Guess The Sister Blindfolded *Emotional*

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there are 20 girls here but only one of them is my sister hi I'm Rebecca's sister hi I'm Rebecca hi I'm Rebecca's sister we are gonna see how good of a sister Rebecca is by doing a list of challenges and if my sister guesses wrong at the end she has to do an extreme punishment Rebecca's nephews will push her in the world's grossest pool if Rebecca makes it to the end this will be the most emotional challenge she has ever done this is about be the biggest test of my life and if I guess right I'm gonna give my sister a gift she will never forget challenge number one share an embarrassing moment from Rebecca's past what you're close enough you are not Rebecca's sister Oh that girl is Too Tall anyways you always farted loud when you were in public my farts were silent you're coming with me [Music] they think that's bad it's only gonna get worse when you cheered for the opposite team when they scored a touchdown using you had a bowl haircut and hair sprayed the tail in the back I can't help that my mom picked my haircut no she didn't next you always snort when you laugh eliminate it my sister's the snorter not me get out of here our mom made us take the cringiest photos that could be my sister we have a lot of those but hopefully no one ever sees them he made all those cringy videos when you first started doing YouTube that could be my after she's seen everything you cried when we went to the petting zoo because you were scared of the animals okay those Lambs were really scary it could be my sister you wouldn't dress like a frog so you got a C in science class that's true that's true just try to hike up a snowy mountain with blitz in a bikini and fail could be my sister who was the bikini in the snow I guess Rebecca does you once laughed so hard that you peed your pants I peed my pants a lot but it wasn't from laughing not my sister seriously he did a backflip after a high school tracking and he didn't even win the race I got solid second place could be my sister you got stuck in a trying to prank the neighborhood boys I'm the only one that could fit in that drain you just get more embarrassing you got a perm because you thought it looked cool but then your hair broke off I instantly regretted that I don't know what could be worse on Rebecca than a perm he used to perform cringy dance routines with me and our other siblings that could be her you're safe you were told you would never be a gymnast because you were severely pigeon-toed that is true but I did become a good gymnast you could be my sister you fell off the aisle at my wedding I may be pigeon-toed but I didn't trip eliminated get your facts straight number 18. you had big teeth and an overbite and dad called you Bucky I grew into my teeth and yes I had to get four teeth pulled that could be my sister you were trying to troll from dance class when your skirt came up and everyone saw okay why is this so embarrassing right now I don't want everyone to know that I'm finding out more and more about Rebecca with every gen if Rebecca thought that was hard just wait until the end because it is gonna get emotional and now it's time to move on to trivia [Applause] do I have four you could have Googled that correct am I am youngest eliminated shout out to all you oldest kids out there contestant number five I was a professional cheerleader for what football team San Jose saber cups how many how many subscribers do I have on my YouTube channel 14.2 million I mean subscribe to her correct subscribe to do it right now we are doing a ton of giveaways join the zamfam what is my all-time favorite food easy nachos my sister knows that you're safely what age did I start training as a gymnast 12 much younger than that oh you're not dead what is my daughter's middle name oh could be my sister nice job Jen you're safe what's my daughter's favorite song itsy bitsy spider went out the water spout down came the rain and you're not eliminated that could be my sister hey you could be Jen what was my nickname growing up wreck it back I'm gonna wreck you limited what kind of nickname is that what's my spot Hawaii my sister's gone there with me that could be her you're good when's my birthday September 28th go team Libra you got away with an easy one when did I first start YouTube 2005. I don't even think YouTube was a thing back then eliminated what kind of answer is that what is my favorite type of slime butter slime it's just so satisfying nice how long have I been married to Matt nine years correct my sister with my bridesmaid that could be her number 20 can I stay in a handstand five seconds six seven eight nine ten ten round prominated genuine knows she's a gymnast get out time to give those not my sisters a punishment none of you are so now it's time for a punishment [Music] half of these girls have already been eliminated and now it's time for me to meet the 10 remaining in person my sister and I are extremely close and she has always been there in my most difficult times but now that she lives six hours away and we're both parents it's been harder and harder to keep that cyst or connection so today after her that we still have that sister Bond and that I can be there for her like she's always there for me Rebecca has been eliminating imposters and if her sister is still there on the final challenge I'm pretty sure she's gonna cry for Challenge number two I brought in a special let's meet her [Music] this is my daughter zadie and she loves her auntie Jen so for this round they're gonna have to make her smile otherwise they're eliminated number three you're up first make her smile [Music] city is not amused I'm sorry you are eliminated let's go besides my sister doesn't sing like that she's much louder good girl we got this contestant number five oh your auntie Jen knows you love balloons do you like that yeah do you want to keep it you're staying number five number seven you're gonna have to impress her with more than a balloon the wheels on the bus go round and round okay you're staying don't be late number eight get her to laugh [Music] you did it you talked a lot and my sister definitely talks a lot so you can stay okay number 10. oh zadie okay okay you are staying number 11. 50 zadie loves the Spanish you are staying I'm not sure if my sister knows Spanish but you know what she would learn it for zadie fist pump baby okay you you sister good day pound it number 15 make zadie smile Sadie can you hold my hand I'm sorry she is not into that you are eliminated let's go she's gonna get a punishment hi baby how are you can you say mama ah okay you can stay oh I love you mwah my little helper already my sister helping me I'm getting one step closer to finding my sister and your auntie can I do this I got this you're right very eliminated now it's time it's punishment I'm getting in on this one go go this is taking too long what are you doing okay get out of here that better not have been Jan or she's gonna kill me you all are lucky you're here now get out your phones and Order Rebecca her favorite meal I have somewhere to be two girls were eliminated and they are definitely not my sister but there are two girls in that last round that stood out and could be my sister seven and nineteen both sing songs that Jen always sings to zadie so right now 7 and 19 might definitely be my sister I really hope I that's right so I can give my sister this gift that she will never forget the next challenge is ready all your sisters ordered your favorite meal if they got it wrong eliminate them oh okay well this challenge is perfect cause Mama hungry okay well it looks like you guys ordered my favorite meals from different places start with you number five a cheeseburger and fries onions I hate I hate those I said no onions could have been a mistake okay number seven this looks like pizza let me see what kind of pizza this is Pizza Hut cheese pizza we were kids only my sister would know that okay number eight Nachos Bell Grande from Taco Bell I get that but I did earlier you've ordered it for years nice job number eight number number Chicken McNugget but why did you give me two sauces because you always change your mind I don't change my mind on this but true that could be my sister oh number 11. these udon noodles look delicious yes sisters do know best if you are my sister number four see you ordered me a meal from Burger King a Whopper junior thank God no onions and what is this a Coke all right number 14 it looks like you made this Whopper my way it's good every time number seven okay zamfam do you know what this is I do it's from Jack In The Box and it is meal and my sister knows when I go to Jack In The Box this is what I get looks pretty good nice job number 17. if that's my sister that's the first time she's been quiet all right and now we're moving remote team chicken wings I do like him oh these are hot mine is my sister I hate speaking and I'm sorry number five I hate onions you put onions on my burger you too head that way you're all number 19 enjoy this mystery drink from a shoe sip up buttercup next time you sleep in Mom's house you better be careful what no that's enough that's enough oh no zamfam that might have been my sister number five you can slip inside your way out of here [Music] that's what you get number five thank God I'm wearing this number 5 and 19 got my order on which means they are definitely not my sister but number seven knew that we had Pizza Hut growing up as kids and number 17 even knew that I ordered a Sourdough Jack not everyone knows that 7 and 17 might definitely be my sister but this is getting a lot harder than I thought how are you feeling I was feeling confident before but now I'm not really sure you know what I think I need to take a five minute break can you tell them yeah okay Jen I know you're here and you're my older cousin but everyone just take a five minute break no get the girl finger taking a break but I need to figure out who my sister is and my sister is a nurse and can handle stressful situations so I decided to order a piece did someone order a pizza pizza delivery I know we didn't order pizza apparently you did because I am Marco and I look at the app and it looks like you guys ordered a pizza no we didn't order one look at me we did order a pizza I know we're on the same page so cheese pizza right here for you guys whoa you think I could just like do a flip you know I had some ninja moves back in my day yeah you know what go for it Marco all right excuse me oh yeah just like the good old days I remember when I used to do this ninja flip it was like that why are you on the nurse too ah Marco's leg is hurting I think everybody what happened there's a pool he must have fallen on it he has a wound we need to apply pressure oh yeah fans it might be broken I think I'm okay can I get Maddie can you take Marco out of here yeah come on Marco Thanks Jen enjoy the pizza and the tomato sauce don't worry Marco it's gonna be okay we're gonna be seriously are you okay yeah okay it's fake okay well my sister is a nurse and I wanted to figure out which one it was just eliminate the girl that passed back because my sister is a nurse she's not gonna pass that when she sees little blood okay just clean your teeth get out there Marco is okay but you all can head over for the next challenge except for you number 14 you're not Rebecca's sister okay zamfam I thought that prank would help me figure out who my sister is because she is a nurse but I couldn't understand which one of them were talking this is getting a lot harder than I thought blood's kind of good though we need to make this harder on Rebecca everyone get out your phone okay Jen airdrops and photos of you and Rebecca to everyone but I thought that prank would give me more clarification as to which number my sister is she knows me inside and out and now I'm just worried that I'm not a good sister back to her like I don't pay enough attention and I want to give her this gift that she'll remember forever but now I'm worried I might not make the right choice I hope looking at our camera roll will help find the real gem because only Jen has photos they on her camera roll so everyone here you have five seconds to find a photo on your camera roll that proves that you are my sister Jen five four two one okay everyone show me your photo it looks like four gems are going home and I'm not going in the world's grossest pool number at this photo that's my sister and I on swings in our backyard I think I know who my sister is but you know what I'm just gonna look at the other photos just for fun number eight show me your photo that's Jen and I at Christmas how do you build that photos of me okay you know what narrowing it down to two is easier let's see number ten I am eliminating someone that is a picture of Jen and I with my aunt and our little sister what's going on here how do you all have photos these are all photos that no one has seen but my sister okay number 11. me and my sister dancing in our PJs now I'm confused 17. please say are you hot are you kidding me that's when my sister was born and that's me okay you know what Maddie Maddie yeah hey I can't figure out which one is jensel you know what to do I need to eliminate someone hey Jens you're perfect right now give them to me don't take anything out I'll just take them for you yep don't think you're gonna hide anything from Rebecca today thank you I have no idea why all of them have photos of me and my sister on their phone someone is definitely pranking me but I am still figuring out who it is let's go through their purses thank you Maddie number seven seven right now has a picture of a dog hair ties my sister always has hair ties and a brush on a string I've never seen my sister have this before but she definitely wears a brush and hair ties because she works out a lot and she's on the go this is number eight pinch clip my sister wears these all the time chapstick oh with sunscreen my sister hates chapped lips and she's always in the Sun and this is a library card I know my sister does take my nephew to the library but a lot of people go to the library next number 10. hopefully that wasn't my sister's okay gum can't remember if my sister likes that kind of gum I think this is a nurse's keychain maybe my sister okay next we have number 11 has glasses my sister wears glasses black lipstick I've never seen my sister wear black lipstick but you never know and out wait my sister likes to have good breath I'm sorry I had onions earlier the burger finally number 17 there's a notebook an airline ticket what the name's ripped off that's not up there hold on Notebook what does it say nothing it's just a notebook and a pen wait oh it's a birthstone necklace oh this is red this is a ruby all right Maddie thank you very much I think I know who I have to eliminate all right you guys you all have photos of me on your phone however I looked at all of your purses there was one that stood out this right here is a birthstone necklace and this is a ruby for the birthday of july but my sister was born in December which means number 17 you are definitely not my sister and you are eliminated you're coming with me number 17. now there are only four of you guys get stretched because you're gonna need it for the next challenge hope you enjoy your cat food smoothie not Rebecca's sister and then there were four but of those four zamfam I have no idea which one my sister is so for this next challenge I'm gonna switch things up and make it a little bit more physical because my sister and I always do acrobatic tick tocks this is a yoga challenge each of you guys have to do a yoga pose with me and hold it for three seconds number seven you're up first this is a yoga pose we are recreating my sister is a base and she is super strong okay we'll go here okay one two three post complete okay number seven you're pretty strong high five about the same height as my sister too number eight this is the yoga pose we are creating get on down you're the base you seem pretty strong okay okay one two three pose complete oh man I did most of work on that one number ten we have this pose right here okay Maddie get ready to count three two one oh that was kind of a challenging one anyways number 10. finally number we're doing this yoga pose all right you're the bass lay on down beat up okay she's strong enough feels pretty strong and met it one two three pose come on thank God man that's a lot more painful since giving birth that was a different typical challenge but I know my sister and I could have done all of those poses so unfortunately number 10 you are not my sister punishment yeah hope you enjoy pregnancy simulator let's take it to level 10. oh my God I just had two kids I'm really sorry Jen please don't kill me I'm sorry and then it is down to three and all three could be my sister number seven said that pizza pizza is what we ate when we were kids only my sister knows that number eight was definitely the strongest in the yoga challenge and I'm pretty sure number 11 said she was a nurse just like my sister if I get this wrong and she's not gonna get the gift that she deserves I think you eliminated your sister no no no no my sister is definitely in these three are you sure I mean I think we're on the same page well hopefully you have twins philosophy sisters are close and should be on the same wavelengths which means you have twin telepathy if you gets the same item as Rebecca you get a point round one is zamfam merch Rebecca okay we are starting with zamfam merch which you can get at Rebecca all of us are wearing them plus we just did a pre-order where you can get back to school backpacks and accessories so make sure to pre-order it because it's going to sell out fast Rebecca hurry and chew obviously I have to pick what I'm wearing okay I've made my decision I hope my sister and I are on the same page and we have twin telepathy all right the gens have made their decision Rebecca what shirt did you you chose the neon yellow zamfam gummy shirt looks like number seven and number eight you both got a point Sorry 11. number 11's the nurse that's okay you know what sometimes sisters get it wrong we can still be on the same page and they can still win round two is sodas everyone Choose Yourself not my favorite one actually okay I'm sorry but number seven you got it wrong which means number eight is in the lead with two points and number seven and eleven have only one knows I think seven might be my sister maybe my connection with my sister is fading round three is candy everyone choose one of these candies that I eat all the time actually get in trouble for it Rebecca please tell me you're not eating the cake you never should have not true are you eating more no I'm done okay please tell me you made your decision you made a decision it looks like only number seven chose correctly which means number seven and eight you tied with two points but number eleven you lost the twin telepathy challenge with only one points which means Rebecca it's time for you to make a decision that's the challenge but 11 is a nurse which means that if I eliminate her then I might be eliminating my sister so who's it gonna be number eleven oh no what have I done all right fake Jen hope you're ready for a cockroach shower it all comes down to this Rebecca you and your sister have been through a lot so I'm gonna give them each an emotion and they have to give you a memory that best describes it but be careful this is gonna get emotional [Music] I hope this helps me make the right choice what's a memory of us that makes you happy doing the flash mob dance together when we recently got to spend time together in Maui with our families and watched our kids play on the beach something that made you sad we found out that our parents parents were saying we didn't know what the future would hold I think I felt most sad when I had to come down here after you had your miscarriage and we just spent the day together no what's a memory you have of me that made you angry they learn how to swim around go early you mean on time early on time what made you scared I was so scared when you had to go through all those surgeries when you were having stomach problems but I'm so glad that you overcame at all and came out even stronger I was so scared when you had all your stomach problems and you had to go into surgery I was just scared because I didn't know what was going to happen and if you were going to be okay what is the best way I've surprised you when you helped me pay off my student loans that was a big surprise for me it meant so much oh I love being surprised by you finding out you were gonna have a girl at your gender reveal I knew you wanted it so bad and it was so fun to be a part of that thank you number seven thank you number eight I really hope I make the right decision and the bond that I feel with my sister is real [Music] time for you to you to make which one you want to eliminate and remember if you make the wrong decision you're going in the world's grossest pool okay well this last challenge was very emotional and while most of those memories were very happy some of them were memories that were really hard to relive but one of you guys brought up memories that I've posted on my YouTube video and my sister has memories of us that no one's ever seen on camera I'm gonna have to eliminate number seven I don't think you're my sister Rebecca you've made your decision if you're right you win but if you're wrong you're going in the world's grossest pool I'm ready to see who she is number eight we went through a ton of challenges together and I really think that you are my sister so take off your mask foreign [Music] since I got it right Jen you've always been an amazing sister to me and sometimes I feel like it's hard and I can never pay you back so I want you to just open this oh I love it it's a picture of us in Hawaii wait but look at the back [Music] so that they can play sports and you're an amazing Mom an amazing nurse I wanted to just give that to you just in case you guys don't know that was a check for ten thousand dollars I cannot believe you picked me even after Matt was cheating what you tried to get me do not do this guys whatever you do wow [Music] right now foreign [Music]
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 4,566,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guess, sister, blindfolded, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: awAYQciobkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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