Committed To The Truth | Rev. Joel Siegel | Holy Ghost Meetings 2021 | Thursday PM

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he's worthy he's worthy father we exalt you in this place we magnify you in this place you're worthy of the praise you're worthy of the glory we thank you father glory to your name jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name god [Music] we come to lift you up for we adore you we come to lift you up and give you praise we come to lift you up for we adore you we come to lift you up and give you praise we come to lift you up but we adore you we come to lift you up and give you praise we come to lift you up for we adore you we come to lift you up and give you we come to lift you up we come to lift you up for we adore you we come to lift you up and give you plenty that's all we came to do we adore you we come to lift you up and give you we give you glory all the glory we come to lift our hands and give you praise we give you glory glory [Music] we give you glory he's worthy of the praise hallelujah we come to lift our voice for we adore you we come to lift our voice and give you praise we come to lift our boys for we adore you we come to [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you glory glory we come to lift our hands yes we give you glory all the glory lord we come to lift our hands and give you praise we give you glory glory we come to lift our hands and give you come on lift your hands and your voice and give him praise give him glory he's worthy he's so worthy jesus we glorify you we exalt you we lift you up come on and let your voice sink in and praise we praise you our savior our redeemer our healer our provider our waymaker we worship you for who you are hallelujah for you alone are worthy for you deserve your praise for you alone are worthy for you deserve no praise for you alone for you [Music] our alone you alone for you alone are worthy for you jesus [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] for you alone for you alone are worthy for you to deserve great [Applause] [Applause] jesus oh [Applause] [Music] so [Music] he's worthy [Music] [Music] come on and give him a shout and praise he's worthy of the praise he's worthy [Music] well let's continue to praise him oh father we love to praise you we love to worship you we lift our voice oh yes [Music] i just wanna praise you forever and ever and ever for all oh yes lord blessing and glory and honor they all belong to you thank you jesus for blessing me i just want to praise [Music] yes [Music] thank you in me yes lord i just want to praise you forever all that you've done for me they all belong to you thank you jesus for blessing me oh yes lord i just wanna praise you forever and ever jesus yes lord for all that you've done blessing and glory thank you jesus [Music] i just want to praise you [Music] he has done so much for me [Music] is blessing in [Music] to glory jesus yes they do let's sing in glory and honor thank you jesus [Music] oh we praise you father oh we turn our hearts towards you your presence is [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] god [Music] hallelujah [Music] god [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] lord we love you [Music] oh we love you jesus we love you we [Music] [Music] love you lord we love you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] you're [Music] yes you are you're my [Music] you're my father we come tonight to receive from all that you have for us we thank you for the revelation from your word that we're gonna partake of tonight by faith we've come expecting we believe for every answer we believe father that when hands are laid on the sick they shall recover we thank you for the healing anointing that's here in this place and those who've come to receive that even while ministry is being while the word is being preached they're being ministered to your healing power is flowing and we thank you for the holy ghost he's our great helper he's helping us tonight leading us and guiding us and all truth father we're grateful for all that you've done for us all that you're doing right now and all that you have ahead in jesus name amen you can be seated this evening [Music] we want to remind you go ahead and turn off your cell phones and electronic devices we want to let you know uh tonight the last night of the conference is usually dedicated for um ministry to the sick we want to let you know some materials you can get a hold of in our bookstore one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to daily feed on faith and healing because oftentimes we can find ourselves in situations where faith is low we haven't fed we haven't partaken of the bread that we should have and we get behind and symptoms show up and that's not the time we want to be playing ketchup and uh directing our faith and our attention because healing is the children's bread that means every day every day we should be feeding on it amen so we've got some materials pastor nancy referenced this sermon i believe is a couple nights ago three ways sickness or defeat enters the life of the believer and she outlined those three things uh worry not following the plan of god and lack of gratitude were the three things and she goes in just to know those is not enough because she takes each one of those and goes into detail about how that door swings wide open which each one of those and she teaches it every so often in our church god will have her to re uh reiterate and and minister this again because as she mentioned the other night the devil god god gave her the holy ghost gave her this message and the devil was not mentioned in any one of those things now we know fear there's a spirit of fear that's not just something you generate on your own that is a spirit from the enemy that you can keep out close the door to and keep your body well amen and we know of course that the enemy tries to bring alternative plans to people's lives distractions and they get off but still it comes back to our decision so uh you'll want to get that to have to pull out of pastor nancy does not come and preach every sunday or even once a month at your church or is only at your church when you need to have this if god sees fit to have her teach it at our church every so often then you need to make sure you have it that's our cue to take this and have it in our personal library to pull out and listen to to remind us and then she has taught us and we've had testimonies results of healings just from people receiving miracles just from the development of their faith and staying in peace just from that one simple uh truth they learn to get out of worry get into peace and the symptoms left the pain left what they were struggling with left and so the sound is a sound discipline mind in the peace book we oftentimes encourage people to buy these together not to sell books there's one thing this ministry we're not uh as pastor anderson we're we're not into selling the millions and the millions of of books we would like to but not for the reasons that other people write books because you can ask anyone at this congregation we all have testimonies from the peace book from the answer it book from sound discipline mime everybody has a mind you got two people in this world the saved and the unsaved but we all have unsaved minds and this is what i have to remind my congregation we've all got unsaved minds you have to decide whether you're gonna save your mind or not god doesn't decide that he sent his son so that we could be born again you have two people the saved and the unsaved but even within the body of christ you got the renewed and the unrenewed and uh when it comes to since we've all got this mind that we've all got to do something with at least we hope you have a mind you want to do something with it the believer the greatest thing one of the greatest things you can offer people is the prince of peace you offer them peace because they can have money but have no peace they could have health but have no peace if people don't have their minds they don't want to live they're tormented their families are tormented and so we've encouraged our congregation and pastor nancy has this principle and this truth on peace walking in peace not just divine health but peace for your mind for your home for your family that you can have a complete you can wake up in the morning full of joy you can get up in the middle of the night answering every troubled thought go to bed restful peaceful fulfill the plan of god opposition may come but it doesn't get inside you because it can't trouble the mind so these two books a sound is simple a sound discipline mind and peace living free from worry symptoms show up oftentimes because people i've been worrying and fretting about the little things the little cares get in and it begins to affect and their body affects their stomach affects their heart affects everything else in the body and so if you're here tonight and you are wanting hands laid on you i would encourage you to get these two books not just not just healing but get books and maybe there's something that's going on in your mind a difficulty a worry a situation in life that you have realized i don't have peace in that and that may be an open door to sickness and disease get the door closed the symptoms go you know not saying that you don't need a healing but when jesus told him uh you know healed the man said go and and said no more and then he told him told the woman you know go in peace there was other assignments there was other things connected to their healing so tonight that was one of the things we wanted to encourage you if you've come to receive healing make sure that you don't just leave it with the hands laid on is there other things connected to you staying healed staying in peace staying free staying delivered it's not about getting it for today it's about staying amen staying in the fullness that god's provided so there's going to be some homework there'll be some things that we have to do on our part jesus did his part but i refuse to let the devil take anything that god has already provided for me and he said is mine there's a fight to that faith and that's what these books do they they help us to fight the fight of faith and fight to keep our minds keep our peace keep our joy amen keep a sound relationship with god not a frantic one trying to get something so we want to encourage you and then the healer divine a study of all the healings of jesus she wrote this many many years ago and she goes through each of the accounts of healing in jesus ministry and so uh that's a good one i i know even for um kids young kids you can take it and use it as a study a bible study so that they can begin to feed their faith on healing but it's a great book any of these books all actually all three of these our congregation members do use even as a track i can't tell you how many people outside our church i've given the peace living free from worry um and we have a ministry an outreach i should say that someone uses and they have been handing this book out to the gang members in la and orange county and i just got another message that says i need more books and sent me the picture of the person requesting the books i said whoa i mean people that would never and this outreach they said look these people are are messaging me going i i know you know who i'm affiliated and associated with but i have bad anxiety can i have that book chasing him down i i'm talking criminals and these books are going and getting into hands as witnessing tools as ministry tools amen because people want to go to bed normal they want to go to bed healed amen and so if that's you tonight you've come make sure before you leave you go get some materials that are going to help you stay and keep uh in line with what you have received tonight amen we want to show a quick video uh regarding our broadcasts jesus the healer broadcast are you all ready with that hi i'm pastor nancy defrane and i wanted to give you an update on a very important arm of ministry for defray ministries and that is our jesus the healer television broadcast you know when my husband turned 70 years old god said to him he said the next 10 years will bear more fruit than all the previous years of ministry combined well my husband when he went home to be with the lord i decided not to let that word drop but i kept my faith on that word and i said god i don't know how to how you're going to do it my husband he he traveled so much he preached so many times thousands and thousands and thousands of sermons and i thought i don't know how that can be fulfilled that word that you gave him but i said i'm trusting that that word still be fulfilled and uh it's so uh impressive to watch how god works because with one email we received an invitation to come on to tv and russia and have a weekly broadcast and so i saw god was able to fulfill through that one invitation that word that he had spoken to my husband so we of course said yes we were thrilled at the prospect of that and tb in russia goes into 186 countries of the 196 countries of the world and so with that one invitation the word that god had given my husband was fulfilled and now i begin thinking what should the name of the broadcast be and i remembered that my husband back in the 1970s he had a vision of himself and he was hanging off of a satellite and he was proclaiming this jesus is the healer and so he always said that when he had a television broadcast he would call it jesus the healer so of course we picked up that vision that god had given him and we're carrying it on with our jesus the heater broadcast today we have had well over a million views just on our youtube channel alone that is not counting our television viewership and other outlets that broadcast the jesus the healer and so we are so thrilled to continue with that we've been able to pay months in advance for the broadcast we're not only on tv and russia but now we've been invited to victory television network we are on also dominion television as well as kingdom building tv recently we had just been invited to air our broadcast on tbn israel amazing that god is opening these doors to us and let me tell you a little bit of background when i was 38 years old my husband and i were standing in our bedroom and he said to me he said one day you're going to be on tbn i had no idea it would be tbn russia but then not only that uh he had gone to pray and minister with a precious uh saint of god who was a leader in the body of christ back during the 70s and this person was really very close to going to heaven and ed went and visited them and prayed with them and they turned to ed and they said god's gonna open doors for you to go to israel ed only told me that once that story once and probably about 20 years ago he told it to me and i remembered this that when we got invited to be on tv in israel that word had been given years really decades ago to my husband so it's so impressive to watch these words come into fulfillment so in 2021 we're releasing our faith for the financial needs of the television ministry to be met we are on four networks and we're we've been invited of course to tbn israel our fifth one and to think of it when we look at the cost of it it's so minimal for us to air on all five networks for the entire year in 2021 it's only a cost of 77 000 think of it that is so minimal compared to all that we're going to be all the people we're going to be able to reach we have two goals in believing for the financial needs of the television ministry to be met first is this airtime cost of 77 000 but also we want our second goal to be the production cost that pays for our equipment that pays for our staff and the space and all that's needed to to put these broadcasts together that is a hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars so that's separate from our airtime cost but think of it to be able to reach just only 77 000 into 186 countries of the world so i ask you to pray about joining with us on this great great arm of ministry that god has opened to us we're so appreciative of our partners the friends of the ministry you have been absolutely so generous toward this project and we're believing to be able to pay for six months in advance and so we ask you pray about it believe with us for all of these funds to come in two goals seventy seven thousand dollars for airtime costs 134 000 for production costs so you believe with us and we believe that in 2021 the best is yet to come and we're just so appreciative that you have joined with us in uh using your faith and being a part of what god is doing so we believe with you for a full harvest on your giving as you reach with us all across the world with our jesus the healer broadcast god bless you praise the lord well i have the privilege of taking up the offering tonight and we're not just going to meet the budget we are going to do what double it praise the lord and i especially just want to take a moment for those of you watching online [Music] you have a responsibility to give tonight i was just thinking have you ever heard the term going dutch i've never done it so i had to ask my wife and pastor craig what that meant but you know what dutch is that everyone pays for their own and so for those of you online we've been paying for these meetings and it's time for you we're doing dutch this week but but i i thought of this you know um i know in the archives you know usually thousands of people watch a service what if everyone that watched just gave five bucks every service a thousand that's five thousand dollars a service double up ten thousand i i mean we we could triple that budget couldn't we so those of you out there especially if you're in the family churches i'm gonna check up on you just kidding but go ahead go ahead give and you can give more than five dollars you you have permission praise the lord hallelujah uh real quick uh second corinthians chapter eight and verse nine a very familiar portion of scripture and it reads this for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be rich so here we read that was by the grace of god that we were made rich now that's and it says grace is by the grace of god we were made rich and we understand grace is not merited it's not earned it's something god did for us we are saved by grace we can't save ourselves we are healed by grace we can't heal ourselves it's a grace and in the same vein that uh here that we are made rich by grace and really in a scriptural sense you can't make yourself rich it's something the lord made you through the death burial and resurrection of lord jesus christ and so even though grace cannot be merited or earned it needs to be cooperated with you know jesus provides salvation for everyone grace the grace of god is a pure doll is available to all but yet people don't cooperate with the grace of god to be saved same thing with healing well in the same same way being rich we we are all rich but not everyone is cooperating with that grace and so with that in mind i begin to seek the lord you know i want to cooperate with it you know i got saved i'm healed but man this rich thing i want the full measure of that grace operating and so you know and seeking lord um it brought me to second corinthians 9 8 just uh next chapter over and it says this that god is able to make all grace that's that word grace again a bound towards you or towards me that you always have all sufficiency in all things may bound in every good work of course pastor debbie simons shared beautifully on that the other night and so here the bible says we were made rich but here it talks about grace abounding like more grace abundant grace the the limits off of that grace and so i began to meditate on that how do i allow all grace concerning being rich i am rich i i want to understand that one get in my heart but i wanted to abound and i believe the lord gave me this example that has helped me and i trusted help you for my 50th birthday and it's approximately also my 30th year of ministry my board and others decided that i should have any car that i wanted and you know what i took them up on that so i did research and i've always wanted a bmw 7 series i just love them bmw german engineering and so i got one and not only did i get one i won one with all the bells and whistles and i won one that had a lot of horse power and i also want one that i can keep up with pastor craig following up on the qew in canada and if you ever had done that you know what i'm talking about and so i i found one was actually a showroom model that they they just came out with this new model they were showcasing it it had all the bells and whistles uh it had the the 500 horsepower engine twin turbo so you this thing can fly this thing can go i mean and so this beautiful beautiful car i i take to fredonia i mean um i don't know how fast it'll go but uh i i tried one time to see how fast go and i got too scared and i backed off i mean it it it it could fly and so what what am i getting at well i get to fredonia and they they have these wild things called speed limits and stop signs and traffic signs and you know and you know my baby wants to run it wants to purr it wants to go it wants to lift off and and it's humming then there's a stop sign then there's a sign there limit 30 miles an hour in town and then i get to stop sign it's humming and i go like this poor baby i know i know what you're feeling and my wife says go get a room you know your mind and she says you only have one baby deer and you know because it wants to release it wants to go but there's something limiting that and so it has this capability of going fast it has this capability of really flying but it's been limited and the lord said that's like my grace each one of my children is like your car full of attention my grace can do exceedingly above all they ask or thank financially materially but there are limiters there's things that are limiting that grace from fully abounding and of course you know when he said that i said lord what are those limits because i want to take those limits off well we know this and he said just look at the two prior verses uh verse 6 and 7 of 2 corinthians uh chapter 9 and this i say he that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully every man is the purpose is in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for god loveth at your forgiver and so these uh these scriptures there's two limiters of the grace of god number one the measure in which we sow and i cannot stress that enough jesus said give and it'll be given to you good measure pressed down shaking together and running over and very often our measure is a teaspoon and then we're expecting some bushel in return but if you understand that or let's just say in the realm of cash denomination if you sows sow in ones and fives god will bless that cause grace the bound in ones and fives you determine the measure by which he can pour out his return so if you up the measure if you want to reap in hundreds what do you need to do so in hundreds if you want to reap in thousands you sow in thousands and you know for some reason we think well we can give tens and twenties and we're believing god for ten thousand dollars you determine the measure by which his grace flows to you and so that limits the grace of god and the second thing and pastor debbie taught so well the heart in which we give you know the faith the heart you know and developing heart we know all those things and so i want to encourage you it's our best year yet we're going to we're going to more than double the the budget here so let's increase our measure let's let all grace abound towards us and so if we can have our servers come up let's go ahead and pray father we thank you so much for your grace that your grace saved us your grace healed us and your grace made us rich and father by an act of our will we give tonight in good measure that way the grace of god can abound and father we thank you not only the budget will be bent it'll be more than doubled and father this is our best year and father we say and we see the goodness of god in our lives in jesus name amen go ahead and wait on the people [Music] he's god on the platform he's gone back at the door he's gone in the amen corner he's got all over the floor yeah i know god is god and god don't never change i know god is god and always will be god he's governed the light of blessing he's god with the thunder god [Music] is [Music] god of abraham [Music] is [Music] and god don't ever change [Music] oh yeah [Applause] fill me with the holy ghost [Music] he's got [Music] god is god [Applause] god is god is god oh it will be gone hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah father we're so grateful we give you glory and honor and praise tonight we're so grateful for all that you've done and father as this week comes to a close of these meetings we're going home changed we're going home with impartations and revelations and answers for our lives and much to employ and we're so so grateful for all you've made ours we give you thanks hallelujah well i asked brother joel siegel to minister tonight and i so appreciate his ministry i especially value that we have the same spiritual father because there's just there's just a flow that's easy to receive from and and i i always love the story i love it when pastor amy and him tell the story of how he had decided before he ever read any of brother hagin's materials that he was a heretic and didn't know much of his ministry but he was very firm in his belief about it and he was having some physical conditions and i believe you're at a church were you at a church i don't remember and you sent uh pastor amy to go to the bookstore where were you at a church and he's you know he was struggling physically and he says you need to go get me some books out of the bookstore that i can feed on and she came back with brother hagin and uh that was the turning point and then he became an employee of brother hagin's and i i just so loved the roundabout way that god brought him into the plan of god and part of that plan was what he was to receive through brother hagin's ministry we're all endeavoring those of us who call him a spiritual dad all endeavoring to be good students of what he put into us so i always value those who have the same spiritual lineage amen and so i want you to give brother joel siegel a great big god bless you as he comes tonight thank you everybody good to see you is it good to see me good well you could be seated then praise god you know uh how refreshing it's been this week has it not tell you what we uh we appreciate all the ministry uh pastor nancy your ministry those these past several nights has been so uh wonderful for me that that message on faith about abraham's faith anyhow come on joel i cuz i'll start preaching it and then uh we we owe you pastor anderson a debt of gratitude for all you've all you brought to us and and just uh nailed down a foundation in us on some things that maybe we knew it maybe we didn't know but we know it better now glory to god and so uh we we're just we're just a blessed bunch and then of course brother copeland's ministry was great you know so it's been it's been a treat to be here i'm going to have you turn in your scriptures tonight to the 17th chapter of john if you would and when pastor asked me this afternoon to minister it wasn't too difficult because about a week and a couple days ago i woke up in the morning and uh there was there was a data dump that had taken place now you know what a data dump is like okay finally someone's going to talk about the election no no i'm not not talking about that [Laughter] no no what i'm talking about is i woke up and there was a message that had been downloaded dumped whatever you want to call it but it was in me and i i just really got my ipad which is always right next to my bed anyhow and i just got that and started writing it all down you know so um and of course you know i checked my heart make sure it's for now and i know who it is for us i said i know it is for for us and really i thought it was for you more than it was for me but uh darn if the lord didn't it didn't make me eat it myself praise god so uh if you found the 17th chapter we're going to pray actually first and then we'll get right into it father we want to tell you we're grateful you've given us so much you've graced us with so much and lord as we receive this portion of these meetings thank you open the eyes of our heart help us see help us know help us understand help us apply these truths to our lives and father make us more like you make us more in the image of christ so you can get glory to yourself through our lives we ask it in the name of jesus i want you to holler amen with me in john 17 we read over the 17th verse where jesus said these words he started by saying sanctify them what's that mean sanctify them will to sanctify means to set apart to set apart to make different to make stand out amen right to make something to make something stand out sanctify them how's that going to happen now jesus is praying here to his father sanctify them through your truth sanctify them through your truth yes make them stand out because they know truth make them different because they know truth and then you might say well were you supposed to get that thank god he tells us what's that next phrase your word is truth you got that why don't we say it a couple of times your word is truth did it say your word contains truth that's not what it said say it with me again your word is truth your word one more time your word is truth friends there is one source of truth i'm talking about 100 truth one source where you don't have to wonder one source that you don't have to filter his word is truth what if it's not his word you can't say for sure that it's truth if it's not his word and so i want us to get this in our minds a little bit excuse me because uh well truth can be hard to find i said truth can be hard to find everybody thinks they have it and it ain't always it are you hearing me and one of the reasons we don't find truth is that not everybody knows truth why doesn't people why don't people know truth they don't know the word which is truth now you can you can hear the word you can learn principles you can have a foundation of truth but what if you want more truth what do you have to have more word i said more word you're believing with me tonight aren't you if you want more truth you need more words and any of the word pardon me any of the word that you don't know is truth that you're missing amen and any truth that you're missing means that you are open to an alternative version of the truth how important is it how important this is to know the truth and where are you going to find it the word his word is truth now a lot of times we don't know truth because we don't know who to trust you hear me we don't know truth because we don't know who thank you we don't know who to trust uh if you think about the spelling of those two words truth and trust very similar and i don't know about the greek but i do know that in the hebrew they're from the same root word truth and trust you gotta you gotta be able to trust your source there's one source you don't have to worry about there's one source you don't have to be concerned about is god it's god now if you're in john 17 go over to god his word to his word is truth his word is truth if it's not the word you can't say it's the truth not 100 now over in john the 14th chapter thank god we have some other help along these lines of finding the truth and john 14 starting in the 16th verse jesus said i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit huh did it but what did it say not just the spirit the spirit of truth the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive amen the world cannot receive truth like the believer can receive truth so you have the word which is truth and then you have the spirit of truth look at the 15th chapter if you would you don't mind looking at some scriptures tonight do you john 15 and the 26th verse says this but when the comforter has come whom i'll send to you from the father come on and say with me even this even the spirit of truth isn't that interesting they keep calling him that even the spirit of truth which proceeds from the father he shall testify of me then over in john the 16th chapter and in the 13th verse it says how be it when he say it the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth figure the lord's trying to get something over to us over and over and over flip to first john the second chapter now how does the how does the spirit of truth minister his truth to us well how does the spirit minister anything to us romans chapter 8 says the spirit bears witness with our spirit he bears witness you with me tonight now i know you you might think i thought this is a healing service this is a healing service i said this is a healing service this message and what's in it and what we're going to read can work healing in your life someone might say well i need physical healing i know i know praise him now the spirit bears witness doesn't he now first john did you find it glory to god the 27th verse of the second chapter of first john says but the anointing which you have received of him you know what is that anointing the anointing is a manifestation of the spirit on the inside of you right the anointing which you've received of him abides in you and you need not that any man teach you but has the same anointing teaches you of all things and is say it anytime you see that word you're welcome to shout it out with me all right it it teaches you all things and is truth and is no lie even as as it has taught you you shall abide in him so he's just over and over saying listen that spirit that which god has put on the inside of you he'll bear witness to the truth he is truth and just in case you didn't get it he said he's truth and that's no lie he is truth and that's no lie come on now i tell you what when the holy spirit bears witness to when you know the spirit of truth i'm telling you you can rely on what he is saying to you you can rely on that witness on the inside and it might seem to your mind like the most crazy outlandish wrong decision but i'm telling you it's no lie it's no lie there's been times i've gone to my wife and said this is what this is what i'm saying she's like i'm sensing this too he said well that's no lie it's the truth amen and because i trust him and because i know the word of truth we can step out and walk on what he's saying that anointing on the inside when something quickens me with something pedophile ferrari italian medic east coast kringa cruz palace cruise park walk in truth walking the word walking what god says rather than the thoughts of your own head walk in what god says rather what you've seen and read walk in what god says rather than what everyone says and you'll be blessed was i saying [Laughter] the spirit of truth now i want to reiterate something i just said now you only know the spirit of truth to the degree you know the word of truth because the bible says there are many voices none of them insignificant there's many voices in the world there's more than one spirit other spirits are deceiving spirits they try to be like god's spirit you can have the witness of a spirit that's not even god's spirit how are you going to know how you're going to know the difference friends you can i'm telling you you can learn this and you can become so accurate at this like as i've heard pastor nancy minister before it's possible to never miss it again in a decision amen you can do that but how are you going to do it you you have to first know the word because the word helps you discern the difference between the spirit of god and other spirits if you don't know the word of god you got to know it you're saying you said that already you know i know i said it already but i also know you could go to i don't know you could go to a bible school you could even you can go to this one [Laughter] and you can sit and hear and you can sit and learn but not be walking in the knowledge of the truth glory his word is truth now wanting something to be true [Laughter] this is preach itself [Laughter] i said wanting something to be true is not the same as something to be true i ever told you about laurie i didn't even told my wife about lori don't worry though nothing happened much to my dismay because in high school i like lori i i like we were friends we were in most of our classes together reason being i would find out what she was taking and sign up for the same ones it's how my academic career got off the ground like it did you know she was on the drill team cute girl sweet girl and and i didn't have desires for her in in some perverted way but it was honest it was caring but i wanted it to be more than a friendship i did i really did i wanted it to be true [Laughter] i would dream about it i would think about it i probably spent hours and hours and hours fantasizing about our relationship it was very much a one-sided relationship we had a love affair that she had no knowledge of me wanting it to be true didn't make it true if you want to succeed if you if you want to succeed excuse excuse me in our day you have to have a commitment to the truth and and this is this is a heart thing this is an internal thing because you will be constantly presented with opportunities to believe something that's just not quite true and based on your commitment based on your foundation based on your knowledge of the word of truth and the spirit of truth that's going to determine whether you end up believing right or believing wrong now i think we can all say what an interesting 12 months it's been uh different at least now now if you know god and you're walking with god in some respects it wasn't he never changed his word still worked for me did it still work for you his spirit was you know what i mean he still took care of us but in the world around us different yeah different right and i'm glad that i'm not in charge of handing letter grades out to the body of christ [Laughter] put your mask on come on [Laughter] some of what maybe it's just me some of what i heard and some of what i saw and some of them sometimes my kids would tell me uh you know folk are believing this and i just say what what were you thinking come on you know what where why how [Laughter] is it just me or anybody else you'd say you recognize some of that and i'm like my goodness you pull them out you close church for a couple weeks and it falls apart look how do you start believing that you we hadn't even been the church hadn't even been closed for three weeks how are you believing this and how are you believing that and i'm telling you but what a year of theories and i hear this and i hear that and i believe this and i wish i could say it was all folk outside of the church but most of what i heard was stuff right inside the church and i'm thinking that's not true well i have information i know fine fine fine but it doesn't if it doesn't line up with the truth anybody else would you like to come take over [Laughter] you're in first john i mean just just just look at just look at second john we okay tonight oh my goodness now say it with me when i get to it okay the elder unto the elect lady and her children whom i love in the thank you and not only not i only but also all they that have known the for the truth's sake which dwells in us and shall be with us forever grace be with you mercy and peace from god the father and from the lord jesus christ the son of the father in and love i rejoice greatly that i found of thy children walking in truth what is john's deal huh what is john's deal he had a thing about this thing called the truth third john oh we love a verse in third john come on now the elder unto the well-beloved gaiest whom i love in in the truth beloved i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health amen brother even as thy soul prospered for i rejoice great even as i what no no no listen read it read it with me one trick question you failed the test even as your soul prospers soul prosper so your your outward prosperity in life is dependent on the prosperity of your soul your inner prosperity and what what affects your inner prosperity for i rejoice greatly when the brethren came and testified of the truth that's in me even as you walk in truth i have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth so our prosperity as christians as a nation as individuals is connected to our love of the truth and our commitment to the truth you know when david king david great king great king someone we look up to someone we read about but he he had uh times where he didn't do the right thing he fell into sin and when he came back to god he made he he repented and he made this statement he said you desire truth in the inward parts friends i i would say that it would be presumptive of any of us to think that we're walking as individuals in 100 truth all the time no no is it possible yeah i believe it's possible but if you're not walking in truth what are you walking in where where are you you'd be open to something called deception now truth when you walk in truth it brings something to your life i won't have you turn there for sake of time but jesus in the eighth chapter of john said if you continue in my word then you're my disciples indeed and you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free how do you get free no knowing truth knowing truth walking in truth there i'm telling you there's nothing more liberating than truth truth truth truth true truth truth will make you free how many hear you're free compared to where you used to be but are you as free as you can be as long as there's truth you don't know you're not as free as you can be that should keep you coming to church [Laughter] every time you come you can leave with greater measures of freedom well i'm just dealing with this area what is the truth what is god's word say in that area feed on that truth and you'll experience freedom in that area amen too simple for you that's all i got glory to god now if you don't mind i know a lot of scripture but but again i'm just i'm just reading what i wrote okay second thessalonians the second chapter if you would hallelujah oh glory i said to you it was it's been of concern to me this past year watching the body of christ it's been at times disturbing amen to see kind of whole groups of christians get on this bandwagon or this bandwagon and some of it may be true and it may not and there's absolutely no way that they can say they know for sure and the issue is folk are giving heed to things taking their attention off of where it should be putting other places where it shouldn't be and it's not a harmless thing when that happens so i just want to help us tonight don't think i'm mad at you i'm not spanking i'm loving you now if god deals with you and gets on you like he did me then good should ii thessalonians the second chapter and uh there's no way to get to the verse that i want without reading a couple ahead of time and so you can read start reading in verse 7 it says for the mystery of iniquity does already work only he who now lets will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders really amen really signs and wonders huh and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because look at this because they received not the love of the truth do you see this they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause because they didn't receive the love of the truth god shall send them something called strong delusion amen that they should be alive believe a lie now there are levels of deception spoken of in the word of god the believer is not immune to deception just being a christian doesn't mean you're immune to deception if that was the case he wouldn't have said be doers of the word not here is only deceiving yourselves be not deceived bro beloved brother god's not mocked whatever a man sows that shall he also reap there's encouragement after encouragement to the church to not be deceived that means it's possible what's it mean to be deceived it means you think on things that aren't true means you think on things that just aren't true and so there's deception but then when you yield to deception thinking on things that just aren't true how do you know whether whether they're truth is it the word is it an agreement with the word does and here's the big one does the spirit of truth witness to it you're following me does the spirit of truth witness to it you might say i don't know that's the issue that's the issue when you hear things because we're hearing things when you hear things you've got to learn to check your heart and see is god in this or is god not in this and just something that i want to be true i'll come over here because they're helping me over here is it really truth and if it's not and you choose to believe it you're deceived and when you're in deception you're open to delusion jesus we be preaching good tonight i tell you man what is it going on and when you're in delusion you're open to strong delusion would you like to know what that greek means when it says strong delusion it means wrong thinking from a superhuman source wrong thinking from a superhuman source wrong thinking that's stronger than your ability to get out of it and your stronger ability to resist now i don't know why i haven't asked the lord that maybe that's why i don't know why but i don't know why the lord has seen fit during my years of ministry to give me experience dealing with people who were deals dealing with what we call mental illness i mean you know bipolar paranoia schizophrenia those kinds of things you know what those kind of things are they are wrong thinking from a super human source the people in it have difficulty getting out of it and it's because it didn't start that way it didn't start the way it started with delusion and then before that deception and then before that just not loving the truth enough not being committed to the truth enough pastor anderson this morning was talking about people of alternative lifestyles the bible tell because the world says uh has their idea of how that would come to be or or really that that folk would be born like that but the bible just clearly says that people turn from the truth that's how it starts a turning from the truth and then you get open to something that's stronger than your ability in the natural to get out of it and so my question to you is how many here want to be like two steps away from strong delusion then why do we flirt with deception you might say i have no idea what you're talking about brother joel you want me to start i said you want me to start now listen i'm this is this is an assignment god gave me i i was not at liberty i'm trying to you know this is the last service uh your your last your last meal you want your last meal to be dessert i'm trying to throw some sugar on it you know what i mean i i wish it was one of those services where i just get up my mouth gets stuck can't speak you know people start you know doing stuff but here we are with this it started out with there is no virus in jesus name why are you looking at me like that because i don't know anybody that has it there is none i'm not going to go down the list i'm not going to go down the list but one theory after another theory after another theory and i've got i've got a dear friend who tells part of the black community he said he said my community believes that this has been engineered to kill the black community why are you laughing they believe that is it truth how do you know you don't i mean i believe it's not truth but but the fact is the fact is how do you know do you do you know all the facts can you see as god sees then what are you doing when you say oh that's not true oh that's that is true and then you go then as the year went now it's the okay the police are trying to kill the whole black community is that true is that not true you know one thing you just can't go everywhere [Applause] you can't take every journey with your thoughts you can't entertain every thought that comes because you know brother hagin taught us this most things are not his way you know the one person's story or the other person's story most of the time the truth's in the middle of the road and it's hard to find that that's true amen you got one news outlet that caters to people of certain beliefs they don't want to lose their people and so they say really a lot of what their people like to hear and then you've got another news outlet maybe on this side i'm not mentioning any names don't worry about it okay not getting political but you got that news outlet and then they have their p because they have a certain group of people and so they have to cater their stuff to what they like they don't want to lose their people well i listen to this one because it's in line with my beliefs whether it's truth or not and that's the issue yes sir yes lord why don't you give somebody else this man that's the issue you can find something that caters to you you can find a church that caters to you but if you're committed to truth then you run everything through the word of truth and the spirit of truth amen oh i won't even talk about the last couple months no i'm not no no no no won't even go there won't even go there some of the things some of the outlandish things some of the crazy things that faith believe in christians y'all just look straight ahead i won't look in your eyes you don't look at my eyes i won't call your name you won't call my name some of the crazy stuff and uh you know focus send me videos so you gotta watch this this tells the inside story that you won't hear anywhere else and i go to click on it and something on the inside of me says nope that's right listen right there if you look for that and listen because what is that the spirit of truth telling me don't watch it now not forcing me not to watch it i could have overridden that i could have watched and said well i'm just curious well i just want to know well i just want to be informed i want to be walking in the truth [Applause] and to walk in the truth you must limit the sources that bring information into your life you got to limit your sources because guys listen listen when i mean when this pandemic hit honest to god the world should have come to the church and said we don't know what to do help us and they didn't because we act like because we can get goofy come on us charismatics we've always we've always been suspect we have think of some of our practices i mean just go back huh i mean listen i believe in the supernatural i believe in manifestations of this of the spirit when it's god it's not always god how would you know the word of truth and the spirit of truth the word and the spirit agree you check down in your heart is all this stuff that's going on is god attached to it it's something witnessing to it and if it is i'll dance with the best of them amen but it's not always and i dare say it's not even most oh how oh how i love brother joel oh how i love brother seagull [Laughter] close to delusion no no no no no let me let me uh let me try to put the bow on this can you go to first timothy i said you got to you got to be discerning you've got to be careful which voices you listen to i personally listen to so few things i listen to brother hagin pastor nancy then brother hagin some more it doesn't get too far doesn't get too much broader than that for me i mean it's just that's just me i'm not saying you have to be me but you got to check your own heart you got to get with god when god says our issue is too many christians have been either not looking for the red light or not listening to the red light and if it comes to it you know brother hagin would talk about about the believers that would be like the little baby birds you know what i mean their eyes are closed their mouths wide open waiting for you to drop to just drop anything in and i'll swallow it you can't just believe every prophecy that you hear me you can't just believe every prophecy that comes out maybe 50 of its truth maybe it's 70 percent truth maybe it's 100 truth how are you going to know the word of truth and the spirit of truth and i'm telling you most of what i read people post prophecies all the time every day whatever and i don't see most of them of course but sometimes uh enough people do so where it comes across and you see it and i'm like you might say how did you get so smart it's not that i'm smart it says something on the inside of me is not bearing witness love you too first timothy four i'm sorry first timothy one did you get there verse 4 verse 4 neither give heed to fables fables what's a fable made made-up story i heard this i heard that fables fables aren't truth why did paul tell timothy to tell the believers in his care not to give heed to fables because they were believing anything some folk think that if i'm a faith christian that's my license to believe anything anything do you understand faith doesn't just come by hearing anything bible faith comes from hearing hearing the rhema of christ the christ the anointed it comes from hearing from god hearing the word of god hearing by the spirit of god hearing the witness of god that's how faith comes and if what you heard doesn't have that attached then you cannot say although people do they say well i'm believing this well i'm believing this based on what i want it to be true we already talked about that you ought not have one thing after another where faith didn't work well that didn't work you know we believed god but that didn't happen what how do you believe god you first have to hear from god so you tell me you actually heard from god believe what he said and it didn't happen be the first time ever i said it'd be the first time ever i read my bible starting in genesis where it says and god said and it was and god said and it was and god said and it was establishing precedent that if god says it well you know we just believe this thing is going to turn around fine based on what based on what faith is not without foundation faith is not just pulling rabbits out of the hat it's just pulling beliefs out of come on can't give watch what you got to watch what you give heed to first timothy 4 first timothy 4 says now the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed giving their attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils problem is somebody's waiting for an actual spirit to show up in a devil suit and talk to them and when that doesn't happen they don't think they're giving heed to anything wrong but when you pay attention to voices media voices voices from this place voices from the voices from the dark state from the deep state from the red state from the blue state from one fish to fish whatever voices your voices voices there's voices everywhere and when you give heed it can be a seducing spirit it's not gonna sound evil it's gonna sound spiritual it's going to sound like god but it'll be missing something it'll be missing alignment with the word of truth and it'll be missing the witness of the spirit of truth and you just gotta toss it out but it's interesting to me stop it i said stop that it's interesting this is interesting to you this is interesting to you don't make me come back there i'll come back there this is interesting amen praying in the spirit until you've tuned your spirit to hear from that's interesting so that what what happened to me this year when you get a call from your doctor and says hey guess what you got cancer come on and then he throws some other adjectives in it and says aggressive advanced you don't fall apart and there's no fear and god had you way out ahead of the thing they said you're going to get some major surgery and i just got my little text the other day with my blood work results and it says as far as i can read it's all gone amen amen but if you're not living with the spirit of truth and the word of truth if you haven't learned to practice that then you get a report like that it can mess with you i said it can mess with you and the doctor was you know this real sweet guy trying to trying to help me not fall apart he says now listen man i know this is hard to hear i know this and that i know this i said dude i read fearless i read fearless [Laughter] didn't lose it didn't lose a minute of sleep why'd that happen to you i thought you was a faith person i'm a i believe in living i'm an alive person this is important if you give heed to the wrong voices if you end up in deception then you don't you don't get to see with clarity this is how we get through this this is how we get out of this hallelujah [Music] listen we're our time's getting away let me give you let me give you a couple steps how to commit to the truth can i is that all right first one is you got to dwell in the light you got to walk in the light as he is in the light then you have coin and knee with one another you have fellowship one with another glory to god [Music] you got to walk in the light here's the second thing you must be impartial you must be impartial meaning you have to get rid of your opinion about everything you hear in me that's one of the biggest criteria of judges isn't it that they be impartial and you know i always one thing that i do enjoy is watching when they uh are vetting the supreme court justices to be and going through them and they try to bait them they try to get him to answer this dances and they'll say senator i'm not allowed to give an opinion based on a case that i may or that may come before me in the future my opinion is the constitution that's my opinion you want to know what i believe go read the constitution if believers would do that well what do you think about this just it's just read that and you'll know what i think about it your opinion can't be so sacred i'm an american i got a right to my vote and i got to write to my opinion and i got a right to give it every time come on your opinion can mess you up your opinion can put you in a bad place i'm telling you get rid of preference get rid of preference well it's got to be this it's got to be this why said who well this is my list this is what i want this is what i have to have okay praise the lord so you have to be impartial you know one day you will be a judge do you know that we will judge nations with the lord get the skills now get impartial now we have a saying my wife and i we've used it for years it goes like this i like what god likes i like what god likes well what should we buy should we buy this one should we buy that one i like what god likes he's bigger than me he sees more than me he can he can he knows what i like and he knows what this thing could be and and all i all i do is see it according to the natural the house we live in neither she didn't like it at all when she saw it she said you are not going to like it we like what god likes we're in it and it's like oh my god we almost pass this up hallelujah okay okay no you don't like that number three you must listen only to him when you listen to voices that god did not lead you to you will not be his sheep that hears his voice and follows him following him hearing his voice depends on you listening to the voices he's assigned to your life i don't listen to 500 different preachers god has dealt with me before there is i'm thinking about maybe a decade ago or so this one this one preacher was getting popular he's on tv i saw him didn't hear anything wrong with the message and the spirit just said that's not for you can you be okay with that can you just be okay with that or do you have to be like eve well why doesn't he want me to watch this and the devil said cause he knows you'll be like him if you eat this you already weren't like him hallelujah you got to listen to him you can't listen to every voice god is it okay for me to listen to this voice is this something you're putting in my life pare it down number four all is a big one can we get to all five you okay you must reject lying you want to walk in the truth you want to be able to hear from god you got to be able to reject you can't have anything to do with a lie he's like brother we'd go to world harvest church we would never christians do it all the time christians do it all every day the problem with that is you're trying to believe god for things and in order to believe god for things you have to believe that your words are truth if you'll look to god if you'll be serious about these things he will help you and he'll point that out he'll point out to you what you said that wasn't true amen he did it to me the other day he said you lied to your wife lied to my wife i didn't lie to my wife you lie to your wife he said you know that offering i said yeah uh this was this was see i was believing god to purchase something in particular and he dealt with me now he dealt with me so such and such a seed toward this thing to such such a couple now my wife handles our finances and so she has some authority in that area that i have to submit to but there's an account that she really doesn't factor into budgeting and stuff like that and that's an account really of mine in a sense and the money was there and i just decided in my head i don't know why i thought this i just decided she might not agree right before christmas with me taking several hundreds of dollars and sending it somewhere and i decided easier than having that talk no no i did i'm just being honest with you you would never do this i know you never would but i did and he said easier than having that talk since it's in my account yeah but what is she what is she over she's over the finances just do it and god said you lied to your wife because i didn't tell her about it now you might say that's a technicality man that's a that's too much how free you want to be how free do you want to be and there was another thing too i won't share with you the other thing but this thing [Laughter] you might say god would never do that huh i remember a couple in the new testament who didn't completely lie about an offering he'll keep you honest i'm telling you he'll keep you in the truth and so i had to go with her and i said i've got to repent to you about something and she said well i knew i got the thank you note in the mail i figured she did but but listen listen why would god say that why because that sounds like such a technicality huh i mean i didn't go out and buy a rifle with it i didn't go out and buy fishing equipment with it i sowed it and generally speaking our agreement is anything god deals with us to give away we will give it away but we ought to talk first about certain things what was the issue with god what does a lie do it was a violation of our covenant it was a violation of our covenant and i'm telling you when i told her the truth i repented and i actually cried about it and something flowed a flow was restored i was walking around i never mentally touched in my mind never really processed or thought about it but i was walking around with something on the inside of me that wasn't right with our relationship how many other folk you've been there yeah how many other folk you got stuff that you spent or kept from your spouse and you didn't tell them there's folks that make that make a life out of this you understand that right just look straight ahead well he don't he don't need to know what can that lead to well she don't need to know it'd be better if she didn't know she'd be hurt if she knew it'd be better if she didn't know this is serious stuff you want healing last thing number five you have to walk in lowliness of mind what the bible calls lowliness of mind or another word for that is humility you have to have humble thinking if you're going to walk in truth because it's pride that grabs on to everything that comes along and wants to play with it i know i've gone a little long tonight forgive me on that i but but this is this is a matter of life and death with some folk listen when i back many years ago i had only been pastoring new york less than a year and a minister came to town the neighboring town and was preaching at a church and this minister was the pastor of a church that i had gone to with well no i didn't go on this meeting but i was working for brother hagin at this time they had a two-week meeting there one of brother hagin's two weeks meetings at this church this man's church i'm thinking oh my lord i am so hungry for fellowship around the things of god that and i went there and it was at services on the end times and this minister he said you won't hear this on the news you won't read this in such a such place but you'll hear it from me because i have people on the inside in washington and the whole thing's supposed to be a church service i'm expect i'm expecting to hear some word i'm expecting the word of truth i'm expecting the spirit of truth and all i'm hearing is one thing after another about the political system the government system and you can't trust this general because he's he's not right you can trust this one and if you follow my ministry you'll always have this inside track and i i left thinking that's not what brother hagin deposited in that church for two weeks and i i looked for the anointing i prayed for the anointing i tried to grab hold somewhere and it wasn't there and he had fallen into a trap minister in that way and it was just maybe it was coincidence maybe it wasn't that about a year later that god was found dead of a heart attack and then the minister whose church he ministered in got hold of his message and really just got every service now as a pastor the problem is especially as a pastor you have to as pastor will say you have to preach the variety of truth but i mean every service is political this and political that political this and and they call it end times teaching [Music] just because you're in the last days doesn't mean everything is a last day's message you know and he kept at it and kept at it increased and i knew this god see him quite often and i'm just thinking dude are you sure you're supposed to be doing that and it was uh maybe it was coincidence maybe not he dropped dead of a heart attack and then a third minister i knew man this guy this guy was quite connected with brother hagin over the years i know what brother hagin put in him soundness and he got into he got into the end times teaching and everywhere he went he's teaching this and he's teaching that and some quite interesting stuff that you won't hear from most preachers that you you you won't hear this just everywhere but you hear it from my ministry and maybe it was coincidence maybe it wasn't coincidence he dropped dead of a heart attack careful about taking stuff in your mind running off with it thinking that you have to have what nobody else has we're going to we're not even gonna look at the scripture but i'm gonna say this listen jesus did not teach us to worship him in spirit and conspiracy [Laughter] he didn't say worship me in spirit and theory what's he say spirit and truth and then i'll just call your attention to this lady uh she came to jesus she was an outsider she she came to him and said son of david used all this great religious language son of david have mercy on me o thou son of david my daughter grievously vexed with the devil help me and the lord answered her not just just ignored her and you know the story it kept going and uh finally it says she worshipped him and jesus turned to her and said it's not right we'll to take what belongs to the children and cast it to dogs what did she say two words truth lord the power flowed she was healed that's what we're talking about that's what we're talking about i'm going to be one that loves the truth is committed to the truth and will shut out other things if god doesn't say this is for you i don't need to hear it i don't need to read it thank you master glory to god thank you for the truth you've given us thank you for keeping us straight thank you for for keeping us successful and that we'll have all you have for us because the flow from you to us is full and free and we're set free from the truth we know in jesus name amen hallelujah glory to god glory to god before i know pastor nancy you can come i believe we're going to minister to the sick some more but if you would sitting there we're not going to have any kind of come forward or anything but if there's something the lord is dealing with you about to get right with somebody the truth where you haven't told it where you need to get it right commit to it tonight commit to it right you hear me right now commit to it commit to it it might be something that you might think just a small thing now you know you could say that was a small thing you know i didn't sleep with somebody i did i didn't do something like that you know what i mean i just i just withheld something commit to how many will do that glory to god faster praise the lord stand with us to your feet tonight father we're so grateful for what we've heard thank you for your word that keeps us safe we thank you for that word we thank you for that word hallelujah we worship you thank you brother joel so good so good fresh refreshing amen hallelujah hallelujah we give you thanks and praise we give you thanks and praise father we're so so grateful we are so so grateful we worship you we worship you jesus we worship you jesus we glorify you we magnify you we worship you jesus we glorify you hallelujah because what brother joel was ministering along the lines of it it involves and he referred to it the mind so i want to minister to those who you say now see every every single one of us every day every day we cast down imaginations we bring every thought into captivity and for in us doing that that means there's going to be thoughts that are suggested that aren't the word that come and we so that's just the lifestyle of the believer we pay attention to our thought lives that we're watchful over our thought lives and sometimes you can you know it seems like there may be a an escalation of things against the thought life so i'm not really referring to that because we all have to deal with that just just by walking in the light of the word but if there's somebody here that you have been harassed and tormented and what he's talking about to wear a strong delusion in the sense of it seems like there's something else working against you and it almost if i i seem to say it this way but it almost seems as though your mind isn't your mind your mind is still your mind but to you it seems like your mind isn't still your mind well part of our inheritance is christ is of course healing and freedom and deliverance and prosperity but also a sound mind is part of our inheritance amen and so if you say i i would like for i would like to be ministered to because it seems like i need help in taking a stand with this and of course you have to stand against it and hands can be laid on you and when you walk away you'll still have to take a stand you know but there is help i said there is help and so if that describes you if you would come up here and i'm not trying to coerce i would love it if no one came up so please don't think that i'm just trying to work somebody to come up based on what he preached or anything but there are there are situations where people really need that divine assist and that's part of your rights in christ is to have that sound mind amen so if that you come up here real quickly otherwise we'll go on and with other things praise the lord praise the lord and i so appreciate i so appreciate what brother joe was talking about is you can't just let your mind go anywhere and think you're going to end up at the right place the way your mind ends up at the right place as you let your mind go the right direction right and so it is our right and our privilege to to um watch over and say that's not a right thought i won't take it my husband used to say these words all the time and i so love it he said i when a wrong thought would come he'd say i'd say that's not my thought that's not my thought you answer it instead of turning it over and following it but what happens is you can get entrenched after a after time of doing it because the devil will there's there are seasons where he may escalate that mental pressure but just because i tell you and and i say this to help those that are up here i i love something one of the things that god helped me in a time of great pressure on the mind because i had the thinking that if i was if my if i had faith and if my faith was working i wouldn't be facing what i was facing but god helped me because what was happening i was doing all i knew to do and it didn't seem like i was making progress and one day and that that left me a little if i could say this feeling hopeless well i'm doing all i know to do and i'm still not making progress and i remember he took me over i'll never forget it i remember what house we were at i went in the backyard i was sitting at our patio table and and god began to teach me and out of matthew chapter 7 verses 24 25 around and there the two houses [Music] which represent really two lives and it says and the reigns came amen the the rains descended the floods came the wind blew and beat on that house and i said to god i said to him i said i feel like my mind has been beat on i'm doing all i know to do and it just seems like someone has me in a corner just pummeling me i just feel like i've been beat on and he took me over to that verse and he said both houses felt the beating both houses were rained on both houses the floods came both houses the winds blew both houses had a beating process happen on them and he said to me which what determined victory or not and i said if the house was still standing after all that and he said to me are you still standing i said yeah i am i haven't cast aside my faith i'm still answering things so he said so it's not whether the house felt it or not as to whether it succeeded i go got it faith doesn't mean you don't feel faith means you don't you don't fall you just keep doing day after day you outlast the storm and when i said to him as i said it feels like i've been beat on you already said to me that's the fourth and final stage meaning the the storm being over is right around the corner amen so just know just because the beating i've been there different ones can say we've been there but that only gives us experience with with the faith with faith amen and just know this uh just because there can seem a sense of hopelessness that's part of the lie that's part of the lie to be beat down the faith try to beat you out of faith but i want you to know because of what i went through i was able to help people in a way that i couldn't before that because i know what you feel i know how how uh how savage the enemy can be he's brutal but i want you to know that which you're founded on is so much stronger than the brutality of any attack don't don't be afraid don't be afraid your mind is your mind it still belongs to you amen amen you just keep answering and you keep rejoicing no matter what you feel father your word says it and i had to learn to answer each thought that came specifically if the devil would say yeah i'm going to kill you easy i'm going to kill you early you're not going to kill me early see you have to answer specifically or the devil says you know you're going to end up in this situation you're going to end up like this i'm not going to end up like that you have to answer that you have to let him know you don't believe everything you hear amen and so know know this that when you leave tonight victory is so yours it doesn't matter what you feel it is yours amen hallelujah brother joel you want to come up along with me minister come on sister amy come on pastor amy and let's minister to these hallelujah hallelujah congregation reach your hands out toward these people it matters to us that they receive the fullness hallelujah so father we thank you for the truth of your word we hold to it we hold to it it is our victory and satan we tell you you take your hands fear you take your hands torment you take your hands doubt you take your hands we resist we stand in agreement with these precious brethren and we resist and we say no you don't and you flee from them right now in jesus name be free in jesus name be free in jesus name [Music] free in jesus name free in jesus name and free in jesus name congregation you believe in with us we thank you father free in jesus name free free in jesus [Music] name free in jesus name free in jesus name free in jesus name now for every one of those of you that were up here and even out the congregation as you go to sleep at night you address any troubling thought before you close your eyes if threats you answer it and then occupy your mind by picking up something else and the best thing to pick up is praise and gratitude to god worship as you go to sleep worship worship out loud with your mouth father i worship you i worship you i worship you i worship you i worship you and if the enemy says you'll never be free say oh it's so good to be free it's so good to be free it's so good to be free it matters how you go to sleep and i can say this it matters how you wake up the first thing when you wake up take charge take charge hallelujah hallelujah and the best way to take charge is worshiping god it throws your attention the right direction listen when the devil has if i could say this held sway over your mind for a long time he's not looking to give that up but that it's not his choice it's yours [Music] amen but you have to turn your back to anything that would trouble you you have to turn your back that means you can't play with you can't touch into you can't do anything participate with anything that's troubled your mind amen hallelujah well pastor nancy uh how long do i have to keep doing that it's a lifestyle for us it's a lifestyle and i guarantee you if you will give an all-out effort to focusing and holding your attention on the word and on the worship of god it won't take long for you to tell a change amen i'm telling you it doesn't have to take weeks and months amen freedom is yours right now and the best way to cooperate with that is worshiping god hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise let's worship with them everyone every one of you that were up here and every congregation member let's worship father we're worshiping you we're so grateful we're so we're so thankful thank you for all the divine help thank you that that anointing is in us thank you that greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world oh i thank you i thank you i thank you i thank you now let me give you this bit of instruction you're not worshiping trying to get free because see the devil would love for you to even approach the worship from the wrong direction imagine yourself before jesus and saying as though he were standing in front of you thank you that i'm free thank you that i'm free and it takes it takes if i could say this a spiritual effort on your part amen but i want you to know the greater one in you enables you amen hallelujah during brother copeland's meeting so many were ministered to he laid hands on everyone that needed healing anybody that was here during those meetings and you can say when brother copeland ministered to you that healing something changed in your body raise your hand real high real high real high yeah look around so many so many were ministered to and then the other night i don't know i believe maybe it was tuesday night i ministered by word of knowledge regarding healing and you let's say those of you raise your hand who you say i would i received a change something happened in me look at those hands so during this week already both of those raise your hands when brother copeland ministered to you or tuesday night when the holy ghost was working among us look at all look at all that look at what jesus has done this week on healing but if there's there is if there is someone here and uh you you uh were not ministered to and you want hands laid on you for healing for your heart not i'm not i'm not talking when i say your heart i'm not talking about emotions i'm talking about the organ of the heart something needs to be addressed in the health of your heart come up here and we'll minister to you praise the lord praise the lord hopefully that's you've already it's already been addressed love that because i'm not calling that out by word of knowledge i'm calling that out because that's an endowment upon my life to minister and so that's why i call that one out so i'm nobody with heart then needs ministering praise the lord praise the lord love that anyone with metal rods uh plates screws anything with that and you you want hands laid on you to minister wholeness to you hallelujah praise the lord oh i'm liking this i'm liking this hallelujah praise the lord uh then what about eyes anybody with difficulty with their eyes that you've not been ministered to regarding that and you want hands laid on you for that come up here come on up come on up praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah what's the matter with his eyes love jesus is it like a dry eye does it burn or is it more something more than that something more than that yeah yeah reach your hands out this direction father we thank you for healing and wholeness be whole in jesus name and we thank you for it father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord what about her love her vision how old are you now 81. yeah i remember good to see you love so good to see you reach your hands out this direction for her vision father we thank you we thank you be healed there goes that anointing in healed in jesus name those eyes be whole in jesus name father we thank you for healing from the top of her head to the soles of her feet in jesus name why praise the lord boy that's strong praise the lord for eyes hallelujah father we thank you be healed in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name be whole in jesus name [Music] i [Music] praise the lord reach your hands out this way father we thank you for wholeness in jesus name we thank you behold in jesus name praise the lord praise the lord thank you father [Music] praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord thank you father thank you father praise the lord praise the lord arthritis anyone that you haven't been ministered to regarding that this week and you want us to minister to you regarding arthritis come up here hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hi love where is that arthritis in your hands and your feet uh-huh yeah reach your hands out this way congregation father we thank you for wholeness we thank you be healed ah be healed every bit of that arthritis go what about you love in your neck and back in your hands every bit of that go from her body in jesus name her hands be healed in jesus name thank you for it father thank you father just receive that power you want it to do its work we thank you father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah pastor lucetic what endowments does god use you with with sleep issues emotional sleep issues so if if that pertains to anybody and we haven't ministered you come on up and pastor located will minister to you hallelujah he gives his beloved sleep amen it's part of our inheritance hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord we thank you father praise the lord praise the lord go ahead [Music] in the name of jesus sleep we break that yoke of bondage we command peace and liberty in the name and authority of the name of [Music] jesus in the name of jesus we break the yoke that keeps you from sleeping we command liberty and freedom in the authority of the name of jesus be free my sister in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord you just praise yourself to sleep wait till we leave the building just i mean but tonight you know [Music] praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah brother joel what what areas does god use cancer anyone dealing with cancer in here come up here uh brother joel has an anointing to deal with that right behind you brother joel someone's coming praise the lord yeah well there's prayer clause there's some in that in that box under my chair and that yeah praise the lord [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah any of the other ministers up here on this front road is there a certain endowment god uses with you any particular one pastor anderson is there any particular one that stomach issues yeah stomach issues if you have stomach issues come up here we want to minister to you with that endowment that he has hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord praise the glory to lord jesus name by his authority i break the power of that uh thank you [Music] in the name of jesus hallelujah glory to god thank you father thank you father in the name of the lord jesus by his authority that has to do i thank you father for healing flowing into her right now oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you father in glory [Music] hallelujah in jesus name behold right now in jesus name in the name of jesus yes there it is oh glory to god thank you father thank you father [Music] hallelujah yes yes glory to god hallelujah hallelujah thank you father thank you father thank you thank you lord oh yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you thank you praise the lord pastor jeff is there any particular arenas god uses backs and any growths come up here and pastor jeff will minister to you backs and any growths praise the lord hallelujah praise the lord father in the name of jesus i take authority over this back i command it to be healed whole normal in the name of jesus in jesus name [Music] okay father in the name of jesus we release your power right now into her we command this rib cage to be normal whole in jesus name thank you father in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you [Music] okay father in the name of jesus we curse this growth we command it to wither and dissolve and disappear in the name of jesus in jesus name in the name of jesus i lay hands on this man i curse this growth i command this back to be normal and lord i release your power into him in jesus name back behold normal in jesus name thank you father thank you father thank you in the name of jesus be whole back i command you to be normal normal straighten up in jesus name in the name of jesus thank you father thank you father praise the lord praise lord pastor craig is there any particular area that god uses you allergies and nerves allergies and nerves anything to do with that come up here and he'll minister to you praise the lord praise the lord [Music] father in the name of jesus i say be free right now by the power of god command that to leave her jesus name allergies or nerves in the name of jesus right now i say be free in jesus name allergies are nervous [Music] neurologist father in the name of jesus i thank you for the life of god right now goes into i feel that going to you right now in jesus name it's working on you i thank you father those nerves respond in jesus name be whole of that plague in jesus name in the name of jesus i say be free right now that goes into you right now i thank you father in jesus name totally free in jesus name [Music] allergies are nerves father in the name of jesus i say be free be free in jesus name thank you father you'll see it'll change starting tonight thank you jesus on earth father in the name of jesus i speak to those allergies and i say loot simon let him go and be free in jesus name nerves i command you to function and fire normally be healed in jesus name crown of your head to the souls of your feet that anointing is working in you just keep praising him you'll see a change father in the name of jesus what kind of allergy father in the name of jesus i command that to loose him and let him go i say be free in jesus name never struggle with that again you just keep praising him hallelujah it's working allergies our nerves both father in the name of jesus for those allergies i say be free in jesus name and nerves i speak life to you in jesus name you be whole allergies father in the name of jesus i say be free be free in jesus name you let him go in jesus name i thank you father that he'll never struggle with that again from this night forward he's whole in jesus name tonight it changes father in the name of jesus those allergies that affect her hearing and her and her ears i say in jesus name i break your power and i say be loosed and free in jesus name i felt that anointing go into you it's working in you you just keep praising like pastors taught you you'll see that'll totally change starting tonight thank you for allergies father in the name of jesus i say be loosed and be free from that in jesus name i thank you father the power of that is broken by your precious blood in jesus name [Music] father in the name of jesus i say be free indeed there it is thank you jesus for that anointing father in the name of jesus be free there it is thank you father allergies or nerves father in the name of jesus the life of god right now every part commanded to be nerves you listen and you respond to my voice i say come to life and fire normally in jesus name thank you father that anointing is going into you and it's working you'll notice a change complete healing in jesus name allergies or nerves father i thank you for the life of god wherever that is in the name of jesus the life of god right now it causes complete restoration in the name of jesus i thank you father for your anointing it's working in you my sister you'll start to see that change in jesus name hallelujah allergies on earth father i thank you for the life of god that causes that nervous system to be perfect and function according to your perfect design and i command those allergies i commend you loose her and let her go in jesus name right now in jesus name you'll never struggle with that again from tonight forward in jesus name i thank you father allergies on earth father i say in the name of jesus be free be free in jesus name i command that to loose loose in jesus name i thank you father never again from tonight you're free from that my brother you're totally free in jesus name i thank you father hallelujah thank you praise the lord hallelujah pastor debbie is there any particular arena or has has it all been called out okay dean graves what about you it's all been called out or intestinal issues yeah and so they they somebody prayed for stomach but if if to be more specific if you say there's intestinal issues that let you come up here real quick and we'll have you having to minister to you praise the lord aren't you thankful for the gifts of healings these endowments that as dead hagan said there's a gift for every sickness that's why it's called gifts of healings for intestinal love okay dean grace [Music] hallelujah hallelujah now if there's anything else if you have any other condition it has you didn't you didn't receive hands laid on you through brother copeland or through tuesday night or if it's already been ministered to tonight but there's anything else aside from those things come up here and we'll minister to you praise the lord any condition at all hallelujah you can come up praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord we thank you father we thank you father hallelujah [Music] isn't he a wonderful healer he's a wonderful healer hallelujah hallelujah we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we thank you jesus congregation reach your hands out toward these release your faith be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name he has a plan he has a plan listen to him listen to him hear what he says to you and walk in the light of it for that's where the blessing is so be be very interested in his plan amen god bless you love father we thank you for that healing anointing that when it's this cloth is laid upon the body of that sick one it'll drive out pain symptoms sickness and disease and if there's a presence of an evil spirit it'll drive it out in jesus name be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name and answers to your standing answers to your standing soon will be seen just rejoicing rejoicing rejoicing you know standing is as much a part of the word as receiving a manifestation of an answer amen and when we're standing and things haven't shown up yet we're still on the word but we're still obeying the word and the and the the the word is still working amen and faith is still working so things you've been standing for has not been in vain it'll you'll see it all come to pass you'll see it all come to pass praise the lord the lord [Music] how many times the enemy wants you to think that something's not working right if something hasn't manifested no standing having done all to stand stand that is the that is faith's position it's a standing position amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah standing on the word standing in faith on the word amen knowing it'll come to pass jesus thank you for all the healing you're such a wonderful healer such a wonderful healer such a wonderful healer father we thank you 20 21 will be full of our saying [Music] and it will bring to pass and it will cause it will position us to have much to see in this year because we will say and you see to it that we'll see it hallelujah you know isn't that interesting say and see our part his part our part is to say it it's his part to make sure we see it amen hallelujah so 2021 will be full of our saying it'll be broad in our sin reaching with our saying saying larger amen speaking larger mashtiki come up here love you in the green plaid print dress in the back come up here come up here come up here this this little lady come here love this little lady she's part of our congregation and part of our bible school and i tell you i've seen her i've seen her just come on her own and just take hold and just love the word and do all she knows to do and i tell you she puts forth full effort full effort and you know what i it just comes to my heart bring an offering bucket and a couple offering buckets put in front of her i want to i want us to just bless her i want us to just bless her hallelujah hallelujah you say would you just do that randomly well when i'm when i'm when i'm prompted she's just a precious and and uh i it's important that jesus wants her to know she's loved he wants her to know amen hallelujah hallelujah she's she's just blessed me so much just her showing up with her and her baby and i mean she brings her baby and she comes to the services and she's she's made sacrifices to be right in the middle of where god wants she's not been casual and apathetic she has given her best and god has met her all along the way but i just wanted i just wanted her to know from this body we love you and we're proud of you thought it would end up in a church and what god brought me to a mother a spiritual mother and i have learned to become a woman and it's a struggle from where i was before and i'm so thankful that god saw fit to put me with you and your ministry and i thank you you're so you're so precious to us and we're so glad that you're here we love running our race with you [Music] we're so pleased we are so pleased hallelujah love you i just you encourage us you encourage us hallelujah praise the lord praise the lord jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank yeah just put it in there love hallelujah hallelujah isn't this fun to do what a joy to get to do well her name is joy [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah grant paul those into one bucket and let her have that bucket and you go home with your bucket full hallelujah [Music] i love you hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] love you love you yes the word works the word works that's what she said the word works love you god bless you hallelujah praise the lord it's just fun it's just fun it's just fun it's just fun father we're so grateful what a wonderful week what a wonderful week thank you so much a week of refreshing we're so father we come to this place this week with our hearts full of gratitude for the privilege of coming together and father because of all that's happened in 2020 it it it it gave us a freshness in our gratitude to congregate it's not a light thing to us it's not a light thing but it's a precious thing to us and so we thank you for this wonderful wonderful week thank you for all the answers thank you for all the healings thank you for all the light the revelation that has come and i want to say a great big thank you my staff i love you appreciate you [Applause] they are a low maintenance staff staff come up here just line up real quick run up here run up here real quick run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run yeah there you go sister [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord and then the ministry of helps that you have done so much during the preparation of all of this thank you so so so so much and i say a great big thank you to all the ministers the pastors that came thank you for coming and bringing your supply because it the waters flow deeper when you're here and we appreciate it hallelujah well turn around to somebody before you're dismissed and say my year is full of saying and seeing god bless you we'll see you soon god bless you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 4,289
Rating: 4.8775511 out of 5
Id: sDfqtoCxyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 40sec (9880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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