GIRL SHAMED For LIKING PRINCESSES, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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isn't this so cute this is how we have to pose for our photo yes it's giving Mean Girls should we go take the pic now hi guys don't wave back at her why are we including Daisy Prescott again Christine you know why Hazel our dads are golf Buddies her dad was bending to mine about how she doesn't have any friends so now ah being forced to hang out with her well I'd rather sleep in a Bed full of scorpions her sister Violet is so pretty and popular I don't even get either related come on guys Dizzy's not that bad Daisy we were just talking about you so Emily are we still doing our photo shoot I want my favorite blue shirt that's your shirt yeah I love Elsa from Frozen have you seen the movie yeah with my little sister who's five besides the color is an even I love it come on let's go take our pick over against that wall we'll meet you right there okay are we seriously letting her be a part of this she's wearing a princess shirt it'll be worth it steam this isn't right lighten up Milo are you guys gonna take your jackets off [Music] I thought you said we were supposed to wear blue it's not silly we wear pink on Wednesdays not blue do you still want me to be in your photo of course come on stand s right here smile girls I love it we all look so cute yeah well most of us [Music] hey Daisy um we saw the photo that you took with Christine Hazel and Myla how come they were all wearing matching shirts and you weren't [Music] party this weekend hope to see you both there thanks Christine I'll be there same can't wait party this weekend hope to see you there are you guys inviting Daisy yep no it's bad enough we have to hang out with her at school not after school too just trust me after my party she won't want to try to hang out with us again just watch hey girl a cute locker loving all the elephant on him thank you which brings me to my next Point you're invited to my birthday party this Saturday really yeah and the famous princesses just make sure to wear your best costume okay no way I guess I can one miles suggest then I've been saving them for my birthday next week but I guess I can wear it twice thanks Christine no problem see ya see ya [Music] a princess party are you serious for one of us yes but for the rest I've seen you didn't someone's got to bring the entertainment gosh you should know that I'm gonna wear my purple dress oh that'd be perfect are you sure I look okay now you look amazing seriously you are the most beautiful Elsa that I have ever seen hey you asked now go in there and have so much fun okay okay text me when you're ready to go okay love you I love you was that Violet who dropped you off your sister's so cool yeah happy birthday here you go thanks I love your outfit by the way you're gonna be at the talk of the party for sure thank you why aren't you wearing a present dress oh because um I'm about to change when we get inside yeah come on everyone's waiting for you oh yeah I'm so happy you're here hey everyone Daisy's here why isn't everybody hosting princess dresses um because this isn't a princess party how embarrassing but you should do was did I oops oh come on did you really think I would have a princess theme party as I leave your friends [Music] to break it to you we were never friends I only hung out with you because your dad guilted my dad into it [Music] Let Her Go good riddance Daisy I got your text is everything okay I just want to go come on tell me what happened I was the only one who was dressed as a princess is that a bad thing this is a very bad violet all right do you want to go home and change I can take you home and then I can bring you right back no you don't understand she did it on purpose I just want to go Daisy I don't want to talk about it okay [Music] Daisy Daisy please talk to me I don't get it what don't you get well no one likes me Daisy that is not true plenty of people like you really like who I don't have any real friends and the girls that I thought were my friends made friend of me in front of everybody who cares about those girls okay they are not good people tasty you are so much better off without them that's easy for you to say you're popular you're beautiful and everyone loves you but me I'm I'm livable stop it don't you ever say that again do you hear me you are so loved by so many people I love you [Music] hey Elsa is your favorite princess right well what does Elsa say in her song if somebody doesn't treat you right you just have to let it go let it go can't hold it back anymore you have to embrace who you are Daisy you can't let anyone take that from you good girls Malaysia aren't supposed to like princesses anymore Daisy it's time for me to grow up I just want to be alone please foreign [Music] Violet I thought we were going to the in and out you'll see come on what are we doing here I don't want to be here pilot I'm feeling a really bad Deja Vu right now do you trust me yes but can I please go somewhere else just give me five minutes okay and then if you still want to leave then I'll take you at in and out okay fine and so surprise it doesn't saw this this is your birthday present the prize princess party oh my gosh they're all here for me I would suggestive if I knew well in that case why don't you go put this on okay thank you you're the best you're so welcome okay I'm gonna be right back okay okay birthday Daisy this party is awesome yeah did you know I still have a Cinderella poster in my room some people think it's lame but I think it's cool really mm-hmm [Music] and there you go so crazy awesome I love the dress what are you guys doing here my dad made me come obviously sorry about hazel why is everybody wearing princess dresses because that's the theme of the party I mean it was on the invitation yeah did you guys miss the memo or something I didn't read the invite I didn't want to come to this stupid party in the first place honestly does anyone want to be here I mean you all probably can't because you just feel bad for Daisy that's not true we're here because we actually like Daisy yeah she's our friend and it's not cool what she did to her Christine are we seriously still talking about that I mean it's not my fault she embarrassed herself because she thinks she's a real Disney princess she doesn't just think that she's a princess [Music] she is one right Daisy right violet [Music] didn't expect to see you here why not Daisy is my sister yeah I know I just figured this kind of party would be too lame for you to go to oh yeah no the only thing that I think is lame is coming to a princess party and not dressing up and even worse being a fake friend and having a bad attitude we didn't want to be here anyway [Music] thanks for having me back I can't believe you're dressed up for me of course can't have Elsa without Anna sisters have to stick up for each other [Music] I can't believe I wasted a good outfit on some dumb party I want to go shopping or something yeah let's go let me oh my gosh what are you doing you can't seriously be going to Daisy's lame party yeah I am it's only once you guys even come you know what save me with the guilt trip if you want to stoop down to her level and be a loser then go for thanks I will sure beats hanging out with you guys hi hi I didn't know you were coming yeah sorry I'm late and sorry about my friends or ex-friends hey it's okay [Music] you know what I think it's good that they came because you know every Disney princess needs their evil witch or two now really violence should be this out here she's one who taught me that if someone doesn't treat you right you just have to let it go let it go [Music] next time that you start focusing on your future dance could be my future and tell me how is that supposed to make money I'm actually quitting Consulting all together here is a little something to get you started I've decided to move to the city [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 9,990,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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