Right Thinking Brings Promotion | Nancy Dufresne | Holy Ghost Meetings 2021| Monday PM

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[Music] bless blessed be the name blessed be the name of the lord [Music] everybody singing again [Music] holy [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is be the day hallelujah [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] blessed me the name of jesus [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] i will bless that wonderful he's my savior when storms are raging he's [Music] [Music] he's my savior i love jesus i love i jesus jesus he has been so good to me [Music] love you foreign and i want you back i love you i love you with all my heart [Music] oh [Music] you are so good [Music] just think about it come on [Music] [Music] just think about it just think about where he's brought you from he brought us out of darkness into his marvelous light hallelujah we have the word we have the name we have the victory we have everything oh so good so good very good oh [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] glory glory we worship your father we worship you oh we glorify your name [Music] yes lord i worship you all my [Music] that is what i want to do i give you praises yes you [Music] there's no [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] you are my righteousness yeah yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is righteousness [Music] [Music] let's tell them one more time i worship [Music] you [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] no hallelujah father we've come reverently into your presence we thank you for the holy spirit he's here helping us and leading us and guiding us into your word we've come hungry ready to receive expecting answers and expecting impartations we thank you father for this opportunity for the time that you have called us together and we don't take it lightly and we give you all the praise and all the glory and all the honor in jesus name amen you can be seated this evening we invite you go ahead and please silence your cell phones and electronic devices uh we want to remind you we have service tomorrow through thursday 10 a.m and 7 p.m every day the sanctuary doors open 30 minutes before each service we invite any full-time five-fold ministers with a 501c3 if you do not if you did not pre-register you can go and fill out a registration form at the information table ministers parking there's parking few there's some other items that we have that we'd like to get in your hand so if you would like to do that you can order your cd and dvd sets if you're in the ministry to take home by thursday if you order them by tomorrow we can get them to you for the take home on thursday but also those are not just available for ministers they're available to all to go and place an order and you can get a cd and dvd set of these meetings prayer and healing school is in session now we have with pastor noel pastor ruby here in room h that is uh going to be tomorrow through thursday we do not have prayer in healing school on friday that's open to everybody so you can join us for that and then we want to remind you about double up offering on wednesday night that's tomorrow night no yes no two nights from i don't know what day it is i'm not quite sure um i really didn't know what i don't know what today is today monday okay today's monday today's monday i just know 11 days surprise if you don't know that i i'm not i'm not aware of what day and what we got going on ministry to the sick on thursday night that's the last night so if you were expecting to have hands laid on you it's very important that attend every service that you can be at don't just come if you're watching don't just come on thursday but be at every service that's available because the hearing of the word is what produces faith in our lives and you need to have faith when you come up and the healing line to receive from god faith is how we receive from god so you want to be building your faith and hearing god's word you say well i don't know pastor anderson is teaching on the local church in the morning and that's not what i need the only thing is is the holy ghost is the one who's authored his messages and he's also there the day that healing was paid for your body the price was paid so i think he can do both i think he can get you some answers and stir your faith no matter what's being taught if you'll come expecting god will meet you and meet your spiritual need your physical need your your financial need if you're hungry so don't neglect being here and waiting for that thursday night service because you just have want to have hands laid on you be available to receive uh from god we want to let you know before i move on we want to let you know about some books we have of pastor nancy's how many of you can say her books have changed her life changed my life i love what she talked about believe it was yesterday i don't know what day so i'm going to say yesterday but don't hold me to that maybe it was this morning and she talked about how pastors have given these books out people have given these books out to other denominations other congregations and the revelation and the understanding and the grace with which she writes these minister to everyone at no matter what level you're at no matter where you are in your walk with god she writes to every one of us with the help of the holy ghost for one of the reasons is she she hand writes every one of her books she's taught it um and then she's experienced she's lived it it's not just principles that she said i'm gonna write a book on the principles of this subject it's been things she's walked out and she's she's been sharing on those things in the evening services so um i would encourage you to remember that as we are looking at these books the price of the double portion anointing amen uh in this life things have a price and it's good to teach your children that and it's always good to remind yourself we've been learning uh in the mornings about the price and to be a part of the body of christ your local church that's the body that he has called you to and uh if you want a greater annoying people say i want a greater anointing on my finances i want a greater anointing on my business there's gonna come a price for that anointing not a cost but a price that you have to put first what god has asked you to put first and lay aside those things that you would value and esteem above what he has valued and esteem to be number one and she talks to us about this uh in this book and stirs i tell you it stirred me for so much more than i even i i was raised in a wonderful local church i understood a price having moved away from my family and and where i grew up but this book there was i realized there's there's there's even more there's even more and i'm willing to pay whatever the price is to have greater anointing financially mentally physically whatever god asks the price to be i'm willing to pay it amen but i want to always stay willing so if we feed how the direction we feed is the direction our life will go so you want to make sure you have this book you say i want more of god i want more of his anointing in my family she talks about all these things not just just the anointing for those in ministry it's the anointing for everybody's life so that isn't just you say well i'm not i'm not i don't have a special call you have a call we've been learning about that you want the anointing the greatest measure of anointing for the call in your life to be a manifestation amen then this book his presence shall be my dwelling place the first book i ever read that she wrote changed my life changed my outlook and my approach to my father amen it's the the approach is how it his approach to us has been set unconditional love completely bought completely paid for a full plan of abundance everything that you can imagine god has marked for your life but now it's up to my approach to him how i come to him how i come to the throne how i fellowship with him we always want to be learning about our part so his presence shall be my dwelling place that's the decisive dedication that you make and uh you want to get this book it's a excellent for a devotion um book uh to take and then this book is our as she would say one of our most controversial books victory over grief and sorrow there is such a thing there is a victory that you can walk in that the world knows nothing about in times of tragedy no mental help no one two three step no five step program you know no psychologist psychiatrist no pill no support system self-help group can help you to overcome when there's a loss that you feel is a loss it doesn't even have to be somebody dies in your family you lost your job your career something became upended in your life and you're tempted to go why me i can't believe and begin to grieve over your situation grief is turned inward it looks at itself as a victim and somebody that has to suffer uh be depressed and struggle and she has taught us how to have the victory not not um you're not trying to get victory you have the victory we have it we've have it we've been delivered from it it's part of our inheritance and our redemption and uh we have now heard many many many many testimonies from this book people somebody lost uh their spouse went home to be with the lord different things come up in their lives and they said i knew what to do i knew what to do amen i want to know what to do in every situation this this also is the cd series so if you're interested in picking that up you can we want to highlight tonight the legacy partnership this is something that's very near and dear to us because uh down had had a partnership for many many years uh before he went home and uh the legacy partner club we've we've renamed we had eagle partner club have you ever been around since the eagle partner club and you have an eagle or two or three or four or five [Music] those eagles are so special um we've just renamed again no new vision just renamed it legacy partner club um it has its own website that you can manage your account your dm partnership so many are turning to online now it's very easy for them everything's by device so you can give you can sew you can put into that partnership specifically on the website you'll have access to free audio teaching downloads an exclusive partner have an exclusive partner password our partners receive 20 off qualifying dm material in the bookstore and in our online store you can use text to give for your partner offerings with code partner there's no minimum monthly amount required to become a partner if you're interested in becoming partner with us i want you to or you say you know what i'm not a partner but i have heard about it i've thought about it we want to show you just a highlight video so you understand where the partnership money goes to so you all can go ahead and start that [Music] every one of us have a job to do in the body of christ it's a new day of stepping into places in the spirit that will bring us into a greater flow you ain't called for anything else but to help people a fresh momentum that hits a stride what is the job of the body of christ just set people free get people healed get people saved can you say amen hitting a stride in the spirit realm in healing and in gifts [Music] [Music] as you can see the legacy partnership primary role is to send the gospel all over the world so uh when you give that money the primary uh focus for that the the money that comes in is for the taking the word out whatever assignment pastor receives from god there's money there flowing from the partnership to be able to take that gospel travel many of those shots were from other nations and she does not ask these other countries to pay or to give anything to her for her to go visit those nations that comes from the partnership of the people to send her and to send the team to these nations because she has talked about it takes a team it's not just her we're fitly joined together there's a divine uh flow of divine connection and divine connections within that team and so the money is going all over the world it doesn't just i've always thought of it for myself is i've i can't always go and you can't always go and we have good intentions when you say i want to go on a missions trip well if there's no missions trip available keep that partnership keep sewing that partnership in to send somebody else who's on the assignment to go you know oftentimes people misplace the desire for something uh maybe they say i i have a strong and we saw this growing up i think god's called me the ministry he's calling to serve in their local church i think god's called me to missions maybe he's stirring you to fund missions to be a funder to send somebody else amen and so that money goes towards the dm uh arm of the ministry that goes all over the world the road ministry and getting the gospel out i'm in so if you're interested ushers do you all have those if you're interested in becoming a partner would you raise your hand we just want to get you this info this isn't you signing up but you can just get a pamphlet i know many of you are partners but if you're interested in becoming one how many of you say i'm partners with dm already amen so one of the first things i did when i met them before i even married my husband was became a defrayne ed defrayne ministries partner i did not get an eagle we do not have an eagle i feel a little robbed but i'm gonna go take one of pastor debbie's they've got plenty uh so i want to encourage you to think on that pray about it if you if you are interested and thank you for uh those of you who are partners we appreciate it we're grateful and we pray over you and we expect a full harvest on the seed that you sow into this ministry fruit to your account amen amen pastor lo getting praise the lord i have the privilege of taking up the budget offering i mean now we're just not going to make the budget we're going to double the budget amen praise the lord and also all those online make sure you get involved go ahead and text to give give on the website and join us whatever we're doing here you do out there praise the lord in your bibles turn with me to galatians chapter six of course encourage everyone get an offering envelope make your checks payable to dufresne ministries text to give whichever way you are going to give um the this is a familiar portion of scripture we all know it but i want to look at something maybe you've never seen before galatians chapter 6 starting with verse 6 let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things be not deceived god is not mocked whatever a man soweth that shall he also reap he that it does flesh the flesh corruption but he that so the spirit shall the spirit reap life everlasting and let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not i want to draw your attention to verse 9 in due season we understand the context when we hear the word we sow we sow seeds those seeds will be harvested jesus said to give and be given back to you good measure pressed down shaking together running over and so that's how seed works seed operates there is a due season of seeds i was raised in new york and everyone thinks when you're from new york you live in skyscrapers and you know sidewalks i i'm a country boy i was raised up barefoot um you know you know i'm as country as they come and so uh i understand about sea and how it works each one of us kids had a garden whatever we wanted we we planted and we didn't get a harvest right away but after a few weeks uh a few months we got a harvest and that's how seed works and we all understand that but i want to talk about the due season of trees you know we understand how seeds are sowed and that's like are given but the bible likens us unto trees and there's a different kind of harvest when it comes to trees in psalms chapter 1 verse 1 and says this blessed is the man now it's talking about the person it's not talking about the seed you sow it's the person you are blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly but and standeth not in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the lord in his law does he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree not a seed a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit and what and his season or we can say in due season his relief shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper and this has come really alive to me in the past several years i don't know about you but have you ever been faithful in sowing and giving and serving the lord and it didn't look like much was coming in i remember a time i was starting churches and i didn't have enough money to feed my family we were looking in the couch for nickels and quarters just to be able to feed my family and here i was running two services i was starting churches my car was you know broke down and uh you know i was in debt and so forth and you know faithful to give just just faithful to get him faithful to do what god called me to do and it just didn't seem like i was really harvesting a whole lot you know god would bless me take care of me you know you know things would happen but i remember one time doctor came to me and pointed to me and said you're now entering into your harvest years and i said yes and amen praise the lord so be it and and from that time it seemed like things just turned around and things began to work like almost like magic but then the lord reminded me about my time being a farmer you know i planted hundreds and hundreds of cherry trees and we know this we knew this is planting them you know it's a lot of work you put those saplings in the ground you had to point them a certain way and for seven years you had to take care of those trees you had to protect them from the deer and from the rabbit you had to fertilize them you had to protect them and there was a whole lot of work into those trees and you got very little harvest back but after the seventh or eighth year you begin to get the fruit and from that time forward every year those cherries increase more and more fruit came why planted like a tree and we knew this once you planted you didn't move it or you you don't give up on it you didn't say well after five years this thing isn't working it's a bad job but you stay planted and i want to encourage you and you know you may be in place like i was 10 years ago it doesn't look like anything is happening you stay playing your local church you stay faithful you that are called into ministry you know you're hearing all the testimonies of breakthrough and you're looking where's my breakthrough well your due season is coming in jesus name and i i tell you that after doctors said that it almost the money started coming like magic honestly i i'm honest with god i'm almost scared how much money comes to me it just comes it just comes and comes and i realize every year and those cherries more and more fruit come once you're getting planted in the ground and that due season comes it just comes and you don't need to keep planting trees over and over again this is what we need to become planted in our local churches faithful planted in our ministries and we stay put and our time comes and we reap a full harvest amen praise the lord so we are going to receive the double not the double up offering we are going to double the budget amen let's go ahead if we can have our ushers come forward father we thank you so much for your faithfulness father we thank you that we can plant seeds and seeds come back to us but father we thank you that we're trees as we're faithful to give and tithe that we're faithful in the local church serving in our local churches if we're faithful to our ministries father our dues season comes and father we like that tree planted by the water father we increase more and more and father we thank you we thank you for these meetings we thank you for the defrains we thank you for every seed sown in jesus name amen [Music] some say that you only die to save us and others say that you were just a man but i believe you died so that you could provide a life more abundantly with all my needs supplied that's why i lift my voice to you and say [Music] to jesus me see you are my heather you heal to me and you supply my every need without you i know i would surely fall but thank you jesus a life more abundantly to you and say jesus jesus you are my healer you healed me and you supply my every need without you i know i would surely fall but thank you jesus [Music] [Music] yes you are and you supply without you without you i know i would surely fall without you i know i would [Music] [Music] you're my all in all [Music] jesus hallelujah hallelujah father we're so grateful we're so grateful for the greatness of your plan and these services and we cooperate with that we bring our faith to it we bring our hunger to it we respond to it and so father we thank you for answers tonight even father you saying to people's hearts what it doesn't even come out of my mouth yes because you know how to answer questions in the hearts of the people and we're thanking you father for greater clarity and we give you all the thanks and praise and everybody said amen turn around to four or five people and let them know you're glad to see them tonight it's ringing [Music] praise the lord [Music] hallelujah i don't know i don't know about you but i appreciate that our minds are becoming more renewed toward the local church you know when somebody devalues the local church that's an unrenewed mind that's an unrenewed mind when someone places a natural event first in front of that that's an unrenewed mind because when you think right things are in order when you think right you carry out things in order and uh i just so appreciate these morning services with pastor anderson you need to listen to him and i tell you my congregation i know many of you can't be here because of work or something but um listen online they'll be posted uh don't just treat it like oh well i missed it you don't have to miss it you need to you need to listen to it because it helps to anchor us and uh when when there comes the opportunity to do something different than what we should do uh when we think right we don't we bypass bad opportunities amen hallelujah so i am so grateful for pastor anderson's ministering along that line his book and that we're here to hear it this is the first place you preached it right outside your church maybe yes oh see good amen amen hallelujah so you're getting it hot off the press and the book came out when did the book come out just in december it came out in uh october october and so uh we're we're one of the first places to get hold of it and hey i like i like that upfront thing hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord um i'm like on the verge of getting ready to ring back but don't drop me don't pull out all my highs that i go colorless um so fix it but don't touch it it's like ladies going to the hairdresser i want my hair shorter but don't cut it i want my hair blonder but don't bleach it right it's like okay great i want the sound fixed but don't mess with it um what what was in my heart for the service tonight uh we have to realize that when god gives us something to minister it's because we need it yes it's not because it doesn't matter that we've heard it it matters what we need and he is the master he's the master prescription writer that he prescribes for us and so if you're here you need it yes because he knew you would be here amen and so we don't ever want to think oh i got that because uh when we think we got that that's why he's giving it again hallelujah i was uh i was recently dealing with something trying to help someone in the financial arena and when i got off you know when i stepped away from that situation of helping helping them the spirit of god said to me you can't be promoted beyond your thinking that's good that's right you can't prosper beyond your thinking just can't you can't advance beyond your thinking your faith cannot take you where your thinking will not go because if we don't think right when our faith sees something as ours and goes to reach for it and the mind step up say no i don't agree no i don't agree to that the mind there's no faith in the mind the mind is called to agree that's the purpose of the mind to agree with god's word and the agreeing with god's word is the renewing the renewed mind the renewed mind agrees with god it doesn't argue with god the renewed mind agrees with the faith in your heart an unrenewed mind becomes a roadblock to the faith in your heart and says you go no further there are people that have faith but because they think wrong about certain things their faith is imprisoned for as a man thanketh in his heart so is he it doesn't say as a man believeth so is he as a man thinketh because your thinking will dictate how you believe and how you believe will dictate what you say that's right and that's why to have full faith you have to have a renewed mind because the renewing of the mind deals with the thought life and you can you can uh hear faith statements and say i like that but if you don't bring your thinking in line amen amen and god said to me what i have for every one of my children is increase advancement and promotion listen to that what i have for every one of my children is increase advancement and promotion there's nothing in the backward direction in god everything is always in front there's always it's always straight ahead and that's in line paul said forgetting those things that are behind why because god's not working on the behind amen amen the behind direction god's not interested in your past god doesn't even try to fix it he just wash it away just wash it away just wash it away why because god's not working in the backside direction he's not working in the backward direction he may work on the back side of your situation but he's not working he's not working backward going in the negative direction everything in god is ahead everything in god is increased everything in god is advancement and promotion and if we're not advancing and if we're not being promoted something is hindering his plan from coming to pass in our life amen amen god does not plan advancement and promotion for one person more than another but one can be prepared to move into that promotion more than another right that's good amen praise the lord so we have to be okay we have to not be okay with not advancing if we're not advancing we're off the plan of god in that sense because we're behind we get behind in the plan of god even though you may be on the right path you can be behind in the plan of god not advancing not pro not stepping up into some things why because advancement is not automatic just because he planned it that's right that's why paul said i press because it's not automatic i press toward press toward something the mark so there should be increase in our lives because faith in god's word will promote us it won't leave us where we're at it's impossible so what's that mean we need to evaluate evaluate look at the different arenas of our life and if a certain arena is not advancing fix your thinking in that arena that shows you the assignment for your thought life amen if you're worried about something fix your thinking that's where you need to renew your mind is in that thing where you worry is where the renewed mind is is needing an assignment amen so i would encourage you make a list coming especially at the first of this year being at the first of it uh spiritually mentally physically materially what's not advancing one of those arenas is not advancing what's not stepping up what's not increasing and let's not live on autopilot just yes just living life because what we're just dealing with what comes no let's design our lives based on the promotion and the increase in advancement that he's planned for us amen my dad i i appreciate pastor look at it talking about in the offering what he did but there was one thing about my dad he did not farm on autopilot there was nothing on autopilot about him he constantly had to adjust what he was doing as a farmer he had to adjust water levels he had to adjust what he mixed into the soil he had to adjust uh what poisons he had to put on when certain weeds came he was constantly adjusting based on his evaluation of what was happening to his fruit amen amen he constantly measured the fruit of his fields and he drove by his crops daily sometimes several times a day they were scattered throughout the county they were not all in one location and he inconvenienced himself to protect his harvest to go out and uh get up in the middle of the night when the dirt would start blowing and he would go check to make sure the top soil wasn't blowing away all kinds of things he did and it was all with the measure of fruit he was trying to get out of that crop he did not farm on autopilot those who farm on autopilot didn't get up when the winds started blowing they they stayed in bed but not my daddy he he made adjustments based on what was happening to his seed we need to make adjustments based on what's happening in the arenas of our lives what's happening in this arena pay attention go adjust something why we are changed from glory to glory something has to be adjusted for more glory to have its way in a particular arena amen i mean my daddy could walk out see his field before it was even fully matured he didn't wait until it was mature to just go out and check how much that crop would produce because he wanted to when it was at midway so to speak he could do things to enhance the harvest on that and so he didn't wait until you know everything was called to be brought out of the field he checked it all along the way and he could tell you he could look at his crops and tell you how many bales of cotton he's going to get out of that field he could look at his crops and say how many bushels of wheat he's going to get out of that field and he was always just so close just a small measure off why because he was skilled at measuring his fruit that so much of the time we don't advance because we're we're not we're not measuring i'm not paying attention we're just living on autopilot if it shows up it shows up if it doesn't it doesn't come on amen strong thinking so for us to advance well let me just say this to keep from living on autopilot we have to stir ourselves up stir ourselves up for us to advance and be promoted our thinking has come up our thinking has to come up because you can have faith for something but if you don't think right toward that arena your faith is is uh is hindered um when we think about it really we can look at our life and know how we think our life is a picture of how we think amen so what is not the way you want it to be change the thinking regarding that arena uh think of it think about this when god's people were being threatened and god said to gideon you're gonna you're gonna hit up this army there were i believe 22 000 that he started with and god said you got too many well the enemies had more than that so the thinking you're thinking what god they're already outnumbering us and we got 22 000 you say you got too many so he sends him first to the to those who are they're supposedly ready to fight and said anyone who doesn't want to fight and is fearful you're free to go home and he's left with what is it ten 000 something like that and then god says you still got too many and so he takes them down to the water and says watch how they drink and the ones who basically lay down their weaponry to drink send them home why he had too many god said he had too many why god's not going by numbers he had too many wrong thinkers they thought wrong fear is wrong thinking can't win with fear thinking and the ones who are qualified and think right about the fight can get killed by those around them who are fearful and think wrong you don't want that fellow watching your backside god said you got too many send them home too many wrong thinkers will rob victory from those who think right praise the lord so they end up with 300 who think right let me tell you what thinking right is it's like the man that was called a mighty man in david's in david's uh military let me tell you what right thinking is he saw 800 enemies come on at once he said come on come on and he with one sword got them all by himself think of the stalwart thinking of this man seeing that number come at him and says all right all right how many would have tucked tail and run done something different but he stood there and fought i mean the word talked about when they were all dead that that that the sword was like welded to his hand they had to open his hand to get get that thing out because the right thinking is i don't care how many there are of you i win that's called right thinking and that's what made him mighty there's always things around you that'll tell you no not for you gonna quit it's not gonna happen it's for everybody else not for you you better deal with that thinking because as a man thinketh in his heart so is he he's not getting past the way he thinks many people think they have a faith problem when they have a thinking problem amen because as a man thinks that's how he's going to believe and then that that's how he's going to talk in line with what he believes and what happens is you have people who have learned another level of faith talk but their thoughts aren't there and they're deceiving their own hearts because their parenting someone else has taught from a higher level amen and that's fine to do that but don't leave your thinking down you've got to bring that thinking up to where you're saying wait a minute god has more from me than you have to think in terms of more and not just parrot the teaching of more think about joshua and caleb they had faith to advance but what was the problem they dwelt with a generation who thought wrong and the wrong thinking of their generation delayed the entrance of those who thought right yes and uh the doubters died in the wilderness that's where doubters live they die they live in the wilderness and they die in the wilderness they never adjusted their thinking and then at the time of moses is home going uh god puts joshua in charge and then turn with me to joshua chapter 1. now you you think about joshua's position of being the follower to moses's position and he watched for 40 years he watched them disobey their leader attack their leader refused to agree with their leader and then he inherits that and he inherits the next generation who's trained by the disobedient generation and this is the instruction verse 8 joshua 1 verse 8. this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate there in day and night that thou mayest observe to do [Music] according to all that's written therein for them thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success what was god doing he knew the word would give him the mindset of success for 40 years he has not seen success he's got to put in front of him the mindset of success and that comes through the word why so they could advance and arrive amen the mind is the gateway to the spirit this what you better learn the mind is the gateway to the spirit the mind determines what is or is not allowed into your spirit remember dad hagan talking about the time that he was at a pastor's home after a service and they were going to just pray with the pastor's daughter before she went to bed and they knelt down at the kitchen table as soon as his knees hit the floor he's in the spirit and god said i'm going to teach you about demons and evil spirits and how they get hold of people even christians if they let them and in the course of that not to go through the whole event of that he said there appeared a dot in a woman's mind not in her spirit in her mind and as she meditated on that thought that was a dot in her mind it he he watched it go from her mind and move down and settle into her spirit why because her mind was the gateway amen and people can sit in a service and hear the word and say well i don't i don't i don't i don't believe that that's right you don't because your mind refused to let it into your heart your mind is the gateway and many times people are addressing supposedly their faith but they're not addressing some thinking that's exactly right amen amen amen well praise the lord a faith problem is a thinking problem what we believe is a result of our thinking if we don't think right we have faith problems so to increase faith what do we do we feed it on the word why because the word will address the thinking let me tell you this if you are generous toward god toward other people but not towards yourself you don't just have a faith problem you got a thinking problem and you can confess things that god wants you prosperous but until you deal with that way of thinking that i shouldn't have something that nice i don't deserve that much i wouldn't spend that much on me you better get rid of that thinking and go out and spend that much just to violate that thinking just to violate that thinking because it's not about the item it's about the thinking that makes you as you are listen people we got to believe god for buildings and miracles and healings i'm not just if we need to get it wrong on our own financial arena what makes us think we will thrive in god's plan for this era now turn with me to isaiah chapter 55. isaiah 55 now let me let me remind you of the time during jesus's earthly ministry how he would be in the temple on the sabbath and this happened on more than one occasion and there was somebody in the temple who needed to be set free somebody that had a demon or someone that had a spirit of infirmity the woman that was bowed over for 18 years with the spirit of infirmity that happened on a sabbath day in the temple the man with the withered hand all of these place all these things happen in the temple jesus is teaching in the course of teaching he ministers to these people who are sick the pharisees pipe up they're mad when they see these miracles and healings happen on the sabbath day and they said it's not right to come on the sabbath day come on some other day well what other day were those pharisees ministering to the sick what other day were they doing when they said come some other day and get healed but not on the sabbath well monday where you minister into the sick pharisee come on because they were members of that synagogue and they weren't they and they and when jesus showed up they were sick that's what i said come some other time well what what day pharisee joe are you having a healing service so i can show up for that jesus did not deal with their faith he didn't deal with their faith he said which of you have an ox that falls into a ditch on the sabbath and you go pull him out of the pit he's dealing with their thinking not their faith their thinking amen which one of you you won't go pull this ox out of a ditch you'll do that basically he's saying i'll pull a man out of a pit on the sabbath day just like you'd pull an animal out i'll pull a man out and let me say this it would take them more effort because that's the thing you can't use all this effort and energy and you're supposed to be resting no working no working but he's basically saying it's a more work for you to pull knox out of a pit than for me to pull a man out of a pit just because it's a hard work for you it's not hard work for me if this is sabbath rest work it's a it's easy for him it's not violating the sabbath rest because it's so easy for him amen amen what's he dealing with they're thinking they're thinking they're thinking financial problems deal with the thinking healing problems deal with the thinking and people are just addressing faith don't misunderstand me these two are connected but you can hear all the scriptures and quote all the scriptures on faith but if there's something in the back of your mind not even in the front just in the back dad hagan had no faith issues once his thinking straightened out on the deathbed because he had heard miracles passed away that wasn't a faith issue that's a thinking issue and then god addressed that by saying have you ever heard that faith has passed away no well if a woman's the woman with issue blood her faith uh healed her then your faith can heal you see he had to address the thinking that stopped the faith from operating and once his thinking was right then his faith was free to function and he was he was up within moments see it doesn't take long for god to get our answer to us it takes long for us to get our thinking right get it out of the way of our faith get it in agreement with our faith that's why for 16 months dad hagan was there it wasn't because his god's power couldn't do it the first day it could but his thinking his thinking the gateway to the spirit the mind the gateway to the spirit was keeping the gate closed praise the lord isaiah 55 are you there think of this remember jesus was up on the mount of transfiguration comes down and excuse me it may not be that but let me i don't remember that's okay she didn't remember what day we're at remember the man comes to him who's a leper and said if thou will thou can cleanse me jesus did not minister to him till he corrected his thinking he said i will he had to correct the thinking he didn't just do it because he willed he did will but he had to correct the man's thinking why so that what he received wouldn't be robbed from him so that he could cooperate with the receiving of that jesus corrected his thinking before he ministered to him that's what teaching us for to correct the thinking so that we can receive what the word offers us isaiah 55 verse 8. isaiah 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my way saith the lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways then your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts where is faith mentioned [Music] thoughts and ways thoughts and ways faith isn't mentioned why because when you think right you'll believe right he's not saying my thoughts are high yours are low they're always going to be low no he's saying come up come up in the way you think and you'll come up in your ways praise the lord now taking higher thoughts can't help but lift our life to another level when we need to come up in something get the thought life up there get the thought life up there now if our thinking is to change let me tell you why what what has to be in place yet be teachable you gotta listen to somebody why people who are good students who are who are teachable who love to listen they're going to their thought life is going to uh step up quicker than someone who sits and just argues mentally not teachable can't tell them anything because they already know they don't listen listeners increase now proverbs 21 verse 2 and i'll just quote this to you says every man's ways seem right in his own eyes so what's this if you go to just teach yourself you think you're right [Laughter] yeah pass that test i think right cause i'm right in my own eyes everything about me is right right right every man's way seem right in his own eyes that's why he better get a man he'll listen to because he already thinks he's right because he already thinks he's right he better find somebody that he will listen to and say help educate me in line with the word and in line with the thoughts of god amen you know what this is why god gave gifts to the body of christ called apostles and prophets and evangelists and pastors teachers why so that we won't be self-taught christians self-taught christians are dangerous you want to drive around on the freeway with you self-taught [Laughter] bless god i taught myself then you better get out the lane next to him my dad i if i would say there was anybody that drove like he was self-taught as my dad farmers drive different than every other person in the world because they take their lane out of anywhere in the road yeah my crop is over here why am i driving over there daddy would just drive on any part of the road he wanted to bless god get out the way [Music] he demonstrated even though he wasn't self-taught his self-teaching trumped any out earlier teaching he had self-teaching never works if it does why do you send your kids to school you don't want them self-taught because then they're going to be an idiot not and going to be the last one to know it because everyone's right seem right in their own eyes any arena i'm struggling in any arena i'm not increasing in any arena i'm not peaceful in i need someone to teach me i've got to listen to somebody because if i knew i wouldn't be struggling with those arenas got to find someone to listen to on that that begins with your pastor hallelujah praise the lord third john in verse 1 the amplified says 3rd john 1 verse 2. beloved i well the king james says i wish above all things thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers the amplified says beloved i pray that you may prosper in every way every way that's every arena and that your body may keep well even as i know your soul keeps well and prospers notice our prosperity doesn't begin with our money it begins with our mind begins with our thinking your health doesn't begin with god's power just moving and working it begins with the way you think toward his power amen it doesn't say i pray that thou that you may prosper and be in health it says i pray that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers not as your faith grows doesn't say that you may prosper and be in health as your faith grows ah why because your faith is going is it's going to flow based on your thinking faith is important but it will not take the place of a renewed mind faith is important but it will not take the place of right thinking in all your getting of faith don't overlook getting right thinking i uh i'm reminded of what jesus told my husband years ago god said to ed 97 of my people are living beneath what i've provided for them that means they have not been promoted up into the upper tears the the higher levels and then god said to him you ought to be able to live an entire year financially without touching your savings living just out of your cash flow if a pastor needed to build a new building this is what jesus said to him a congregation of 200 ought to be able to give one million dollars in one service without touching their savings that's a hundred people giving ten thousand dollars that's what jesus said to him about two or three years ago i was reading through something of dad hagen and he said the exact same thing that he said a congregation that's taught in the word ought to be to where they can live a whole year if they if if if works shut down that they are supported just through the through their cash flow for a whole year oh that's a lot you better correct your thinking do you know what i did i put in place for me personally in the ministry a year supply account why because i think i'm thinking i'm gonna fill that thing up god's gonna fill that thing up this is not just some pie in the sky jesus offered it to us many christians don't have money problems they have thinking and they're trying to get more money when they need to adjust their thinking i know many people who are good givers but they're not prospering why they think wrong they put limits i can't have that house i can't have that car i can't have and then they keep giving but what happens their harvest is still in the field because they're thinking won't go out and get it you're harve you sow by faith but you reap by faith and if you think that your harvest doesn't hold something you won't go get it many hat don't many who give don't prosper because their mentality toward money is wrong their motive toward money is wrong their intent toward money is wrong now my parents got married my mother was 16 my dad was 17. no she was not pregnant that came later because usually when we hear that and someone that young we think oh they just had to they they started out broke beyond broke uh daddy when he was a in his early 20s bought his first farm from my mother's dad and he financed it for him and my granddad was in a car wreck and killed unexpectedly and my dad said i am so glad that i paid he got to see me pay him off before he died most people would say oh too bad i paid him off before he died you see the difference in that's right most people think well if i held back a little bit i wouldn't have paid him off because he died yeah that's the kind of thinking that will keep you beneath we're not trying to get out from under our responsibilities so we can keep money and many times people go and fight landlords or their employer or something for money and call it the blessing of the lord when they get it you're deceived and the devil likes that thinking because you'll never be elevated beyond that but my uh my my parents started with nothing they were given nothing nobody handed them a farm or anything else they worked for it by the time my dad was in his early 40s he had all of his farms paid off he had thousands of acres he had all of his equipment that he needed and he had paid for it they were completely out of debt by the time they were in their early 40s they lived my dad until 85 my mother until 87 so they lived around 45 years debt-free free calling free-flowing cash buying anything they wanted to buy i'm and i'm talking my dad bought road graders he didn't just by i'm talking about big stuff they did not know one faith scripture they did not they were not filled with the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues they knew nothing about confession you know how they increased and were blessed they felt right they thought right they were honest in their dealings they paid what they owed my mother said we're not going on vacation because we owe people see when you think that you can take your money that you owe somebody else and go have you a party on friday night take all your friends you're gonna your your thinking isn't right can god give you both yes but not so you can neglect what you already owe if you got faith enough for a party pay your bills first but see let me tell you what prosperity does it takes its mortgage money and goes have a party yeah that's exactly right that's excuse me that's what poverty does poverty spends what it owes another man you don't change that thinking you'll never prosper i don't care how much you confess you understand i don't care how much you sow because as a man thinketh that's where he's going to end up amen praise the lord now think about this if my parents could do that without knowing faith scriptures without confession without praying in the holy ghost and really not understanding all about giving that we do think about if we think right like that plus all these other things yes what would our lives look like and what should they look like but like i said many times people's motive and intent is wrong many will call strife and division in their home do you know that a marriage is a covenant people will cast their covenant aside over money wrong thinking wrong thinking you won't prosper dumping your spouse over money well i didn't dump them over money yeah that's where it began in most cases praise the lord then many think and the government now will help you think this way that the government owes you something governor owes you this government owes you that my staff was telling me when the first coveted thing when the shutdown first happened and there came the stimulus thing they said they're making money available in fact my staff didn't tell me another pastor told me and said which is fine said you you know if you want to apply this is what you need to do and i said to my staff i said if i apply i'm saying that god won't take care of me and i'm gonna have to keep applying if i take that route and not only that if there is money available for churches i'm not going to take it from somebody who really needs it i don't need it and there are people that out there that may don't know what we know and they really need it and i want them to have it i want them to have it but i'm not going to take what somebody else really needs to make it easy on me see wrong thinking will take anything it can get for free there ain't nothing free baby there's nothing free except from god you're and let me tell you i'm not going to lay down my inheritance to pick up on the stimulus no we told god can i tell you in fact we were at the keys church and we were having coffee and we were at a coffee shop and brother copeland called me while we were there y'all heard him and he started talking you know this is when the the shutdown first started first happened and he said i declare that you will flourish financially and he just took off praying and declaring and you know what i said that's right we sure will why because i'm not thinking like the news i'm not thinking like a stimulus package not at all amen if you don't get out of this mindset of leaning and letting someone else support and running to relatives running to mom and dad running to the employer and putting pressure on him to give you a raise if you don't stop that mentality well he owes me then let him owe it to you but don't you get in there and fight and diminish your thought life trying to get someone to give you something when when the inheritance of god will more than ample take care of you when you think right towards your inheritance praise the lord and can i tell you another thing that will keep you broke these get rich quick schemes you better dump them you better dump them because god's not involved in getting you rich quick this is a life of faith not a moment of faith many want it to be a moment no it's a life and if you think wrong about that you're not ready for big money get rich quick schemes is nothing but wrong motives wrong intent well i'm going to give it to the church no you're not no you're not because you already think wrong you already think wrong and all the devil needs is one one wrong thought to get in and give you two wrong thoughts i love pastor nancy listen before a man is safe with abundance god has to build the man and you can't build a man quick rich quick does not make you great and god wants greatness built in us amen why and we don't gain our self-worth from what we possess or what we earn praise the lord then there's others who just aren't generous why do people withhold they think wrong they think they're not going to have enough for them it's wrong thinking then there are those who give with strings attached to that bill that just went down the row in the bucket i mean it's like a fish invisible fishing line they think now something's owed them from the pastor he owes him attention owes him a special counseling owes him some kind of you know voice in the church see people like that can give every sunday make confession but if they don't trust these thinking things they will not reap the harvest that they should because their thinking is aborting their harvest it's putting poison on it praise the lord the word is good let me tell you something god wants us successful not just in the spirit realm in the natural realm i said he wants us he wants us successful in both and you can you can know a lot of scriptures quote a lot of scriptures but if you think wrong the natural realm you will you will not you'll you'll always struggle amen praise the lord how many say i'm i'm thinking right now you can't lay in bed and say and figure out where you're thinking wrong some well you might some but many but see your ways always seem right to you so this is why you need a holy ghost guide to guide you show you where you're thinking wrong about this you're thinking wrong about things and then you say thank you thank you for helping me rescue me and then you make changes uh god wants us to advance spiritually he wants us to advance in revelation he wants us to advance in all kinds of ways but what about the way we serve in the church that we should advance in that i was one time my husband and i would go preach for a particular minister he's on he's got a a nationally known ministry he's on television very visible minister and ed used to preach for him quite often and at one point years ago he was building a auditorium that seated is over 5000 people and um he uh was walking us through and the walls were up is everything was basically finished except the cosmetics there was no carpet there was you know the walls were up and stuff they weren't all painted the cosmetic things were missing and so he walked us into the children's department and the the nursery room was massive i mean massive it was maybe maybe like a quarter of the size of this sanctuary it was massive well when you got over 5 000 seating for 5 000 adults you got lots of babies because some people believe in multiplication personally and so they had state-of-the-art type things i'd never seen this but there were there were baby cribs stacked and they were attached to the walls and you opened the front and took the baby out and they were just stacked i go now that's cool i believe in cages [Laughter] and it was literally cages just stacked on in the front opened and they could take the baby out but it was so why because they're weird little people in our houses i'm teasing and so you have to say that for live stream and and so uh this room was completely finished completely finished and he said you see this room we go yeah because it's finished i mean the decor everything was done and he said the the lady who's the head of my children's department came to me when i announced that we were starting the building and she said you won't need to give our department any money we do our own believing he said she never came to me once she did she got those workers together and they believed together called right thinking most thinking is sit back and let the pastor get alone and get our department done and i tell you i want this i want that and i want this you see what right thinking is it's like you're not looking your pastor is feeding the word into you so that you're self-sustaining with your faith and you're self-sustaining in that department that you don't constantly come back to leadership for help you you're you're right if but see so many think well it's up to the pastor to give me this or give me that but see her thinking was different and it produced something that i had never seen anybody else produce praise the lord well it kind of gives you an idea at the end of why she was the head of that department right because of her thinking god could promote her to the front of people to the front amen but there's a spiritual realm god wants us effective in but there's a natural realm and we need to be skilled in both just because you can believe god for a spouse doesn't mean you think right about how to conduct yourself in that marriage just because someone believed god for a job doesn't mean they're a good worker you got to be you might be good at believing god for a job but you need to be good in this in the natural realm that's right thinking then you try to believe for more and more and more but the natural realm can disqualify where god can take you and promote you spiritually we may be skillful in releasing our faith for prosperity but we also had to be skillful in handling our money matters amen advancement increase promotion we have homework to do and i've said this to our congregation go home make a list what start measuring last year in 2019 where were you at the end of 2019 based on the year 2020 where were you don't just put your life on autopilot not even look where were you what was not increasing what about in your business in your home in your health in your finances and your marriage you still got the same fussing going on still got the same fear dogging you tormented still worried the the the self-discipline of the thought life ought to be increasing [Music] we need to measure these things take note of them and say this is what i work on amen because if you don't change this thinking you can keep throwing faith at it and keep throwing faith at faith words but if you think wrong praise the lord why because god wants to do things for us spectacularly and supernaturally in this area remember the buildings are in the wave that ed saw but if we think wrong that building can just keep rolling past us in that wave that equipment can just keep rolling on past if we think wrong amen and then people will say well i'm releasing my faith yeah but if you don't if you think with limits if you think with limits you can confess and confess and confess and things opportunities and open doors can come to you and you won't walk through them because of wrong thinking praise the lord listen we all got to adjust it we all got to and we are changed from glory to glory and that includes the change up here be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of the mind amen praise the lord it's the right thinking that transforms the life when the word gets its place in your thought life and breaks the limits off and and doesn't carry on just the way your parents taught you but you you come into line with right thinking hallelujah so you have homework let's let's do our homework what do we want to see come to pass in 2021 then we're going to have to do something different apart from 2020 if we want to see something more in 2021 we have to come up in our thinking amen addressing that praise the lord stand with me to your feet tonight father we thank you for your word it's a lamp to our feet it's a lot to our path we're so grateful we're so grateful for the word that doesn't just address our faith it addresses every aspect of our lives every single aspect of our lives we worship you father we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you father we glorify you we worship you father just lift up your hands and let's worship him together mashtakariatapokoye masta katapashtiki we worship you we worship you father we worship you father we worship you father we worship you father we worship you father master kariyatapukoriyaseki kiki we worship you father we worship you father when god told joshua this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate in it day and night listen we can't come up in we can't advance and be promoted and increase by just addressing the thought life occasionally notice he said day and night meditate in this he was telling him put your thoughts in a different place why because for 40 years all he saw was failure now he knew he had faith for the promised land that was assigned to them but he had been around you know you're listening to a whole generation talk against be disgruntled they were disappointed people of their own doing not because god disappointed him and he's been dealing with that for 40 years and god if i could say this is giving him a directive on how to get a generation in that wouldn't go that's an offspring of a previous generation and it's meditating the word day and night day and night how we treat the word is going to determine our success and the word needs to address the way we think not just the faith in our heart but the way we think amen and like i said some of the times people are just thinking they have faith issues when they have thinking issues yeah praise the lord hallelujah we thank you father my shtukaki well i'm just it just seems we need to wait just a moment i don't know it just seems like god has something more for us [Music] [Music] come up here and just follow what what god puts in your spirit the glory the glory the montague the greater glory the greater glory is in the glory the glory the miracles the miracles the multiplication the increase oh the greater glory renew your mind and desire the glory decide the presence of the father decide the fellowship of the father ah and the glory all the needs all the supply all the prohibition the glory the waves that wave is the glory that wave is the glory it's waiting it's waiting it's waiting it's waiting to those that will desire and their heart in their mind is the glory of god it is now in large enlarge your heart joy joy when enlarge your heart will enlarge your heart the joy the joy of the holy ghost the joy of the glory where the lords will enlarge for you to receive to receive to receive what's in that way to receive what belongs to you to receive what god in store for you in this last days in this moment in this time in this year it's going to be acceleration acceleration a bypass a bypass of the glory of god it's yes it is it got a shake renew renew your mind desire decide the glory think about the glory oh yes the glory of the father the glory the glory the glory of our father yes is our inheritance he gave us his glory he gave us the holy ghost he gave us the glory ok the glory it's the glory it's the glory it's the glory it's time it's time for the glory rejoice rejoice rejoice rejoice the glory the glory the glory the glory the glory it's the glory of god it is time it is the year of the glory of god it is the glory it is the glory it's time for the glory it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time the glory the glory the glory it's time it's yours it's yours it belongs to you it belongs to you okay it die it does the glory the glory the glory the glory that the glory the glory this the greater glory the greater glory the greater glory comes the manifestation of everything praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah you know something that came to me several days ago was this phrase miracles are for dead things but if you think it's dead and beyond any kind of reach of help your thinking will keep the miracle from happening what about marriages that seem dead finances that seem dead bodies in the flow of death heading toward but miracles are for dead things as long as you don't think this is going to stay dead remember when lazarus had died and jesus asked the sister do you believe he can live again you know and then when he told him roll the stone old master he stinks all that kind of thinking all that kind of thinking that he had to address and work past amen and it kept him from believing right amen so don't i don't care how dead something looks it ain't over i mean lazarus is buried some can look dead and buried yeah come on [Music] i'm not preaching they told me you're not done you got to show them uh in john chapter 2 the lord gave gave us a word and par paso nancy by the spirit gave us the word about the ba the bypass it really changed our lives changed our thought life and uh you know the wine can i tell them what i told you yes yes no stay here but uh what i told them was that god had a house for them but god was going to bypass all the natural processes just like when water was turned into wine those grapes weren't planted there was no grapevine planted for that there was no growing time on that there was no harvesting time there was no fermenting time there was no bottling time everything that is part of the process was skipped over that's what miracles do they skip over pros natural processes and i said to them by the spirit that god's going to get you your home and he's going to bypass some processes so don't think that you can't have it until the processes are worked out because if you think you have to go through the processes then you'll miss your miracle because miracles bypass processes i mean even with health you your health revives it you bypass that process of the natural body healing or a natural medical procedure okay i'm sorry go ahead but i wanted to tell them what i said to you so what i did i went and looked at that scripture because that's the word god the holy ghost gave and i've never seen it before until i went there so i'm just going to read that part and in john that's in john chapter 2 and the lord told me you got to read that scripture because not just for you it's for everyone there's all of us it's for all of us it's our inheritance so i went to john chapter 2 and i read that part but i just keep reading that part until i i'm just gonna look at it uh i'll be honest with you i don't know exactly the verse but i know what chapter and uh i'm just gonna keep looking here uh the word that it said after that word about the bypass you know the ruler it took that sample of that water you know he gave okay here's a sample make sure it's the best right it's the best it's the best he prepared the best for us amen hallelujah amen so but this is what i saw amen and bursting and said unto him every man at the beginning do said that the governor right do set forth good wine and when men have well drunk then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now now verse 11 the beginning of miracles that's what it says the beginning of miracles that jesus in canada gallery and manifested forth his glory and i look at that word glory if it's the same glory as philippians 4 19 which we say all the time and we think and i was i mean i'll be honest with you i was thinking my god should supply all my bills i was thinking that but when i saw this this is the bypass he's not talking about just taking up your bills when he said glory he's thinking miracles this is that's the beginning of his miracle the i mean the the manifestation fourth of his support his glory and pastor is teaching us faith about abraham that he's not just interested he and i thank god for that mindset that i have that pastor helped me because on the third month and that same year uh he got she got pregnant sarah got pregnant but pastor said god is not just interested because you can lose that baby conception he wants manifestation he wants manifestation he wanted manifestation of his glory more than we wanted more than we want the miracle he wanted it manifested because he is the father he is glorified on the manifestation of his miracle if we always look at ourselves thinking that you know we'll be happy if god will take care no he's more than great happy because he's glorified when when he put when his word manifested so when i say now with me my wife after that we said my god this bypass is a miracle and this bypass is the glory and i said lord if that is father if that is your will for us we take it amen we take the miracles we take the bypass the glory the glory and he said to me son it will be quick it will not take long it will be quick and i'll let you know this year amen it'll bypass it bypass everything our mind he said hallelujah because it's a lot of money it's pretty much double the price we're living in right now but it's the glory it's because it glorified the father it's amen and he said to me pastor son it's not only that house that connected to that it's just your entering because there will be more that's coming there will be greater there'll be millions i'm telling you hallelujah amen my god shall supply all my needs according to his miracles miracles of the glory of god like manna reigning from in the old testament they have mana for 40 years 40 years just in the wilderness hallelujah they need the red sea the glory opens it up right the glory and he promised moses i'll send you i'll send you my glory i send you my presence and that glory right now is not hovering about us it's not just light by day by part by night it's in us he put that glory so that things will bypass we're going to see miracles we're going to see miracles we're going to see miracles but the glory of god amen if we take it renewing our mind like pastor said we think in line with the miracles of god the glory of god he can do it he wanted it more we more than we wanted it hallelujah that's what i'm saying so now when we say let's say this my god shall supply all my needs according to his riches what glory is not just about paying your bills he's going to go beyond that he's gonna go beyond that amen hallelujah he's gonna bypass every natural means just to glory be to god hallelujah amen and you're gonna pastor by the glory of god the glory of god will manifest when you speak the word we say we have what does it say pastor what we say come to pass say and say say and see say and see we say it we will see it the glory oh my god i'm excited i'm excited hallelujah i'm excited my god hallelujah yeah yeah we're not old pastor we're not old in our old age that's what the bible said right we will have more fruit meaning to say it will be seen there be more past there be more there be more he'll sustain your body and you see everything what's in store we will he will sustain our body the glory same glory that raised the lord jesus christ will hear our mortal body yeah let's see it yeah we'll see it oh we will see it we will see it if they saw it in the old testament why not now it's time for the glory but we need to renew our mind philippians 4 19 is not paying your bills amen will accelerate help surrey or stephen accelerate amen amen and all we got to do is joy because when we joy glory manifests and when the glory manifests miracle manifest you want more miracle what did you say last night dance or whatever is that right when we dance it'll expand he'll expand our heart to receive the bigness of god he'll expand oh my god hallelujah really the truth right pastor hallelujah hey yeah it looks it wow yeah yeah see that see the manifestation we can even sense it it's tangible it's tangible it's the glory it's the miracle the miracle that's connected to that glory pastor the miracle that building that build [Music] you can taste it before you even see it rotation see that the lord is good he is the lord of glory he is the lord of glory hallelujah he is the lord of glory oh my god glory yeah glory is for us it's yeah yeah yeah yeah the glory whoa we need to have our heart and louds our mind renewed because it's it's time for the glory this time pastor it is the ministry is gonna be so large and huge and only the glory can supply all your need pastor it takes a miracle financial miracle all kinds of miracles yeah and then when it is on healing the glory will the supply of that glory miracle of healing will flow to those that even watching television or whatever in the uh i can see it you we got to see it amen amen we got to see it whoa hallelujah it's so so huge it's so so big it's so big hallelujah it's so big it's so huge that's why we need to join to enlarge our heart and that's how joy will do [Music] everything that is on that glory it's waiting for us it belongs to us yeah he will pour out the glory and when he pour out the glory it's not just we feel it we fulfill the glory we're going to see miracles it's just the beginning john 2 so there's more oh hallelujah well praise the lord i guess you're all happy i can see it [Music] hallelujah that's what he said rejoice in the lord don't get into your head rejoice in the lord hallelujah always go hallelujah always always glory be to god always [Music] hallelujah well praise the lord praise the lord pastor yeah yeah whoa [Music] glory whoa whoa glory yeah wow yeah yeah and you know we look at the house mercury yeah amen boy it's big and we pass one house we can't find anything we don't have any witness and finally my daughter theresa that you got to see this house it was built three years ago and nobody bought that house nobody never live in oh okay i'll we look at that house man our spirit oh my god hallelujah oh my god whoa lord we passed this earlier how come because you're not interested you and your wife are not recently not even look at it now because you look at it and you're interested now that's why you're hearing me now and he reminds me of moses right moses no miracle no word darkness for 400 years at least because there's no word from god so there's dark and he's just interested i'm going to check this out man something's going on with this burning bush just being interested on it he reminds me of that you know what we do now god we're interested we go there every day pastoral is with us we we go there every day and we talk about the glory we talk about the goodness of god we talk about right every single day we talk about and he got it last night down payment [Music] [Music] yeah and he started seeing his building too i need to go there i need to check it out and be interested be interested oh be interesting are you interested or yours oh you're scared because it's stupid we'll let you know when we got it you can come and visit [Music] if i can think that i cannot think that well in the natural i grew up really really poor but the chain the word check i'll take it just for just to glorify the father i'll take whatever he wants me to have life he planned it he gave me amy i'll take it you know what you give it that is what the glory is for you're gonna see it pastor oh yeah you're gonna see that building it's in the glory it's in that glory he will do it i'll be honest with you you can see it now oh yeah so when you say my god shall supply all my need according to his riches in what glory you see miracles [Music] it is kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord he shall supply according to the miracles in the glory hallelujah hallelujah them in my purse bubby come here baby come here father we thank you give me your hands thank you for the uh the impartation for acceleration in your destination hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i say more say more say more say more more is in reserve with your name on it but it's waiting for the call it's waiting for the call call it more call it more mashte the best just step close to your seats because there's room for us to get through here macharia oh there's more pastors here there's another come here are there more pastors anymore pastors that we didn't back here to go this way just step right through here thank you for ah fresh assignment fresh assignment fresh fresh don't just keep doing the same old thing there's something new to hear and to carry out are there any more that we missed right here right here this this lady right here your pastor love [Music] papaya get it clear in your spirit get get it real clear in your spirit what god says get it real clear don't define it yourself let him define it my stuck i ye anybody else that we missed the pastors ministers oh yeah right sacrifices sacrifices sacrifice is made just call for just call for he'll make it up he'll make it up the rewards the rewards the rewards the rewards the rewards my my my others who said i wouldn't do that if i was her i wouldn't put up with that well that's why they don't get the rewards there's you'll get them you'll get them done i see i see over in that realm of time that which is befalling us that which we're walking into ah if your eyes could only see what is just around the realm of glory you will rejoice and you would be glad you would shout and dance about for the glory of god is here the miracles are here the signs are here things that you've been believing for things you've been excited for things that you've been desiring for they're here declare they're here they're here they're here no longer waiting no longer looking they're here they're here and they shall appear hallelujah hallelujah they're here they're here they're here for me they're here for my church they're here they're here they're here so let's talk about them like they're here let's think about them like they're here hallelujah hallelujah they're here they're here pastor look at it come here it just comes to my heart you got something for morgan it's obey god your faith is noted in heaven those things you believed for those things you called for those things you stood in the face of apparent impossibilities have got the attention of heaven heaven is responding to your faith heaven is responding to your prayers do not despair my daughter you shall see your heart's desire help him out okay you god has something for some others through you if you want you can call them over here and you can stay where you're at or whatever or you can go to them it doesn't matter i need another usher come where's another usher stay stay on this side oven uh-huh oh oh you know people people may look at that and go that's excessive but that's where fullness puts you you know you don't ever all the people in the bar don't see somebody stumbling around go that's excessive you know what they say boy they enjoyed themselves tonight right boy they took full advantage brother tony come over here go stand it go stand in front of pastor look at it oh oh yeah [Applause] um [Music] uh uh brother tony to be forewarned is to be forearmed that hagan used to say that to us there's coming a very deceptive opportunity recognize that it's not god no matter how appealing it is recognize that and answer it correctly answer it correctly my sticky a my hallelujah hallelujah let's just worship the lord let's worship him yeah praise the lord praise the lord my sticky key must pastor lorena you've been very honorable you've been very honorable and uh therefore his honor his honor will defend and protect you so don't don't be concerned don't be concerned about what's not honorable that would try to um that would try to accuse trouble god god will handle it just god will handle it god will handle it praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and they'll wish they would have handled it before god handled it but anyway there was opportunity and they didn't so god's god's going to work in your behalf you know sometimes we uh we're wanting god why don't why don't you do something about that to help me why don't you do something he's giving others space to repent and space to get things right and it won't hurt us to endure while he's giving them their opportunity but once that window is passed it's passed and uh praise the lord praise the lord we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father my sticky gia pastor you all have you got me anything pastor anderson you have anything okay my sticky key that is hallelujah let's just raise our hands and worship him jesus you're so wonderful you're so wonderful you're so wonderful thank you so much thank you so much how bright i saw i so love when i recall so many times dad hagan said it's going to get dark in the world but brighter in the brighter in the church brighter in the church so stay with the church amen bright brightness is the is our future brightness is our future it's our present but it's also our future amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah father we're so grateful for all the impartations the light that comes that we need father i i trust you by your spirit that we begin to see more clearly what needs to be addressed in our thought life because we want to keep pace with your plan we thank you that you're helping us in our thought life and thank you you didn't leave it leave us to ourselves but we have your word and your spirit to assist us to come into the fullness of what you have for us we thank you for it father we thank you for it father hallelujah hallelujah this is what comes up in my heart is for you to begin to say it shall not be as it has been it shall not be as it has been amen hallelujah meaning it doesn't have to be a repeat of the struggles the difficulties the same old problems the same old difficulties it shall not be as it has been but it shall be as he shows me amen hallelujah don't get used to don't get used to things not moving or things not flowing as they ought don't get used to that amen hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord having minds tormented and harassed by fear it shall not be as it has been it shall not be as it has been hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord well you don't want to miss in the morning you're going to learn about you some more your place and your role and what god had in mind for each and every one of us in his body amen hallelujah praise the lord so you don't want to miss it he said you don't want to miss it in the morning at 10 a.m and of course 7 p.m all the way through thursday hallelujah hallelujah well you can turn to somebody for your dismiss and say it shall not be as it has been
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 11,152
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Id: dRVDZ-51zmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 15sec (9255 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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