Surviving the Aftermath - Scouting For Our Lives // EP2

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greetings everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to episode 2 of surviving the aftermath which originally streamed live on twitch and there we go four more houses and that is my current priority and then here's erica and erica i'm gonna send to the museum to collect science so the things to note here is her ap or action points she can move up to seven spots so yes this is uh one two three four away and her resource research gathering rate is 350 science points per 12 hours and this museum provides 500 science so in 24 hours she will be done with this museum uh then i'm gonna have spicy jazz start to scout and we're gonna scout west and then i'll have fang face who is a specialized scavenger fang face is going to start to scavenge basic clothing this campsite has 15 basic clothing to scavenge this campsite is safe when i find an unsafe campsite i will show you what that means so now all three of my specialists are on the world map doing tasks for me when you're on the world map like this time pauses it won't progress and there we go built the gate into the world day three another thing to note is you get new actions when this clock here goes all the way around for a new day and the tooltips are telling me to explore my surroundings which i will not do yet because i want the i want the tents for my new homeless people because if they stay homeless uh there's going to be a hit to happiness considerable happiness sleeping on the ground and being homeless is a hit to welfare so not keep them that way one more minute for the raffle so if you want uh the new specialist named nafti i also get a new specialist in eight days or four days rather but i'll have to pay for them which uh you'll see what that looks like when i get it all right it's also telling me that i should build a warehouse storage site to store tools in medicine that's honestly not that necessary really early on because your campsite has a huge amount of capacity for it newfie thanks for the bits kadath thanks for gifting out with petra bowl as well i have not been keeping up on my activity feed i apologize there's just so much to explain on a sort of tutorial-esque series but uh but cheers to you thank you and if you're a sub uh you're eligible for this raffle boop the biggest name all right nate huh how may i help you how do i huh i might not be able to rename you until you come back home but uh noted that you have won i'm not sure i can rename you though yet so right now i have two scientists which is kind of not ideal but there's another way to use your specialists it does consume them but i'll show you that in a bit so now that i am starting to get science we have had 12 hours well uh i can't even put 12 fingers up i am not irradiated enough for that but now that we have um some time has elapsed we can access the research tree so there's five trees here there is the food tree the resource tree the infrastructure tree the community tree and the safety tree uh generally speaking on the hardest difficulty i rush medical training in the safety tree but before i even start to queue up research uh what i want to do is i want to show you some okay here we go uh this research the upscale tense is a result of our ideology we have the survivalist ideology and upscale tense reduces the happiness penalty of tense and communal tense so that's going to be really nice research to get rather early on so that people are happier with the basic tense that they have but the like i said the first thing i really want to do is rush the guardians nursing and medical training because you can be hit by a lot of medical emergencies early on and it's important not to be ill prepared for that or your population dies off rather quickly uh the raffle is indeed for subs only so the first thing that we're going to get is guardians guardians allows you to upgrade a scouting post into a guard post and it is immune to pollution and the people that work there are better armed if you have the weapons to arm them and petrible thanks for gifting out to ratty patty so they're eligible for their next raffle um the moment you you select a research it cannot be refunded so if i hit reset queue here you'll see that i only have 250 science points not the 350 that i have because i've already spent the 100 science points to start doing guardians but that means that i'm not required to do not required to spend the projects that are later down in the queue which is good but i do want medical training so i'm gonna do that anyway so that's the research tree and uh and i'll explain and and once i get like the very baseline amount of research that i feel like i need to survive on the hardest difficulty i'm gonna start to let you guys vote on next research but i can't do that really early on because if you voted something that wasn't um if you voted for something that wasn't all that needed i would just die like water pipes i don't need water pipes early on i don't use water early on so if you voted for water pipes um it would be a bit of a waste and i would perish as a result so once we have all of the new tents built i'm actually going to get a second uh medical tent because we have actually uh so this is the last okay all the resources have been delivered to that tent so let me go skew up a second medical tent and queue up a second outhouse oops not a third all right it's a new day here um nope they're still working so the next thing i'm probably going to build let me update my current priority is support the growing pop [Music] i'm going to be adding a fishing pier now we want a fishing pier that is 100 efficient or near 100 efficient so this is 100 efficiency i'll work for me and that will keep people better fed but as you can see my [Music] the amount of food that i have has been going up even though it reads as i am producing far less than i'm consuming because of some of the manual hunting that i've been doing we have plenty of food plenty of food [Music] here's the second medical tent and they're getting the outhouse now so if we already have the resource for the outhouse of the medical tent let's go ahead and set ourselves up with a scout tower so it's ideal to build scout towers probably closest to the edge of your known radius but also keeping in mind that you might want a dirt path out there because um your scouting towers are manned uh by people and if you don't have a path out to it it's going to be difficult for uh whoever works there to man the station properly so there's a dirt path out to the scout tower and um some scout towers that sort of enclose your the back of your base is very very useful when you get attacked from behind especially when they become guard towers uh which will be unlocking in literally seconds now with that said it doesn't make sense it doesn't actually matter if i wait for the guardians to finish it uh researching because you can't build a guard tower straight away you have to build a scout tower and then upgrade it to a guard tower uh so there's the medical tent but i'm gonna fire the clinician working in there because i don't need the medical tent right now i just might want it later on so there we go i made the discovery of a guard tower uh here i can put the guard tower there i lied we'll just build it straight to guard even though it's uh more expensive this is probably going to be a permanent guard tower because i don't suspect that my colony will expand sort of beyond this back pond and it will keep it better protected although it does um nearly double the cost so you know you got to prioritize your resources another thing i wanted to do is to get this water well let's actually build this one next because i i want to free up the person that is working at the water collector so they can do other things and it's a brand new day and i have specialists ready for action let's get out here so spicy jazz has scouted this next zone and here is in a salvage spot that is dangerous so the hazard is radiation and it will cause 10 damage per hour or 10 damage every 12 hours and i have 80 hit points so uh this these types of zones here allow you to build outposts so this is hangers that i cannot travel to for research um you have to build an outpost and i'll show you that later on once i have access to metal uh this zone unfortunately is a big water pond i think what i'm gonna do is to have spicy jazz continue scouting for me so he's gonna go northwest and scout the next zone over bing face uh finished salvaging this camping site for 15 clothing and i'm gonna have fang face go to the tool site and get those tools and then the biggest nate who is currently named erica finished uh with the museum and now this museum spot has no more science left so it is not worth anything and i'm going to have erica go back home so i could name her properly all right okay the biggest is all that fits uh nate uh i'm gonna call you big nate how's that that's better and then let's kick big nate back out to the world ben and you big nate will go southeast so what i'm scouting for initially is medical supplies um we're going to want iodine pills antibiotics and medicine really early on to stave the cat the sort of catastrophic events that can the catastrophes and the like that can happen to our colony so on the hardest difficulty is very very very necessary to try to find those um salvage spots early on so that you do not fall victim to it [Music] what is this berries is there any let me give the pollution overlay okay so there's no pollution around this um fertile soil good that means that i can build my water wells wherever i want not have to worry about irradiation because yeah you don't want radiated water a hydrate cheers and harry thanks marisa there's a new quest available a new crest quest uh so the dead rats are considered to be more of a nuisance than an actual threat to well-defended colonies however their numbers have recently begun to rise at an alarming rate so we don't have to do a request um but you're given the option to do these quests generally it involves using your specialists on the overland map to do challenging tasks for some sort of resource benefit so i can either liberate the farms or just say you know what i don't care about rats good riddance and uh looks to me like we're gonna accept it so thank you for voting so quickly i know they're flash polls and i have to now liberate the so if we go out to the world map here oh they're pirate rats okay so i have raiders to fight now or bandits to fight and there are multiple multiple little bandit camps around the world here that i need to clear out now there's definitely a safety in numbers so i'm not going to immediately stop what i'm doing uh defeat the rats is my current priority i'm not gonna immediately stop what i'm doing because i want uh my specialist to complete their current tasks but then once they complete their tasks i will converge upon one of these rat camps and uh slay them do some rat stumping so my fishing pier is coming together which is good that will help with food and we can furlough the water collector because my water income is high enough that we don't need them this scout tower is or guard post i should say is getting funded one thing to note is i am relatively low on wood so let me uh start to think about how to gain wood more quickly which is a logging camp or rather a lumber yard so a lumber yard uh allows you to cut down trees for wood and i'm gonna put the uh another thing another important thing to note is this here is fertile soil if i go to the fur uh soil fertility i don't want to build a lumber yard where there's fertile soil because fertile soil is useful for um uh for farming so i'm going to build my lumber yard it fits perfectly here but it's kind of close to this radiation source i'm going to put it here sort of in the front walkway it'll be out of the way okay mayville thank you for the reset and the fishing pier is done let's hire two people in the fishing pier and they will be making fish for me i'm not gonna have production limits on food uh i highly doubt that i will fill my stock room up on food it would require uh hundreds of more food than i currently have so i'm not worried about that [Music] [Music] okay so we just got nurses uh nurses allows us to employ two people per medical tent instead of one uh doubling or i don't know if it actually doubles the efficiency but it added adds to the efficiency of processing patients and uh now we're we're going with medical training uh which increases the healing speed which is in my opinion pretty important uh the lumber yard is out of wood so one of the ways for me to get wood would be to have my carriers work to gather wood at the wood remains uh so that's how we're gonna get it and then once i have the lumber yard built i will cue up a forester to be able to replace the wood that we're cutting down [Music] oh boy all right new priority prepare for fallout yep so this is the first catastrophe that we're going to be facing it is nuclear fallout so nuclear fallout will heavily irradiate your population um creating a lot of radiation sickness in your colony if you don't treat the radiation sickness with iodine pills or with medicine you die and any crops in open farm fields will also die but i don't have any farm fields so that is not a threat so yep let's go with the let's go well we'll stay yellow for now i have uh about a day in change to prepare for this and unfortunately for me i have not found any sources of iodine pills out on the world map my scouts are still scouting i do start with five medicine and six iodine pills but this might be a little rough fortunately i am prepared a bit because i have two medical tents which can employ up to four people and i am in the process of researching uh medical training which should be done by the time this uh nuclear fallout hits which allows me to heal people more quickly so i do have a bit of a stacked deck to be able to deal with this first event and there we go it's a new day and oh she found big nate found a source of iodine pills which she is going to work to scavenge there are 24 iodine pills in this decaying house uh she also found another observatory um which is basically the same thing as a hanger this observatory gives 25 science per uh 12 hours whereas this hangar only gives 15 and then also a a bandit camp that is protecting tools yes i think what i'm going to do is cancel fangface's current mission to scavenge the tools so that i can survey the adjacent tile for more uh radiation uh medicine because this is going to get a little rough another thing to to to note is the people working in the fishing pier will be furloughed when the uh radiation rains happen because you can't fish during radiation rains you also cannot collect water from the water collector during radiation rains all the more reason why i'm relying on underground water from the water wells um so get water wells early on because if you're relying all on the water collectors they will not be operable during radiation rains they'll they'll shut down and you'll die you'll die real bad so here's the warning about catastrophes when a catastrophe draws near you need to prepare for example burners to keep your shelters warm during winter storms outhouse outhouses rain raises colonists immunity and medical tents heal various conditions uh wouldn't be a terrible idea for me to add all of that house as long as i'm currently not yeah uh well i don't really have the wood at the moment so i'm gonna hold off what about water storage so your campgrounds here store water by default they store up to 300 water so i have water in storage uh already i have 300 water i'm already maxed up on storage oh you got a parasite nothing like good old giardia do the specialists need to bring stuff back home they do yes now there's a there's a way to build an outpost for a collection point but that's probably not something i'm even gonna use in this stream because it's um it's like really only useful super late game oh and we have just depleted this plastic site and i'll explain what that means in just a second but i'm going to change their work from this plastic site over to the new one so there is 7731 underground plastic here uh which i can mine later on with a plastic extractor and it has a richness of 59 which is medium or so it's not high but it's pretty good the plastic extractor is a resource research way the heck down here so it's not something i'm going to be using for a while and then another thing to to to say about this i can build on this as well if i don't intend to mine it later on like if i don't feel i need it you can treat this as just ground you don't necessarily have to respect that it is a note underground so once i fully line up this plastic i can then sort of judge which one is more rich between the two and just build on top of the other one and there we go medical training is done so now i have healing speed 20 percent and um my next research i'm gonna have you pick the category i think not the individual research so we have got food resources infrastructure community and safety uh so let me pull for that food resources infrastructure community [Music] all right there you go and i'll take some time on this one but let me explain the choices here so if food we would get skinning skinning allows your trapper to become a hunter to produce fibers in order to make clothing later on if you chose resources that would give us centralized repairs which gives us a maintenance depot which helps to maintain damaged buildings it also leads to metal scavenging which is a significant resource that we need later on uh infrastructure gives water pipes uh which allows you to supply water to buildings but i don't have any buildings that require water uh buildings that require water would be something like a cook house requires water being able to cook meals later on a community would give me bunk beds which can allow me to build tents which would be crowded but then it also leads to upscale tents which reduces the happiness penalty to my tents so if i get bunk beds i'm probably not going to use crowded tents because it makes people unhappy and on hard difficulty you don't want to make them unhappy because they'll just leave your community and you'll be dead in the water and then the safety would lead to frontier outposts allowing me to set up outposts uh out here to be able to acquire like science passively or whatever else there's other types of passive resource resources together and yeah as a choice is yours nice efficiency 100 like it and the lumber yard is coming along so obviously one of the things we don't want to do is cut down into these trees from the lumber yard or we'll absolutely tank the trapper's efficiency which is not good add one more outhouse all right let's employ people to cut down these trees so i want to cut down these trees primarily because this is where i farm so instead of um knocking down the trees because if you if you build something like where trees are it will just automatically knock the trees over and you won't get the benefit of the wood i want to cut these trees so that i can free up the zone uh for later on and i'm gonna have a tiebreaker between resources and community because they were the top two choices let's do another timer here and i'm going to start to set up a second medical tent because already two people are infected and that is only gonna go up as the nuclear fallout uh closes upon us so just uh just so that you know the tiebreaker is between resources which is centralized repairs which leads to metal scavenging which is a very essential research to build metal buildings and then also allows you to upgrade your recycler and upgrade your scrapper for metal or uh you're voting on community which would be better beds to keep people happier but that will require two they both would require like two investments but that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna treat it like double vision all right fanface found a source of medicine and a source of antibiotics now i'm not going to need antibiotics for a uh a nuclear fallout but i am going to want medicine so i'm going to have fame face head to the medicine uh there's 27 medicine in those crumbling houses and big nate has collected six of the iodine pills at a rate of six per hour so i'm going to leave big nate to continue to collect and then spicy jazz scouted here and found more medicine um and also found a science uh museum and i'm gonna have spicy jazz head to the science museum to uh to gain some extra science so that we can unlock more stuff and the game is telling me to go kill some bandits which during a nuclear storm i don't think i'm going to do okay the guard post is done the guard post will immediately automatically employ one guard and then this will slowly start to scout out to this range so you can actually see the circle uh of maximize scouting that will be added once he's done so i'm going to keep him employed here until the scouting is complete spicy spicy oh tie breakers [Music] okay so here's the nuclear fallout we're gonna go with red now because people are gonna be dying i'll try not to have anyone die but we'll we'll see um looks like resources won by a hair so i'm gonna queue up centralized repairs to metal scavenging centralized repairs isn't all that um it's not that helpful to have like a maintenance depot um so it automatically repairs and decontaminates in a small radius where you designate the work area so it's useful if you let's say have a um if you have farmland that's next to a pollution site you can set up a maintenance depot to automatically decontaminate the farms without having to do it manually it just saves you some micromanagement that's basically what a maintenance depot does is saves you some micromanagement but it does lead to metal scavenging which is uh which gives you this scrapper gives you the ability to start salvaging metal out of the map tile and i do have a metal site already found i have this metal site here and this scout tower or this guard tower rather probably going to find some other metal sites another thing to note is as this um guard tower expands its radius it's very possible that there's hostile fauna that i have not yet discovered which will be discovered soon so we gotta be careful about that and as people get sick here well currently they're getting infected which is just weird during a nuclear radiation but as they get um additionally more sick i might furlough some workers that are working in the lumber yard or uh recycler and put them to work in the medical tents so that we can make sure that uh everybody is being treated so as soon as i have uh let's say four people sick i'll probably start doing that that would be that would be the threshold i would say and if they do die we're gonna want a burial pit now burial pit uh causes some pollution as you can see the last part of that tooltip is creates pollution so we're going to want to put that somewhere where it's not going to pollute the ground much like we did with the outhouses someone's yelling a visibly upset colonist is trampling around in circles cheeks red from shouting and eyes feverishly scanning the area around the stockpile hey tumbling you come just in time for a vote i was playing kerbal today we're playing uh some surviving the aftermath which is a post-apocalyptic strategic colony survivor and uh you get to vote so we have a mysterious crate um a colonist is visibly upset and he dropped a crate of food and he thinks someone stole it or something so all right we're gonna search for it good choice guys we got eight corn and 15 happiness happiness is always really nice to have even more than the food itself i'd say so here as you can see we got lucky with that event so it's registered as block 22 so all 22 people in the colony are temporarily a little happy due to the luck offsetting the fact that they have poor housing [Music] not bad guys not bad you lacked explosions you went to the mun and duna on a single rocket wow that is uh that's a that's high skill dude congrats oh you know what i was wrong about the fishing pier they're still working during this uh radiation but the water collector is disabled by the disaster um either i misremembered or they changed it in the 1.0 release either way um the fishing pier still works which is cool now i do know that the fishing pier deactivates during a winter storm unless you have ice fishing or a burner to heat it that much i know unless they changed that too i hope they didn't and this nuclear fallout will last for a few days and if we take a look at the pollution overlay as you can see everything on the map is becoming increasingly irradiated it's just bleeding irradiation everywhere and as the radiation gets deeper and deeper and deeper um more people are going to become irradiated and will need medical attention and my uh iodine pills which i only have six of very finite amount i may send uh big nate back in about an hour or two with the 12 iodine pills that she has grabbed and then sent her back out yet again because uh time is of the essence time is of the essence all right so it's a new day now you are faced you are going to go to the crumbling houses all right get medicine from the crumbling houses yup at six per hour what's up spicy jazz you're gonna go to the museum for us get us some extra science uh this will only take 12 hours because there's only 201 science points here and he gets 250 per hour because he's a scientist and actually big nade is even better scientists big nick gets um 350 per hour uh shoot how may i help you and then she now has 12 iodine bills has harvested half of the ones from this house but i'm going to cut her uh salvage short okay so that she can bring it home and what you'll see when she comes home here is my item pills will take a moment minute to update but as soon as she walks kind of like towards the general stockpile you'll see that number pop back up to adding the 12 that she acquired you've reached a milestone come on there it goes so now she's at 14 that means she's uh handed over her iodine pills and i'm gonna send her out back out to the map tile uh the world map to go collect more i also just uh finished researching centralized repairs which gives me the maintenance depot but like i said the maintenance depot just helps reduce the amount of micromanagement so it's not something i need to build immediately but we're going to continue researching the metal scavenging and that used the almost all of the last amount of research that i had and then big date yes should be able to run okay so i don't can't quite get to the decaying houses in the next 12 hours but after 12 more hours she'll be back to getting iodine pills but i think it was very very important that we deliver the ident pills that she salvaged because she brought home 12 and we've used up all but two of the what we had in our stockpile and 10 of my colonists are now radiated so let's furlough some of the recyclers to employ additional doctors trying to bring the irradiated numbers down so that no one dies ah no one dies that would be nice losing people really early game is harsh because um early game it's very hard to keep your people happy which means the fertility rate is very low so the people that you lose are it it feels like a catastrophic loss when that happens early game uh and we did just get reclaimed knowledge unlock five texts to hit a little bit more colony prestige and this is this is just like a a score rating for like how well you're doing so if we take a look at the pollution overlay yi looking very purple don't look so good now there's another metal scrap that i would not have known about had it not been for this guard post and we made it through it and it's usually the amount that our rated is down from a peak of like 10 or 12 to like two or three so very necessary to scale up the medical tents if i didn't have these medical tents we probably would be looking at fatalities in in yeah likely we averted fatalities by having uh by the research that i made so our initial research into medical training and nurses uh kept people alive so good job me i guess uh but now that we don't have so many irradiated sick people i can employ them back into the plastic recycler and with the wood and plastic that i have let's start investing in nice things to have so getting a warehouse would be nice uh a warehouse stores no i'm actually not going to worry about a warehouse just yet uh let's put some more tents in though so i'm going to want to place my tents where the tents fall within the darker orange radius here so i'll put a tent here and here and this is just so that if i recruit some more people i can house them and that that these houses fall technically under the radius uh so they'll be heated by uh the burner and kill the rats is now the priority and i'll start working on that in just a second let's get rid of the red light it's a big nate all right i'm actually gonna have big nick pivot uh to start to work on clearing out the rats with jazz so jazz finished uh scavenging the museum got us some science points and i'll have you guys vote in just a second on how i use those science points and uh big nate and jazz are going to converge on one of these uh rat farms to kill them out uh another thing i want to ask is next research so let me write this up so we're getting metal scavenging now so we'll have the choice of uh food i forgot to save this so i have to retype it sorry resources infrastructure community and saved [Music] alrighty it's a vote on how i spend it and the choice is i'll actually explain the choices to you so if you vote food we're gonna get uh skinning so that we can start hunting for for fibers to make clothing if you vote resources we're gonna get handicraft to unlock or actually we'll probably get the advanced recycler and the advanced scrapper to be able to scrap metal and acquire plastic faster and then eventually leading to crowbars to do it even faster if you vote infrastructure would be water pipes if you vote community it would be the upscale tents if you vote safety it would be the frontier outposts up to you in about one day's time i'm going to have the opportunity to recruit a specialist that comes to the front gate um i'm not gonna start the raffle just yet because you guys might not actually want the specialist that shows up uh so there's multiple specialist types there are scouts which are best at scouting new territory scavengers which scavenge nodes uh scientists which research and fighters which fight so those are the four classes and right now we have two scientists and a scavenger so we're missing scouts and we're missing fighters i'm hoping that we're offered to recruit a fighter or scout ideally a fighter metal scavenging just got done and let's build one i'm gonna put a scrapper is there let me see pollution okay there's no pollution around here so i'm gonna put a scrapper right here because this scrapper is going to get this metal so i have this metal node and then i also have this metal load down there but i'm just sort of guessing there's more metal yet to be scouted up this way this is probably a better place for my scrapper cheers ooh i'm almost out of coffee i was like the last sip it's gonna make a man grow man cry oh callus is under attack so here is an example of uh oh uh oh this guard not so good so here's an enormous bear that is going to completely stomp the guard that i have employed here run guy run what i'm gonna try to do because i can control my guards individually actually he's kind of winning so i'm gonna let him keep fighting oh god are these children delivering this stuff no you just look like children [Music] you can win no if i didn't have a guard tower here the people that are trying to set up the scrapper probably would have um been shredded by that bear because my guard is better equipped with crossbow whereas the regular uh people would have had a hand to hand combat that bear and it would have been a bad bad scene but that that's the first hassel fauna that we've cleared out so far and that's what it looks like that's uh that's one of the harder oh god oh man you just got hit by a meteorite so obviously it had damaged this tent um and one of the ways to figure out what is damage is to go to building health and this very quickly will show the things that need to get repaired so it's only that one tent fortunately guy is falling oh yes i'm bleeding she yells i know i know in fact i'm gonna fire one of the nurses here we only need one nurse uh oh uh oh this is okay this is different so now we're legitimately under attack by a bunch of rat meals uh this probably happened oh nice there's two metal scraps here probably happened because i scouted a little further deeper so there's an option here where um reporting it wow uh where i can hit the alarm bell so if i signal the alarm it will it will sort of send people to shelter and then the guards that i have the gate guards and the tower guards will try to clear out the threat so what i'm going to do is i'm going to shift my workers i have a lot of plastic so i'm going to fire some of them in plastic haulers and put them into tower guards and get guards uh hoping that the tower guards and get guards alone me micromanaging it will help to thwart this raid and what they're going to try to do these beetles is just to destroy whatever they come in contact with so the best way to do this is to pause select the individuals that are guarding one at a time and have them um cue an attack on the critters coming in you do get penalized if you use your alarm so i don't want to use the alarm unless i absolutely have to if i hit the alarm it will be an upsetting thing uh for the comfort of my colonists they don't like to shelter in place so this guard where are you going alfie this guard cleared one of the beetles out and then these beetles can be eaten uh too so now i'm just using my gate guards and my uh scout tower guards to target the beetles manually which is uh a pretty effective way to thwart the threat all right and then this tower here is under attack by three beetles so that tower is gonna need some love and as you can see here uh the tents that the beetles are attacking are taking damage so this is this is one of those events where um no where are you going mason this is one of those events where uh you don't get attacked at your front gate not all of the threats come from the front gate some of them come from behind um which is why it's helpful to have guard towers behind your base and right when we get done uh clearing this beetle threat i will attend to the specialist who wants to be recruited because i think we're gonna do this without having to hit the uh alert signal we won the battle there we go all right let me fire the extra guard i only really let's do two gig guards in the front and then one in the guard tower and back oh there's another beetle here go for that so i was very lucky the scrapper that i'm building is right next to two metal sites which is uh honestly awesome very very awesome oh yeah that's a lot of beatles but i think we should be fine we've reached a milestone and a new milestone nature in my backyard defeat 10 hostile wild animals all right uh so the new specialist is all right so it's a scientist that i would need to pay 900 coins for i'm going to decline them we have three we have two scientists already this would be scientist number three let's try to get a different specialist because uh three scientists just really not going to be helpful keep fighting robin thank you for tuning in to surviving the aftermath which originally streamed live on twitch if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams thank you so very much for watching and a special thank you to all my patreon patrons and twitch subscribers for supporting the channel and also viewers like you i'll catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell everybody you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 12,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Surviving the Aftermath, Let's Play, Twitch, Tutorial, Hardest Difficulty, Viewer Feedback Encouraged
Id: oBjzpQQwwqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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