r/Im14andThisIsDeep 路 ciggy smoke human?!

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sometimes the person you would take bullet for ends up being the person behind the gun how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash i'm 14 and this is deep you can do 99 things for someone and all they remember is the one thing you didn't do i see 1 000 boys i know 100 boys i talked to 10 boys i love one boy 1503 2019 this is just more funny than anything oh so you're the one who took all of our jobs god another phone bad image animality humanity this image is stupid like a lot of images here my apologies i can't do a doofenshmirtz voice but uh this is why i'd rather not make friends they find someone else and bam you're alone don't make me wake the beast the beast within if beauty matters i would date my dog rather than you y'all smoke to enjoy it i smoke to die is that aesthetic though how does a bill become a law oh this is what it looks like when you're trying to look at memes through your tears to cheer yourself up 299 followers 411 000 followers my teachers are qualified to teach spelling she spells you y-o-u she spells b-r-b-r-e-t-u-r-n she spells g-o-o-d-by-e holy crap that's boomers frick this is really sad that building is like a metaphor for our crumbling society left to rod with only the outer shell hinting towards any semblance of a glory long lost oh okay i get it yeah is bad blah blah blah blah blah i'd be drowning in champagne but the sham is silent sometimes i delete my own post because i'm not the same person i was five minutes ago god damn of course it's the joker children you spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut up dear heart why him i set myself on fire to keep you warm and you just watched me burn this is so cryptic and emotional and i have so many questions but i don't want the answers i love it so much it's a girl holding a chicken in her arms cigarettes after sex cigarettes after x what i uh i uh i get i don't i i don't get the message here 1980 2010 believe it or not there were fat people in 1980 when the pain no matter hurt that's when you become a different type of monster deep as frick man we think we are the doctors we are the disease what's wrong um nothing why are you being so distant we don't talk anymore i decided to put as much effort into contacting you as you do with me that's why we don't talk anymore if a man wants you and only you nothing or no one else can distract them i don't even know who i am anymore some people don't want to be fixed because being broken gets them attention the others will help okay i'm at school listening to this literally dying inside but everyone thinks i'm okay what even is this maybe you should eat some makeup so you can be pretty on the inside too what two emojis you use the most end war i mean i'm down for that but like this is a stupid way to get that out there this is deep no it's not fake chicks want a man who has it all a real woman helps her man get it all i hate joker and harley things that are like oh this is deep you know like oh i want a relationship like joker and harley yeah i want a relationship where a guy constantly like you know treats me like garbage and like leaves me to die and stuff you know that kind of stuff you're so stupid i fake a smile every day and you believe it how stupid you are no feelings don't try falling in love ever again why is in love one word as soon as you're born you are given a name a religion a nationality and a race you spend the rest of your life defending a fictional identity or it's just called being a human being ah technology how awful it's trying to steal your brain from books or whatever how are you fine fourteen-year-old white girls life is soup and i'm a fork welcome to reality be faithful get cheated on show love get left be honest get lied to show feelings get hurt i thought he was doing push-ups okay i'm sorry any good news doc while your test results are in you may want to sit down i hate to tell you this but you have humans nobody knows when the last goodbye is okay well why didn't you look uh left and right before crossing the road why didn't he look down before stepping into the open manhole this is how stupid this generation is half a million 900 000 oh god it's a stupid joker like instagram post with deep quotes they aren't deep they're stupid i am the hulk so what i am eminem fan this is sad 30 000 years ago this is not fair why only earth got humans today thank god we don't have humans the hunger virus kills about 8 000 children a day and the vaccine for it exists it's called food but you won't hear that in the media do you know why because hunger doesn't kill the rich my generation will invent agriculture your generation can't even hunt mammoth i hate you did you mean i think i'm falling in love with you and it scares the crap out of me highly ah spell it out it'll make it more special i'm leaving you oh damn cat versus invisible wall good video by the way uh the image of society few will break out while many stay behind an invisible wall confusing how to break free whoa this piece is called the impact of a book okay they asked 25 and single she replied no 25 and independent cool 600 likes 15 likes okay but the art is better any day no matter the likes i i don't think people understand that the amount of likes does not matter none can destroy iron but its own rust can likewise none can destroy a person but his own mindset can what the hell is this uh oh it's it's a book and computers are bowing down to it i guess what the hell this person's like mowing a lawn of heads is he like pushing them down or like i i i i don't get it it's it's automatically bad if you don't understand the message how are you me the light inside is broken but i still work 1990 2000 2005 2019 this is incredibly inaccurate little peep xxx temptation me love thy neighbor love thy neighbor challenge it's your birthday mario said i didn't respond are you not excited to be 15 he asked reading my book i uttered i turned 15 long ago me ignoring you how badly i want to talk with you what one day delusions turn into ashes this is stupid this is the most dangerous animal in the world it is responsible for millions of deaths every year by its side a great white shark swims peacefully this is important mom i took nine months to form your heart do not let anyone break it in 15 seconds you were born in original don't die a copy i'm not crossing the road the road is crossing my forest why is he arresting the bear name these brands uh facebook mcdonald's i don't know what the alligator is apple volkswagen nike name these plants uh uh maple leaf uh this slaps you in the face of reality okay next one however thoroughly you wash your hands if you voted for this government they will never be clean kim kardashian nikola tesla if you know who this is and you have no idea who this is you are probably more concerned about celebrity gossip and pop culture than the future of humanity you don't need a reason to help people i'm not perfect but i will always be real okay pooh over nothing lasts forever i'm in paint but the t is silent okay this is ironic come on society uh not quite perspective planks i could chop this into logs i could make this into furniture tree what is the difference between i like you and i love you when you like a flower you just plug it but when you love a flower you water it daily one who understands this understands life uh i actually don't understand this one at all i do not know the message try thinking positive for once okay i'm positive that i'm a waste of space intelligence is created out of some old pornography found in the forest that's why it's intelligence what everything in this world is either a potato or not a potato sit i told you no reading or thinking for yourself this is awful real men frick up what defines a men is up man man are the frick steps he takes with frick can after he freaks up what is this just a screenshot from left 4 dead 2 okay your current behavior will be reflected in your future life okay this computer head is trying to decapitate this book head god it's these are all just so bad roses aren't always red violence aren't exactly blue i live in a world where not everything's true you are a liar i am one too but this is society and it's what we do well you know what they say we do live in a society son it's 8 a.m time for your behaving school drugs yes mommy i'm tired of hearing how everything in your life wasn't good enough including me i'm laughing so hard someone made this gift black and white to make it more dramatic but it's literally from a movie about a talking fish in a vegetarian shark true i would have stayed in the nut sack if i knew it was going to be days like this all the people around her have one heart and she has one brain uh i mean all seems normal here it's just a cigarette smoking a human how is this like deep trust no one i mean yeah i wouldn't uh i wouldn't reach out for a snake's head that's just me though so many selfies and so little knowledge of self some stories are written with pen some stories are written with pain i saw that one coming from a mile away i'm sorry i'm not pretty i'm sorry i'm not smart i'm sorry i'm failing i'm sorry i'm to blame i'm sorry i'm worthless i'm sorry i'm useless i'm sorry i'm such a mess i'm sorry i can't be proud i'm sorry i'm a person i'm sorry i was born i'm sorry you have to deal with me i didn't ask okay i kind of see what the message is supposed to be here but it's still stupid honestly i think my back is just target practice for the people i care about to stab me in from the minute we are born we start dying yes they always ask what are you doing step bro never how are you doing step bro oh my god so i just figured out the word hurt it's past present and future you will be hurt you are hurt you were hurt because if something truly hurt it never really stops you poetic little crap it's because it's an adjective you will be stupid you are stupid you were stupid successful man unsuccessful man okay so he just he's just walking you can be a successful man and still walk potato is tired potato is stressed potato needs a hug potato is me i'll give the potato a hug and probably eat it there is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs okay this one sure i i get it you know i i understand it you know you have to work hard to get somewhere you know it's not as simple as just stepping in an elevator and it doing all the work for you it actually makes sense bravo me talking to my family two seconds me talking to my friends eight seconds me talking to myself one hour 54 minutes and 27 seconds this generation was the first to be raised online google taught me to be curious tumblr taught me to be inspired youtube taught me to be myself vine taught me to laugh deviantart taught me to aspire blogger taught me to reach out facebook taught me to make friends instagram taught me to share etsy taught me to be proud twitter taught me to listen and i wouldn't want it any other way if people keep testing me the only shores that the world isn't ready to see i'm sorry i had to laugh um look i love big yoshi society has made me this way yes screw you society for making me have long hair and covering up my eye you know too much psychology when you can't get mad because you understand everyone's reasons for doing everything true friends stab you in the front that's a good song in this trust exercise i close my eyes and you all catch me it builds trust one two three okay uh okay so they've all gotten fatter i got it tv bad quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people we stop looking for the monsters under our bed because we realize it's inside us no me seven i want to be a singer everyone that's great me 10. i want to be a doctor everyone that sounds nice me 12 i want to be a lawyer everyone we are proud of you me 15 i want to be dead everyone thanks for 800 likes i never got that many no one cares why am i so sad ugly emotional fat tired when the phone was tied with a wire humans were free that doesn't make any sense like everything on the subreddit evil does not exist within a gun it exists in the minds and the hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes i don't like how he put a devil emoji and a heart next to it that just doesn't doesn't help your case bud i'm fine all right then moving on since i was a kid i learned that words kill shut up when girls are kids they like dolls when boys are kids they like electric toys but when girls are adult they like electric toys and when boys are adult they like dolls shut up and well that brings us to the end of our slash i'm 14 and this is deep thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified of the music busy uploads and until the next one i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 327,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: W7xqfJiycPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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