r/Ihadastroke | is iphone?

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Big D's at his brothers bum cat what which word is supposed to be cat what's up everybody and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and well it's time for our sloshed I had a stroke GG not do bad alter that I now what GG good game Christ dude I got that what you mean they he is speaking the language of gods is that Nardo indeed it is it is Nardo you're right architecture edition this is what we call abstract art more like well I guess abstract art I can't even speak dude it's it's 1244 and give me a break this is abstract as hell fook me and that screw may [ __ ] me and the fook might it's okay take your time would you do for mrs. Blythe project mmm Frick auto repair WTF mmm judge Ian did you mean John Jian Jian while telethon ki yes of course you're right my bad do you like vegetables no I like junk food my friend yes I do I hast ospa guessed you're under arrest biggest sigh scene lol boobs big one tiny huge boo be fresh when a [ __ ] haves to pay what ham name is catching are sloshed I had a stroke thanks kinky nut sauce 1 2 3 OPR you [ __ ] King Sergio dop responds me from european union oh wait he says me from european onion it's a little sad cat stealing one french fry the cat sang um Sean his bumaba slides employs Eon to ease the pain P Osen ozone deadly water golden skeleton doot-doot you have been by golden skeleton good morning appear every 20,000 years bargain vote in twenty seconds or you give monies and not have calcium and bone heartily you better up vote 29 cents bananas by the each by the each that's a straight deal I actually had a stroke at the age of 20 it needed a linguistic therapy afterwards I definitely should have saved more of my messages Here I am complaining about a nurse I didn't like oh man that's a wicked head scar holy eye eight years glad you like them so nice be he's Frick it's nicer yeah I really don't want to include that one because that's like someone actually you know he had a stroke a guy named Keaton Patti forced about to watch 1000 hours worth of Hallmark Christmas movies before asking you to write a Christmas move of its own the Christmas of Christmas interior small town snow globe refiller we see a single mother refilling snow globes with Christmas juice she is widowed her husband died in every war single mother I refill Globes better than Jesus Claus yet still my twins a dad free why they need double dad double bad double dad businessman enters the shop he wears clothes that cost money his hands are briefcases and he's hallmark hot TM single mother continued hi do your snow globes lack wet hurry kriste mess attacks soon businessman has flashback to when he was business bully a Christmas tree explodes his family on purpose he now hates trees and Christmas and explosions he exits a flashback shut you sound I am from huge city I bought your land and I'm turning it into an oil resort rude behavior this is a family business I saw I saw families I am widowed my husband is now beau single mother points to her husband's bones in the corner of the room they are all gift-wrapped and eggnog all my wives are bones Manny's America but I must make money from my joins to live we are a prince I too own twins please don't have bought my land Christmas is today laughs I bought Christmas a now it is never unless we go on dates I cannot date because of a snow curse I pray Santa helps me Santa cannot help she did not know but Santa was her husband Santa is bones bones help nobody the end how are you today my how good is good and the farm looks good good how are you today my health is good the farm looks good that's good dad oh my god soft rock what a 6.7 bird work by KT per nice what are just the hand the foot what's feet the hand doesn't make it any clearer you were loved by friends she's Portuguese I'm sorry she's pork and cheese she's what what can cheese bro you know poor cookies bro what oh no what that is hey Sam H porta geese you mean Portuguese yes but saying this whole time if i eated yellow paint I don't eat it because I did know I didn't yellow heart van Gogh said that the emoji to from from Japanese to English translate that into temporary stroke hello I am the the the the end of the of the deliver the end of it okay grandma okay h-hi can you screw me no what the Frick that's a bye from me I write that wrong wait your mom yeah wake up B is iPhone okay it is enough hey Brandon it's Jenn I think I got this numb from you on tinder or a ding say it a few days ago what you up to Jennifer are you having a stroke hi stroke it Jennifer Jennifer that's not what he was asking honk Jesus honk a few saves if you love Jesus is the answer Jesus love Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus is the answer kitchen kitchen kitty I kit Kotex Tiras TFT mean kit dinner gosh here we go again right are you having a stroke again cook ding if Opie stands for organ all purpose - well then Patrick soapy must stand for pasta swerve or than old Warren the goal to the store market is NSFW for the lady sorry ladies that's you choice for a spelling correction yeah do you want someone Owen aid when Owen aid so it's said folks Lennon aid Lannon add lemon juice or lemon juice or lemon juice Newman Chuck Lou Manju Kay LeMond Jukes Lou Manju say Lennon juices lemonade finally the guy had a stroke or slash I had a stroke it's funny help grandma are you okay no read by me bread huama sir you have to but your grandma some bread does getting in joint blow job girls hello my name is getting and I love blow job girls thanks for asking no problem who the Frick gave gold that is I'm so good for you Ron oh I'm trying to go to Walmart need to pick up a copy how are you ok I need to swear Oh understandable 9 my boy masterstroke every five minutes here's an example you hide it Assam forced Estelle Thank You Man very cool see yes I see you will be bully coz is / calm force accion's on IG IG I'm posting this on reddit thanks I'm learning Oakland Oakland did you Sam look like they take your time oh Allah who kill Allah uncle e-mini guitar there you go bro you like minion picture hello well hello well you are minion minion minion I want truth humanity honesty bisexual bisexuality Harley Quinn and poison ivy will admit or not bisexuality bisexuals truth innocence honesty for Superman Wally West Booster Gold Blue Beetle for euros in crisis brain saw one say have a nice day brain cell - no say have a good one mouth haven't guys done oh yes the music group Zev leg well off asks it to me Wong do tro ABC web wave the host hello friends good morning we know mutiny morning good mutiny good mutiny crew oh you got a pull [ __ ] don't worry just push the door are you years or older yes no or remember ret d'ĂȘtre dumped in' her ads dead to Freedom Road dead were dumped or Road dead we don't Road dead we don't Pokemon it's problematic because it normalizes the hunting and captioning a lot of animals that were otherwise perfectly happy and safer their natural habitat elitism I get it at Wikipedia do you ever look and then when you ever fine you see what thanks McDonald's try speech difficulties side of the face droops or feels numb muscle weakness on one side of body repost satire autocorrect misspelling one word badly fake text probably our sloshed I had a stroke really any subreddit ddb cccc Abda BC BC ad d CB 2 VG f bc CA b DB b a b da ABA a bdd a CB c CB c DD DD CB CB CB had 20 minutes of the and so i memorized everything LMAO thought my friend was having a stroke but it turned out to be test answers I'm gonna spoil and gun the noose stroke sport ok I'm having a stroke it's because you try to spill it again from USB port not only charging as possible your dad also it can be transferred that's why I'd be aware of like that tricks thanks for the heads out okay 730 double you'll be able to drop me off and before you go to your office lot mad be high me see what nuestro do I need to call for help yes no are / too afraid to ask if girl get prep nut than sex and pregnant again - she have twin or do they fightin womb hey Wayne what the frick LMAO waluigi don't away hi hi where are you were outside I lol by posting this on reddit but 12 comma long why why what T yet huh yes yeet I love saying you eat I am your mom now ye oh hey that brings us to the end of our slash I had a stroke this one did not pack as much of a punch as I wanted it to but I enjoyed it in the lesson if you enjoyed it leave a like down below I only want comments typing in the the for modifier of this subreddit so if your your comment doesn't have any misspellings I just don't even don't even bother posting it and as always subscribe I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,428,339
Rating: 4.9595451 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/ihadastroke, r/ihadastroke top posts, r/ihadastroke best posts, r/ihadastroke emkay, i had a stroke reddit, emkay
Id: nOKHEX02r0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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