Guess These Baby Gender Reveal Fails (GAME)

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I love Rhett relentlessly roasting men throughout the episode UwU

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phonenixkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I totally called D as the answer on that last one ;)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/neskire96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad that they acknowledge how "gender reveal" parties are technically "sex reveal" parties. So many people conflate gender and sex, and it's important for people to know that they mean different things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Marty_WW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode had me laughing the whole time! I love when they go with the game show format

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love these videos, and even more when the both are just roasting left and right lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CheeseWeenie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

...did anyone else think Rhett said β€œgingers” instead of β€œgenders” during the intro?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deadpoolisms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was really expecting the one with green instead of pink or blue

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Andiloo11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- I got bad feelings about these gender revealings. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat techno music) (flames crackling) Good Mythical Morning! - November? More like whoa-vember! We're lookin' at you, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Sacramento, and Valley Center, see us live on the final leg of our classic comedy tour, tix are sellin' quick, at - Happy November 14th! - Yeah. - Otherwise known as Exactly Nine Months After Valentine's Day Day. - Mm. - And that means all kinda love babies are being born today! But as those love babies pop out, so do their gender reveal videos. - And if we're being honest, gender reveals should technically be called sex reveals, but - True. - that could result in some pretty disappointed party-goers. Either way, as these - Also true. - reveal parties get more extravagant, so do the unfortunate, yet often hilarious, gender reveal fails, and that means the big white stork in the sky has delivered us a brand new game! It's time for "Hoo-boy, hold on tight to your binky! "Can you guess these gender reveal fails "with your pals Rhett and Linky?" - Oh, wow. - All right, I'm gonna show you a clip of the beginning of a gender reveal fail, and then I'm gonna give you some options as to how it actually failed. - Okay. - And then if you get four of these right, you get to pop, not a gender reveal balloon but a splendor reveal balloon, which is a balloon that will have a splendid surprise inside. (crew laughs) - Okay, back when I had babies, we didn't have any of this, like, party, I mean, it was much simpler times. - It was sad, the whole thing was sad. There was no parties, (crew laughs) no showers, - Yeah. - it was the dark ages. - Yeah, it was like-- - It's another mouth to feed. - Kids were there to work the farm! (crew laughs) I don't know what these videos are, is it, like - is it, like, pulling down the pants of babies? (crew laughs) - Yes, Linky. (crew laughs) First up, we head to Tennessee, where a couple of expecting parents are about to pop blue or pink confetti cannons, Link, it's that kinda thing. - Okay. - Let's watch it. - [Voices Off Camera] Five, - Ready? - [Voices Off Camera] four, three, two-- - I love how it's obvious that the dude - Is not as into it. - is not into this. - (laughs) He's like-- - I think that's gonna be a given, right? - "Yeah, I'll do it, "I'll be the - I'll do it, if you wanna do it, "honey, I'll do it." - "It's either this, or we're gonna put "railing up around our deck, so you choose." (Rhett and crew laugh) You gotta have railing on your deck, guys. - Okay. - Safety first. - How does this gender reveal fail? A, the cannon backfires and hits the man in the junk, (laughs) B, a bird crashes through a pane of glass in the door behind them, - Oh god. - C, the woman struggles with the cannon and accidentally blasts her husband in the face, or D, the entire crowd forgets what comes after two. (crew and Linky laugh) - Now, speaking from experience, C is easy to do. (crew laughs) Um, I hope it's A, not B, 'cause - Is the guy holding it the wrong direction? - Is he? - I hope so. - Okay. - I'm going with A. Crotch shot. - Let's see if he's right. - [Voices Off Camera] Two, one! (cannon clicks) (crowd screaming) - [Linky] Yeah! (Rhett and Linky laughing) - [Woman] Oh my god! (crowd laughing) - Congratulations, it's a boy, and he will definitely be an only child! - (laughs) You gotta aim away from the crotch, brother. - Okay, let's see another one. - All right. - Wait, countdown, countdown! - Ready? - Yeah. - Five. - [Crowd] Four, three-- - Okay, so this is the classic balloon reveal. - That's a big balloon. - How does this fail? A, the woman poking the balloon jabs her friend in the face with the needle, - Oh gosh. - B, a young boy runs in and pops the balloon before the woman can, spoiling the moment, - Okay. - C, the woman with the balloon lets go of the balloon, sending it sailing away before the reveal, (Linky chuckles) or D, Mr. Beast shows up and gives the unborn baby $200,000! (Jeopardy-like spacey music) Because that's what he does in his videos, he gives money. - Mm... This is tough. Nasty face poke would be - that would be visceral. Bye bye balloon, I think would be the funniest, but I think it's party pooper, B. - All right, let's see. - There's a lot of kids back there. - [Crowd] Three, two, one! (all screaming) (laughing) (clapping) - [Link] There it goes. There it goes. (buzzer) There it goes! (laughing) It's flying away! - Fun fact, all those women are still screaming. (Linky and crew laugh) - Link, you were wrong. - What is that dance? - Uh, that's what happens when the gender reveal ballon blows away in front of a group of ladies. - God's gonna find out what gender that baby is, in heaven. - As it should be. (crew laughing) - St. Peter's gonna find out at the pearly gates. - Okay, we're moving on. (laughing) Here's another gender reveal fail. (crowd talking) - [Man] Go! (crowd yelling) - Okay, so, that - they have lit fireworks, just so you understand. - Okay. - That's what's happening there, apparently you can get fireworks that will also reveal the gender of your baby. - Well, it's nice that there's a big body of above-ground water right there beside it. - (laughs) Okay, let's see what happens, is it A, the fireworks go haywire, sending everyone screaming, B, the fireworks work fine but the table they are on goes up in flames, C, the fireworks blast into the above-ground pool, which floods the yard, or D, the real owner of the house comes out and says, "What are you guys doing in my yard?" (Linky laughing quietly) - It - okay, yeah, it's really good to trespass when revealing, uh-- - "I didn't give you permission to do this! "I don't even believe in the practice!" - Um, I hope that the pool is destroyed, especially if the owner is such a jerk. - Right, totally. (Jeopardy-like spacey music) - But I actually think the fireworks come at the camera and the people and there's - there's a big riot. I'm going with A for apple. - All right, let's see. - [Man] Light the other one! (woman screams) (fireworks pop) (fireworks popping) (crowd screaming) - [Link] Oh my god. Oh my god! (Rhett laughing) (crowd screaming) (Rhett laughing) - [Link] Oh my gosh! (laughing) - Dude's got - The cameraman got hit in the breadbasket! - Hey, but this is a common mistake, the baby reveal box is right next to the maim your family and friends box in the online store, (Linky laughs) so this kinda thing does happen. - Oof! Augh, it's a girl. - Mayhem! Okay, Link, you got that one right, (Link laughs) But before we move on, I do want to remind you about the little experiment that we're doing this week. - Oh, yeah! Um, like we've been saying, we always ask you guys to like, comment, and subscribe at the end of the video, but we wanna see what happens if everyone who likes actually clicks "like," so if you've never liked before, and you do like this, then click the like. - We'd like for you to do that. - And we'll learn some stuff, we'll share it with you. - Thank you. Okay. - Likey, likey, likey. - We got another gender reveal fail. - All ready? - [Man] Come here a little bit. - [Child] Yes. - [Man] No, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it. - I wanna pop it with you! - [Woman] Right here, love. - [Man] One, two-- - Okay. So we've got the older kids-- - That guy's got quite an accent. (vocalizing in Australian accent) - One, two. (crew laughing) (vocalizing in Australian accent) - There's another child. - Turned into Keith Richards (laughs) towards the end there. - How does it fail, Link? A, the dog comes back and pees on the little boy's shoeless foot, - Yes. - B, the little girl bursts into a foul-mouthed tirade, upset with the results of the reveal, - Oh, yes, yes! - C, the dog gets scared by the popped balloon, jumps on the little girl, sending her right into the patio chair, (laughs) - Oh, yes, yes, yes! - or D, the little girl becomes possessed by the ancient dark spirit Bagul, and swiftly turns the city into nothing but a pile of ashes. (Jeopardy-like spacey music) - Whoa. Go big or go home, I guess. - All right, okay, okay, Bagul, okay, okay. (crew laughs) - My kids like to go outside in nothing but socks. (Rhett laughs) And clothes! (crew laughs) Don't be weird about this. I think it's, uh - I hope that he learns his lesson, I'm going with A, the dog pees on the sock. - Let's see. - [Man] One, two, three. (balloon pops) (woman cheers) - Yes! (beeping) Yes! - I don't like you, (beep) (laughs) (buzzer) - She was sayin' the fancy word. - That wasn't Bagul, that was that little girl. - Fancy. Very fancy. - But smart girl, already learning to be disappointed by men. (crew and Link laughing) All right, Link, you didn't get that one right. (groans) - Wow, that was shocking. - This next gender reveal takes us out to the ballgame! - Okay. - Yeah. - It's a little heavier than I thought. - Ready. - Okay. - Whoo, I love the way you paused that right there! - I can't watch this, man, somebody gonna get it. - Okay, what happens? A, he hits the ball right back into his wife's face, - (laughs) Of course he does. B, he lets go of the bat, which hits the guy holding the camera, - Oo. C, he doesn't move a muscle, allowing the ball to just shatter at his feet, or D, he hits the ball and nothing happens at all. That's because they aren't having a child. She's been faking this pregnancy because of all the pressure they receive from their family to have a kid. The truth is, they're not sure they want to bring a child into this family that's already hangin' on by a thread thanks to Daryl's addiction to eating vinyl siding. Of course, you would've known that it was a fake pregnancy if you'd stopped to realize that she's been "pregnant" for 23 months! But you were too busy with your burgeoning magic career! You're never gonna be a full-time magician, Toby! (mournful string music) - I'm gonna go with A. (crew laughs) (smash) (crowd screaming) (Rhett and Link laughing) - I thought you said you were ready! - You threw it at my chest! (buzzer) - Why is he mad at her? - Yeah, well he's a man. (laughing) That's why. - It's like, all of a sudden this is her fault? He didn't even swing! - Yeah. - You get one chance at this, man! - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you know, if he's that reluctant with a bat, I'm surprised he got his wife pregnant. (Link and crew laugh) - It is a girl, though. - Yeah. All right, Link, you gotta get these next two right. This is the old-fashioned way, with cupcakes. (laughing behind camera) - [Woman] All right, are you guys ready? - Yeah. - [Man] Oh, oh, oh-- - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-- - What happens? A, the boy starts crying when he sees he's getting another sister, B, the girl, angry that it's a boy, throws her cupcake at her brother, C, the boy, excited that he's getting a brother, jumps up in his chair, but the chair falls backwards, or D, the kids bite into the cupcakes, revealing a fortune baked into the middle that reads, "You're both adopted." (crew laughs) - Been waitin' for that adoption joke. (Jeopardy-like spacey music) I think that boy is a tantrumer. I can look in his eyes, he's - he needs to be, they need to tighten up on the discipline. - Okay, so you think that A, the boy cries. - A for apple. - Let's see. - [Man] Oh, oh, oh-- - [Boy] Can I bite? - [Woman] Yeah, go on! - [Man] Let's see who finds out first! - Me. It's a girl. - [Man] It's a girl? - I want a boy. (whines) (woman laughs) (all laughing) (bell dings) - Oh no! I feel sorry for the kid! - Ah. With a hatred of women that strong, that boy could grow to be president one day! (crew laughs) - He was so hurt! But he just wanted a brother, man. - Okay, Link. - Poor guy. You know what, the good news is, - I got it right though. - you got it right. - So I'm actually happy. - And that means we're going into the last question, with the splendor reveal balloon on the line. - Okay. - Okay, guys, let's find out what it's gonna be! (clapping) - Five, four, three, two, one! - You went through all this trouble? (crew laughs) - What are you talking about? (Link and crew laugh) We found this beautiful woman, who was pregnant. - You and Jordan been havin' some quality time together? (Rhett laughing) Look at Jenna back there, she's really into this. (Rhett sighs) - Okay, how does this - (laughing) how does this fail? (Link laughing) A, the father-to-be doesn't like the results of the reveal, so he bursts into a foul-mouthed tirade, with a British accent, (laughs) - Okay. - B, someone blasts the father-to-be in the junk with a confetti cannon, C, the piΓ±ata reveal goes fine, but a random little boy with a cupcake comes in and starts crying, or D, an alpaca penis falls out and the husband gets angry because that means his wife cheated on him with an alpaca! (snorts) (Jeopardy-like spacey music) - What? (crew laughing) Uh... A's been treatin' me right, and I - I know that... You guys are always looking for an opportunity for you to be faux angry. - Faux angry! - So I think this is A, potty mouth dad, complete with censorship. - (laughing) All right, let's see. - One! - Is that an alpaca penis? - You've been cheating on me? With an alpaca? I thought you said he was just your snowboard instructor. - He's both. (slap) Is there another piece of cake? (buzzer) (crew laughing) - Did Jake give you his cake? Um-- - It was B, Link. - I was - I was wrong, it was - it's never D, and I didn't know you could get your hands on an alpaca penis. - Hey. Is she single now? (crew laughs) - Yeah, and I was actually wrong in my answer because it would've been Jordan giving the tirade-- - That's right, and that means I get to pop the splendor reveal balloon, bring it in! - Here it is! - Do I get a needle? (Rhett and crew laugh) Oh, ha ha, just kidding. (Rhett and crew laugh) Ah, just kiddin.' (pop) Ain't gonna let that happen! - God. - Where did it go? (crew laughs) (laughing) It went in the trash can! Wha-- Is this it? - That's a wipe, man. - This is a wet wipe. (crew laughs) - (laughing) Here it is. (crew laughing) - Don't know what's-- - That's my used wet wipe. I always wipe my crack before we do an episode. (wheezing) (laughing) You really blasted me in the face, man. - One in 1000 births result in a baby born with six toes! - That's a splendor-- - That's my freakin' prize? (crew laughs) I'll take it! - Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - [Woman] Hey, we're Sienna and Moya, and we're four-month-old mythical beasts from New Jersey. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (laughs) - Aww, future mythical beasts. - Get 'em started young! Click the top link to see some of the craziest girls-only and boys-only kids' toys of Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out where the wheel's gonna land. - [Rhett] Need some new accessories for your pup? Look no further than our Mythical Patter Pack for Pups, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,918,123
Rating: 4.9310069 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Hilarious Baby Gender Reveal Fails (GAME), Ridiculous Toys Designed for ONLY Boys or ONLY Girls
Id: rJUpsiNcki4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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