Turn Suffering Into Skill | Nancy Dufresne | Holy Ghost Meetings 2021 | Sunday PM

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i know that our savior is so good and his mercy endures forever he deserves the praise he deserves the glory he deserves the honor since we're going to do tonight is bless his holy name because he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy come on lift your hands in your voice and tell him father you're so worthy good so worthy hallelujah glory to your name god we magnify you and glorify you in this place you're so worthy of the praise hallelujah hallelujah i will have to [Applause] oh hallelujah [Music] is i will myself [Music] [Music] he has is great thank you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'll bless them [Music] i will [Music] oh [Music] oh he's so good he has done greatly hallelujah [Music] [Music] and the honor hallelujah lord you're worthy of the glory and the honor of the hallelujah and the honor hallelujah lord you're worthy of the glory and the honor of the lord your word of [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] give him praise [Music] come on and tell him he's good tell him [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] we can all think about something that he's [Music] do we have a delivering to praise him we have a reason of glorious i am we have a reason to thank him we have a reason to shout we have a reason to dance we have a reason to lift our heads [Music] lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we just take this time to lift you up father we set our hearts we lift you [Music] bless up when i think about you lord how you save me how you raise me with the holy ghost [Music] me [Music] it turned me around [Music] thank you jesus [Music] it makes me watch out thank you jesus [Music] you save me i'll erase [Music] it turned [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all of the glory and all of the honor and all of the praise it makes me want to shout hallelujah thank you jesus you're worthy it makes me [Music] [Music] makes [Music] hallelujah father we've come tonight to receive from heaven we've come to hear and father we thank you for this opportunity to be called together we're so grateful and we've come to uh give you all the praise all the glory all the honor we've come to be changed and transformed and so we look to you tonight father we're so so grateful for all that you've done in our lives all that you're doing right now and father all that you have in store for us in jesus name amen you can be seated we invite you to go ahead and turn off your cell phones and any other electronic devices watches kids toys service since we don't have child care we understand just bring the ones that don't make noise or have the off you know or not the demo mode where you think it's off uh service times are tomorrow through thursday 10 a.m and 7 p.m sanctuary doors open 30 minutes before each service ministers make sure if you want to the to take home the cd and dvd sets before you leave and not have them shipped to you need to order by tuesday to ensure that they are ready for you to take home on thursday orders can be placed at the church bookstore in any orders place after tuesday will be mailed to you prayer and healing school back in session tomorrow that's open to anyone that is not just for our students our bible school students that is for all to come and attend with pastor noel and pastor ruby ramos in room h again that starts at 1 p.m you'll want to maybe come a little early because the room is a little bit smaller of course in the sanctuary and so we want to have everybody in there and seated and making sure that there is enough seats for everyone that comes it's always very full and a wonderful time amen so uh we're going to have a double up offering night that's going to be wednesday night and ministry to the sick on thursday night our prayer conference will be this year april 13th through the 15th that's a tuesday through a thursday uh 7 p.m on tuesday and wednesday and thursday at 10 a.m and 7 p.m camp meeting june 7th through the 11th if you want to write these dates down monday at 7 p.m tuesday through friday 10 a.m and 7 p.m and our ladies conference october 5th through the 7th that's a tuesday through a thursday so you can go ahead and write some of these down or be looking at making plans to come we had to pretty much cancel all of these last year and our prayer conference was online and we were grateful for that how many of you were able to watch online but it it's much it's much better in person it's much better so uh we here's the the sets if you would like to take one of these home anyone can order them not just ministers but uh we make that available so if you would like to take these home you want to have these in your library anybody can order these sets of the entire uh the entire entire duration of all the meetings not just when brother copeland was here not just uh after he's left all the meetings are in this one set you can have we have a couple of books that we just want to spotlight uh this year pastor nancy this was her last her latest book love the great quest so if you don't have this book i believe it came out this summer didn't it we were gonna have it for camp meeting um but instead we didn't have camp meeting but we came out we got a book so i'm so grateful because this was a real time after being home with family and what a timely message [Laughter] uh god knows exactly what he's doing but our our congregation got to hold this book and and we read it together it was so powerful it's such a powerful book because everything in this life if you're going to please god faith works by love that means you're committed to your love walk and not only are you committed to your love walk you're committed to his love towards you faith understands that divine flow that divine connection that he first loved me i don't have to fear i don't have to worry and i don't have to take my worries and fears out on other people because i love them they're not my problem they're not my source they're not my salvation and so love reaches in and touches every single we we often we joke but we often think love is just for you know walking in love with people close to us it's there's a huge scope god is we we'll never be able to as as we live on this earth fathom and fully come to all the revelation of who god is and how great he is and so his love is endless it's boundless but you can get a hold of this book and she really taps into as the scripture says the depth the height the length of his love for us and how we can stand in that walk in that for others that is our assignment that's our assignment our assignment is not just name it and claim it and call it if we have love as brother copeland says it'll be much easier to act and walk in faith um then we have this book how many of you may have this or if you don't have the new cover you need this prophet friend of god uh there is so many squirrely ideas about the prophet's office and who profits um especially now with social media you know if you if you are not familiar with this ministry maybe you stayed over from the meetings or you're new here uh there is now even with social media profits so and so just friend requested me or profit you know if there if there's a big long title you know in front of somebody i think really this title depicts prophet friend of god a prophet is one a man who knows the heart of god and is just looking to minister the heart of god to the people what's on god's heart what's important to him and as pastor anderson said this morning supporting the local church prophets uh are supposed to help keep the sheep pointed in the direction of god's will for their life as so does the pastor they they work in line and we saw doctor so skillfully go into a local church and encourage the people talk about his own testimony of how he got to walking with god in that prophet's office and where did he start at the toilet so those who say i am called to be a prophet you know you sometimes have to go back and look at where and he would talk about hearing from god god speaks to them and uh so i appreciate him writing this book to give some real clarity and understanding of what it means to be in that prophet's office and how you can identify that you're not called to that probably no but so that we can better know how to draw as we tell the bible school students if you don't know how you're going to receive if you don't know about these offices it's not just a nice title you've got to know how to receive and draw on the anointing that's specific to each one of these offices so uh it's good to refresh ourselves in these things and then of course as pastor anderson's ministering in the morning regarding the local church pastor nancy wrote this book visitations from god that has set pastors free it has got congregation members lives on course because they now understand through the teachings in this book they understood the importance of the pastor in their life that they were being visited by god every sunday every tuesday if you don't understand or you have maybe grown up in a home where you jump from church to church ministry to ministry this book will anchor your life your mind your children your family because the closer we stay connected to where god has called us and the better we receive i i said to pastor the other day i said i know this when jesus said i i say and do what i hear my father say and do in essence is what he was saying that's my cue that my spiritual parent or my pastor then what i hear them say and do that's my assignment to say and do if that's jesus if that was enough for him well he's talking about god yes but my visitation from god is standing in the pulpit so i take even my life's direction my children my family from my visitation amen so i want to i want to better know how to receive from my visitation so that book is out there all three of those books are in the bookstore you can get those and uh tonight we want to show a quick video uh this is a 2021 projects video that our team and pastor nancy did in 2021 the best is yet to come and to frame ministries is reaching for the best by faith we are reaching to fulfill the plan of god which includes several different projects that we are focusing on this year once the expenses for these meetings are met your offerings will help us carry out these different projects there are three different projects that we are looking to fund in 2021 first the jesus the healer broadcast next world harvest bible training center and last the purchase and upgrade of equipment as well as property maintenance needs god's plan for this ministry includes the television ministry our jesus the healer broadcast is now televised on three different networks tbn russia which reaches 186 of the 196 countries of the world victory television network which airs in the midwest and kingdom building tv also we have recently been invited to air our broadcast on tbn israel with our broadcasts we have two goals the first goal is our airtime cost for these four networks which is only seventy seven thousand dollars for the year our second goal is the price of production costs which is only one hundred and thirty four thousand dollars in 2020 our jesus the heater broadcast was viewed over 1 million times on youtube alone this does not include the viewership on television and other outlets this broadcast is viewed by individuals by churches by churches and third world countries as well as by other congregations it's about the message and we are blessed to know that this message is being received all around the world your generosity plays a vital role in sending this message to the world another arm of defray ministries is world harvest bible training center which is a full-time bible school for those called to the fifo ministry as well as for believers who want to better learn to serve in their local church and develop their walk with the lord this school emphasizes the flow of the word and the spirit the tuition costs paid by the students cover only a portion of the school's operating expenses for this school year an additional 79 000 is needed to cover total costs that computes to be twenty five hundred and fifty dollars per student your generosity is funding the students who attend from all across the united states you are investing in the next generation as this ministry grows more equipment is needed and god will always fund excellence your generosity helps the ministry to maintain the property with a standard of excellence and helps us to purchase and upgrade needed equipment once the expenses for these meetings are met your offerings help us carry out these different projects god has assigned to us as partners and friends of this ministry you share in the grace and anointing on this ministry so release your faith to receive of that grace and anointing we believe with you for a full harvest on your giving amen pastor nancy gave me the privilege of receiving the budget offering this evening praise god if you turn with me in your bibles briefly to the book of first kings chapter 18 that wonderful to see the vision of the ministry there what a great year 2021 is going to be it's already been a great year so far i was in a season of prayer like all of us were in 2020 because 2020 as we all know was an unusual year and hopefully you took extra time to pray and see god during that time and the lord said something to me in first kings 18 starting in verse 41. this is the very well-known story of elijah when he goes up to the mountaintop and he's believing for rain praying for rain and it says in verse 41 and elijah said unto ahab get thee up eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain so ahab went up to eat and drink and elijah went to the top of carmel and cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees which speaks of prayer and said to a servant go up now look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go again seven times and it came to pass at the seventh time that he said behold there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand and he said go up say to ahab prepare thy chariot and get thee down that the rain stopped thee not and it came to pass in the meanwhile the heaven was black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and ahab rode and went to jezreel and the hand of the lord was on elijah and he girded up his loins and ran before ahab to the entrance of jezreel i want you to notice verse 41 for a second it says elijah said to ahab get you up eat and drink for there is a sound of abundance of rain and the first thing the lord started dealing with me about is he said did you did you notice that he heard something there was nothing in the natural there was no rain in the natural and he couldn't see anything in the natural but he heard the sound in the realm of the spirit of abundance he heard something he heard something and then and then this this was in november god was talking to me about this and then i noticed pastor nancy uh started to say recently that 2021 is the year to say and see to say and see and the lord said to me because i pay attention we should all pay attention to what what the prophets are saying and so the lord said to me when i heard her say that he said go back i want to show you something else in this verse i went back to verse 41 and i've always seen it as in the spirit he's hearing the sound and that's true there's he's picking up something in the spirit that something of abundance is coming and that's how i've always seen it but that word sound in the original language in the hebrew language it means to call or to give voice to and i and i heard the holy ghost on the inside of me say son in the spirit there's abundance that's on the horizon it's coming but unless you give voice to it and start to call for it what is in the spirit can't get into the natural you are the bridge to get what's in the spirit into the natural that's what pastor said the year to say and to see so could we maybe say that if you will if if you'll say what you see in the spirit then you'll actually see in the natural what you've been saying but it starts by you gotta you gotta pick up if you don't even believe there's abundance available that's the first problem we have to i know some people went through hard times but like pastor said nobody that was connected with fos that she's aware of that they said we're aware of everybody seemed to everyone seemed to increase this year i know we had the best year financially personally and in our church that we've ever had in 13 years since we started our church in a year of drought jeremiah says that in the year of drought you'll not fear and your leaf will be green and you will not cease yielding fruit and every week i stood on that i said father we're not going to cease yielding fruit and our leaf will be green even in this year of drought and i'm telling you it works but i just i've been meditating on this so much because he it was a rhema word to me and he said there is an abundance coming and i said lord it's been the best year we've ever had you've seen nothing yet there's an abundance there's an abundance there is a sound of an abundance in the realm of the spirit god is speaking abundance there is a sound in the realm of the spirit those that are spiritual can hear something that other people that are carnal and natural they can't hear not only just mean sinners i mean even even ministers even some certain christians even christian pastors some of them they don't hear what's what god is saying but i'm telling you there's a sound of an abundance there is a sound on the horizon for 2021 for this ministry defraying ministries for our individual ministries there's in a sound of an abundance but we have to the word sound means to give voice or to call we have to give voice to that abundance we have to call for it we have to say it so we can see it and and if you notice i won't go on long but if you notice he he prays he births some things out he prays some things out then he says to the guy now go now go and see it manifest and he says there's nothing and sometimes you know we're looking and we don't see nothing i i want you to notice did you notice that elijah never said he never agreed with the nothing he never says anything he never he never changes his words he said there's a sound of an abundance he said go check when the guy said nothing he said check again he didn't say oh yeah well you know i wasn't really sure about it anyway he said go check again and he said it seven times go check again go check again and then finally where he says i see something small coming then he says to the king you better move you better move because the rain's coming there was nothing that came out of his mouth other than faith and victory he was saying what he saw in the spirit what he heard in the spirit and then he was going to start to see in the natural what he had been saying and all of a sudden the the clock the clouds are black and then of course that sounds all exciting right praise god and god said that i said pray i was like brother almost i did my dance in my in in my in my bedroom and the lord said before you dance too much just keep reading for a second get down to the last verse i said well the last verse doesn't say anything bad lord the hand of the lord was on him and he girded up his loins and ran remember he came god came on him and he took off and he had he beat the best horse in the country supernatural speed and he said yeah but did you notice that he girded up his loins do you know they used to wear those long kind of robe things have you ever tried to run in a dress a long kind of your fault no seriously so i did a little study on that it means that he gathered up that garment and he actually tied it around his waist so that there would be no hindrance or encumbrance as he ran and the holy ghost said you you need to say what you see so that you'll see what you say there is an abundance coming don't get don't change your confession because at the beginning you only see a little bit keep saying it keep voicing it keep calling it but son but son if you want to run you've got to deal with flesh now we can still dance at that because that's still good news but there is a girding up the loins there is a what areas do i need to change what areas are gonna encumber my run what areas of flesh do i need to alter maybe words that i'm saying maybe relationships maybe attitudes maybe love walk issues whatever those things are you gotta you gotta gird up you gotta gird up that garment and you gotta tie it around you so that it doesn't encumber you as you run because i'm telling you a run is ahead of us a run in abundance is ahead of us this flesh church ahab represents the flesh carnal the flesh carnal church and the best that they had could not touch could not stand against when the anointing came on the one of the the man of the spirit the church remember dr dufresne we're talking about the flesh church and the spirit church the spirit church when the anointing comes will run past will supersede will overtake the flesh but there's got to be a girding up of the loins you gotta we gotta it's not just about the saying it's also about letting the lord put his finger on certain things and say i want you to adjust that i want you to change that otherwise our saying while it accomplishes much will be encumbered as we start to run it will trip and fall god doesn't want us to be saying it have it available and then we trip and fall he wants us to have the whole package so i just encourage you there's a sound in the realm of the spirit there's a sound of abundance in 2021 but we've got to start to give voice and call for it amen we got a call for it so father we call for the abundance for defraying ministries we call though there's a sound there's a sound of an abundance that's on the horizon the power of god is moving you're working behind the scenes angels are working there is a great abundance that is on the horizon it's right there we maybe can't see it fully with our eyes at the moment but it doesn't change the fact it's real it's there that realm was tangible and father we begin to give voice and we call for it in jesus name that what we saw in this video that every need that every dollar for all these projects that all the money will come and in abundance and more than enough and more than enough that the people would even have to be restrained in jesus name we call for it father we see it and we believe it and it's the year to say and to see and father we thank you that we'll run we'll run our race we'll run without encumbrance we'll run without hindrance we'll gird up our loins and run the race that you've marked out for us because there is an abundance on the horizon father i thank you you encourage your people tonight we're so grateful to be a part of this ministry no matter what small part we each have father we're a part of something bigger than ourselves bigger than our churches bigger than our own ministries we're a part of something you're doing here through pastor nancy through her staff and her children and this ministry lord we have a part to play in this and father will sow and will give in the natural but will also call and give voice to that abundance on behalf of this ministry and we declare it will all come to pass it will be light and easy in jesus mighty name i give you glory and praise everybody said amen be generous in your giving tonight if you need an offering envelope they're there i'm sure you all had one on your seat so thank you ushers don't forget to text to give you can do that as well if you need to thank you you can pass the buckets gentlemen god bless you thank you for sewing hallelujah hasn't he been good to us we can look back on this year always we can look back and he has been faithful to us he's been faithful to me so right now we have something to rejoice about his faithfulness and his goodness towards us he is good all the time hallelujah he's been good hallelujah oh yes the lord he's been so good to me as he asks he's been so good the lord he's been so good to me yes i won't forget how the lords treated me [Music] every day and night so faithfully i know the lord the lord has been so good to me he's been so good to me yes he has my father's been so good [Music] the lord [Music] he's been he's been so good to me my father's been so good to me [Music] yesterday the lord has been so good to me he's been so good to me yes he has he's been so good to me [Music] whenever i needed him he was there oh when he answered every single prayer [Music] i stand today he's been so good he's been so good to [Music] me [Music] the lord has been [Music] he's been so good he's been so good to [Music] me [Music] no matter what comes no matter what maybe no matter how bad oh what we can't see i know i know [Music] i know i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] i said he's been so [Music] he's been so good he's been so good to me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good he's been so good to me oh yes hallelujah [Music] mercy endures forever for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord just lift up your voice to him tonight father we thank you thank you hallelujah we were we were at one of brother copeland's meetings here at the uh southwest believers and brother keith moore got up and got that song by the spirit and we say we want that song and so uh it certainly gives voice to the testimony we carry the lord's been good to me amen hallelujah just lift up your hands and worship and we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father [Music] just lift up your voice and worship him [Music] [Music] [Music] pastor phillip steele marching orders afresh enlarging on what he's already spoken not different but enlarging on it so make sure you don't go here and say that's a little too over and above that's a little too out there just go there just go there hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord we thank your father just pray in the holy ghost with me tonight [Music] [Music] now there's three in here specifically that the lord has in mind but how many of you know faith will take it if it applies even if it's anywhere near uh something you may need the lord will bless your faith and he'll meet your faith but there are particularly three and it seems three pastors and um it seems to me at your personal finances that it's on the edge of not not being not being all you've been believing for and uh this just came to my heart just right where you're at turn around three times [Music] just right where you're at because he's turning things around for you he's turning things around for you he's turning things around for you now listen i said three pastors but but god won't limit it to three when faith puts a demand on something i'm saying he has three in mind particularly but he'll always answer faith amen and those three you're going to see super natural supernatural supernatural turn around to where you just stand back and you go i could never have done this because you couldn't praise the lord sometimes it almost seems like this when we've exhausted all we know to do we just kind of stand back and that way nobody's confused about who did it right he'll let us sometimes exhaust all about when we're using everything we got sometimes he'll just let us exhaust all that so you can know and not be confused that it won't it wasn't your brilliance [Music] amen praise the lord oh father we're so grateful for that thank you for that it matters to us that our brethren are experiencing your best thank you for that we thank you for that we thank you for that we thank you for that and pastor ike it won't just be a turnaround it will be spectacular spectacular amen meaning he'll make a show of it he'll make a show of it hallelujah praise the lord uh come here pastor right pastor right come up here come up here come up here now this brother has been a dear friend of this ministry for years and he's now pastoring in nigeria uh come put usher's come put a couple buckets in front of him let's make a show of it let's make a show of it hallelujah bless him just follow what's in your heart bless him hallelujah hallelujah we'll wait a minute for you to dig around we'll wait hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord [Music] the lord has been the lord the lord has been good to me he's been so good to me he's been good to me yes the lord [Music] i know the lord i know i know the lord has been he's been so good to me she's been so good to me he's been so good to me he's been so good to me [Music] hallelujah i don't know about you but that's a joy to me that it that's a good time right there hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you know we need to learn to rejoice at these opportunities it's an opportunity you say well for him no for you to have an account hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now uh one of the ushers just come and put all that into one bucket and hand him the bucket can you get it all in one bucket mash it down yeah mash it [Music] here here you put your mash it down like that there we go that's how you mash it into that all right now you you pronounce a blessing on the people [Music] father just like you said to me at the beginning of this year that this is a great year and with great help the people have sown we didn't go to nigeria on our own you said to go and they have brought a supply to what you said to go do now father i've never seen you not reward them that obey you so i declare over them by your spirit and your power that this year every seed in this bucket will return back to them good measure pressed down shaking together and running over icy buildings i see buildings coming i see buildings houses houses they come to them in the name of jesus i see even families broke and returned back in the name of jesus i see children that have walked away come back because of this seed father reward in jesus name amen amen hallelujah hallelujah my honor my honor hallelujah say i receive it i receive it i take it hallelujah it's friends where's francine francine where are you where where are you she's where come here sister hurry hurry i got a secret to tell you cut my mic put it back on she's my financial gal come on hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah i want you to know this is not an american gospel it'll work anywhere [Music] in any nation for anyone who will believe [Music] amen hallelujah hallelujah [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord [Music] dad hagan talked about a woman who was a missionary and uh she was in some foreign nation and she came down with smallpox and she would pray and pray and pray and pray prayed by the hour and uh there was seemingly no relief no turn in her situation and while she was praying she had a vision and in the vision she saw an old time scale to where two dishes said opposite each other and he in that in that vision she saw that one side was down and one side was up the side that was down i've heard him say it two different ways which each are appropriate so let me say two different ways that he had said it was the side that was down was heavy with the sickness but it was heavy with praying too and then he said the side that is lacking balance his praise [Music] and so she for the next three days quit the praying praying is right but after you prayed paul and silas did something after they prayed and she began to praise and for three days and nights praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and at the end of three days and nights she again saw the vision saw the same scale and saw the balance shift and when she saw the praise side hit the fullness she looked after that vision and every single of the smallpox was gone off of her body now see many ha are there they're heavy with praying heavy with the need but we've got to get heavy with the rejoicing amen hallelujah hallelujah heavy with the rejoicing hallelujah okay now now stephen come up here because you told me a story the other night and it was about when they saw something not fulfilled you remember you were telling me at the house do you remember it cut my mic again [Music] oh come up here shall they see you well some of you might have heard this it was the other morning on brother copeland's network the victory network and brother copeland referred to the man pastor greg stevens who teaches the the hebrew and um he said i had just turned it on for five minutes before i came to the church and at the very end he said uh things were going on with the election he said now remember this when the uh the rabbis saw something the way he described the when the rabbis would see something that god had said and y'all can help me if i get this right and but they didn't see it fulfilled or in manifestation the way god had said it they they were looking at something they saw this is what we could say this is what has been promised but they didn't see it out and they didn't understand why they weren't seeing what god had said is that right that's how you heard it is that the same okay so i s i'm listening real intently and he said i'm thinking some big you know revelation they're gonna come out with and he said they would just get up from the book and start dancing they would just get up and start to when they didn't understand or they weren't seeing what they saw they would just get up and start dancing so i i called my husband immediately and i said this is what the rabbis because he said an expectation that god was going to reveal it was a dance of expectation that god would reveal to them exactly and so i called stephen and he said all right that's what we take and that's what we're going to do and so it was an assignment on us as pastor nancy's been talking about is that the one you want me to do yeah yeah yeah and so anything that god's put in your heart and said to you that hadn't been fulfilled dance it in [Music] thank you you know i was [Music] [Music] i was reading something that i had recorded dad hagen would often refer to mom and dad goodwin and he said that dad goodwin had stated he said when i get in a financial tight just not even behind but things just get tight he says i just go in the office close the door and dance most go in and start praying and using every heavenly language they may have access to now see when people who have walked with god and know god and know the life of faith and have great fruit in the life of faith we need to imitate yes what they do we need to take note because those are things you learned through living it you learned that dancing not to attune but to the faith in your heart [Music] amen hallelujah and we need to learn to rejoice at the opportunity every challenge every opposition is nothing but an opportunity hallelujah and we need people rejoice at manifestation until you dance and rejoice at opportunity you'll see a lot more manifestation praise the lord and i can that i'm just that anointing tangibly just going down my arm and coming out my hand so i say be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen we need to be as good at receiving as we are at asking amen dad hagan made the statement in a service one time he said not many people believe they receive when they pray that's what he said not many believe they receive when they pray but we do i said we do we do we do say i receive it i receive it i receive it i receive it i receive it pastor right come here you know brother copeland made a statement i made a statement i read it i don't remember whether it was in a partner letter or a his voice of victory publication but he said i am my community's connection to the blessing of god amen because the blessing is on me and he said my community receives the blessing that's on me i am their connection to their blessing amen and i say that about your community your nation give me your hand father i thank you i thank you i thank you that the blessing of the lord will trump any other thing that is not of the blessing in his city in his community and even effect in the nation he is that communities that region that nation's connection to the blessing along with other believers along with all the other believers but he knows it and so he'll employ it in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord heaven is pleased about you know do you know when that started flowing out my hand when you gave why that's the pleasure of heaven he's pleased he's pleased amen father it is our pleasure to operate cooperate with your will and your plan that we are so blessed that now we're looking for the opportunity to be a blessing hallelujah thank you for that opportunity tonight well praise the lord i said praise the lord and we're declaring and i'm saying and you can hear me and you say it too this week that we receive at least double amen into this ministry this week over the expenses at least double at least double at least double we're not going to cap it off but at least double amen so you agree with us amen you say where do you get that well uh brother copeland said that he said for years he said when they would do their big conferences conventions he said for years they were you know they'd fall behind every time and he went to god about it and god said you're the problem he said you haven't said it you haven't declared it and he said you start declaring it in every meeting and he says now we go way over amen we were there um i don't some of you might have seen it or might have been there but it was the first night i think it's last year and i don't know quite what the budget is but i mean they were like a million dollars over the budget like the first night you see people will hear that and so hear a million well that should be that should be that shouldn't choke us they shouldn't choke us amen i mean the world talks about billions and thinks nothing of it praise the lord so at least double at least double hallelujah praise the lord father thank you for the blessing of the lord that's upon us and we'll move with it in jesus name and everybody said amen you can be seated praise the lord praise the lord i would tell you to turn to a certain scripture but i've got probably about 10 pages in before i get to that point it's uh it's been strong on my heart the past couple of months to have greater clarity of the coming decades of what god has for us to accomplish and i'm and i'm referring specifically to our ministry you know you can see and know in a general direction where you should be going and we're in that general direction but you can stand here if we were to remove the walls and across the street is a housing addition if we removed the walls and we stood there we would see the houses but if you gave us a set of binoculars we'd see into the rooms and that's what i was looking to god not because i we were looking the wrong direction but i'm looking for greater range of view to see more fully and to know more fully and why because i want to make sure we're running accurately we don't have any years to be wasted many years to retrace our steps and go a different direction so with morgan helping me pastor here at the church god spoke to me and he said you need to stop feeding yourself like you're a pastor he said because and see i've done that for 25 years now don't misunderstand me i he's talking about my emphasis and he said you need to stop feeding like a pastor because you'll keep teaching like a pastor he said you need to feed in line with the visions and dreams you've had about the future because if you don't feed that direction those things you've seen you won't go into so you have to feed the direction he wants you to go and er really every if i could say this having been a pastor for 25 years i don't know that you'll ever lose the pastor's heart i mean in the sense of the you love the sheep and it's a it's a joy and a pleasure but he's talking to me about changing the emphasis and what i've seen in the future and he started showing it to me back in 1986. is the first time i ever saw and it's always healing crusades everything he shows me about the future of the ministry it's the healing crusades well see i can't arrive at what i see in the healing crusades teaching like a pastor because a pastor will have a broad range of things he must address but if i'm going to have the healing crusades i can't have a broad range i have to streamline and so this is in line with what god showed ed in the beginning years of his ministry when i say the beginning years i'm talking about the early 70s he was invited he told of an incident that he was invited to northern california to minister and it was just a handful of people i don't know it might have even been in a house you know not a i don't know if it would have been in a church building it could have been just to a small you know bible study group in a house and he was invited and when he got there they didn't put him in a hotel they put him in an old two-story home that was empty that they were trying to sell somebody in the church was trying to sell it their relative had lived there and died there and so ed's put in this empty home and they put a bed down there for him in the you know on the main floor and it was in the aggress kind of like you would consider the great room in the main room that that bed was they didn't try to set up a bedroom they just put a bed and and housed him there and you know when you're starting out in ministry you glad to have a bed you know so he said these are his words he said it was a spooky house especially since somebody died there you know and you're your imagination and he's younger you know then and and he said i was having a hard time going to sleep my imagination was going you know and he said the bed sat in the middle of the room and like i said it was the main room so it was the largest room and he said as he was in he couldn't fall asleep and so as he was laying in bed he said an angel showed up in the room and the room lit up and the angel said look into look through the window and see into the future and all of a sudden the bed was that was in the middle of the room slammed against the wall where there was a window and when he looked through the window it wasn't the outside he saw it was the future he saw in that went through that window and he said what i saw i was looking down on a great healing crusade so that's in keeping with what god has been dealing and shown us and just because he's not here doesn't mean the assignment can't be carried on god doesn't necessarily just give assignments to men he does but he also gives them to faith i mean you have to have faith to carry it through and so when the man is no longer here someone with faith that not just anybody but i'm saying when you're close to that man god may authorize you to pick up some things that it was to flow over onto you as well and so many of you fos ministers that got to be around ed things float over to you from him from the anointing on his life and one time he s he said and this was again back in the early 70s he saw himself hanging off a satellite and this was before satellites were being used to broadcast church services this was in the 70s and he said i saw myself in outer space hanging off the satellite and declaring jesus is the healer and that's where we got the title for the television broadcast from because i remember if god showed it i want to stay in in line i don't need something of my own i'm taking what he's already said and now i'm going to flip to a bit of a different story and i don't tell this to dwell on a hardship but i wanted to say those statements that i just made because of what i'm getting ready to say so it sounds like two different stories but it's not it'll come together believe me but um in the last this happened in pertaining to my mother and in the last several years i saw her go through several different physical challenges and different hardships i'm not focusing i'm not focusing on that but i acknowledge that so i can uh so i can say the whole i want to give you the whole picture so that when i tell you what god says you understand where these instructions came from so in in 2018 she had an open heart surgery that took a year and a half for her to recover from but because i mean she was at the time was she went home to be with the lord what how old is she eight she's 87. she's 87 so um in in this this past year 2020 she went home to be with the lord so she would have been what about 85 yeah when she had the open heart surgery well that's very dramatic on someone of that age so that's that was quite a long recovery for her and then in 2020 she had a cancerous tumor removed from that had grown through the skull then within weeks she had a stroke she had to learn to talk again then she fell two times cracked ribs cracked her tailbone then my brother died unexpectedly um and then she was diagnosed with bone cancer all that in 2020 so the woman was amazing to me because i would what i would call and say mother what you doing she says i'm just keeping on living so many people would have quit given up she said i'm just keeping on living and you would hear her say when she would have to get up and her tailbone was cracked or her ribs are cracked and i was down there all the time several times a year in the last several years and you could hear her before she'd get gets she'd say i can do this i can do this i can do this i can do this then she'd get up and she just said it to herself i can do this i can do this so she just kept living you know but 2020 was a difficult year for her physically but it paid off at the end of 2020 because then she went home and how then you gain right yeah and so to see her go through these things it's not easy on the natural side but you're so blessed by where she she's just one room away one room away and so when she was diagnosed with bone cancer of course she had a very aggressive form so she was diagnosed in july and she died in early september she's diagnosed at the end of july so we're talking about and not even an eight week period from the time she was diagnosed to the time she went home to be with the lord but i didn't know if i was going to be able to be with her during the last days because of the proximity not knowing how long she would live and you know i kept the phone by me just in case i got a phone call that she had died because of falling and things you could there's different things that could have factored into that kind of an event and so god began dealing with me that i would be able to be there and so i adjusted some things and during that time is when i got to go to stay at our ranch in colorado so i was within a one day well it's a nine hour drive from the ranch to where she was and so i had planned to go visit her for about a week but i hadn't expected to happen what then dede got to go with me i just saw dede deedy asked to go with me she became one of the family you know it's like dede mother likes you so much i keep losing rank you know you know we there's four kids and so you say okay my sister's at the top level i mean her and mother were best friends she was so good to my parents she never took a vacation throughout her whole life without taking my parents she they were best friends and so she catered and did everything for them and for the last 15 years i mean she took care of them completely and uh so i have to give her first drink and uh then my my brother that went home to be with the lord you know he was he was pretty close to second right there you know so i every time somebody better came along than me you know i just say okay i'm getting pushed down the line and so um so i i had planned to go visit her during my time of colorado just going down there for a week and when i dede and i walked in and i saw her because i just seen her oh maybe eight weeks before from my brother's funeral and she was she you would look at her and not think anything was really wrong with her other than she was slower to move because was it her ribs then that had cracked and so um she looked good she she never put on for people to get people to feel bad you know and so when i walked in and saw her that day just eight weeks later after having seen her at my brother's funeral i was stunned by how much she had declined and i thought she's not going to be able to be here much longer and so her suffering was apparent and it was so sweet brother richard roberts said nancy i want to pray for her so he said when you get down there you call me i want to pray for her. and he found out everyone that was in the room my brother my sister-in-law my sister uh dede every brother brother richard said give me everyone's name and he prayed for each one of us individually from when i had walked in she was jaundiced her with her liver was shutting down and after he prayed the next day that she was no longer yellow uh she was sitting up the day before her her chin was on her chest but after he prayed she set up and uh it was my birthday and we watched her favorite movie and unsinkable molly brown if you haven't seen it do it we watched a couple other a couple other things and i said and dede and i talked about it that if anybody would have walked in that day that had never known she was sick yet she was still struggling there was still the pain there she's so funny she hated taking medicine and everybody called her doc chapman because she she thought you get what you need you need to do this you need to do that just get your little poultice you know get you a potato and scrape it and put a little poultice on it you know she didn't like medicine she didn't like thinking that medicine was the cure and the help so the doctor had given her some medicine strong medicine she wouldn't take it all she was on was advil just days before she died of bone cancer and bone cancer is one of the most painful things but she wouldn't take it because she didn't like the way it made her feel and so that's what she was taking and so you can understand you could tell she was suffering but she didn't say anything you know she'd go to get up and she'd cry at movement movement was something difficult for her but she was still walking around and things and so um when i arrived on a thursday she was walking limitedly eating on her own on monday hospice came and at that point she could no longer walk she could no longer feed herself and within just a few hours she quit eating she quit drinking you know and so the process of watching of watching this it's not fun but i will say this we were graced for it i don't ever want to i don't ever want you to think that any grace is less than what you have to see grace is always greater than anything you will ever have to see because i don't describe something that's particular to me many of you have been through seeing suffering of loved ones of family members and maybe suffered your own self and i want you to know if you will turn your focus right the suffering will not trouble you your grace for it amen and i remember we arrived on a thursday of friday week about you know eight days later i had been out running errands and we would make sure we got out of the house a little bit every day just to keep so you can refocus and so i was coming back into the house and it was like i hit a wall of glory why because uh in the eyes of the lord his the homecoming of the saints is precious to him amen and so it was the setting was just a blessing you could tangible i mean i felt it boom like i hit something of that glory so there's a grace to see anything you have to see and be untroubled not be harassed not be tormented now if you get in the mental arena you can be tormented all you want and so seeing my mother though go through the suffering although she was very quiet about it she didn't talk about it and i'd lay in bed and i said it from here not from here and not from my emotions but i said it from here i hate sickness and disease you have to hate it to reach for it the way it has to be reached for to get past opposition not that it's hard for god to do it but you have to feel about it the way he feels about it and i laid in bed and i said from here i hate sickness and disease and it put a resolve in me i hate pain and suffering and when i said that the anointing in me why because now i stepped into god's mind amen his mindset toward it and i again consecrated myself to the healing ministry for those who don't know for those who haven't heard god intends your hearing to be a blessing to someone else's lack of hearing he intends for you to take what he's put in you and spend it for someone else not just consume it spend it because he told abraham i blessed you to make you a blessing so don't get in the mindset that if they haven't heard all that you've heard for the years you've heard it that they can't have it now don't misunderstand me somebody's going to have to be skillful somebody's going to have to know something amen but we can't just get the mindset that they have to have every all the history spiritual history you've had before they can move into things jesus every day was healing people who had not heard or he told them and then healed but it wasn't years of hearing i'm not devaluing hearing people have to hear but we can get in this mindset of how long it has to take and praise the lord nine days after we arrived we didn't know i i knew this i can't leave again i was only going to stay awake but i knew she would not last much longer and so i woke up one morning and as i was waking up i saw and what i saw my brother that had gone home to be with the lord just weeks before his his church was on the town square and they had bought the movie theater so the uh the old marquis was out there and they used it for their announcements and the church name and it was uh the theater where my mother worked as a teenager would she have ever known that her son would preach the gospel in that building as a 16 year old working in that theater and i saw in the dream i saw that marquee and it said her name and then it said her date of birth and her date of death i couldn't see the dates i just saw the the format of exactly what you see on a headstone and so i knew it wouldn't be long and that was on a friday and sunday night she went home two days later so when i would think of the events of those final days and seeing her suffering it didn't trouble me but you'd still weep just out of the compassion of what knowing what she had gone through and like i said i wasn't harassed i wasn't troubled i wasn't depressed i wasn't saddened so to speak in the respect that so many are and i thought to myself i've got to quit touching that in my thought life because i'm not i don't want to give opportunity to the enemy because if you linger on something that's right but over to over the next weeks it would come back again but it wouldn't be troubling so just the other day i was driving down the road and the thought of her those last days came again and i again said i hate sickness and disease i'm saying from here i hate sickness and disease i hate pain and suffering and again that anointing started rising up on the inside and i said to god every time i remember have any memory of her i will declare that and god began speaking to me at that point and he said this he began dealing with me about the memory because like i said those would come up and they didn't seem they weren't coming from out here bombarding they were almost it's almost like a precious time it wasn't i'm not talking about the pain and suffering the time with her was what was so precious and god said this to me use those memories of those days to propel you toward the healing ministry to become to move more consecrated more skillfully and compassionately in the healing ministry then he said this statement turn her suffering into your skill turn her suffering into your skills so i determined she would not suffer in vain now you understand god had nothing to do with the suffering please understand that but i decided devil the suffering that i saw my mother go through will mean the liberty of many [Music] many will not suffer amen because she will not have suffered in vain i will be a student to help eliminate suffering by your power and your grace father and that's what he said turn her suffering into your skill praise the lord as i said he had no part in causing her to suffer because we are redeemed from sickness and disease but he knows how to turn something like that into a catalyst for something good amen amen god wanted me there for several reasons number one to honor her when you try to sidestep where you should be it's an honor issue people many times don't want to be where they should be because it's hard somebody somebody somebody has to honor more than just trying to protect their ease see we're in a society where we take parents and ship off my sister said to my parents you will never be in a home that's right she said i will see to it she told them that for years in the comfort of that now i understand there are some situations where that has to happen i understand because they require medical attention you can't give so but i'm talking about people who are sidestepping the honor of tending to their loved ones to so that they can have it easy well pray see how you'll make it brother copeland was here and gave you a big shot of something good so there was three reasons god wanted me there number one to honor her number two to be a help and just be present for my sister who had been doing this for and she stayed with my mother the last seven months and then the third thing was because it worked something in me that i needed for what i'm born for it there's a compassion that began to be grasped and the mindset that has to be held to where you hate you hate anything that that satan offers not just not just don't like it you hate it with a holy hatred you know why people many times stay bound to things they don't hate it yet to see her suffer it was a suffering for me yeah but i want you to know suffering and i'm not there again do not fall into the suffering i'm talking about that's called for is with sickness and disease any kind of suffering will if you will if you will follow god it will deepen you it will work something and it will mature you because there has to come a maturity maturity is so important in the life of the believer spiritually mentally amen even though i knew it would be difficult to see that i am so glad of what it worked in me amen norville hayes and dad hagan you've heard me tell it as they were going down the road and a crippled man came across walking through the crosswalk and brother norville said to dad hagin is it the will of god to heal that man and dad hagin said if someone will pay the price this is what god is looking for amen jesus paid the price to purchase freedom from sickness and disease but we have what's the price we pay the price to become skillful the price to become skillful with what he purchased amen dad hate someone asked dad hagen dad was telling this someone asked dad hagen how are you so settled because the responsibility of the voice he carried was so large but he was he purposed to not worry he purposed to live untroubled and someone asked him how are you so settled and this is what he answered because i've suffered now you say i like faith messages uh-huh but this is a another side to equipping us for the era we're in because demons will not congratulate us as we move further into the era there will be opposition and if we don't renew our minds to what the word says about that suffering people will derail tuck tail and run and get off into wrong directions just so they can relieve themselves from the suffering i could have relieved myself from the suffering of seeing my mother just by not showing up well praise the lord think about what dad hagen suffered his dad abandoned his family he's an orphan from that sense his mother had a mental breakdown at different times she would try to kill herself and dad hagan's grandmother as a six six-year-old he said the grandmother would be out hanging out clothes the mother was in the house and the grandmother would position him between the at the door between the grandmother and the mother and she'd say if she tries to do something call me and he said i'd start yelling mama's got the knife mama's got the knife and she'd be in the kitchen trying to kill herself with it as a six-year-old boy he's got to alert his grandmother she'd come in and wrestle the knife away from her because her mind went out for a time you talk about suffering and dad hagan said you think that won't leave a mark on you the suffering of seeing that is that the will of god is that the suffering that he's talking about that belongs to us no but we can certainly benefit something being worked in us for god's use amen uh so he saw that what about the struggles of the great depression he got up off the death bed and had to immediately go to work of the the the suffering of somebody a child walked out of the room out of the house his neighbor did and was in the backyard playing and he they were up at the fence talking to each other this neighbor kid is holding a sandwich and brother hagin smells it and passes out from hunger just when he smells it he was hungry for so much of the time and that's why his mother finally just picked up and you know asked for help later what about this not having a normal childhood unable to play what kind of understanding would he have towards somebody else that's in a situation like that what about being on a death bed for 16 months and the doctors no hope no hope the suffering that comes with no hope of a death sentence over your head then he also said he would suffer three to five heart attacks a day during that time and he would hang on to the bed spindles and he said he wore the varnish off the headboard hanging on to life not to die then his mother went blind caring for him while she was caring for him just due to stress and he said i watch my blind mother try to grope around the room trying to take care of me as a invalid you think that that's not hard to see and all of this before the age of 15. then talk about the tests and trials of ministry now you're caught born again called in the tests and trials and then when he said when people said how are you so settled because i've suffered he understood god always saw him through god always turned it for his benefit therefore when when the opportunity to quit came he didn't take it because he had had too much experience with god's deliverance in the face of suffering you have to have experience with god's deliverance to be calm if you react in fear you're not allowing the experience of deliverance to be a history for you it just makes up the history of your life that you see deliverance after deliverance and you're calm because you know what god's going to do amen that hagen had become so skillful with the word in the face of tests and trials that he was untroubled and you know this no one's no one's called winner without having an opponent amen great victories as dad hagin would say come out of great battles even though we're faith people opposition exists and you better learn this when you're building your faith you're building you're building the opportunity for oppositions greater praise the lord when you say yes to god you just said yes to every challenge because challenges accompany yes amen and we do we don't magnify the difficulties we focus on the good because the victory is ours but we're not ignorant and think that everything is all cherries and christmas presents and everything we're aware that we have to have a fortitude in us because there's going to come suffering just because anything you don't wish to come is going to be a suffering philippians 4 verse 11 the amplified and i'm just going to read a partial a portion of that a partial reading on this verse paul is in prison he's there wrongfully he doesn't know when he's getting out he doesn't have information from the prison guard and he says i have learned how to be content you talk about a dark place i have learned how to be content satisfied to the point where i'm not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state i am how can you say that in the place he was at experience with suffering and experience with victory in the face of suffering it's not about the devil leaving us alone it's about us being untroubled right in right in the middle of circumstances how is that possible you turn yourself the right direction you can look at all the difficulties all the problems you want and it will cause a suffering just by looking the wrong direction but whenever you look and focus on god's word on what he has said to you and you hold your your worship and your thoughts there these things don't always leave but you leave them [Music] paul and silas exited that prison long before the doors opened you decide when you leave you decide when you exit amen praise the lord but the suffering of opposition and tests if we handle it right will work great maturity and great spiritual depth in people let's look at people who have had such impacts had such a large voice in the body of christ what about dr lester sumrall raised up off of a death bed doctors gave him hours to live what about brother oral roberts suffered on that death bed because they turned toward god their suffering became the deliverance of millions your suffering is for someone else's blessing if you think right and if i could say this don't settle into a mindset of suffering sister amy simple mcpherson by the time when she was 27 she was filling auditoriums of over 10 000. and i said to god one day i said how at such a young age were you able to promote her in the way she was promoted and he said because she had suffered so much and in the suffering she matured god promotes us based on our maturity plays a role in readiness for the next level and he said the suffering she went through matured her i was listening to a man i believe he called the ministry and he talked possibly to miss dale i don't know i'm not sure a staff member and he said i thought pastor nancy might enjoy my recollections of being in sister amy's mcpherson services and he said he was about six years old and he said i remember i remember walking with my mother and daddy we'd gotten on they had a train that ran right in front of evangelist temple where sister amy's ministry was and he said we got off and he said i remember i looked up and there was somebody in white on a balcony or a roof i mean up and outside is some kind of a balcony or something said they were standing in white and they had their hands and the people were just coming in throngs up the sidewalk and their hands are out over those people and it said it was sister amy because when we went in i saw her for the first time i said that's the woman that was outside praying so just when the people were entering her heart was toward the people's needs she was already see that's a maturity that's a maturity that she was already using spending her faith for those people but sister amy's husband died before she was 20 she was left in china with a newborn daughter stranded there had no money to get home a woman sent had sent a letter and said god woke me up in the middle of the night and said i must get this to to amy simple and said what are you going through dear god woke me up and sent the money for her to come home and she came home and she of course was heartbroken as a young wife the dream of ministry that her and her husband had together was no longer theirs you know you have to understand this is not when women were it was easy for women in ministry and so she said i've just got to quit the ministry she ended up after several years remarrying and had a second baby and she said now for sure i can't go but god begins saying will you go will you go and she'd always tell him why she couldn't and after a short time she found herself with all kinds of physical conditions she had several operations till finally the doctors took her off the bed and put her down in the basement where they put dying people who have no hope and she was put in the basement of the hospital there and she said she was within moments of dying and one last time she heard god say now will you go and she said yes lord i'll go and the next morning she walked out of there completely healed completely raised up and the suffering she went through through those six five or six years there it marked her it she she used that suffering to propel her toward what she was born for turn everything the devil uses against you against him and what god said to me was turn your mother's suffering into your skill you'll remember when jesus appeared to my husband and fire shot out of his eyes and said you're not being skillful with the healing ministry he had such a strong anointing tangible anointing in his hand but lack of skill was hindering its effectiveness how many of us have been a sign called by your everyone's called by god to do something not necessarily five-fold it's our job and our privilege to become skillful with that the lack of skill displeased jesus in such that fire shot out of his eyes why because with the lack of skill people that could have been healed and should have been healed weren't help that could have and should have been given wasn't given those that jesus wanted to heal walked out sick what happens in our services that should have been changed in our services who walks out the same way they walked in when it was jesus's intent that something changed it's not just up to the pastor to be skillful you heard it this morning every time you come to a service you either raise or lower the spiritual temperature of that room of what the holy ghost can do many need to learn to become skillful as a congregation member and how to draw on the preacher instead of thumbing through your book flicking around on your ipad lack of skill and the lack of skill displeases jesus fire showed it out of his eyes amen amen first corinthians chapter 3 verse 10. according this is the amplified translation according to the grace the special endowment for my task look at that the special endowment for my task not for just anything i want to do endowment is not for just anything you want to do it's for your task your god-given task according to the grace of god bestowed on me like a skillful architect and master builder not a builder master builder i laid the foundation and now another man is building upon it but let each man be careful how he builds upon it it's been masterfully built don't you throw some some trash on top of it some trash way of putting it together amen amen praise the lord second corinthians chapter one pastor nancy you know this suffering thing that you're talking about you have a lack of faith that you're bringing this up well let's go see paul second corinthians chapter 1 and verse 3 blessed be god even the father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies look at this and the god of all comfort who comforteth us in all our what oh paul don't you have faith why are you talking about tribulation because he's sober about what you need faith for tribulation right yeah you're going to need your faith when you tribulate yeah remember what jesus said about peter i prayed for you that your faith won't fail why because something's going to come and if your faith is absent if your faith quits on you who comforts us the god of all comfort look at this the god of all comfort who comforts us how dare us imply or accuse god of not being all he should be when we're going through something he is the god of all comfort and he comforts but notice how he comforts who comforteth us in our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble what's he saying i turn my tribulation into your comfort zone why because the i receive comfort in my tribulation and i'm coming to remove yours your discomfort with my comfort that came from god verse 4 who comforteth us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of god if you haven't been through anything you've got no comfort to offer people because you haven't received any comfort and that's what god was telling me is those memories that of your mother turned them into something more verse 5 for as the sufferings of christ abound in us what i'm talking about god the faith of god the faith of god not the sufferings of christ the faith of god [Laughter] but this is bible this is as much the word as mark 11 22. for as the sufferings of christ abound in us so consolation also aboundeth by christ and whether we be afflicted whether we be afflicted it's for your consolation wow that's good glory to god it it is for your consolation and salvation which is effectual in the enduring not the bypassing the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer in other words what we're going through you're going to face things but we're showing you that with the comfort that got us through we minister that to you and it'll get you through we're the example that you can look to and say if they made it we make it that's why paul said follow me be an imitator which is effectually in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer or whether we be comforted it is for your consolation and salvation and our hope of you is steadfast knowing that as ye are partakers of the suffering so shall ye be also of the consolation whenever god began dealing with me in 2015 20 excuse me 2014 that he had amy simple mcpherson's home that he was going to give me in which he did the next year one of the things he said to me it is a reward for how you handled your husband's homegoing because he said if you would have handled it wrongly how others would have been affected by that example god needs people who respond right because when we respond right it helps others respond right by me functioning in the consolation receiving and functioning in the consolation so did the congregation so did the fos ministers and paul said what i've received it's for you it's not just for me so when we choose to go do something different then the word and choose to do something go a different direction it's not just about us praise the lord your suffering can work for you and what i mean it can work some it can benefit you instead of undo you you ever seen that i haven't seen in a long time but i don't know maybe there's still what's his name uh bill gaither bill and gloria gaither and they have the platform full of those singers just you see the younger ones singing and they're going i guess you see the older ones singing they're weeping they're like this why more experience they they respond differently those who have suffered respond differently toward god's presence those who respond who have suffered respond differently toward their spiritual responsibilities and toward their spiritual place in the body of christ one of the things that deneen deemed that i so value she had six children she suffered because children can be so stupid and everybody's children not just the needs i'm not trying to point at hurt kids and every kid the bible says foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child and she had six boundings that she had to deal with and she knew what it was like to look to god to get her through the the challenges and the difficulties and the heartbreaks of motherhood as well as you know being a wife and helping her husband and fulfilling her role here and what she does when she goes out and she sees people she gets more people saved on accident you i've been in line with her at the grocery store and she sees a mom with kids and say boy you need god's help raising them don't you and she starts talking to him about god based on the suffering she's gone through with her own kids she knows you can't do this alone i've been there i got six you can't do this without the power of god how can she so win people and minister to people because she suffered she's been there and i'm not talking about a suffering to where you're tormented i'm talking about just suffering just to have to deal with you weird little people in my house we were all normal before all y'all showed up right i i'm just [Laughter] i've never been a highly impatient person but when stephen was born i couldn't find patients anywhere i mean he put the stretch on me and there's a suffering in raising kids right but you better suffer when they're young so you don't suffer when they're old you better get yourself up out of that chair and deal with it and act like you're a parent and act like no it's somebody else's responsibility it's no it's your job to play that role because they're going to be suffering early or late and all the way in between if you're not careful if you don't pay attention praise the lord got all of that out of what paul said your own suffering or this or seeing the suffering of someone you love can work the same thing in you it turns into someone else's help i went through four notable seasons in my life it was hard why because i was ignorant i didn't have the experience and i tell you what it was hell on earth not because god wasn't good enough but i had to learn some things dad hagan said my revelation in yours he says you can't have my revelation you get the revelation on your own i can just tell you what i've what i have a revelation of but it's not yours till you you learn it on your own amen you don't inherit revelation and i could being married to a man of god i didn't inherit his deliverance his help i had to get i had to learn to work with god and develop and receive my own and ed would say he told me he'd tell me later he said i'd say god let me just put my hands on her and help her walk free from this and god said no she's got to learn it because of where she's going god doesn't turn his children into cripples leaning on others now he'll let you have someone assist you but he will not foster life of leaning and ed could not walk that thing through for me those four times and couldn't get on the other side of it through the suffering though came three books that are your help and i told god if you'll teach it to me i don't i'm just not interested in wanting out i want to help somebody else not go here if they'll listen to me if they'll believe when i say if you'll just do this it'll get you to the other side if they'll believe that and employ that they don't have to go through everything because i had to find the steps i had to find the different things and if i'll show them do this now i can't walk that path for you but i can sure show you where the path is and i guarantee you victory is part of is on that path but if i hadn't gone through and suffered i could not help those who suffer there was one woman who got hold of is either the sound discipline mind book or the peace book and then there's the answer book those are the three for the mind because i couldn't find any on the mind that were dedicated just to that topic dad hagan of course would have stuff but it was woven throughout his teachings i'm looking for somebody to describe this for me and describe that you know and this woman got hold of one of my books on the mind and she wrote me a letter and she said for five years i haven't left my home i've been so tormented by fear and she said somebody gave me your book and in two weeks i was up and out of that house and my life was back to normal devil you touched me and i tell you what you're gonna regret the day you did that because others are going to be made free that you thought you had praise the lord so basically paul said my suffering was your comfort praise the lord and then i'll close with this passage first peter chapter 5. first peter chapter 5 and i'm going to start in verse 8. first peter chapter five verse eight the king james says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion who walketh about seeking whom he may devour whom resists steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world the devil always wants to make you feel like you're off in a corner by yourself getting your brains beat out and part of that is you you feel isolated and that that can be overwhelming sometimes to people verse 10 but the god of all grace who have called us unto his eternal glory by christ jesus look at this next phrase after ye have suffered a while at script really is that in the bible after ye have suffered a while now look at what happens make you perfect what's that word perfect mature suffering matures you make you perfect look at the next thing establish what's that mean you're grounded you're established strengthen and look at this settle you your mind's not unsettled your heart's not unsettled the amplified says in verse 10 and after you have suffered a little while the god of all grace who imparts all blessing and favor what's he say that for for in the suffering who has called you to his own eternal glory in christ jesus will himself complete and make you what you ought to be you can't be what you ought to be when everyone shielded you from hardship parents especially as you have young young adults in your home you can you can weaken your children by stepping in and taking what they should have dealt amen and himself complete and make you what you ought to be established and ground you securely and strengthen and settle you this is not the suffering of sickness and disease it's the persecution of obedience of doing the word carrying out god's plan in your life there's going to come opposition to that it could come through family it can come through on the job it can come through just your own flesh it can come but it's the it's it's the obedience that the devil's trying to get you off of so that you don't follow the plan of god uh and then i'll close with something here that dad hagan said let me read it to you suffering will make you grow up spiritually in a hurry as i look back now i can see i wasn't conscious of the fact that the holy spirit led me into many hard places just knowing the word and walking by faith won't mature you listen to that statement just knowing the word and walking by faith won't mature you that's the reason many people never get settled or mature they won't stay in a hard place they don't like what that pastor said they pick up and they leave they don't like how the jaw how the boss treats them they pick up and they leave they don't like that marriage they pick up and they leave wow and they'd get spiritually and they get dwarfed he said that's the reason many people never get settled or matured they won't stay in a hard place what does that mean when you start doing something right the devil will put so much pressure on your mind that people will walk away from doing what's right to get the relief of that pressure they won't stay and walk that thing through by faith and say i don't give up i don't quit because they want ease more than they want victory dad hagin says i thank god now for all those hard places he led me through not camped out in but he went through them then this this just sounds like i had to leave this in just for your entertainment he said i thank god for the nosy people i've had to deal with and he was talking about when he was pastoring one time this is for your pure enjoyment one time we were having a watch night service and one church i pestered people would stay until after midnight and watch the new year in we didn't have any special speaker and people were testifying about what different ones in the church had meant to them he said i said so it's his turn i said i want to thank god for sister so and so everybody looked at me because sister and so and so was a gossip she was a troublemaker and was always sticking her nose in everybody else's business she caused everybody including me more problems in trouble than anyone else in the church so i said i want to thank god for sister so and so she's been the greatest blessing to me of anybody in this church she kept me on my knees almost continually i wouldn't have prayed nearly as much if it hadn't been for her listen to this knowing her helped me i suffered with her but it matured me by that love book and then he says jesus you remember was led by the spirit in the wilderness to be tempted the spirit led him that's what the bible means when it says he was perfected through the things he suffered jesus had to be mature matured as well and he didn't mature by going out and just saying it to everybody i'm god's son i'm god's son i'm god's son he had to endure whether you realize it or not these are the things that are going to make us or break us here's where faith comes in and here's where the tragedy is people listening to faith teachers if they're not careful can get the idea that they're going to sell through life and that everything is going to be hunky-dory they think they'll never have any trials tests or suffering of any kind then somebody rises up and says something about them and they're ready to quit having faith doesn't mean that you're mature amen i love when god said to me take the suffering you saw and turn it into skill amen quitters are everywhere because they want it easy on them i want to reach the fullness i want to reach the fullness amen are you helped tonight aren't you thankful brother copeland laid hands on so many of you last night and received so much but this is still part of the word i said this is still part of the word hallelujah stand with me to your feet father we're so thankful for your word it's a lamp to our feet it's a lot to our path we're so grateful we're so grateful that you're preparing us now for all that's ahead you're not just you're not just ministering these things to us just because of only what's today but for what's ahead so that we are have our minds renewed and father we thank you so much we thank you so so much you have rescued you've put our life on course and the victory is ours before anything shows up that opposes us thank you that we know the victory is ours so we go through the things that will oppose us looking at you looking at our victory thank you for giving us the best place to look we're so grateful to know where to look we're so grateful to know what to say we're we're so hungry father for the fullness of what you have for us and we refuse to sidestep any training but we embrace the opportunity to come into the fullness the image of christ we thank you for it we thank you for it father hallelujah can i just say this it helps you to cast the care when you know when you know the victory belongs to me the victory doesn't belong to me so that i can avoid this the victory belongs to me so i know how to get how to walk through it praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah i'm so glad coming into 2020 god said it'll be your best year yet why because when everybody was saying it was the worst year yet [Music] god listen what happened in 2020 propels us for 2021 2022. all previous years play a role in where we go in future years when we go through suffering he shows us what to say i remember when my mind didn't feel like my mind at those times on this property we before this building was even built there you don't know it but there was a hill here with a house on it and uh i would go out when my mind didn't feel like my mind i was walking up that driveway and sitting on the property and just looking for relief just some kind of and um god said one word to me he said i've already seen the end of this and you win the thing against this didn't stop but now i knew what to say the holy ghost gave me what to say no matter what you're going through pay attention to what he tells you what to say because he's comforting you through this consoling you so that now you can pass it on amen turn suffering into someone else's victory not just your own but someone else's victory too amen hallelujah are you helped tonight he's helping us he's helping us because if we're not careful we get in a in a state of thinking about faith that it means that i must be doing something wrong because this is happening no no it doesn't always mean you're doing something wrong it could mean you're following the holy ghost and he led you to some things now i'm not talking about sickness and disease understand me i'm talking about the persecution that comes from the obedience to god's will and to the word the devil hates the word in you and he wants it out of you but you hold fast amen and it's a joy to have experiences dr sumrall stood up in one of his last sermons and he said faith is experience because so many think faith is something that feels good and something that everything worked out all right he said faith is experience amen well praise the lord i want more than a confession i want an experience thank god for the confession but so many just they they have the confession without the experience and then they're disillusioned hallelujah victory is ours and it gets sweeter and sweeter amen but he's he's he's helping us to have our minds renewed to all that this era holds amen we focus on the positive but we're aware that these other the word talks about don't be ignorant of satan's devices we're not focused on his devices but if you're ignorant about them they get they can get the advantage amen we're not ignorant that there are sufferings there is opposition but then we're not ignorant that he's the god of all comfort and that we have a grace and that our faith is for the victory that he's already made ours amen and so when you run out of money you get up and dance you turn the suffering into a dance amen well praise the lord well i did dance personally who still didn't change keep dancing hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord not only that once you've gone through things you'll be sweeter when you see someone else you'll be different toward them because you go i understand it i thought it was so precious to watch brother copeland minister to the sick take people and hold them take people and pat them and how tender he was why because he's suffered so much you can understand he knows what it's like amen hallelujah you don't want to miss in the morning wasn't this morning so so so so good so so good and i don't know do we have any do we have any of his books out there are they out there in the bookstore yet they are no no say again uh is it tuesday that they come we believe there will be a shipment tuesday and so you want to get hold of this and don't miss in the morning what time is it 10 a.m and then of course 7 pm uh every night through thursday turn to somebody before you're dismissed and say thank god the victory is mine and you can be dismissed god bless you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 8,433
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Length: 152min 15sec (9135 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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