucault Snape says I'm not going to do your work for you either attack yeah it she'll probably say or die so I do like this a lot we see this more often now in community games where people will say they don't have rez or they don't have pop so he's trying to buy himself some time here he is plenty of gold's probably more gold than anyone Snape's getting too much advice from her girlfriends man if he doesn't commit you know I can see your army right furfle yeah this is true but every second is precious for Ariane because still yellow and two are wasting razz verse each other audience has given her the silent treatment kay let's go CEO killed half my eco with his bomb bomb bards I believe Ariane is speaking to Snape's and again I do think it would be the play to attack teal yeah you changed okay he's going against Rath okay and his going against Pratt and teal is coming in with Cisco with those pallets is he trying to kill Snape's king somewhere where he sleeps King just right in there it's just sitting there it's just children she had castles she lost them to the cane and galleons shapes shapes shapes oh god she's gonna die Wow top ten greatest anime portrayals unreal and now this gets real interesting because Rath he has to fight purple and orange Ariane I thought he was gonna be the first one out he's made it to the final three and Rath says oops and that only happened because Rath killed that castle with it yeah and then the King went there he sent the paladins at the same time what a play yeah really epic stuff I mean just like all that I respect you as a man he gave him the heads up this is Texas right now yeah man this is a great game hmm there's some amazing ways this can end we could see a transport Dave or because remember came for eons in an awful position where's oranges king at actually it's hard to even find a place where he is equal just king is in the is in the castle on the left yeah we're just playing orange has got the defensive pattern going for for our en space it's defending against these paladins coming in geez man he also has the fish traps they block the Canaan galleons from getting close to the castle and it's teal at a gold now teal set of gold he's not trading his not mining yeah it's just a matter of dealing with the waves of elephants he does have the wood and food to make the helps but he's only down to 110 population yeah but you have to make this personally count Ferrari on you have to have siege behind this otherwise you'll eventually lose everything well like the thing with teal is he has no way to get gold now yeah so he can't even if he beats the wave off that's not a bad but even if he manages to survive the first wave of elephants yeah can't really push push back well I think with three relics you could go helps in seed RAM which currently would beat everybody you know so if you can go helps and see Jeremy use all your gold for seed RAM then you might be okay I am really seeing a follower problem yeah he has six K right now and he could take some Snape's maybe I don't she doesn't have any actually really take on the left next to Phil stirs Castle he has some okay but you know who has more re on he has more wood and he has more balls he is the full package geez well um yo wrath has definitely fallen back out for this definitely falling back we're not sending in more equalities - is he coming with cannon and this out yes he is arjan you have to notice this man now luckily if he doesn't notice oh wait oh the king's castle yeah all right well-played Snape's can we get some some F cinema chat to pay respects to Snape's that was so unfortunate yes here lately oh man good great play from wrath no to get you're getting there and wrath has made such good use of the water man it's not easy to do he tried to run in with powtoons he tried to do the same thing as before Dave you see this he's running towards oranges castle and Purple's castle they're prepared for this look how much for bro look how much of a bro Sally is he's making galleons to defend against the cannon galleons yep and I think this brings us back to is tio running out of options because I don't think he can push that I think it has to be a slow push where he eventually kills all the production buildings and starves the opponents out but his Navy presence will not do much orange is chasing him down these galleons are so beautiful by the way I love Malian galleons Malian galleons yet has it has a jingle to it it's kind of jingle yo Snape's time that account out I got this know what this grill do yeah time that account out all right we'll cut her some slack well cut her some slack it's alright Snape's it's good general genuinely curious people in the chat like what does this oh it gives me a virus it's so weird I think I might need to make it so links can't be posted in the chat unless it's permitted by mods cuz I'd hate to hear somebody getting hit by that oh geez look at these pointy boys go Dave yeah I know I was watching that and all he has is light cab there to defend it but luckily he's got his teammate yeah like oh man they've done such a good job defending each other and there's they're right next to one another as well so you know there's gonna be a heartbreaker they're just BFFs they are BSF BFFs for sure whatever that is I'm sure that's what they call in Texas hmmm subscriber only links would work Oh is there a way to do that I didn't even know that look at me approach which partner yeah that would work for sure if I had known that existed I would have done that a long time ago all Dave important point wrath is killing the trade carts from Ariane which is still running really good job keeping water control here yep but Ariane has a lot of trade cogs at the north so yeah he's diversified he is that her side for sure I mean Sally wow that fish boomed from Sally I know how who needs lands man who needs lands Wow and he's also killing the Lumberjacks from wrath next to Phil stirs base wrath only has 3,000 wood and he's running away from this so he knows it's important God could this is actually gonna hat I can't oh yeah what I said Ariane was gonna win I didn't mean it I know this is awesome I never thought he was gonna be able to do it eventually they see things and I just say it to say it well yeah so I think Dave you and I we do a good job with this we just plant a seed in the viewers mind right so as they're watching they're like always there away could do it you know but at that time I didn't I couldn't think of a way holy cow yeah but it could be orange as well because look how close the castles and kings are oh how much of a betrayal would that be I'll be saying everything he's done I know I know the beginning the middle and then the end would be such a plot that M night Shyamalan would be taking notes I think what we need to do is we need to get this game and just cut it into episodes so The Legend of whoever you know episode 1 2 3 & 4 just break it into 10 minute segments because there's been so many plot twists in this match yeah find out what happens on the next exciting episode axis AOC some guy some guys watching for tonight video she's like Oh Texas AOC all yeah what's that about it sounds exciting yeah just put a free v buck up there you go yeah instant views look look at the effort that the elephant's the like cap teaming up together great unit compositions here rats at a residue I mean credit to Rath man yeah for sure wrath has been the best player but what he didn't have was an alliance he could have used Snape's earlier of course it's putting a lot of pressure on him to notice things but he's definitely played better but that's not it's not how the world works sometimes high teams as you know you lose now orange always trying to play the game you still playing the game yeah I don't pray sir this kills our trade got to move in Oh wrath look at this trash-talking back he says you guys know there are other units besides elephants and like calves [Music] alright sorry on says I'll make champions well are eons last engagement we were talking over it that was awful he tried to kill the monastery he lost so many elephants that was so bad his gold counts still looking good though yeah but his trade he has 35 trade carts and he's only getting another they're being killed now rat this killing oh my god that's sick that is sick it's like he sees everything it's the orange allied with you and I think orange is allied with tea I was just gonna say that because it's like are eons not trusted this is another episode cut it off right here we will find out what happens next see you guys next week on Thursday night this is another cut oh my god I didn't know Texas would be so interest yeah I thought it'd be rather bland no offense Texas I do see Sally's banking up the trade carts and Ariane and orange are talking about where they can trade safely it's there any wood left on the mat there's some in the middle there just buy wood if your art I just saw him out starve him out man a OE to economics you just buy up all the wood God Ariane is getting the champion upgrades but all his trade is dying no he's not gonna have the gold yeah well maybe not all of his trade he's losing some trade to the fires but look at orange orange is helping out on water despite not having gray sir well actually he needs to get chemistry but he still had the numbers there well all of his trade is going through the fires so yeah yes this is true great positioning of the fires as well so many small things Rath has seen this whole world man or this whole state wrath that's making three markets up at the top and emailing yeah he's gonna go there cuz he's killing the walls from Snape's the palisade walls and he's gonna go to the market from Orange well sir trade either orange or yellow teal only you can read this Oh another plot twist he says I'll help you it so who do we root for this is wrath deserves it somehow Sally is still alive I thought for sure Turkish trading and Snape's would kill him he said for now I can't betray purple I'm too weak there's so many betrayals all this is beautiful God man Ariane like you were the hero but you live long enough to see yourself become exactly man and he doesn't expect a thing he doesn't expect a thing can you send me a little wood you know what this could play out good for Sally because Sally's in the position that Ariane was in on episode 3 and Ariane was ally Ariane in episode 3 was ally with everybody and was reaping the benefits and now that's not the case oh man like oh dude I don't know how many people in the twitch chat feel privileged to be watching this game live this is amazing I feel privileged to be casting this should have had it USA Cup yeah you know it the only area where players can get what it's worth pointing out is huh well there's left and then there's one couple in the middle yeah and then there's like one at the south end and you know what's interesting so sally sally's playing this really smart purple pings the villagers and aren't just like oh [ __ ] hope he's gonna see that I'm not enemy to teal so he enemies teal and attacks the Vil's and he says he painted this I'm sorry now will he ally him again yeah he's gonna extend him he kills the Lumberjacks and then he's going to send him wood this is this is some next-level thinking here so he's gonna be reliant on orange well for wood I guess but but I just I think this is really smart play from orange because he knows that that arjan would expect something or suspect something don't worry orange says Ariana it's like it will take time he doesn't know about the side chick Oh God so Ariane now is heavily focused on water to protect his trade he's also blocking his trade but there's at least trade Sally is gonna have he said it's okay I fish boomed up he's gonna food for ages with those fish traps yeah and he's making like dev it's a good long-term investment free real estate Elias thank you for the $5 donation he said Road rodeo of thrones maybe that's a good name for this I'm not sure yet I'll have to run it by the the panel afterwards Rocket 1347 thank you for five months dude you're welcome for the great content a 1.0 No thank you for the new sub - thank you for eight he said Texas is greater than force nothing actually said Texas is less they enforce meth but they're kind of equivalent Robo Thank You 423 and trio thank you for the brand-new sub man what a game is this like the stretch of like the bridge episode in like in like season three where it's all character development yes no action yes you were gonna betray me I think I'll run down my like Kevin is something don't be afraid of them yeah so orange again is faking this he's going to sacrifice his like calves which we know he can spam for days just to make purple think that he is on his side when in reality I guess orange is on both people's sides but look at such a sad boy right now he's like I think you're gonna betray me you're not attacking villagers I will betray you I swear yes see exactly and now look now the villagers are getting killed off and aren't is gonna sacrifice the Lightcap this is brilliant this is brilliant thinking this is amazing diplomacy we talked about the puppet master before that was I was again in season 3 now we're in season 9 and Sally he is the puppet master Sally all along Oh God there's probably a few people who were killed off earlier and they're just sitting back enjoying this like I'm not even mad I'm not even mad I'm dead this is amazing the only way this could get better is if one of them on Garrison's his King and runs it in to kill Erick steezy is the old posters castle yeah so look he's going to sacrifice this and he also sent resources to raft at the same time so wrath trust him because of this and purple trusts him because of this this is amazing this is incredible Oh purple as champions now has bad news bears for yeah I just wonder if raps trade boom is gonna pay off he does have 19 trade cards dude he's getting 80 gold per trip with three relics he can hold off he just needs to mix in hand cannons but he doesn't have wood so yeah that could be an issue arjan should be able to see that though because he's not like me Snape's should be able to see that maybe if he sends his Navy over there you could yeah you're right he's not he you know what he's not seeing that oranges market is the destination for Till's trade carts and now he's asking for wood and Sally tributes wood I I think that if he were to get to a conquistador because he has a few castles elite conquistador that might be the best play because it doesn't cost wood conquistador and help good work man maybe I don't know maybe so sniping unit well I mean just to deal with the champions maybe it's also a great sniping unit so I really just don't know where you go from here because the second someone betrays this whole game is going to turn upside down who I think who has to make the move first teal is obviously playing this straight up trying to push purple Ariana's got to shut that tree down yeah Arion has to bring his Navy over shut it down he can bring it right to the markets from teal yeah you can bring it to the market from Orange he is even trading with you now he sees it oh okay yeah that that was the tell what yes because technically you could trade with an enemy if they didn't realize so now how to Sally do this no okay see that was probably the wrong choice of words you say it like that it definitely looks like it so he needs to delete that market or something just just you know continue the ruse he's gonna kill that tree is he gonna kill the tree how is he gonna kill the trade will he send his Navy over and he might Willy tell wrath like hey I'm gonna kill some of your trade this is just he's sending his light cab over to kill the trade and re on with the real talk no more bluffs from re on he says listen I'm not a good player I have no way to win versus late flu by myself so he's about to say we need each other men I need you re answer s is looking really strong here I know but the rest from Sally is also Sally has wood which is a big deal because the map is almost dry yeah what's the price of wood it's not expensive players aren't thinking ahead you have Rath is buying it right now okay some up yeah smart move so how many trade carts is Sally actually gonna kill here is they actually gonna kill any or is he just gonna run around with those like yeah and how long is rath gonna let this continue you know Rath has lost lumberjacks he's lost he'll lose trade next it's a very fine line that's no no now the Navy is coming over to the markets the Navy is coming what dude this is an excellent use of the neutral stance and diplomacy because every unit he he selects he can kill but he doesn't auto attack everything very rare that you see neutral utilized like this it's normally at least in my eyes seen as a waste they respect the map he said I bet Dave is having fun watching this and then Sully says this is what he wanted yeah and this is an amazing game now honestly guys not to sound conceited or anything but games like this are also good because of the casting I think if we just watch this we just be sitting back like and whatever so the players they might not be thinking that this is an amazing game for viewers but damn what a game I've never seen someone killed trade so slowly yeah but he's doing it knows what's up man he's like look orange I could kill you with these elephants but I won't as orange makes petard in that castle so oh my god they're both thinking about it and wrath is wrath is sitting back like I've Spanish trade he's sending me wood Wow arjan is actually looping around he's going for the cannon galleons yeah maybe think this is amazing it's more cannon Kelly it's coming from the south as well from Wrath but Ari answer with Kelly oh it's just cannon galleons oh this is bad and also armed those are Spanish kind of galleons they can wipe that up thank you well teal needs to because teal needs to continue to trade with orange this is actually probably good for orange because he doesn't have to do the work so wrath will still trust him look at how sneaky look at how sneaky that is he went right past the galleons hmm he's going oh he just snuck by this is where we needed T 90 passings in the chat blue coffee was here earlier he would be proud Wow oh man purple purples on edge - he knows it's coming he knows it's coming at some point but I don't think he suspects this way at all so do you go for purple or you go for orange because orange does have the Navy so you could surprise him well where do you send the kite send the King directly to the middle of the map right now there's good and right here this could end right here because if orange get sniped and I think he will unless he makes a transport real quick purple could then get sniped by teal oh my goodness what a series finale you are not making efforts don't listen if they can if they can make it past this flight they can make it through anything he says this relationship I mean I feel cooked and teals just workin his way and then slowly Sally you better choose your words carefully all the time it could be perfect I'm telling you if they if they turn on each other in teal comes in and kills purple he said don't do it what else going to say what else you going to give them this is a reality TV I know it won't end well for either of us goodness we need to replay this whole game with voice actors for the chat oh and hold on Rath says move to Orange so aren't she's just stalling for teal oh wait does the light gap so orange could go for the kingsnake deep there's two to betos there - there's two two petals this is flashbacks to season one or that you better was sitting underneath the castle oh my god and purple sleeping I'm a man he says oh my god this is an amazing Diplo game and here comes teal now there are two castles he has to focus on the one with the King but he's so many hears so many oranges orange is playing this off is he defending no no see faking it he is oh and there goes the King Orange sniping Orange you can snipe him oh man purple trusted orange and it paid off he trusted him he said I'm a man I'm gonna this relation you not how I thought for sure orange was gonna turn oh my god and now wrath must what wrath knows he's betrayed I didn't expect that man what deal changed the plans oh man that you know the director of this show needs a raise man that was quite a flawed twist there are some things more don't betray him god I can't get over this would it be too clickbait to call this the best Diplo game ever I I don't think so I think it would be accurate this is absolutely incredible and teal is running in with a few paladin's to raid the trade now and I do feel slightly bad for Rath because he has been the good guy all game he thought he thought for a second I think they'd all thought it was gonna have yeah I think orange Aliyah last second change of heart that's what it was no cuz purple walked away from his castle before he even saw the canon guys he said I trust you I won't attack you were bros then - just he couldn't he couldn't bring himself to do it purple would have never left if purple would have never uttered those words I trust you he would have died so what's going on here so who is teal talking to he says we allied hurry up then you taking forever I assumed that he was still talking to orange yeah it's really difficult to play that off look yeah bro listen I'm trying to help you kill him and we're playing the long game here that's why I killed your ships really hard to play that one off they could kill him right now they could probably take him who raft yeah yeah yeah I think so because he doesn't have trade oh no Kel rixty sea died come on what you doing man our gun says go sleep because what's coming is gonna be ugly rat says make something to kill me you have 400 pop goodness please please no one true yeah yeah if there's a drop here I'll have to edit this [ __ ] I don't want to do that it might be a pause I'm actually going to message Ariane whoops I just sent him a friend request I think he deserves that by the way if you die cuz this could could happen don't close removing alright it's fine I am I hate saying that's people mid-game hate reminding them because they're probably like oh ho am I gonna get sniped but I think it's necessary it was probably a pause so you see you see what purple is attacking he's attacking Snape's his market already worse and Till's trade oh and it's a fresh batch right out of the oven oh they just melts I could have also been talking about cookies there forgot another upgrade again and now he's getting plate parting and chemistry it's alright man you've done a good job you've done a good job don't be ashamed here man did somebody drop no this is just the pause caching oh thank god wrath is gonna run out of wood here man he's got no one else feeding of wood yeah doesn't have a sugar daddy I'm pretty sure he expects this he did say come kill me you have 400 pop they just need some rams get some Rams in there or some trebs to just camp next to the trebs this bomber towers orange said he was making rams okay here they go so as we as we as we shift towards the next episode what should the mindset be for orange and purple because they know teal is on the ropes waiting do you make in the rhythm well they made it through the hump in their relationship they did like they cross that that divide and I think they're stronger than they've ever been I know and that's the problem because circumstances are about to change they're never he says however it man I'd like for you to know it's still a better love story than Twilight poof definitely it's deep how can you betray that I know I wouldn't so there's got to be a ceremonial ending to it all then or they could just live together in harmony this game will never end God babes like nope don't like that idea no thanks Sally is about to kill a bomb mark cannon or bombard tower with villagers sappers man yes got it and it's red but yeah villagers oh look at the paladins from the last ditch effort from wrath going for the castle from aria it's not gonna work out yeah it's not gonna work out it's worth the attempt I think yeah he gets it halfway down and to lose everything close though close what a plot twist that would have been and now he's what 38 pop he probably sacrifices the king here and I I do apologize guys for the little bit of lag and the speed changes that's just because they paused at some point it happens we aren't watching this live it is also 20 year old games so almost as old as this love story I know well Age of Empires 2 is is lasted it is reboot I think that this relationship with well it has shown it can do that and oh oh there goes the king now is orange why is he building buildings years is he going to defend she no where's the King going transport he doesn't have the wood for a transport he's just chillin he's he's gonna wait til the relics get him enough gold to then buy wood buying up enough wood for a transport well that's his only play he doesn't have any Lumberjacks right oh he is one lumber camp which has not been built yet he could delete that but he won't realize that I mean if orange wanted to he could easily kill purple right now yet see all week that's what I'm thinking you have to make the move now it has to be prepped God if he does that after everything that's happened this game oh boy Arion has survived so now there is yeah I know I know seriously there is one thing if this castle goes below the point where things can remains garrisoned it does have the gather points it on the next castle yeah and without any ranged units i think that sally will struggle this night that if he's not on the ball so it depends on his positioning [Music] it's gonna end soon I assume that you were correct he will probably bring a transport over or purchase one he hasn't yet maybe it's just gonna die like a man maybe he went to sleep was it him trying to cross trying to cross the border man oh no he bought wood okay yeah there we go so the longer he survives he actually changes how things could pan out because his score is still really high and he hasn't mind her complained or acted like he was dead so players might assume that he still has a fighting chance and so the Alliance of Ariana and Sally might might kick on for a little bit longer Sally knows we've had our misunderstandings but the small guys won and then Sally I have an idea to end it after we kill Oh are they gonna do the transport ship oh yeah adorable and rates' Sal you better win when I die he's sending his King to the north they're talking about how to commit suicide guys we put the Kings in that's not a love story that would be that would be different I think they're gonna go for it what an ending that would be wrath has 13 population he knows he has no chance and he is me he'll survive for a while out here can you do can you do one of those polls in the chat for which Kings gonna die first okay do I have it here I could actually okay let me we're gonna put wrath on view lock see if that works it won't because he's not the host let's just get a quick poll going here soon I'm gonna have a system where I could do this I can have a mod do this on the fly one second so I'm going to need input from the chat make this interesting there should be a poll on the screen there type of one in the chat for Sally's pink dying first and a - inner chat for Ariane now taking both of them just got treason and they're chasing them they're there they know exactly where he is alright so again guys if you're watching this on the stream you can type a number in the chat benefit of doing this live Oh God Oh God rats about to go down the the - that will remain assuming wrath does die are apparently going to make an arena the transport is still alive but not for much longer few chips yep and that's gonna be the end that's all no ballistics yeah guys I think a played yeah I think wrath is worthy of just as many salutes as votes that was pretty incredible and Fiorina is now being prepared in the center oh my goodness remove the overlay make this make this vital this is the epilogue this is the final like bonus bonus episode and Dave I don't know if you've been paying attention to the votes but 49 percent think Sally's came with I first 51 percent think Ariana's king will die first so it is very close and there's nothing stopping one of these two to just turn and cheat and use light keV but yeah maybe love love is stronger than you like keV wow that vote I need some pop spaces Sally these pops pays for a trip come on man does anybody else watching this have a vote because I kind of want to see this go 5050 I'm gonna close it out here in a second so it's not covering up the screen who so one trip Ariane has already prepared it I used to actually sent over to trebs that's not fair should be one Sally is now winning 53% verse forty eight percent that's pretty close I'm gonna close this out Sally's King gonna die first oriented Sally fifty-three percent think that Sally's King will die first I I will go with I want where Ariane to win after everything I want him I don't know man I really liked him in seasons one through three but then seasons three through six leading up to now Sally's yeah remember when he started to turn into the bad guy and like season eight and then season nine he came along and he proved his trust and his love and he made the first move yeah there were differing opinions on that on the forums I don't know I'm kind of on that side that disagrees with you Dave we need a we need a fan thick Oh what again now Ariane has Kings they're building a wonder here this is wonderful goodness just get it over with oh that's killing the elephants no it has to be it has to look good man this is a season finale can't just get it over with but Arya needs to delete one of his traps no there's the second trap coming from Orange this one to the left wow so Dave and I have been casting together for three years we've never casted this situation so this will be a new experience for us a second are you ready to in this quarter we have the underdog arjan ended this quarter coming in le coming in with 21 wins 7 losses oh goodness so to trebs then now can you attack round an ally King Shh No Shh one last word it was an honor for me to to play with you someone's cutting onions oh man at 23 33 we enemy they're just gonna attack the buildings they're not gonna attack the Kings I would be kind of funny can you can you dyes an ally if the unit is your you your own unit can't die I don't know if that's what I was thinking of I don't know if you can use the attack ground with the trebs and kill an ally King so no moving just shoot now you got a move moving mmm I take ages you camp but no I did take ages Oh Sally Siddeley and Sally you got an attack man come on if they're gonna move around they need to make this arena smaller come on oh my god this villager is ruining that the thumbnail come on why is she standing there you know ever gets the wonder up first [ __ ] just wind well in that case it will be Ariane oh my god that was close see that's the thing how do you cast this right how do you cast this this is unreal that was real close they are Dave they're still allied I don't think that they'll die no they won't they won't you just yeah yeah so and Ariane realizing arias you know his life flash yeah his life flash before his I gotta be neutral they're gonna be neutral and then they can do it yeah well you better be careful just how much you're typing here because if they change you to neutral or enemy we might need to be enemy to each others yeah let's do it okay do not pack up your trebs man you got to be prepared unpack first all right I can't I I just can't watch the timing be on par with the Wonder both packing okay so they're both gonna pack up at the same time and attack yeah I guess so now that you have to make sure your other units or not getting involved here there's an elephant yes is ready yes oh I'm so ready for now the real battle pique I know and they are moving them as well so all this is just beautiful or heartbreaking however way you want to look at it come on dude arjan you gotta focus the game oh he's realized you could go real next level and start blocking the other king from running a certain direction like there Trevor shouts oh my goodness Sally wins the game oh my god the one trebuchet was the fake the other one applies the finishing blow what a game whoo I don't know what I don't know whose mind is more blown minor that king's that was an incredible game nobody expected Ariane and Sally to be friends circumstances brought them to be enemies early on in life and they found a real bond and they finished it off in a special way I think this is the beginning of a beautiful French I between these two I think so goodness I'm just thankful to the teeth I can't go to the achievements next guys we chose freakin Texas of all maps Texas of all maps brought us this game and no offense to any Texans out there but I was not expecting this at all wrath he played amazing all game Turkish trading did as well Snape stood as well those were the three leaders in this game nobody expected anything different except for a win from one of those three and we had amazing Snipes but most of all just amazing puppet string action from the two who made it to the final play on real man Sally says that would have lost with a smile on my face too this is just getting more and more beautiful I'm starting to tear up I'm starting to tear up but scared of the achievements what an incredible game wrath of course with more kills that was expected what he didn't have was a friend he didn't have love that comes down to love at the end he defined it hey couldn't find it he looked not enough fish in the sea apparently wow the trade from Ariana I did not expect him to have that number sixty-three thousand gold this is a guy who was trading inefficiently on water and on land that is insane I know I mean it was a long game so I guess that makes sense but still I guess the technology stats somewhat matters but society stats might matter the relics for Wrath was huge because he didn't have trade the time line is the best part of this I think you could see the comebacks you can oh man again this was each acts is a season you couldn't see someone things were not looking good for Ariana and Sally I think the directors of the show decided to bring him back on for season 2 because they're pretty cheap to sign on at that point and goodness you know I don't think I've seen a game yet that has had the mind games that this one did Sally with the frickin with killing the Lumberjacks and then sending wrath wood that was so smart he did it multiple times now Ariana's probably in the chat like wait what what what did he do but the thing the thing this game is that every like usually it's one or two people playing the mind games every single person as playing the mind games like as soon as it got down to yellow red teal orange and ariane all of them were playing the mind games yeah ariana is now surprised in the chat he's like this would have ended much differently if i knew you got a man you got to rewatch that alright again i think that as a player that game probably looks pretty lame but the game itself unfolded beautifully and even if you weren't the player who was executing the mind games at least you picked up on it rath picked up on it purple orange picked up on it Snape's picked up on it pretty early so it wasn't as if the minds trick was was where it ended you know it continued from there well that's gonna see YouTube Dave I called it before the game I again I'll run it past the panel of 27 members it'll be a three week process to get the title and the thumbnail done it's a big deal around here I don't know what we're gonna call that who's the legend in that game you can't have it would be unfair it would be unfair to choose a legend it's simply with a legend of kill Rick just took another glance at this timeline here I don't think telluric deserve to be in there in the conversation but hey Kell Rick was the Ned Stark of this yeah you're right he was the Ned Stark for sure well I guess we'll find out obviously if people be seeing this on YouTube they'll already know but what a freaking match and play a while with 1845 bits says the year Texas was born what a number to end on was born well guys if you are watching on YouTube and you'd like to check out the twitch stream in the future I do community games all day on thursdays below my stream when you get there is the schedule with it the time and the countdown so it's always there for you I I don't think that we could do another game tonight after that because nothing beats that we would just be disappointed from here on out well that a game man
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 161,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, The Legend Of Blue Coffee, Snippy, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Spirit Of The Law, TheViperAoC, Donnie, RBTV, Rocketbeans, Hoang, Forest Nothing, AoE2 Royale, T90, T90Official, Joe Rogan
Id: MEdPQzNvfSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 23sec (6023 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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