Knowing Him, Part 2 | Nancy Dufresne | Holy Ghost Meetings 2020

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halleluyah halleluyah will endeavour to pick up where we left off last night and if you weren't here last night you would certainly want to go back and view that or listen to that somehow because it matters it matters that we move ahead with God with right thinking right approach and turn with me if you would to Psalm chapter 27 Psalm chapter 27 hallelujah when brother Copeland was here and his last service was Saturday night and in the closing remarks of his sermon he made this statement now you understand he of course preached blood covenant with such weightiness of Revelation right and then he made this statement and I believe that it's if we could say this the climax of why preached what he preached and he made this closing statement he said I was born to know him I was born to be like him amen and that's what the blood covenant is all about I said that's what it's all about and so that's in keeping with what I had in my heart for these meetings and we have to realize this knowing God think of it the opportunity to know him bring the house down a little bit for me the opportunity to know him it's our spiritual birthright I'm not gonna sell my birthright off for the natural that ends up leaving me weeping like Esau wept over what he made that exchange for amen and it is our priceless privilege but our spiritual birthright to know him and let's not just think knowing scriptures or knowing principles as important as principles are there to help us know him they're not a substitute for knowing him amen and this is a bit of what we talked about last night because we can't know him by emotions we can't know him by feelings I'm not talking about working up a feeling of knowing we know him by the word and the Holy Spirit is the one who reveals him to us and we come to know him by the spirit that we're not seeking to know him after the flesh dad Hagin made this statement he said I think many people make a mistake by trying to know Jesus after the flesh they want to go where he was and there's nothing wrong with going over to the Palestine area to Israel nothing wrong with that but you're not good you shouldn't know him better because you went there amen because that that location does not reveal what the word reveals of who he is amen and people try to handle something in the natural that helps them to know him and they're gonna cheat themselves they'll never know him that way Amen it's by the spirit and we know him by spirit we don't know him by flesh and people you know may put a picture of Jesus a painting of Jesus dad Hagin now that Hagin made this statement he says I think it's many times a mistake because people have asked him of the several times that he had seen them Jesus he said they said does he look anything like the paintings he said none them cat none of them why and he says I think it's a mistake to try to capture him after the flesh I'm not saying people shouldn't paint him I'm saying people should not stock anything of their spirituality on the way a painting looks it's by the spirit we know him not after the flesh amen and and it's how we should begin to move with one another that we know each other after the spirit and not just after the flesh then you'll have struggles with who's preaching if the pastor's not there Sunday and you know if it's a whatever it's a man preaching or a woman preaching and it affects or you know if it's not who you thought was going to be advertised all that stuff is knowing things after the flesh and we cheat ourselves when we keep ourselves on that natural carnal level I've had so many through the art through the years not many but a few and and some that have said it to where word got to me but even some have said it to me personally and said the lady I don't believe in women preachers I said me neither because I'm not up here as a woman I am a woman but I'm not up here representing women now doesn't matter to me whether a woman ever hits the pulpit again or not I'm not trying to blaze a path for women because I'm not trying to accomplish something by the flesh amen and when he said I don't much believe in women preachers I said me neither I believe in anointed ones annoying in this because I don't believe in men preachers that they're not anointed I don't believe in women preachers that they're not anointed I don't believe in a preacher because of what gender they have if without the anointing no yokes get destroyed it's about the anointing it's about knowing moving by the spirit and accomplishing things by the spirit and to know him is by the spirit it's not by feelings but as we get in his presence there will come feelings but it's not the feelings that help us to know him and it's not this the feelings that dictate how spiritual we are amen praise the Lord and we were talking about last night that we want to make sure that we don't prize this and we do prize principles of faith but principles of faith does not mean you knowing being able to list steps to take those that doesn't mean we know and they help direct us to the one we're to know and they help us to be skillful with what the one we know has made ours but principles are not him amen and the principles of faith are steps to be taken but principles are not to be focused on he's our focus but principles are steps taken for the principles point us to him Amen Psalm 27 verse eight and I'm going to read out of the amplified it says you have said seek my face inquire for look listen to this and require my presence as your vital need my heart says to you so he's waiting for the response of what he offers my heart says to you your face your presence Lord will I seek inquire for and require of necessity and on the authority of your word how many of you know he's in us he's in us so for us in the New Covenant it's about turning toward and turning our attention and focus toward the one that is in US and toward his word that reveals the one who is in us amen because we can have someone we can have this great one in us and never really know him why do people end up in the divorce court they never really learned the one they were in covenant with being in covenant doesn't mean you know someone and him as being the temple of him doesn't mean we know him that we can be in covenant belong to him and still never really know him we know him as far as we seek to know him amen when Billy Graham turned 80 years old because he went home to be with the Lord well over over a hundred years old I believe was he a high nine user yeah but when he turned 80 Larry King had him on his broadcast his 80th birthday and Larry King made this statement he said there are a lot of men who get to the latter years of their life and lament how they've lived and he said it must be so fulfilling for you to be able to look it over how you spent your life and be fulfilled when other men are lamenting how they've spent their life and Billy Graham made this statement he said I am the greatest failure among all men for I was too much with people I was too much doing meetings and in Crusades I was not enough with God if I would have been more with God the people would have sensed more of God about me now that's what he said it's at 80 let's not wait 2 or 80 amen because we can get so busy doing the work loving the work and missing out on this wonderful spiritual inheritance of knowing him not to say that Billy Graham didn't know God but to say he was saying I cheated myself there was more I could have done to know him and Bend more with him because if we learn this if we become so sensitive skillful in our approach to him and yielding to him responding to him you don't have to work near as hard for him because a greater degree of him flows through you accomplishing what you couldn't have done by multiplied hours that he can he can in a moment do what you couldn't accomplish in months amen praise the Lord I can look back at times for me in my life that when I would go through certain tests and certain ones I'm thinking of in particular that there were four that were really for me weighty tests that came against me and I was reading all the books I could read and I was asking all the questions I could ask and asking questions of my husband at times and searching listening to all the tapes I could listen to to try to find really at that time I was looking for relief I wasn't really looking for victory I was just looking for relief and I found myself doing all I could do coding everything I could quote confessing all I could confess reading all I could read and nothing got better I'm just talking there was nothing changing and I began spending time not trying just being with him and I would lay literally I told my husband I said there's such harassment coming to my mind that the only way I get peace is to get in the spirit not confessing confessing didn't give me the peace I had to get in the spirit and I said that's the only time I get relief and so I would wake up and that's the first thing I would do I would turn every bit of myself in his direction and all throughout the day I would go back and make sure I never got too far out of the spirit because if I got any if I got too far out of the spirit that harassment and torment would come back into play and I would lay for hours once I got into that place a piece I would just lay for hours still just I didn't want to leave that place amen and what was I doing I was just staying in his presence I didn't know all my answers yet I didn't know all the steps I needed but if I just got in his presence there was a protection from what the assault on me while I was learning while I was learning is there is there help for young Christians who don't know all the confessions or don't know all they don't have the skill yet is a protection absolutely getting his presence because it will safeguard you while you learn it will be a place of refreshing from the heat that Hagen told us and you we heard it in services we heard it on tapes and those of you who have followed his ministry heard this but we have to go back to this because we can't dismiss this if we're going to have full measure in the revival we're in that Hagen said he told her times that his congregation would sit for an hour or an hour and a half nobody would move nobody would talk no babies would cry and they had no childcare in those days and there was not a sound made and then he made this statement people would say what's the use of sitting quietly no one said anything no exhortation no preaching what was the use of it you're just occupied with his presence your attention and focus is there and dad Hagen made a statement he said when those times would come he said I would go for a year-and-a-half in that glory why because when you get in the glory it's not to leave it there it's to saturate you so that your life becomes that flow now notice notice he said after those times there he said I would go for a year and a half in that glory the glory of that one service when he said that it dawned on me because when he came to our church in 2003 and he was here for a week after those services I recognized for a year and a half I was in another place I'm talking about in my in my fellowship with God in there was a tangibility there was a weightiness there was something that was imparted we were we were lifted into another place in the spirit and I went in that and I said isn't that interesting it was a year and a half I went in it before I recognized that it kind of weaned so to speak God doesn't want it to wean if we will just keep refreshing ourselves in that and that's what dad Hagin said those times of quiet and stillness that people get antsy in you know the flesh is wanting to move or do something it was a pray I don't know if he's here tonight because his job might he may be here but I so appreciated it we had a service a couple of weeks ago here and my son grant did it it was when Morgan was in Florida I believe for the holidays and grant did the midweek service and he was going to teach but when he got up to do the service there was just a spirit of worship and so we just worshiped and grant recognized that flow and didn't try to do something and you know that's not always easy on the flesh when especially when you're learning and you're just younger in ministry you feel like you've got to do something and deliver something and bring something to the people but he just he just sat back and let the Holy Ghost move and we sat and we worshiped we sat in the presence of God and there was a tangible anointing on that and then he called at the end of that he called for anyone who had pain in their body and he ministered to them laid hands on them and I I so appreciated this what this one precious congregation member just said to me maybe a week ago he said pastor Nancy I wanted to thank you for the way you raised your children because he said because your son obeyed God in that service and was sensitive to the Holy Ghost my wife and I both needed healing and we got healed because of the way you raised your son to honor see things are received in that glory pastors were raising the congregation and it's important that we raise them to know how to sit in the presence of God and let his presence and glory do what no sermon can deliver not to diminish a sermon but these each have their flows and they each bring their supply to the life of God's people and a sermon will never bring to you what just sitting in the presence of God will do and just sitting in the presence of God will not renew your mind that a sermon does they all have their role and in your marriage and in your family there's many aspects to the way your family functions and operates you know when Ed and I got married he was on the road so much but I understood this I didn't marry him to not be with him and there were times that we understood that we had to make effort to be together because the phone call would not do because just sending a gift would not do we had to be in the room and just be there and there's a time that confessions just wants a substitute for when you just need to sit and be with the one who purchased us and just be there just be there and you remember when you fell first fell in love with that one you all you wanted to do would just be where they were you didn't have to go you you didn't even care listen my husband did something I look back on it and kind of chuckle because I didn't know my husband well he didn't he he said he didn't like playing games and things and that came because his childhood was not a habit it was not a home that had games in it it was head is a home that had heartache in it and they were just trying to survive but in a happy home a lot of times you find they just sit and play games together and just to be in that dirt there's there's something that strengthen and fortify just when families together doing things that that they enjoy there's a there's a value to that and so when Ed and I first he flew to Texas to meet me I mean we had met but he came down he had it was the first time he had basically come to see me and in our families we play games we play games and so my sister we're at my sister's house her and her husband and she had the croquet set set up rematch brother you going down it was a fluke it was dark I couldn't see and mercy has run out and my sister had the croquet game set up and I said and we all went out and just played croquet to get we didn't know each other and that gave us a setting and we all just went out and played croquet and he played and we had a good time I didn't know Joe I married him he hated games but just to be with me he did what he might not would have done naturally just because he would have done anything to be where I was at at that time you understand what I'm talking about in our fellowship with God it might not be natural or easy for you to sit still but just to be with him just to be mindful of him just to let him minister and you minister to him and him minister to you you will do things that might not have been naturally something your flesh would have looked after to do amen for the return 'ti you know why he built our mansions in his mansion to be with us he wants to be with us let's return that I want to be with him and I don't want to have to wait so I get to heaven to do it praise the Lord my husband made this statement because when the congregation's have those times when you are in a service and all of a sudden a quietness comes in a reverence comes and it's weighty it happened when we were in st. Peter's of regression it's that time I had preached one night on the sin of worry in st. Petersburg in his church and at the end of that service just a holy reverence and I don't know they have maybe a thousand people in there and it just went steal and it went quiet and it always taught us he said when that happens Jesus walked into the room not just when people go quite but when there's that waviness of reverence and then brother pastor Ike saw him and Jesus said to him and he said tears were streaming down Jesus's face and said this is one of the primary reasons that my people don't receive what I provided for them is because of the sin of worry but he was when he came in it changes the atmosphere when things aren't going the right way you can you can set the atmosphere for it to be changed Acts chapter 13 and verse 2 Acts chapter 13 and verse 2 it says as they ministered to the Lord and fasted so they've been there long enough to skip a meal or two meals or however long they took time as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Ghost said and dad Hagin would say to us in ministering to the Lord that's the atmosphere when the Holy Ghost will say something many times people are saying I don't know what I don't know what clarity I don't know what direction I don't know what to do next then we need to take time to minister to the Lord because we're positioning ourselves that if he has something to say then we're in the setting that he will speak in many times dad Hagin talked about how in pastoring he said we used to close out every service of people coming around the altar and worshiping praying and worshiping and he said people he said we didn't do all the counseling that people do today he said because people got their answers why because when you minister to the Lord he turns around in ministers to you your answer because what you sow you reap if you need to hear something minister if you need something ministered to your life minister to him not to earn it but to realize that when we minister to him he turns around and in turn ministers to us brother Copeland made this statement interesting to think about he said the Lord needs to be ministered to talking about Jesus because he said he's still a man there is a man in the Godhead and he said that while he was here Psalm 65 Psalm 65 we're just going to go to a few scriptures tonight how about that Psalm 65 verse 1 the King James says this Psalm 65 verse 1 it says praise waiteth for the Oh God in Zion the amplified says this to you belong silence the submissive wonder of reverence what happens when we just sit silence in his presence it is an act of reverence it's an act of reverence which today's society knows little about just naturally if you're invited and they'll tell you if you've ever watched anything on the royal family if you're invited to Buckingham Palace for a meal and you're hosted you don't talk to the Queen first you sit in silence until she speaks to you what is that it's an act of reverence for her position so for us to come it's appropriate for us to come and just sit silent in the presence of God why it's an act of reverence for the one we're approaching and what is it that Pastor Debbie your dad used to say all the time you ain't got nothing he said she said the kids at the dinner table would start talking he said be quiet you don't have anything show me why you your child in this in this setting I'm the adult don't sit and do all the talking and that's Ann he was teaching his children reverence for who was at the table besides them and too many times I think we cheat ourselves by not being skillful in this show of reverence amen and it's a pro because we always think we've got to be making a faith confession faith confessions are right but there's a time in a place of how these things are expressed so that we experience all the flows that God has for for our lives and for our fellowship with him so the amplified says talking to God to you belongs silence the submissive one drove reverence now notice what happens after in reverence you've set silently which burst forth into praise that when you sit in his presence and you just reverence praise starts flowing it's not something you conjure up it is something that flows because you realize the presence of the one you're in amen and then and I'll just read this for time sake come back at 2 verses 20 20 it says but the Lord is in his holy temple how many you know we're the temple right but the Lord is in his holy temple let all the earth hush and keep silence before him well if he says that to the earth what about you in your life he's in you sometimes we just need to hush why quit saying what we know and let's listen to the one who knows it all amen and sit and listen how many times if you watch a good interviewer all they do is they set the setting for the one they're hosting to talk and when you find a poor interviewer you find someone who's always over speaking their guest cutting them off not letting them finish a thought amen sometimes we just need to hush and quit over talking yeah Isaiah chapter 40 go with me I'll let you turn there Isaiah chapter 40 and I just wanted to take some time and look at these scriptures because they refresh us in this Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 28 we'll start and I'm going to read out the amplified translation Isaiah 40 verse 28 have you not known have you not heard the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth does not grow faint or grow weary there is no searching of his understanding what's that mean your concert' and search and search and you'll still never understand all of him I mean you never reached the end of his wisdom never reached it for all your searching you verse 29 this is the one he gives power to the faint and weary and to him who has no might he increases strength now remember that he he's referring to verse 28 is describing him the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth who does not grow faint or weary this is the one this is the one that he will give faint he gets power to the faint and the weary and to him who has no might this is the one that increases strength causing it to multiply and making it to abound even youths shall faint and be weary and selected young men young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted the men who were trained for certain things they were hand-picked because of their their skill and their level of ability even these will run to the end of theirs verse 31 but those who wait before the Lord who expect look for and hope in him shall change and renew their strength and power they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as Eagles mount up to the Sun they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint or be tired this is not the end this don't stop there most people stop there but the next chapter verse 1 listen listen to the one that verse 28 talked about the Creator listen to him the one who gives you the strength the ability you need the endurance you need he gives you all you need for your race listen that means quit talking verse 1 listen in silence before me o islands and regions bordering on the sea and let the people gather and renew their strength for the argument let them offer their strongest arguments let them come near then let them speak let us come together for judgment and decide the pointed issue between us concerning the enemy advancing so he's talking about whenever you're faced with an enemy listen listen don't talk listen now there comes a time you have to talk but the one you know what to say after you've taken time to listen to many times we're trying to talk and we haven't gotten the counsel of the Spirit and before we haven't taken time to listen to the Holy Ghost prescription for us we could say this we try to repeat previous strategies or previous approaches now with the principles of faith they're they they're the same for every test but there will be different emphasis on different things that the Holy Ghost will bring out for each differ test you've got to listen I remember going through one particular test and every single day I would have to get when I would get up the Holy Ghost would give me something that would get me through that day the next day I get up and he'd say something fresh to me and if I tried to go back to what he said yesterday it almost seemed dead to me it was so alive to me the day before what is it listen because he's prescribing if you listen then you know what to say when the enemy shows up because you've taken time to listen psalm 46 go with me verse one I could just go to the verse I want to show but I want to I want to set this set the whole scene of what is being said before we arrive at these verses that I'm wanting to get to Psalms chapter 46 verse 1 God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore will not we fear though the earth be removed though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though the waters thereof roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with a swelling there I've think of that think of this I mean you talk about the great devastation that's going on all around that's describing naturally in the midst of all this look at verse 4 there is a river the streams whereof shall make glad the City of God the holy place of the Tabernacles of the Most High God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved so he's talking about when everything is around around you is moving not you because you have a different flow Amen and Jesus spoke of that flow out of our belly shall flow rivers of living water and fountains will spring up the fount the rivers that will bless others but the fountains that bless our own lives verse 5 God is in the midst of her sheesha be moved God's shall help her and that right early the heathen raged the kingdom's were moved he uttered his voice and the earth melted the Lord of Hosts is with us and we can say he's in us the God of Jacob is our refuge come and behold the works of the Lord what desolations he's made in the earth he maketh Wars to cease unto the end of the earth he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder he burn if the chariot in the fire look at this be still and know that I am God when things are an upheaval around you it doesn't require for you to be an upheaval you be still you just settle down you beyond moved you be unimpressed you be unafraid our response to all of this is be still that's what he's instruct us you be still why because he's gonna go to work on our behalf be still and know that I am God these things that threaten and are so loud they're not God they don't have the word over our lives be still and know remind yourself that's what the stillness does you're reminding yourself of who it is that's on the inside of you and who's moving and working for you be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the heathen I will be exalted in the earth the definition of the word still is cease and abate meaning we cease from our own human natural effort and ability pastor Anderson this morning was talking about faith is of the heart of the heart and too many times we've learned to check off the faith boxes okay we do this we do this we do this how come it hasn't shown up because these things aren't carried out in the natural and the flesh they're carried out from a place in the heart and being still get gives you a place and time to get connected to your heart when things are hammering on all around you you go past or Nancy uh all this is in the Old Testament go to acts go to X chapter 3 X chapter 3 in verse 19 Acts chapter 3 verse 19 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord now notice this when we've missed it our help is in the presence of the Lord when we sin and miss it that wrongdoing weakens us spiritually it weakens us and when we recognize we missed it and repent he fortifies us back through his presence because when we go the wrong direction something is subtracted from us and getting his presence puts things back that's why it's important in a service that if your pastor just says everyone we're just going to sit in the presence of the Lord and we're going to worship him God is putting things back that sin took out sin weakened and sin had let meinen affect and sin marks the way you think sometimes and in your in the presence of the Lord all that stuff gets knocked out of the way his presence is not to be run from when you miss it repent and get right back in get right back in amen God said this to me years ago he said someone may look at a man who succumbs to sin and say that sin took him out but sin didn't take him out what took him out was his failure to start with me if he would have started his day with me he would have been fortified to stand against sin amen why because times the refreshing come from the presence of the Lord and we could preach that in several different ways but let's take it personally let's take it personally amen and then first John chapter 3 and verse 6 says no one who abides and this is the amplified first John 3:6 it says there's no one who abides in him who lives remains in communion with and in obedience to him deliberately knowingly and habitually commits and practices sin if you will make time in his presence a priority in your life and I'm talking about we're always in his presence in the sense he's in us I'm talking about mindful of the one who's in us if we will take time to do that it will separate you will when sin comes you won't you won't take it you will be fortified fortified now you can make confessions but confessions aren't going to fortify you like his presence confession has its place but his presence is available to us because we need it we can't set aside his presence four principles and think that we're going to have all that we need to succeed we need it all we need this presence we need his principles we need it all and they all have their role and they all have their place and in this faith life don't forget that faith that is the strongest is the faith that flows from a heart that is in fellowship and in communion with the father dr. Summerall made this statement he said if I were to walk up to a one-year-old child that he said if a mother put this one-year-old child standing on this pulpit and I said to her jump to me he said Here I am I'm stronger than the mother but the mother comes up and says jump to me he said the child's gonna jump to the mother for one reason she knows it she knows her one reason not because she's stronger but because she knows her and he said this if you don't jump when God says do something you don't know him you don't know him is we take time to know him this is where faith is easy faith is easy faith is easy it's not a struggle because we know him we know who we know whom we have believes see many people are just trying to believe but they don't know the one whom they're trying to believe we know him in whom we have believed amen believing is easy when you know when you know him amen praise the Lord Psalm chapter 9 go with me Psalm chapter 9 in verse one Psalm chapter nine verse one I will praise thee O Lord look at this with my whole heart not half-hearted wholehearted I will show forth all thy marvelous works why because my whole heart is in on this thing I will be glad and rejoice in thee people who aren't glad and aren't rejoicing are not wholehearted yet wholeheartedness is missing somewhere why part of their hearts attention is on the difficulty or the opposition I will be glad and rejoice in thee I will sing praise to thy name o thou Most High when mine enemies are turned back they shall fall and perish at thy presence this is what we're not starting I was telling you when I was having times seasons of attack and bombardment the only relief I could get was when I was in his presence why because the enemy's fall at his presence and I would take time to get in his presence and things that had harassed and troubled me they couldn't reach me there I had God told me to do something Oh about a year year and a half ago or so he told me to do something financially and he told me to do it it would empty out base almost almost completely empty out and take me to the lowest place I'd been personally financially to do that but I know God was telling me to do it so I did it and after I did it for the next day and a half the devil said you've just now put yourself in a bad place and I would answer him obedience never puts me in a bad place I answered him every time but he would say you're just now put yourself in a very bad place and I mean he would just say I'd answer it every single time for a day and a half he'd say I'd answer he'd say and I'd answer after about a day and a half God said this to me if you would just go further in the spirit and get in my presence you wouldn't even have to listen to that he said you wouldn't even have to listen to that wasn't that what this says when my enemies are turned back they shall fall and perish at thy presence you get in his presence and they can't reach you those words couldn't have reached me if I just got bent a little further into the in the spirit this is why it's so important that pastors and his congregations we take time to worship the Lord together being his presence together because it helps people to learn that so that when they're alone they can replicate the same process and arrive at the same place not only that when we're together with everyone entering in and being wholeheartedly wholehearted people who don't have that knowledge or that understanding or haven't been taught the principles that we've been taught they can receive help just because of you have a corporate of a corporate setting that we're in amen we've missed something we've let something slip and it's easy to let things slip and dad Hagin talked about that he said things that we used to do in our congregations you don't see churches do anymore so we need to make sure that we're not leaving out this important flow I know it's a little bit different for us in this in these services in these instruction but we have to be reminded of these things he is our Father amen we don't just want we always our relationship to him because the Covenant but it's about fellowship it's not developing a relationship with him it's developing fellowship the relation is he's the father where the child that's the relationship but within that relationship has to be fellowship and this is where faith will be a pleasure and a flow when that faith is nurtured by fellowship and not just nurtured by confession alone Amen hallelujah dad Hagin would instruct this because I need to say this dad Hagin was say because it's it's the word in prayer is what we're talking the word and prayer and this fellowship flow that we're talking about is part of the prayer life but can I say it ought to be part of the word life too God said this to me one time years ago he said talk to me about my word talk don't just sit and read it and get through it read a phrase and worship him for it talk to him about that it's not about getting through the book it's about getting the book in talk to him but Dad Hagin made this statement he said never pray more than you study or feed on the word or you're going to get out of balance we need them both but too much if we're not careful the way some people become mental in their faith life is not enough fellowship with the father that's what keeps us from getting entrenched in the mental arena when we're studying and and then another thing that helps us is talk to him about his word instead of just thinking about it Amen hallelujah so this is what the prompted me for tonight is we're going to open up the ultra area and those who are facing some things there's an anointing here to step into that place of fellowship that you're yielding and focused on him and if I could say this it's fine to go up and tell him your need but after you've done that if I could just say this just put your mind in neutral focus on your spirit and focus on him and worship Him and set the need a side out of the thought life and let him be the center of it amen stand with me to your feet tonight we worship You Father hallelujah we have to have instruction with this and as Dad Hagin said don't pray more than you feed on the word they need to be there needs to be an equal flow because while you're praying not everything you hear is God and it's the word that will help you discern and divide what you're hearing amen just lift up your hands and let's worship the Lord we worship You Jesus [Music] father what a privilege to call you Father we have shared the truth of your word tonight just as a refreshing or reminding to us that times of refreshing comes from the presence of the Lord and in that refreshing we're fortified we're strengthened when we make wrong decisions and go wrong directions it takes and subtract something from us but your presence puts it all back and more and so father we're so hungry we're so hungry to fulfill what you have for us so we take the time to listen to hear to reverence and we thank you Father that we see the spiritual truth that in ministering to the Lord what a blessing for we're the ones that end up getting ministered to and we so appreciate that we are blood washed that we do have a blood covenant with you that allows us access that we can come boldly to the throne of grace we can come into your presence and we purpose that 20/20 will see an increase of us living mindful of our fellowship with you thank you for your word you live in your word but we also have the greater one on the inside of us so we yield and we fellowship with you so we come tonight some of us will just come in worship some will come and praise and some will just come and sit silently but whatever seems right in our own hearts we take this time in your presence so I invite you if you want to you can come up here to the altar area you can turn around at your own chair you can sit down in your chair but if you're going through something specifically I would invite you just come up to the front and that you say it's very important I'm at a critical time I need to hear some answers I need some clarity I just invite you to come up and just spend time ministering to the one who is your helper amen the rest of us let's just worship together we worship You Father we worship You Father [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you know anytime you have a race set in place a marathon and that's what we're running it's not a it's not something that can be run in a moment they always set up refreshments tape stations all along the way for those runners times of refreshing are needed to refresh us in our race Amen hallelujah this just lift up our hands and worship Him tonight we worship You Jesus we were should be reversed should be reverse we glorify you magnify years [Music] we thank you we thank you Jesus [Music] we thank you Jesus [Music] we worship You Father [Music] would we you Lord we magnify you we lift up you wonderful Lord we magnify Lord we magnify we lift up your wonderful [Music] Ward we better [Music] you were wonderful [Music] Lord we magnify you board me magnify and we lift up your wonderful Lord we glorify you Lord we glorify [Music] laughter you're wonderful [Music] Lord we glow fire Lord we glorify head [Music] fool [Music] you fool [Music] yes we lift your [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] be glorified refer [Music] [Music] read more info today [Music] Church Lord be glorified [Music] glorified [Music] to [Music] today glory to day [Music] I remember in one of Dad Hagen's writings he referred to the lost art of waiting and he said that's an art that needs to be revived in the church is the lost art of waiting before the Lord amen so we're just going to tonight we're just going to allow you to you can sit here a little while if you want or you can be dismissed if you want but that Hagen always said this don't be a hurry to come out from under stay in that vein as as long as you can amen hallelujah father we're so grateful we're so so grateful that we leave this place changed fortified strengthened refreshed and it's how we're to run our race in the spirit mindful of the greater one looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith so we purpose to it paths if need if need be readjust what we've been focusing on [Music] you are our great joy and we worship you and we thank you for your blessings and everybody said amen hallelujah as we says you are welcome to be dismissed or you're welcome to just sit here for a while whatever seems good to you hallelujah praise the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 18,668
Rating: 4.8591547 out of 5
Id: VDtUadk5CI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 4sec (7024 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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