Sandra Bullock - Finds Humor In Craig's Accent & Mannerisms - 3/3 Visits In Chron. Order [480-720p]

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/aniket-sakpal 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm just commenting so we can claim this post was a 10-day awkward pause.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] give us and rubella thank you welcome hey yeah hi Donna since the previous sensational and Betty White feels yours of Nia yeah second base I've ever had she's here alone she's does it to me has she done it yeah very gentle yet I'm in firm offenders and she found them honey and 10 you might hey why you know I'm concerned for you in this film concerns well you've got a Canadian a Canadian I like the way says well I practiced yeah can you do a Scottish action but no you'd be perfect for Scott Ian start right there nobody can do it huh what know everybody that please Scott he can't do is called he said Simon Pegg in the new movies pretty good uh-huh we just have an earthquake weird are you just a fart joke to me to me no the earth moved it might have been you admire be no I don't think so no I think what it was was that this is you're used to the big time late night when you speak I did I love big time it's just so much if you make words sound more beautiful than I normally hear them sound thanks very much so you're used to the big time you know late night TV shows with the band of the set that does move and stuff of that but we we have you think that there this soul moves other shows don't have anything set no they're stuck in with their band equipment no way if you don't need a band I do do you have one see again you have what I'd like so nice well I did for the way I speak I'm used to it I'm not that strange because I thought you watch the show every night yeah no but I've not had your mouth in life no hey why why God what is this I'm talking about being a sort of gay detective Jensen case you need to counsel gave it back man move your knees I think I'd be good young man yep going on here I think I know what happens no let me tell you Hank that ya know it's got that good no it's good Ellison your husband been here happy yeah he was very nice he's got tattoos you know yes yes my husband colored he's Boston Texas he'd not know I thought he was from Texas no he seemed a bit text and when he was here Irene regretted a guy think the gay detective you alright I think we are I think he's a little bit confused something maybe that's why I got all of a sudden you just became I think aunt or sit what what's a detective in a very small room yeah we call it hit me a hundred tiny little room oh my god solve the crime did you you much I'm sorry not from Texas from Long Beach but we have a fight in Texas I'm just going back to correct what you got wrong the first time you might want to edit that oh you can say so either you're alive God's alive its life as the wedded from the big lines TVs you re screaming why is it necessary to scream at your guests I was concerned that you probably thought we had editing facilities to be doing man I thought well if she thinks we can edit you make costs or better get the message across oh so I can't drop any ice bomb drink thank you God we just have to you know bleep them quick cut it up yeah I like this time I like this file a stockman yeah but when your husband was here yes talking about Texas then maybe that with us yeah he loves Austin yeah yeah I like you there it's just I don't know how to explain it don't move there nobody move there please but it's I just I can't explain why it works it just has its own vibe and it just lovely hot sauce really yeah is that a code and you giving me like I don't know what my top comes off or the other justic up any white not to I go I go I could do the heating but you know what I could do is have a special word hold on ah help yourself to a drink of water is different yeah that's where are they I spent all the money for the bandwidth we had four bucks for a band to be spent on a cup now this is from the Albuquerque rattlesnake Museum a bit of them no doubt yeah and Pennywise they don't such as I like the other hot sauce store in Austin that's very good I mean as one thing I have learned is is that there's about 700 thousand varieties of what so I know I don't know why that's funny but we yeah wait to get Betty hear you say it she will take it off herself you know I don't know Betty for a long time she was the first actress I was I came to America she is the most extraordinary comedian but as a human being I just to be in her presence like all central seriousness really quiet I say just say hi hello see as you know I mean the timing of that woman is Susan Chris I believe like we knew that if you had a scene with Betty yes you shut up yeah just we're not gonna have any last nothing it's you know she wants to feel me up all day she gets to feel me up all this and she did she did when she's here yeah when I introduced her the audience goes not yeah we have to cancel the second guest you said yeah because I do you even booked it something sometimes people you know we don't call people at the I know I wasn't going to tell you I was going to ask you but some very white hot on the way oh no I tell you my name is Betty White because Betty White is famously likes animals and you famously don't like on yes I hate and yeah so that must be different again Jesse's not come often and you do like that yeah here you either like Ottomans or ageism I just remember what one of us coming out in small Peterson I don't remember that she liked animals yeah I think I could go out and investigate oh my god jazz hands well that's part with the final fingers yes a big big animal lover I mean if they have it I love them if they even want to have an impediment like some sort something missing something wrong like if there's like you know friends will call they said we found a dog a homeless dog but it has all its limbs decides it's not for you yeah it was like my husband once called me somebody it's very sad what people do them somebody left in a bit like a horribly abused dog behind his shop because we found it we took it to the he goes but sadly there's nothing wrong with it and they call back very excited later on he goes good news the vet said he only had one ball that's that's nice so we found him a maid that was talk with one eye and as long as besides the one side of that dog you know we're completely out of time which a great shame I think you should stay around to November the 20th oh what the oh you know tomorrow the movie comes out two more that would be nice my advantages and he's been here fabulous yeah what a gown Texas kena Texas Kenneth detector oh yeah he's from the Canada part the southern part of Canadia well we have a lot of stuff they need it is very cool though yes it is so he's been Vancouver it RC o u5 is all I didn't know father okay clear honest I'm very sorry [Applause] it welcome very lovely everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very nice you see you probably want to keep it I would like that something to refer to oh right there's your notes you'll be fine I'm sorry for kissing you and giving you this weigh-in frankly twice both sides no no you need to given me the swine flu movie stars getting flu - you'll need more of us than we know really yes did it take long to incubate in movie stars longer yes really receiving an ingestion of many substances all right sort of keep it at bay sort of you know like the alcohol and the drug use no no no no no we're done here but alcohol and drugs no the oven plenty of that that's what I'm saving and you haven't done this once oh you haven't maybe mmmm what for me hey we're saying that or say not no but by sometime you know like maybe November yeah I could have swine flu yes wait flu yeah have you had your flu shot haven't I didn't know but I'm going going in my god no no we're not doing this yeah no I have not but I'm researching and trying to find the one with the least amount of chemicals and preservatives I've had that one have you yes which one is it it's the one with no preservatives called Ollie's don't please on Pluto something like that and I guess and the the the lady doctor on Hollywood Boulevard Alicia thank you I got winner yeah so up I'm gonna shut up who knows yeah but it makes you feel so populated for the rest of the day yeah I get that one yeah don't I don't know listen I saw I've seen the movie yes and it's fantastic this really lovely you could blow today thank you like I think he's talking about me can we talking about everyone else in the film thank you oh no you're good in the - yeah it's very moving I mean I was beautiful hi Oh would you see that hmm I got a minute okay all right who is that hand sanitizer uh yeah yeah all right ah sorry I don't why the pictures fell over I don't know ya know what that hanging over good night yeah go to someone you cheeks I don't feel like I need to could you kiss I don't have swine flu not that you know of oh look by the way I want to show you this why wouldn't would when did this happen a while back I got this done because I know your husband has a look yeah I have I have one very tiny one where I'd like to show to you but can't fakeness through it maybe you should in the interest of you know you're just sad part I'd like to show you so I could be all cool you know look I have a tattoo but it is so tiny in a tiny area that I'd be embarrassed that that area is so tiny that the tattoo had to be that tiny yeah and it's not my but obviously when you're here that's true I only do that when you hear weird like I can't even do it like you have this position yeah no I I do like to do that I'm like not even part of your body anything it's good I got the tattoo on it that about well it's this is a this is an old has everyone seen this yeah yeah I really have yeah it's fantastic image Joyner died what the snake committee yeah Thank You Betty this was at Benjamin Franklin's paper the Pennsylvania Gazette 1754 they could listen as it was a cartoon to get a call and he's to joining it together against the Coleman fray at that time but it came a very important symbol of the revolution yeah but why I once thought because when your husband was here he's got pay up sucker written on his hand he does and I pay you yeah but when I got the tattoo but there I want you to ask your husband to buzzer painfully it's unbelievable the little spot I got didn't feel a thing oh I thought why I thought it was that [Laughter] I don't know I actually don't know as medically as possible I don't know what made you I'm sure if I think you're thinking of that is it what you're at if you were talking about there is that what you're talking I wish so I would write you need I'm not there you just specify you can go again I said it was small so but I told adorable sexy that's what I want you know it's not there it's not there it's above the waist my god yeah no that's got a hard it didn't you kill him or not if you're supposed to be a dude I love you hey it didn't hurt and my godson was there at the time sort of why not like because his father was photograph because if it's like Long's not for were not know I didn't show any guide to held most of it very sadly I could hold most of it and he was like hmm like that no say was it was a for my mom right before she passed away my heart which is in everybody's on everyone's body in the same place correct yes thank you some of us have a bigger heart o mine area was a tiny area but I oh my god when you say area like that it's clearly suggestive you know you're clear yeah I know you're being suggested I'm interested on my boob get Bay say it boom see it's not as like you know I got it on my breast on the left side of my brother's coin are you sure you guys I could have said that right open you said area and I went right your area but doing you know you feel like when you say area like you say an area rug it's an area [Applause] ooh I know I didn't mean to use the second part of that word my dad is always meaning to saying when you think there's an area where I used to live or an area and I said the rug I didn't mean say the rug part to indicate down there you know hey you know how our Thanksgiving gonna be this year well there won't be any area rug are you are you gonna have a thanks government you're going to be traditional I am and not as we did a big one last year we had we cooked for like 65 people and my neighbor and myself decided we can do this because we figured everyone's having hard time so when we just have everyone come together and make a meal so I'm not doing that what you doing I'm thinking maybe like if I don't if I say I'm not gonna do it this here's someone else to cook for me and maybe thank me for this year I don't think anything will happen which is really sad no I said where you got you're going to be in California going are you going to be I'm going to be in New Orleans well that again I the food's great down there if you get somebody that does I'm feeling somebody will be cooking something really good who will offer me some food that's just a passive aggressive message to your husband right now I did terrible I'm sorry I have to correct you again it does sound a bit like that when you said area and when you said somebody will be cooking me stuff and it'll be good I'm like what are you I know that you're taking things a certain way and I'm not giving them that way I think no I think this is the major problem that we have we being you and I are getting women see yes I yes yes I latent there you were listening maybe you heard - listen I tried to listen anima in my head I just keep hearing movies area I do think right now we're explaining what four centuries has eluded so many yes is that herein lies the problem yes this gap here is your the problem yes I I'm fighting here yeah yeah yeah and my friends who are gay I get it I go you make sense to each other and you love each other and I'm like I'm attracted to the man and it doesn't make sense [Music] wait wait there's a couple people are gone I so understand yeah I will never get it no no I see I you can take I mean I I enjoy the company of men as many men do but I know certainly I have gay friends and I'm not you know I'm not interested in kind of casting judgment on anybody else's lifestyle but there's clearly nothing there for me you know it's the interesting again look so didn't suggest that in what I said I actually I'm exactly yeah I would say boobies there yeah baby peanut oh okay okay back to how I feel you know what you think movies area B no no no when you guys do that I'm not going to continue on with the role that you started what not gonna do it whoa because then you would call me out on it and then I would be a little embarrasses I mean right there now you've just done that women thing there you took so I clearly did not say anything nor was I trying to trap you in anything you're like I am NOT doing that wait wait wait and you use the audience kind of like your imaginary friend like many people do so like in an argument when I like if I ever argue with my beautiful wife was of course I don't but ever I ever did I sometimes notice that she turns and looks to her imaginary friend to Atlanta and you just did that with that like well you can see you can see that you know we're reasonable here but something unfeasible is happening over here are you just put that to me okay kid can I ask you something yeah you know when you do your monologue yeah Michelle she's sort of a free-flow yeah you ever watched those back and you know why why all these good people have come today they could guide to the prices right clearly right it go every day yeah well maybe you need to give away like a blow-up pool or like a Bose or something you can't afford decent lighting we can't be trimming away from yeah I know I don't yeah like don't even I was just I don't know where I'm going with this I don't know no I want to know what I don't know because I forgotten you know after all this yeah I still think you're fantastic I think is the real secret between men and women yeah see that's that is what I was saying yes I we don't understand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everyone my first guest tonight is an oscar-winning movie star Hurley yeah [Applause] normally I would stop you but an oscar-winning movie stars more round of applause mercy and then a CBS sitcom your life to go oh really an Oscar women women she's living he's an oscar-winning movie star her latest film the heat is in theaters on Friday take a look at the great doctor calls everybody stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow look at that yeah all right all right to be fair it might be for the horse but they do they just seem to adore you it because because they didn't clap initially they're like oh it's just so bad yeah well I think they didn't cloud because they were afraid because I cast eyes them sometimes hi I just you always do this when you're here why the inflections that you put on your words I don't for any inflections on they're just there when I say them okay how are you you ain't read I'm good I like your red shoes thank you yeah you look whoa yes that's nice I see your horse likes them as well see this new man daddy was well half you man the shoe man fourth in singing horns the horses were food okay yeah that's a shoe a horse you should write for this show good thing thanks a while with my jokes but like dogs great it's a really slow burn it like my Hitler mustache on my penis yeah yeah I've now have yeah I don't know how to remove the image oh it's alright it's not really there it's something is a complete affair I think everyone is audience aw it is there no it's not no it's not no it's a Salvador Dali mustaches married ever how do you fit that into that versus not well you'd like this small downward easily hidden Salvador Dali's a little has a flair yeah but it holds a way for travel oh how nice much like everything else down there yeah no it needs to be classy you know why no I'm interested in this in this movie that like you're the uptight one you're the uptight one yeah I don't think of yous uptight at all that's called acting I don't know yeah I don't know I don't like you being stereotyped as a you know class would you McCalla you know tight casting okay what okay you don't think of me as uptight you don't want me typecast is uptight are you judging me a little bit I know that it was good it is obvious talking it's okay no but I don't let you be in the uptight one but then it corrects itself down down those down the road yeah and within the film that's the story in fact that we all take in the audience maybe not and maybe maybe we all learn something along the way or maybe we won't it is a comedy but you can learn things from comedy not really yeah has anyone learned anything from your comedy well it's a technically comedy Touche Touche yeah yeah people can learn stuff from comedy what about that movie that directly my point [Laughter] hey what's your favorite comedy movie that you've seen that you've not been in Dumb and Dumber eh no but the poop humor is fun I mean if you do the toilet seems well and you commit to them they can be really really powerful and poignant so what you're saying is recall that in the movie the perfect scene and um it put scene yeah sure why are we just so I say we move off that subject and just continue on no no no let's stay with boobs people enjoy that oh is that get you going no no that's a little weird I'm like wow I didn't do that I did like a little bit of the club sort of hot oh you were sad McClendon's is sad maybe it's like I'm a little bit you know that rather than yeah you know have you ever spent any time in Germany just a tiny little bit where buzz what about this was Germanic the getting all about poop Oh chief McKenna Oh someone's pooping it's a stereotype is not really true kind of it was the clean floors thing but I now I'm understanding things about section c4 level it's all coming to conserve and making sense I'm really try to do a little don't you think something through comedy I've learned there you are there you are for you in therapy I'll be your therapist then we can talk about your purpose ring it on all right okay okay I'll be okay all right I'll be your German or Austrian therapist Fred Freudian oh well I might be Freudian by my hobby I might be young in oh I love Union do you look anyway you say it tell me in how does it say like that as a julienne you pick your lip kind of see that expression here again you you mean I feel better all right okay so tell me about your dreams when did you first start dreaming of proof oh god I do not know how to get out of this doll in five it's fine did you have a nice thing with McCarthy sheets I did she is delicious please look to your face Wow because question trying to change him to meet me but there sorry Evan too much right oh there's the line she's lovely she's very very she's and she delicious wonderfully talented she is he very funny lovely even lovely woman's I'm so afraid of her know of what to say from now on about she's just great great cheers nice oh she's really she's she's a good girl I like her a lot I mean that's what sincerity I know I know I was just I'm just worried that I've upset you really no I don't think that's possible no you're my therapist this is where you try it fix it all right all right here all right well use my suggestion to you I think you should probably have a nice cup of tea uh-huh had some before I came here well then I've got nothing I'm a British therapist yeah what sweet tea that'll get it cleared up for you a nice cup of tea in an episode of Downton Abbey it helps to cook too it does help poop a nice strong cup of tea listen you know once or more than once when I have difficulty going to a place to get German thought I am so sorry to the entire country of Germany this was not my doing it came from this man seokkyun Sigmund Freud no no I lose look Germany it's fine it's just a joke anyway sometimes when I can't go to the bathroom a nice cup of tea and orange that does it really yeah what do you do at the Orange there's the line we have to take a break we'll be right back with Sondra villas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then we'll be paying for that then we'll be war welcome back everyone I'm here with Sandra Bullock yeah and during the commercial break Sandra asked me why does Secretariat wear eyeshadow and I said I don't know let's find out why do you wear eyeshadow the a no speak horse uh Jeff what's he saying no friggin idea yeah I think he wears eyeshadow to look fabulous and make his eyes pop don't we all yes I don't wear eyeshadow and I think my eyes look a little people I told you little see a little shading a little bump on the side I think that's just age or maybe lack of sleep that's my youngest boys the same age as your boy I don't get much sleep yeah you get sleep now I do you really are in the last last six days yeah I know I get it that doesn't cost you a pattern just yeah I mean you know you other way you get your hopes up and my hopes are already up okay all right the nice thing sleep difference oh man I can't remember he wakes up and he's got so much to say yeah yeah like his father Oh it's done you well though so it's what talking complement you're gonna know I took it as such a little bit sort of in a kind of showbiz way yeah yeah it was nice yeah is that it can I go for a minute how's everybody doing [Applause] did you read oh no no no let's let's enjoy let's embrace the old island yeah you want to add a little subtext to us [Music] are you planning on getting any advertisers for this portion of the show you're not getting anything on that right I don't care I like it I'm only holding this finger up because they pixelate the other one anyway we're done you're good that your obligation is over I'd so appreciate you having me oh I wish that were true yeah a little creepy there at the end and that's a bit yeah sorry Thunder Bella [Applause] [Music] can you inadvertently eat gluten is in everything no I'm magic you didn't know right if it's like bread bread is good also gluten was like jello that can you eat jello are you a vegetarian you like being like how cute great
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 1,814,832
Rating: 4.8198166 out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, sandra bullock, speed, sandra bullock poop, sandra bullock funny, sandra bullock craig ferguson, sandra bullock interview, sandra bullock hot, sandra bullock movies, actress, hollywood, the blind side, gravity, george clooney
Id: eOIkjLszr2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 50sec (2090 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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