Kent Christmas Prophecy 🔥 GOD Told Me Trial in White House (Sep 15, 2021)

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well the you know the lord does uh set things up it just it just dawned on me while he was speaking uh the title of my message we're gonna stay in the warring theme uh this is what god dropped in my spirit but the title of my message today is draw your sword and i thought so interesting that you get them talk about the enemy stabbing you well we're going to stab the enemy today amen we're going to wound i know this unequivocally that the enemy has never seen a church likes being raised up right now we are a surprise to the devil and i think i got some kleenex in my eye here that's what happens when you cry too much i am a oxymoron i'm a weeper and yet i am a warrior i want you to stand with me we're going to read today out of the book of luke pastor todd great to have you and michelle with us today the book of luke chapter 22 and i'm going to release a rhema word to you today i believe that will will change the way that you live in your life this has been a very debatable passage of scripture lots of people don't understand what it means when they read it but i think by the help of the holy ghost today i can give you some insight into what the writer is saying the the 22nd chapter of luke is the setting where jesus is talking about what is getting ready to happen to him his suffering his crucifixion his betrayal and that he is going to die and be resurrected again at the end of his discourse in that room where they've had the last supper in verse 35 he said unto them when i sent you without purse and script or money and shoes like ye anything and they said nothing then he said unto them but now he that hath the purse let him take it and likewise his script he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one for i say unto you that it is written that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me and he was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me heaven in and they said lord behold here are two swords and he said unto them it is enough god bless you could be seated jesus is talking to them and he's reminding them that as long as i was with you he said i want you to remember this you never lacked anything and sometimes god needs to remind us that as long as god is with us he will meet all of our need according to his riches in glory then the lord begins to talk to them and he said but i'm getting ready to go away and he said you need to go buy a sword and a little later on we read it and they said well lord here's two swords and he said it's enough he wasn't speaking about two natural swords would be enough i think at that point they were missing what he was saying in the spirit and he was looking and say enough of that kind of talk because not long after that the bible says that peter drew a sword and cut the ear off of malcus and jesus looked at peter he said put up your sword because he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword so the lord wasn't talking here in terms of a natural weapon when you study the life of jesus and you listen to his dissertations and his teachings you will very quickly realize that jesus loved metaphors and that many times he would use metaphors to release a scriptural principle for example when he said if thy right eye offends thee pluck it out he was not telling us that if you have a problem with looking at something you shouldn't men you need to pull your your eye out of your head because that would not solve the problem because the problem is not in the eye it's in the heart he said if thy right hand offend thee then cut it off he wasn't saying that he was using a metaphor so the lord is speaking here and he's trying to break a truth to them what he's saying is as long as i was with you i was your protection never in one scripture of the gospels does it ever say that any disciple was ever harmed when they were with jesus you can't find it any place it never says and jesus was teaching and a man came up and stabbed philip and he died it's not in there why because they were in and under the protection of a divine protector and so i'm going to bring you through a little journey here but the lord is looking in them and he is saying now listen guys he said i'm leaving and he said when i leave i'm not going to be here any longer to be able to protect you so he said you need to buy yourself a sword because you're going to go into battle and if you do not have a weapon you are going to be defeated so the lord looked at him and he said you didn't need a sword before because i was your sword i was your protection but he said i'm physically leaving so i'm telling you that you need a weapon for battle now i want to read a verse that you're very familiar with this lists the armor of god in ephesians chapter 6. and verse 11 it says you need to put on the whole armor of god and the reason why is is so you can stand against the wiles of the devil the devil is very uh he disguises himself he is very very gifted in the ways of coming against you he uses tricks verse 12 you and i are not wrestling against flesh and blood for us as white people the american indian is not our our enemy for black americans the white person is not your enemy what we are dealing with in america are spiritual enemies but the media will try to bring them into a natural realm and put a label on them and he if he can get you to shift from the spirit realm into the natural realm and fight hatred with hatred then we're gonna lose because our weapons are not natural weapons for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but we are wrestling against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places so the lord begins to the writer paul he begins to talk about the armor of god and he lists them to he says the loins squirt about with truth the blessed breastplate of righteousness feeds shaw with the preparation of the gospel of peace the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to stop the fiery darts of the wicked the helmet of salvation and then he says this the sword of the spirit and then he doesn't speak in metaphors he says the sword of the spirit is the word of god that's why david said thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee the reason so many believers are weak today is because they do not put themselves in the word of the lord you need to read the word in the morning you need to read it at night if you are a christian and you can go weeks without reading the bible then don't complain when you are defeated you fall on your face temptation overtakes you because you will never defeat the powers of darkness unless you are bleeding the word of the lord that when the enemy comes against you hallelujah that the word of god begins to rise up in you when he begins to lie against you and he says you're sick you can say but the word says i am healed your children will go to hell but the word says and when they're old they will not depart from it when he says you're going to lose your mind but we shall be led forth by our peace for he give us not the spirit of fear but he gives us the power of love and of a sound mind that you're gonna die younger the word says he preserves the life of the righteousness you're gonna go bankrupt and you're gonna lose everything you got but the word says i will review the devourer for your saints you're not never going to be blessed but i the word says i will cause it to be heaped up running over pressed down shall men give it to your bosom so no wonder hallelujah god calls the word the sword incidentally it is the only offensive weapon that you and i have even the shield of faith is not an offensive weapon you hold the shield of faith here that covers that left eye see that's why we don't walk by sight we walk by faith because when you hold up the shield of faith it makes your left eye blind in the natural you can't see all you can see is faith but in this hand your right eye can see what's in this hand the sword of the lord that's the offensive weapon this will stop what's coming in faith can stop stuff you cannot see hallelujah but the sword of the lord begins to and it begins to cut down the powers of darkness see what's happened in the earth in america especially the church has had faith but we've had no sword and no wonder our government's convoluted and filled with betrayal and traitors and sin and ungodliness and the media has been overrun it's because there has been no offensive weapon in the house of the lord i got news for hell today there is a church that is rising up and we're not coming defenseless our hands are not empty but we are in the hand of the almighty hand of god and there is a sword of the lord and we cut in the atmosphere we come against the enemy we don't sit back and hide out but we charge by the power of darkness and we pull down the strongholds of hell see when you get the word of god in you you will not be intimidated hallelujah we are not intimidated this is one preacher you cannot shut up you cannot intimidate you cannot dare and come against me because i am a voice of the holy ghost in this hour and as i loose the word of the lord today i command cancer i mortally wound cancer oh in this building to all the online members of this church i bind every demon and i sever them by the power of the word of the lord i loose hallelujah health i lose joy i lose president trump in the name of the lord i loose him this house today a release of the power of the holy ghost why is the word of god so powerful this book right here why is it so powerful because apostle john had a revelation of it he starts off his book it's the only gospel that is not a synoptic gospel matthew mark and luke are synoptic gospels they're they're similar in their style and how they write but not john he starts off luke starts off with the natural birth of jesus john starts off with the eternal birth of jesus in the beginning what's the word not when they called for taxes in bethlehem but before men ever existed before devils ever were in creation in the beginning he says was the word and the word was god and the word hallelujah was manifested in the flesh then he skips over to john 14 and jesus said this he said i am truth and then he jumps another three chapters in john 17 and 17 and then he says this thy word is truth see how god connects it first it's the word hallelujah then it's truth and then he says thy word is truth so then we come back to jesus telling them he says i need you to buy a sword he wasn't telling us you know i i'm all for holding government offices as christians and all of that i just think we might be a little bit late this what's wrong in our nation is not going to be fixed by getting a few people as mayors and governors in the united states of america or even as congressmen this is a spiritual issue so it has to be dealt with on a spiritual battlefield so god needs warriors in this hour and so the lord begins i think the scripture that was written all the way back into the old testament proverbs 23 and 23 just simply says this buy the truth and sell it not what's he saying same thing jesus said you need to go buy a sword see the bible says that about christ has said the church is the only thing that jesus ever bought said he purchased the church with his own blood but i'm going to tell you what holy ghost is free healing is free but according to the scripture you got to by the word in other words there has to be something given in exchange for the word of the lord there has to be a love for the work there has to be a pursuit of the word there has to be he who hungers and thirsts for righteousness shall be filled hallelujah and what god is doing in this house i prayed probably for for four or five years when we were in the other location i would walk in that building i would walk at the park and i would pray and i knew that we had the presence of god in our church i knew that i could preach under the anointing i just couldn't figure out why nobody came visitors would come and they would say we can't understand why your church ain't filled and i began to pray i said lord i know that in a hundred mile radius there is a remnant that's why i love you being here today remnant ministry but i would say it in prayer i says i need you to gather the remnant from lebanon and borough from way out hallelujah and franklin and columbia way up hallelujah into portland and springfield way over over into lebanon and and begin to gather the remnant under the roof now we are beginning to see this you know what's in this building today you know what's watching online it is a remnant of men and women that god is marshaling together and he's bringing them into one place we're going to raise the roof on the fourth of july if the grand ole opry thinks they've had some great times there you wait till we lose holy ghost anointed men women and singers in that building we're going to saturate the atmosphere that the next time the grand ole opry starts and singers walk out on the stage they're going to go what what is this what do i feel what's going on is because we're going to loose in the atmosphere the power and of the word of the lord so the lord is leading up to something he is very emphatic about this principle he is saying this you need to get a sword you need to buy a sword because it is the only thing that you will ever have at your disposal that can defeat the powers of darkness from cancer to incest it has authority over them i was listening this to them talk about healing you know the medical field is able to target certain diseases but they will have a medicine but it can only target one particular sickness but the blood of jesus hallelujah it's one size fits all it doesn't matter if you come in with leukemia or you come in with cancer it doesn't matter if you're demon possessed or you're fighting depression the blood of jesus hallelujah is an all-inclusive antidote for the very powers of darkness that are invading the human body and when you begin to release the word of the lord the word of the lord the word of the lord what are you doing you are with a sword and you are cutting down the very things that the enemy has done the devil is not used to being attacked this is why churches don't practice deliverance because that involves being offensive they just want to sit back and say if he'll leave us alone we'll leave him alone we are not here to leave the devil alone if the enemy thinks that after six months that we're gonna roll over and die and say well i guess that's just the way it is and we can't change something no sir there is a remnant in the united states of america in australia in canada in the united kingdom in england all across the world there is a remnant that is not bowing down and not listening to the enemy that says we won you can't do anything about it but i am releasing right now in the heavens a word of the lord i have unsheathed the sword in the holy ghost and even right now saith the lord the angels of god are beginning to wield the sword of the word of god there are even strongholds saith god in this hour that are being pulled down by the power of the lord hear me saith the lord for the reports of the victory of the evil are going to become fewer and fewer and the reports of the victory and the turnaround is going to become more and more and more for the plow man's going to overtake the reaper saith god for there is a release of the spirit of the lord in this nation for the enemies come against you because there is a great outpouring of the spirit of the lord know this that you are privileged in this hour to you your own eyes to behold the greatest revival that the world will ever see hold on say god we be may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning i'll lose hope in you i'll lose faith in you i'll lose the anointing in you that you would receive of the powers of god prophets understood this because isaiah 49 and 2 he wrote this he says he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword so now we're getting a little bit more concise on where god's going the same writer and proverbs wrote this verse that we all are familiar with but he said death and life are in the power of the tongue so on the day of pentecost when jesus left the earth the disciples went into hiding for 40 days jesus was on the earth and they hung out with him the bible says that he showed himself alive by many infallible passions or many uh many signs that could not be debated but the last 10 days before pentecost jesus ascended on the mount of olives as soon as he left as he's leaving he told them he said you need to go to jerusalem you need to hang out there and stay there until you be in dude he didn't say okay guys now it's time to go evangelize the earth why because he knew that they were not equipped because they had no sword because the sword was being resurrected being translated he was going up into heaven so for ten days the church defenseless is in the upper room quarantined that's where they were and on the tenth day suddenly there came a sound from heaven like a russian mighty woman what happens the bible says it fills the whole house where they are sitting and there appears to them cloven tongues like fire and it sits upon each of them and what happens they all begin to speak the word at that moment god puts a sword in their mouth and now they are equipped to take on any kind of conflict that they want to throw out them because they are no longer defenseless but now they have a sword in their mouth this is why isaiah said he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword from that day on everything began to change because the sword can speak life or death all right in fact the very first time that you ever read about a sword in the bible is when sin enters into the garden of eden and god looks at adam and eve and the devil and he evicts them from his holy presence and then the scripture says i think it's in the third chapter of genesis the scripture says that god took cherubims with flaming swords and what were they doing the bible said they were not they were not going outside of the garden but it said they were guarding the tree of life so it could be preserved to be released on the day of pentecost because on the day of pentecost the life hallelujah that was in the blood was released in the atmosphere and it began to come out of their mouth and every nation said we hear them speak the wondrous works of god in our own languages what was going on there was a sword being released out of heaven where god was saying now you can guard what comes out of your mouth this is why the lord's hallelujah talks about this it says in hebrews the word of god is quick and powerful and it is sharper than any two-edged sword what he's saying is the scripture says whatever you bind god albin and whatever you lose god will loose when you take the sword of the lord and you swipe it through the air in the kingdom of darkness on one swoop you are killing the enemy you are binding him so he cannot manifest and then you go this way and you're cutting loose hallelujah you're an inheritance and your purpose sharper than any two-edged sword this way i wound the enemy this way i loose the glory of god in our lives and in the atmosphere this way jackie i kill cancer this way hallelujah i loose your health in the name of the lord this way we stop this convoluted election message going on in our nature and this way we loose the glory of god and we lose righteousness and justice in the land by the power of the lord no wonder god said its praise or its prophets and judah that are the first to go into the battle why because both of them are speaking things that have not yet happened judah means praise what was jasmine doing up here leading us we were praising god we were loosing a swipe of the sword we were cutting through the atmosphere that the enemy could not touch us as we go into the word of the lord that's why god is loose prophets in the earth right now it's because they are cutting through the atmosphere against the lies and the debauchery and the deceit that has been going on and thus saith the lord thus saith the lord thus saith the lord what is that that is the prophetic word of god cutting through the atmosphere it's not i or anybody else that is speaking out it is the sword of the lord no wonder on the fourth of july we are going to loose the sword of the lord and the year that we celebrate the liberty of this nation we are going to come back through and release hallelujah in the atmosphere of the glory and the power of god [Applause] deuteronomy 33 and 29 talks about this said is he said israel the lord is the sword of thy excellency it's been so long since christians were offensive you don't have to have a sword to take up an offering you know in reality the scriptures that everybo all the preachers use to take up big offerings is in the old testament it's funny though that in a new testament time that unless you really go deep and you can go into hebrews and talk about melchizedek and he was a priest not after the order of levite and even even abraham paid ties into him and there is a teaching there but it's funny how the modern church for a lot of preachers we say that tongues is over and shouting's over and holiness is over but somehow we can resurrect a verse out of the old testament offerings ain't over isn't that amazing it don't matter what denomination you're in offering somehow survived everything the disciples are dead jesus is dead bible's no antiquity but offerings are around you can have five services on a sunday and they can forget a lot of things but they will not forget the offering this is why we don't major on money in this church if god births it then let god pay for it i thank god for all the you that tithe and all the you that sow online but you are not my source and i am not your source god is our source and the lord is in this hour this is an hour right now if you watch my podcast last wednesday this is an hour where god is going to take the wealth of ungodly men that have been caretakers of him and he is going to release it into the body of christ so i want to i want to just give you a few examples about the word of the lord the sword of god that your mouth is your sword and either you can commit suicide with it or you can live victorious with it but death and life are in the power of the tongue and so many of us me included over the years before i got a revelation of him i let the devil wound me with my own mouth the scripture says of gideon he says i'm the least of the tribe at least in my father's house i'm not trained in war and you know the story and god whittles his army down from i think 32 000 to 300 men and the bible says that he's going to battle against i think the amla kites and the midian knights and the bible said you know there's like the sand of the seashore there's so many of them and here they're standing down there and the lord says make a circle of 300 men around it and have a trumpet and a pitcher and a lamp that's what they went to battle with and they're standing around at the night time and the lord says when i tell you to do this break the pictures let the lamp shine blow the trumpet but the sword of the lord and of gideon what was he declaring when you say that you are going to release the sword of the spirit which is the word of god what does the word of god do it creates in the beginning god said god said god said there was there was there was what does the word do it doesn't matter if you say but i don't have education i don't have money god doesn't need stuff he speaks things that are not as though they already are your faith creates something in the atmosphere in the name of the lord hallelujah i lose the sword of the lord in your mouth right now that if you're facing bankruptcy and you're a tiger we break it in jesus name every demon spirit that's coming against you against your children by the authority of the holy ghost i wield the sword of the lord across the earth right now every nation we call in to the glory of god we call in the united states of america into liberty by releasing the sword of the lord here's what happened the bible said when he said the sword of the lord and of gideon what did he do he stepped over into the spirit realm for the weapons of our warfare are not natural weapons he used faith and he declared when he declared the sword of the lord and of gideon the bible says and god made his enemy take their own swords and turn on each other and they killed each other while gideon is standing with a little trumpet a broken pitcher and a little lamp in the midnight hour and 299 guys and the lord said this for the battle is not yours but stand still and see the salvation of the lord until we get a mindset in this nation as a church that we are not filing political people we are not fighting democrats or republicans or the supreme courts we're not fighting dishonest men and women we are fighting the powers of darkness and our weapons hallelujah have to be what come out of our mouth thank god for prayer meeting yesterday morning what was going on we are loosing the sword you got a room full of men and women that were just walking through the atmosphere go on the sword of the lord the sword of the lord the sword of the lord what will be doing in worship we are wielding the sword of the lord what am i doing right now i am flashing the sword of the lord over you right now over this nation and i am loosing you by the power of god because every instance a spiritual weapon will always defeat a natural weapon it's no match because it's the power of god and first samuel i must go there a lot because it's the only part of my bible that's come out of its binding but in first samuel we know the story of of david and goliath and is a praiser but he's also a prophet the scripture calls him a prophet he's a praiser he also can eat the shell bread that the priest eat because he has a high priest in his loins he is so many things he's a king he is a general of an army and here at a young man his coming out moment he comes into the scene and we know the story goliath is intimidating the heck out of israel what is he doing he is speaking a sword declaration goliath is he's speaking it saul should be the one drawing his sword he's the king he should be leading israel into battle but whenever you don't put value on the presence of the lord and in his case the ark of the covenant you won't know anything about hallelujah having faith and the presence of god and saul instead of drawing his sword he tries to give it to somebody else he looks at dave and he's david says i'll go he doesn't think he has a snowballs tents in the middle of august in nashville tennessee but he puts his armor on him straps his sword on the side and david looks at it he said i don't know what these can do i ain't used them before take them off so here comes david he is a praiser he is a prophetic utterance and he comes unto the scene and as goliath sees him he begins to declare what he's going to do to david his sword is on his side and as he gets he looks at david he said i'll take your head off i'll feed you to the birds of the air the fowls he said i i'm insulted that they would send such a young man after me what does david do he does not have any sword in the natural but he comes with a declaring word of the lord he doesn't draw the natural sword he draws a spirit sword and he begins to prophesy he says all right you've said what you're going to do now let me tell you what i'm going to do they'll say it the lord i'm going to take your head off of your shoulders i'm going to defeat you before the israelites and the philistines i'm going to let everybody know there's no god in israel like the god jehovah and he said when the day is over you're going to be defeated what was he doing he got a hold of a sword called the word of god in the midst of an impossible situation when it looked like it could never come off david was going i this is what god's saying now this is what god's saying this is what god's saying and a rock of ages came out of that sling and hit goliath in the head and he fell down dead what went on it was a spirit sword that took on a natural sword and in the spirit of the lord today there is a spiritual sword being wielded in this nation i don't care what cnn says i don't care what msnbc said i don't care what apple news said all i know is that the word was long before they ever existed and the word of god says in the last days i will pour out my spirit up on all flesh the word says there shall be right in the evening time the word says i'm coming back for a glorious church without spa wrinkle or blemish that we are going to try over by the power of the holy ghost that unprecedented healings are unprecedented and deliberate unprecedented glory mammoth crowds in the bridgestone praising the name of the lord and here's what the world does not understand [Applause] is any time the word the sword comes out of your mouth and defeats your enemy then well god will take the enemy's own weapons and kill them and david with a sword declared what he was going to do he went over picked up goliath sword that should have had the blood of david on it from cutting his head off and david cuts goliath's head off i wondered why he did that i think this is why because the head had the mouth and the tongue in it that was making all the insinuating intimidating remarks and david cut it off brought the head back to jerusalem and gave the sword to the priest now this is what happens if you won't use the word of god saul should have used the sword of the lord he would not draw his sword so not too long after that in the 31st chapter i think it's first samuel the bible said that there was war with the philistines saul went to battle and he was severely wounded and he looked at his armor bearer and he said kill me so they don't come and kill me and his armor bear would not and the bible said that saul took his own sword that should have cut the head of goliath off and his own sword killed him then the bible says now remember david took elias head back to jerusalem to the temple and the sword the philistines found saul cut off his head took his armor took it back to their god asked to roth and put his head and his sword in their temple you either use the word of god or the enemy will take your own weapon and he will make you fall on your own sword and this is why so many christians allow the enemy with the sword of their mouth to say well i don't think it's ever going to get any better can i pray for you well yeah but you know i just i just don't know if god can do it what are they doing they are pulling the enemy has pulled their sword and he is killing them with the sword of their own mouth because there's life and death in the power of your tongue why that's why james says behold how great of fire the tongue can set on fire the word kindle means a forest he's saying remember how great of a force the tongue can set on fire what was he declaring that the sword hallelujah can burn down the house of the enemy if you get a hold of the sword of the lord i don't care what's going on in your life my son that did communion today holy ghost filled powerful men of god does a great teaching on deliverance but all those years he was gay and had a partner diamond tell you this and they hit me with he'll i'd have christians come and tell me well you're just born that way well you know god that's just some people were just like that and i have a crusade gay people don't get delivered if you get offended so be it all i know is when he was born i laid hands on him and i dedicated him to the lord and i watched him get filled with the holy ghost when he was eight years old i think he was eight and i refused to watch the devil charge me with secular humanism and the mentality of psychiatrists and psychologists that say this is the way it is all i know is that god said hallelujah he who finds a wife finds a good thing so we would go to prayer and i would say the name of jesus i bind this demon spirit off of my son and i commanded to leave him today he's on fire full of the holy ghost mary got children you've watch what god can do can i tell you there is no rock like my rock there is no god like my god some of you need to rise up in the holy ghost shake off these heavy bands and they get in the cloud my god said it wield your sword wield your sword attack your enemy and bring him down by the power of god i will finish i'll finish with this thought revelations 12 15 says the serpent previous scripture says he's called the devil cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman the church that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood see the devil understands this principle that he can speak things how did he get eve by quoting the word how did he tempt jesus in the wilderness speaking the word he just misquoted it a little bit he shaded it a little bit and the scripture says that the enemy in this hour is going to release out of the mouth a flood what is the biggest problem in the united states of america right now it is the flood of lies that's coming out of the media i recently heard somebody tell it this way television tell a vision wish i could own up to that that's mine but a name but what i'm saying is that there is a flood of lies yeah false visions you need to come up and help me preach that hallelujah that there's this flood and you save them what's the antidote what is the answer but revelation starts out in the 16th verse john said i saw jesus and out of his mouth was a two was a went a sharp two edged sword that's what he saw and then he goes all the way to the end of the 19th chapter in fact maybe we can just read that revelations chapter 19 starting with verse 11 and i saw heaven open behold a white horse and he that set upon him was called faithful and true in righteousness he doth judge and what make war his eyes as to the flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no man knew but he himself he was clothed with vesture dipped in blood and his name is called what the word of god hallelujah and he hath or he hath on or to see out of his uh verse 14 and the armies which were in heaven followed him on white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean that's the righteousness of the saints so you got a whole army of saints following him and then he said verse 15 and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations he will rule them with a rod of iron he treaded the wine press and the fierceness and the wrath of the almighty god and he hath on his venture and on his side a name written king of kings and lord of lords can i tell you that no matter what hell is saying it doesn't matter what the media is saying all i know is i see jesus hallelujah and he's coming to make war and out of his mouth out of his mouth is a two-edged sword and he is speaking life he is speaking life he's speaking death to hell and he's speaking life hallelujah to the enemy or to the church of the most hot i want you to stand with me right now because we're going to do something first of all there are many of you in ignorance but you've been allowing the devil to kill you with your own sword your own mouth and if that's you listen i did that for years you can be filled with the holy ghost and speak in tongues and still have the devil wound you with your own mouth so we're going to break that if that's you and you today say god's turning the line on today i'm changing the way that i speak rapid whether you're in the balcony or in the floor come on i want you to stand right here because you're going to have to change the way that you talk you're going to have to take the sword out of your enemy's hand hallelujah you cannot speak death you cannot sit in your living room you cannot get on the telephone and say well it's just bad i don't know how i'm going to get out of this it's hopeless you know my mom had this and my grandma died of that you have got to stop letting the devil wound you get up close come on there's a lot of you coming hallelujah hallelujah some of you the reason sickness stays in your body is because you have accepted it you've made peace with it i had a woman pray as come up to me recently she said i just i'm just asking you to pray that god will give me the money so i can buy my medicine for my diabetes and i'm thinking why not just pray that god heal you of your diabetes then you can take the money and go buy a new dress so in the name of the lord hallelujah raise your hands now the name of jesus hallelujah god i put a sword back in the mouth of these men and women right now in the name of jesus you need to tell the lord repent right now tell god i'm sorry i did it in ignorance but i am sorry that i have spoke death and not life but from today on there's gonna be a sword begin to come out of my mouth and it does not matter what the enemy's done it doesn't matter what hole i'm in what valley i'm walking through i am coming out of this i am more than a conqueror lord right now give them revelation revelation in the name of the lord i lose miracles on you i lose healing on you i lose deliverance on you i lose revelation on you by the power of the holy spirits now stay right here now as many as you that can we can let's get up as close as we can i want you to get out your seats let's cram the aisles we're going to draw a sword today in the name of the lord we're going to draw a sword i felt like god spoke to me today that we were going to shift something in the atmosphere over the united states of america hallelujah hallelujah we got room right up here come on let's fill it up get up close as you can no social distancing at regeneration nashville hallelujah hallelujah and they i will not break rank shoulder to shoulder there is no corona virus in the presence of the lord get that revelation you cannot get it it is of the devil you declare it will not touch me i am healed by the name of jesus now i want you to loose out of your mouth i want you to begin to declare over your life over your children over the united states of america over our president trump that has been exiled declared god begin to reverse things now lord in the name of jesus that's it you are loosing the sword out of your mouth the sword he's made my mouth light a sharp sword i get sharp sword that's it you are wielding something in the atmosphere it's breaking in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah do you feel it my god there's something going on in the holy ghost let the roar loose let the roar loose let your prayer language loose in the name of jesus you are leaving today different than when you came in every demon spirit of the name of the lord we mortally wound you by the power of god in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: God Loves You
Views: 48,868
Rating: 4.9283886 out of 5
Keywords: Kent Christmas, Kent Christmas Powerful Message 2021, Kent Christmas Daily Prayer, kent christmas, kent christmas prophetic word, kent christmas prophet, kent christmas 2021, kent christmas powerful prophecy 2021, Prophetic Word 2021, New prophetic message 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 53sec (3353 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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