Nerd GETS REVENGE On MEAN GIRLS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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foreign Checkmate oh man how did I not see that coming um is that chess um yeah want to play with us um no we do not want to play with you look at us does it look like we'd ever want to be seen with Nerds like you swear the Freshman Class just gets dorkier every year foreign but I never thought it'd be this bad I know right do you want to play again hey girls whoa Bethany I go by beer now Bethany was so Middle School he spent all summer in Miami with your dad and you come back looking completely different what happened it's my new luck do you like it um yeah but what was wrong with your old one hey take that off and change the lock screen I don't want anyone to see that like it's freshman year of high school and I want to leave all that nerdy stuff behind and start fresh and I think you guys should too I don't get it why you don't have to change who you are to impress anyone agreed but you do have to change if you don't want to get picked on so first off we're actually done playing these dorky games but you love chess you're the one who introduced it to us in the first place yeah well that was middle school Bethany High School beer doesn't play those games anymore and second you need to take off these glasses uh how are we supposed to see oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't [Music] I didn't see you there oh totally okay happens I'm Kyle are you new I haven't seen you around before I'm Bia it's my first year here seriously I swear you're like a sophomore junior OMG Jamie what is that girl hanging out with the dorks doing with Kyle I was just probably being nice are you sure about that [Music] what do you think of the school so far I like it hey Kyle oh hey what's up Jamie not much do you mind if I talk to her for just one second oh sure no problem it was nice meeting you via bye Kyle so via I'm guessing that you're new here I'm Jamie I'm a junior do you want to come sit with us at the cool kids table we'll show you the ropes really okay um Can my friends come too oh no no offense but we don't really like to be seen with people like them I known Ally and Carson's Elementary School look if you want to be cool in high school then I'm sorry but those dorks cannot be your friends anymore so what do you think do you want to come sit with us or not um hey guys I'm sorry we just catch up after school okay however this new Bethany is I don't like it that's not Bethany that's beer rematch welcome back to a new year class we actually have some exciting news everyone say hello to Nelson he's actually the first freshman in our high school's history to be in junior level math hi I'm really excited to be here we're so right about the Freshman Class they're super dorky this year okay class settle down have a seat Nelson Miss Michaels sorry I'm late oh I almost forgot everyone please welcome Bethany we actually have not one but two freshmen taking this class it's actually Bia oh I'm so sorry I'll make a note so is it Bethany or is it Bia definitely Bea how the heck do you skip two years of math yeah you must have been like super nerdy in middle school and like studied a lot no I just um hey hey Bethany you look so different not like in a bad way or anything though but isn't it cool we're in the same class you'd know him do it's me Nelson remember we went to the middle school dance together and we played chess together we can solve this problem [Music] Nelson 159.6 that is absolutely correct well done yeah well done Nelson the nerd enough do that again and you're getting written up so what happened with Kyle I'm not worried like I said he's just being nice there's no way he'd ever go for a freshman sorry I'm late I was talking to coach have a seat what what you're in this class too wow you must be pretty smart not really I just got lucky and you're modest well maybe you can help me study sometime seems like he's more into it than you think you might have to do some interference hey Bia you know that homecoming's coming up right you should go with this and since you know you said date in the past and stuff [Music] I can't believe we made it through our first day of high school barely I hate high school I know some of those people were so mean especially the upperclassmen Miss Middle School how was your first day Beth I mean yeah sorry yeah and I love high school I'm so happy middle school's over the only thing I'm excited for is the high school chess club looks like B is talking to those dorks again can't say I'm surprised so your mom's still taking us to tryouts right oh I am come over here for a second what's your plan right now don't tell me you're going to be hanging out with those four-eyed freaks are you ever heard them say something about chess club seriously how lame ew um well we're gonna go to the mall so do you want to come with unless you plan on hanging out with them no I was just saying bye I would never go to some chess hi honey ready for me to take you to chess club um what are you talking about Mom I I'm going shopping with my new friends ah you don't want to try out I thought you loved shopping I know it's my favorite hobby I'll just see when I get home okay are you sure I I mean okay you just you just get there safe and text me when you get there okay can you give me a sec mom you're embarrassing me in front of my new friends see I told you that I have nothing to worry about Kyle's not even gonna ask her okay be safe and text me when you get there okay hey via hey hey Kyle I I had a question I wanted to ask you um if it's about math class I don't think I'll be able to tutor you honestly I don't even know how I got into that class in the first place no no it's not a bad too to me oh I uh I wanted to see if you had anyone to go to homecoming with you know if if you're not going with Nelson I was thinking maybe we could go together okay yeah I like that a lot oh cool all right I'm looking forward to it okay all right all right I'll see you around I'll see you around okay oh heck no More Mr Nice Guy oh my gosh that is so cute that Kyle just asked you to homecoming you know since you're going we should totally go makeup shopping and like give you a makeover or something what do you think sure you guys are so sweet come on [Music] hey what's up what's up you totally ditched us for Regina George and her Posse can you stop they're not mean girls and they're actually super nice no no they're not okay I don't get it why are we helping her buy makeup to go to homecoming with your guy you really think I'm helping her just don't say anything and follow my lead I can't believe you didn't come to tryouts yeah even if you think chess isn't cool anymore it's like I said you shouldn't have to change who you are to impress anyone just be your true self this is my true self well my new self sorry I gotta go who's that oh just my mom what'd you find so far just a few little things Oh no you're gonna have to put all of that back really I thought oh no trust me I know what Kyle likes we've literally been friends since we were little kids I'll make sure that you look perfect for homecoming we'll even do your hair and makeup movie girls for sure yeah of course what are besties for foreign so do you love it um I don't know I feel like my Foundation doesn't match my lips look funny my eyeshadow no just trust me okay this is the new trend now like it's very chic I mean Kyle is just gonna be obsessed OMG I cannot wait for Kyle to see your new look I know you know what let's post this on my v-real are you sure this looks okay yes just smile oh someone called the fire department cause girl you are smoking babe he stole my line hey via hey Kyle you look great oh thanks do you like it [Music] it's a it's a different but I like it and if it's what you like I'm totally cool with it thanks Kyle yeah that's really sweet of you I love this song this is gonna sound cheesy but may I have this dance oh God I can't believe that didn't work it's gonna have to take it up a notch foreign you went to middle school with Bia right who oh Bethany oh yeah yeah yeah she started going by beer this year I guess that's interesting what else can you tell me about her do you know the hiker sorry boys I need to borrow them oh yeah of course scram sorry what's up okay I was able to get rid of all the teachers I just told them that there was like a creep walking around the school or something but we only have a few minutes so here's the plan I'm having a really good time with you same honestly I never thought you would have asked me I know I haven't known you for very long but from what I do know I really like you I'm glad you bumped into me knocked over my lunch [Music] why is everyone looking at us foreign [Music] I'm so sorry I I gotta go hey everyone I have a little announcement to make you found that Baya right Kyle's date the pretty new freshman well the truth is she's been lying to all of us yeah she's not some cool kid she's actually just a huge lame nerd yeah and her name isn't even Bia it's Bethany and she was the president of her chess club but not only the president but she also won a national tournament where a bunch of nerds get together to see who can be the nerdiest I mean very cute right yeah and oh and she also dated Nelson the King of the Nerds foreign so you're not some cool kid Bethany all you'll ever be is a pathetic loser not cool Jamie not cool at all be awake slow down it's okay Kyle you don't have to act like you care I know you want nothing to do with me like like I'm sorry for lying to you what do you mean lie to me you heard what Jamie said I am not who I'm pretending to is anyone in high school I get it you're super smart and you used to wear braces and glasses a little bit of a nerd so what I think that's cool you should never change who you are to impress anyone you could take it from me I regret it I I don't understand that you regret what well when I first came to high school I felt that pressure to be cool too I mean that's why I'm on the football team and not the chess club to be honest I hate football look yeah I I had I used to wear braces dorky glasses the whole nine yards and I hated it I wanted to change it to fit in but if there's one thing I realized now you never change who you are to impress anyone [Music] you should just be yourself that's what my friends have been trying to tell me maybe you should listen to that the end all right just for the record I actually like that video a little better than Thea but that's just my personal opinion [Music] thanks Kyle of course what do you say we go grab some ice cream and then I'll take you home sure just taking anywhere that's not here [Music] hey guys I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I've been acting I was so caught up trying to be cool that I neglected my two best friends is there any way you guys can forgive me [Music] on one condition you have to join the chess club again hey babe hey babe oh guys this is my Kyle hi nice to meet you do you guys mind if I play like it's been a little while so I might be a little resting sure uh Kyle what are you doing still hanging out with Bia and all her nerd friends it's not a good look did you not hear what I said about how fake she is okay actually Jamie it's okay Kyle I got it first of all it's Bethany and second I don't think my boyfriend Minds hanging out with his new girlfriend and her best friends so if you don't like the way we live because we're not self-loathing popular kids like you that's fine because frankly we're not going to change for anybody oh I'm the only person that's fake is you whatever oh my gosh watch it Jamie the principal wants to see you we heard about what you did at homecoming I'm playing a thousand would love for you to come what do we have here we already have plans got us four front row tickets for the big hip hop concert because I know how much my babe loves if not some dumb wannabe Rocky
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 10,165,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: u_10b-u3mDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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