God, A Covenant, And A Contradiction | Rev. Kenneth Copeland | Holy Ghost Meetings 2020

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what a time to be alive what a time to be on fire for Jesus amen I was thinking about as pastor Nancy was talking about that I do want to hear well done instead of just well I don't want to leave anything on the table glory hallelujah there's a big Tom one thing about knowing big Tom as you can see many were in the auditorium we've been friends a long long time you're not gonna do this thing a long time together we gonna die young at an old age turn around and shake hands of two or three people say thank God for the skill of the Spirit of God [Music] [Music] you remember David Ellis come on give David a hand almost 25 years - now we've been together right I see at least 25 right yeah it's 25 yeah yeah [Music] can I say [Music] for the thing you have done so under the yeah - God - Peruvian [Music] I was thinking about this song today and I was reading in the book of Revelation and Andre Crouch course [Music] the psalmist of God and Andrei talked about a million angels I read today about a hundred screen angels and they all spoke with one force dear Lord God [Music] you know what we're gonna do when we get to glory we're going to spend a lot of years is ah oh yeah oh you see oh yeah the voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude [Music] all that I for ever hope to be I owe it all to thee [Music] be the goal be the goal to go for the [Music] with his toy shame or this [Music] for the things I've done [Music] just my life let it be please [Music] should I let it go to town whoa Oh [Music] for the thing [Music] for the face thank you lord thank you there's coming today very soon it will be the voice of God will be calling me our the streets glory I'm goin Oh the hardwood Joel Christ the love of God will fill skies I'll see the face the cheese's Oh [Music] [Laughter] but to [Applause] I'll go [Music] Oh [Music] my eyes much [Music] until the day [Music] I'm going Oh thank you all right now that we're going to do it again on this time chill we going home a mint there's coming today very soon it will be the voice of God will be we'll walk the streets of glory we're going home Gohan would blow the angel of Christ the love of God will the skies will see the face of Jesus [Music] will go well Oh singing with me bud [Music] we'll go singing [Music] which I will carry all [Music] behold that shitty [Music] yeah how wishes today we're going get a deep breath Oh [Laughter] Hey father we thank you tonight the word of the Living Almighty God is so rich and alive oh Jesus thank you sir we give you praise [Music] ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha well you thought say that the spirit of truth in all this trouble and all of this mess that's happening and your country and mind oh yes this is my country it was given to me many many many many years ago covenants were made in the Mayflower covenants were made at Plymouth covenants were made and changed but remember this this is the only nation ever formed with the purpose of worshipping me safe alone the only one because they love me and I'll never forget it I brought about the nation of Israel because I love them this country was put together for the purpose of by people who love me do you think I'm gonna let some devil steal this nation what's the matter with you [Music] I've already cast my vote saith the Lord long long ago this that you're seeing this that is happening right before your very eyes or birth-pangs to the rebirth of the United States so give the Lord glory and say good things about him because he's coming very very soon sooner than you think no sooner than that no no sooner than that no not sure than that because the people in this room and the people that follow and in the same class and in the same way that you live and worship me saith the Lord you all of you know it's very soon hahaha it's sooner than you think so tonight's the night to give him praise and worship Him for a new nation and once again soon and very soon once again it will be the United States of America not just America saith the Lord hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus Ricky and Eddie doing good you look good brother of course you don't look near it's good to see that Thank You Lord now I've got started calling names and I can just go home thank you Lord Jesus well when I come to this place I'm home you know and then I really mean it I was telling David Michael Knight when we drove up into this parking lot there's this you know when the spirit there's a there's times you go to places where the Spirit of God is and and and and wonderful places but there are certain places where he rests there's the best word I can come up with he resides there it's tangible and every time we'd read I've been have been coming here yeah I'd be with it you count better not it praise God seven years hey that's a good number and but I've noticed it and every time I Drive up in this endless in the driveway of this this facility he's just I can't ever say it I guess I've said it every time I was just water Church blood of church and it's not the it's not the only one but in there are a lot of great churches and a lot of good churches and of course and there are others that I have the same experience but I don't know that this this is a sweet place to me it has a lot to do with with it and anyway bring your Bible with you those of you that didn't well you know look on with somebody else thank you Lord Jesus open your Bibles with me tonight first of all the Ephesians chapter 2 father we come before your word with expectant hearts tonight for it is the word of the Living God the all the the Almighty God the all-mighty God we served the Almighty God say that we served that Almighty God said again we served the Almighty God he is the Almighty God Cydia he is the all-mighty God he's my god I worship Him and my faith is in him thank you Lord and I pray again tonight sir that not one person in the sound of my voice go away from these services without being touched and moved and experienced the power of the Almighty God we believe it we receive it and we ascribe all of the glory and all the praise to the wonderful magnificent name of Jesus and it's in your name sir that I pray and I thank you Father for this name thank you Lord Jesus thank you for your presence in here tonight thank you amen hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus man see you pull pitched and slick an old best friend turned it off I want to be sure I preached long yeah all right see I told you to open up the book visas dinner all right Ephesians chapter 2 the Spirit of God will answer questions tonight and this does go right down the line of what the spirit said through pastor Dee frame tonight skillful in the word of righteousness skillful in healings well brother Copeland I don't understand it well I didn't either for a long long time I just don't understand it all of these outlandish miracles in the first covenant the first Testament and it just continued right on through the second covenant the second Testament now both words covenant and Testament are very important very important this this is something that that the translators they knew very well that that same word is translated covenant but they were trying to tell us something this is the will and testament of the Most High God that's legal term it's his will now that rung the Bell right there it's as well - no no we're going wait yarn will to heal me or not well go wait in the car but see that that comes from from a great amount of that comes through Western thinking yeah mental assent that the Bible is true and never act like it's truth but why is this what that not and that that word Testament is Jesus of Nazareth the only man only one tada in behalf of the will of God in the first Testament though last will and testament of the Almighty God and be raised from the dead and probate is all will now I'm gonna go back today's that that we don't we don't you're well taught and you and I don't think this way but there are still people that that do and let me ask you this question well you know brother Copeland I'm I I know I know we'll have a authority over the devil when we get to heaven well what are you gonna do with it he's gonna be there try to relegate everything to heaven or everything to the past but right now we didn't never know you can tell exactly what he's gonna do he'll do exactly what he said he would do who is this Almighty God he's exactly who he says he is and he can do exactly what he said he can do and he will do exactly what he said he would do exactly that praise God thank you Lord Jesus I am the sole heir of aw and Vanetta copeland or bri wayne copeland my mom and dad I was the only child and oh I'd only get into that but anyway and therefore of Cour my dad had a will it was his last will and testament now I'm going to ask you the stupidest question that anyone has ever asked did I receive as heir as sole heir of aw Copeland did I receive that when he died or when I died [Music] [Laughter] why why of this big round earth what I think I'm gonna receive what I inherited from God brother that's stupid in the fast lane [Laughter] now let me get back on what I came here dude nice i but you understand the question that I'm answering why is it please tell me that we have all of these miracles and Bend in times of both covenants marvelous things earth-shaking things and you have them in Africa and you have them in other places on earth and a little to nothing here in that Western world and it's really so simple huh like Charles kept said this is so simple you have to have help to misunderstand it we've had some high-priced help but now I won't get into that Ephesians chapter 2 look at verse 11 wherefore remember that you being in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands now here it is make note it here's the answer at that time when before you were born again you're not a Gentile anymore and Gentile just simply means somebody without God at that time say at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel here it is and strangers from the covenants strangers from the covenants both of them strangers from the covenants of promise without having no hope and without God in the world you can be born again baptized with the Holy Ghost I mean speaking in tongues believing in healing with all your heart and never get much of it and we're losing far too many battles far too many this is it strangers from the covenants not covenant minded at all no little tot nothing about it some of you the only covenant you ever heard about was some yeah you know that that they the neighborhood govern us keep you from painting your house pink I mean it when people think about covenant selling later they don't mean anything because we were not raised thinking that one would you yeah okay I'll use this as an illustration let's let's let's talk about the difference between the way the Caucasian and the african-american are raised yes we come from two different cultures and by being raised I know yes I've had a close friend and I we were talking about this and she look at me she said Kenneth ain't no way to fight black people do that stupid I said oh yeah we just dumb hey let me tell you something like brother creflo said I don't know why y'all kept like that Betty said I'm gonna tell you one thing we get together we don't miss a beat brother yeah because of the mindset that was brought about from day one for instance generational curses there's really no such thing it's the way you were taught that's a curse one man plays his art he's in heaven today and Joanne if you're watching I love you they that's his his widow and my mother oh god bless her she oh man my mother had a very serious spirit of fear her appendix ruptured on the basketball court when she was just barely 16 years old I'm talking about in 1927 now you understand what that and love of Texas in 1927 and the Louisville sanatorium where I was later born and you had a ruptured appendix that's a death sentence you just dive in and back there then independence pending the pen appendectomy scar was more like this I mean man you know dad it was just no technology hardly at all medically come to course compared to what it is and the doctor didn't even bother to show her up because she's gonna die and he just cleaned it up and just kind of put everything back in there and used cadaver clamps because she's gonna die and my grandfather impressed into anyway he said what a full-blood Cherokee would say anyway scared together really bad he's so he's been so he sold her up she just refused to die why she had a death sentence hanging over and they told her she couldn't live over ten years in that kind of condition and she just believed God just believed God just believe she dogs I mean she's a prayer before that I mean she just prayed all the time and then she just started praying she got to pray all the family and got to get all them in and then you know of course I was a big project for a long time and and she was of that that spirit of fear and I remember we were at a at a prayer camp in Ardmore Oklahoma oh this this goes way back and glory and I'm Gloria's mother and mama dad wasn't wasn't there he was fever traveling and it was called a CFO camp camp fathers down and it was there at Lake Marie Lodge and they had an auditorium there very nice altar to me there's really nice place and then they had cabins around and there was in the individual workshops and so with a lot of fun oh just you know just kind of delicious stuff but they played and I wasn't in the cabin where she was but oh I'm telling you somebody discerned that spirit in her now you understand not in her spirit right no not interstate was in her physical body and was affecting her mind terribly and he tell somebody tell you're gonna die over ten years they cast that thing out of her and the the testimony came to me that it tore her they they were it frightened everybody in there that thing threw her down and tore her and and just they thought look they thought maybe about it not kill her it was that violent she came out of there I want you to know that was one of the worst days signe ever had she was fierce fearless well the man that I'm talking about Jimmy Hester talking about generational curses and how they occur now my mother had a prayer group every Monday night it would get so big that you couldn't get close to my dad's house and so then she would turn it over to somebody out of that prayer group to Pastor it and and she'd wait year or two and then start another one and another church would come well this particular night someone brought Jimmy over there because he had really really heart trouble really really bad and so let me back up second I came into a local motorcycle shop that I enjoyed Jimmy was sitting there we rode bikes together and all that and and he was he was sitting there at the counter of a phone in his hand he saw me anyway coming coming in there now he came into my mother's prayer group and she saw death on him and he was telling me about this after he got off the phone and my mother said what's the matter of you he said well my grandfather died with heart trouble my daddy died of heart trouble I got a bad heart now now his mother had told him that James you be careful because you know histor men don't live past their fifties now they said did you just be careful I think are all godly people but strangers from the covenants of promise now when I sat down there next to him in that motorcycle shop that day he said Kenneth your mother said I said tell me the truth about that he said lady I just told you the truth my grandfather died with a bad heart my father died with a bad heart and I've got a bad heart now she said I said tell me the truth about that he said lady he said Kenneth she boxed my ears he said she hit me so hard right over both ears she said best god Isaiah 53 he bore your sicknesses and carried your diseases and that's the truth about that [Music] it had this big grin on his face he said Kenneth Copeland that was my doctor on the phone I just got through taking a physical exam and he said I'm healthy my heart is in perfect condition and he said I just turned my 65th birthday Tony thank God Jerry Savelle and I helped do his home going in his mid to late 80s see that's not a generational curse as strangers from the covenants promise he's an alien he had named now of the Hat no idea I mean back there then he's just good southern babies boy he knows things I say if you were to ask him he'd say yes but that's only mental assent to the fact that it's true but it's there's no action or life in it an alien and a stranger from the covenants of promise glory to God thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord now then turn with me please to Romans chapter 4 I'm gonna talk to you tonight about God a covenant and a contradiction now as most of you know and those of you that don't you better find out that I had two spiritual fathers in my life my father in the faith is Oral Roberts I was a student or Roberts University he was the first one to lay hands on me and the anointing of this ministry of course he had no idea who I was the anointing of this ministry came in me and on me that day wish had time to tell you the story and then now this is my 53rd year in the ministry I went to Oral Roberts University this this month 53 years ago first time I was ever in the will of God in my life now I was in the will of God when I married Gloria Jean you understand that yeah and then I had been at or you only a few days still I mean just just had really started good and I was invited to come preach over the weekend at my mom and dad's home Church well actually the glory of my home church we were we were not in Fort Worth that time but that's where we were the whole family of us Gloria and me John and Kelly we were all baptized in water but pastor Harold Nichols a gracious Temple Church in Fort Worth Texas and so brother Harold had invited me to come preach over the weekend and go to God and of course we were there in mother's dad's home there the same place where I spent all of my years in high school and all along there and I said mother do you have any tapes to listen to or anything like that she said yeah this one and then hand me this big 7-inch real and we're back there then we were tapeworms and whoa man alive glory be to God this was before the days of cassettes now some of you kids say a wide sweetheart there were these things about this big and you had you had an hour to an hour and a quarter on each side and when it got to the end of the tape it went flipped left left left left and you had to stop it turn it over look at that sweet thing looking at me like this comes in never heard of thank God you got some better than I do too cuz I listen to him now on my phone [Music] amen and I heard my first tape of Kenneth the eighth now in 1986 at Rhema Bible Training Center in healing school he preached this message now you mean you're gonna preach history just as close as I get what are you talking about I've been preaching his sermons mountains all these years I'm not gonna quit right now I wasn't smart enough to come up with that title I had have been had to come up with it 20 years ago no it's just now for the time for a covenant God a covenant and a contradiction Romans chapter 4 please verse 17 as it is written I have made thee a father of many nations before him in the King James Bible the reference before him or in the reference column like him actually it is the before is correct also like him in his presence in his presence and if you would like to cross-reference that was something you look at first King 17:1 and just make a note of that look at it later as it is written I have made thee a father of many nations not I'm going to I have I have I've already done it whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead and calleth those things which be not as though they were now let's go to the book of Genesis the 17th chapter please to which this is referred referring verse 1 when Abram was ninety years old and nine the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the Almighty God that the word be almighty god yes he said I am el shaddai el the Almighty no I am the el God Almighty anytime you see that word mighty is should I the root word in Hebrew language to the words should I is referring to a woman's breast it is it is saying I am the giver of life I all you'll ever need I am your nurse I'm your life yes I am they all sufficient one and there was a time in your life when you were a little infant your mama was all you needed she was everything she fed you she loved you she took care of you and us daddy's just kind of stood around and looked we couldn't understand you but she could [Laughter] you know Johnny carry on how I see glory what'd he say she tell me what he said she could understand that that's the reason you need to be speaking in tongues well I might say the wrong [Music] you think let me ask you something did God come down on your windows cussing look if you're not gonna come down on your when you're trying your best to worship Him that's just lives of the devil lives of the flesh God is your hell should I he's the Almighty God say it again I serve the Almighty I serve the El Shaddai the God who's more than enough the all-sufficient God and he's my god ah when Abram was ninety years old and nine the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him I am the Almighty God won't before me and be thou perfect now don't let the word perfect' throw it just means blameless and I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly and Abram fell on his face and God talked with him two things extremely important here he said I will make my covenant between me and thee God had already made up his mind now in the fifteenth chapter you're they don't take time to read all of that now you can course do it later but now he said in the 15 chucker as for me as for me now look at this as for me think that as for me in other words you don't have to do this if you don't want to I'll find me somebody but I picked you son cause you'll teach you children that was his qualification that he would teaches you as for me I will make my covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly Abram fell on his face and God talked with him now here's the second thing that I wanted you to see it didn't say and Abram fell on his face and talked with God no no he had better since he fell on his face and kept his mouth shut did you ever stop and think about the fact that all your praying and all you're asking and all you're telling God about everything that's going on you didn't but inform him of anything Oh God and he just I hope smiles men it's the night before I'm supposed to go registered oh are you and I'm thinking now always remember he's already working on the other side always say always said I God your mother is working on the other side he's just as much female as he is male he's referred to in the male gender because he created the man before he created the woman it's as simple as that I just gotta sit against something out of you girls with that anyway so I'm just what am I gonna do I told Gloria I mean I'm supposed to register in the morning I don't have a dime I don't mean I kind of don't have a dollar I was twenty four thousand dollars and bad debt Gloria said it you must bard money on your tricycle it'll go to school I can't go get a job I could go to the airport and get a job you know I mean I'm commercially rated pilot I mean I know give me a child better go get me a job I ain't got time to go to school ah woe is me I said Claudia I gotta find out what to do about this now I'm going in there and I'm gonna get on my face and I'm gonna pray if it takes all night long not as slim the bedroom door men I hit the floor in tongue dishes I'll just praying in tongues just phase Nords are good and I mean just going for it and I'm still just going you know about this dilemma that I'm in and I thought I wonder if I'd be quiet here he'd say something now I've never heard the audible voices got well and speaking to me that I I heard him one time that to me it was absolutely audible he wasn't he wasn't talking to me about me I won't get any no they been anyway but it was so strong somebody said you really heard it let me tell you something brother my eyebrows heard it it was so powerful he said it's about time stand up on your feet then I stood up I said yes sir he said it's about time I couldn't get a word in edgewise I sent you here and I'll take care of you here then he went ahead and gave me some other instruction man I came out of that gorgeous said what happened all night long you on the internet 20 minutes I said I got my answer down now let me show you what am I talking about I am a commercially rated pilot and I I know I got that Airport get me a job see how I'm thinking I won't go into all the things there anyway I I'm sitting there and this is another thing some of you kids don't hardly understand but I'm sitting there at mrs. Campbell's desk she's the registrar and she's typing out my bill and I don't have a time then I got a smile on my face I registered this morning I said mrs. Campbell may I make a collect call baby you know what a collect call [Laughter] you have any idea about dialing direct no you know what a payphone is I'm just teasing you it's a big thing about this big and he's got big holes at the top one for a quarter and one for a nickel and one for a dime and when you put the quarter in there goes bow and you put the nickel in hang on ding you put the dime in angle T so the operator can tell how much money you're putting in hand you didn't put a slug in there Donna and she said and I called my dad and he said what are you I said I Registrar's Office he said Kenneth Eddie Matthews Cambridge Full Gospel businessman president of the chapter there in Fort Worth it just came out by my office this morning and said he brought a check by here and said it's supposed to go into your ministry I said praise God daddy how much was it it paid for my fees it paid for my books not new ones paid for the book and when I got done I had I don't remember 10 15 cents and and I'd heard brother Hagin say there's nothing's come to pass for me I said call read I got I just ain't all the way till I get home God glory and glory gonna get us a candy bar and go bro [Laughter] yeah I was a stranger from the coven of the promise now I didn't know what such thing as the Covenant didn't know there was a promise anyway I started out of the LRC headed home and and my feet stuck to the floor couldn't they wouldn't turn loose and I said what is it Lord he said go up to the sixth floor well they had already warned students and orientation stay off of that sixth floor I said lord I can't go up her that's the Vatican they know where I got that but anyway just kind of came now remember my mother lemma was I'm a pilot with experience enough to go get a job but if I go to school I can't go get each other he's going up where they work for me what I got in the elevator and I didn't have guts enough to do it I just couldn't place at six four points the fifth floor now you know hey this 53 years ago this is or use first graduation here and it opened up and it is this massive empty room which is now the library and now lanza know of course of their Becca then they didn't even have the books yet and he said I said the sixth floor and I remember I'm not teasing him and I did not won't push that and I just push cuz I never thought I'd never dawned on me what am I gonna do when I get there one day at a time Lord Jesus [Laughter] man I push that door open it looked like I didn't have a clue of course I'm 30 years old so I didn't look like a student and I got away with it up to that point Gloria said I was old as freshmen in the world but anyway I walked up the Ruth rooks desk and I didn't know who she was I said my name is Kenneth Copeland I just registered as a student today and I'm qualified commercial pilot and I know this ministry has an airplane and I need all the help I can get thank very much I've been I wanted a health fair so bad although Roberts had walked up behind me and I didn't know he's there now he's 6 3 and I felt like I'm 4 feet 6 I turned around he said I'm all Robert I literally did this I'm not putting on weight ha ha ha he said did I understand you say you're your commercially rated pilot I said yes sir can you handle our airplane I suggested he said two weeks ago I started to hire a new co-pilot and the Spirit of the Lord said no don't do it I have a student coming that I want to have the job and you're my man now he didn't say nothing about that to me when I was on the floor in the night before why I'll ask you this why didn't he tell Samuel all Samuel knew was the new King is it Jesse's house that's all he knew he looked at and of course Ely Apple's of was a fine statue of man and he thought it surely I mean this is the oldest this is this is my man right here he checked out oh now so many of us would have said now wait a minute this is all he's good he's got to be one of them let's just take that big after all he's firstborn yeah he would have destroyed Israel had he done that cuz Iliad was a big talk and he was a coward God said I look on the heart but Samuel said they've got to be another one around here someone has to be another you have any more boys well you know the runt not only not only was he the shepherd he's redheaded the redheaded one da yeah and what does a mule say this is the one yeah arise and anoint him this is the king of Israel he knew he was there but he had to walk by faith and not by sight are you still here all right now listen to it as for me behold my covenant is with thee and thou shalt be a father of many nations neither shall thy name any more be called Abram but thy name shall be Abraham for a father of many nations have I made V by being Western minded having no idea about covenant life and covenant relationship in blood covenants there's a name change now in the fifteenth chapter only the blood of animals had been shed God said you split that animal that did not in half but in half this way from the back of the head that down the spine and let those two halves fall see this is animal blood and God walked with a burning lamp fire where have you heard that before it was God Himself walking in that blood I believe I believe that the Lord showed me that Abram saw his footprints in that in that blood but Abram didn't shed any blood just the blood of animals this is so important are you with me I will establish my covenant between me are not done with it that name changing ceremony that H in the middle of Abram is Abraham Abraham it is the name of God they let me I think this is the quickest way to share with you what happened when you got born again Ephesians chapter 3 I bow my knee before the power let me be a little loose here okay before they Almighty God I bow my knee before El Shaddai the Almighty God they're all the physios the the great all efficient God the whole family in heaven you got born again I want you to know there was a name change in ceremony went out in heaven you took his name and he took you my brother and sister this is real in heaven it's real in this earth and it has been unheard of in the Christian world that know about it it's being a stranger to it talked about covenant yeah blood covenant yeah well what about the Lord's table well what about it stand there with that cup in your hand and hadn't got a clue right I mean you're being as reverent about it as you can and it's for the healing of the nation's and nothing ever happens [Music] and I can tell you one of the reasons for that some people only take communion the third Sunday of the month and don't even think about it then unless the pastor brings it up and they've got the big table moved out there where you can see you don't have any idea what's in it but Jesus said this is the New Covenant in my bud bring it all I'm reading from e-w Kenyon's masterpiece on the blood covenant two men wish to cut the Covenant and and I want to first of all the root word for covenant in Tonga in Hebrew is to cut suggesting an incision where blood flows to men wish to cut the covenant they come together with their friends and a priest first they exchange gifts by this exchange of gifts they indicate that all listening all that one has the other owns if necessary after the exchange of gifts they bring a cup of wine now think about Jesus these men sitting at that table understand exactly what he's talking about you remember he said unless you drink my blood and eat my buddy you're none of mine well the people that got up and left it was just it was too powerful they just couldn't take that he turned around now I'm paraphrasing now and he turned around said you want to go too if you do get on I'll get me somebody else how I couldn't coven up with somebody it sounds like what he's the old mighty God said let me put it this way it sounds like what Jesus said to Abram doesn't it oh yeah he and the Almighty God amen why is Jesus there in the first place cause God had to help amen thank you Jesus thank you Jesus listen to this now an incision is made in the other man's arm and his blood drips into the same cup one cup each man drops blood this is what happened between Jonathan and David the wine is stirred and the Bloods are mixed then the cup is handed to one man he drinks part of it then hands it to the other man and he drinks the rest of it when they have drunk it off times they will put their wrists together so that their blood mingles so they touch their tongues at each other's wounds now they've become blood brothers and Jesus said this is my blood of the New Covenant drink it and it was wine I don't preach me a happy brother this is what's going on between Abram and hell should i the almighty say again he is the Almighty God I serve the Almighty my faith is in him thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus verse nine no excuse me verse eight I will give under thee and to thy seed after thee the land wherein thou art a stranger all the land of canaan for an everlasting possession I will be their God and God said to Abraham you shall keep my covenant therefore you and your seed after you in their generations this is my covenant which you shall keep between me and you and thy seed after thee and if you be Christ's if you be in Christ then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise the promise you're a better covenant partner to go [Music] every man child among you shall be circumcised the first human blood amen hallelu oh we can spend a long time on that I don't of course have time in this session today the first human blood shed now then in Abraham's body and in Sarah's body there was a direct contradiction to what God said direct contradiction she had been barren never had had a baby and the woman 90 years old there's just not and like I said he hoped against hope well there's just not much hope and the world in common sense would tell you what of course not there's 9000 we don't walk with common sense we walk my faith [Music] brother Hagin brought this up I had never thought about this well yeah I can't say that I had thought about it and talk about it but not in just this same light he said how did Abraham reconcile those two things an irreconcilable situation I mean Abraham's 100 years over time that's boiled Lauren she's 90 how did he reconciled it he didn't he didn't even try completely and totally ignored it now let me remind you something else he didn't have anybody to lay hands on him they would no man think he is hundred years old saying he gonna have a father a minion nation right yeah all right give me a break let me just throw another little something in there just to sweeten this up a little bit Isaac was born Sara died having had that one job nettie Abraham remarried and had six more sons this was not a one-time shot here 25th chapter Genesis he remarried and had six more sons and lived to be a hundred and seventy five years old some people come to me and said their faith stuff don't work I've got one strong Texas answer [Laughter] tell me you can't do late for me amen I consider not my own body now dead neither the deadness of my wife's womb but only that which God has promised now another thing he said that he was fully persuaded fully persuaded fully persuaded that he was able also to do [Music] it's not good enough to consider not I consider not my body now 83 years old but only that which God has promised and in Genesis 6:3 he promised me a hundred and twenty years and I have a personal covenant with El Shaddai in the flesh glory to God he asked me to do it and that's a command to me and I'm gonna get there he's gonna come one first amen now I don't mean I just live like slop it took some changes everything the way you think the way you look and see things the way you hear things the way you read the word I've fallen in love with this book again amen now you know what it's talking about when he said in the beginning is the word what word the blood covenant Word of God one of my heroes of the faith Bishop David o you to Polk Lagos Nigeria he learned the power of praise and he just praised or somehow he just / they just praise getting the churches kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger finally ran out of room man and having pledged to build another Church so they just went out in the jungle started all 500 acres just cut out of the jungle and first time I met him in 2008 they had 2000 and acres and he said brother Kenneth first of all let me tell you what first he said well he said this is phase 1 and he said phase 1 was 250 million US dollars and he said no American money and no debt and I'll vote and you've been learning from me I need dog here and he said phase two is 250 million we have that in the bank never have never have raised the money he said just let God do it and now I go there every year and now where's it David sixteen thousand acres yes it's a city it has become a city a couple of banks and he said this to me he said I had no trouble with the praise I had no trouble with any other city but he said the money part of it he said his real puzzle to me because listen this one the poorest places on earth it was either the very wealthy or the very poor and that man and his ministry started what is now called the niger the new nigerian middle class faith people his church seats 50,000 they have five services on Sunday he said I read your book the laws of prosperity and I read mama's book on the the will of God for you is to prosper and he said I fasted and prayed and I'm seeking God and he said it's wild I was reading mama Gloria's book and he said at the call it hit me it hit me he said it's resonant here's your covenant he looked me right in the face and he said brother Copeland when I read seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you that is a blood back statement and he said the only thing now is just the doing of it he sang ever even think about it but I praise he said uh praise and a praise and a praise and a pray until something happens hallelujah somebody shouting that man's no stranger to covenant no stranger now I'm gonna kill my best wrap it up at this move taken in the morning what do you consider you cannot just consider not your own body well I consider not my own body I consider not my own body I consider her I consider not long body oh I consider not home buddy I can set it up my own buddy I can sit it out my buddy Eddie good enough consider him for a purse we'll go to the book of Hebrews I consider not my own buddy all glory to God Hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider say consider I consider not my own body said I consider not my own body I consider not the pain in my body I consider not these hard and terrible symptoms but I consider him the Apostle and high priest of my profession my confession clear nor did Jesus who was faithful to him that appointed him he's the faithful el shaddai in the flesh my professor go read Alleluia hallelujah Oh Hebrews 12 three that start with the first one wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and and the sin which does so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that said before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith I consider not these symptoms I consider not that debt I consider it not but I consider him who is the author and the provider and the finisher and the developer of my faith and he's faithful he's faithful he's faithful [Music] looking unto Jesus the author and finisher developer of my faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of God consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be wearied and faint in your mind you don't lay there in the middle of the night and worry and think and worry and he got pain bad pain thank God I've been through a lot of pain and I stand before you tonight without our pain in my body because of my covenant and my Jesus and not El Shaddai just saying God doesn't say it he has names the word God actually came out of German theology God he's yeah over the seven redemptive names of God well you seem rather compliment that was just for Israel that's all passed away he is yah ha ha ha oh when he said you do those things which are right at my side none of these diseases that came on Egypt come on you I am the lord that he loved thee I am Jehovah for it to have passed away he would have had to have changed his name what about Jehovah Sabbath not Sabbath Sabbath it's in both covenants let me tell you something you when I get to telling you this you goosebumps gonna double-park in the little book of Malachi where they talk about the tidy 22 times saith the Lord of hosts Jehovah sabore 'the jehovah god of the angelic armies of god 22 times in that little book and he said you prove me now herewith saith the Havas of author the destroyer I rebuke II who said that and Satan speaks he believes he understands and he sure understood that one because that's the same one that kicked the slats out of him before he'll read the book of Daniel Daniel prayed for 21 days partial fast and who came Gabriel Archangel and said David Oh David Danny fear not son we heard you the first day but the Prince of Persia let me make it plain Iran withstood me and finally I had to call on Michael and he took care of business the Archangel Wang yah ha ha ha both and he's your God and he's your father and your ministering spirit are they not all the angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who are heirs of salvation and Yahoo ba Sabbath is your father the Havas of all Jesus in the flesh the Lord of hosts commander in chief himself called here Oh God I don't see how you can sit yeah me too thank you Lord Jesus father we thank you tonight we praise you and thank you yeah all y'all do that you remember what happened after the slaughter of the kings no kids that came Melchisedec with Sam you can't tell that from the particular from the King James Bob would if you studied Jewish history and in particular the Kailash and the their law they have history of all this I mean they're got records the co way back then and Noah's three sons what did God say to Noah same thing he said to Adam be fruitful multiply subdue the earth take dominion over and have dominion over everything five swims and creep you know the whole and ham and Japheth did the same thing Adam did they just lift it off and threw it away not sham and Jesus is our remember now Melchizedek Sam after the slaughter of the kings came and blessed Abram saying blessed be Abram now here's the reason why this is reason wise Westerners don't get it the word of is in there blessed be Abram of the Most High God the covenant friend of God possessor of heaven and earth everybody knows God's possessor of heaven and earth he called Abram the professor's successor of him what do you have in his hand the bread and the wine and if you're a stranger from covenant you don't even get that you know any meaning things to you and you're still standing there and all day today this do it remembers for me what remembrance about it like this Jesus figuratively in that 13 14 15 16 17 chapters of the book of John was all right there at that final summer that covenant supper usually the figure that I read from dr. canyons book figuratively Jesus was dropping his bud in that line and said Frank it what did he already said if you don't eat of my body and drink of my blood every time you take that communion and you can take it every day and you just see it in your mind he's dropped his blood in this cup I'm drinking the blood of gold-mining I'm here and he's mine and Jesus Christ of Nazareth is my blood there is a friend capitalized kept a lid that sticked closer than a the King James translation goes back far enough goes way back to the time when covenants in Europe were very very very important and in James chapter 2 calling Abraham the friend of God the word friend friend is capitalized that's proper he's a blood covenant brother to God and Jesus said I no longer call you servants I called you friend Jesus I call you my you know work for me anymore we're brothers in blood and they just sit there they knew exactly what they knew exactly it was still so strange this is the first time they'd ever heard the blessing preached they had always heard the curse preached that's always that it's all they ever heard in sin ago they were all Orthodox Jews but covenant are very very very very real they knew that old book they knew the book of Genesis they knew the Book of Leviticus that makes blood so sacred even the blood of animals is sacred to them because the life of the flesh is in yes and I can't find a place to quit oh Jesus stand up please first of all let's just praise Him and thank him we served the Almighty God oh thank you our faith is in you sir put both hands on your head I call my body well I call my head will I call my brain well I call my as well I considered up any symptoms of sickness disease weakness or pain I consider him I consider the Lord Jesus himself who bore my sickness carried my pain and by his stripes my body's healed I called my body will I call my ears well I'll call my eyes well I call my mouth well my gums are well my tongue as well well the whole part in inside and outside my face is wrong well I call my sinuses well I called my salute well oh my call my talks as well I call my lungs well I called my heart well heart I call you well heart pouch I call you well I called my stomach well I call my intestines well I'll call my liver well it's over here on the right side I call setting it put your hand right up here like this I'll call my liver well liver your well do you hear me liver I call you well I call my thigh as well I'll call my knees will I call my sciatic nerves well I call my feet well I call my ankles well all of my body alcohol well I call my back well lower back I call you well any kind of back pain I call you well spinal stenosis I call you well I call you God I'm well hips I call you well I'm well thank God I'm will my back is well my shoulder shoulder I call you well I call you well I called my hand well I called my wrist well I called my elbow we'll I do not have nor will I receive any symptoms of arthritis [Music] joint pain of any kind I couldn't sit or not symptoms I consider them not I consider him that more that I consider am i el shaddai God in the flesh who lives on the inside of me right now greater is He that's in me then he's attempt to work I'm well I call my hips well oh my buddy oh we forgot the write-off right arm I call you in right elbow I caught you well right shoulder [Applause] now there's a lot of healings going on here right now online there's a lot of healing woman now listen to me listen to me this is not a church activity Norvel Hayes who just went home a few months ago and over 90 years old very close friend of brother Hagins very close friend of Gloria in mind and back number of years ago now normal Hayes as a business man very successful him he was up in Canada and he was up on the platform and there was a man that was in a wheelchair and just really paralyzed and and he was down in front had come down for to be prayed for and so forth and the word of the Lord came to normal and said tell him to call his legs straight and they'll straighten out so there and there was a lot of people praising God carrying on for less and Norval went down and got down there right next to him and said if you don't call your leg straight down straight now I got his look dead he said if you'll call your leg straight there straight now they just sit there no said the Lord told me to tell you if you'll call your leg straight down straight now I'll call my legs Jane no that's no good brother Hagin said he had to get down there and his ear people were you know there buddy he just got down there Harlan at the gun that's no good say it like you mean it I thought my legs Shane that won't work that's no good say it like you mean it I call my legs that won't work that's no good saying I call my legs straight no that's no good saying loud I'll call my legs say now that won't work say it say it like you mean it say it over and over and over again say it loud I saw my legs shake I call my leg straight I'll call my legs straight I call my legs straight I call my legs straight I call that leg straight brother Hagin said he started shouting it just as loud as he could just as fast as he could for about ten minutes and just got up walked off now I was doing this and I've been doing it for quite a while now and although I'm preaching this and I've gotten quiet about it man Baga behind I call my body well I call my body will I call my buddy will consider not my body 83 years old I consider only what God had promised and I consider him that bore every symptom in my body I consider the one who took it to hell and back I consider the one who's my God he's the hell said I gotta mine he's alive event made them very well just to get loud and say it here in the church I'm gonna do much for you you won't have to get to work you get up in the middle of the night you're laughing saying I'll call my body we'll go over how they lose you I called my body well glory thank God thank you Jesus I called my body will I call my buddy and on the way back to bed I called myself sound asleep now all my life I've never slept very well Gloria oh I think she goes to sleep as she's laying down oh that girl can sleep that I tell you what does thrilled me to lay there to watch her sleep but and I but I learned a long time ago that the 22nd song other 120 seconds huh it is vain to rise up early and sit up late eating the bread of Sorrows for he gives his beloved sleep therefore sleep is a gift and I believe I received that heavenly gift therefore by faith I'm sound asleep right now I am fast asleep do you ever think about that why people say that he's fast asleep oh fast asleep oh yeah I call myself fast asleep thank you Jesus [Music] faith in God God's Word is because of God is the moment the moment that God said you're the father of many nations he wants now all he had to do is believe it but he was I Got News for you he was before the foundation of the world because God is and his word is true and the most wonderful article of the Covenant is who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be so so [Music] saved he'll delivered you know it's really too bad we just read English because that word save set off that save healed delivered set free from dangers [Music] are you glad you came tonight well give the Lord another frame
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 21,084
Rating: 4.8376069 out of 5
Id: g16fWUqC73Q
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Length: 120min 52sec (7252 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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