Saving Every Princess for My Daughter

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today you're saving every princess for the next 24 hours Rebecca oh Rebecca we've been expecting you baby there you are Alice oh with your head no no no no no no no no why not what happened Alex you're not saying you're better save me Rebecca no one's saving you let me go you're okay Technically she's in a program with us what welcome to saving every princess program you have to collect an item from each level to complete the program Rebecca must complete all seven levels to escape I'm gonna put you down okay right here you have one hour or you and your daughter will be trapped here forever level one is Alice save Alice from Wonderland and retrieve the pocket watch you have to do this for your daughter okay Daddy mom's got this so I'm in Alice in Wonderland and I have to get Alice out of Wonderland and get the pocket watch oh there you are Rebecca come join us fan jump she was gonna say that and Tweedledum Mad Hatter and Alice so you've been expecting you Cheshire Cat I was wondering if you guys had seen a pocket watch similar to that but much smaller oh the White Rabbit she's always like no he's not yes he is he's not always late tweet of the Tweedledum shisha jabbering Rebecca come sit with us have tea sit down here's her cat you are right here how did you do that so we're having a tea party is it someone's birthday more like an unbirthday anyways uh what's it like here in Wonderland time doesn't exist although Alice you seem to be aging a bit more rapidly than usual speaking of Alice Wonderland is great and all but have you thought about coming back to the real world Wonderland the Queen of Hearts mode more like the ugly Queen tell me about it the queen is so boring and old how having that and her skin dry like a snake why is Alice getting so angry be quiet I'm getting a tea on the queen I hate her so do I finally we agree on something who's that you're the real Alice and this is the watch where'd she go where did she go that's Alice if she was the real Alice because she had the pocket watch then who are you yes I am the quotes and I've trapped the real Alice and if you want to get her back you'll have to win all three challenges here in Wonderland otherwise with your head who knows zamfam what do I do if I don't win these challenges not only is it off with my head but I can't get Alice back how am I gonna do this off of your head off with your head I'm sorry Rebecca we can't go easy on you the queen won't let us that's okay Mad Hatter I can do this I'm gonna go with simply one oh oh I've never drank this I know that taste though that is ranch it's Ranch I got I got it quite delectable pickle juice with a dash of human sweat ew let's see what it is Mad Hatter that is tea oh how okay sour it's in a green cup I'm gonna have to go with lime juice lift the cup to see it's lemon juice oh it's wrong my turn looks like you might not win this Rebecca this is the most worstest most disgusting delicious Taste of imitation what ketchup ketchup yes you got it right of course I got it right no I'm only gonna save Alice and get out of here only two cups left we both have to go at the same time oh some kind of root beer mine might be coke coke I want oh I love someone good job Rebecca she should have lost no she should not be quiet two more left I have to win both of those if I want to save Alice and get her out of Wonderland first knock over the cups loses how'd you do that I'll go first can you stop disappearing please okay this isn't that hard we're just getting started they say I have reflexes like a cat you are a cat you're up [Applause] looks like you've got the pretty hard do you know cats are excellent jumpers where'd you go you're the first to knock down the cup I did I did it I won the Second Challenge one more person technically two of what you dip your food in I was gonna say that well you're too slow let's just do this you have bananas and we just have to dip it in can't be that hard not hard at all there we go um gross I love this this is good what do you have that's definitely soy sauce no it's hot sauce soy sauce hot sauce okay I am gonna say mine is chocolate sauce Final Answer hot sauce let's see what it is yeah yeah soy sauce told you shut up I thought having two people would be an advantage I guess not round number two I know why are you such a know-it-all understand the facts wait are you saying I'm a no-ital okay there we go this is something white I know what it was I hate it I love it this is definitely sour Mayo okay on the counter three one two three ketchup ketchup okay now you need to see what it is it is definite no my tartar sauce I knew it good job you too oh no we're tied which means if I don't win this next one then I don't save Allison get the pocket watch no pressure Rebecca oh the pressure actually nervous you guys are making me more nervous I'm not nervous I'm a little nervous shut up okay this is it I think mine might be barbecue sauce I know what it is I think we should let her win but I want to win no we should do the nice thing I don't want to be nice do it fish oil now we need to find out if it's right it was barbecue sauce balsamic vinegar I knew it you better win good job challenges well Alice is free she's back I will miss you Rebecca not really don't say that to her face you're saying the truth oh no way take care of yourself you're safe can I have that pocket watch thank you Alice what's this press this button to get me out of Wonderland goodbye oh this is gone I did it I found your land and I got the pocket watch you weren't supposed to win foreign [Music] what's next level two is Elsa find her true love and retrieve the white gloves I've got this lady mom's gonna save another princess this must be Arendale now all I have to do is find Elsa true love and get her white gloves what's going on here Allison's getting married do you like peanut butter sandwiches not right now I'll pass you better sit down the wedding's gonna start any second okay Elsa's getting married this is gonna be I thought if Elsa already found love she needs to get the gloves and get out of there [Music] welcome citizens of Arendelle we're gathered here to unite a soon to be king and queen of Arendelle please be seated now the vowels we would like to make our love public but quick mostly quick we do by the way we do okay well in that case I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your queen it's going quick all right [Music] he doesn't have a pool how could you walk him in prison immediately oh no Sam fam he's dead what is Rebecca gonna do now she can't [Music] bring I'm so sorry Elsa I guess she'll never know the truth what'd you say I'm just so sad he's gone I'm like thanks Anna why is Anna acting so strange because she's boy crazy and loves every single boy I have a box of his belongings for you to go through whenever you're ready I'm sorry Rebecca I can't go through this Elsa it's gonna be okay I'm gonna go check on her oh no Sam Pam I feel terrible I have no idea how I'm gonna get Elsa to find true love again all of his supplies his jacket his phone there's a video I know you don't really love Elsa you just want to be king I don't want to be king I will be king I'll make sure that never happens you won't make anything oh no oh says true love didn't really love her he just wanted to be king and the guy who's in jail knew that I have to show Elsa yes Rebecca has proof that he didn't actually love her but is it Rebecca if it's about the love of my life I don't want to hear it it's a video of him but you have to see this I said no my heart's been broken I can't no the phone is broken now I can never show her this video oh the evidence is gone there's no way that Rebecca can pass this level now the guy in jail he was defending her he must know if I can break him out I can prove to her once and for all that she needs to find true love and he wasn't it okay zamfam there's no way the guard is gonna let that guy out of jail so I'm gonna have to figure out a way to break him out hey what are you doing you must be very thirsty yeah well it's hard work guarding this guy I brought you some water oh really yeah oh thank you enjoy any second before he has the bathroom I know that you only killed that guy to protect Elsa I need your help to prove to Elsa that he was not her true love what did you have in mind true love mad die what I have someone that has some very important things they need to share with you Elsa I'm sorry that what I did hurt you you have to know he isn't who you thought he was he was trying to tell you that the guy you saw was the love of your life only wanted to be king he didn't really love you you have no proof oh no Sam fam what am I going to do she doesn't believe me and the video is gone there is no way that I can actually give her proof Rebecca I think I have something that might help Anna you see we started hanging out before I knew he was dating Elsa and I was taking pictures and I wanted to take a cute video but then he said I have an important phone call to make so I just kind of rushed out but I didn't realize my phone was still recording why didn't you show this to Elsa sooner because I would never want Elsa to think that I would do something like that to hurt her but this is the proof we need we have to show Elsa right now you won't be showing her anything hey no give it back I got it Elsa you need to watch this please also fine oh yes no I have the sister wrapped completely around my finger this is going to be a piece of cake yes I can get Elsa too and then I will become king why wouldn't you tell me this Anna because this is before you told me you were dating him he tricked both of us you know I would never hurt you and the person who truly loves you you froze he protected you so nothing would happen to you Elsa Elsa I'm so sorry you have to know I was just trying to protect you I know the truth now would you want to build a snowman I'd love that Rebecca thank you so much for finding finding me my real true love you to deserve it a great time in Arendale and honor you thank you for being brave good luck you guys Elsa fine look who Rebecca hurry up you have five more levels and you're running out of town level three is Ariel retrieve the shell necklace I can do this wait zamfam before I go into Ariel I need you guys to subscribe right now turn on notifications click all we're trying to hit 15 million by the end of summer okay zadie mom's got this okay so I have to find Ariel and I need to get the shell necklace there she is she's out at the pool Ariel hey oh my gosh oh my gosh your legs yeah I've always wanted legs but my dad never lets me have them they're not that cool actually they're pretty cool I'm sure a Finn is really nice too anyways I was looking for a pearl necklace with a shell have you seen it yeah over there in the Deep Waters call out his name thank you Ariel I'll be right back that's Everly from cooling head King Trident King Triton so I hear you want legs who is that she looks like an octopus yeah why what if I told you in exchange for your mermaid fin I could give you legs do you think that's one of Ariel's friends okay really is that a deal that's a deal I don't know what's going on but I need to find that necklace King Trident all right all I need you to do is sit on the land I chose this mermaid bags I get Turf in exchange this might actually make things easier I have a bad feeling about Ursula why she just gave her legs she seemed super nice really now you have legs and I have your mermaid tail and remember the spell cannot be undone Ariel oh my gosh I have be careful whoa whoa I'm gonna go inside okay I'll be right there what's that [Music] Triton hello there I sense danger where's my daughter she was talking to this octopus lady who had gray hair and anyways they did some type of tray she has legs now so she went inside Ursula the sandwich she was away you need to go inside and get my daughter she's not safe okay oh she mentioned something about a pearl necklace with a shell ah yes I have it right here I always have it on me if you bring me back my daughter safely I will give it to you of course I'll do that right away I'm going to find Ursula Ariel where is she there she is Ariel what actually a fork look I'm dancing yes you are left whoa yep just take it easy okay no but when I said take it easy you're going too fast yeah what are you doing here I told you it's not safe for you to have legs but it's always one sides you have them I did it to bring you back wait where's your Trident it's right here you treat it you tried it for legs don't worry she cannot control the waters without my necklace we'll see about that oh my God [Music] now that I can control the waters I will flood the entire world oh no don't worry Ariel we're gonna save him but we have to stop Ursula first okay okay come on tricking mermaids they only make me stronger and now that I have control of all the water I shall flow the world oh no she's gonna flood everything what if I give Ursula my legs in exchange with my dad you would do that yeah it's worth a shot yeah stressala Ariel has a proposition for you I give you my legs in exchange for my dad would you do that no you'll be dead soon when I flood the Earth that didn't work get inside before she gets us okay she didn't want your legs but I don't have a powerful dad so maybe I can exchange mine and I can become a mermaid yeah that should work okay stay here Ursula ursulas but these legs legs are human legs and they are very good turn me into a mermaid and then we can call it a day for that necklace I already said no I didn't work nothing okay we just need to think we need to come up with a way to beat Ursula she said that she loves mermaids yeah what if we trick her into thinking she's getting a mermaid yeah I have a plan what are they gonna do I don't know but if this plan doesn't work Rebecca is not passing this level If I Only Had eggs what a beautiful mermaid you are yes I'm a mermaid but I wish I could walk on land well what if I told you in exchange for your fin I could give you legs you have a deal here the water assist mermaid bags I get your fin in exchange I give her legs why is it not working you got it Eric get it to your dad come on come on you tricked me you'll pay for this [Music] and you've got my necklace yeah we have to get you back to water come on let's go I'm sorry Dad I should have listened to you I'm ready to come back into the water Ariel yeah prove it to me that you're strong enough and responsible enough to have legs I will grant you a wish you could have legs and for you Rebecca I promise you that if you bring my daughter back I will give you this the necklace thank you King Triton you're welcome I will visit they grow up so fast thank you Ariel no thank you you'll always be part of this world you mean part of yeah okay going thank you I did it and that's Mama's coming in with a shell necklace what's next level four is Rapunzel save her and retrieve the golden hairbrush okay zamfam Rapunzel has really long hair so maybe I can use that to my advantage so all I have save Rapunzel and get the golden hair hair coming from outside Rapunzel is that you somebody please help me I've recognize that voice that's Rapunzel so help me please Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your golden hair so I can view I can't why not because what's the matter with Rapunzel's head she's bald you're bald been my evil stepmom cut off all my hair and trapped me up here you have to find the key and help me escape okay well if I find the key to help you escape can I have your golden hairbrush yes of course but you have to find my evil stepmother she's the only one who knows where it is okay I can do that but if she's evil why would your dad marry her well it's kind of a long story it all started never mind okay zamfam so I have to get the evil stepmother to tell me where the key is but if she is evil there's no way she's gonna get me the key so I need to come up with a plan to trigger oh no think think what do I do who are you I am here to clean all of the rooms in the house no we're not the usual maid no no no she's sick but she told me specifically that I was to clean all the rooms and to start with the master bedroom which is why I need you to tell me where that key is I'll not give you the key you simple wave but try to get it out of my son good luck try hanging her stepmother is definitely evil but she has a son I mean he can't be that bad right it should be easy hey your mom said you'd tell me where that key is so uh what's your name again I'm hungry that's okay he's just shy I can work with that he said he's hungry I can just make him whatever he wants I mean I'm a great cook oh no hey hungry just kidding I know that's not your name but I know you are hungry what would you like to eat I can make it for you Eggo waffles with eggs and ketchup on the side great just hang tight thank God the breakfast that he wants is not that hard to make it is already I almost forgot ketchup ketchup on the side okay zamfam I am confident that after this he is definitely gonna tell me where the key is here you go a goes with scrambled eggs and ketchup on the side enjoy maybe after this you can tell me where that key is oh you're gonna love these here's the one I'm so sorry key why is there water on me I'm gonna go play mini golf so sorry I'm sorry I'm split up I'm supposed to be getting his trust he's playing mini golf I just need to stay positive maybe I can convince him there that he can trust me and then he'll tell me where the key is I mean he said key right so maybe who's thinking about it why did he say key I don't know Maddie I'm not a scientist let's just keep on watching hey playing golf I happen to be an expert at mini golf you want to play me and I win you have to tell me where the key is okay but that will never happen I'm really good ladies first all right expert princess hit a ball oh and two oh so close so close bet two out of three fine cool in case you guys did not know I am not good at mini golf I lied about that there's no way I can win but I have to if I want to find out where that kid this is exhausting [Music] so sorry it is yes it is a mistake why is there water on me I'm so sorry I'm gonna go inside it's not working I keep saying these words now I think you're overthinking this Maddie you just have to find something he loves to do what's something that a kid loves I know every kid loves slime and I make the best slime so if I can show him this slime and get him to play with it he will probably be so excited that he will tell me where that key is it's a little sticky but it's fine there he is he's on the stairs I'm gonna bring this over to him by the end of this I'm gonna find out where that key is so I can save Rapunzel and get that brush look what I have do you know what this is no oh my gosh you are in for a treat this is called slime it feels so good I mean look at this look how stretchy it is do you want to try it sure listen if you like it you have to tell me where that key is just dig your hands in it's really good yeah isn't it nice so sticky don't worry it'll come off I need to go wash my hands she's not having any luck getting him to tell her where the key is this is so stressful it's not that that sticky it's stuck to his hands did I not add enough oh you don't need to wash your hands it's not sticky in in what what does that mean he just said in while he was washing his hands in water earlier he was saying weird things when water hit him what if he's hypnotized what if the water is what will break the curse when I spilled the water on him he said key and then the sprinklers he said is then he was washing his hands and he said it he is in so if I want to dig hypnotize him and find out where the key is I just have to get him in water I have an idea it was the water I have a huge surprise for you in the backyard but you're gonna have to wear this okay are you ready for the big surprise three two [Music] I hope this works clock clock key is in the clock what's going on I think you might have been hypnotized what's the last thing you remember a lady with blonde hair and a red dress made me drink a potion you mean your stepmother that lady is not my mom we need to get the key and save Rapunzel come on so the queen hypnotized him I feel like that has something to do with all the words he was saying he is in the clock it was in front of me this whole time the key now I can save Rapunzel I just have to figure out a way to get our hair back the only way to get her hair back is by taking the potion around the evil lady's neck I have an idea there you are why are you all wet I was playing outside what do you think his plan is we have to get that necklace so we can save Rapunzel can I have a hug you're acting strange no what if the queen finds out he's not hypnotized please mother that's right I'm your mother and if you must hug me go ahead [Music] let's go to the kitchen and get some tea Rapunzel [Applause] hey I'm weak without my hair we're gonna fix that here I hope this works rub this on your head I really hope this works [Music] your hair is back oh thank you I didn't feel like myself without my hair what's that Rapunzel I don't know the queen oh my gosh what happened to her she's dead my hair was the only thing keeping her young you saved me from her as promised here's the golden hairbrush thank you Rapunzel this means so much bye I did it fresh that level was not what I was expecting lady mom's getting closer to getting you out you out here level five is Belle rescue her and get the red rose my favorite princess okay Maddie I'm over halfway done but we are running out of time I'm in the warehouse okay I just need to save Belle and get the rose that's Belle Belle where is she she's up there now that Gaston is taking care of Belle it's time for Gaston to train that's Castle [Music] to me let me go well what happened yes don't lock me up because he was jealous I chose the Beast over him how can I save you you have to get the key around his neck and then you can set me free and then I can unlock the rose for you I can do that I'll be back to save you that's gone I said Gaston a woman's voice in my facility what do you want from me for that key all I have here are men's challenges I don't challenge women actually there is something I've been feeling mighty insecure is this the right outfit what yes the red looks great now about that key I want to challenge you for that key the only key you can challenge me for is the one to my closet now leave through that yellow door fine I must do push-ups go he's not gonna challenge her she's a girl how's she doing get the key now one if he won't challenge a girl he'll challenge a boy 5001. 5002. Gaston yes I am a man there to challenge you in a man 's challenge oh how easy what do you want my castle my inheritance you'll win none of it I want that key best two out of three let the challenges begin wait who even are you my name I do everything that Gaston does but faster I'm guessing what there's no way that Rebecca's gonna be able to beat him in these challenges he's so much stronger and handsomer this challenge is less to say no wins oh mystery balloon pop now's your chance to say no never fast on you're one step behind [Applause] [Music] oh Gaston is pink he feels like a fake woman wearing a wig and sparkly shoes how traumatic now it's turn oh wax leg time to wax these gorillas they're practically bald less hair makes me faster three [Music] two and one that's something Gaston would do I'm Gaston go go buy a man but I'm wearing shoes good luck are you ready not quite I'm coming I'm coming just let me know when you're ready to say no Gaston never eat live cockroach hey you know whenever you please [Music] too much protein today I I have to say no yes Gaston has one challenge number one off The Challenge number two what do I do zamfam I could not eat ing could I have to win these challenges he's definitely stronger than me I'm just gonna have to figure out another way to win this is the balloon pop Challenge and since Gaston won the last challenge Gaston will go first the blue balloon reminds me of you so I will pop it first [Music] oh gold coins what can I do with more of these I already have unlimited throw your Dart I will do the color of your face after I punch you oh my goodness it's Cricket oh crickets we can get these out of here right we have a broom no no broom they can just use their hands right right right all right now here you go watch fast on they call me that for a reason all right we'll watch this speed oh I'm pretty sure flour is not the winter Gaston yeah well it feels close I'm already ready to go I am not the girl so I would never want pink I am going to go with this one read it extreme Punishment No I I knew it said that well anyways it all comes down to this one last final challenge where we will see who fast on why did he say it was extreme punishment when it said winner save them I think I figured out Gaston's weakness he can't read so I just need to figure out a way in this last challenge to use this weakness against him so I can get that key and save Bell if he can't read what's Rebecca gonna do to win Maddie she's fast on this is don't choose the wrong cup since I won challenge two fast on gets to go first I'm gonna go get this one don't mess up oh the gold coin pay up Gaston it means nothing to me Gaston will do one ahead of you fast on pluck nose hair easy don't cry gaster I won't oh I'm not gonna cry a real man cry that's right he never does I see tears coming down since we seem to be going in order I'll go with this one onion sandwich Bon Appetit when the onion is more than the bread oh my goodness are you crying I'm the one that ate the onion I cannot believe I ate that onion sandwich but no matter what he gets next I have a plan three dark and three Tan Fast on may be fast but Gaston's a man five made my decision oh my I can't believe it tell me what it is the mice in the bathroom of course that's what it said you're the loser I'm the winner oh no that's one way to find out the only time I'm not faster Finders Keepers looks like I'm first we're surprised time for a stink bomb if you want me to meet you through then you have to give me the key by sliding it on under the door oh my do you want to die of death smell or not do you promise to let me out if I give you the key of course the man always keeps his promise oh thank goodness imagine but a woman does it bye I'm not marrying you either no I'm Rebecca why are you dressed as a man I mean disguise it's a long story but right now we need to get you out of here thank you thank you very much you're very welcome back now I have something for you too Rose thank you again for all of your help Rebecca thank you for this rose bell I'm glad I could save you but I gotta go get on and I have a rose for you Sadie just kidding I have to put it down okay level six is Cinderella get her to the ball and retrieve the glass slipper got it so I have to just get Cinderella to the ball and get the glass slipper that's Cinderella that must be her stepmom and her evil stepsisters the prince's ball is this evening Prince will choose one lady to get that glass slipper too it better be one of you the ball is tonight and if the prince chooses Cinderella she'll get the glass slipper why does she get the blue dress because Blue's my color duh would I be able to go to the ball they're much too filthy for the prince just go finish your chores please yeah you're so smelly the prince would never choose you and seriously look at yourself wait Cinderella is not going to the ball ladies it's time to get ready oops oh no they're coming Cinderella who are you I'm Rebecca I'm here to make sure that you go to the ball this is an impossible situation she's never gonna be able to go to the pool so you're like my fairy Godfather no no I am not but I do know how important it is for you to go to the ball even if I could I don't have a dress what if I told you that I will take care of the dress you just have to make sure to do your chores then would you go to the mall okay oh my gosh you are my fairy Godmother no I'm not exactly oh no hide she's coming Cinderella why do you look so messy all the time I just finished all my chores would I be able to go to the ball yeah no why won't she let her go to the ball she did everything she asked her to these floors aren't done yet but I just finished cleaning them did you well they don't look mean to me Cinderella I am so sorry that wasn't fair what she just did life's not fair I'm sloppy smelly maid food no Prince would ever want it's not true at all Cinderella you don't deserve to be treated that way you had a father right but he died when I was little how'd he feel if he saw your stepsisters and your stepmom treating you like this I'm gonna show you how to stand up for yourself Cinderella if you want to stand up for yourself you need a little bit of confidence and that means being able to get angry you don't have to keep everything in okay so you have this plate you're gonna smash it no well it will make a huge mess and then I'll have to clean no no no you won't have to clean this one up look at this plate like it's your stepmom and you say no stepmom I am not cleaning that floor [Music] you do it feels good I promise here just practice with the words no stepmother you clean the floors no step mother you clean the floor now throw it [Music] you did it how did that did that feel I think I should clean it up no no no we're moving on pranking people when they're mean always makes me feel better okay Cinderella you've got this I hope pranking her evil stepsister gives her confidence back their way it's gonna be funny Cinderella I want a donut please oh God I can't even stand close to you have you ever heard of a shower or maybe a bath I don't even want to stand near you yeah did you make these they're horrible didn't that feel good it felt really good there's one more thing we need to do before we get you ready for the bowl it seems like Cinderella is gaining her confidence all thanks to her fairy godmother sometimes when people are bullying you to get them to stop you have to make them a little bit afraid I don't know how to do that say exactly what I say she's coming braid my hair now you know it's funny you know what's funny the last time I braided someone's hair the last time I braided someone's hair their necks started to get really tight their necks started to get really tight oh yank her ponytail and when they woke up in the morning and when they woke up in the morning they were dead they were dead now whisper in her ear did you hear that they were dead I think I'll wear my hair down for the ball mother Cinderella how did that feel really good I feel very confident now okay Cinderella before I fully transform you you need to get permission to go to that ball you've done everything that you're supposed to and now you've got to go in there and prove to them that you deserve to be there just as much as them thank you Fairy Godmother I'm not your Fairy Godmother do you think I'll mind if I snore and then I have hair on my lip I'm sure he will think you are both lovely stepmother I finished all my tours so I would like to go to the bar and watch Cinderella I did exactly what you said so I should be able to go to the ball okay fine you can go to the ball she said yes her Stepmother's letting her go to the ball one step closer to getting that glass slipper mother you can't be serious mother she can't Julie to get dressed quickly we're leaving soon now it's time to show her beauty not only on the inside but the outside you ready she can't go to the ball well she'll have to get ready won't she where will she do that the downstairs bathroom that's right and isn't there a lock on the downstairs bathroom quickly girls quickly come on Cinderella she's never going to the fall now okay Cinderella I have a big surprise for you we really are my fairy Godmother I'm not a fairy godmother but once you get dressed we're gonna do your hair and makeup and you will be the queen of the ball okay Cinderella are you ready to see your transformation yes wow I look so beautiful you are beautiful Cinderella you are gonna go to the ball we need to get there so you're not late come on hey hey they totally sabotaged her we're gonna be trapped in here forever see we're gonna be just fine okay hang in there get yourself together hold on I gave you a bunch of bobby pins I may not be a fairy godmother but I know how to unlock a door it works are you ready Cinderella because I'm getting you to that ball let's go close your mouths girl stand up straight he's looking at you the ball no competition there okay Cinderella will be arriving any minute and she needs to get that glass slipper oh there she is [Music] [Music] who is that girl she's so pretty just as beautiful as you girls thank you all for coming one of you will get this glass slipper I'll be dancing with all of you but I'd like to have this first dance with you where are you from from around here I haven't seen you around I don't get out much well what do you do for fun I love to read so do I I want to chop of the world someday as do I if you want something you need to fight for it you understand now go get him excuse me you mind if I cut in hi hi what's your name Agatha nice yeah so it's my turn hi hi I'm Lucinda Wonderful Name What's that you know what I think I'm good on the dancing fine why would you do that I had him right where I wanted him [Applause] I said fight for him not fight each other so how'd it go Cinderella it was wonderful before I make my decision I'd like to know what is your name my name is Cinderella how dare you foreign this wasn't planned but I'd like to give this to you thank you for protecting my future bride thank you my prince [Music] I'm not a fairy godmother okay you have less than 10 minutes otherwise ziti will be trapped in Maddie I know it's okay level seven is Snow White solve the mystery and retrieve the apple with the gold stand okay look it's the Seven Dwarfs but where is Snow White hey Snow White I'm so glad you're here I have something to talk to you about oh in private at least she has the Seven Dwarfs to keep her safe sorry I just needed someplace a little more private get back to work I think someone here is trying to poison me like the evil queen no I think it's someone in my inner circle really well who do you think it is then oh no snow white you guys seven I think Snow White oh no all right now we gotta deal with this we're having such a good day now I missed something we've got to get her on the table oh no snow white with poison she thought it was someone in our Inner Circle which means it has to be one of the seven dwarfs what if the Apple was the one with the golden stem where'd it go I need to figure out who did this there's one of the seven dwarfs no oh poor Snow White what are we gonna do we need to find out what happened to her you were the last one with her you killed her you know what doc I think it was you you don't like when she tells us what to do no I would never do the challenges that she set up in her honor yes that's a great idea no it says it says has the antidote this was probably what she was hey I need to figure out which of these Seven Dwarfs did this tour so I can get the apple with the golden stuff all right I'm the leader so I will read the challenge no way I don't trust you to leave the challenge yeah it looks like a slice of cheese I'll leave the challenge and we can do this fairly okay this is the emptier pocket or spill the tea challenge you have to either empty your pockets or you have to reveal a secret it looks like Snow White has secrets on all of us happy happy why don't you go first okay well I don't have any secrets he overheard Snow White say that Dopey always made her happy and giggle you've always been jealous of Dopey that would be a reason to kill her but happy dwarves don't kill princesses okay listen we need more information angry why don't you go next my name's grumpy I'm emptying my pockets because I don't got nothing in my pockets that's a picture of Snow White with x's on her eyes yeah well that ain't mine why would it be in your pocket then well because you probably put it in there you killer I didn't you're holding a picture with their eyes crossed out crumpy is so sus I think it's him no it's definitely Doc and easy why don't you go next I'm emptying my pockets emptying your sinuses okay yep no one touched that hey your phone your search history says how to poison an apple no no I didn't no I did that after she died what maybe he's sneezing because he's guilty or have allergies Dopey why don't you go I don't see my pocket let's throw White's lipstick that's why she wasn't wearing any earlier she did it did what maybe she's not smart enough well she didn't die till you got here so why don't you go I will because I have no secrets those are my secrets I don't got none fine Rebecca was the only one to be with Snow White before she died I told you all she did it we all already knew that and no I didn't kill her I just got here all right let's move on who's next doc why don't you go secret secrets are no fun secret Secrets hurt someone I'm gonna empty my pockets I don't think I have anything wait one of Snow White's ribbons a diamond did you steal this from it was for safe keeping from now on the table okay bashful it's your turn don't be shy now I'll read it Snow White and very special in front of her Crush once she's always quiet she might have done it sleepy you're the last one sleepy wake up wake up reveal a secret or empty your pocket reveal a secret sleepy once tried to sleep clouds Snow White together to stop singing first singing made it hard for me to sleep just like you would have her eat a poison permanently okay everyone is gone maybe we move on to the next challenge [Music] he was choking her he was trying to kill me choked what where's happy and sneezing they're dead someone here must have done it I think we need to go on to the next challenge okay zamfam who do you think it is someone here is a killer and I have to figure it out get that apple the golden stem stem Snow White this is whatever cup your ping pong ball lands in you have to do whatever's in that envelope I'm gonna go first don't blow it that wasn't that good hot sauce Apple eat that Buttercup hopefully it's not poisoned it's not right boys all right mystery pie better not be a cow one looks like it's a pie with bugs angry I ain't angry I'm grumpy all right let's get it [Music] I'm watching you Doc and I'm going to get cleaned up I can't read it upside down there you go oh wax lip it's not funny bashful I thought wax was only for candles [Music] okay bashful I hope you have to Candle your face too it's wax not candle you'll get a diamond come on oh Mayo soup okay so here is your Mayo soup sleepy [Music] all right doc you're up you are the last and final one all right here we go through someone's camera roll grumpy that guy's hiding something where is grumpy he went to the bathroom well I'm getting that camera roll all right grumpy we're coming in another dwarf's been eliminated you know what it's time to head to the next challenge talk and grumpy we're fighting earlier do you think Doc is the one that killed Snow White I gotta figure this out this is so string everyone but no string can be pulled twice everyone drops to see what order you get one number two four five okay Dopey you're up first I heard somewhere that the shortest string brings the best luck so I'm gonna do this one this challenge is more extreme than I thought okay who's up next me as the leader I can tell that under here is some gold make me Rich [Music] are you okay Dopey do you guys mind if I just grab some water yeah of course okay who's up third bashful okay choose your string oh you barely got wet so maybe some of these are good two ropes left which one should I choose I'm gonna go with this one please don't be an a there's only one string left sleeping like me wake up you gotta pull that string oh glitter what's that says you're eliminated eliminated I guess you're not doing the next challenge it's in the kitchen let's go got nothing better to do so I guess I'll just go too did someone just grab sleepy this is dope smell the cup challenge wait we're sleepy she was right behind me you were the last to see sleeping no no don't be you did something to sleepy I was in the bathroom why are you laughing all right forget this let's just do the challenge you can start bashful if you spill you are eliminated whoa isn't that hard oh oh oh okay okay she's gone which means it's down to the three of us one of you two did it you probably did it there's no more challenges left doc now what do we do we need to figure out who did this and I'm looking at you right now the guilty girl didn't join I found a note in her hand it said the killer has the antidote what's that what's what your shoe the antidote Toby you're the one that poisoned snow yes okay yes I did it I was so sick of Snow White making everyone think I was stupid I'm not stupid and now I'm the only one who can save her I knew it was you Dopey you're alive I faked my death and set this whole thing up to figure out who did it and it was you I didn't eat the real Poison Apple this is the poison apple the apple with the golden stem I can't believe you would do this to me dopey I'm sorry I just you always make me feel stupid but I was gonna save you I'm sorry if I make you feel stupid you're not stupid you mean a lot to me maybe you guys want to hug it out do you think I could take this apple with the golden stem don't eat it I won't thank you good luck I finally got them daddy you guys where is everyone [Music] Sadie you're okay oh my gosh Sam fam I cannot believe we did make sure to click and watch this video right here I'm so good you're okay I love you
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 10,692,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saving, every, princess, for, my, daughter, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 9sec (3069 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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