Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs | Nancy Dufresne | Holy Ghost Meetings 2021 | Wednesday PM

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hallelujah we came all this far got dressed up you might as well just praise the lord we might as well just go ahead and be sold out tonight hallelujah we bless your name lord you are good come on everybody shout for joy servant to the lord with a voice of triumph tonight [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] blessed be the name the lord blessed be the name blessed be the name bless it be the name of the lord help me say bless it be then [Music] is [Music] to is name of the lord we give glory to the name we give glory to the name glory to the name of the lord everybody say blessed be blessed be blessed we bless you lord amen [Music] jesus blessed be the blessed name of jesus bless that wonderful name of jesus [Music] hallelujah let's bless him right now we bless you lord [Music] [Applause] thank you for all you've done thank you for what you're doing lord we bless you we bless you oh bless [Music] i will bless that wonderful name of jesus oh god is great and greatly to be praised glory glory to his name god is great and greatly to be praised bless the lord o my soul help me say god is great and greatly to be praised we sing glory glory to his name god is great and greatly to be prayed i will bless the lord he's a great god oh god is great greatly to be praised we sing glory glory to him bless the lord [Music] shall always be bless lord lord no matter what comes yeah i will bless the lord [Music] hallelujah his praise shall always be continually be in my mouth hallelujah come on let's just bless him let's bless him stir yourselves up we bless you jesus i love jesus he's my savior when storms are raging he's my shelter and where he leads me i will follow i love jesus and he loves me come on i love jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you lord he has been so good to me oh blessed be the name bless you lord hallelujah we bless you father hallelujah thank you jesus thank you father that we've come this far by faith in our god we have come this [Music] and we are trusting [Music] that's why i see [Music] i will trust [Music] oh morning noon day and night [Music] own understanding [Music] jesus [Music] it's the way we live [Music] not only that not only that but i'm gonna do what the lord says to whatever your [Music] my life says [Music] how about you tonight [Music] yeah i'm going to stay right there i'm gonna stay with you lord [Music] hey i wanna stay right there yeah i'm gonna treat everybody right yes i will love you even if you don't love me i'm gonna love you treat everybody [Music] be sweet to you you'll be sweet to me [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna stay right there my eyes are on you my eyes stay right there [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we made that declaration now you might as well rejoice and just stay right there don't look to the left don't look to the right keep your eyes on jesus keep your eyes on jesus come on come on come on rejoice in the lord [Music] go hallelujah hallelujah anybody on the victory side out there anybody treating your neighbor right anybody walking by face the just shall live the just shall live it's what we do morning new day and night hallelujah come on look up to the lord and just bless him right now [Music] hallelujah well praise god father we thank you you're the author and the finisher and you work it all out in the middle we thank you father for being our great victory and we give you praise and we give you glory we have come to receive all that you have for us tonight and so right now by faith we take it we take every impartation every revelation every demonstration we receive it by faith in jesus name amen you can be seated this evening it's good to be together we want to remind you to silence your phones and your electronic devices tomorrow will be the last day of the conference 10 a.m 7 p.m time has gone by so quickly so so quickly we have prayer and healing school tomorrow at 1 pm in room h with the ramoses that will be the last class of the week so anyone is welcome to join us for prayer and healing school tonight is double up night that means whatever you were going to give double it we could say this double it sew it and then double up and speaking over it the harvest is sure if you won't let go by faith so tonight we've come to bless the ministry but we've also come to communicate with god in our giving and he always communicates back with us amen tomorrow night will be ministry to the sick so we invite you to maybe invite somebody but come and be expecting for yourself if you have not had hands laid on you if you have not maybe pastor nancy she had words of knowledge she was calling out different uh conditions and body parts maybe she didn't call out what you your condition what you're going through then come expecting to receive when hands are laid on you the anointing is going to go into your body and you will be healed amen uh we want to let you know about some product that we have out there well first let's remind you real quick of the upcoming conferences the prayer conference is in april every year so we have april 13th through the 15th uh that's a tuesday through thursday we have our camp meeting now that's june 7th through the 11th and our ladies conference october 5th through the 7th those are that's a tuesday through a thursday so you can mark those down we have two books we want to spotlight this is pastor nancy's book on worship she came out with a couple of years ago and i i love that she has taught us in conjunction uh with the answer it book really this is kind of could be a companion book with that because uh after you answer the thoughts the symptoms the situation that's talking to you trying to get your attention often times people don't know what to do after they've spoken the word they know to answer with the word they know to declare the word but worship is what we do right after we speak the word right after we declare right after we see a promise we we speak it over our lives we receive it and then we need to take and do something so that the devil can't alter our thoughts away from god's word and pastor nancy was talking to us the other night about our thinking when we don't think right how many of you know when you're worshiping god you're only thinking about him he's the one that's fulfilling the very promise that you're speaking and declaring and believing for and so when you keep your eyes on the one who's performing your need then it leaves the door open for him to fulfill it anytime he wants to but when we get out of the habit of not worshiping as we should we'll speak and we'll declare and then we'll start thinking about i spoke the word okay now we could have it this day we could have it at this time it could come to pas god this would be an excellent opportunity and we get consumed with timelines amounts the severity of the situation see worship keeps our mind off of all of those things we don't get consumed with the natural so even when we speak the word the natural is still there for you your thoughts to be consumed with but when we worship god and she teaches us the importance of worshiping god in the midst of tests and trials in the midst of just doing life i tell you what even when you're at home and maybe you're not facing anything uh dire in your situation but just the daily life parenting running a business going to work we can get consumed with the emotions and the feelings and overwhelming uh situation that maybe life has presented us worship is the answer worshiping god it seems so simple but the simple answers bring the greatest results amen so we have that and then this book we have not talked about this one in quite some time uh this is how to flow with anointings and mantles how many of you remember this book uh we have this book out there this is not just for ministers how many of you though that there's anointing in everybody's life to fulfill the plan that god has for them there's an anointing on ministry of helps as doctor used to call the dignified office of the ministry of helps the hand that holds up the palm that holds up the fivefold ministry gifts there's an anointing on everyone to fulfill the calls there's mantles that come upon us if we'll be good stewards of the anointing that's on us that comes on us uh it with the anointing it's no different than ministers would know in a service you can sense an anointing there but sensing it is not really the success of it it's what do i do with it when the anointing comes what do i do okay when i sense an anointing or when i know and i see in the word that there's a promise and anointing for my life uh for for what i'm facing or for my situation what do i do with that well doctor talked taught us how to if you're a pastor if you're in ministry of helps if you're called to any fivefold office how to receive uh walk in be bold you can know you have an anointing but you got to be bold in it and uh going along with the double portion anointing there's mantles that are left here there's responsibilities and giftings and callings that are left here on this earth they don't go to heaven and i want to make sure i walk in i step in i receive everyone that i'm supposed to to receive from amen and he helped us be mindful of that there's always more to receive for your anointing on your life no matter if you're just a mom staying home raising your babies there's an anointing for you amen there's an anointing on uh every ministry gift but we have to become skillful and uh walking in that anointing and carrying that mantle so that book is out there for you we i believe we're going to go ahead and pastor craig are you ready i think i yes i am supposed to call you up next sister just wanted to let everybody know about a special opportunity that we have coming up in march on march 21st we have the next dm day that's defrayne ministries day we do this once a year we encourage traveling ministers to get involved as well not just pastors they can take whatever monies from their general budget the lord touches their hearts to do but we'd specifically like to ask pastors to consider and the ones that are watching i know there's many pastors watching by live stream we do this every year and basically it's an opportunity for pastors to get up without pastor nancy having come to their building physically to preach but just to say we love the defranes we love to frame ministries and we just want to send a blessing to them unsolicited meaning when she comes you know she preaches she works hard she ministers of course we give an offering but what about just giving an offering because we love her not because she's done anything for us and i was in a i was in a car i'll never forget it it was in edmonton alberta canada years ago with dr dufrene he was in the back seat with pastor jay eberly i was in the front seat with the driver and uh the lord spoke to me it's was so loud it almost seemed audible but it obviously wasn't because i'm the only one that heard it and he quoted two verses to me the first one is i'll read it to you quickly it's second samuel 5 11 it says and hiram king of tyre sent messengers to david and cedar trees and carpenters and masons and they built david a house this was a fellow king we could say were fellow ministers that just you have another country that just loved david so much that he sent him a gift to build him a house and then the other verse that the lord quoted to me was in first kings five verse one and it says and hiram king of tyra same gentleman same king sent his servants unto solomon this is after david had died sent to servants unto solomon for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the room of his father for hiram was ever a lover of david he loved david when he was alive he loved david when he was gone he loved the next generation that ministered after david and the lord said to me where are the lovers of dr dufrene at that time dr dufresne was with us encourage the ministers to send him cedars and masons and carpenters that's mean doesn't mean you send them a piece of wood that's our offering that's our love to build him a house to bless him to help him and then of course when dad went home pastor almost that verse in in second kings 5 1 meant all the more to me because the one thing god had dealt with pastor nancy is is she had she had made a a parallel between dr dufrene being like david and her ministry being like solomon and and how dad went home but still hiram continued because he was a lover of the of the lineage of david not just david as an individual person he loved the lineage he loved the heritage he was a lover of david and he went and blessed solomon and we're lovers of the frames just because dad's changed addresses and he's in the next room that doesn't mean that we should stop doing this and every year we've had a number of churches be faithful just to give you i think they have it on the screen or they will in a second in 2018 just to give you an idea we raised 35 173 and that represented 36 churches got involved in traveling ministries in 2019 uh about half the number of churches 17 instead of 36 but 32 475 came in and last year even in the midst of covid we had 19 churches involved and 31 152 now i've been believing we've done it for more than three years of course but i'm believing for 50 000. that's my faith goal i'm believing don't really matter to me how many churches though i'd like as many churches as possible but some churches can give more than others but i'm believing for fifty thousand dollars in 2021 so just remember march 21 21 okay it's easy to remember march 21 in 2021 and you pastors if that's not a good date for you can do it earlier or later but all you do i just stand up to my congregation and i say pastor nancy's not here but she's here because i'm here she's here because she's poured into me and i'm pouring into you she's poured into you without you even realizing it so we're going to send an offering because we love her and we love the defrayne family and we just passed the bucket and you know some of our biggest givers the funniest thing dean graves is some of our biggest givers are visitors that have never even heard of pastor nancy we had one visitor gave out like two thousand dollars in the offering first time to the church never came back but they said you you enjoyed your ministry and you said that pastor nancy influenced you so we just want to bless her they didn't give anything to my church nothing to my church two thousand dollars for dm day never came back again i don't understand how that works but i said i'll take your money for dm praise god you never know who's gonna sow if you just get up and just challenge the people don't set a cap just pass the buckets and then send that don't send that even though we kind of help organize it don't send that to canada or any you just send it right here to dm praise god because people try to send it to us and then we have to forward it here just send it right here what is the date march 21 2021 and we're believing for how much 50 000 and we're going to have as many churches as possible so pastors please father i thank you that you speak to every heart watching that you speak to every heart here and person lord touch their hearts father we should not just sow when pastor comes and ministers personally at our churches or when we're at camp meeting or holy ghost meeting father we should sow just because we love the heritage we love the lineage we are ever lovers of dr defrayne and the defrayne family we love pastor nancy we love pastor morgan we love steven we love we love grant we love the grandchildren we love all of them and lord this is a way for us to bless their ministry touch every pastor father we're asking you and we believe we receive fifty thousand dollars in jesus name angels go forth now and influence the right ministers the right pastors to get involved whether they're part of fof or not anybody that has been impacted by by pastor nancy's ministry touch their hearts father angels influence them and cause all that money to come and we thank you we receive it by faith in jesus name everyone said amen amen [Music] oh my god okay yeah no that's not the offering i'm going to take up the offering so you can just stand down let me use a military term here stand down i always wanted to say that aren't you glad to be here i don't know about you but 2020 was a remarkable year but i'll tell you what i missed getting together with everybody i mean you know after so many months have gone i just told my daughter i said i mean you just need to start looking on you know social media you know in our camp and find out who is having a meeting and if we can get on a plane and go because you know what we need to be together something happens when we come together we build each other up and we encourage one another so i'm glad that we're in these meetings and this is a wonderful glorious year what a time to be alive and to be doing the will of god amen you know we love defraying ministries and you know most of us i would say 99.9 none we don't have a problem being generous as a rule our churches are so much more generous because we've been taught the word but you know i found out something in my congregation that even just because they're generous givers they didn't automatically receive their full supply generous generous from the heart but if you really don't believe what god will do for you because of your obedience and your generosity then you're only going to have completed half of what should be done you've got to take that word and you have got to believe that god's promise will work for you that as much as you believe i'm obeying god and i enjoy giving generously maybe you know the double up is generous it's you know over and above but it's not enough to love giving you have to believe that god is true to his word and when you have given generously you will receive abundantly amen let me take you to second corinthians nine uh verse uh let me start in verse six and then i'm gonna jump around i'm gonna go to six eight and eleven because you know we're moving forward to purchase land and and build a building and you know move on with the vision that god's given our church but one thing that god began to talk to me about is these areas of scripture because he said you know you you don't have a problem being generous and don't get me wrong i have received i'm not in the same place financially you know what like when i first got revelation of the word but there are you know levels of your revelation of something you come up to one level and you operate in it but then you got to learn you know you got to feed on more to go into another level especially when there's things you know that come into your life that require more and so god really urged me to go back and to look at these verses because he said you know the first one in 9 6 second corinthians 9 6 out of the amplified it says remember this he who so sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly and he who sows generously that blessings may come to someone will also reap generously and with blessing he said you you're doing okay in that verse but here's where you got the problem here's where you have to have more revelation so more will come to you and and i would say let me just say in my church that's what i found i've got the sweetest most generous people but not all of them are operating in the measure that they should be living in be compared to their giving because this is where uh we this is where the word can't operate in its fullest because of what we're thinking so you got to change your thinking by the word amen we're getting ready to give a generous offering but you know that's only part of it god wants to bless us tremendously because he he initiated that and here in verse 8 and this is what i have been feeding on and i've been feeding my congregation over a year now and i'm going to tell you something in 2020 as many of you we saw the most remarkable year financially and even personally people were so caring i mean they just stepped up to the plate to what they had been taught you know when they shut everything down i mean we had congregation members calling us and saying is there anything you need is there anything you can't find we'll drive around we'll find it you know if you need toilet paper if you need bread whatever you want you know and i mean i appreciate their offer because they were saying listen you know we want to be a help even in a time that was you know different because we don't have to live different just because the times are different and i just tell you like a mother i was never more proud of my congregation that they they just stepped up to the word and i don't even think they realize how much was in them until they had to put it to the test amen but here's the thing that i find in in pastoring that people they just don't get this reality in them to the degree that it needs to be because of our generous sowing and we're going to generously sow tonight double up verse 8 says god is able to make all grace i love the amplified every favor and earthly blessing every favor and earthly blessing when it says and that means they're two different things now that wasn't any you know i want no english major but to me sounds like every and god is able to make every favor and earthly blessings so they're two different things every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance why so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance what for every good work and charitable donation in one translation it says and let me this is the way i've told it to my congregation basically that means that you'll have what you need when you need it no matter what the need is that's what he's promised to you that you'll have what you need when you need it no matter what the need is so when a need arises that's unexpected you just say no no no i have what i need when i need it no matter what the need is why because i am a generous giver he is able to make all grace every favor and earthly blessing come to you in abundance it's got to be real and you have to renew this mind and be convinced that this is the way i'm going to live and then it goes in 11 let me take you to 11 very quickly thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way so that you can be generous and your generosity as it is as it is administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to god we will have what we need when we need it no matter what the need fully supplied and our giving will cause thanksgiving to go up to god i've been telling my congregation you feed on that and you feed on that and you feed on that because it's not enough for you just to you know with all your heart released generously if you don't believe that god wants you fully supplied at all times no matter what comes and i mean listen i'll tell you what i have been going over it and over it and over it and this year we saw an increase and it was because we renewed our minds in just another level and i've just been staying on it so i wouldn't want you to give generously and from your all your heart without expecting what god says you can have because of it you can have what you need when you need it no matter what the need is amen are you ready to give our double up offering heavenly father we're so thankful for your word we love dufresne ministries we love the supply that it is to us father and so we don't have a problem with our hearts full of love and joyfully we bring our double up offering but father we proclaim that once we have given this seed father we thank you that we're going to be abundantly supplied we're going to receive back a harvest that will abundantly supply we're going to move into the area where we'll have what we need when we need it no matter what the need is and we claim that by the authority that's in this word and the power that's in the name of jesus amen and amen all right ushers go ahead and wait on the people i am healed healed by the blood healed by the blood by the blood of jesus i am here healed by the blood healed by the blood by the blood of jesus oh the blood that saved me oh the blood that cleans me all the blood that healed me it washes white as snow oh the blood that saved me oh the blood that cleans me it washes wide as long as [Applause] i'm redeemed redeemed by the blood set free by the blood by the blood of jesus well redeemed redeemed by the blood set free by the blood by the blood of jesus oh the blood that saved [Music] me [Music] [Music] that saved [Music] it washes white as snow [Music] lord for your blood your blood that saved us healed us and set us free nothing but your blood [Music] hallelujah [Music] that saved me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it washes quite a steel [Music] we worship you we worship you we give you all we give you you are worthy to be prayed we give [Music] you [Music] [Music] we give you [Music] we worship you we worship through our lord you are worthy oh we worship you our lord we worship you our lord you are worthy [Music] we worship you jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus you are worthy to be praised and we're so grateful for the privilege of coming together to glorify your name to magnify you father we're so grateful for one another that we are one body we're so so grateful that we are fitly joined together and unitedly we come and worship you unitedly we glorify you we magnify you we we're so so thankful we're so so thankful hallelujah i remember something that when the holy ghost on one occasion said to me one of the main reasons people do not receive or lose what they have received is through lack of gratitude through lack of gratitude and uh god gave me in that service three primary ways that people don't they either don't receive their healing or lose it or victory if it's not healing some other victory needed that's lost and of the three reasons the devil wasn't even mentioned the first one was through opening the door to worry fear doubt he said that was the primary well he said the second one was veering from the plan of god and third was the lack of gratitude the devil's not mentioned amen we have total victory and we're grateful we're grateful for all we've received and we're interested in holding to everything he made ours amen hallelujah i think it's so interesting when we look at the scripture where it says hold fast to that which thou hast i think we have limited and misread that and we think it says hold fast to that which that which has manifested it says hold fast to that which thou hast all things have been made ours in christ he's not just talking about what's manifested what has been made yours hold fast to it and we're just so so much of the time we limit it to holding fast to what has come into manifestation but when it hasn't manifested we have to hold fast that it's ours that we do have this amen hallelujah and being grateful is one way we hold fast to what we have that hasn't yet manifested that's what brings it into manifestation amen well praise the lord we glorify you jesus we magnify you just lift up your voice lift up your voice we worship you jesus we glorify you for all the great price you paid so that all could be ours and all is ours and we hold fast to all that you have made ours we let let we let go none of it but we hold fast and we're so appreciative and grateful for all that is ours hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord turn around to four or five people and say i'm grateful and you can be seated tonight praise the lord praise the lord you can turn with me if you would in your bibles to ephesians chapter five ephesians chapter 5. we have to always remember this and it's such a a it moves us into such a place of confidence that no matter what comes but we always have to remember that god puts our answers in us before our need shows up god is never behind he's in front and he keeps us in front he's made us the head not the tail above not beneath that means he doesn't do something he doesn't show up uh with the supply after our answers are in us before our need ever shows up it's about recognizing and turning toward what's in us instead of looking out here for answers and uh if you'll i think it's important that when we sit in a series of meetings like this that we pay attention to [Music] we pay attention to the thread of things because if you look at what god has directed us that are ministering in the sermons that we're to bring of course brother copeland started with faith brother pastor anderson has brought about one body what that means anointed together moving together and all that's connected with the local church and being a body fitly joined together and then i taught on sunday night allowing the sufferings of christ to mature us the sufferings of christ not the sufferings of the devil's attacks the sufferings of christ which that there's opposition that's going to come from obedience there's opposition that's going to come to try to stop us from experiencing the fullness of what belongs to ours not sickness and disease not poverty that's not the sufferings of christ he already suffered for that that's not the part we share in but there is a sharing of the sufferings of obedience but i love something that sister lindsey roberts stated she said it's better to suffer from obedience than to suffer from persecution except then to suffer from disobedience it's better to suffer persecution than to suffer from disobedience men but there is a suffering but that's okay we have grace we have the faith of god in us amen and uh people need to rightly understand what that suffering is because faith people don't bypass sufferings they are equipped amen amen and then the next evening god had me to minister on right thinking and then last night we ministered on say and see and we looked at the process of faith that abraham learned and walked through to learn to say so he could see and these are not random messages although although they can look like different topics they're not random they're not disconnected but they point to one thing skill for the last days we need all these things presented to us and in front of us so that we're skillful in the last days and in this revival so what i he has me hasn't directed me to minister on tonight he gave me this sermon several weeks ago when i woke up in the morning it just dropped in me and those are i appreciate those kinds and uh because i i it makes you so certain that he wants it brought to the people and uh when i was my husband and i and stephen in 2006 we went to lusaka zambia in africa and ed and stephen had gone on a safari hunt and that's a whole nother testimony and uh just to give you a little tidbit they decided they're gonna get zebras and uh you know they're going to go get some zebras well they got toward the end of the day and the uh the person who was their guide said you know uh you might want to consider because we're getting to the end of the day if you would rather get a some other kind of an animal and it took up took that man up on that offer and shot at something did he kill it did he get it and impala he got it stephen says little old baby thing [Laughter] and so stephen said nope not me i'm waiting for what we came for and it said you better just get some just get something you know it's getting dark and and you're in high bush you know high grasses so it's not just about getting something you have to you have to find it and when it gets dark you don't find it because there's no street lights out there you know so so stephen says no dad i'm waiting i'm waiting and they don't get too far down after ed took his shot cause you get one you get one you don't get to have multiple animals you get one and ed had gotten his and that not far along upcoming i heard a zebra and so it says stephen goes to you know take his shot and he said give me the gun give me the gun said no you took your shot you took your shot and ed was just flaming because stephen wouldn't pass his shot off to his daddy so stephen's the type stephen pulls it up and goes bam i mean he doesn't do he he spots it and i mean just in one smooth action and you're down that's it steven's always been a good shot well he did that he just like that and the zebra ran off and said you missed you missed i can't believe you missed it steven says no i think i got him no you missed him you know so they they went and it wasn't just a few steps and he got him so that was what was going on in their day on the safari but while they were out doing that fussing over the gun and doing that god said something to me we may have to edit all that out i don't know but uh but that zebra's in in my house so i traded stephen something for it i repossessed it i said here i'll i'll i'll trade you this for that and so anyway [Laughter] while i was in the hotel room god spoke to me and he said this to me the light that the spirit of god gave brother hagin regarding psalms hymns and spiritual songs is in danger of being lost emphasize teaching that yes that was only two and a half years after dad hagen went home to be with the lord and god was saying that light is almost gone notice it doesn't take long to lose how quickly light can be lost when people aren't interested in it and when we don't hold to it and uh so since the light came to dad hagen i go back and tonight i want to quote several things that dad hagan said because this he was the one that that like came through for this generation so i would say this making this observation why would this truth be in danger of being lost because psalms hymns and spiritual songs are a spirit flow they're not a musical flow they're a spirit flow that can come through music but if the church becomes natural and carnal these things will cease to operate because this is a spiritual flow and they will seem foreign and unnecessary unnecessary to those who are natural minded and carnally minded they will seem unimportant they will be dismissed dad hagan stated this we're going to move into a place of spirituality we haven't been before but the way we're going to get there is to learn to sing psalms hymns and spiritual songs communing with god in your spirit through this avenue of psalms hymns and spiritual songs notice he said the way we're going to get into places of spirituality we haven't been before are places in the spirit we haven't been before so let for those who may not have record of it i want to go ahead and give the definition that dad hagan gave us of psalms hymns and spiritual songs a psalm is a spiritual poem or an ode that can be sung or chanted it can be spoken out and it may or may not rhyme you don't have to try to make it rhyme a hymn it denotes a song of praise addressed to god but this isn't something you thought ups or heard just somewhere on the radio or heard a music group and saying this came out of your spirit it's fresh off the wire and then a spiritual song uh the burden is things revealed by the spirit so something revealed a revelation that can come by the spirit and delivered in this way so purposes and this is what dad hagan gave the purpose of psalms hands and spiritual songs is number one a means of spiritual edification now to be edified you're built up so it's going to build you up spiritually it won't leave you in the same place when you get into this flow and uh at the end of that you're going to be in a different place it's going to edify you it's going to build you up the second purpose i like this it's a means of keeping us separated from the world amen well can't we say this if it's going to bring us spiritual edification building up our spirit and it's going to keep us separated from the world won't it help us to also keep our flesh under keep our flesh under yeah a third purpose that dad hagan gave it's a means of you being conscious of his indwelling presence and i say this which is abound to affect the way you live so these are some things that dad hagan stated about psalms and i'm not talking about the book of psalms i'm talking about this spiritual flow of psalms and um this is not geared toward ministers it's for everyone it's for everyone and god said to me pick that up so it's appropriate for me if i wanted to just sit and read dad hagin's sermons word for word it would be appropriate i'm not going to do that but i'll grab some of them dad hagan stated tongues gets you part way through the door and he's talking about the doors of the door of the spirit the supernatural but he said but psalms hymns and spiritual songs get you all the way in so tongues he says get you part way in psalms hymns and spiritual songs bring you all the way in so there's a role for both of them then pastor j eberly may stated it this way psalms hymns and spiritual songs assist us to get us into other places and rooms of the spirit so when we need to go further and we recognize we need to go further we can't just get there by wanting to be there we have to know how to cooperate with the with the spirit of god so that we can go further why because in those rooms are greater manifestations amen more healings for the people more miracles for the people learning how to to cooperate with what's in those rooms dad hagan made this statement psalms hymns and spiritual songs are an unexplored area amen that the spirit of god is waiting for us to respond to so he can take us into more amen so when can he take us into more when we're interested enough to explore the area amen you know all the terrain of the west coast was here even when they landed on the east coast and started settling this country but when interest started enough to start sending these men who would go and travel and make maps and they explored the unexplored and it brought the nation into more same thing with the spirit realm that when we're interested to know and how many of you know there's not we're not ever going to hit the coastline and can't go further when it comes to the things of god there's always further to go there's always more amen so dad hagin then made this statement psalms leads us into further revelation now god said to me there are revelations that belong to this era but you will have to labor in prayer to receive them not to earn them but to receive them there's a difference between the mindset of someone receiving that means you have we pray so that we can uh if i could say this make ourselves more sensitive to what he wants to reveal and that's what revelation is something he reveals and so uh one way of praying when he said you have to labor in prayer to receive the revelations that belong to this era one way of that labor is psalms hymns and spiritual songs that's a flow of that so dad hagan stated if we would not only speak in tongues but go on see go on and enter into psalms hymns and spiritual songs we will move into the spirit of seeing and knowing and then the power gifts will go into operation well what are the power gifts gifts of healings working of miracles the gift of faith so he said you'll have more of those those things operating as we operate in these things notice the progression tongues psalms hymns and spiritual songs the spirit of seeing and knowing and then greater operation of the power gifts so if we decide we're not going to be skillful in psalms 10s and spiritual songs how do you get to the operation of greater manifestation of power gifts you don't because there is access you have to go through amen you have a measure of it but not the fullness of what is available so he said if we will not only speak in tongues that's the first but go on to psalms hymns and spiritual songs then we will move into the spirit of seeing and knowing so that's the third thing and then the power gifts will go into operation we were sitting at we were in russia actually and we were sitting around the dinner table the fields will remember this the rama says we'll remember that and i said it seems like to me god's wanting to say something so we just quietly there in the restaurant started speaking in tongues to ourselves praying in the spirit and then up came these words and the spirit of god said to us at night the further you go in the revival to go further in the revival you must go further in the spirit so see we're wanting to go further in the revival but we have to go further into these places in the spirit and psalms hymns and spiritual songs plays a role in that we talk about praying in tongues which we should but that's not the totality of what's going to get us into these places that are available to us praise the lord then dad hagan stated we need to maintain this practice as a way of life now this is this is what god wants for us i remember years ago i was sensing that god was wanting me to [Music] wanting some more advancement i mean in the sense of he always wants us to advance but i i could sense that there was an urgency and god was really dealing with me about some things and so i i just i just i just took it this way well i'm just going to spend more time praying in tongues which i did and that's appropriate but god said to me he said after months and months of spending hours a day praying in the spirit he says you've missed what i'm trying to bring you into i'm not just trying to bring you into more speaking in tongues i'm trying to bring you into a life in the spirit yes because you can have you can spend a lot of time praying in tongues and still not really conduct your life in the spirit and he said i'm trying to bring you into a life in the spirit now see this is something in keeping with what dad hagan is saying we need to maintain this practice the practice of speaking psalms hymns and spiritual songs as a way of life not just moments not just times of it but as a way of life amen amen on one occasion god said to me this was years and years ago he said there is an arena of my will you will never get into without speaking in psalms notice that he said there's an arena you will never get into why because psalms hymns and spiritual songs play one role and we can't substitute something else for the role they play speaking in tongues plays a role in our life the prayer of faith plays a role the prayer of supplication plays a role the prayer of praise and worship but none of them are substitute for the other right well likewise nothing is going to substitute for psalms 10s and spiritual songs and there is there are certain things that can only be accessed through the psalms hence the spiritual songs and that's why he said there's an arena of my will you'll never get into that's good unless you take time to speak in psalms hymns and spiritual songs so it's up to us it's not up to the holy ghost to initiate it it's up to be up to us to be interested in it so psalms excuse me ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 and verse 17. you know verse 16 talks about buying up the time verse 17 says wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is so he's saying if you don't understand what the will of the lord is you're unwise yes yes dad hagan made this statement to i don't know sister pat harrison his daughter told us so i don't know if he ever preached it i don't remember hearing him say it but she said that this is something that she asked him not long before he went home to be with the lord and he again reiterated it to her and he said every year i lay out everything i'm doing before the lord everything i'm doing in my personal life everything i'm doing in the ministry and i lay it out before god and i ask him is there something i'm not doing i should be doing is there something i'm doing that i shouldn't be doing is there something that i'm doing but i'm not doing enough of or is there something i'm doing in it i need to do it but not so much of it and he said because if i don't understand what the will of the lord is i'm unwise so we don't automatically assume oh i'm in the ministry or oh i'm serving in my local church that is the will of the lord but we need to understand further than than the generalities and so it says be being wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is verse 18 and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess now let me just help some people wine will always end up in excess yes let me tell you that let me tell you when when others say it's no big deal let me tell you the big deal of it it's a bondage jesus paid the price for you to be free from anything that binds you and when you decide a little bit of drinking a little bit of bondage that's the big violation of it yes and this is what paul warned don't again come under bondage when you've been set free and it's it's a disregard for the price he paid so you can be free that nothing binds you nothing hinders you yes when people say a little bit at dinner won't drink that's an unrenewed mind looking looking for liberties that you think are liberties that really become bondages because you will end up in excess amen and no no alcoholic ever said this stuff has just blessed my life because people are trying to get free not from something that blesses their life but something that's a bondage so don't even play don't be stupid with us and be stupid young people don't be stupid that's right and start playing word games with me you should play word games verse 18 and be not drunk with wine and really if you're filled with the holy ghost you're telling god you're not enough the holy ghost is more than enough for a full life the word is more than enough for a full life and be not drunk with wine wearing it wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit you cannot have the fullness of the spirit while you're while you're taking in something of carnal that feeds the carnal side can't do it that's right but be filled with the spirit so verse 17 says understanding what the will of the lord is and verse 18 is telling us what it is be filled with the spirit that's the will of the lord that is the will of the lord for everyone because when you are full of the spirit the details of life come clear to you the details you need for your daily life becomes clear when you're full remember what it says in luke chapter four and it says jesus being full was led of the spirit into the wilderness it's easier to know the leading when you're full so if the will of the lord is be full then we're always living in a place where we know the leading yes because fullness is the place of knowing the leading and then it tells and be not drunk with wine wearing his excess but be filled with the spirit then he tells us how speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs so there is you can you can feel be filled with the spirit praying in tongues well speaking in tongues we'll do it but this is another way of being filled and if we don't utilize this there is a fullness that can come that we're going to bypass if we don't employ psalms hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the lord giving thanks always for all things unto god and the father in the name of our lord jesus christ psalms hens of spiritual songs is not you singing along with the group that's right this is a spirit flow now when it says again be not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is which is be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves in psalms hens and spiritual songs then there are some aspects of god god's will we can't understand without speaking in psalms hymns and spiritual songs and then we'll be unwise without that understanding and that's what god said to me when he said to me there are arenas of my will you'll never get into unless you take time to speak in psalms hymns and spiritual songs amen then colossians chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 and verse 16. it says let the word of christ dwell in you richly so this word richly is a measure of how the word should be dwelling in us not just a not just a whiff of the word but a rich measure of the word let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the lord so now it becomes something that's shared and it moves and blesses the lives of others amen as it flows through us so here psalms hymns and spiritual songs evidently hold teaching they hold admonishing well the definition of admonish is to advise urge or warned amen so it says let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in psalms hymns and spiritual songs so notice though what precedes psalms hymns and spiritual songs in this verse let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom then what flows out of you will be a help to others and the more richly the word dwells in us these things can flow in a richer measure the psalms hymns and spiritual songs will flow in a richer degree also these things must be judged by the word because he said in all wisdom yes and the word is the wisdom so these things that flow out need to be judged by the word that's right amen so that means they we don't draw these things out of the mental arena that's right because that's not accurate or safe that's right we don't want to live with the thoughts of your mind that's right amen we draw these things out of our hearts out of our spirits psalms are really the flow of prophecy first corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 excuse me 26 and 31. i just want to read those two verses together first corinthians 14 26 and verse 31 reads how is it then brethren when ye come together every one of you hath a psalm so notice he's not talking to preachers he's talking when every one of you come together so he's referring that we should be so full that we're touching into this flow and we bring this flow with us every one of you hath a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation let all things be done unto edifying verse 31 for ye may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted so dad hagin made this statement speaking to yourselves in psalms hymns and spiritual songs is the gift of prophecy because it's inspired utterance this is not something that came out of your mind it's not something you learned you know out of the radio it is something that came as an inspiration of the spirit you're full of the word says that we should all prophesy it's edifying that this is dead hagen it's edifying it's true communication with god it's divine speaking and we should all do it it's divine speaking it's divine speaking and we should all do it amen tongues your mind is unedified when you speak in tongues it bypasses the mind it does not employ the mind only god is so brilliant he uses you and bypasses you he's so brilliant right praying out his plan through your own mouth and bypassing you bypassing your mind but psalms hymns and spiritual songs will not bypass the mind they will bring enlightenment to the mind but all these things work by faith [Music] you have to have faith to step out into these things and to get into this flow i uh i had and i think god allowed me to have a certain experience so he so i could remove some limited thinking i had on some of this because i was kind of under the impression that if you pray in tongues long enough just pray long long enough listen we should pray in tongues making it a lifestyle but i had this thing that you couldn't step into tongues excuse me into psalms and spiritual songs until you had taken a big chunk of time praying in tongues and one morning i got up and i started worshiping god and when i did all of a sudden up came a psalm it's just getting connected to your heart getting connected to your spirit so i had this thought though i don't know where i got it nobody necessarily said it it just came out of my own brilliance that i had to spend a certain amount of time speaking in tongues before that would even begin to bubble up and but i saw that as soon as i got my tongue hooked up to my spirit that could i could draw that up wow that is good so that we don't limit the flow of these things amen we definitely need to take time to pray in the spirit speak in tongues so that we don't conjure something up with our minds now i want to just read a few passages psalms chapter 32. listen we're going to need this flow for the last days we're going to need it for our own personal lives we're going to need it for when our congregations come together because here i would dare to say and even in our own in in our own church we don't see enough of what i read when you all come together everyone has a psalm everyone has a doctrine everyone and dad hagin would call it believers meetings everybody's got something amen so some so much of the time we have the mindset of coming to church to get something instead of coming to church with something psalms chapter 32 and verse 7 and 8 and i'm going to read out of the amplified so if you haven't amplified you just you may want to reference that one psalms 32 verse 7 says you are a hiding place for me you lord preserve me from trouble then he says how he preserves us from trouble you surround me with songs he's not talking about music that's on your radio or on your favorite worship cd you surround me with songs that came up they were my answer for the trouble i was facing then that's how he hides us in the light and revelation that is in those songs that they hide us from the trouble because we gain revelation of god's mind for us in that situation through these songs you are a hiding place for me you lord preserve me from trouble you surround me with songs or we could say psalms and shouts of deliverance so these songs that come up out of your spirit will reveal your deliverance and you'll start shouting out the deliverance that you spoke out in a psalm verse 8 i the lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go what he's still talking about that one that's in trouble the one that's in trouble he says if you'll have these songs coming up then in the song it will be the lord's instruction to you in the song he will teach you and the way you should go and i will counsel you with my eye upon you amen so he watches over us as we employ these songs these things bring our deliverance and this is connected we're going to need this kind of assist in days ahead so while we're in the flow of psalms hymns and spiritual songs we will receive instruction teaching counsel that we need for that time of trouble that's what this passage says so if you find yourself needing clarity take time to speak in psalms hymns and spiritual songs take time to connect your tongue to your spirit get in the spirit and then tap into this flow and instruction will come of what to do and you won't wear yourself out worrying at night trying to figure out your help that your mind doesn't know this is in line with what we read in ephesians 5 17 and 19 understanding what the will of the lord is through psalms hymns and spiritual songs amen i like what verse 7 it says that he will preserve us from trouble preserve us how does he preserve us psalms songs that we sing that come out of our spirit they hold revelation for us that directs us and it preserves us from what that trouble is trying to work against us at a time of attack we can stay hidden in his presence as we enter into this flow of that's right as we enter into this flow that's spoken of in psalms here now notice that's what he said you are my you are a hiding place for me lord i hide through turning my attention on you with the help of these psalms that's right amen they'll hold us in the presence of god amen mindful of him instead of what's coming against us and we know this in the presence of god threats and strategies are deflected and lose sway they just don't matter anymore they can't get our attention because we had divine help in stepping into another a deeper dimension of the spirit that became our place of safety and protection brother hagin said this these are his own words whenever the heat was turned on when the enemy was attacking and i was under great pressure i'd speak more in psalms by the holy s by the holy ghost sometimes i would stay up all night speaking to myself in psalms hymns and spiritual songs why because they were a rescue they were a deliverance that's what we read in psalms that even you can quote absolutely we confess our victory but this gives you something to do with your mind at a time when your mind is being bombarded with pressure then you can hook your tongue up to your spirit and those words minister to your thought life to keep your mind from imagining the worst helping you cast down imaginations and bringing every thought into captivity because you picked up a divine thought divine thought that came to you through this flow of the spirit and it is a flow of the spirit praise god praise the lord i remember and i tell it to you again because i just it just never gets old whenever we were dealing with an issue with the city and the property and we had gone back and forth it had been 10 months that it took for us to complete the sale of this property and i was there were all kind of threats that came to us about it that they were going to take us to court and sue us if we didn't give them certain things and you've heard some of the detail of it that i won't go into and the final thing is that the city would not give them an approval without us signing off on something and i wasn't going to sign off on it i was not signing off on it because it would just mean transferring their problem to us and the city said well if you would sign off on this it would solve the problem i said you've not solved the problem you transferred it and i don't owe somebody to to take on their problems that's right and so basically it was at a standstill because i wouldn't sign it and the city wouldn't permit them without me signing it and i wasn't going to sign it and so i got noticed one night from their lawyer saying we're going to the city tomorrow for a meeting in the morning and the city will demand that you sign this to us and i thought ain't no city demanding anything on my property i don't know i don't know lawyer words and you might know all the lawyer words but i'm not stupid i don't know all the legal terms so i called stephen it's about 10 30 at night and i'll call brian and i said we're going to a city meeting in the morning and we are uninvited we aren't invited but we're showing up and we showed up the meeting was about 10 30 that morning but i got up early and i went out on my back patio and i started i laid out before god this is what we're facing the city has certain requirements and i knew those requirements because we had to comply with those requirements to get this building built but this this property these people that were buying the property were trying to complete their project without complying and they wanted to use our compliance for their compliance so to speak and so without going into the long details of it and then so i went out and i told god what we were facing and i just began to pray in the spirit because i want to i want to tap into his mind not my mind i already knew what was in my mind and so i uh took off praying in the spirit and then all of a sudden i realized this my answer's in me yeah i'm gonna draw this answer out and i took off speaking in psalms hymns and spiritual songs that just started coming up and these psalms that came up there were about three or four that i spoke in one ride for the other and i noticed that there was one word common in all of them and it was the word victory amen the word victory was in every single psalm so i go uh-huh god's already revealing the outcome of this to me that is a flow of prophecy it's a divinely inspired utterance that i was authorized to draw up at the point of my need you have needs and you are authorized to draw up the direction and clarity see i knew the general will of god by his word but i need to know the specific employment of this for my from my situation so i paid attention to the the the wording of these psalms that came up and every single one of them made victory a central theme and then when i realized that now i know how this is going to turn out i don't know how because now we're at a point that it was i don't know maybe about the eight-month period that the city had not budged they said we will not budge on what we're we're asking these people to comply with and if you don't sign it over sign this document they'll never comply and this city doesn't have to budge what's it mean to them but i knew something had to change and it wasn't me and uh so all the these multiple psalms came out and then at the end of it i had this sense not a word from the lord but just this sense to dance why well if i believe what these divinely inspired utterances are saying i'm not going to sit and fret i'm going to rejoice because i've already been shown the outcome and faith has to be demonstrated psalms only bless you if you believe them if you're going to see in the mental arena and argue with what's coming out of your spirit you're not going to receive the instruction and the admonishment that you you can obtain from these so you have to believe these things when they come up so i got up and i just started dancing right there on the back patio i don't know if anybody could see me or not i don't care i got up dancing and while i was dancing god spoke to me and said in the rejoicing power flows in the rejoicing power in the rejoicing not after the rejoicing in the rejoicing so as long as we're in rejoicing that's how long power flows power didn't flow before the rejoicing he said in the rejoicing that's why rejoicing has to be a lifestyle with us because that's when power flows and the rejoicing power flows so i knew this thing was already dealt with on my end well we went into that meeting and it didn't look like it was dealt with and we had you know a very interesting conversation in that room and we walked in the three of us walked in and the city guide the the main city guy was very nice he was very respectful and very you know he was just agreeable very nice man and um but he walked in and he saw three more people and they didn't have enough chairs they go oh more people are here than we knew were coming and i just because i wasn't going to be misrepresented by somebody who had uh factored us out and i don't care that you are a lawyer that's right i have legal counsel myself i have an advocate pleading my case so we had this meeting and i guarantee you it went nowhere fast because basically they said if you would just sign this document agreeing to the things that they need to comply with their property then it's resolved and i said no it's not resolved it's transferred their problem is transferred and i just wouldn't do it and so that's that's was the end of the meeting so there's no need for us to stay so stephen and i get up and walk out and briana was with us and stephen and i walk out and we think brian is behind us now while we were in there their lawyer was very respectful and very kind and very nice but still not right and still working for his clients i understand that but i'm not your client and so stephen and i go out to the lobby we think brianna's behind us and we wait and we wait and we wait and she's not there and she's not there and i said go see where she's at maybe i don't know so he goes back in and as soon as stephen and i walked out this lawyer started ranting on her and became a completely different creature well the city people saw that they saw that he looked like he was appropriate in the meeting but they saw then what i had really been dealing with through all these months of threats because he had threatened time and time and time and time again but he goes in there and acts like he's being that that we're being unreasonable when it was his threats that were uncalled for and i'm the seller i own the property i don't have to comply with you and so the city saw what kind of a person we had been dealing with all these months and one of the builders i believe it was one of their contractors was in there and he said why don't you do this and he gave them one divine idea and the city agreed to it and the whole thing was resolved it wasn't resolved while i was in there because god didn't need my argument his power was working on our behalf and it looked like it went nowhere when we were in there but after after a few minutes and stephen and brianne and i came back to the office and it was seemingly it even right where it was before the meeting and so i think stephen or brianna had left something in the room and they went to go get it they drove back down there it was only like 10 minutes they came back they said it's done it's over with i go what's done and over with said the contractor came up with an idea that the city took and so it's resolved everything is handled it wasn't resolved in the meeting that day it was resolved that morning psalms hymns and spiritual songs the mind of the lord was made known and i danced in the resolve [Music] what if i hadn't done that what if i hadn't have done that i said what if i hadn't done that how much has been lost and what kind of difficulties we could have bypassed if we would have employed psalms hymns and spiritual songs because they are a deliverance in a time of trouble is what psalm says he surrounds us with songs because that's our deliverance praise the lord amen so good this is so good it is i said it is so good dad hagen made this statement he said speaking or singing psalms by the inspiration of the holy spirit builds up your spirit like nothing else can do you see this is spoken from a man who had years of experience speaking in speaking in tongues edifies but also so does psalms hymns and spiritual songs and it edifies in a different capacity a different way evidently than tongues because it's not a duplicate it's an additional edification amen builds up your spirit like nothing else can do it lifts you above the clouds of natural circumstances right into the higher realms of supernatural peace and joy in the holy ghost that's what let me read that again that's so good dad hagin speaking or singing in psalms by the inspiration of the holy spirit builds up your spirit like nothing else can do it lifts you above the clouds of natural circumstances right into the higher realms of supernatural peace and joy in the holy ghost we need this for the revival yes amen absolutely in this revival we're in we need this amen and then dad hagan went on and would make this statement he said you can read through the book of psalms and you can the ones that david wrote and see what he was going through at that time because he used the psalms to comfort and direct and assist him in those times of great battles and great difficulties that's good psalms were given to him for his own special benefit how do you think he was enabled to go out and face goliath psalms already showed him yes it's real good he knew exactly what to do he did not go out there going i'm not sure he knew exactly what to do he had been employing he was learning this flow as a young man why he had time without being a shepherd amen david was a psalmist that doesn't just mean he wrote songs it means these were songs of the spirit authored by heaven and he tapped into the flow and that flow changed his life it qualified him it was one of the qualifying things that set him on the throne praise god he walked in a place of fellowship with god communing with god from his spirit and the psalms came out of that place of communion i remember years ago i had a dream and in the dream i saw a huge notebook sitting on a grand piano and it was probably i don't know about four to six inches thick and it was and i knew in the dream what it was it was all original songs and the spirit of god said to me these are songs of the spirit you don't have to write them they have already been authored all you have to do is get in the spirit and hear what has already been offered that's what psalms hymns and spiritual songs are songs of heaven that have already authored and carry revelation for us we're not authoring them our spirit is tapping into that flow amen praise the lord james chapter 5 james chapter 5. in light of what we read in psalm 32 about songs of deliverance that will encompass us in a time of difficulty right james chapter 5 and verse 13. and we were acquainted with this verse is any among you afflicted let him pray who the afflicted one so then it goes as any mary let him sing psalms not sing songs sing psalms now there's several ways you can look at this passage and i think still be correct one thing i i see when i see this is any among you afflicted let him pray the one the word afflicted is not sickness and disease it means going through a test or trial is any of you going through a tester trial let him pray but how unfitting that you're going through a test or trial and you call someone else to pray that's off this verse this verse says that the one going through the test is the one that's to do the praying amen and then you can kind of compare it to the next verse that the next next phrase that says is any mary let him sing psalms so you don't you don't let's say you've been believing god for ten thousand dollars for a particular need and ten thousand dollars come in and you come up all sad looking and you walk up to you know you know fellow christian in the church and say i'm so happy can you sing for me that's laughable right when we're married we don't ask someone else to do our singing so why when we're faced with a test and trial do we ask someone else to do our praying right right oh that's good to me those are comparison phrases that can be compared and show the importance of you doing your own right you do your own praying you do your own worshiping you do your own psalms yes yes amen yes very good yeah then we could connect these two phrases if you're are you are you afflicted then let him pray and then step into the flow of psalms once you pray you should get married yeah because you you pray believing you should get married because if you're believing when you pray you're not burdened now that's lifted off you you're light now because you prayed and you released that into the hands of the lord or you released your faith and now you can be married why because you have cast that over on the lord you have employed his help through your believing prayer now now you can sing psalms and when you sing psalms now you're going to now you're going to step into what his prescription is for you in that test and trial so it all seems to cycle around in this verse that one thing feeds another if you're going through a test or trial don't just pray but get into the merry of believing the merry heart of believing and then tap into yield to that flow of psalms hymns and spiritual songs and up will float your answer through the songs of what you need to do and know about that test and trial you're facing praise god and who's to do it him yeah not pastor him that's doing that's faced with this amen this verse prescribes us our help when we're going through a tester trial and the thing is if we're not if we don't know this then we we've laid we need to stir up stir ourselves up we need to be interested enough to take the time to get into this flow of the spirit amen because let me tell you operating out the mind will take time clean up time you know damage control time because you figured out your help and you went and employed it and it wasn't your help now you got to backtrack lost money lost all kinds of things doing this doesn't take nearly as much time as recovering from your mental reasonings [Music] praise the lord so this james 5 13 is not fulfilled through turning on your favorite pop worship cd and start singing your favorite christian song that's not it at all these things are hot off the wire from heaven amen because by singing psalms you get into a full of prophecy which brings you revelation so that you get clarity and answers for what you're facing amen the choir can't do this for you and when psalms are listed as an avenue of health it would benefit us to take that avenue if we neglect this avenue we we neglect the help that is to come to our lives through that avenue as we said dad hagan stated you need to maintain this practice as a way of life but when the light of it is almost lost is what god said to me and that was what my goodness 2006 that's 14 years ago how much of how much more has been lost right psalm 95 let's go to psalm 95 and verse 1. psalm 95 verse 1 are you getting any help out of this these are not separate random sermons from the previous this is all part of what's going to need to be addressed and emphasized for this era psalms 95 verse 1 o come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms so he's saying he even wants to be worshipped with divine utterance not just mental utterance right not just a human written song he wants to be worshipped we come to him with uh a flow of prophecy divine utterances coming out of our mouth in worship which is a whole other degree of worship which is going to get us into a whole another realm of the spirit 1 speaks of singing doesn't it let us sing unto the lord verse 2 speaks of psalms he makes a distinction between the two there's a difference between just singing and a difference between psalms you start with sin and you end up with psalms and then psalms 105 psalms 105. and verse 1. you say well these are old testament passages yeah but did you already read with us in ephesians 5 in colossians 3 [Music] i don't want old testament saints to know have a knowledge that the new church the new testament church has laid down they had a knowledge of this amen psalms 105 and verse 1. o give thanks unto the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people verse 2 sing unto him then he's telling us what kind of singing seems psalms don't just sing sing psalms unto him talk ye of all his wondrous works how you gonna do that through the psalm so psalms you'll start rehearsing the works of god and what you talk about is what will flow god said to my husband just maybe six months before he went home to be with the lord he said talk more tell more about those angels that paid off your church building because if you'll talk more about it they'll do more of it so when he went home to be with the lord i picked that up and so i will talk about that because i need them to do more of that well notice here that when we're speaking in psalms which is divinely inspired utterances what's going to come out is talking about the wondrous works of god why because when you start rehearsing them god repeats them what we rehearse god repeats amen praise the lord i don't know about you but i see i need this don't we need this amen we need the skill of this hallelujah hallelujah so let's put a demand on our own spiritual life that this is not something that we're going to put on the back burner but we need this and how much we need this to we need to practice this before big needs show up so that we already know this ground we're acquainted with this flow amen stand with me to your feet so grateful for the word now god said to me there is an arena of my will you will never get into unless you you can't just confess your way into the will of god might it might have a it might play a role it's good to confess i carry out the will of god but you're going to do something more than confess it we have to have some developing of some things spiritually so he said to me there is an arena of my will you will never get into unless you take time to speak in psalms hymns and spiritual songs so these are not just optional things that are that are confined and limited to a worship service at the church this is part of our devotional life hallelujah hallelujah let's worship the lord father we thank you we thank you for the light of these things we thank you for the light we purpose to honor what the spirit of god gave through dad hagin regarding psalms hymns and spiritual songs we will not let that light be lost and we will not relegate that flow to a minister but it's part of our daily fellowship with you father it's part of our devotional life and we give you thanks hallelujah hallelujah just lift up your hands lift up your voice let's worship him in the spirit this divine means whereby we don't have to go through life wondering what should i do what direction should i take what steps should i make what decision should i have what decision should i make but drawing on the greater one on the inside because he has the mind of god for your future draw on that draw on that and it will flow up and water your life it will water the victory that has been made yours and it will rise up and bloom and it will drive back the darkness of the oppression and the pressure that comes against the mind and you are authorized to say never more will i be in that place nevermore will i be under oppression nevermore will i be under depression nevermore will i be under the weight and the burden of an attack or circumstance never more because evermore i have been raised evermore i have been put in a place of victory and i flow and i cooperate with that place of victory for it is mine evermore hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord what paul said we should all prophesy we should all prophesy not publicly but privately there are some that god may use for a public setting but he's talking about privately you should all be we should all be doing this amen what we're going to face is going to call for this flow amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord yes [Music] [Music] don't ever again allow the words to come out of your mouth i don't know what to do never again allow those words that would sabotage the flow of victory that's on the inside of you but you do know what to do you know draw up draw up draw up that which you stir up and as you do you will always know what to do so always make it part of your conversation i always know what to do i always know what to do not because i have figured it out but because i have spoken it out amen or i have sang it out hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah pastor amy you come up and just flow with what's in you praise the lord praise the lord tired and weary downcast and sad that's a resemblance of the life that i had but now in your spirit i can worship and praise i can get in your presence and receive from your face so i worship you i thank you lord for the answers you have i thank you for what's in me and i draw from your plan and i'll see all you have and i'll know what you want because i know how to go to your throne hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah now doesn't that encourage you [Music] amen doesn't that water in you hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord we worship you father we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord pastor laquetta just come up here and just follow what's in your spirit [Music] this whatever you have yeah i normally sing but i don't have a pretty voice [Music] ha ha he to him do i sing ha-ha-ha to him do i praise the more i sing the more i see the more i praise the more i raise so every day and every way i sing and i praise and every day and every day i see the glory of god in all my ways hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord [Music] so we encourage you practice this i said we encourage you practice and the more you practice the greater the flow amen don't look up here [Music] because he wants worship from here and you want to remember what it says in ephesians it says let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom that's not the wisdom from here that's the wisdom that he gives amen hallelujah praise the lord and i tell you what you'll you'll find direction for your life in that in that flow amen praise the lord we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father in fact you can just do it right now right where you're at hook your tongue up to your spirit and just begin to speak out you say well it doesn't rhyme or sound as as much of a flow as what pastor amy did or passed okay don't worry about that just flow just step in and just begin to flow don't try to make it sound like what you think it ought to sound like hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father [Music] we thank you father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know you can do this dad hagan said he would do it nearly all night long when he's going through something but you can do it as you're falling off to sleep at night you know if if you're having troubles but with your mind being harassed and stuff and you're having difficulty sleeping you can enter into what psalm 32 talked about that you're hidden in his presence come encompass and surrounded with songs amen and i just encourage you get whether you get the cd the dvd or whether you watch this online watch this repeatedly like every week or something for a while just to because i refuse for us to have the light lost when there's no there's no need to lose it we need this our lives need it our local church needs it and as colossians 3 told us that we should be admonishing one another with psalms hymns and spiritual songs amen and if we're not having that flow we're robbing the body of what it needs i'm talking about the bod our local body needs these things amen under the under the instruction guidance of a pastor too but i'm just saying it's for us praise the lord praise the lord so i i i encourage you watch this or listen to this periodically not like once a year but i'm and especially as it's watering something in you until it starts springing up and blooming in your life just keep it flowing i don't want to really because one day will dad hagan was our spiritual father and i don't want us i don't want to stand before him and say well we lost that i know you taught us oh you taught us over and over on that but we just lost that that that's not an honor to what's been put in us amen but not only that the word the word instructs us in these things amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and you all have anything else in line with this at all praise the lord praise the lord the lord is good i said the lord is good i said the lord is good i i love that's really in keeping with this i think one of the people that is really such an example in this is pastor keith moore he would step into it in a way um well and even he would just get songs that would help um be the bookend to a service of dad hagins you know and he said this he said if you will listen come on brother trump if he's brother keith said if you will listen there's a song in every sermon and he would get up and he would do that song but he was so i i would dissect how the holy ghost would give it to him and he would give him a verse then he would give him a chorus and they weren't wordy they weren't long they were you know they were just short catchy phrases that summed up and then he might throw another verse in and then he always gave the people something to hook onto that would admonish the people in the sermon they just heard it would encourage them and they would walk out singing it i mean dad hagan would say a phrase and keith moore would hear and he'd know that that's what the spirit's emphasizing in this sermon and he would throw it into a melody and it wasn't a hard melody it wasn't a weird melody that the ear couldn't follow it was something simple so that everybody could hook on not just a musician he wasn't trying to impress people with fancy melody lines or big interval jumps you know that nobody can do or if they do do people wish they didn't do and i i i just watched how he built these things so that people could take it away and it would drive something home but anyway praise the lord go ahead brother praise the lord a higher place is waiting a higher place [Music] is waiting a higher place [Music] in you then of course take us through the door into more we ask you we ask you take us through the door take us through the door [Music] and tomorrow [Music] we ask you we ask you take us through the door take us through the door and some more into more we ask you we ask you [Music] we ask you one more time take us take us through the door and some more into more we ask you we ask you take us through the door into more spirit of the lord one more time to diverse a higher place yeah a higher place is waiting a higher place tell them in you in you a higher place a higher place is waiting a higher place a higher place in you and you take us through the door take us through the door into more into more we ask you oh lord we ask you take us through the door it's a more we ask you we ask you we ask you take us through the door take us through the door into more in some more [Music] we ask you we ask you oh take us take us through the door into more into more we ask you we ask you spirit of the lord take us through the door praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know heaven's full of songs heaven's full of singing and it's not something that man thought up it's something given by the spirit amen and we can have that flow before we go there we can live there before we go there amen are you helped tonight praise it's for us it's for us let's not cheat ourselves let's not rob ourselves of this divine flow that brings divine help and if there was one sermon this is the one god woke me up and gave me weeks ago which shows that there was a very i just an emphasis with it i believe amen praise the lord father we glorify we glorify we glorify you praise the lord praise the lord we thank you father we thank you father [Music] musa [Music] yay i say this by the spirit of god not just an encouragement but i'm saying this by the spirit of god is so many times we're praying about things that the answer is waiting for the taking of these kinds of flows and we're not understanding what the will of the lord is in a situation simply because we have not employed this flow and how many answers lay unaccessed that were available to us and i'm just saying it by the spirit it's not about praying and getting god to give something it's about us stepping into what he's already offered us and made ours and and benefiting from that flow and taking hold of things amen taking hold of the revelation taking hold of the instruction that comes through this divine flow i want to fulfill all of god's will but it's going to for all of us require us and invites us into this higher flow amen praise the lord praise the lord amen [Music] and i'll finish with this of what dad hagan stated we're going to move into a place of spirituality we haven't been before now he's talking about the body but for the body to go there individually we need to go there but the way we're going to get there is to learn to sing psalms hymns and spiritual songs communing with god in your spirit amen praise the lord so how about two how about in 2021 we don't leave this flow out or diminish it or put it on the back burner let's bring it to the front burner i think it's so fitting that this is the first of the year and god helps us be mindful of these things at the beginning so that we employ them for what this year is going to hold for us amen hallelujah we need this for the last day era we need this and one day we'll get to stand in front of dad hagan yes in front of jesus but we'll be able to say dad hagin thank you for being obedient to bring us that we didn't let it go we needed that and you were an example he's an example of a to us in that and i tell you what i've never heard any other minister bring it bring that life i've never heard any other minister unless they just retal like i did what dad hagan say i'm just saying i never heard a leading minister ever bring out this flow why this is a this is this comes from living and walking with god in a particular place well praise the lord praise the lord we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we say we will not let the light be lost we will not praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah well i just want to be certain we don't miss something here amen i don't know i just got a bit of a hesitancy about closing it down i just want to make sure that we receive what he has everything for us amen hallelujah any any of you all up here up front you got anything particular on brother i passed strike as we were worshiping the spirit of god showed me again somebody's organ the hadn't been in place is shifting right back into place shifting right back into place and if you will acknowledge that lift your hands before you sleep tonight it will already be in place and the flow will open up in the name of jesus praise the lord praise the lord you say well why do you call out a word of knowledge because remember that's what brother hagin said it's a tongues psalm sends a spiritual song spirit of singing and knowing power gifts amen praise the lord so this is where it leads it leads us somewhere it doesn't just take us off and drop us somewhere it leads us somewhere hallelujah thank you for that past strike anybody in here you say that i recognize that that fits my situation it could even be live stream but there's somebody here that somebody's pointing right over here the love yeah hallelujah hallelujah we join our faith with you hallelujah i love that before you even go to sleep you'll recognize that that has been adjusted praise the lord people watching by live stream can grab hold of that for themselves just you notice that when when god gave that to pastor right god didn't put a name on it doesn't he know who received it yes but he's not limiting it and if he puts a name on it then he limits it to the people with that name but god god most of the time is not going to put limitations on it it's available to faith hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah well you don't want to miss it in the morning 10 a.m pastor anderson it's been so so good tell him hasn't it been so so good ah and especially if you're younger in ministry do you know what we would have loved have had and when we started to sit under that kind of instruction so that we're not saying well maybe i should maybe i shouldn't maybe i should well i don't know maybe i have to put up no you know i'm just so grateful because it gives us such a head start for you young ministers to know these things ahead of time and then it reaffirms what we kind of bumped our way into for those of us who have you know praised the lord it's just been it's just been so good but it's not over yet amen hallelujah well turn around to somebody before you're dismissed and say i'm going to walk in the light of what i heard tonight you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 8,475
Rating: 4.9371729 out of 5
Id: z72HhN__EWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 55sec (8935 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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