What Secret Are They Hiding? (Match Game)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (explosion) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. The Mythical crew is hiding lots of secrets and we're about to out their crimes. - But first, we're going to play, "What's the Word?" That's just very simple when we try to figure out what a word means. - What's the word? What's the word mean? What does it mean? - Zoanthropy, zoanthropy. - Zoanthropy, like... - This is the study of Zoa. - No this is- - Who's Zoa? - This is when Zoa gives a lot of people money. - Mm-hmm. Yep, okay. I don't think that's it. - Okay, well my stomach hurts, so you answer. - Yeah. It's the study of Zoa, which is what- - It's not -ology. - Which is that- - Thropy, what's thropy? Like philanthropy? - Um... Well, yeah, philanthropy is, do you get the giving from the phila or the thropy? - Phil is just love. I love to give that's why I thought - thropy is the giving part. - Oh, you know what? You're right, this is the giving of Zoa. So what's Zoa? - A person. - The giving of a person named Zoa. - The giving of animals. - Giving a pet to someone. - Giving a pet, like the habit of giving pets to people who don't want them. - I think that's Z-O-O, not Z-O-A, but let's go with that. This is the giving of animals. - When a person believes they have changed into an animal and start acting like one. Wow, okay. So a furry. Zoanthropy. Okay. All right. - Zoanthropy. But they believe they have changed into an animal. - That's cool. No judgment. We are loved in the furry community and we accept that love. (group laughing) - Yeah. In Australia, I had a furry lady put her leg up on me in a kind of a compromising way. - We were mobbed by 'em. - Yeah. - It was- - I just wanted, actually, I didn't want a picture. They wanted a picture, and- - It was quite an experience for our children. - Before I knew it, like this squirrel tail was all up in places that I just... Let's read the first one. - All right. So we've got Jenna, we've got Caleb, we've got... Now I'm getting named fried. - Maisie. - Maisie. I'm forgetting, Maisie I didn't forget your name. Carney, and Taylor's the new one. Taylor, you're the new one. You're open. (Rhett laughing) Welcome. - In the studio. - Staying masked, you're staying off screen. Fellow John Mayer fans. - Oh, I didn't know that. - And fellow... fan of Maisie's name. - Right. - And I never forget it. (laughs) - Maisie I forget my own children's names. - Yeah, I've seen it happen, trust me. - You're keeping quiet, Maisie. You could at this point say don't, it's okay. I know you got a lot on your plate. - [Maisie] Well, I'm very hurt. (laughter) - Well, at least she's honest. - Maisie, Maisie, Maisie. Maisie. I knew her name until I had to say it. I was like, crap, why am I the one- - I saw it coming and I was like, why did he volunteer for this? - Why am I the one, I say, why can't you say everybody's name? - 'Cause you usually - You framed me. - you start things without letting me do it. - [Stevie] To be honest, like, you almost didn't say Jenna's name as well. - Yeah. Right. - [Stevie] I was like, you made me, I'm sweating a little bit because I saw you stumble for a moment up top. - And then the way that you went through them is- - And it gets worse. - You did them all out of order even after that too. - That's because I was like, well, I'm gonna go to somebody who I know, okay? (laughs) No Carney, did I not- oh, there you are- - [Carney] Hello. - Did I not forget your name last time we did this? - [Carney] That was Kevin. You forgot Kevin's name. - Yeah. Okay, Kevin. (group laughter) - [Carney] You don't even know who I am, apparently. - Yeah. He had already forgotten that he didn't forget you. - It's the tights that are making me sweat. - Yeah, that's out. When I was 15- - Maisie. - My family moved into a new house. During our first week in the new home, my sister and I got into a fight on the stairwell and long story short, we wound up leaving a big hole in the drywall on the staircase wall. Panicked and scared of the consequences, we decided to fill the hole with chunks of white soap, (Link laughs) hoping our parents wouldn't notice. They never did. And we even sold the house years later with a soaped up hole still there. - Soaped up hole. - This is a good story. - Okay, so... - Somebody who would get into a fight with their sister. - Jenna doesn't have a sister. - I think that's true. - [Jenna] You have hard eye contact right now. - You have a brother. - Have a brother. - He's your twin, and his name is Jenna two. (group laughter) - [Jenna] Petition to change my brother's name to Jenna Two. - It's an interesting arrangement. - That's what fraternal twins have to do. - We've got to go with, we've got to go with a name, what's it gonna be? How about Jenna? - Who has a sister? I know, I told you everything I know about Taylor. (laughter) - [Stevie] Remember that time we punched a hole, accidentally made a hole, in the drywall at the hotel in Dunn? - [Man] Yeah, Link did it. - Oh, I wasn't there for that. When we were shooting the Buies Creek stuff? - Something fell. - [Stevie] Yeah. We had, like, the van seat as a seat. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh I was there for that. - [Stevie] And then it tumbled backwards and then giant hole formed in the wall. But luckily the guy- - The manager was a fan. - [Stevie] Exactly, yeah. - It was like, oh yeah Rhett and Link, they're crazy. It's like a couple of rock stars. They just show up in a motel and they leave it with holes in the wall. It's awesome. I thought it was good for our rep because we never do anything like that. - [Stevie] Well, we offered to fix it and pay for it. So you didn't seem like rock stars, but yeah. - Our van seat that we took out of the van to film an internet video fell into the wall, and we are willing - [Stevie] Yeah also, - to pay for it, not very rockstar It was like a Hampton Inn or Holiday Inn or something. - If we'd have had soap though. - Mm-hmm. - We could have just... - I don't know who this is. Let's just leave it on Carney for now, but I think... - Yeah, Carney likes wrestling. And he just confirmed that with a "mm-hmm" - Okay. Let's let's do, let's do drunk friend shall we? In college, my friend was drunk and got into it with a neighbor when we were swimming at their apartment pool after hours. - Oh after hours pool. - Dang. That's layers of chicanery. The neighbors called the cops. I sent my friend home and as I was cleaning the pool area, (Link whistling) - Must've been quite a swim. - The cops arrived. They tried to get me to reveal my friend's name and apartment number. I feigned ignorance. After about 40 minutes of questioning and sitting on the hood of the cop car, the neighbor dropped the charges and the police let me go. Oh! Somebody's not a snitch. - Somebody didn't break. Wow. So whoever this is, we need to commit a crime with them. - I'll tell you Maisie is not a snitch. I definitely know that. I also know that as a writer, she would be prone to write something like I feigned ignorance. - Yeah. And she's also very hurt right now. So I don't know how that relates to this particular story, but... - You can even look at her, her photo right here and tell that she's pretty perturbed. - Yeah, she's like what? - Maisie, in an effort to smooth things over, I'll compliment you on your, on your photo. I like your photo. - Yeah. - [Maisie] Well thank you very much. - You look like your cosplaying as like, like a murderer from the board game clue. - Ah. - Like with the raised eyebrow, - Is that a compliment? - And the candle stick just out of frame. You're like, you're going to kill me, aren't you? - [Maisie] I've never gotten that sentence before, but I'll take it as a compliment. - I like the raised eyebrow and like the serious, I'm a clue murderer face. - Well you know what it looks like me? It's like an author photo at the... like the back panel of a book - Of a mystery though. - Like, this is an interesting person. - She's a mystery writer. - Oh, this person didn't want to just smile. This person wanted to be like, what else? What other books am I going to write next? Aren't you interested? - She's not a snitch. - Right. Can I see the next one? I agree with that. - Yeah man, yeah man. - Red light district. Uh-oh. While on a school trip, I explored a Japanese red light district with friends. - Is that where everybody has to stop? - Mm-hmm. Lots of stopping. And when we got caught, I said that we sang Backstreet Boys at a karaoke bar all night. - When you got caught though. - Okay. I'm trying to figure it out. This is the, the cover. The cover, I think it's like, we were there, I was like, we were just singing Backstreet boys all night at karaoke, that's why we're here. But it wasn't, it was exploring the Japanese red... Just exploring just, just a curious, just curious. - Who goes to a school that they take trips to Japan? I said that weird. - Yeah. - 'Cause I was about to say Japanese red light district and then I said Jap-an. - And so we're talking private school here. Okay. All right. - Well it could be college? A college school trip. - You call that a school trip? - Taylor might. - This is like, now you've... (man laughing) - Taylor, you've been on any school trips? - [Taylor] Uh, Washington DC. - Oh, that's public school. Public school. Yeah. Us public school, (group laughing) the only field trip we get is to DC. That's it. You go to DC and you're like, that's it. That's all you're ever going to get, guys. - Right. - And we're going to go to the zoo one year. - And you're not going in anything either. You're just going to look at the outside of stuff. We're going to get back in that bus and we're going to go back to Harnett county. - But see, but now I'm starting to think- - We know a little bit more about Taylor, though. That's not Taylor. - Here's the thing, is that based on Maisie's, the eyebrow, I'm getting kind of a... I mean, this is a compliment Maisie. I'm getting a private school vibe. So I feel like... (laughing) I feel like I'm just trying to dig a hole of my own to get you out of it. - Please do I love it. - So I'm going to go with that for Maisie. And then.. I don't know. - Drunk friend, I think is Taylor. - Really? Again, you've had more conversations with Taylor, so... Y'all talked about John Mayer. - Taylor has not snitched on me yet. Right? Let's just go with that. - I think this might be Jenna, but I'm going to go with Taylor, for now. - [Stevie] Can I, I mean I wasn't going to do this. - Jenna doesn't have a sister. - [Stevie] But, - No, that's not... that's a friend. - Oh, Jenna's got a lot of drunk friends. - Drunk friends, right. - [Stevie] I'm confused. (group laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] Oh, now we're throwing Jenna under, okay. So it's Jenna's turned now. Good, good. It's going well. - We're basically trying to make Maisie feel better. - Okay. What were you saying, Stevie? - [Stevie] Well, I was going to say, I wasn't going to throw myself under the bus like this, but Taylor and I haven't even met in person, hello Taylor. So I don't really understand where the multiple conversations between Taylor and Link have taken place, but it seems like, you know quite a lot about him. - Uh, I'm not gonna snitch. (Rhett laughing) - I'm not going to tell you... - Nose piercing. When I was 16, I went to a piercing place that I didn't, that I knew didn't card. So under age, yeah, 16. I read that already. I got my nose pierced. My mom is so kind and forgiving that I thought she wouldn't care, but on the way home, I panicked, went to Rite aid, and bought band-aids and concealer to spackle over my nose stud. I guess I thought I could do this every day until I went to college. My mom noticed right away and she was not happy or forgiving. Ouch. Should have used soap, Taylor. - Okay. So Taylor- - Taylor's got tattoos on his- - The tattoos. - Give 'em a walk by. We're physically distancing here, but just give it, you know. - [Taylor] Well I've been with every one of these so far. So I feel like, I shouldn't- - Well we don't know you. Just, you know, just walk, walk by. There's Taylor. There's Taylor. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (group laughing) - [Taylor] Okay. Well now I've got to walk back that way. - He's got a mask on, so we can't see if there, if there's like a old hole in his nose. - Yeah. - When you talked John Mayer, did you see an old hole in his nose? - You were wearing a mask. - He was wearing a mask. - [Taylor] It was much like this situation. - It was much like this. - And it was very quick. And it was only about John Mayer. 'Cause you were wearing a John Mayer T-shirt. - [Stevie] Okay, so now I see. Now I see how this happened. Got it, got it. - You were wearing A John Mayer t-shirt. - [Stevie] I was getting a little bit jealous to be honest, to give the context. - And now you're not? - [Stevie] Yeah. - What does that mean? - [Stevie] I just thought you... - I think you've got to do the drunk friend, Jenna. She's definitely not a snitch, and you gotta... - Right, that's why she's our assistant. - Did this to Taylor, yeah - [Stevie] Did you tell Taylor what you said to John Mayer? - Uh, I'll send you the link. That way I can get- - Send you the link, I've told this story on the internet. - [Stevie] Oh, you don't want to seem... You don't. Okay. - I want Taylor to like me. - [Stevie] Got it. - And I also want another view - [Stevie] Oh. - on that... ear biscuit. - That's how we get the views. - I said uh, I said, I love you. (group laughing) - Yeah. - But I was trying to say, I love your work, but he kept- - I love you. - He kept walking, so I didn't get to finish the sentence. - But he heard you and kind of nodded. And it was okay. Um, before this last one, we do want to remind you that friendship month is in August. - Ooh. - I think technically it's in a different month, but on the mythical society. - The mythical society friendship month is August. - August is friendship month there. And we're doing uh, we're celebrating that in a couple of ways. We are introducing a new series, friends science, basically, if you've ever wondered about how lifelong friendships like ours work. Well, we got our good friend, Mike McCard, you know him, Science Mike, he investigated our friendship and then kind of broke it down scientifically. This is available for second and third degree members of the mythical society visit mythicalsociety.com for details. - Learn how to be a better friend. Or to... he's got lots of stuff that you're going to like. - [Stevie] Well and then, and then also you guys talk about - Yeah. - [Stevie] Mike's findings with each other. - Yeah on Tuesday he releases his video and then we watch it. So then Thursday, we process what he learned from us that now we're going to learn from him? - About ourselves. - Wild. - When I was a kid, I lost the family DVD of March of the Penguins. - Mm-mm - And my parents said, they'd ground me until I found it. Well of course. - Insane. - Morgan Freeman. Because either they thought I'd learn a lesson or they really liked penguin documentaries. After a week of no luck, I put a Passion of the Christ DVD (laughing) inside the March of the Penguins. - Ooh. Talk about a misdirect. DVD case and said that I found it and put it back in the TV stand. - Jesus walked for 3,000 miles to get to his egg laying site. (group laughing) - I doubt that's how it went. How it went down. I thought my parents never- - He marched slowly - Never know the difference. Never know the difference? Okay, so this is what you're believing about your parents. - Let's say that's Caleb, Caleb. - Caleb, you on the line? - [Caleb] Uh, yeah, I'm here. - Oh. - We were thinking you wouldn't be. - Well hello. - [Caleb] Hello. Yeah, I was away for a bit. - What were you doing? Work? - [Caleb] Yeah. - Good. (group laughing) - What's your opinion- - [Caleb] Someone's gotta do it. - What's your opinion on penguins? - [Caleb] Uh, Penguins, um... emperor penguins are terrifying, but all other penguins are very cute and fable-like. - Fable-like? - This guy knows a lot about penguins. - Yeah, he does. He knows which ones he's afraid of. And which ones are fable-like. - That's somebody who's watched a documentary about penguins. - All right, we've locked in our answers. Jenna, let's start with you. Do you have a drunk friend that you didn't snitch on? - [Jenna] Yes. That is true. - Yes! - [Jenna] That is my story. - We got it, man. All right, Caleb, you... - You told us your penguin knowledge, and now we- - [Caleb] I am knowledgeable on penguins, but I am not a penguin fraud with a Passion of the Christ. (laughing) - Okay. This is- - Okay. Even that's too low for you. - [Caleb] Too low, too low. - What do you have to say about school trips? - [Caleb] Um, I had a... I did go on school trips. I went to a public school though. - Okay. (Rhett laughing) - [Caleb] Same school Bruno Mars went to, though. - Oh really? - Okay, okay. - [Caleb] Yeah. - Wait. What a talented person. I'm looking for for a for a nose ring. - I could, I could see Caleb doing the nose ring thing. - He's limitless. He could do anything. - I kind of feel like, we go nose ring. - Nose piercing for you, Caleb. - [Caleb] No, no nose piercing. All right. We give up, what is it? Damn. - [Caleb] It's the red light district. - What? Hey, this is- - But you went to public school. It's impossible. - How did they afford this? - [Caleb] It was a very small trip with anyone who was interested. It was kind of like a semi-private tour. So it's not like the whole school went. It was just like, hey if you're interested in going to Japan for an art excursion, feel free to sign up here. Type of deal. - Wow. - Again, he's limitless. Art excursion, Japan, I'm in. Red light district. Lie about it later. - Right. - So how far did you go? - [Caleb] Um, we went all the way from, kind of across the border of Japan from like Tokyo- - I mean in the red light district. (group laughing) - [Caleb] Oh. In the red light district. So a lot of the places there would not let foreigners in anyways, (Caleb laughing) - We tried, but... - [Caleb] But, we went looking around and eventually we ended up at what's called like a hostess bar where people just serve you drinks. And I actually just drank orange juice, believe it or not. I am a good boy. And um... (Rhett laughing) - I am a good boy. I am not one of Jenna's friends. - [Caleb] Yes. (group laughing) - But I was also a cute boy who came up with the excuse for my friends by the time we got back and got caught for everything. - We've just been singing Backstreet Boys all night. - [Caleb] Just all night. Just nothing but "I Want it That Way". Just on repeat. - Red light district. That'll get you results. Okay. Maisie, Maisie. She's so crazy. That's how I'm going to remember it from now on. - Yeah. - Um, March of the Penguins? - [Maisie] No. - Oh crap. - But private school? - No, you know what? Maisie has a nose ring. Not in this photo, but in real life she does. Nose ring? - [Maisie] Yes, I am the old hole. (group laughing) - Is it on the right side of your face? Or do you not have- - [Maisie] It is. You can't see it can you? - Uh-uh - [Maisie] It was. It was back in the day. - Oh. - How long has it been gone? - Oh, it's not there anymore. - [Maisie] Uh, I took it out after college. So a handful of years. - Okay. - All right. So now we're down to Carney with the, with the soap hole and Taylor with the March of the Penguins. - We're not doing great on this one, but I think this is good because again, Carney is into the wrestling thing. - [Carney] Yeah. And I grew up in a mostly Jewish household, so we did not have a Passion of the Christ DVD laying around. - Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. - Okay. - Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yup, yup. So Taylor, are we right? - [Taylor] Uh, yeah. - Finally, we're right. March of the Penguins. - Your family really loved that DVD, apparently - [Taylor] Um, yeah. And I, you know, I saw my dad cried at Passion of the Christ once. So I figured he was done with it after that. - Right. - Yeah. - [Taylor] And I'm an only child, so I got to get creative when I'm making up stuff, 'cause I can't really blame it on anybody else - I'm an only child. (group laughing) - John Mayer? Only child? - [Taylor] Um, yeah, so. - The connection here is incredible. - [Stevie] I can be an only child. - [Taylor] I don't know if my parents ever found out about it, so if they're watching this, I feel like I have a lot of time to payback. - Wow. I think you should just say hey, have you guys watched March of penguins lately? - Don't. (group laughing) - You should do it. You should, it really holds up. - So Carney- - It might feel a little different this time though. - You did the soap hole spackle. - [Carney] Yeah. Everything that I need to say is said right there on the card. (group laughing) - He doesn't want to talk about it. - But you used to work at hot dog on a stick. - [Carney] You got me. - Yeah, you could have done it with corn dog batter, but that had not become a part of your life yet. (Rhett laughing) - We love you guys so much. Thank you for... (upbeat music) For working with us. - We love you so much. Can't you tell? How are we still friends? - I don't know, let's ask Mike. - Join me as we enter the magical mythical world of friend science. (upbeat music)
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 447,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: xQVvKpDJtDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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