Link Is Shocked By Dog DNA Results

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What I learned is that Chihuahuas... get around.

And that Jade-reveal was like a dog version of the Jerry Springer show. Including a very distraught parent.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tqbh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dog videos are ALWAYS welcome. And one where they explore the science of dog breeds? This is cool. More educational-ish episodes, please.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Barbara has an oddly human vibe about her that makes me really uncomfortable lmfao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/exoplanetskeleton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

They had way more fun on this episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Happy-Hearing6671 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Today's episode had me ROLLING hahahaha. Link's life was changed forever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RipParticular3779 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stevie: β€œPoodles are known for their intelligence.”

Rhett: 😬

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_ChwatBot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like people don't think of long haired chihuahuas as much because both of Link's dogs were obviously long hair chihuahua mixes to my eyes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/j4nkyst4nky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

What happened at around 18:13 when Rhett was talking about the Blood Oath comic? The video slowed down slightly and his voice got deeper? Was that intentional or was there an editing mishap?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CaptStinkyFeet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was such a fun episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KarmaRockets πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 12 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
- We're placing bets on what's in our pets. - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - Now, we love our dogs, and I feel like I might know my dogs better than I know my teenagers. - Yeah? - This face is saying, mm, orange corduroy, nice choice, dad. - Yeah, I know my dogs very well. Jasper, his face is saying, what's your face saying? I ate the cat's dookie when you weren't looking. - But how well do we really know 'em? And I mean, do we even really know what they are? Okay, so there are those doggy DNA tests out there that'll tell you what breed or breeds make up your mutt, and they give you the exact percentages as well. - And our families ran the test for our dogs, and the results are in, but we have not seen 'em, so you can bet we're gonna play a game to find out who knows their dog better. It's time for DNA Detectors... Doggy Style. (upbeat music) Welcome to the Doggy Genome Zone. Stevie, we got quite a board here. - [Stevie] Yes, this is the percentage breakdown of each of the breeds detected in your dogs' DNA. You can see Jade's gonna go first. Your job is to choose breeds from our lovely Bark Bank and match them to their correct percentage. - That's cool, Bark Bank. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] You both have the same 30 breeds to choose from. You have one lifeline you can use once during the game each. I will tell you how many breeds you've guessed correctly, then you can make as many swaps as you want before locking in your answer, but you can only use it once. Each correct guess is worth two points; if you select the correct breed, but put it in the wrong spot, you get one point; and at the end of the game, the loser must sniff one dog's butt for 10 seconds. - Oh, what? - Or four dogs' butts for 2.5 seconds, loser's choice. - All right, loser's choice. Hey, but really, in the end, besides one of our noses, we're gonna know what our dogs are, finally. - And I don't know why I'm so nervous about it. (upbeat music) - [Chase] This is Jade. At seven years old, she's the eldest dog of the bunch. Link didn't consider himself a pet person before he met Jade, then she melted his heart. As strong as the stone she's named for, Jade is the only one who can get Link to talk in a baby voice. But what is this vixen hiding under that demure facade? Plans to escape, or poison Jasper? And more importantly, what is she made of? It's time to find out. - You're gonna end on a pooping shot? - Well, 'cause they use a stool sample to make this decision, right? - Jade. Jade, they did you wrong, girl. What you want to do? - [Rhett] What are you, Jade? - What are you? I mean, there's lots of choices over here. - Now, I'm sure you remember what they told you she was when you adopted her. - Yeah, but I ain't telling you that. - Yeah, and I get the advantage of that with my dogs as well. - [Link] So she got a long back, she's got the softest of furs. - How confident are you about being right about this? - Well, first of all, it looks like I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to choose from. - Oh, and Stevie, it looks like you've already filled in the Supermutt category here. What does that mean? - [Stevie] Yeah. It's basically, your dogs have ancestors that were mixed breeds themselves, and those ancestors contributed to small amounts of DNA in your dog, but so small that they can't be recognized to one particular breed, so this is the best guess of what those Supermutt breeds are, and yeah, we've done you the courtesy of filling those in. - All right. How we gonna do this? I don't wanna be influenced by your choice- - We're gonna each- - And vice versa. - On our own, kind of in our own little time, we'll select which five breeds we think will go into there, and then we can go through and start placing them in the different percentages. - All right. Jenna, watch Jade, please. - Hi, best friend. - Okay, so I ain't looking at your stuff. - [Rhett] I'm not looking at yours. I'm not even saying that I'm not looking. - Definitely know this. The pictures do help a little bit. All right, I got mine. - Hold on. - All right, I'm not looking at what you did. - Okay, I have mine as well. So at 40%, I think that she is 40% Papillon. - Ooh, I always say, Jade is a long-haired miniature dachshund Papillon mix. - Okay. - So you've heard me say that, but I always say longhair miniature dachshund first, so I'm starting with dachshund. - Are you going to be disappointed to find out that she's not mostly dachshund? - Yes. - Okay, well, for your sake, I hope you're disappointed. (crew laughs) Or for my sake. - You put dachshund second? - I'm going to put dachshund second. I'm gonna give you some credit here. - You could be right. I'm definitely putting Papillon second. I mean, the 40%, I probably would've said dachshund Papillon mix was probably, in my mind, it was 50-50, so. - This is my going out on a limb a little bit, but it is very much based in an observation of Jade's markings, which are incredibly consistent with a Pinscher. - Oh, and you said miniature Pinscher. - She has black and brown, and I've never seen that on anything that isn't at least a little bit Pinscher. - I think she's, next, Chihuahua. - [Rhett] Okay, well, I said-- - [Link] Which makes her little. - I was almost gonna do that, but I went with Chihuahua at 9.8, 'cause Chihuahua, every dog has some Chihuahua in them. - And I'm throwing in some Pomeranian here, because of the softness of her furs. - Simply because of the length of her hair, which probably just comes from the Papillon, I went with Yorkshire Terrier. She's also very small, so this is just a crapshoot. - And this is where I threw in the Cocker Spaniel, just 'cause I needed something. - How'd we do? - [Stevie] 40%. Oh man, this reveal is so big. 40% Chihuahua. - No! (Rhett laughs and applauds) No, I hate Chihuahuas! (crew giggling) What? - Yes, I love the fact that. How does this make you feel? (Jenna laughs) - Oh my gosh, can you take her out? - [Rhett] She's so much Chihuahua, man. - [Link] Take her behind the door. - Okay, okay. - Oh, no! - I don't even like Chihuahuas. - Listen, every dog in this town, every mutt that you adopt in this town, is like half Pit Bull or half Chihuahua. I mean, that's just the way it works. - And I know I put it third, but that... They're not even pretty to me. - [Stevie] There's more reveals to come, because the 17.1%- - You can bring her back now. - [Stevie] Is Poodle. (Rhett laughs) (crew laughing) - Poodle? - I should have known that. She got that soft hair, it's not curly, but it's super soft. - [Link] What? - I'm gonna go out on a limb right now and say that there's no dachshund, and it's gonna make Link... He's not gonna sleep tonight. - [Stevie] That is correct. (Rhett guffawing) (crew laughs) - I love dachshunds, man. My kind of dog, it's a dachshund. Let me just say it. (crew laughing) It's gotta be a dachshund in order for me to like it. I got a black dachshund, and now I want a brown dachshund. - I follow so many dachshunds on Instagram. - I don't have any dachshunds, but that's my favorite dog. (crew laughs) - My favorite dog is a dog I don't own. - [Stevie] 10.7% Rat Terrier. - (laughs) This gets better! - Rat terrier? - It only gets better! - That's like the worst name for a dog. - [Stevie] 9.8% Miniature Pinscher. - Hey, boom! - Miniature Pinscher. - [Stevie] Yeah, so you each have a point at this point. And then 6.3% Cocker Spaniel. That's a two-pointer to Link. - I nailed that. - [Stevie] That's the full result. - [Link] So there's no Papillon? - [Stevie] No, but I have a little, this is-- - Nothing that I thought she was is what she is. - [Stevie] This is a by-the-breed bio of Jade that I have. So Jade is mostly Chihuahua, which may explain why she shakes when she's not being held. Chihuahuas have a tendency to shake when cold, excited or scared. She may have a penchant for digging and chasing vermin due to the Rat Terrier in her, a breed that's not big on pleasing humans. One thing to look out for, Cocker Spaniels can easily become nervous in unknown scenarios, which can sometimes result in submissive urination, but, good news, Jade is not at risk for any genetic health conditions. - Oh, great. - Yay. - But, Jade, you are not who I thought you were. (upbeat music) - [Chase] This is Sean, the latest addition to the McLaughlin clan. Sean is two years old. He's only been with the McLaughlins a few months, and has already gotten himself banned from the groomer, so one can assume he'll be as shaggy as Rhett in no time. He's an anxious fella, prone to nervous farts just like his owner, but he'll do anything to protect the ones he loves. His wandering eye hasn't gotten him into trouble yet, but give it time. No, seriously, he literally has a wandering eye. Time to find out what's inside this cute little fella. - (laughs) Sean. - Oh, man, they did you dirty with that close up. (crew laughs) They did you dirty with that close up. - Chase throwing shade at our dogs, man. - You're a cute guy, though. I really like you. - Good. So down here on our Supermutt, we've already got Pomeranian, Maltese, way down here, Cocker Spaniel and Miniature Pinscher. - Who would've thought? - If either one of your dogs is part dachshund, I'm gonna be so mad. - Oh, I hope so, but just so you know, I'm probably not doing that. I think I have settled on my five. - I think I'm gonna start with the best punchline for all dog jokes, Shih Tzu. - I'm going off of what we learned in the last round. First of all, I've always known that this little guy, or suspected that this little guy, was a lot of Chihuahua, given his size and his shaking, now that I know that's a big thing. I think that topping out the top here is Chihuahua. Now, that's close, though. We're basically almost equal percentages there, so that's a tough percentage to decipher. - I think that the eyeball gene is strong, so I'm going with Boston Terrier and the wonky eyes. - His hair is so curly, and it's hair, it's not really fur, so I'm actually gonna say that this is a Poodle. - I'm going with Poodle next, just because Poodles are so ubiquitous. It's gotta be in there somewhere. - [Rhett] I'm going with Rat Terrier. - You know what, I'm gonna go with this one, Miniature Schnauzer. I think he's got a bit of a Schnauz face. - I'm hitting up where you started here with a Shih Tzu. - [Link] And I'm gonna round things off with the Bichon Frise, which I had never heard of before, but it looks kinda like your dog. - Look at me, Bichon Frise. - Oh, look at us. - [Rhett] Bichon Frise. - All right, do you want to use your lifeline? - Oh. - You can see how wrong one could be. - You know what, I am gonna use my lifeline. - Oh, okay. - Maybe I can pull ahead here. - [Stevie] You have three breeds correct. - Wow. - Whew. - Okay, so I know I'm not wrong about Chihuahua. I think the guess that I had the least confidence in was the Bichon Frise. You know what, the hair's pretty long, I'm gonna go with Lhasa Apso. How about that? I'm locked. - That didn't help you. - [Stevie] Sean is 28.9% Chihuahua. - Yeah! - Chihuahuas all over the place! (crew laughing) - [Stevie] 27.5% Poodle. - Yeah! (laughs) - He's the same as Jade! - I know my dog! - But he looks totally different! - [Stevie] 13.1% Bichon Frise. - Oh, dang it. - All right. So I did get a point there. - Crap. The lifeline hurt me. - [Stevie] 5.3% Lhasa Apso. - Oh, okay, it didn't hurt or help. - [Stevie] 3.4% Pekingese. - Oh, where is that one? - Where is that? - Oh, yeah, that makes sense. - [Stevie] And the rest, Supermutt. - Dude, two of our dogs are majority the same. - So, I mean, what am I gonna say now when people ask me what my dog is? A chi-poo-poo? - A Poohuahua. - A Poohuahua? - Poohuahua. - I like a Poohuahua. - [Stevie] Well, you could say Sean is mostly Chihuahua, and despite their small size, Chihuahuas are confident and protective, meaning they can get aggressive with other dogs who will almost always outsize them. Poodles are highly intelligent, which contradicts a Chihuahua's instinct to pick fights with bigger dogs. - It also contradicts my instincts about observing everything about Sean. - [Stevie] Bichon Frises were used as barter by Spanish sailors, which may explain Sean's fear of water and sailors. (crew laughs) - Oh, I've noticed that, yeah. Down in Marina del Rey, boy. Don't take him to Marina del Rey. - [Stevie] And his keen sense of hearing is likely due to his small percentage of Lhasa Apso. They are originally from Tibet, where their acute hearing made them good watchdogs in palaces and monasteries. Pekingese are smaller than they look, they are mostly fur, which poor Sean found out after his first haircut. - Yeah, he did. - But, good news, Sean is not at risk for any genetic health conditions. - High five! (upbeat music) - [Chase] This is Jasper, the only ladies' man in the Neal home. Nicknamed Peanut Butter Jade, or Jazzy, Jasper loves women, particularly Christy. Jasper is two years old. He enjoys sniffing Jade's pee, then peeing on top of Jade's pee, but he's more than just a Jade fanboy, he's a snuggler. His safe place is the crook of Link's neck, and when he can't be there, this random spot on the couch does just fine. Good boy, Jasper. Time to find out what's inside this cute little fella. - Jasper, now, we adopted Jasper because he fit my criteria at the time. - Of being a dachshund. - Which was, yeah. (Stevie laughs) I wanted a dog that looked like Jade, but maybe in a different peanut butter color. - Well, Link, I'll have you know that according to the Supermutt percentage, which is a total of 6.3%, of that 6.3%, there is some dachshund. (Rhett applauds) - You got more dachshund than Jade, you stinker. All right, let's make our selections. - Now, Jasper needs a companion, constant companion, so I assume that's gonna inform the breed that he is. There's something about his timid nature that's gotta come from something. I just don't know what it is. - Oh, gosh, so Cocker Spaniel, dachshund, off the list. German Shepherd. And there's only four we have to choose, not five. His hair is longer than Jade's. Okay, throw your first one up there, man. - Chihuahua. - Yeah, I mean, I've learned my lesson. I had to pick Chihuahua, too. - You know what? I think that's spindly nature. - Spindly? - I think it's the same kind of dog. I know it doesn't make any sense. - Yeah, I mean, that's what I thought. - Now, the spindly nature that I was talking about and the speed with which I've seen him go, I think he has got some Italian Greyhound. - That was, we have the exact same answer, dude. - Oh, wow, look at this. - That's exactly what I was thinking. - And then I finished off- - Not changing anything. - With Papillon. - And I went with, one of my favorite dogs, breeds, the Rat Terrier. - Yeah, okay. - [Stevie] Now, Link, you still have your lifeline. - I gotta use it, so tell me, how many did I get right? - [Stevie] You have two breeds correct. - Okay, so both of these are wrong. I gotta take these off. I'm gonna move these over here. I ain't going back to Papillon. I was actually thinking about this Basenji thingy. - Basenji? - Yeah, 'cause of the legs. And then for the length of the hair, there might be a little Maltese, 'cause it gets a little wavy. I'm gonna try that. - [Stevie] Jasper is 33.8% Chihuahua. - Yeah (laughs). - You can't escape a Chihuahua. - No, they're everywhere. - [Stevie] 26.9% Poodle. - [Link] Just like Jade. - [Stevie] 9% Pekingese. - Oh, really? - Pekingese. - [Stevie] 7.1% Miniature Schnauzer, and the rest, Supermutt. - You're just like Jade. - [Stevie] Jasper is mostly Chihuahua, and a healthy Chihuahua can live around 18 years, so buckle up. But since Jasper is also Poodle, he needs daily exercise and stimulation, so that's gonna be a long 18 years. He's also part Pekingese. They were bred exclusively as pets, so if you find Jasper enjoys a literal lap of luxury, that's why. - Oh, he does. - He has a small percentage of Miniature Schnauzer, making him spunky, spirited, but also aloof. Now, Jasper did inherit one copy of oculocutaneous albinism, which doesn't affect him, but it could affect relatives. It's just characterized by lack of pigment in the eyes, skin or fur. - He doesn't have balls. - Before we get to know Barbara a little bit more, we want to announce the latest quarterly collectible item from the Society. Yes, it is another issue of our comic book "Blood Oath". This time, it's Rhett and Link versus Barbara and Jade, and J.A.D.E. That's appropriate, we're introducing this today. - It's a crazy story with amazing illustrations in collaboration with our friends at Fantoons, so collect this thing. You can only get it by joining The Mythical Society. You gotta join 3rd Degree monthly by January 31st. - Yes. - - Let's get to know Barbara. (upbeat music) - [Chase] Meet Barbara. She joined the McLaughlin family in 2016. She's a pretty girl, and she knows it, hardly ever leaving the house without her signature bow. The biggest gal in the group, she no doubt has the biggest turds of all the McLaughlin-Neal dogs. Her hobbies include licking her butt-hole, and licking beans out of Rhett's beard. In what order? We don't know. But what breeds are in this precious pooch? Let's find out. - She's a pretty lady. - [Link] They got a shot of poop coming out of her butt. - Don't remind me. - What in the world, y'all? (crew laughing) - [Rhett] Man, this is not easy. - [Link] How much does she weigh? 15? - I'm not gonna tell you that. - You ready? - [Rhett] Yes. - All right, I'm ready, and since it's not my dog- - You go first. - I'm gonna go first. I mean, I gotta start, and I'll put it on my side, Maltese, right? I think that's what you said she was. - So this is a tough one about what gets the top spot. You very well could be right. It could also be a Chihuahua. - [Link] Yeah, - But she is the only one that doesn't have as slight of a frame as the other three, you know? So I think that I was gonna go with Poodle as the top. - Yeah, I put Poodle as my number two, which I'm gonna put there. - And I put Maltese as my number two, so there you go. - So we're back and forth. - Who's right about that? I don't know. - I'm going with Shih Tzu, 11.2%. - Just because I'm trying to keep it in the family, I do think she's got some Chihuahua in her. - And then basically, I'm just hedging my bets at this point with stuff that she looks like. Bichon Frise. - Man, we're kind of on the same page at this point, because I thought that she's got some Bichon Frise, 'cause of the hair. This looks exactly like her coat. - So not in color, but in terms of type of hair, Yorkshire Terrier is at play. - And I went with a West Highland Terrier. - I gotta put Chihuahua on the board. - Okay, and I'm gonna do a Lhasa Apso. - Okay. - Lifelines are done, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, lifelines are done. It all comes down to this. Barbara is 37.8% Poodle. - Yes! - Oh, you dog. (crew chuckling) - [Stevie] 30.9% Chihuahua. - (laughs) Dang it, girl. - What? - [Rhett] I knew you had some in there. - [Link] Chihuahua? - [Stevie] 11.2% Miniature Schnauzer, 5.3% Pekingese. - Dang. - [Stevie] 4.5% Cocker Spaniel, 3.2% Miniature Pinscher, and the rest, Supermutt. - What? - Wow, okay. - No Maltese, dude. - [Stevie] Yeah, so Barbara is mostly Poodle, so she should be highly intelligent and playful. - Oh, she is. - [Stevie] Her attention-seeking behavior is genetic; Chihuahuas are fun-loving, people-oriented dogs who seek a lot of attention. Here's something she has in common with her father: Pekingese tend to have weak backs, so they can't withstand too much roughhousing. Barbara has a small percentage of Cocker Spaniel in her, meaning she should be excellent at hunting woodcock. - Oh yeah, we hunt woodcock every weekend. - [Stevie] And speaking of things found in Cocker Spaniels, we should mention that Barbara is at risk of intervertebral disc disease, but many dogs never develop IVDD, so that's good. - You did well, Barbara. - So who came out with more points? - [Stevie] Yeah, Rhett won, which means you have some butt sniffing to do, but you have options. - Okay, well I ain't sniffing your dogs' butts. - Okay. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Katrina. - I'm Drew. - We just picked up our new foster dog, Toby. - Remember, adopt, don't shop. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I don't think that's a Chihuahua. - Click the top link- - It probably is now, after all this. - To watch us guess which celebrities have been combined with dogs in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Join 3rd Degree monthly by January 31st to get the second issue of the "Blood Oath" comic book. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,192,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: Gqag2ZKN2Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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