RimWorld The Archotechs - Too Evil For Empire // EP1

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welcome to the first of many episodes of the architects a rimworld fluid ideology series about three immoral siblings and their quest for self-immortalization in their pursuit of the archenexes before we embark i'd like to explain the origin of this series and what to expect throughout i published a form for my patreon patrons which allowed them to vote on what sort of ideologies they'd like to see as a series from there i created a few concepts and published a public poll and as one might imagine the architects won that poll throughout this series we will explore many of the game mechanics of rimworld ideology and when we happen upon a new complex game mechanic i'll accompany the episode with an additional youtube video that will explain the game mechanic in a bit more depth to accompany this first episode a link to a video that goes over the details of fluid ideologies can be found at the top of this video's description as a community we will occasionally be faced with opportunities and choices when a significant choice needs to be decided i'll publish a public poll on the options thereby allowing you the audience to significantly shape the outcome of this series with the preface now covered allow me to introduce to you the three immoral siblings and how they found themselves adrift upon desert sands the eldest of the trio trust in industrious and with an expansive memory he constructs and crafts with unbridled passion leaving little time for slumber the middle sister bunny yearns for bloodsport unparalleled in combat fleet of foot and battle hardened her yearnings are usually thoroughly fulfilled sven a few years younger than his siblings has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge his cheerful disposition belies his concealed desire for power before we start let's go over some of the rules and guidelines i'll be following throughout this series the storyteller will be cassandra classic losing his fun i would also like for all of you to know that this series was voted that i will role play a lawfully evil society so the architects are evil and they've founded their own colony to serve their own selfish desires for power and glory this series will incorporate slavery executions and gladiatorial duels to the death our trio are seeking the arch nexus a new way to win in rim world without going into too much detail when seeking the archer nexus you are allowed to bring up to five characters from your colony each time you progress towards victory three of those five slots are reserved for our trio founders if any of them die those slots stay empty if all three of the trio die the scenario is lost our trio also wants to ascend to high royal ranks so we must stay neutral or allied with the shattered empire at all times and if we ever become hostile the top priority is to become neutral or allied again we're starting off as a slightly modified rich explorer having three colonists instead of one and without the initial pet all of the rules and campaign parameters can be found in the video description as well as the save game file so that you can play along if you'd like most of the rules and parameters were determined by public polling and if you'd like to participate in that process please consider joining discord where i primarily post my polls and forms the link may be found in the video description let's get started so here we are upon desert sands cast out of the shattered empire for our beliefs our selfishness our evil the first thing i want to do is to analyze the map tile that we're on we are located at desert temple desert temple is right around the equator as you can see it's only 439 north now as i mentioned in the intro if you'd like to save game file for this it is in the description take a look at the map tile this is a 300 by 300 desert tile with the introduction of breacher raids i find it important to build somewhere near the center to give you the most time to be able to react to a preacher raid and right around the center there's this beautiful swath of soil i'm going to use this of course for my initial colony the first thing i do is go to orders allow and unforbid all items this will set all of my belongings able to be interacted with and i'll set bunny to go grab the charge rifle this is a slightly modified rich explorer start with three people instead of one but they only get one gun i also removed the pet now if we take a look at our ideology we do have slavery as honorable so that is something that we're going to want to address sooner than later let's go to the work priorities i usually set firefight patient and basic as highest doctor warden and everything else uh just one or two steps less priority so there we go that is the work priorities the first thing i want people to do sven i would like you to plant a nice large field of potatoes [Music] this is going to help us stay fit and fed if you take a look at the wildlife tab there is not a lot of wildlife here so it's going to be very important to feed ourselves bunny you are a miner so i'm going to have you start chipping away at this compacted steel mountain of things and then trust in your constructor the initial colony i'm laying out here is only the starting colony i don't intend to live like this uh for very long this is just the basic one for the initial start and that is it so it's going to be an 11 oop that's 11 by 12. it's going to be 11 by 11 little box with uh sort of an attached 7x7 here [Music] maybe offset a little bit an attached 7x7 kitchenette very very basic and the reason being right now i just need to put together some sort of shelter some basic shelter to keep safe uh but then eventually i'll be laying out more castle-like structure so in this structure goes some steel walls fill them all in a door to the kitchenette a put here a door to the whole structure i'll put there this uh kitchenette is going to have a cooler and an electric stove but these structures here are going to be temporarily forbidden i'm going to focus uh more on the rest of the structure first so this is more of a plan then here we are going to want a research bench and i'll put that there let's get a steel table and steel stools not very comfortable but uh affordable a horseshoe pin let's move that over one or move that here and then a chess table accompanying with this some beds let's see maybe like that and then a stockpile for the stuff i want to keep inside i'll name this stockpile now in this stockpile i don't want to put raw resources except for plant matter and wood and then i'll have a stockpile outside for raw resources [Music] and this will have all right resources for plant matter and wood the inverse well that's enough to start on so let's get uh our trio moving as you can see they are all siblings and as such they have a a bit of a positive relationship with one another which is going to be helpful now to power this base here i'm going to have it be wind power one of the advantages wind power is there aren't a lot of trees in the desert so there's not a lot of stuff that can block your wind turbines looking good one of the challenges is that we're starting off as supremacist and this was voted on by a poll and what this means is that all of our potential allies are going to like us a whole lot less by default if we take a look here and mouse over the relationship our natural goodwill with the empire of the moon we're supposed to keep a good relationship with is negative 60. negative 10 is due to the fact that they are loyalist and negative 50 is due to the fact that we are supremacist maybe that is why we got kicked out of the shattered empire but here is their ideology male supremacy loyalist collectivist and uh i guess let's go with bunny was like you know what this male supremacy is bs i'm out and she pulled the rip cord in her loyal siblings followed suit it also means that doing the arc nexus which requires us to ally occasionally as you will find out is going to be a little bit more challenging because of course we have a bad relationship to begin with but that's all part of the challenge now we are rich explorers which gives us the ability to immediately unlock gun turrets steel gun turrets kind of suck so let's scour the map tile for materials that are better than steel so we have some gold here i'm just going to put a plan down just to indicate that there's something of importance we have some uranium very good for many turrets and some plastic now i seems to me like i have a very limited amount of plastial and a lot more uranium than plastial so i'm probably going to make my mini turrets out of uranium both uranium and plastial are not flammable steel is flammable so if you make mini turrets out of plastic or uranium they cannot burn and therefore they aren't vulnerable to fire and then additionally they have more hit points than steel ones is better than uranium but it's also more valuable than uranium and used in a lot more recipes than uranium for for those reasons uh i will reserve the plastial for important things and the uranium for the mini turrets so once bunny has mined up enough steel to get her colony started i will pivot and have her mine that uranium for security now it says i need a research project and i am going to have sven start researching right away and he's going to research gas operation gas operation is going to allow me to make uh smg's heavy smgs and that will give sven and trust in weapons because currently they don't have any and that's a bit of a problem if i get attacked it's really up to bunny to do all of the defense and that's not really a comfortable situation to be in so with sven researching trustin is going to be our farmer once he's done constructing but he's not going to be done constructing for a bit there is a lot of struct construction to do other things that i wouldn't want him to do is to set up a butcher table let's set that up i want to set it up here but i have to move those chunks first [Music] but i'm not going to start doing any of the butchery until i have a cooler setup because i don't want the very very few creatures that exist out here to spoil it's gonna be important to uh make sure we preserve their meat and cook them now bunny is a bit of a cook so she'll be able to make some decent meals for us but i think what i want to do is to try if possible to not cook anything less than fine meals now just to stretch our meat as far as it can go so simple meals i'd like to make out of vegetables but i don't know how realistic that is we'll see i left a little hole over sven uh so that he has light level it's brightly lit here i know it doesn't look like it but uh there's a little gap in the roof and then trust in i want you to build this wall to have this be inside and that will speed up the research speed great it looks like it's recreation hour for our trio maybe not trusting but everybody else all right now that that's built let's unforbid this area here and then once they're done playing horseshoe pins i'll have them make some space for the butchery so this zone here is going to be called poetry and the butchery zone will be disallow rotten disallow chunks no human corpses no mechanoid corpses no insect corpses so just animal corpses that are fresh in the kitchen here this is a very small kitchen but i'm going to lay out some basic stockpiles for it let's call this zone kitchen and the kitchen is going to be preferred for all foods minus pemmican chocolate kibble insect jelly frozen fertilized eggs no raw fungus no human meat insect meat or packaged survival meals here this will be kitchen leaves and this is just for cycled leaves which we won't have for a while and this will be set to important here will be kitchen meat and this will be set to all meat except for of course human and insect and then this stockpile kitchen veg which will be all vegetarian minus raw fungus the reason i'm leaving raw fungus out is our ideology sees fungus as despised or disgusting and i don't want to include in the stockpiles and then this last one is kitchen meals and this will be preferred for all meals minus pack survival meals package survival meals don't need to be in there because they don't need to be refrigerated it they're totally fine they're preserved all right so trust it has a lot more to build but here is our first wind turbine to turn the lights on on our colony and we have a tiny little barracks full of good beds and the kitchenette coming together so this butchery table here will be butcher creatures forever that are close to the table and then take insect corpses off of that list [Music] all right a good first day once i have the freezer set up i will be hunting the dromedary and iguanas and then eventually ostrich anemia ostrogedemio are far more likely to violently attack me as a result of their uh you know being hostile to hunting having trust and haul things into the stockpile it's a little strange to keep our gold out there so maybe i'll put the gold in this stockpile here as well just because it's more valuable and more likely to be stolen so now trusting is waiting for bunny to mine steel so that he can continue constructing uh and while we wait for that oh that is going to get short-circuited due to the rain so let's put a roof over it there we go while we wait he is helping to farm i'm going to turn on automatic rebuild of destroyed structures in the home area i do have auto home zoning still and i'm fine with auto home zoning for now i might change that in the future so now that we have a freezer i'm going to lower the temperature down to freezing temperatures let's go to 20 fahrenheit or negative 7 celsius and then that's going to allow bunny to start hunting so as soon as trust and builds this piece of the wall this indoor area is going to start to freeze and we will be allowed to hunt i just didn't want to spoil any animals before i was ready there we go so bunny let's go after the dromedaries they're the most resource-rich targets that we can go after sven is still working on gas operation now there's no point in having gas operation without having a machining table so that will be another thing that i want to build once uh bunny has the steel has mined the steel for it and i'm also gonna close this door so that wild animals can't eat my pack of survival meals because i have a limited amount of them and i don't want to waste them by having them eaten by critters good shot bunny gonna temporarily micromanage trust in here to work on the sort of dumping stockpile this dumping stockpile will give us a little bit of cover if raiders come but obviously not as good cover as having a giant turret so this dumping stock pile should not include corpses i don't know why bunny put that there but it's fine for now and we're starting to get a little bit of a round out i don't have uh i don't have battery research yet i still want to get guns before batteries i know that seems a little strange but protection is paramount but i can add additional uh wind turbines to help increase the amount of power that i produce on average now taking a look around there's other things that trusting could be doing instead of sowing which would be to break down ruins for the resources but honestly there's not a lot of ruins to be had out here this is pretty ruin free map tile but we'll see how much steel i can get from that [Music] [Music] so seeking the arkansas we are going to need to accumulate a ton and i mean an actual ton of uh wealth and in order to do that what i consider probably the easiest route is to make art and clothing uh i don't have any artists in the colony so that's one thing to try to add is someone uh that is extraordinarily good at art but for now uh clothing is gonna be where it's at so sven will be unlocking armors for us for then trust into craft and bunny to likely use so there goes the three dromedaries it's warning me that i'm going to need warm clothing so that's at the top of my mind i'll want to get an electric tailor bench made as well so one thing i will say is it doesn't make that much sense to have uh the meals so far from where we eat them so i will move this over a bit i suppose and readjust but let truston do the barely any construction that he is doing i guess that's where the only two steel that i needed so it's fine okay doubled the power i'll start micromanaging a little bit more and in a moment i'm going to want to assign some roles roles is of course part of ideology and roles are going to allow my people to do certain things so the first role that i want to roll out is going to be leader let's begin a role change now that we have some basic setups and the prime architect is going to be sven i actually didn't need everybody to be in attendance if you wanted to min match this it makes the most sense to have only one person in attendance because that's all you need but because they're siblings i do in fact want everybody in attendance now sven is now the leader of this little community the youngest but the leader and then trusting is going to become actually bunny is going to become the the prophet so change bunny to be the arctic prophet i do have another role called guardian but i don't intend for the original three to ever be a guardian not likely and the reason for this is the guardians have a severely restricted amount of uh oh that's not what i meant to click oh well a severely restricted amount of work that they're allowed to do and i would find it to be a little prohibitive to have any of them be a guardian but perhaps when we add additional people to the colony i will have them queue up for guardianship i meant to hit work drive and give bunny work drive but oh well hey we have our first visitor orange eel an excavator taking a look over here there is some overhead mountain which will trigger infestations if i am not careful so gotta keep an eye on that and sven before you go to sleep let's see what eel has to trade not much i'll let you go without trading [Music] this dromedary here is going to spoil soon so it's in our best interest to move it to where bunny can butcher it once trust is done stripping up all this steel here i'm going to be setting him back up to do more farming [Music] [Music] it's a lot of manual labor for very little steel but in the end i think it will yield positive results bunny now that you're done with that steel is going to go for the uranium so they can get some mini turrets so let me go ahead and remove the plans here so i can see where i'm mining and then once i have uranium i'll have trust in manufacture some uranium mini turrets for defensive purposes now i don't really have a perimeter yet and i probably am not going to make a perimeter around the base uh until i have stone i don't really have any interest in having a metal perimeter that can burn anything flammable is very impermanent in my experience so there's the last of the potatoes sewn and now trusted is going to go cut down some cacti for the wood and we have a mad iguana towards us all right so bunny let's go ahead and haul this uranium back so you can kill the iguana before it causes harm to anyone don't really have an interest in getting nibbled or bit too early and let's set up our first uranium turret and i will put it uh here for actually let me move it out a little bit put it uh right there and for this to work we're gonna need to run some conduit within the base and it's dead no another thing i should be doing is trying to keep this as clean as possible i haven't put in a floor yet because without going too deeply into game mechanics floors produce filth simply put i will get a floor in there eventually but not right now all right so bunny is back to getting the uranium more and then speaking of flooring i'm going to sew some cotton while trusting has downtime [Music] this is a good amount of uranium and will yield several turrets several non-flammable turrets so if we take a look here this turret here has a flammability of zero you can just type flammability now flammability of zero and 250 hit points which is up from the default of the steel mini turrets i wonder if it tells you here yeah of 100 so tougher and cannot burn definitely worth it and with that in mind uh let's get another i'm spreading them out more than three tiles apart because when a turd explodes they take everything out within three tiles of it so putting things within three tiles is a recipe for losing turrets and now that i'm using a lot of my components i will get a bunny to mine up the compacted machinery so these turrets here can turn on and turn off using the reconnect now that's assuming of course that enemies come in from this side but i can always move the turrets around i can move them over here or down there especially if i surround my initial base with steel that way any corner of my base can have a turret installed and powered on now there is one flaw if there is very low wind power during an attack i'm sort of unprotected and that's something i'm going to want to remedy uh in the long run by adding batteries once fenn's done but next up is the machining table so have trusted do that because everybody should have a gun in the community not just the primary shooter for protection sick so the heavy smg's will be the gun of choice but i'm going to keep this initially off so it doesn't draw power away from anything more important not until sven is done researching [Music] now another thing to note is i want to fill in uh some of these areas that have overhead mountain with probably stone so i'm going to go ahead and get a stone cutting table plop that in there as well that's going to allow us to cut some of the limestone around and then fill it in because i don't want it flammable ever so let's make limestone blocks i only really need to make them once initially and or twice i lied twice and that will allow us to fill that in and now bunny's going back to the uranium ore after i get a little bit more uranium i'm going to want more steel because i'm pretty low on steel already and here's the brownouts for infestations to spawn they require overhead mountain tiles so if you just fill it in so that there aren't any you won't get infestations so that's what i'm doing there we are down to 12 survival mills down from 40. i would like ideally to eat a mix of meat and veg but we'll see if that is possible it may not be and gas operation is done so now the gas operation is done let's go cue two heavy smgs and power this back on now the smgs will take a considerable amount of our steel and components which is exactly where bunny comes in helping to replenish that so that's the remaining of the uranium 64 bringing us our total up to 133 which is enough for four more uranium turrets once we have the steel to accompany it moods around the colony are a little low so if we take a look at sven what is his needs the psychic droner is really hurting him not having uh slaves in the colony also not doing him justice and then sleeping in the cold and that we can solve uh relatively easily let's start to work on battle research though rather than have him sweep up the floors [Music] and here a little bit more compacted with steel now the closest deal other than this node here might be this one [Music] or this or that maybe here perhaps gotta figure out where i'm getting my next research or resources rather [Music] and sven's just keep keeps plugging away at the battery research vitally important for us to keep the lights on because the variability of wind turbines too unreliable and getting the heater going so that we can mitigate as much of the mood penalties as i can the droner should go away on its own soon other things that are a problem obviously is disturbed sleep or not having um slaves in the colony and those will be solved in due time and here we go we have even more overhead mountain which will need to be filled in so truston's first smg is excellent and he'll grab it for himself this gun let me drop it just a second has the wonderful art this weapon bears a artwork of bunny architect striking compacted steel with a look of surprise bunny is jumping for joy the style is impressionistic with minimalistic elements the image tells the story of bonnie striking compacted steel uh just yesterday which was some of the material that went into this gun i think and here comes the other one hopefully it is also excellent now you get statistical bonuses significant ones for masterwork and legendary but initially we are going to be doing probably excellence only as masterwork and legendary are much harder to come by trusted has a chance for masterwork but pretty much no chance at all to make a legendary one and our first raid brio people taking a look at aloe serba a jogging nimble shooter possibly someone i want to recruit quite a name what an unpronounceable name so if this is someone that i possibly want to recruit uh i need some sort of basic prison cell so truston is the man for that job there we go four prisoners now this here she is jogger and nimble so she'll be hard to melee uh but she will not be able to outrun a charge rifle hopefully we won't kill her though hopefully it looks to me like we'll need some additional limestone blocks to fill that in and i'm just uh buying my time because she'll come to us i don't need to go to her but my friends that will be for next episode thank you so very much for watching the very first episode of the architects if you have any feedback for me please let me know in the comments below if you would like to chat in real time about the architects rodomont.com has my link to discord it also has my schedule so if you're wondering when the next episode is going to come out rattlemont.com is the resource for you thank you so very much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and i hope that you tune in next time farewell everybody
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 47,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Tutorial, Hard Mode, Roleplay
Id: v2IPmblKTTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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