Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Rimworld Part 2 (Tips And Tricks Guide)

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man there's a lot of weird stuff in this game they added weirdo psychic powers that are kind of odd for a role-playing game what are you looking at i'm on fire jesus christ well if this is how i'm good if this is how i'm destined to go then please press f for me and subscribe are you subscribed got him welcome to part two of things i wish i knew before playing rimworld now it can be said that some of you in the comments had more accurate if not simply better tips for the viewers than i had myself and then i realized what kind of youtuber am i noobert if the comments section provides more accurate tips than i do so i made a whole pot of coffee petted the fox and started my research here are 10 more tips and things you wish you knew before you started playing rimworld number one let's open up this video with some doors ha there are two types of doors normal doors and auto doors usually some don't construct auto doors and up until mid game and that is bad auto doors significantly cut traffic by opening faster and before the pawn even stands in front of them it's recommended to research them early on do note that auto doors require power an auto door will constantly drain 50 watts of power however don't let that deter you an unpowered auto door will act like a normal door until the power returns so if you have to disconnect them in a moment of an emergency it won't impact that much your turrets will still work maybe possibly also make your doors out of wood wood doors have the fastest opening speed of all doors and if you can't get your hands on wood for some reason still would do it as fine replacement not as fast but it's a second place among jade silver gold and place steel for a demonstration here's how fast a wooden auto door opens and how fast the stone made auto door opens and when i say stone made i mean granite limestone marble sandstone and plate same goes for normal doors too wood doors are faster than any other door you can also hold doors open so if you are planning a busy operation like moving a bunch of items to your workroom you can hold the door open to speed up the process and last thing about the use of the fastest door most of you think won't wood doors be easy to destroy in case of raids smart cookies you are it would be a good idea to use for steel doors they have by far the most hit points than any door in-game and if plastil is unavailable uranium comes at a second place still can use a granite door possible it's got the highest hit points for all stone-made doors followed by limestone sandstone slate marble being the weakest stone so make entrances to the base from strong slow doors and inside have fast fragile doors for maximum efficiency and defense number two we all know that early on there isn't much to do recreational wise usually people just plop down a stick on the ground and throw horseshoes at it early on in the game now here is something that will blow up your mind you can give them chairs cheers joe you can have a chair that's right you can place chairs on the spot where the colonist stands and have them sit down comfortably while enjoying their game mind-blowing isn't it joe sit in this chair throw the horseshoe joe throw it no you hit the audience they are really lazy though wanting to sit for everything next thing we will know they will start attaching wheels to chairs oh come on really number three stone beds yep that's right stone beds stone beds are great they are very sturdy fire proof they look absolutely dazzling and you can choose what kind of stone to use for a more fitting look for your base that comfort rating is the same to wood steel beds as well but they have one downside they get a lower rest multiplier that means that the colonists sleeping on the bed will have to sleep more to be well rested but this can be used in your favor how you may ask they are great beds for prisoners unless you have prison labor most prisoners do nothing during the day except wander about become uncomfortable and plot breakouts before they get turned into human leather hats so if you use a stone bed they will sleep more and cause less trouble for you overall i mean you can't plot an escape if you sleep number four how about some trading advice imagine this situation randy was grateful enough to send down trade pop they are filled with useless clothing that will only benefit you in half a year and a trade caravan just arrived most will send their pawns to go and collect the clothing to sell to the traders wrong waste of time no contrary to popular belief you do not need to have the items in your stockpiles to trade them they must be in your home area that's accessible in the zone tab simply go over to architects select zone and select expand home area and just expand to that direction now instead of going over there and hauling stuff or half a map you can just sell them from there another small note on the subject of home area your colonists will not put out fires outside of your home area so be wary and expand accordingly remember to shrink it back to normal when you're done number five so did you ever have a boomer or boom wrap explode somewhere and start a fire and you realize that it's going to spread like hell here is something to help you from having to fight off a forest fire oh my gosh comment your experiences with with boom rats and forest fires down below i want to hear what kind of havoc boom raps have reaped and sowed upon all you viewers colonies i wanna know you guys gotta have some good stories on this one moving on roofs yep roofs are the key to stopping forest fires why if you roof over a place using a column for example here vegetation will die under the unroofed area that means the fire will have nowhere to spread to a gap of three to five tiles should be enough to stop fires from spreading onto your territory just remember to make sure that the wall old column you build to support the roof is made out of stone so it is cheap and completely fireproof unlike steel that can catch flame i don't know why but it does this way you will be able to deflect the mightiest of forest fires oh it's you again well if you want more special animations as we showed in this video join our patreon don't worry those are not a limited thing or a one-time deal just the first time we tried this style and it's really taxing on the fox in the basement number six do you have absolutely no one good with medicine do you want to train a doctor for the future use prisoners literally replace the arms and legs and anything you can with wood prosthetics this is a great way to level up your doctor you may or may not have a few failures along the way but it's a great way to increase levels for your soon to be master surgeon just make sure to clean up the mess afterwards we don't want the uh patience of victims yes to panic when they see all the blood and guts on the floor after enough sacrifices you will be able to harvest organs with more chances of success and install bionic gear on your pawns with less worry of somehow decapitating your patient and the best effect is that your treatment quality will go up by a lot reducing chances of infection and treatments needed for stuff like gut worms number seven do you have a lot of corpses are they piling up faster than you can make hats are you tired of all the observed co-ops debuffs well do i king newbert have the solution for you next time you want to preserve a dead body you can put it in the fridge but what about the mood debuffs don't worry about that because the new shelves are here to save the day dead bodies on shelves won't be seen by colonists so you can pile them as high as you want without ever having to worry again number eight now with the new royalty dlc the next tip is even more so relevant today imagine you have this geyser pretty far away from your base and you want to place a geothermal generator on it will you really haul everything from the middle of the map to the generator no bad waste of time instead do this create a stockpile zone and put all the construction components you need over there now instead of one column that's going back and forth transporting materials all your pawns will pick up something move it next to the generator blueprint and you can have someone build it a lot faster same for the new construction projects the empire asks of you this way you can effectively build anything that's farther away than you'd like and waste less time number nine this is a good tip for the early game tribal raids you have four enemy tribals coming at you and still have not constructed kill box however they are only armed with knives and clubs open up your main door and place your three colonists behind the door blocking it from the inside put them one with the strongest gun in the middle and the other two flank him this way if the raiders get into the makeshift choke point all three of your pawns can whack him in melee while he can only attack one of your pawns this makes early raids such as this extremely easy same tactic can be used against manhunter animals number 10 use carpets as traps don't look at me like that carpets are great for fire starting traps create a room with stone walls and make sure enemies can enter just don't place a door at all place carpets all over said room and make sure to have an open wall for your colonists to shoot from and when the enemies reach the room with coppers then throw a lit molotov and watch as the room catches fire quickly it will spread onto the raiders and you will be able to shoot them while they burn guess the cake was a lie after all huh oh and to clean up the entire mess you can use a few disconnected fire foam poppers this way when you want to put out fire before it burns everything and salvage a bit of what remains you'll be able to do so without having your counters wrist themselves and on another note remember to remove the inside of the room from your home area if it is in your home area countless will attempt to put the fire out and that's exactly why fire foam poppers exist instead [Music] number 11 use living grenades probably should be more clear on that one use bloomalopes and boomer wraps tame them every time you can it's a risky move yes but it's very high reward and satisfying if you have a swarm of boom wraps or boomers sick them at the enemy or at times and infestations when they spawn and if you don't want to throw them away as a bioweapon milk them for their chem fuel chem fuels a good fuel source and from a bundle up it's practically free so don't be shy and squeeze those uh glass number 12 make use of your ability to change work priority it is always recommended to have one in all vital tests such as firefight doctor patient etc and if you need your colonists to desperately research or create clothes for the upcoming winter or even make guns you are able to change their work priority to make them focus on doing what you want them to do without having to keep an eye on them and make them do it yourself now you have to manage less and profit more thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed this part 2 of 10 things i wish i knew before i started playing rimworld if you enjoyed please subscribe like and comment down below if you found anything useful here and pet the fox if you are already there thank you for tuning in to this video and may we see you soon next time here's another video and another click on it sell us your soul
Channel: Noobert
Views: 142,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld Tips And Tricks, Rimworld How To, Top Ten Rimworld, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Guide 2020, Rimworld Xbox, Rimworld Ps4
Id: i8HwJGtMAew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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