Rimworld Faction Mods You Didn't Know You Needed

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[Music] all right send them in you tried wishes to do trade deals with us why certainly we have plenty of human leather to offer you pirates harassing your farmland and you want to offer us some fine art to deal with them i'll send my best man on it oh yeah you and what army [Music] uh yeah so that faction and i are having a bit of a disagreement territory food you know the usual please go away i just want to do my own videos why do you keep inviting him into our colony uh this is this is true this is true factions always important in the world because they give your world that bit of life you need it again being the savage tribals the hostile pirates they're usually pretty chill colonies and of course danish royals though sometimes you want to mix it up gameplay wise after all more variety means more interesting stories or people to make friends with or you know people to destroy subjugate or at the very least overcharge them on radar hats [Music] so what is a fashion mod well a faction mod is a mod that adds a new faction to the map screen that you can interact with a lot of race mods add factions but not every race mod is a faction mod if that makes sense and of course remember to like subscribe and tell us what factions we miss or should talk about in the next video and don't forget to ring that bell less than one percent of you have rung the bell ring the bell back to the video because like race mods faction mods do seem to keep popping up in the workshop from time to time also should mention for every 10 likes this video gets one colonist doesn't have to eat nutrient paste instead they get nice healthy stew made of flesh of our enemies starting off we have to mention sage with me vanilla expanded faction we have to keep mentioning them because if we don't people ask why we didn't and for good reason the no expanded factions are easily some of the better mods to include in our playthroughs like the vikings mod from the medieval forces that overwhelm like tribals but are better armed and armored to the mighty vikings who conquer the north the criminal ban to cowboys will quick fire guns and even deadly insectoids and mechanoids we've gone into the mechanoid mod in depth in a previous video but that's not to say the other faction mods should be overlooked each one providing new tech new potential allies and enemies and all around filling the gaps of the base game definitely faction mods to be the ba to measure other mod and now that i'm done shilling for oscar and his team how about something not made by it the next faction is the blue moon corporation from the sparkling worlds monster i say mod set as the best way to play with this mod is the full mod i like this mod for adding a good sci-fi level attack that isn't completely overpowered yes you've got very nice weapons and buildings but nothing on the level of other mods and the corporation is definitely a good spacer tech leveler for enemies always spawning with good weapons armor and even their own personal buff on them to make them stronger much stronger a lot stronger keep in mind it's temporary so if you recruit them it will go away this means they will test your defenses hard though they can be a potentially good ally as they can be reasoned with so get those offerings of raider hats ready for them oh and word of advice be prepared for reigning insect toys [Music] yeah that's a thing now so from high tech to low tech we got the elder faction not eldritch there is a big difference this faction uses the anime gear mod that works to improve on tribal psychic gameplay using the animal grass to make more powerful psychic gear this faction is good for tribal play-throughs by providing your knowledge and items to help you with becoming a powerful tribal wizard though keep in mind they hate outsiders so you will have to work to make them happy with you and keep them happy just like you don't want angry furries you don't want angry tree wizards at your doorstep no you don't absolutely not of course if you want angry furries at your door get the fairy and fashion mod along with the race mod so you have dealing with fox people good thing they are sociable so i'm sure you can work something out and you can start worshiping the fox they also are agile and a bit squishy but hey when dealing with the horrors on the rim plenty of your pawns are squishy now here is a faction based on a game you might have heard of but let me first tell you a story once upon a time there was a man named richard garriott who loved tabletop gaming he eventually gained the nickname by his friends and enemies as lord british inspired by tabletop he created one of the earliest examples of a computer rpg ultimate and that went on to inspire many other role-playing games it also inspired this next mod the ultima faction still a bit of work in progress but i would be remiss to not mention something that should get a little more attention adding medieval factions and races from ultima like elves dwarves and bobbits wait what oh yeah he means hobbits with a starting scenario that makes sense yeah the race mod uses a lot of stuff from jekyrl's mods with his permission of course but hey give this creator some love but from medieval to darker sci-fi we have the rimsonal the pharaoh and federation factions these are two hostile factions you will have to work hard to survive against the ferals are a lovely batch of raiders who survive the harsh wasteland with scrap arms and armor and use horrifying living war machines that they create from long since malfunctioning cloning that which is why you should probably check out our scavengers of the rim playthrough series because we use a lot of these mods this faction is a savage monstrous and will stop at nothing to kill you and from scrap tech to high tech the federation isn't your friendly neighbor star fleet federation no these are nearly broken federation troops thanks to the mechanoid wars and they will stop at nothing to kill you because uh you're just in the way well i suppose that's as good of a reason as anything like the ferals they use their own war machines in the form of strange robotic troopers not to mention their own metal made armors and armor which is strong against kinetic force but falters to blood trauma so get your clubs out and take them out before you ask yes you can make them the gear oh according to my writer this bot apparently is having some issues as of right now according to the comments on the workshop page fails seem to be at least stable so use them with caution in any case i do like both of these factions adding a new thematic threat to your colony of different technology level the designs look really good yeah definitely nice now if you want a super high tech faction in your room world download the parlour's bark security force faction holy moly these high-tech armor wearing ladies and gentlemen are going to be your best friends when the chips are down armed with high-tech shield belts that permit gunfire bionics to revive them after death and plenty of laser gun fire stay on their good side trust me it's how you can get some of that gear for yourself though if you wish for someone to become your enemy and make your life miserable the mac enemy mod adds more mechanoids to deal with but also their own human form armed with their own super powerful weapons you might be able to make friends with the chaser armada but more than likely you will have to fight them and the mechanoid enemies are also pretty powerful too definitely going to test your skills and dealing with them going to need some stronger mechanical might to deal with these forces i suggest the might of the adeptus mechanists who also have mods to include other warhammer 40k factions the thinkers of the imperium the adapter's mechanism who change their weak flash into strong machinery the many orc who fight to live and live to fight they may be dumb but they know hundreds of ways to kill someone who underestimates them the technologically advanced tower who specialize in killing from afar they fight for the greater good whether you like it or not and of course the always in the shadows eldar no el da not eldritch or elder eldar who used stealth and behind the scenes scheming to do their goals against their foes though this mod does include other races and factions to deal with these ones are your main opponents fans of 40k will be right at home with this mod allowing them to utilize the technology each faction worked with and with the ad on playable races mod you can even role play as whatever race you choose i wonder if there's a space marine chapter who specializes in foxes or to chillis so here is a thought sometimes you have to banish colonists from your county for one reason or another ever wonder what would happen if other factions did the same well i suppose they might make their own colony with the other poor banished people yeah fashion blender does this weird idea for me so now you get two types of factions ones who are friendly to trade with and ones who want to raid you either way both factions will be composed of people and animals from every mod you have no i'm not joking it's a thing i rather like this mod for having an enemy that is unpredictable you don't always know their level of technology and what they can bring and the more mods you include that unpredictability will keep rising though if you want to get some industrial pre-scifi factions i have to suggest the works from chicken chickenplugger the man of the military if you want real-world guns in groups or from video games like call of duty or metal gear solid this is the perfect set of mods for you bring freedom to the rim world or become a pmc doing missions for whoever needs your help actually thought perhaps for a challenge player with perry persistent and you have to accept every quest you get see if you can actually do that yeah that's a good challenge do it yeah all of you do it then then comment how it went in like five days or one day or like an hour however long you last with with that nastiness right there now what are some of my favorite factions from him well i'd say i enjoy the metal gear solid militarison's frontiers sorry i butchered the name because who doesn't enjoy some metal gear and i like the doom packs being the doom weapon kit or the uac faction really any mod from chickenplucker is good yup nothing to worry about yeah oh no oh no all right i'll talk about them again chickenplucker has one of the most infamous factions and storytellers missed a void in his faction whose purpose is to test your defenses and limits they will be coming they will not stop and they will more than likely be the cause of your death only use this mod if you feel you can handle anything rimworld can throw at you yeah definitely the most dangerous of factions debatable which is more dangerous putting my money on voidfaction hey bren come up with a script for a faction versus faction video series if people want to see that so that was a lot of fun to talk about and best part plenty of other factions we could talk about in the future so let us know if any more we should bring up in this video gets let's say 1199 likes yeah you just need 1200 likes so yeah if you want to see more of our lovely videos click this video here or about the other one here there yeah that one maybe there is ones you haven't seen i like the playthrough i'm doing so much fire and chaos from phil swift oh yes yes yes you probably want to check that one out too make sure to like comment subscribe and share the video and ring the bell no one rings the bell why is like only one percent of you ring the bell i'm actually complaining right now ring the bell i'm complaining do it because i'm complaining i'm gonna i'm gonna keep complaining
Channel: Noobert
Views: 89,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld, rimworld races, rimworld factions mod, rimworld tips and tricks, rimworld guide, rimworld mod guide, rimworld how to, race mods, Rimworld faction, factions mods, Rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: FXt-g3dYHXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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