Authority & The Renewed Mind | Nancy Dufresne | Fredonia, NY | Tuesday PM | Miracle Crusade 2021

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jesus [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] what's up it does said again [Applause] i don't have to worry come on [Applause] i is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and today may be your morning i can call him in the morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] for he has prayed is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Music] i will is the lord [Music] yes [Music] i will be [Music] [Music] for you are great and straight and i will run [Music] we foreign [Music] [Music] good evening let's all stand to our feet tonight just come ready to bless the lord let's just lift our hands tonight and thank him for his presence we thank you lord that you're here in this place we thank you that your presence is here that you are present to heal we bless you we glorify you we magnify your name jesus there's no one like you jesus there's no one like you jesus we glorify you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we magnify you we lift your name high hallelujah [Music] [Music] i will bless the lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] bless his holy [Music] is [Music] great are you thankful tonight he [Applause] [Music] has is great days [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh you're doing great [Music] doing great things [Music] tonight you are doing great [Music] doing great days [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time let's say you are doing are doing great things [Music] [Music] are doing great things [Music] [Music] amen well let's just practice that let's bless him hallelujah we lift our voices we lift our praise hallelujah we worship you jesus we're so grateful jesus we're so grateful for your name we're so grateful for the power that's in your name we thank you for your matchless name jesus we love you [Music] lord we love you you are good [Music] lord we love you you are good lord we love you are good [Music] lord we love you you are good oh lord we praise you lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good [Music] lord we praise you you are good [Music] lord we praise you you are good oh lord we bless you lord we bless you you are good lord we bless you you are good lord we bless you [Music] you are good lord we bless you you are good [Music] hallelujah see his glory see his glory his glory comes down [Music] praise his name heaven rains see his glory come down see his glory come down his glory see his glory his glory come down [Music] praise [Music] his glory come down [Music] his glory see his glory his glory come down [Music] heaven rest see his glory come down see his glory come down glory glory glory to the lamb we give you glory glory glory [Music] us and worthy to be praised [Music] we lift our voice in praise [Music] glory glory [Music] glory to the lamb oh we give you glory glory glory [Music] [Music] upon the throne [Music] we lift our voice in praise throne [Music] hallelujah let's just give him glory jesus we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise hallelujah father we're so grateful to be gathered together this evening we've come to respond to your word to respond to your spirit and we give you thanks for what we will be receiving the answers the impartation the revelation we believe that we receive all that we need tonight all that you have for us in jesus name amen you can be seated this evening good evening everyone it's good to be together amen we want to welcome everybody watching by live stream good to have you with us and you can join us tomorrow and thursday 10 a.m 7 p.m eastern time the doors are open an hour before each service we want to remind you that we have a gift for everyone who has registered a free gift at the book table area in the foyer so make sure you pick that up and then if you are interested in going to another miracle crusade we have one in georgetown texas november 28th through december the 2nd you can visit our our website and or and or our social media we have more information both of those and contact us and and ask any questions that you may have we'll have them for hotel information a church information so contact us if you need anything and then we have upcoming conferences our ladies and men's conference with pastor nancy and dr bill winston and pastor debbie simons that's coming up very soon october 5th through the 7th our holy ghost meetings with reverend kenneth copeland january 7th through the 13th so we wanted to let you know about those if you'd like those of you from new york if you want to travel to be with us uh how many how many new yorkers are here raise your hand how many new yorkers praise the lord for the new yorkers how many from out of state raise your hand if you're from out of wow god bless all of you for coming who traveled to be here and those of you i know some of you may have a little bit of a commute you live in new york but you're driving here each service thank you so much uh tonight we wanted to spotlight one thing and that is our bible school we are getting ready to start our new year we have a full-time bible school and we are very thrilled for this year we're having our biggest class we have ever had we we are still getting an application so if you're interested it's not too late uh applications are inter are at the table if you're interested in the foyer i believe you can ask one of our ladies out there and it's for the 21 22 school year it begins september 7th so you still have time or if you want to get an application and keep it and just wait and talk to god and talk to your pastor young people then you can do that and it's for all ages anyone can come who wants to serve god to the fullest just impartations in the word and the spirit to fulfill all that god has for you it's not just for those in full time fivefold ministry those who have a call it's those serving in ministry of helps as well we want to do what god has called us to do well amen and that's what we're doing is equipping those who want to do it well serve god well and really serve their pastors many come and their heart is for their pastor and we train them in mind with going back because we are not interested in keeping anyone we are not supposed to have but it's such a great investment into the kingdom to be able to send them back with their pastor and uh take what they've gained take what they've learned in training and sitting under the word and we've got many here that teach in the bible school we have our regular instructors as well as uh pastor nancy is head of the school and she does some wonderful classes with the students where sometimes they'll go to her house the castle that uh go outside it's beautiful in california he's shaking his head past her look at it shaking his head and she'll say it's beautiful out take all the chairs outside and we're gonna have class and she opens it up for questions and just a personal time of ministry uh with her as well as others uh get that opportunity to have that personal time of ministry and so you can take the that opportunity if you would like it's a two-year with a third year optional internship uh but most do that third year internship and we've seen some excellent results from the internship and we've heard from the pastors too that that really helps in the doing instead of just the sitting in a service the doing of the work of the ministry and so we we really are able to invest quite a bit of time into these students no matter how young how old we have such a wide age range even right now in the bible school uh some people move and they they leave their families not just young people but grandparents they leave their grandkids and they come and they say god told me to come i've got to leave my grandkids i've got to leave my kids and i'm supposed to be at this school and god has richly blessed their lives amen but we have a video we'd like to show you if you all are ready for that world harvest bible training center shall come to pass it shall be a delight and a thrill yes the fulfillment of that will be a delight and thrill to the father for it is his plan it is his will and it will flourish and it will grow and in your word and spirit it will flow it will not fit the plans of others but it will fit god's plan it won't be as others thought it would be but it will be as god planned it to be it won't be like other schools but it will be like god's plan and the fruit of it shall be great adding and enhancing and reaping the father's harvest and it'll be easy the bible school will be easy there will be a flow getting in the flow causes it to move along easily in the plan of god and it shall flow along in the plan of god and the will of god easily and it will be a place of refreshing but also a place of reviving for those who have missteps it will cause them to be revived in their race and it will help them to find their place so that they can run their race accurately and all the help will come all the funds will come and all the buildings will come for all that the father has given us shall come to us it won't be a duplication or an imitation of other schools but it will be a place of impartation a place of demonstration a place of manifestation and those who are sent to it and those who are faithful to the place they are sent and faithful to that season they will leave that place differently and with impartations and they will receive equipping that they need for the long haul of their race equipped for the journey so that they can complete it and even those who will be instructors will be enhanced in their offices and their anointings the school shall fulfill the plan of god it will be a place of equipping for some but it will be a place of rescue for others it will be a place of impartation and a place of revelation of revelation that will come to help them walk accurately and live accurately i'm so thrilled in my spirit father i'm so thrilled in my spirit for it will not always stay in its infancy but it will grow it will grow and mature and reach full measure of fruit herein is my father glorified in the bearing of much fruit it will bear much fruit and the father will be glorified we will not be the same but what a divine addition bringing about divine multiplication we thank you for it father yes we'll do it we will do it amen well we're continuing to see that done um and what pastor nitsy had prophesied about the school is coming to pass amen we want to just let you know about a few things out there at the book table again here this is the if you're looking for it this is an information for application for the bible school but we also want to spotlight some materials of pastor nancy's this is her book victory over grief and sorrow again a revelation lived in this book and it has set many people's lives kept them on course when tragedy or disappointment even grief comes in many different ways it's not always at someone's home going or someone dying it can be at a loss it can be at a disappointment it can be in different places in your life where the devil tries to bring grief of your past grief over what you haven't done what you have done but you can have victory over this and not only that you have it but you live it and she showed us how to live it and then she put it on the pages so that we can live it so that's a good book you say well i don't know if i've i really need that right now you might need it one day also somebody may need this close to you and this is one of the main books that people keep our folks keep with them and they will hand this book out because that's really where people struggle in their lives that are that do not know god and people who do know god is when something tragic or disappointing happens in life they don't know where to go they don't know how to get up from there so that book it helps them some may may not understand it but it's still the word anyway amen and then this book responding to the holy spirit she had written this many years ago when dad hagan before dad hagin came to our church in 2003 uh she had gotten this revelation and then wrote this book on proper response in a service or proper response in life dictates what you receive many think it's up to god what you receive and we've been learning about this in these services this very subject so this would be a good one a good study assistant to take home with you because the spirit of god seems to be pointing some of these things out about a proper response in the time of need a proper response at the time of a wall coming up the proper response in the time where you may not know what to do in your mind but the holy ghost always has the answer and if we'll respond to him we can get our answer if we'll respond to him we're really cooperating with our answers so responding to the holy spirit is really just cooperating with your answer on god's level amen god responds to us in his word it's up to us whether we're gonna respond uh to his word first amen uh and then this book his presence shall be my dwelling place you can live this isn't talking about living on clouds somewhere um in la la land or never coming out of your prayer closet this is talking about living in god's presence in your daily life walking with him mindful he is in you if you're born again jesus god's in you he's with you but many don't live mindful we get distracted and we're not mindful of his presence and that we can actually have that presence filling our homes filling our businesses filling our jobs every day we can wake up in his presence we can go to bed in his presence and uh we we dwell there we may be going other places but we're dwelling in his presence and that is possible and that comes from a place of skill and uh staying full so that uh things of this life don't empty you out to a place where you're not full of his presence and so she teaches us how to walk and live in his presence and this book or this cd merciful healer some of you may have this we have some more available and it's just songs that her and and some have written uh all the original all of them are original songs and and they minister these songs and the teaching on here there is teaching on here it ministers the anointing to those who either have physical sickness mental sickness i have put this on many a time for my children when opposition was coming to their thought life and we answered it with a word and then we filled the atmosphere with the anointing of god and the presence of god and let them fill themselves learning to fill from hearing the word in the time of need fill themselves uh with that anointing and with god in the room amen there's such a tangible anointing on this cd so if you don't have it that is available we want to go ahead and receive the offering for tonight pastor god bless everybody how are you all doing the budget is met but we're going to go for double praise god so there's an offering envelope in the seat pocket in front of you and you can make your checks to dm and there's text to give options on the screen there for you to write your code in and uh praise the lord isn't it wonderful that the budget is already met and now we just get to bless the ministry hallelujah what a privilege for us to do that i want to read you a couple verses here if that's okay second corinthians chapter nine and verse eight the bible says and god is able to make all grace abound toward you that you having all sufficiency pay attention to that word all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work the reason that we can abound is because we have a grace or a power that gives us all sufficiency now i'm i'm boiling down a sermon i recently preached to my congregation in five minutes or less so but there's something about this word all sufficiency god was dealing with me about because you can't abound if there's not all sufficiency and so i know that verse very well but he took me over and if you would be so kind to maybe go with me to exodus chapter 3 exodus chapter 3 and verse 14. this is the first time that we see this phrase mentioned in the bible it's mentioned again in exodus six verse two uh where god said that that he was known by abraham as el shaddai and of course there's other names for god like elohim and el elyon and other names like that but the first time jehovah is mentioned is when at the burning bush experience with moses in verse 14 and god said to moses i am that i am and he said thus shalt thou say to the children of israel i am sent me unto you because he said they're not going to believe me and he said you tell them that i am sent you and this word jehovah and there's 33 different like jehovah nisi or jehovah's you know shalom my peace jehovah nici my banner there's 33 of those mentioned in the bible in the old testament 33 different descriptive names of the i am the reason there's so many is because i am the definition of what this word means i am basically when it's used as a standalone according to scholars it is the ultimate statement of self-sufficiency what god is saying is i am that i am i'm not contingent on anyone else i don't need pharaoh's agreement i don't need anybody's agreement from that perspective i mean he needed he needed moses to cooperate with him but he's basically saying i am that i am i am the all-sufficient the all-eternal the constant one and i'm gonna do exactly what i said i'm gonna do and nobody can stop me but with this concept of i am the all-sufficient god that's what jehovah means i am means i'm all sufficient there's also a meaning that i am your sufficiency and so this out of all the names of god this name would be especially appropriate for a slave to hear because a slave has no way out all that slave knows is bondage hard labor task masters in egypt and grandpa and great grandpa and great-great-grandpa and all the way back 400 years how many family that's a long way back in your family tree that's all i've known is slavery there is no way out there is no hope but all of a sudden they hear a message come from the prophet that says the all-sufficient one that doesn't need anyone's permission is telling you that you're getting out and he is your sufficiency you don't feel like it right now it doesn't look like it right now because you're in bondage but the all-sufficient one is about to become your sufficiency and you're about to get out of this problem and it's an amazing statement that the deliverer was told when you come up to the one in bondage who has no hope and no way out tell them i'm the all-sufficient one and i'm their sufficiency because it will give them a way out to just believe that god can do what no other human being can do and when the deliverer says to the one that needs deliverance i am sent me it's it's an astonishing revelation if you really study it but then you know that jesus himself called himself the i am and got in trouble over it jesus preached and ran i know we go to the green room nice and sweet and you know we all fellowship in the hallway but jesus sometimes preached sermons and then the bible says that he hid himself he was hiding behind the column or putting his cloak over his head and mixing with the crowd because they wanted to kill him we don't realize that jesus got people angry when he preached to them at times so if you'd look quickly i want to read you just a couple scriptures from the book of john chapter 8. i want you to see something because oh my god he i saw something i'd never seen before in the book of john and it got me shouting and dancing just like we were doing this morning that god is my sufficiency that if he says something it don't matter what anybody else says doesn't matter what the economy says it doesn't matter what the government says doesn't matter what covets says doesn't even matter what people in my congregation say it makes no difference it makes no difference when he says it he's my all sufficiency and in john chapter 8 not going to be long but john chapter 8 if you'd look please with me he's preaching this long this sermon that most of john 8 is about the sermon he's preaching and and i'm going to read it if it's okay from the from the new living translation because it's just a little bit easier from the new living than it is in the king james so if you just bear with me i'm going to just look that up john chapter eight if you look down at verse 24 he mentions that he is the i am three times in his in his sermon and verse 24 and in the margin of the new living and the amplified and others it it says here see exodus 3 14. see exodus 3 14. because exodus 3 14 is he said tell them i am that i am the all-sufficient one so it says in verse 24 it says let me read verse 23 jesus continued you are from below and i am from above you belong to this world i do not now look at verse 24. that is why i said that that you will die in your sins for unless you believe that i am who i claim to be you will die in your sins but i am is capitalized he's giving him a hint he's getting them warmed up because they're about to not like him very much and then down in verse 28 he says so jesus said when you have lifted up the son of man on the cross then you will understand that i am is capitalized he second reference and then he's going on he's going on he's going on and if you look all the way down in verse 59 uh uh verse 58 sorry jesus uh look at verse 57 and the people said you aren't even 50 years old yet how can you say you've seen abraham and jesus answered i tell you the truth before abraham was even born i am and at that point they picked up stones to throw at him and jesus was hidden from them and left the temple he preached and ran he got him spitfire mad because that was a sacrilege that was uh that you couldn't say things like that that means you're saying you're god and jesus was prepping them i'm telling you something boys i am i am the old sufficient one now last verse and this is where i want you to go with me is john chapter 18 because there's something in here that i the lord brought to my attention and i've never i've never seen this before but boy it really blessed me and i i believe it will bless you as well john chapter 18 this is when he's in the garden and verse 4 jesus fully realized that all was go that all that was going to happen to him so he stepped forward to meet them and he said to them now this is a mob other other gospels say a multitude came you you read it in the different in the different gospels there's a large group theologians believe there were up to 600 people that came to arrest jesus the most conservative estimate is 300 people but most theologians agree that 600 people with judas came with torches and weapons and they were coming to take him in the garden of gethsemane this is the this is the day that he died and he says who are you looking for and they and and they said jesus the nazarene and he replied i am he it's capitalized i am is capitalized in my bible he said i am he jesus said and judas who betrayed him was standing with them and when jesus said i am he they all fell backwards to the ground at the same time and one more asked him who he looked again he and he asked again who are you looking for and they replied again jesus the nazarene and he said i told you that i am he and then he said let these others go that it would be fulfilled by the prophet that he would lose none that god had given him and as i never saw that before but jesus had prepped them in john 8 that he was the i am and the last supernatural act really he healed the centurion servant which was technically the last supernatural act which is just after this because remember peter got in the flesh and took a sword out but i want you to picture this 600 people there with weapons this is not a this is not an altar call where there might be a courtesy drop or a courtesy fall because they feel the presence of god this is 600 angry people vengeful hate-filled people wanting to arrest jesus and as they're approaching him the deliverer says i am and the power of those words knocked 600 people down they were truly slain in the spirit because they didn't want to be but they got knocked down and and the holy ghost showed me something which i just has really been a blessing to me and my wife that just like moses was the deliverer so jesus was the deliverer moses was a deliverer to the jews jesus was the deliverer to the human race and moses would was told to tell the jews when the ones in bondage you can't see a way out ask you who sent you tell them the all-sufficient one has sent me because he is your sufficiency and he's going to get you out of this bondage and just as moses was about to enter into his delivering role he has that command of i am and just as jesus was about to enter into his delivering role this is the last moment before they start beating him and he when he and he and he goes to the cross and he gives his life for humanity the great deliverer just at the last moment before he begins his delivering process says to the world basically yes it was to those 600 but says to the world what he's saying he's saying it to the world not just the jews but everybody you're in bondage but the all-sufficient one is coming to save you i am that i am is enough for sin it's enough for poverty it's enough for sickness it's enough for everything and as moses delivered you in the natural i'm delivering the human race from the spiritual scourge of sin and bondage and he says i am and i'm telling you my god something came out of jesus when he said i am and the power of god knocks 600 ornery folk to the ground and i heard the holy ghost say son if you'll get a revelation that i'm your sufficiency and if you'll start declaring that i'm your sufficiency and start saying my god has given me grace that i i have all sufficiency to abound in every good work all the time if you get a revelation of god's i am sufficiency it will knock down your enemies when things come up against us and they're threatening whether they're sickness whether they're whether they're poverty whatever it is joblessness whatever it is you get a revelation the deliverer has come he's the i am that i am that i am that i am and he's inside me and when he said i am it knocks 600 people down the revelation that god was enough the power of god knocked him down they were his enemies so to speak and i heard the holy ghost say you get a revelation of my sufficiency in you and you start saying it and you start praising it and you start shouting it whatever comes up against you it's going down joblessness comes you say all grace i have all sufficiency for every good work it knocks that thing down you say jesus is in me the i am i may feel like there's no way out but the i am is inside me he hasn't just come to me he's inside me it may look like there's no way out but the i am has come and it will the power of that revelation will knock your enemies down it'll knock down cancer it'll knock down poverty it will knock down whatever it is that your fa and lock it down if you get a revelation that god don't need anyone's permission he is eternal and constant and he's going to do it because he said he's going to do it all he needs you to do is believe him wouldn't you like to been in that garden pastor and see 600 ornery folk fall down against their will by the power of the i am statement well glory to god father i thank you that you are in us that you are the same i am that you were then but that glorious name is wrapped up in that all-powerful name called jesus but you are still the all-sufficient one and jesus you were the i am you said you were the i am and in that moment of trial that moment of pressure when the enemies rose up when you said i am that dominion and that authority knocked down the adversary lord i thank you that these folks here those watching no matter what they're facing they may feel like there's no way out they may feel like they're stuck and that no one can help but the good news is that the i am doesn't need anyone's permission the i am is all-powerful and jesus you as the great i am are inside of us your sufficiency your healing your increase is inside of us and we release that revelation by our mouth through our mouth today and like you saw in that garden father we'll see our enemies fall before we'll see poverty fall before us we'll see cancers fall before us because you are our sufficiency and we give you glory now bless every giver father everyone sowing tonight those that have great needs i thank you that the sufficient one is inside them and your sufficiency will show strong on their behalf tonight bless them as they give bless the fraid ministries and bless precious pastor nancy and her staff lord for coming to this great state of new york to bring healing power in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen and amen [Music] i love you lord [Music] for your mercy never fails [Music] from the moment that i wake up [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] all my life you have been faithful and all my life you have been so good with every breath that i am able i will say of the goodness of god lord for your mercy never fails me on my [Music] [Music] oh i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] you've been faithful [Music] so good so [Applause] [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] you've been faithful all my life you have been [Applause] [Music] of the goodness of god i will sing i will sing of the goodness of god i will sing [Music] hallelujah hallelujah you know when jehoshaphat and god's people were threatened by enemy armies god gave them the words to say they didn't have to come up with it put praisers up front and have them to say for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever you keep that up front and things can't get past that amen the lord is good i said the lord is good let's say it together for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever for the lord is good and his mercy endures forever he was getting them to focus on him not on what opposed them amen he always gives us the best place to look he is the best place to look amen hallelujah we're turning around to four or five people before you're seated give them a great big god bless you tonight then you can be seated hallelujah praise the lord how many of you came ready tonight you came hungry tonight i'm just telling you from my own bad manners hungry people sound different at a table [Applause] they look different they're draped halfway over the the table and they're just going i mean and it's just dripping you know it's just like they don't even pause to wipe right my mother would have this thing that she would say nancy nancy strong and able get your elbows off the table this is not a horse's stable but a first-class dining table [Applause] so let's not make that our motto tonight it is a first-class dining table but let's act like we're at the trough [Applause] amen you ever heard of pig eat i mean there are sounds with enjoyment right and i didn't just come to eat i came to enjoy what i'm eating that was pretty bad that's pig sound i just made right i should have had somebody else to do that but and so i i fully authorize you to lay your elbows on the table tonight i fully authorize you put the napkin down and just slurp it up and let it drip uh so many times we got to be in dad hagan's meetings and he would state not in every meeting but at different times he would state how far he was able to flow at the measure of the office he stood in he'd say oh we got to 30 tonight or 40 percent 50 the highest i ever heard now he might have said higher but the highest i ever heard was 70 percent and then he said the reason we got to 70 is because that's as far as the people would go it wasn't as far as his office would go or as far as god would go it's as far as the people so let's go all let's go all the way and it's not just up to the preacher you know i i remember um one time in particular when morgan and stephen lived with us uh for a couple of years while they owned a home but god said i have another home for you and what he did was he got him out of the home they owned so they wouldn't be comfortable in the home they owned and not stretch to the home he had for them and so they came and lived with us and it wasn't that big of a difficulty because then i left so much and the home was there and then we had two what we i don't know if you know what that is out here but we have two casitas so casitas are like guest homes that are connected to that home and so we had two additional ones and plus the extra bedrooms in the house so there was certainly room and they didn't have to be all under the same roof it was there's an inner courtyard and then all the all the different rooms came off of that and so it was a very comfortable setting but uh in that because and when i was home i would always cook like it or not because not because steven was there not because morgan was there but because bubbe was there my first grandbaby and he i wanted him to have a meal without a receipt on it you know you know something's wrong when every meal has a receipt taped to it you know and i just wanted him to have family memories you were living at my house i'm talking about my house not your house no i'm saying when i was i don't know what you did when i wasn't there but i'm just saying when i was there it was my kitchen so i cooked i didn't say that you put a receipt on every meal i said i wanted to cook so there wouldn't be i didn't say there was a receipt on every meal they're moved out now [Laughter] but on this one particular night i had made you know chicken fried steak i had made mashed potatoes and gravy and sweet potatoes and all this kind of stuff and i did homemade cinnamon rolls that looked like a mess when it was being made but it tasted fine dough from the you know from the from scratch everything and i had a marble you know i have a marble counter excuse me granite countertops so it works out good you don't have to have a board you just put it on there it'll look like a mess but lick it up you know and so i went in and it was all done and i had spent so much time and because i'm not graceful in the kitchen you know some that are they're just they're just smooth they're graceful it's their that's their niche and i'm like you know but at least it gets done and i walked back into the kids were all at the table and ready to eat and i walked back in the bedroom where ed was and he was laying there and i said to him i said dinner's ready and he goes what are you having that royally ripped me because when you've spent much time and you're going to act like you picky right now and he said something i've never heard out of his mouth in my life he said i was wanting long john silvers tonight i've never even seen him eat there i didn't even know we had one and i said get to the table you're just saying somebody prepared something for you there's a right and a wrong response [Applause] and even though he's he responded it was still the wrong response and he came and they ate they ate seconds i mean it was good we ate it all so the next night he came in and said what's for supper i said long john silver [Applause] you yes what you said that's what you're going to get tonight with a receipt to it and what i'm saying is this that what god offers us we're hungry for it [Music] amen hallelujah just a little fun time there just a little fun time turn with me we must start again psalms chapter 8. i so appreciate what god is wanting to do he's wanting to bring us into more there's never we've never reached reached at all there's always further to go and i'm looking for more light amen and greater utterance of of the things that belong to this era and i certainly don't pretend to have it all or know it all but i'm willing to go and reach with you psalm chapter 8 and verse 4. i so i so love the wording of this what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou hast made him god made him to be a little lower than himself not angels but the word is elohim it's god himself so god made us a little lower than himself and has crowned man with glory and honor and god made man to have dominion over the works of thy hands god has put all things under man's feet think of that the largeness of that tonight bear with me because i'm going to do some things that may be restating things you already know but i feel it necessary to to make sure a foundation is there for everyone hearing because it's not just in the room it's people watching by live stream and it's a mistake that we make to assume everyone knows certain things because we all need to be refreshed in what we know but god began open saying some things and things started coming up out of my spirit that i had never thought about maybe you have and i'm just behind in it but things that started wording that started coming up and we'll get to it a little bit later after i say some things but um god began talking to me just as faith is the flow of faith and we god gave to every one of his people the beginning measure of faith and then it's up to us to what we do with that measure we can increase it we can neglect it what we we are it's in our custodianship and faith is a general word but it has very specific functions that there's faith for healing faith for prosperity faith for the plan of god faith for the office you're called to all of these come under the one big word of faith but there's many if we could say the subcategories and god's been dealing with me that god made man to have dominion that's one big category but they're sub categories to that dominion amen and if we only treat it as just one big topic we're going to miss the the skill of the specifics that come into dominion so i want to just basically say some things before we uh get into what came into my heart but when it says that god made man to have dominion uh that's because we're creating his image he can share his dominion with us because we're spirit beings as he is a spirit being so this is a spirit flow this dominion is a spirit flow it's not a personality flow it's not a temperament flow it's a spirit flow it's something that is a particular to the spirit of man and finds its source from him and as we said last night adam lost the dominion but jesus came and gave it back that shows you how important it is amen that's right nothing lost and then jesus is the master key that makes that dominion work it's all in his name and dominion he made us to have dominion and so when i s when i see this word dominion i also see the word dominate he made us to dominate situations circumstances even locations that our life rests yes not dominating other people's wills that's right amen it says that as we read he has put all things under our feet not all people all things and uh either we dominate or we're dominated because something on every scene is going to dominate and god says it's you i authorized and empowered to dominate amen amen we've been given dominion over satan [Music] over the world and over our flesh and we must become skillful with our dominion over satan over the world and over our flesh amen and it's a daily consistent exercise that every time something comes up to challenge who you are in christ you're you you uh respond from that place of dominion we've been raised and seated with christ that's a seat of dominion it's a location of dominion it's the seat of authority amen and it's part of our inheritance it's a vital part that affects so much of the flow of our inheritance is our skill with this inheritance of dominion so go with me to romans chapter 12 because we can't address dominion properly unless we address this passage romans chapter 1 because this is what god brought me back to uh one one um one night i was at pastor james what was just last week a week a half ago or so and i woke up in the middle of the night and one statement came so i just got up to write it and two hours later i'm still writing you know and so i ended up typing up what was it what i say 40 pages of notes and i didn't get to preach but what two at your church so it's not a lack of notes but god gave me more notes today and it wasn't in though in the context of those that he already gave so this is something he wants us to spotlight romans 12 verse 1 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service or the amplified says which is your spiritual worship and be not verse two be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove or the word here is discern that you may discern what is the good and the acceptable and the perfect will of god why you need to discern that so you'll choose the perfect and not settle for just the good news it's only the renewed mind that can discern the perfect will of god so here we have to remember we are sp we are a threefold being we're not part spirit part soul part body we're a threefold we're not three parts we're threefold and uh our spirit the soul which is made up of the mind the will and the emotions and then of course we live in a body when we were born again jesus god did something with our spirits he gave us a new one he didn't heal it he didn't heal the old one the old one was the old one was dead he took out in ezekiel 36 26 and i'll just read to you he says a new heart also i will give you and a new spirit will i put within you and i will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and i will give you a heart of flesh so god did something with our spirits at the new birth but paul is telling us there are some other aspects of your being that you're going to have to deal with and he says it's the body and it's the mind amen we're the ones who have to do something with it not god but he empowered us and equipped us so that we could do something with it it's not in our ability or in our own strength that we're dealing with the body and the mind we're dealing with it based with this divine equipment this equipping we have the holy ghost is our helper in this thing the the word of god is gives us that ability amen so first of all it says number one we are to present or submit our bodies to god what's that mean uh what's it mean when it says present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto god that means uh you're presenting yourself your your body to something every day we used to present it to sin we used to present it to doing wrong he's saying quit presenting your bodies to what you used to present it to present it to god doing right what pleases god what is god leading you to do present your bodies to that now amen hallelujah then the word of course says sin shall no longer have dominion over you so even though there is the temptation to sin we we are empowered to not present our bodies to it we talk to it and say no you have no more dominion over me sin bad habit uh that desire of the flesh you no longer are lording it over me you're not pushing me around anymore amen romans 6 13 and i'm going to i believe i'm not sure if this is amplified or not romans 6 13 says neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness but yield your body was made for yielding not made for leading made to be yielded to something and those who allow their bodies to lead them live less than what god provided your body was made to be yielded meaning the subject to your spirit not to take dominion over your spirit and boss you around but yield yourselves unto god as those who are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god for sin shall not have dominion over you he already told us we were made for dominion we weren't made for sin and sin tries to boss you around you are authorized to send up say no i have dominion over that desire of the flesh i had that dominion over that habit of the flesh you answer it that's right it says in verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace grace equipped us the grace of god includes divine ability so that we can say no to sin and enables us to live the presented life that's presented unto god amen if we don't do something with our bodies your body can ruin your life absolutely as a christian your body can ruin your life if our bodies are permitted to be in the lead god did not equip your body to be in the lead your body is to be a servant to you not your master amen and paul said i keep under my body what's he keep it under he keeps it under the dominion of his spirit because dominion flows out of your spirit i keep under my body i bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself shall be a castaway or another translation says unless i be set aside is unusable we're never unvaluable to god because the blood of jesus was such a high price that purchased us but being of great value doesn't mean great use i don't want to just be of great value i want to be of great use and how we what we do with the body determines our usefulness to god my mother loved antique things and she had some nice pieces and she didn't she you know she liked the european antiques and uh she had some lovely chairs and she had done needlepoints she did lovely lovely hand work and she did some pedopoint and she put that on these chairs and she'd say don't anybody sit on that what she added to it added only more value to it it was a great value but of little use i don't just want to say oh god loves me yes he loves me but i want to be able to say god can use me and what determines that is what we allow with our bodies and paul was saying i don't let my body push me around he was telling us how he became one of the most used men of his generation by god that's insight how did he arrive at a place of such great usefulness how he handled his body was par a key part of that the second thing that we're told to do present our bodies to god but the second thing we're told to do is renew our minds which means the renewing of the mind means taking on god's way of thinking god's word is his thoughts so he offers us his thoughts and it would behoove us to take them when our thoughts are different than his we set aside ours and we pick up his just that that's just that simple that's what the renewing of the mind includes but the renewing of the mind doesn't just say i can confess this and i know what god's thought is on this but it's i made his thought mine how do you make his thought yours through meditation and action you have to meditate on the word to drive that word into your spirit so you can take ownership of that word people know what the word says in so many different situations but they will say it doesn't seem like it's true for me what do they like the word is still theirs what do they lack they've got to make it theirs through meditation they meditation is how you build the word in you and you build you in the word and that takes time that means when you're driving down the road in the car what when you were spending time with god that day what seemed to leap off the page to you take that and meditate on it throughout the day build that in you talk to it and let it talk to you talk to god about his word don't just read it talk to him about it amen amen and you drive that word down into your spirit until it becomes part of your lifestyle now your mind isn't renewed until the word has reached your lifestyle it's not enough that it reached your confession it's not enough that it reached your memory it's when it reaches your daily lifestyle now you know you are on your way to renewing your mind because now his thoughts become your actions his thoughts become your way of doing that's the renewing of the mind yeah that's right not just the ability to parrot what you're what your pastor said on sunday that's not the renewing of the mind it's when his word finds his home in your heart and in your doing praise the lord amen hallelujah so until we're a doer our mind's not renewed and this is what we're warned of don't just be a hearer only how many people are great note-takers i'm a good note taker baby i'm a good note taker but that's not my victory and sometimes we think because we took good notes we were good students good students are doers not just good note takers praise the lord don't congratulate yourself for having the biggest field notebook because you'll miss the mark of what those notes are offering you amen and the more we are under the word the quicker this renewing process takes place we can speed it up or slow it down that's why every time church doors are open it it benefits us because we are speeding up the process and when you speed up the process you're going to make your life easier [Applause] life will be sweeter for you with a renewed mind the way of the transgressor is hard to transgress the thoughts of god makes life hard my mother when she would do her uh you know redo her furniture we had a big kitchen table that daddy had built so you understand what that looked like you've been there for years and all of us kids grew up around that table and she kept that table nearly to the whole end of her life and it was a long one because we needed a long one because there were six of us but we always brought friends home so there was always a tribe of people around our our kitchen table that's where our life went on around that kitchen table it was not lovely but it was deer and mother would take that kitchen table cover it with newspapers and up will go a piece of furniture on that thing you know a small table or chair and uh mother was mother was the get it done woman in her world that woman when she started a project nobody slept nothing got done till that got done and she would pull out all the stops she'd pull out everything she'll put up you know all the to remove the paint remover and the grinder and stuff one time i i i went home and mother had a big she she she loved she loved working outside she loved the heat i mean these two they're going to be live pretty close to each other in heaven but she had she would be on the lawn so she had on some longer shorts and down apart the lower part of her thigh was just a a big old gouge and i said what happened to your leg she said um let me think of the word uh the dr the grinder got away from me [Laughter] so she's got something on her lap and she's just going at it with the grinder and that thing just and that steel teeth grinder it's just it's got teeth about this long just went across her leg she's so tough i mean she was so so tough but you could always tell what she was doing by looking at her body what's she working on people ought to be able to look at your life and know what are you working on [Applause] you could know by the smells of the house oh i i yeah i smell that that paint thinner whoo brother that's sinja and she'd have out all the tools and she just just didn't get the big stuff she'd get little stuff because she was so particular over details it had to be perfect and she would get little tools and she would she would dig out the smallest remnant of paint from under the ledge that nobody would ever see but she knew and then it had to it had to feel like baby skin baby it could not be rough i mean when she came in every time she would come to california and see me would have a different house first thing she'd do is go she's feeling of the woodwork she's feeling the window sills because if it wasn't smooth this is this junk house that details were everything to her everything to her and she would always she'd get a new piece of furniture you want to hear how you want to hear how she get with my dad you might have heard this but it's good it's not good doctrine but it's still good story i went with her one time and there was a place about an hour away and they would get european antiques and daddy knew that this was a place that she hung out and so uh i was with her one day and uh you know frank give me my receipt and she said he said okay carolyn you know they're she they know each other you know and uh so he writes her out uh he writes her out a receipt and then he says okay how much you want this receipt for he'd give her the real receipt then he'd give her a fake receipt one that she had for her files and one that she had for daddy well you know there are there is scripture do all you can do to be at peace with all men as much as possible that was very possible you said well that was a lie well ray had the heart it lied when she hid god's people she lied no don't use that don't use that don't do that don't use that i told you that's not good doctrine spit out the sticks and um so she came home and she got like a six thousand dollar piece while we were there and she oh frank make it for 500. [Laughter] daddy comes in we come home she's got this little this little it's a small chest you know it goes on the she got on the table and he said oh so you got something new yep here's her seat for it he picks it up 500. he said that's fake and you know it and he never asked for the real one that was just their little charming way of making life work he knows she's going to do what she's going to do and he could afford it so just pay up buddy but when she would put something on the table nothing got done until she was able to get that thing completed because she so appreciated what she bought she could not wait to use it she was so excited to get that thing redone because she wanted to hurry up and use it i tell you what our inheritance is so rich we need to hurry up and renew our minds hurry up hurry up hurry up [Applause] give full attention to renewing your mind because the quicker you renew it the more you're going to enjoy what's been provided because only the renewed mind can fully enjoy when it's unrenewed there will be portions there will be a measure of enjoyment but not full enjoyment not full enjoyment amen so speed it up the more you come to church the more you speed up the renewing of the mind process the more services you miss the more you're going to have to leave that unfinished thing in your life praise the lord amen praise the lord but on this earth we will never complete the renewing process we have to why because the word is so vast all through eternity we're delving into the riches of that word but we can gain great skill with the word to where we can enjoy fully on this earth all that's been provided for us here amen and dad hagan used to say this the mind doesn't stay renewed any more than the hair stays calmed and we can always tell by looking at you if you combed it or not today and we can tell by looking at lives if they're renewing their minds amen every day we get up and put our hair in place every day we have to get up and put our mind in place say no you're not going that way no you're not no no no you're not amen and the word tells us that as we renew our minds something great happens our lives are transformed transformed thank god for ministry lines thank god that your pastor prays for you lays hands on you thank god for these marvelous gifts of the spirit but none of them transform you they bless you but they do not transform your life that's right only the word can do that i said only the word can do that someone can get saved but if they never renew their mind with the word their lives will look like their unsaved neighbors you'll have the same crisis they have your kids will do the same thing their kids do your body will misbehave the way theirs does you'll fight bad habits and bad habits will push you around and strife in the home and all of that is not due to god not doing something for us to do to one thing not renewing the mind and therefore our lives aren't transformed praise the lord i want my behavior to reflect who's in me a renewed mind will affect your behavior god did not come here to give us right behavior he came here to jesus came to give us life but when that life is given its proper place in our thought life it'll it'll affect our behavior amen god wants when we read romans 12 verses 1 and 2 god's showing us what he wants he wants submitted bodies in renewed minds he wants submitted bodies and renewed minds and i will say this that the reason he wants that is because he knows that is our greatest defense against the devil you understand that your greatest defense is a body under control your greatest defense is a mind renewed why because your body and your mind have doors attached to them and a submitted body has closed doors on that body that just not anything can come in and on that mind there are doors and just not any thought can come in when you have a renewed mind a renewed mind goes around and shuts every door of the mind shuts every door of the body you're not i'm not playing with this i'm not playing with that they the renewed mind is a door slam a door slammer a renewed mind is not there with all the doors open refreshing itself with whatever blows through in the wind that day we're not airing out anything when uh grant was little toddler we lived in a house that was that was on four and a half acres and then every home around us had that so we would have several acres spread between homes and then not all the not all the lots were sold so there were vacant lots so there was even more undeveloped acreage out there and grant had this thing and you know most kids most toddlers when they can't see their mom and dad they get nervous they start crying not grant he wanted to not be able to see his mom and dad several times a day that kid would go out no matter any door any door and take off and we had no idea he never went the same direction twice it's like he didn't find like his favorite spot and you could go find him in his favorite spot they were all his favorite spots i mean one time we couldn't find and i'm talking like 45 minutes and an hour later we're still looking for him and this was a common occurrence one lady i sent one of one of the gals that was helping me look because i had you know help at the house and i said well go there's a there's a trailer house up there they're gonna build a house and they've got a trailer house on it while they're waiting to build i said go up there and ask if they've seen him you understand it's on a hill far away on that old rugged cross in all means [Laughter] but i'm talking about on a hill far away there's this trailer and she went my my gal went up there and and there was a lady who had just come home from the hospital that day and she said to the lady have you seen a taller run around she said yeah i've got him in my house i just called the police i didn't know where he belonged i had the police to come pick him up i didn't know where he belonged that was my child he had a good home so we would put locks on the doors and then you had to keep them locked during the day because an open door was a problem so you know he would just get a chair push it up to the door and lock it and go out and you come home you come out and the door's open you go oh my gosh hide and seek here we go and then i started putting multiple locks of different kinds some that were hard he'd unlock them all so then i put more locks and then i got it this way lock some but leave some unlocked so that when he goes to unlock him he's locking some that was the only way we got him stopped but every door looked like people that lived there are convicts because we had multiple locks on every door but that's how important the doors were and a renewed mind is a closed door and a renewed mind has a gatekeeper at that door that you don't just let anything in because it knocks him because it wants sin okay i gotta tell on pastor debbie this this week this is great what day did we arrive we arrived friday you you came with us was it saturday morning sunday morning saturday morning okay saturday morning so we get to bed you know uh i don't know what time i got to bed um maybe 1 30 something like that and i get up and i'm 6 45 and i'm texting the staff ladies i said is going to walk anybody want to go let's go and so the up ones you know there are the ones who at least have their ringer on you know they're texting me back you know acting like they're awake and yeah pastor we'll go i texted her and there was no response and i so i texted her several more times no response so i said that's it we're being rude we're going to her hotel she's across the street from us so several of us get up and we go walk and i go up and i go and go you know i'm hoping this is the right room so it's now about seven some a little after seven in the morning and you can hear her and she's slow and then you hear her coming she goes hello who is it i said it's room service [Music] [Laughter] it's room service and she goes i didn't order room service yes you did [Music] [Applause] no you could tell that she's not quite awake and she's trying to figure out no i didn't order a room service i said yes you did yes you did room service is here and she said no you know you can hear she's waking up a little bit because her voice is getting more certain no i didn't order room service i said yes you did it's getting cold [Laughter] and she said no i didn't i said yes you did open the door she said do you think i'm going to open the door to you she doesn't recognize my voice i'm not even trying to disguise it [Applause] she said do you think i'm going to open the door to you i said yes you are i've got your food open your door and she goes well just a minute i've got to put my robe on [Applause] so she comes over she opens the door and she opens it slowly i told dede video this i wish i videoed the whole thing it was so great and we're all laughing you know oh and i said video this so she opens the door and then she sees me and she all passed her you know and so we waited for her and she came out on the walk with us but it was all about the door at that at that time it was all how you treated the door if you don't like what's at the door you don't have to just because it's there's sound at the door that won't quit you ever had your head banged on a thought just banging banging banging banging banging banging banging banging and people will say oh my gosh i'm tormented by that thought just don't answer it don't don't open the door to that thing and the good thing if it's hammering and keeps hammering that's a good sign it's still out it's not in your thought life and the devil wants you to think just because you're hearing the banging that it's in your thought life now don't misunderstand me you don't have to sit there and be subject to banging thoughts but i'm just telling you just because it continues to show up doesn't mean it's yours now there are some people that just by nature they are cautious around doors you know they're thinking as a parent you think there's there's people on the other side of this door maybe so you don't just go wow you know right oh my gosh we were buying out here and we were thinking about because we're taking off and morgan said ed was the type it gave us so much fun ed was the type when he got on the airplane he you know you can get spoiled by having a private plane because everything suits you and on a commercial flight very little suits you and so he we'd get on the plane and they you know they tell you you know have your seat back up right have your seat belt on all this stuff and and you're supposed to wait till you get about i don't know whether it's ten thousand feet or something before they'll even consider taking off the seat seat belt sign so that you can even go to the restroom they want you to have it on all the time but if you need to go to the restroom it's and you don't lay your seat backs until you know we reached that point well ed's theology doctrine was the moment the wheels start down the runway bam he would push that button in and bam that seat back and he didn't go back gradually you know just in case somebody's leaning forward reaching for something he'll go bam and i always i push it and i go back real slow because there may be a child back there there may there may be somebody's foot in between you know there's some there's something surrounding this seat and he would bam but that's ed he was a slammer he was just the slammer dr sumrall was a slammer that was just the way they entered or exited things they came in big you know the renewed mind is a slammer you don't just gradually close the door to a wrong thought the quicker you recognize that you have left the door open you better go over and get that thing slammed tight quick and i won't tell you other stories and connections with those seats because praise the lord i still want to ride on the commercial flights so amen so satan's chief battleground is the mind we cannot handle softly the place he shows up to challenge us we have to be so assertive in that arena because that's where he's going to show up to ruin your life is in the body and in the mind many think that the devil is their problem when the real problem is they haven't done what they ought with their bodies and minds and they're trying to exercise dominion over the devil they're trying to use the name of jesus and it's not working for them because they have not yet submitted their body and renewed their minds amen praise the lord what time did i start [Music] okay about 8 30 i started james chapter 4 verse 7. james chapter 4 verse 7. he writes this submit yourselves therefore to god resist the devil what is that use your dominion yes use your dominion yes use your authority that's what he's saying use your authority against the enemy and what will happen there will be a result he will flee from you it's so critical to know he doesn't just say use your authority resist the devil the devil will flee there is a statement before it submit to god the the most primary ways and the most important ways of submitting god is present your body and renew your mind obey him submit to him in that amen our flow of authority is interrupted when submission to god is interrupted if we don't if we're our bodies we're not submitting our bodies to god we're just letting them do what they want go where they want and we're not submitting our our minds to god we're not renewing our minds we're just letting anything we think anything we just sit and think about anything we want and then we go to use our authority and then wonder why it doesn't work it's interrupted so critical to dominion so critical to to authority and this is what god began to bring up to me today when i could have gone to 40 other pages of teaching this is what he wanted spotlighted amen amen we were made for dominion and we already have it we already have it it's not trying to get it we already have it because it's part of our inheritance package of in christ right in the flow of dominion that is already ours with that dominion were authorized to renew our minds to renew your mind you have to use your dominion i mean there are so many times in my my mind just kept and i said and i'd say no you don't mind i'm talking to my mind it's subject to me it's subject to me when the mind is racing and i say no you don't you stop amen amen when we renew our minds we quit thinking wrong and when we quit thinking wrong the devil loses sway over us he can only sway us through wrong thinking amen jesus spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly the devil has nothing left to defeat you with the only thing he has is suggestions and threats the power of suggestion is all he's got but to the renewed mind no suggestion works his suggestions and threats only work on the mind that's not thinking in line with what god says amen and this is now we're getting to things that started coming up on my spirit that were really new for me and i like i said i'm maybe i'm behind in this and you already know this and i'm just going to they go well bless her lord forgetting this but our dominion in authority is released number one through speaking we submit to god and we speak to the devil we speak to that opposition and it has to flee right but this is the wording that came up out of my spirit today our authority and dominion is also released through the flow of the renewed mind dominion is released through the flow of the renewed mind and when we are renewing our minds the release of our authority becomes a natural daily consistent flow of our lives now i'm going to give you some examples to illustrate this the dominion and authority of the renewed mind now i for time's sake i'll just quote this to you you know second corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ this is a picture of the renewed mind this is what the renewed mind does that's right every day every day every day it's never time that this is completed every day this is our flow we're casting down thoughts and they're not troubling us because we recognize they're wrong and the door is closed to them amen this is the picture of their new mind and the renewed mind has a dominion a flow of dominion and authority that comes with it naturally when satan came and sat on the bed of smith wigglesworth he was awakened in the middle of the night because he felt an evil influence in the room that's what woke him up he doesn't say the devil said anything he just felt his presence and he woke up he rolled over and saw satan sitting in manifested form this is a challenge he's come to oppose and challenge him in in his own realm in this realm and smith wigglesworth rolls over and sees him he doesn't say satan i resist you which is one way of resisting but he didn't do that he said oh it's only you and he rolled back over and went to sleep what was that the renewed mind the flow of dominion coming through the renewed mind the renewed mind just sees things and doesn't even really sometimes acknowledge it because it is so unaffected that door is closed so tight it it it has reached a point of ignoring with total peace not ignoring hoping it'll go away no ignoring knowing it has no rights amen it's about not just moments god doesn't want us to just have moments of victory he wants us to have a lifestyle a victory there is no lifestyle of victory without the dominion of the renewed mind flowing the renewed mind lives in continual victory every thought is cast down every thought is shut out every wrong thought every suggestion of the enemy not even not even given any entrance and life is lived this way instead of punching its stuff all day long trying to get them out of your life the the renew the greater the renewing of the mind the greater the flow of dominion just by what you know you just know and you say don't you have to say sometimes you can you can know so much you don't have to say some things because you carry a posture of dominion my mother when she'd take us into stores or over someone's house and we did something she just dominion was visible that is a higher flow than this [Music] you know and just chewing them out in front of somebody we've been chewed out at home then we got in public she didn't have to say anything she'd just look at us dominion by the countenance how can you have a countenance of dominion you have to have a renewed mind your mind has to be renewed you have to know some things and you are unaffected i'm not saying we don't answer things i've got a book called answer it i know that but there is a place of cert so certain dominion that you can just look at certain things and you know they opened the door what was it on sunday night i was telling how about how that pastor called dr sumrall to the room when the wife was screaming in pain they opened the door of dr sumrall coming to their room and all the pain stops not a word said that's right that's right nothing taking authority over is just dominion showed up and the devil stopped this is a lifestyle that we are authorized for if we will submit our bodies and renew our minds amen praise the lord the renewed mind the submitted bodies and the renewed mind will offer you heaven on earth amen absolute days of heaven on earth i decided long ago i am not going to live a life of difficulty i will not i can't believe for a moment that god has put me down here to struggle i i refuse to wait to go to heaven before i live there i can live there before i go there how with a submitted body and renewed mind think about it we um we had gone to africa ed and i and stephen and one day they took us out on a safari ride and i mean we saw about everything you could see out there and we saw lions out there one of the things there were hyenas there were all kinds of things out there and the lion people nothing came near it why it's the top of the food chain baby the lion's mind is renewed to that and anyone who challenged it got their mind renewed because the lion knew on top of the food chain and if something comes up to a lion and just growls or something that lion they were the most unmoving animals on the prairie there why when you're in charge you don't have to do a lot of moving and that lion could be laying this way and all of a sudden hear a sound it wouldn't get up and go see what it is right you you not are you you're not you're not are you in you is the lion of the tribe of judah it's not running around frantically trying to win it's so assured there's a certainty of fortifying on the inside that i know that certainty that knowledge gives you and skill with that knowledge causes you to lie down in the midst of things and be untroubled it causes you thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies you're authorized to ignore the enemy that's present when you know something and you're skilled at staying at the table instead of skilled at looking behind you hoping the enemy's not getting your finances and getting your children because you know some things yes it wouldn't dare because it knows it's going to meet with dominion if it dares yes this is what god offers us we were made made for dominion dominion is very restful not inactive but restful a king doesn't get up and declare bless god i'm the king you listen to me today no he just goes and sits on the throne that's his and starts decreeing things says it and somebody wants to argue with it he gives them one look and it's the wrong look they can die right then taken out why because i'm in dominion not your opinion right amen praise the lord i said praise the lord the renewed mind offered the submitted body and the renewed mind offers us days of heaven on earth every day every day that doesn't mean circumstances don't come that doesn't mean feelings don't come it means our doors are closed amen so come come whatever two houses a storm came to both remember matthew seven beat upon that house you're gonna feel you're going to know there's a beating you hear it so what stay inside don't open the door someone may say well what about the day your husband died was that a day of heaven on earth and i'd have to say to you the event was not heaven on earth but the flow offered me was i was still offered peace i was still offered joy the offer of what was mine didn't leave i made a choice that day i'm not leaving heaven's flow i'm not leaving heaven's flow and i want you to know that in the face of unexpected tragedy that the flow of heaven that he offers you through a submitted body and a renewed mind is far greater than death far greater far greater not just barely bitter far better it was no contest and i i don't know maybe i baffle people when i say things like this that the hardest test i've ever gone through is not the home going of my husband you say well didn't you love him certainly the hardest test i've ever gone through is facing seasons of testing without knowing that was the hardest to see when my husband went home i knew some things and i told people i can't act like i don't know what i know just because he left and the re the unrenewed mind doesn't like those statements they choke on those statements they think they're dishonorable when it's really honoring of the word praise the lord can you stay with me a couple more minutes okay the dominion of the renewed mind is what came up out of my spirit but there's another thing we could say the dominion of living in the presence of god the dominion of glory psalm 91. psalm 91 verse 1. you know it right let me say this a renewed mind a renewed mind will live aware of the presence of god amen amen a renewed mind if we're not living as aware of the presence of god as we should it's not about getting a greater feeling of god going it's about renewing the mind more the greater the renewing of the mind the more you close the doors to everything that get in between you and your fellowship with god and his presence is then uninterrupted by all the distractions because renewed mind closed the doors to distractions and now it's him amen psalm 91 verse 1 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high what's the secret place the spirit realm it's a spirit realm he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide abide not visit not come and go they they're stationed there they abide under the shadow of the almighty now this is what someone who's done verse 1 says in verse 2 i will say of the lord he's my refuge he's my fortress he's my god and in him i trust really all you have to do is verses one and two the rest of the verses are what's going to be happening because you did verse 1 and 2. surely what is it surely he shall deliver thee from the center of the fire this is his response to you dwelling in the secret place the rest of the chapter is amen this is the dominion of his presence i was um i was in a i was actually to i believe it's two years ago at brother copeland's southwest believer's convention i got a phone call i'd had a phone call from someone and they were older older friends they were like in their 90s and i'd known him for years before i even married ed and they had hit some hard hard times financially and i had helped them and um they called again in the middle of that meeting and i thought this time my own resources were not what they that what they were before and so i thought i'm not helping them this time and god said give them what they need and i know he said it and i knew by giving them what they needed it was going to take me to almost zero hey ed taught us how to live on the edge of nothing and keep going it didn't frighten me but i'm aware yeah you're aware you notice so i did it and the whole time i'm sitting in for the next service just thoughts you don't you're not going to have enough you're not going to have enough and i'd answer it and i'd say you know how i answer when things like that i i tell it what god said to me no god told me i didn't say fear i rebuke you i said god told me to give it and i am always safe obeying what god said that's right always and he'd come again you don't have enough money god told me to do that see when god tells you something it's because you're going to need to spend those words yes yes you don't have to come up with different words he tell he's telling you what to say when opposition challenges you so i said no god told me to give that and i'm always safe in doing what god says i am not unsafe financially and it kept coming and i'd keep answering and finally the holy ghost spoke he said if you would just get in the presence of god you wouldn't even have to listen to that you get that the dominion of his presence the dominion of being in the glory that things can't reach you there they just can't reach you they don't reach your notice your notice is far above on him and on his word and although you may hear it it just doesn't get into your notice you go you got a scripture for that pastor i do i do you ought to be glad right i'm almost done so thank you for staying staying with me thank you so much for staying with me on this i want you to go to mark chapter 5. mark chapter 5 verse 35. mark chapter 5 verse 35 and i'm going to read out the amplified so if you have a device that lets you pull that up you may want to now jairus had come up to jesus asked him to come to his house because his daughter's at the point of death the woman with the issue of blood interrupts jesus's progress on the trip pres it touches his garment jesus stops for a testimony meeting you have to wonder what jairus is thinking like lady come on lady speed it up don't tell the whole history please 12 years no please that's too far back please [Laughter] you know you know anyway so while while jesus is talking to this woman and giving her instruction basically said go into peace and be healed or stay healed of your plague and at verse 35 of the amplified while jesus was still speaking talking to this woman with the issue of blood there came some from the ruler's house and said to jairus your daughter has died why bother and distress the teacher any further verse 36 overhearing but ignoring what they said what is this this is the posture of the renewed mind yes amen overhearing but ignoring overhearing jesus did not even answer their words now he did talk to jairus and say how to stay in the place where god could meet him only believe he gave him instruction but he did not even challenge those words he didn't even none of that what's he doing he's practiced at overhearing but ignoring that's not the first time he's overheard and ignored he's practiced at it he's practiced at it the dominion of god's presence amen i was watching a uh a minister on uh he was giving his testimony of having the experience of going to heaven and this is the only man i'd ever heard who said this but this minister when he went to heaven he saw stephen the martyr the first martyr of the church and i never heard anybody say that they'd ever met him before up there and he said in the course they spoke for a few moments and then this minister said to stephen he said you know it's recorded how you died that you died by stoning and he said you must have suffered at your time of death and he said stephen looked and says no i didn't feel a thing i was in the glory i was in the glory i didn't feel anything now if that will happen for a stone coming at your body would that not also work for thoughts coming against your mind what was that the dominion of the glory the dominion it put him in total command of his exit that he exited in glory not in pain he exited in glory not in suffering why because he was practiced he that wasn't the first day he had looked to heaven when things were coming against him he's practiced amen at it i i was with a minister and that had that knew sister catherine coleman very well had ministered alongside of her traveled with her and i said what's the most i said tell me a little bit about kathryn kuhlman the first thing out of his mouth said she never came out of the spirit first thing said she lived in the spirit and i said tell me how she did that and he said without hesitation he said she spent three to five hours a day praying in tongues what was that fellowship she paid the price of fellowship to have the dominion of glory and the result of that place marvelous miracles that happened because she occupied a place available yes amen i was listening my husband and i were sitting around a dinner table about 25 years ago listening to a pastor tell the story there was a couple about 90 years old in his church that had been part of sister amy mcpherson's ministry and they said to him they said we've been in many ministers meetings over the years all the leading ones and he said that she the couple said no one's anointing came near hers they didn't even come close to the measure of anointing you felt in the room under sister amy and he said to them what is that due to and they said two things number one she had 150 people praying during her every service that she had and they weren't just praying to pray they had some skill but they said the second thing is she paid the price to live in intimacy with jesus that's a key that if we want to have this dominion that flows just by being in his presence things straighten out pastor craig got up and was receiving the offering and says i am why did those words they were about him but why did they have the effect they had he said that from a place his intimacy with his father that when he spoke those words had an effect amen well praise the lord we're learning he made us for dominion the dominion and i don't so so many uh sub-categories if we could say this to become skillful with our dominion skillful with our dominion and the renewed mind skillful with our dominion of in that place of intimacy with the father amen are you helped tonight stand with me to your feet again thank you for staying hooked up for so long and staying hungry amen father we give you thanks we give you praise we give you glory and honor we're so grateful we belong to you jesus we thank you let's just lift up our hands and worship him listen we choose we choose we choose what flow that we permit in our lives we choose amen let's just not be floaters that just hope we float into something of dominion hope we float into our victory no we purposefully direct our days so that we can become skillful at this dominion that has been made ours amen father we thank you we give you glory and honor we give you glory and honor [Music] jesus [Music] lord we love you you are good lord we love you you are good lord we love you you are good lord we love you you are good [Music] lord we love you you are good [Music] lord we love you you are good lord we love you we love you you are good lord we praise you lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are [Music] lord we praise you you are good lord we praise you you are good lord we praise [Music] we worship you jesus just lift up your hands and worship him we worship you father [Music] we worship you jesus we worship you i uh [Music] a couple of months ago i was god said to me he said i long to heal i long to i long for people to be healed and when we were at pastor j eberly's church god said to me certain things on the wednesday night service of that and one of the things he said to me he said the waves of healings are going to start waves of healing rather are going to start flowing in the congregation and he said in he brought this before me is when if you go to a beach and a wave comes and you may stand to where it's going to wash over you once it washes over you and goes past you that wave is gone god said i so long to heal that i'm not going to do that he said the way this will flow is it will roll on them and keep rolling and it won't pass them by it'll keep rolling he said now they will have to respond to it but he said for those who don't know how to respond i'm not willing to just pass over i'll stay with them for a while to help them to yield help them to yield and that night i don't know how many we we had testimonies that came up maybe eight different people that came up but there were more than that there were other people but about what was it five of them maybe got new knees i mean they were bone on bone and they were doing knee bends in front of us one that one of his gals that came up on crutches and she sat and did squats in front of us when i mean she was even debating on coming to the meeting she was in so much pain and i mean though nobody touched her just waves of that healing power amen but it has to be received and god said to me he reminded me and maybe some of you ministers can help help remind me on this my husband would say that that power that he he would to bless he would go like this remember to bless the congregation and he says i can get that power to flow back a certain number of feet does anybody remember that how how far he said he could get it to flow back yeah but was it about about four or five rows that that could be tangible to those but it wouldn't go god said to me he said this will reach all the way to the back because it's not a just a it's not just a blessing that's coming off the anointing of that man it is the flow in that room of what god is amen praise the lord so don't just think because i'm not up front it's going to be lesser amen father we thank you just if you need healing in this place hook up to your heart just quiet the mind focus on on your spirit or focus on jesus and just receive don't try to figure out anything don't try to think of something [Music] jesus we thank you we thank you there it is we thank you we thank you [Music] we thank you for waves of healing we we thank you for waves of healing we thank you father for waves of healing we thank you father for waves of healing just receive it just receive the waves of healing we we thank you for it father we thank you father we thank you for it father whatever it is you need receive that for yourself [Music] just receive that we thank you father we thank you we thank you for it we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we thank you for it we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you [Music] [Music] we thank you father for the waves [Music] waves of healing waves of the anointing that destroys the yoke we thank you for that we thank you for that we thank you for that father [Music] we thank you [Music] we thank you father [Music] we thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] we thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you we thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah i receive it what about you i receive it i receive it hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father my sticky had the best [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] we thank you father [Music] do something you couldn't do before i'm talking about physically if there was some kind of condition something limited you if there was pain or stiffness or soreness give action to that amen we thank you father we thank you father we thank you father [Music] we thank you father we thank you father hallelujah hallelujah we give you glory father we give you glory and honor [Music] oh the blood that saved me [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] save me [Music] cleanse me [Music] and it makes me [Music] cleans me and it makes me and it makes me [Music] hallelujah jesus we thank you we thank you for the great price you paid so that all could be ours [Music] we're so so grateful we take our place and we thank you that in the taking brings us heaven on earth and that's what we'll have we thank you for your word we honor your word we glorify you we magnify you and everybody said amen hallelujah how many of you say i received something tonight did you get something tonight absolutely praise the lord thank god for changes right changes offered us and we make them amen hallelujah well you don't want to miss in the morning every morning in the until thursday morning till thursday night 10 a.m 7 p.m and come expecting amen every service come expecting something amen well turn around to somebody before you're dismissed and say i was made for dominion and it works for me and you can be dismissed god bless you [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 5,241
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Id: xpiTfiwVJDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 59sec (9359 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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