Girl FAKES BEING RICH At School, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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Do you wanna come to my recital after school tomorrow? Yeah, I'm down. I don't have any plans. (laugh) cool. Look, there’s Felicia, And it looks like she has another new bag. When your family’s riCh, it's easy to have nice things. I heard they have a huge mansion in Orange County. Yeah, and supposedly she's throwing a holiday party there this weekend. Imagine how cool It’d be if we got to go to it. as if that’d ever happen. Rich girls like her don't hang out with Broke losers like us. But hey, at least we have each other, right? Yeah. Oh my gosh. ben just walked in. Look how cute he looks. Of course he’d go up to Felicia. Seems like she's inviting him to her party. yeah, you got it. Oh my gosh! He's coming. (laughs) (laughs) How’s he ever gonna know who you are if you hide every time he walks by? I don't know. one day I'm gonna talk to him. When? you've been saying that since freshman year, and now we're graduating in a few months. you know Ben's moving to go to UC Davis this summer, right? I know. I just get so nervous to talk to him here. It'd be easier if I saw him out somewhere, like... Felicia's party! (laughs) as if she'd ever invite us. You know what? I guess there's only one way to find ouT. (sigh) Hey! where are you going? Rachel! Hey, Felicia! um...hi. (laughs) I'm Rachel. We had third period chemistry together last year. um... (scoffs) and we both went to Lincoln Middle School! Oh, and there was this one year where we both went to Earhart Elementary, but I kinda- hey, girl! This party is gonna be lit. Everyone I've talked to said they're coming. I know, I'm so excited! yay! Oh sorry, could you just give me one second? So, is there something that you need? Well, actually, I wanted to ask you about your party. You see, my friend Heather and I... hi. We were wondering if we could come? (scoffs) is that a Michael Kors bag? uh, Yeah. Why? eww. no one wears Michael Kors anymore. yeah. they're literally on clearance racks everywhere. ok... so? I don't see anything wrong with it. (laughing) is your friend for real right now? uh... no! (laughs) she's just joking around. Oh, good. because anyone who can't see what's wrong with wearing a Michael Kors, definitely isn't coming to my party. (school bell) Let's go, girls. Wait... so does this mean We can actually come? ugh! You still wanna go after how they just treated me? Way to have my back. Hold on, heather! Hey, can you please stop? Heather! heather! just because they have money and can afford nice stuff, that somehow makes them better than me? No, of course not. Can you just calm down for a second? Let's talk about this. Talk about what? how they just made me feel completely worthless because of my bag? I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. I tried to tell you there's no way Felicia was gonna invite us, but...Of course... you don't listen. Technically, she didn't say we were not invited. You can't be serious. You still wanna go to that dumb party after everything that just happened? No, you're right. Just forget about it. I was thinking we could all just run up to the party together. you guys down? actually, man, I'm going with my girl. Yeah, same. She got us matching outfits and everything. Why don't you come with Jess? oh... we...We stopped talking last week. oh, that’s right. it's fine. i’ll just... i don’t know...go solo! Hey, don't trip. Everybody who's anybody is gonna be at that party. I'm sure you'll find someone new. Yeah. Well, I hope so. I mean, this is my last chance before I move to nor-cal. I guess we'll see. come on now! Oh my gosh. Did you just hear what Ben said? This could be my last chance to talk to him. We have to go! Please, please, please! You know how important this is to me. Please, please! (sigh) The situations you get me into. Thanks! You're such a great friend. I didn’t even say yes yet! How are you even planning on getting in? I don't know, But I'm sure I'll find a way. (car door opens) Hey, you girls like designer purses? No, we're good. Please just leave us alone. What kind of designer? (car door closes) It doesn't matter. we are not about to buy some stolen bags off a stranger! oh, they’re not stolen. They're just fake. (laughs) Yeah. Like, that's any better. They look 100% real. No one will be able to tell the difference. I got louie and gucci. No, thanks. c’mon, Let's go. uh... Are you sure no one would be able to know? Yeah! unless you work at the store or something. My wife wears these all the time. when someone asks her about it, She tells them it's a limited edition release from the runway collection. No one asks another question. I mean, look at how real it looks! Rachel... You're not seriously thinking about buying a fake bag. I don't know. how much is it? usually $200. -oh... -but! I'm in need of cash. So this is your lucky day. I can sell it to you for $100. Do not do it. Seriously, who are you trying to impress? Don't be mad at me. (sigh) twenty, thirty... I only have $60. You know what, that's fine. (laughs) Does it come with a shopping bag or anything? (laughs) what? DO you think this is rodeo drive, or something? (laughs) Please, don't be mad. (car door opens) So...has anyone said anything? Are you kidding? I've already gotten, like, six compliments. Hey, love your purse. Thank you. Make that seven. (SIGH) We can sit here. I'm gonna grab a drink. want anything? I'm good, thanks. ok. I've never seen that bag before. Oh, it's because it's a, uh... limited release from the runway collection. You shop the runway collection? which store did you get it from? uh, the Louis Vuitton store? (scoffs) obviously. Which one? Uh...the one on Rodeo Drive. That's where I go! You must know Michael then! he manages all the runway pieces. Michael? Yes, of course. Michael, such a nice guy. (laughs) Anyway, I better get going. It was nice- Do you wanna sit with us? what? Seriously? (laughs) wow. You mean like in this chair with all of you? Would it be OK if Heather comes, too? hmm, sorry. There's only room for one. Oh... so...are you sitting with us or not? uh... I just feel bad leaving my friend by herself. Hey, ladies. Hey, Ben. -Hey! Hey, Ben. hey, I'm excited to go to your party tonight. I'm excited for you to be there. (laughs) Oh, hi. I'm Ben. Rachel? Rachel? Rachel! huh? You're probably hurting Ben's hand. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Don't sweat it, but It's nice to meet you, Rachel. It's nice to meet you, too. Rachel is actually about to have lunch with us. You should join, too. Oh yeah, I would, but... there's only one chair. That's all right. We can make room for one more. Pull up a chair. OK. Yeah. Give me... Give me a minute. Well? uh... sorry! so... it looks like someone has a crush on Ben. Oh, no. Was it that obvious? You know, he's coming to my party tonight. Maybe you could try talking to him there. Wait, does that mean that I'm- invited? Here you go. I can't believe it. Thank you so much. I don't even know what to say. are plus one's allowed? ugh! don't tell me you plan on bringing michael Kors girl. Well, she has been my best friend since elementary school. I'd feel really bad for ditching her. (sigh) all right, fine. I guess. I'll put her on the list. Thanks! Now I just have to figure out what I'm gonna wear. Oh, well, we're all going to the plaza after school to go shopping if you wanna come. I would, but I actually have to go do something with Heather. Well, then what are you gonna wear? um...I'll probably just find something in my closet. (gasp) as in...wear the same thing twice? (laughing) Good one! I thought you were being serious for a second. (laughing) No, I was just playing. joking. Kidding. Of course, I'm gonna get something new. Now that I think about it, I would love to come. I'm sure Heather wouldn't mind. OK, I'm back. What’d I miss? Well, Rachel just confirmed that she's coming to the party tonight. Oh, you are? That's great. Maybe we can hang out. I’d like that. Would you like to try that on? Yes, please. ok, Right this way. thanks. (phone ringing) hey! Thanks for missing my recital. Oh, I am so sorry about that. But at least we get to go to the party now. (scoffs) Oh, I'm so excited. Don't be that way, please. You know how important this is to me. for the first time in my life, ben knows I exist! fine. where are you? Oh, i’m at Rossini's at the plaza. Isn't this dress so cute? I was just about to try it on. you know everything there costs a fortune, right? really? I haven't even looked at the price tag yet. (gasp) Oh, my gosh! You're right. Rachel? I gotta go. I'll call you later. OK, bye. wait, I was gonna ask- Hey, what's up? How'd it fit? Oh, it's not really my style. No worries. You should try this one. It's so cute. uh... How much is it? I don't know. (laughs) I never even look at the price tags, to be honest. Wow, it's cheap. $240?! Yeah. What's the big deal? I mean, you wear a Louis Vuitton bag. I'm sure you can afford this. Oh yeah, I meant, uh... I thought it'd be so much more. (laughing) You know, I just remembered I have a dress at home that I've only won once and no one has even seen me in it. So I'll probably just go with that one. You're really gonna wear a dress that you've worn before to my party? Oh, yeah, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking. I'll just go with this one. mmm! Thanks. Don't sweat it. That's what friends are for. (laughing) So what's up with you and Rachel? You know, she really likes Ben, right? And it seems like he kind of likes her, too. Yeah, you sure you wanna be friends with her? Friends? (laughs) I'm just having a little fun with her, that's all. aww! (laughs) Rachel, let's talk about shoes! (laughs) This neighborhood is so nice. Are you sure I'm gonna be able to get in? I mean, I didn't get an invitation. Yeah, you're totally good. Felicia confirmed she put you on the list. ok, if you say so. oh, you left your tag on- no! Don’t do that! $240?! Are you crazy? Why else do you think I kept the tag on? I'm gonna return it after the party. You know you're not supposed to return something after you've worn it. I know, But what else was I supposed to do? Felicia told me to buy the dress, and I didn't wanna make it seem like I don't have any money. (scoffs) Honestly, I don't even know who you're becoming anymore. Rach, you shouldn't try to be someone You're not, especially to try and impress people that don't even care about you. Felicia cares about me. even today at the store, she called me her friend. Why are you rolling your eyes? Don't be jealous. Jealous? Is that what you think this is about? Trust me, I'm not jealous. I don't wanna argue with you right now. Felicia just asked where I am. Come on, let's go. Of course, we wouldn't wanna leave Felicia waiting. Hi, I'm Rachel. My friend Heather and I are on the list. Rachel. oh, here you are. Heather. Heather. no. I don't see a Heather. are you sure? Felicia confirmed she added her. Yup, I'm sure. And if she's not on the list, Unfortunately, she can't come in. See, I told you this was gonna happen. I'm sure it was just an honest mistake. Let me try calling her. Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message... her phone is off. You know what? Let me just run inside real quick to find her and have her to come get you. You want me to wait out here? by myself? It'll just be for a second. I promise I'll be right back. Trust me. Excuse me. Sorry, excuse me, excuse me. Thanks. Hey, Rachel. Right? Oh, hey, ben. hey. why were you standing by yourself? Oh, kinda fifth wheeling it Right now. my friends, they both brought their girls, so... Oh, and they're matching. That's so cute. Right? Kind of i wish i had someone to match with. but... (laugh) (phone ringing) uh... (phone ringing) uh, you can take it. (phone ringing) No, that's all right. It can wait. Okay. So, UC Davis, huh? Yeah. (laugh) Yeah. Looks like Rachel's trying to steal your guy. (laughs) like that would ever happen. It's almost time to teach her a lesson. You know what? it's crazy. This is the first time we're talking. I just... I don’t know, I feel like I've known you my whole life. Yeah. Well, I feel the same way. Yeah, exactly. (text message) Shoot, I've gotta get my friend. Have you seen- Rachel. It's so good to see you. I told you that dress would look cute on you. Thanks. hey, So Heather's outside. For some reason she wasn't on the list. I was wondering if you can get her in. Oh, whoops, I must have forgot. I’ll go get her. thanks. (laugh) Oh my gosh. michael! (laughs) how are you? Good. (kisses) thanks again for inviting me to your party. Don't sweat it. (laugh) Hey, you know my friend Rachel, right? She said she shops with you at the Louis Vuitton store. oh! No, I don't think so. but... You don't know who she is? but I thought you said you knew Michael. You know, I meant... the other Michael. Yes. That's who I shop with. I guess it's a common name. (laugh) (laugh) I know there's like four of us all in the same district. Well, I'm really glad Mike Cho’s taking good care of you. He's really great. Yeah, he is. (phone ringing) uh... do you need to get that? uh... (text message) No, that's OK. (text message) It sounds important. (text message) Yeah, you should really check. Uh... OK. I've never seen that bag before. You haven't? but she said she got it from the runway collection. No, I'm pretty sure I would recognize it. Where did you get this from? Uh, you know, now that I think about it, this one was a gift. Yeah, sometimes I get my bags confused. Well, I hate to break it to you, but... whoever got you that bag, gave you a fake. (gasps) What? No, that can't be possible. I'm afraid so. Scammers sell them on the street all the time for 100 bucks. You're seriously wearing a fake Louis Vuitton bag? Who does that? Somebody who wants to pretend that they're rich, but Doesn’t have any actual money. That's who. no, you don't understand. enough with the lies. argh. Hey, everyone. My friend Michael here works at the Louis Vuitton store, and he just confirmed that Rachel's bag is fake. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. Oh no, you've done nothing wrong. You're not the one prancing around pretending to be someone that you're not. Hey, Felicia, come on. This really isn't necessary. Yes, it is. She needs to be taught a lesson. You know what? I'll just leave, OK? Wait. Is that... whoops! I must have accidentally left the tag on. Do not tell me you plan on returning that dress after you wore it. What? No. Oh yeah. All right. then you wouldn't mind if I- no, don't do that. (laughs) So you are planning on returning it. How embarrassing. Yeah, that's right. Go on and leave. You clearly don't belong here. Oh, and by the way, I didn’t forget to put Michael Kors girl on the list. I left her off on purpose. Heather, wait. please, just listen to me. Leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you. You don't understand what just happened in there. It was a total setup. What are you talking about? She invited her friend from the Louis Vuitton store so that she could expose my fake bag. And then she pulled out my tag in front of everyone. she basically made a total fool out of me. And the worst part is she did it in front of ben. I tried to warn you. she's not your friend. You were right. I never should’ve gotten this dumb bag or this expensive dress, and I never should’ve pretended to be someone that I wasn't, especially to try to impress someone who doesn't even care about me. I'm so sorry. I promise to never put anyone before you again. Can you please forgive me? I forgive you. Thanks. you’re such a great friend. I am honestly so lucky to have you. That's probably the first thing you've been right about in a while. (laughs) Rachel! Hey, wait up. Ben. hey. why did you leave the party? Come on. You really think I wanna be there after what she just did? I'd much rather be here... with you. really? You still wanna talk to me even after finding out that- your bags fake? or you’re planning on returning your dress? Who cares? none of that matters to me. Look. I'm planning on returning this too. You are? Yeah. I only bought it for this dumb party. (laugh) and I'm really regretting it now. (laughs) Well, I never would have expected that. here. um... Do you wanna get out of here? I don't know, maybe grab a bite to eat. Really? Yeah. actually, I promised my friend I was gonna hang out with her. oh, ok. Maybe another time? That sounds great. (laugh) Maybe we can return our clothes together. (laughs) (laughs) That's perfect. Like, tomorrow? Yeah. OK. well, you have a good night. You, too. Thanks. Bye. Bye. omg. I can’t believe that just happened. (screaming) So why'd you leave the party early? Yeah, we were looking for you. Oh, let's just say I met someone. Hey, boys. Mind if we sit with you? um...Actually, there's not enough room. Sorry. um, I'm sure you guys can pull up one more chair, right? oh...ok, What I meant to say, is... actually, rachel and heather are gonna sit here. Hey, girls, have a seat. thanks. of course. Are you kidding me? You'd rather sit with her over me? yup. I'm sure you girls can find a seat somewhere else. bye! (laughs) don't even think about being invited to any more my future parties. you’ll be standing outside like Michael Kors girl over here was. (laughing) well, you don't have to worry about that, because none of us would ever come to one of your parties again. MM-mmm. This is ridiculous. Let's go, girls. Oh, man! Never again. -no! -(laughs) hah! look. since Rachel was exposed for having a fake bag, now she carries a Michael Kors purse around, too. (laughing) I happen to like my bag. Thank you very much. yeah. You know, I can't believe you’d choose a girl who wears a fake bag over me. Big mistake. You know what? I'd rather be with someone that has a fake bag... over someone that is a fake friend. -ooh! -(laughing) And as Heather said, Bye, Felicia. -Oh no, no, no. -(laughing) Thanks for having our backs. Of course. i Mean, hey, that's what real friends are for. right? Yeah. c’mon, let’s eat!
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 28,968,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 4K32WYshK6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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