Famous Last Words (Real or Fake Game)

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- Welcome to Good Mythical More. What's inside this Furby? - Don't freak out but you're being followed by a pack of extremely curious cats but don't freak out. - And don't freak out, but they're completely naked. (crew laughter) - And don't freak out, because they're not those hairless ones. Which would actually be a little disconcerting. They're just furred cats, but they are naked and they do have cat like genitals. - And don't freak out but they are walking in reverse, butt hole first. - Don't freak out. It kind of feels like all their tails are coming up in unison. Like they're about to excrete something on to you, but don't freak out. - Don't freak out. Can cats do that? - Yeah, skunk cats can. - I'm freaking out! All right, we're gonna play a nice little game of real and fake. - Real and fake. - Real and fake last words. Speaking of last words, man, we just executed this Furby and I'm oscillating between - Joy? Being happy, and being ecstatic. No, it was sad for a moment. - It was a little bit sad when it's eyes completely closed and life was just gone. - Yank out the innards, man. Yeah that takes a lot doesn't it? - Yeah I don't want to cut myself. But I will say, can you see that? Look, there's a wire harness right there, - That's been cut. - that's been completely severed. - Oh look, there's a Lego. It's a freaking Lego inside of a Furby. - The heart of every furgo, furgo (laughter) Furby, is a Lego. Furgo. - Let's see the first one. Is this a real or fake famous last word from Nostradamus? Famous for predicting stuff. I think. Oh, famous for his book of 942 prophecies. His last words were, "Tomorrow at sunrise, I shall no longer be here." Get it? Is that a joke or did he really predict his own death? - Fake. - In the end, was he trying to be predictive? - That would just be a cute joke. - One last prophecy. - That wasn't what note, that's what I called him, was about. - I think he had a sense of humor. I'm gonna say real. - [Stevie] It's real. - What? - [Stevie] Yeah he was a little cutie pie. - Oh that little cutie pie said that cute little thing. Speaking of cutie pie, look what I've got on. - I was a teenage mythical beast. Very cool shirt. We sell it because we designed it as a team. Me not personally. - Available at mythical.com Get yours. It's very comfy. - Cleopatra, Rhett. This iconic queen of Egypt famously offed herself by letting a snake bite and release deadly venom. - That's a cool way to go. - Rather than be paraded around after being captured by the enemy. Though reports of her final words can't be confirmed as the servants in the room committed suicide as well, one telling claims her last underrates was, "Oh, that hurts." 'cause of the snake bite. So we're not asking if this really happened. Were asking if this is something you guys made up or if this is a claim that exist somewhere else. - "Ew that hurts." is it ew or oh that hurts? - "Ew that hurts." Did I saw ew? No but I heard ew in my mind. - I'm gonna say fake - I'm definitely saying fake. There's no way that-- - Y'all made this up. - [Stevie] Yeah. Ellie, you did have me until the last words actually were. - "Oh that hurts." She probably did say something like that. - [Ellie] I wanted to put, "ouchie." (speaks in gibberish) - What? - A widowed countess who passed away from a form of breast cancer in the late 18th century was surrounded by friends and family as say lay dying. In the last moments she let loose a gnarly fart about which she said, "Good. A woman who can fart is not dead." She died soon there after. - So what's her name? - That's real, man. And you know what, - "A woman who can fart is not dead." - If you're there on my death bed, - That's true. - Remind me of this and I'll conjure up one for you. - Why would I be on your death bed? - If you're there when I'm on my death bed, did I say that the first time? If I'm there when you're on your death bed? - [Stevie] Well you kind of were implying - When you're on my death bed. - [Stevie] That Link was also on the bed with you. - If you want to lay next to me on my death bed, it's okay. I won't mind. - [Stevie] So you're both saying this is real? - Yeah, definitely. - [Stevie] Well you're both right. - Right of course, yes. - Next one. Thomas B. Moran was an infamous pick pocket - Nope, that's Thomas B. Moron. - No, Moran, Moran was a famous pick pocket known by the nick name Butterfingers in the press. He reportedly stole as many as 50,000 wallets in his career before he died. His last words where, "I've never forgiven that reporter "who named be butterfingers "to me, it's not funny!" - Fake. - Is Ellie laughing because she laughing at her own joke. (laughs loudly) - Then why don't you say real? - I don't know. Let me give a look at it and see how-- - "It's not funny to me!" I mean the joke's funny. - It's fake. It's fake. - [Stevie] You're both wrong. It's real. Ellie's laughing at Thomas B. Moran. - Ellie way to not laugh at a joke that you didn't write. - Captain William Kidd - James Morris - Was a notorious privateer turned pirate. He was also the great great great great great grandfather of famous NBA player Jason Kidd. - Stick to the card. - Capturing several ships and reportedly killing a member of his crew with a bucket. He was eventually arrested-- - A bucket? - tried and before his execution, his last words were, "My treasure is on the island." This is the basis of "Treasure Island" and a lot of fruitless searching. - "My treasure is on the island." That's real. He killed a guy with a bucket. - That's real, man. - How does one kill with a bucket? - If you hit somebody enough times with a bucket or you take the bucket and put it over them for long enough. - [Stevie] Okay. - If the bucket has water and you put the head in it, is that killing them with a bucket or drowning? - Exactly. - [Stevie] That's what we're gonna do to the fury next time. This is fake. - Oh shoot. - What if that had of worked? I was trying to stab that under there-- - James Morris was a circus freak born in New York in the 1800s with an ability to stretch his skin to unbelievable lengths due to a genetic condition. He toured with P.T. Barnum circus and eventually fell victim to addiction but always kept a sense of humor even as he lay dying. His last words were, "Looks like I can't stretch this out any longer." (group laughter) - Ellie. Ellie. - Real. - [Stevie] Oh, in fact it is completely fake. - So now we've tied up. - [Ellie] It's cheating that Rhett can see me. - Don't look at Ellie. - I'm not. I haven't yet looked at her. - You ever play 7-up in grade school? Do that. - Pancho Villa, was a Mexican revolutionary general and considered a hero for fighting against and leading revolutions against two differed dictator regimes within Mexico, but as those things go, he eventually assassinated and reportedly his last words were, "Don't let it end like this. "Tell them I said something important." They didn't do that. That sounds real, man. - I know the answer to this because I was there. It's real. - [Stevie] It is real. - It all comes down to this, Rhett. We are tied three to three. - Is this the Pancho that Pancho and Lefty's about? - [Stevie] Four to Four. - Four to Four, I'm sorry. - A great song by the late great Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson. - Written by Townes Van Zandt. - Written by Townes Van Zandt. - Carl (speaks in gibberish) convicted of killing his step father and sentenced to death, took the moment before his execution to look down as if towards hell and yell out, "Told you, you weren't my dad!" and blew a loud raspberry. (blows raspberry) "Told ya, you weren't my dad." Raspberry. Convicted of killing his step father, Rhett. - I'm sticking with the real because of the raspberry part. I've never heard Ellie use the term raspberry. Not referring to the fruit. - It doesn't seem real to me. Seems fake. With an E. - [Stevie] It is fake. So is Carl. - So can I win the Furby? - Yeah you get to take the Furby home. - Bring out your inner beast with the b-movie inspired teenage mythical beast T. Available at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 502,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: ObjGR5SHqE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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