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oh my gosh I'd be perfect hey watch it Sophie sorry I wasn't looking you must have not been looking when you put that outfit on this morning where'd you even get that the thrift store it's for sure I hand me down just leave her alone just because your family's rich doesn't mean you can treat everybody bad oh really look I have a better bag than your crappy one my outfit's designer and even my bike over there is better than where's my bike uh I don't know someone must have stolen it it was right there with my purple bike lock looks like Karma finally hit you good luck yeah wait a sec you've always been jealous of me how do I know you didn't take it but it was her yeah you two better not go anywhere coming back with principal Sanford he'll get to the bottom of this you should know the truth always comes out in the end go ahead we have nothing to hide foreign [Music] Chloe Sasha and Amber are literally the worst they're the reason I don't like school I can't believe you were like friends with Chloe what are you doing my backpack it's been like a rock all day Sophie please tell me that I didn't I'm as shocked as you are then how did it get in there I don't know okay we'll retrace your steps did you leave your bag anywhere all I can think of is this morning when you're coming to school [Music] loser sorry Brandon great now he'll never want to talk to me don't worry I think you still have a chance I don't think he's dating anyone right now [Music] lock my bike for me Amber while I go talk to Brandon Brandon I'm sorry self love Chloe's new bike wouldn't be so cute if we had pink bikes Amber Amber huh I borrow you that Chloe's with Brandon what no I'm so over that Sophie Ellie can I talk to you girls for a moment sure yeah foreign she was holding the lock when I stepped away from my backpack she must have put it in while we were talking to miss Flanagan but why would she do that remember she's jealous of Chloe for talking to Brandon she must have wanted to get back at her but not get herself in trouble we better tell Chloe look she even has my bike lock Sophie get over here right now no I don't know how this got in my backpack yes Sophie would never do that and plus we don't know if that's even Chloe's lock sure about that one look at that Sophie in my office now I swear I didn't steal it for the last time I don't want to hear it I caught you red-handed you need to talk to Amber she's the one who's jealous of Chloe look I don't have time for a teenage soap opera all I need to know is where Chloe's bike is this is your last chance to tell me the truth but I am I am playing the truth to do with Chloe's bike being stolen well well stole it you're expelled from school for theft what [Music] do that I'm sorry but the policy is very strict in this situation should have thought twice about your actions [Music] what happened did he believe you not at all he said I'm expelled unless I prove someone else don't Chloe's bike you're joking I wish I was and my parents were at work so they didn't pick up I can't even imagine how they're gonna react when they find out this is crazy what are we gonna do we can't let Amber get away with this we have to prove it's her but how are we supposed to do that spy on them [Music] you know maybe that's not such a bad idea [Music] you changed yeah I was way too on my other outfit I'm glad I brought it back up you like it's cute I know right let's go check out impeccable I put that new stuff uh actually I'll pass yeah me too it's a little too expensive for me and I'm actually over my budget and I don't want to be tempted are you serious so now I've got to go who's calling me right now hey you yeah I was just about to do some shopping what's going on [Music] all right look it's okay if you're annoyed of Chloe and Brandon you could talk to me it's not about that at all really like if it were me I'd be mad okay so if it's not that then what's wrong annoying how Chloe is always you know bragging about all her money and bossing everyone around I mean it's nothing new but it's nothing about Brandon to be honest I actually have a new hey babe hey wait wait are you two like uh that's what I wanted to tell you I just didn't want it to be awkward because I'm dating Josh's best friend I hope you're not too mad oh no are you kidding me I'm so happy for you too did you know Josh I literally just found out that style neighbor were dating like five minutes ago I was thinking you know maybe we could get some smoothies you guys down um actually I have to go home early and I think Josh gonna go with me right yeah yeah but I'll tell Chloe where you guys are gonna be at so we should double date soon yeah see you all right bye bro see ya I don't get it if Amber isn't jealous of Chloe after all then why would you want to bring me if she didn't put Chloe's lock in your backpack then who did sorry you lay yes okay that is so cute how much did it cost oh you know me I'm gonna have to look at the prices where'd never go um they're getting a smoothie you could go with them but I gotta go so I'll see you tomorrow all right bye so now what do we just give up hold up remember this morning Sasha said that she wanted to Chloe's bike yeah if we follow her it might go somewhere hey honey I've got a surprise for you oh my God you got the pink glasses wait I thought it was sold out everywhere where do you get it well I promised I wouldn't tell but let's just say I have my ways come on in I'm so confused so Sasha's Mom stole the bike only the best for my baby girl it's really nice to see we have to find Chloe and tell her where her bike is we have to clear all of this up as much as I'd like to it's getting late and I need to head home okay no worries yeah I'll put you in on everything tomorrow so excited I'm not getting these spells thanks so much awesome see you later all right hey so what'd Chloe say when you told her about the bike I didn't tell her I saw something last night that changed everything what are you doing here I heard you got expelled I can't believe we did don't make us call the principle go ahead I have nothing to hide selfie you're not supposed to be here I know but I found out where Chloe's bike is I'm sure you did at your house I should really call the police on you yeah we might just have to if you don't leave Sophie I'm I'm telling you I didn't take it yesterday at first I thought it was Amber who stole the bike and put the purple bike lock in my backpack to bring me but then I realized she has no motive so then I followed Sasha Home you did what sorry I had to clear my name you can't even imagine how shocked it was to find out that Sasha had Chloe's bike I was the one who took it you stole it no no no I swear I was gonna tell you that that my mom bought the same bike and I didn't want to make you feel bad doubt the same one she wouldn't even tell me where she got her lawyer that's been you in this whole time I thought it was Sophie wow it was in Sasha or her mom I'm confused if it wasn't any of them then who stole it it was Chloe that's a good one why the heck would I steal my own bike because your family needs the money right oh this just keeps getting better and better my family has more money than anyone in school and how could it be her I mean she just bought the most expensive dress of the store yesterday can't be her well that's what I thought at first too until I found out the truth you see I found it odd that Chloe changed her outfit right after school that's when I realized Chloe wasn't buying a new outfit excuse me um this place sure thank you great choice uh can I actually do an exchange too no problem do you have a receipt I do she was exchanging her old outfit for a new dress you're a liar oh yeah what is the price tag still in your dress I guess you wouldn't no no no no don't do that why would you keep the tag on so she can return it just like the other ones I don't understand what any of this has to do with the bike I'm getting to that you see after I figured out that Chloe's bike was at Sasha's house I went over to Chloe's house that's when I found out her house was being repossessed by the bank because they couldn't make the payments on time [Music] everything was being taken out of there [Music] it was really sad to see Chloe was lying to everyone about being rich her family knew the money but she didn't want anyone to find out so her mom sold her bike to Sasha's mom and told her to keep it a secret didn't she Chloe is this all true my mom's business went under my dad lost his job things have been really hard Chloe why didn't you tell us don't try to help I didn't want anyone judging me because I was bored I'm so sorry for lying to everyone you know it's okay not to have a lot of money I mean most of us don't and I think it makes you more relatable I like this Chloe more I appreciate you telling the truth but it doesn't make it right to lie about your bike being stolen especially blaming Sophie knowing she didn't take it yeah I mean why me I assumed you put the lock in my backpack but what did I do to you maybe she's jealous of you that's all I can think of jealous of me forget the money but Holly has no reason to be jealous she's pretty she's popular and you even have Brandon wait what who has me Chloe aren't you guys like a thing you guys even have a name going around clanden no not at all I've just been talking to Chloe to to get some advice on how to talk to you I I knew you two used to be friends but when I heard you got expelled I thought it was all over so that's why you did it to try to get rid of me so Brandon couldn't talk to me I mean out of all people you should know the truth always comes out at the end I don't get what he sees in you it doesn't make any sense Chloe you're coming with me to my office now selfie I am so sorry about everything I'll call your parents and tell them what happened welcome back Chloe now I didn't mean to I promise I'm innocent save it Chloe well that was a crazy turn of events yeah so sorry for accusing you guys and being mean to you see you around Sophie since you're not expelled I thought maybe we could go hang out sometime yeah I'd love that [Music] should we move on to our next case so I have a dream to start a business where I take used clothes make them a ute and then sell them do not tell me that you shop at the thrift store it's for me to sell no one's going to want to buy your used trash you do what you love money will always follow
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,884,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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