Raft Hard Mode - Battle to the Death // EP13

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hey everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to lucky number 13 of raft which originally streamed live on twitch [Music] so here is the new island balboa and that is a bear oh yippee this is uh by far the most danger that i've been in so far on stream not to spoil much but uh warning bear dens ahead oh yeah that's uh that's uh that is the most dangerous animal in the entire game over there so i'm gonna go a different direction gonna go a different direction so let's go to relay four and uh let's go to relay two in the the ranger station so there's uh signposts everywhere oh why did i bring flippers okay relay 2 and ranger station this way [Music] it's pretty island uh there's not a lot of trees that you're allowed to cut down as you'll see can't cut can't cut this is uh i was alluding to this before but this is the island that i absolutely hate in terms of trees because most of the trees can't be cut down a few of them can but it doesn't tell you which ones are which the other real big danger of this island is not being able to find your boat again because this island is massive oh hello this island is massive and it's very easy to lose track of where you are and to not be able to find home again but uh with any luck i'll get some leather [Music] and down it goes [Music] henry's stuff keep out man i need your tent henry can't keep me out now let's continue to relay station expert gameplay yeah i got hit [Music] so once i um once i run out of the water that are my water jugs and all i have is watermelon left that's my signal to try to find home again nothing like a toxic dump and a very convenient uh jumping path oh yeah hoppity-hoppity uh i probably shouldn't even bring prop my axe because i there's almost no trees that you can cut down here and it pisses me off looks like it's a island full of wood and it isn't so i need a light bulb got it here's a blueprint for a biofuel refiner yeah uh so needless to say biofuel is the next thing that you need to make to fuel your engines i also need a runs saw a bronze hammer and a bronze wrench or and here's a note [Music] for a schedule uh yep and then there was something up here yeah there we got it uh some recipes i'm gonna wait until i'm very dehydrated take my first sip i'm also looking for blueberries so here is blueberry one blueberry two blueberry three i believe i need five of them not to spoil it but um yeah five blueberries is good all right and then this is one of the three ranger stations and i need to go to all three i'm also easily distractible and i tend to fall so let me try to focus on not falling [Music] sorry my uh twitch bugged out and i lost chat so i had to tap out um all right so wonderful ranger station up here and we've got uh what do we have here we have this to turn on one of the three relays there's also stuff up is there stuff up here yeah stuff up here a new decoration package what's in the box it's not gwyneth paltrow's skull i am disappointed all right that's station number two [Applause] uh if you're wondering it is not instant death if you hit this um sludge i'll hit it on purpose demonstrate there so you can see i hid it on purpose and i did not instantly die just a little bit of damage but you would not want to swim swimming would not be healthy oh hi bear i hope i don't need another bow uh maybe i'll try to use my spear more than anything else [Music] down he goes it's a bear hug i'm sorry i'm very sorry all right so we did uh relay 2 and ranger station so let's head over to relay 4 and relay 6 which is this direction uh one of these two i cannot do until later but uh i won't reveal that just yet [Music] i'm actually gonna uh go against the signs here looking for uh blueberries oh or better yet looking for bees oh and bears and honey okay maybe i should have paid attention to the bear first my moves are digressing [Music] and down he goes uh yes lots of lots of leather be swarmed up be swarm there we go i got bee jar and honey yeah good stuff so don't always follow the signs because the signs might lead you away from the bee jars and honey which are going to be necessary for later oh it's getting dark though hey you look like a tree i can cut down yes you are how could i tell [Music] i'm a genius [Music] how do i only have one bear head i killed two bears i have problem with your meth what did i decapitate one in a fight or something more honey and more honey is this another cut tree yes it is i've killed three yeah true where's my hand that's it's fine it's they can keep it um let me eat some of the things that don't stack because i am obviously running low on space uh i guess i'll eat these beets just for space and let me double back to where the sign was so i now have honeycomb to research and bees to research both are going to become important to new technology soon to be revealed [Music] so back to the signs we're heading to four and six which is up this way i'm also about to be down a spear [Music] and sorry i don't have my headlamp although headlamps really only work in enclosed space spaces well where i am right now it would not illuminate very effectively the headlamp so it says go that way to four and six but i'm gonna venture up this way because there is some notes we're done through b father has a new favorite we can't have that [Music] and i came up this way for a light bulb and more notes so i have a light bulb so when i get back to the ranger tent i have that light bulb for the thing out front [Music] yep and then let's continue uh heading to four six [Music] i don't have uh this island memorized so i might get a little lost but that's called exploration i think [Music] and we have a saw so i need two other tools uh hammer and wrench was it [Music] and then i'm also looking for hey oh look at you you're a rare color all right let's go to four which is up this way i'm gonna save my arrow and throw stone yeah okay i tried yeah any blueberries around i know obviously there's a transmission tower yeah maybe that's a blueberry bush i would like to collect uh blueberries and honey and it looks like there's honey over there as well where there's honey there is often bears so although i stumbled upon honey here uh just be be careful not to uh to have your head down looting well a bear is a foot but i don't see bear guarding this one bees can also sting you um but they don't hurt very much you you'd have to be very dull to get stung by bees to death it's not likely to happen all right so here's station four ascending now there was no um there was no swarms of bees for me to catch there unfortunately but hey we don't all up [Music] to a new tower we've got a blueprint for a fuel pipe and a note do not lose here's a map of the island two four six and uh something dangerous and then i hit another relay and we have journal entries and schedules and here's brun's hammer [Music] anything else up here i don't see anything else [Music] healthy cat oh you can't grab that though i like how the game sort of denotes that those things wag their arms forever uh i don't think there's anything on this roof so let's tally on [Music] getting rather hungry though uh what do i eat so we're down to one water bottle now i do have a lot of watermelon to make sure that i don't uh dehydrate to death um but that honestly is a very real threat of this island so when you're exploring large islands don't get lost and don't dehydrate to death kind of captain obvious advice there but but honestly when on my first playthrough that was a real threat of balboa island because it is massive and confusing all right we'll head out to ranger six um [Music] yep might hit a snag on that though actually i know we will but i will do it anyway because they're are some plays here okay speed jars and honey so the honey and the bjrs um are unnecessary uh i'll just reveal they help to make fuel a more efficient source of fuel for your uh engines you process raw food and honey into biofuel and you can fuel your engines with biofuel fed by tanks and pipes so that you don't have to run out to your engines constantly so that is what i am uh learning to do on this island is to harness biofuel [Music] here's another oh good i got all the wild blueberries i need another side uh part of the island here rosa is mostly right except when diana says otherwise lydia makes the rules unless uh yeah okay i'm gonna go back to the center and hello kaziak welcome to the stream and we'll see i hope you feel better have a good night thanks for hanging out so uh i'm going to try to complete this island before i call it for the stream um i don't have too much more but maybe maybe i'll be done in 15 minutes maybe i'll go a little over time but uh i won't i won't cliffhanger yet [Music] uh scout's honor i don't is the scout symbol i don't i always never boy scout i have no idea what a scott symbol is all right so now i want to get back to the scary uh den the the mother den i get a little turned around so i have to figure out what direction that is but we'll see it we'll know when we see it because it will have a behemoth of a a bear i won't cliffhanger you as i say on an island full of cliffs is this okay yeah yeah so it is up this way this is where i parked the boat though because it would be great to um yeah this is where i the boat it'd be great to offload my stuff and and top up my uh my water and food it's a pretty boat it is a pretty boat i know i'm i'm tooting my own horn but i like it i really really like it i think while i'm here i'm going to cut down the trees and process them so that uh when i come back again i'll have additional uh some additional wood ah i was an idiot didn't fill that up so put the head away and i'm gonna put the extra shovel away uh let's go research the bees and the honey up into my loft so honey so here's pipes here is the biofuel free here is honey and good healing salve and then here is the ability to make beehives all very important blueprints so the way it works is um bees you can you can collect enough bees to make beehives and beehives will um i'm just gonna put honey into foods for now even though they're technically not edible uh beehives allow you to collect honey passively as long as your bees are near flowers so it's required that you offer flowers to your bees so one of the next projects that i'm gonna do is to make an apiary and to have um to have uh you know to make a built beehive and do that jazz so i'm just uh just doing some base maintenance to get ready oh i do have enough leather for more armor yeah let's do it leather greaves instead of flippers and a leather cap so now i'm fully armored i have the highest amount of armor that you can achieve in the game and i'm also simply running out of space to store stuff but uh whatever i do with that later uh let me put this stuff away i am a man tree seeds this and maybe this is the last recipe no i already had that uh i do want to make another spear [Music] this mine is about to break blanks one more plank and some rope okay that's a spare spear and it might not be a terrible idea to have a spare bow either which means i need to start oh i need to start processing more you so that would be here to find you oh no i was wrong i'm wrong about the cost four rope eight bolts and lights and then i'm gonna get a whole honking amount of arrows [Music] i guess uh i guess the the sharks don't come into this nook because i haven't been nibbled on so this is a replacement goo uh i am going to put my flippers in the oh god nope that's full too i'm just going to have him bleed over into the plastic here just because i'm out of space um all right am i [Music] all set [Music] yeah let me top up my water and food and then venture back food and water sorry brain is a little slow right now oh no okay good i can hit escape and cancel that uh all right yep we're good we're good we're good so just i'm waiting for that water to process uh i did say that i wanted to um cut down my trees and plant new ones so i'll do that while i will greatness meets class thanks theresa 14 months holy cow [Music] i don't need the building hammer while i'm on there but given that i've done uh a fair percentage of the island i'm not that worried about uh filling up my inventory again i think i'll be fine uh let me also plant uh the birch so the birch tree correct me for wrong but it's probably the highest percent yield of wood because there's it's not fruiting um so technically it would be the most bang for your buck for wood but um i don't mind fruiting trees i mean they're they're beneficial too and let me process another batch of water and then i'll i'll head uh land side and in the meantime just put this stuff away so i'll keep the axe in case there's stuff to chop down uh i could put the hammer away but you know it's i think it's fine leaves spare weapons a whole lot of spare weapons and now i'm just waiting on this water to process how you doing guys do you have any eggs nope there is something to shear i guess while i wait i can cheer uh if i take enough hits i'll um i'll end up needing new armor that's all the water uh while i come back i might as well fill the water up so i have water here fresh i did oh what um what'd i switch on what did i take out of my inventory oh the water bottle yeah thank you my brain seriously okay so these are all water oh no the back one is not water um whatever i'll water it and i'll just have one less sip [Music] so here's me with all my armor hides the beautiful hair and onward and upward we go um i'm gonna put on the red light veterans of the the game probably know what's about to happen [Music] but red light appropriate [Music] so here's mama bear and i just put blueberries in that bin for mama bear to eat to give me access to this cave that has uh [Music] stuff in it so let me grab the stuff but mama bear gonna get i'm a fight mama bear she is as i said the hardest enemy in the game by far uh but you know what's a little danger right so i just got a machete which is even more damage than a spear but i'm not going to use it just yet and i also got the blueprint for a machete so i can make it again uh the way to get the machete is to feed mama bear so that you can sneak past her and get to the machete but now i am going to fight mama bear but i'm going to fight mama bear the cheesy way where i shoot her and then run away like a coward because she would absolutely positively murk me and she runs faster than i am um and you can't use the circle method because she will just destroy you so this is the way we're doing it just the very safe way shoot twice back up and uh and it's uh 50 euros to kill her yeah she's a beast very freaking bear well only because i'm feeding it blueberries so this is the quote-unquote trick to kill her um to feed her blueberries i guess you could try to glitch into the mountain and like um make it so that she can't reach you and if you're wondering it's not oh crap it's not a one-shot kill but uh she does a frightening amount of damage so you don't want to tank her if you can help it [Music] good lord indeed yeah she's scary um the fight takes so long that you might not even recruit all your arrows but it's worth it for the trophy and when she reaches you she just sort of swipes you until you're dead like she she kills you very very quickly and then when she's resetting like this don't shoot her if you'd make her turn around again she'll just keep chasing you until you uh ripperoni [Music] i'm only doing this because there's an achievement to do this i already have the achievement but i figured i'd do it for you guys but it um it doesn't really benefit me much except for her head uh can she swim i don't think so that might be another way to kill her i've never tried that definitely glitching her into a mountain or glitching yourself into a mountain so that she can't reach you might be viable but i this method is safer so i'll go with safer over experimental any day and she should be coming down soonish i am down 30 arrows so far into her rump oh rep oh come on reset oh lord it's so scary all right let me use the self yeah when she gets a hold of you it's just like it's bad all right but i knew i want to kill her as fast as i can so that i can recoup some of my arrows because the longer i take the uh the more they're despawning on her hide and yeah this is me fully armored if you were not armored it's like two swipes you're dead so i think uh i haven't missed yet so probably ten more arrows i'll have one arrow left uh when i'm done and yeah it's a it's a lengthy process i'm a little tempted to start shooting because i know she's close but i'm going to play it safe because uh i haven't died yet and i don't want to add to that death counter if i can help it so two shots left i think so this should be it oh it wasn't oh god well i'm about to be out of arrows [Music] and down the cliff i go [Music] can i have my arms back [Music] or give me my arms back give him back give him back give him back all right machete time okay my heart is going at like 200 beats per minute uh [Music] oh i didn't pull any arrows out of her god what are you an immortal bear [Music] yes yes yes [Music] run run run run run oh my god oh my god okay so i grabbed a whole bunch of arrows so i can continue to fight her safely um but i'm out of self so i'm going to um grab some self oh jesus she's immortal [Music] hell man i used everything she just don't care bear don't care she might as well be like a honey badger uh okay so i have 10 arrows let's make some salve uh i'm just going to make standard salve not the good sale because i don't want to use my honey like that but dear lord i could have played it very safe um and not fought her when i ran out of arrows but i just i yeah you only you only die once so uh all right i guess while i'm here grab a little bit more water and let's head back in [Music] will she reset health not that i know of no uh i don't think anything regens maybe your own pets regen as they eat grass but i don't believe she gains health again better make another bomb yeah no kidding no kidding [Music] maybe it was more than 50 euros [Music] oh my god why won't you die [Music] 50 is normal difficulty yeah i'm on hard um [Music] she's dead yes yes die die i killed her i killed her good [Music] oh all right so i only got 10 arrows back but now i have mama bed hair head and uh i have the machete which allows me to continue [Music] all right so uh let's find a uh um i'm at a loss for words thank you for the bits by the way oh man what a fight she was tough but not immortal yeah she is um obviously the single hardest enemy in the game i think uh i've proven that she almost killed me twice i could have played it really safe and just made more arrows but i was just about out of feathers and the only yeah i mean it's more exciting for you if i uh nearly die i think so let's go to station number six obviously i'm going to be a little over time but um like i said no no cliffhangers so station ranger station six is this way [Music] does she respawn [Music] maybe yeah i did get a whole lot of meat leather 10 meat and uh 15 leather i also broke my bow oh oh jesus okay i'm a little jumpy understandably i'm a little jumpy i saw that i'll pack in like nearly out hard heart attack i know there's going to be bears up ahead but they're not going to be mama bear mama bear is a league of around so this machete is also the highest dps melee weapon in the game uh it's about it's i think it's it's the same dps as a middle arrow but either way it's really good to kill sharks with two they're a bit more fragile they break quick but they hit hard very hard i mean it's a machete made of a street sign so uh there's also other things i could do on this island that i probably won't end up getting around to this stream but um which would be catching my breath from almost dying uh which would be uh to scour it for honey and bees because there's definitely an advantage to gain more bees because um the way that uh i don't need more blueberries the way the um uh the bee hives work is you make a beehive here let me let me show you you make a beehive using bees that you catch so the more bees that you can catch the more beehives that you can make the more beehives that you can make the more honey that you can produce i think probably i'm only going to need 30 bees probably two beehives is enough for my small craft and then this these vines here are impassable until you have the machete so um ranger station six you can't get to without a machete [Music] unless maybe there's a way to like glitch out the oh come on glitch out the game and and get to ranger station six but that's not how you're supposed to progress so the wrench um a note [Music] a blueprint for a fuel tank another note the switch zero four one six i don't need to write this down because there it is caravan town zero four one six uh and then let's get back to the ranger station because i have the light bulb and also have the um also have the three tools is there a box up here oh wow it's almost a little blind yeah let's just billy goat watch this be my death if you hug walls you oh hi bear [Music] power of the machete two hits let's count three four ouch i don't know if that will count five six seven eight all right ranger station is this way now this isn't the only island that is going to have bees there are plenty of bees to find on other islands now that i've been here i unlock this type of island to find again procedurally or um they're not truly procedurally as i float around the ocean i could find this style of island again um allowing me to accumulate more honey more bees etc barely got scared there oh boy right you are am i going the right way oh hello two three four five six seven eight i guess it's nine so when i got hit last time i landed a hit as i got hit so nine uh you can see the durability of this uh machete going poopski's it's about gone so um yeah they're fragile weapons but they're very very effective weapons and now i have 23 leather uh obviously i don't have enough wool to keep up with my leather leather usage um but the the armors for this island because this island is there are some there are without spoiling too much there are some enemies in the future that are troublesome but none quite as dangerous as mama bear mama bear is uh the near immortal so now that i've killed mata bear uh my need for a lot of armor is not going to be as high and let's get out to the ranger station and finish this island but i already have all the blueprints i need i just want to do yep and for a note merry christmas from nowhere that was it yep uh so the veterans of this game correct me from wrong but i believe i am done with this island got the light bulb i got the notes i killed mama bear and uh i'm sure there's more bees and more bee hives but um due to my being over time i'll wrap this up so let's venture back to the boat is this the end no no no there's uh there are more there is more to the game there are multiple islands left story islands left and a lot more unlocks but i would say after balboa island you have a significant amount of the unlocks you need for a efficient uh craft oh hello i think you're on my way to my boat buddy i'm just gonna go random i don't need more meat and more uh leather no but he wants to bite the bum oh no this isn't even the light on my boat go away go away biller bear whatever you are all right stop it their aggro range is pretty far but you can maybe outrun them hey quit it no now okay i'm gonna kill you if you um i'm gonna be forced to kill this thing so there's a river that runs in the middle of this island and here it is is there any secrets on this um river i don't recall i only self up because that bear didn't hit me a bunch but it probably reset probably is going to leave me alone now i don't know i'm just uh let me get back to the boat no he didn't reset you're right that way [Music] [Music] isn't chapter three set for a couple of weeks i don't know the eta maybe definitely maybe do you think there is underwater uh yeah but i think i have all the notes that i need i don't really need to to do much more maybe there's some resources that i'm skipping but it's just standard underwater okay uh which direction is this way nope oh hey a clucker so on this island there's been a unique um colored llama and a plucker when i already have two cluckers at home so i don't need a third uh yeah it's uh this way we're headed back now very easy to get turned around oh they've been waiting for me you guys found me did the sharkies miss me i was way so long that uh the trees fully regrew but this is where i'm gonna end the stream friends so i will have to pick this up another time thanks for hanging out thank you for watching rap which originally streamed live on twitch november 17th if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine rodomont.com has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams thank you so very much for watching and thank you to all of my twitch subscribers patreon patrons and everybody that supports my channel i'll catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell everybody you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 4,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raft, Hard Mode, Tutorial, Twitch, Survival
Id: fpJGEXgj7dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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