Surviving Every First Summer Job for Daughter

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surviving every summer job for 24 hours no sleeping on the job what kind of lifeguard are you I'm sorry air can you stop being so loud we're trying to watch a movie you're the worst babysitter ever get out of here get away get away finally got away from those kids this dumb blonde is gonna teach us get out of here yeah no no no what have you done I didn't think you ruined my plate now it's time for dessert program is Extreme what's my daughter doing here I thought you wanted her in the program why would I want her in her in a program look welcome to surviving every summer job you have to collect an item from each summer job to complete the program Rebecca must complete all seven levels to get the order of buttons to press to escape you have one hour or you and your daughter will be trapped here forever we need to do this fast there is no way I want my daughter trapped in here level one is a summer school teacher retrieve the golden apple I'm gonna get that apple and get back here as fast as I can really Maddie Sadie a massage school teacher the golden apple the only way you're gonna get that is if you get all of us to graduate all four of us oh no it looks like if you want to pass the four challenges to graduate you all are going to have to work together statistically I have better odds of achieving that myself no one wants to work with you anyway nerd hey you're messing up my hair hey hey oops I missed how is she going to get them to graduate yeah they obviously don't want to work together let's get started with challenge one this is if you want to graduate you as a group have to get five out of the eight right jock you're up first choose which box you think is empty pretty easy because this one just moved three two one [Music] go oh my goodness what a fool I knew she was in that box don't worry you guys send more tries you've got this that felt good can I stay in the Box the whole time no you have to graduate too okay no good way is there any other way so I'll take this one three two one I knew it's so predictably popular girl you're up next uh she can go first die okay I'll go all right because I've gotten one right which means you only need four more to pass this challenge you guys can do it florals are super in right now so I'll do this one three two one [Music] you can't even break wrapping paper nerd at least my face is still Flawless okay that has never happened before is your hand okay three to six days in recovery should fix it it's wrapping paper I hate both of these but that one has more pink so three two one yeah that means that you guys got not only three more to pass high five hey no round two drop pick your boss telling you if you want to win this you pick that one oh really three get this right that job guys taking a ton of punches wait why are you baby laughing hey come on not to put the pressure on you guys but you only have three more tries which means you have to get all three right if you want to pass this Challenge and I want to get that Apple so work together okay it's obvious he'll try to use reverse psychology this time I'll choose this one three two two one predictable hey you should be happy they're 20. victory you both have to get this right if you guys want to pass this challenge well I'm pretty sure the nerd says something about right-handed people choosing the right box and I saw him holding the pencil in his right hand when he was breathing on my necks so three two one okay you guys you just need to get this last one right and you won't pass this challenge it all comes down to goth girl if you get this right that means that all of you guys are moving on to the next challenge whatever three two one now it's time to move on to challenge two I hope it involves stud animals this is PE the Cup race start now they have to get this right now or I'm not gonna get that Golden Apple jock is doing dude he's got two cups start helping them out we're not gonna get them to graduate keep going you guys able to do this challenge five five two one two the nerd has four Jack has eleven all we need is five one two three four five six challenge two is complete they really don't like each other do they still wrong you have to go in the shop roulette there are three rounds you guys have to get six total to pass throw your Dart if this is designer Brands this will be so easy Louis Vuitton easy that is correct no shocker for me son kissed wrong one of them head to shocker roulette let's go golf girl you got this oh I don't know oh everyone knows this you got this Duff No it's it's roulette let's do this nerd you got it oh that's close but it looks like it's California okay I remember when I was there greatest inventor of Our Generation Steve Jobs this is the Apple logo of course that's a point Thank you teach we have two points time for the chakra roulette you two got it wrong but hopefully you have a little bit better look with roulette if it lands you'll know oh that wasn't bad was it dare I say shocking that's hilarious I'm sorry I hit that round two and you and you four more that you need to get right that shocker is terrifying there is no way I'm doing that okay now I know it's hard but just think about it before you say what it is Gucci obviously yes three points you guys three more to go whoa Come to Papa Mikey just do it you've got this one everybody knows you guys comment below if you know what this is Duff Starbucks why do I feel like she's not trying oh wait because she isn't and I need to figure out why should I move right on the button button to create a statement card space station no Converse shock roulette is not going as planned and if I don't get before I go though why are you guys you guys been here in summer school I would never turn on extracurricular learning anything to get away from my family oh man foreign looks like you guys got lucky but now it is round three and you guys need two more if you want to pass I don't care why would you not care this is our education oh no this is the speed round all of you could throw in at once and remember at least two of you have to get your answers right everyone throw let's go let's go get Colorado nerd happy though say the brand Florida Gator football no it's Crocs head to the Shocker Macy's correct Duff you had to have known that everyone knows Amazon right Sam fam any intelligent person would know this is Tesla yeah congratulations you guys you guys got six right which means you passed social study now head on down for Challenge number four except for you just real quick hey she forgot the chocolate hey I wanted to talk to you you're not really trying in any of the challenges I'm not good at any of them what are you good at I have a sixth sense you mentioned you're at summer school because you don't want to be with your family what do you not like about your family they always leave me out of things I know your classmates are very different from you but they've included you in every Challenge and they've tried for you in every challenge so I don't know maybe that means something maybe can I leave now yeah go ahead and head down to challenge number four okay Sam fam I really hope that works because if we don't have her help in the next challenge I don't know if they're gonna graduate this is a squid Game Challenge at least one of you needs to make it a crop without choosing the wrong book if you complete this Challenge and you guys will be able to graduate draw your numbers three number one square root of four four she's four we're never gonna graduate summer school line up you guys oh man use your stats to get through this don't worry you guys we still have a 50 50 chance and we've got Mr athletic right here let's go easy first step easy one yeah keep it going no pressure but it's all up to you listen goth girl I know this isn't all like black and dead and stuff but this is the only way that we're gonna get out of here so I'm begging you putting some effort okay that's a good step she was painting it got girl she did it she actually tried you guys carried me through the other challenges it was the least I could do besides I have some dead animals to bury yeah yeah it has been quite the journey but I am excited to announce you all have graduated summer school we wanted to announce that this is your golden apple thank you guys so much so do you guys think we go and see a movie sure not a game as long as it's The Exorcist I can go orange orange is the first button level two is a lifeguard retrieve the whistle I got this okay zamfam and before I do I need you guys to subscribe right now we're trying to hit 50 million by the end of I'm a lifeguard and I have to get a whistle why is the pool so empty you're not a lifeguard you're a junior lifeguard in training if you want to be a real lifeguard you need one of these how can I earn some people have been peeing in the pool you gotta figure out who's doing it and kick them out how do you know if someone's peed in a pool funny you should say that we just got a new chemical that turns the water dark blue and someone's been peeing in it I'm gonna go get a hot dog but I'll be back okay zamfam I thought lifeguarding was a little more glamorous than this but right now I need to get that whistle and figure out who peed in this pool and it looks like I have two options become friends here you don't know you stranger danger no no no no I'm a lifeguard I want to dispel some tea to you guys I used to pee in the pool why would you do that gross it was a long time ago okay have you ever peed in a pool no why would I do that ah you no you look like you've peed in a pool once that's so disgusting enough being to find out who it is cool okay the girl on the pink definitely peed in the pool no it's definitely the other girl well Rebecca needs to hurry up and find out that's in a ghost plan but I need to figure out which of those two girls peed in the pool so I can get that whistle all I need now is some proof that gives me an idea one way to get someone to pee their pants is to scare them and I'm gonna do it with this shark I got him in the pool it's baby shark there are no sharks in a pool besides it's fake that is a shark right behind your back [Music] if I can't scare these kids with a shark and I'm gonna scare them another way I'm getting you fired no sorry about that the net slipped didn't seem like it that Junior lifeguard is weird yeah it's almost like she's trying to get us to pee in the pool like she does I know right oh my gosh she's scared she fell in the Barn blue it's not blue why did they not blue how did you not be your pants are you trying to get us to pee our pants no of course not let me just get the snake right away you can never be too careful lifeguard brings a fake snake to work oh my God I'm Gonna Leave weird ones like her nothing's working the pool's not changing the dark blue they better hurry up and pee so we can figure this out scaring them into peeing their pants didn't work but maybe they just weren't hydrated who wants we have one so first to finish The Finisher wins it oh but uh you have to sit down in the water on your marks get set go we want the popsicle do you feel anything coming out just let me know so I can run away is this close who's gonna win the popsicle the winner is congratulations your very own popsicle now just sit here you feel anything that was a lot of water if I did then I would go to the bathroom did you hear that girl she said if she had to pee she'd go to the bathroom there's only one other way that I can think of to get someone to pee I've pranked Matt before with this it's a little warm water do you think this is gonna work it has to I bet you can't float with your hand in this water right here I bet you I can for another popsicle fine another popsicle lay down and Float that's really warm water you know if you're feeling relaxed you know just Let it Loose I think I won the popsicle too wow you know what your friend had two popsicles and you have none and and you could buy your own popsicle with this right here gets off to get it out of this warm water so do you feel anything I feel like that I can buy a popsicle with this who's that that's the cool boy he doesn't want anybody in school except him please don't let him kick us out of course not you guys just keep playing a bully he's probably the one that's making the kids pee in the pool no splashing I said no flashing I didn't hear a whistle oh looks like you don't have a whistle do your new lifeguard what's your name Billy well I hear that you don't want anyone else swimming in the pool with you is the only place I can swim why is that because I don't like Riptides and sharks and mainly sharks let me get back to doing what I was doing okay making sure no one's peeing in the pool I got behind you I need to take care of that bully hey girl go from here you guys want to get that bully out of here don't you yeah I might need your help are you sure about this yes I know boys very well so just make sure you're eating this you're drinking this and I'll take care of the rest are you guys eating in the pool the only person that's allowed to eat and drink the pool is good give me that come on Lily needs a snack that one exactly according to plan hey Billy yeah what's going on live guard it's not like you could stop me you have a whistle oh yeah you're right I don't have a whistle but are those flaming hot Cheetos and Gatorade I heard if those are mixed together in your body that it actually attracts sharks well it's a good thing we're in a pool this is what I was talking about haha good thing okay girls so do you know the plan I'll stay right there and over to the other side okay and remember start as soon as I yell shark shark okay okay what are they trying to do that bully is not gonna fall for a fake shark wow Billy you drink all your Gatorade and ate all your flavored Hot Cheetos yeah just enjoying the pool by myself okay well just make sure nothing happens too oh my God oh my God what's up get out of the pool he's been the one being the pool I did not see that coming oh God we did it have fun girl power we got the bully out of the pool and we found who's been peeing in it and on that note you guys probably don't want to go in the pool today we'll see you tomorrow bye girl congratulations you figured out who was peeing in the pool you have earned this bag directing but I will take it I'm gonna take a dip in the pool oh wait no I'm not okay Bingo what's the next button pink level three is an ice cream shop get the girl to find true love and retrieve the heart and basically a master getting people to fall in love it hasn't worked on you okay I'm at an ice cream shop and I have to find the girl true love and get the heart that must be the girl hey Rebecca do you think you can help me restock the cups of course okay where do these go right under here got it the ice cream's already scooped so we should be ready to go that sounds great well well well Steph look at these ceilings you did not clean the ceilings last night these cups you need to clean up those cups I don't want dirty cups on my counters and it's your fault you better start training this new girl correctly especially if you want that vacation time and I better see clean ceilings when I get back here okay I've been working overtime for this vacation I really want to go why would you let him talk to you like that I mean all of those things you didn't even do yeah but he's my boss and whatever he says goes how do you even clean a ceiling tell me about it what is that it's a heart it keeps me calm and I'm nervous your heart that heart looks like something that we can get at along with the new merch so let us know which Z is your favorite including Rebecca that he's smiling at you oh he's a regular any stuff hey the usual one scoop of chocolate in a cone in a cup you got it you have the best memory out of everyone I've ever met no no I don't it'll be five dollars I think that guy seems like he kind of likes you oh he's just friendly I think he might have a crush I mean he might be your true love oh that's impossible why because I have a boyfriend a boyfriend I'm gonna drop this off really quick okay I'll take the order hi how can I help you oh you can't help me give me my girlfriend Pronto your girlfriend I don't know who your girlfriend is babe what are you doing here oh I'm here because there was cross on my PB J this morning oh man I'm so sorry I was working late last night and I overslept and give me some ice cream okay it's your boyfriend yeah he's really mad I messed up his sandwich he shouldn't be talking to you like that no it's my fault I messed it up CFM I cannot believe that her boyfriend talked to her that way I know if I want to beat this program I have to find her true love and I really think that guy is not it here's your vanilla cone babe I'm not gonna hold it that's a dirty napkin balance it balance the cone come on hey she doesn't have to have to here I got you oh great now there's a mess oh whoa that wrist is looking thick did you skip the gym this morning I told you I overslept whoa will you agree three a week or we don't speak and you better be ready for that vacation are you yeah I've been working overtime I told you I saved up first right now I'm kissing a girl on that vacay whether it's you or not that guy is a church yeah she should totally be with the other guy I gotta go and at least one of us is keeping my body tight okay I'm sorry but your boyfriend is a jerk he's not he's just right are you kidding me I deserve what he said what no no no you are a cat you have great qualities and if he can't see them then he doesn't deserve you quality is like what trust me come here excuse me what is your name Kyle Kyle I am trying to convince her how lucky any guy would be to have her do you have like three qualities you could say about her that you really like yeah she's funny she's smart she's kind see I should get back to work what you heard what Kyle said about you those are three great qualities that you have he's just being friendly that's not true and by the way the way your boyfriend talks to you is not okay no one should be talking to you like that he's a really great guy it just takes time to get to know him you know are you kidding me right now there are a million guys out there that would talk to you so much better why don't you just break up with him because it's not good enough okay listen no no listen that's not true you are good enough okay let me prove it to you I'll take care of all of this ice cream stuff I just want you to sit down and have a conversation with Kyle and at the end of it I want you to compare how you feel after that conversation versus how you feel when your boyfriend talks to you trust me this is gonna be so much harder than I thought she doesn't think she's good enough and I'm really hoping this conversation with Kyle will give her the confidence she needs to break up with her boyfriend and find true love this job's hard hey is it cool if I sit yeah have a seat okay Sam fam she's sitting down do you think that this is going to work um I haven't seen you on Roblox in a while yeah I've been working overtime my boyfriend doesn't really like it bummer because those worlds you created were so intricate really I've been learning a lot more about coding it's working she just put down the heart she looks like she's really into the conversation and she's smiling Little Miss napping on the job why are you sitting down no no she's on break I'm covering for her not anymore you gotta clean up these cups [Music] sit are you okay can I help you uh no no it's okay it's my fault it's not your fault here thank you Kyle is definitely her true love and I need to get her to break up with her boyfriend but first I need to build her confidence and that means standing up to her horrible boss first why would you let your boss talk to you like that especially when he blames you for things you didn't even do I don't want to get fired I need this job besides I've been working overtime for this vacation people only treat you the way you feel like you deserve to be treated I don't deserve to be treated any better than I am what are you crazy I want you to do an exercise with me okay I want you to imagine yourself at 10 years old what would happen if that boss came in and talked to that little 10 year old like the way he talks to you well I would tell him to stop talking to her like that she doesn't deserve that exactly so if that 10 year old girl doesn't deserve to be treated that way why do you know I don't so you need to stand up for yourself but I might get fired you might get fired or you might show him that he can't talk to you and treat you that way okay okay you can do this what's going on here this table's not clean We just cleaned it it's perfectly clean it is not clean you need to clean it but it's clean well look again clean it up again Steph you clean it what I said you clean it you spilled it I guess that's fair I saw your request for vacation days and I approved it yes I'm gonna go clean the ceilings oh you didn't get fired and you stood up by yourself that felt so good that was great because your boyfriend's walking in right now [Music] you can do this break up with him I hope this works Sam fam so I thought about it and you need to be in the gym six times this week or we are done I'm not gonna do that oh what was that I said I'm not gonna do that I'm breaking up with you what did you say for what were you gonna run off to a body this time are you kidding me I deserve so much better well good luck finding it get out get out there's a guy over there that I think can treat you so much better this is it I am so excited she stood up to her box she broke up with her boyfriend and now she is about to find true love and I will pass this level hey stuff I just wanted to tell you that I really like you and I wanted to thank you for always being so nice to me so I was wondering if you want to go on a date oh um no I mean why why would she still know I'm supposed to be finding her true love not today not tomorrow but maybe someday she turned him down thank you for helping me find my true love but you just turned down the tape I did but the person I love is myself I'm finally learning to love her now so thank you you love yourself I'm so happy for you and you truly deserve happiness [Music] lady put it up there okay Bingo blue blue okay level four is a dog walker you have to walk four dogs and get the golden dog collar four dogs impossible so I'm a dog walker and I have to get a gold dog collar there you are you're late you have to get all these dogs to their homes but you only have 15 minutes left I sent you all the addresses if you can do that in 15 minutes you'll get this gold dog collar don't mess it up it looks like three of them are going to one house which means I only have two locations that I have to get to this is gonna be easy come on dogs woof woof let's do this come on come on Vinny blows dogs this is gonna be her favorite level well as long as your mom can pass it come on you guys are pretty fast I really need to pass this I can't get fired oh hey baby my mom's here hey baby okay we got everyone thank you hi donkey all right little guy it's just me and you and you are four miles away I only have 10 minutes left how am I gonna do this we can just get in over we don't have to walk I'm definitely gonna pass this damn fam Uber for Rebecca yes okay perfect we are on a time crunch I don't allow dogs I told myself never again after last time hey what are we supposed to do there is no way I can get there in seven minutes okay you know what I'm gonna have to hitchhike this is impossible there's no way she can get there with the amount of time she has great I am trying to catch a ride but no one is picking me up and if I can't drive to this location of this dog's house and there's no way I can make it in time please stop hey this poor sick dog needs to get home as soon as possible do you think that we could get a ride yeah hop in thank you thank you so much for picking us up this poor sick dog only has like five minutes left for me to get there um I think I just ran out of gas no no I can't go nowhere I wish I could help you but I really have to get a job I can't get fired thank you for trying but I've gotta go good luck with everybody I'm sorry you can't walk but I have to get you home in time so I can get that dog collar okay Amazon delivery I can just convince them to drive us perfect excuse me I was wondering if you were going this route at all yeah actually that is the road oh my gosh could we have a ride there's no way I don't we'll help you with the boxes hang on hang on hello yes no I can't do more I have 50 all right hey Zam fam I don't want to have to do this but he said he can't take us and we have no other option I have to get that color I cannot believe it works now his next stop should be where his owner is so I can get that collar I just cannot let him know that we are hiding in here which means all we have to do is get out and run to his owner's house so I can get that color your house is that way we're gonna do it come on we are two miles away but I don't think I can run that fast bye bye hey hey stop I was wondering if I could have your bike okay give me 200. I don't have any if I can do I like those shoes my sister's birthday is coming up fine but I need your backpack too okay good job we have like 10 more seconds let's go right there four seconds to spare you are the dog owner uh not really I just made the whole thing up what but you do get the gold dog collar so congratulations okay well here's your dog or I'm not even sure if it's yours definitely not my dog don't growl at me blue green level five is a camp counselor you have to retrieve the medal and become camp counselor of the Year this is gonna be it is Rebecca hates camping I'm at summer this summer camp is guys only yeah with nail polish or Barbies told you not to come yeah get your pink backpack and leave what's going on they said I can't be at summer camp because I'm a girl what that's not Fair they don't think girls are good enough girls can do it what no no I'm supposed to be camp counselor of the year but I'm a girl I can't leave I have to be this level I have to think of something to do what is this campfire play costumes are you thinking what I'm thinking if I can't beat the boys I'll become a boy every time oh don't worry that's just your mom pathetic you're late to the party yeah I've been watching you arm wrestle and I was like man this is babies arm wrestling I can arm wrestle with my pinky against you guys well you think you could take my boy right here obviously get down let's do it whoa that's a nice mustache I don't want any problems yo how long did it take you to grow that I shaved this morning now get down pretty boy all right listen up I'm your camp counselor today there's gonna be four challenges The Last Man Standing will be the camp Council of the year and you will win this manly medal the first challenge is archery who's ever farthest away from the bullseye is eliminated yeah let's go first up my man Jeff yeah boy oh sorry about that the guns how are we supposed to win with this new guy here to be the best the best compete against the best don't be scared little ladies not bad be dead it's gonna be easy it's not like I'm Katniss Everdeen all right let's do this in the red that's manly pretty good but it's not like it's yellow because ah Mellow Yellow well let's see how you do oh yeah I want to see how I know no no no here you go just take it yeah that's right this mustache didn't grow yesterday grew this morning right after I shaved so glad that girl's not here she won't even hit the target hey that's my sister oh no offense time for the show you boys how to hit a Target I got it oh and that's how you do it like a real man oh yeah Rebecca girl power let's go only a man could do that we instantly have a front runner in this competition of men yeah my disguise as a boy is working I might actually win this Kim counselor of the Year well he's one of us of course I am the man in the blue this little boy needs some more meat in his diet right nice job Blue's just two away from yellow right here right there man you're strong I know it's the stash really I'll put time oh no no way I wasn't ready yet oh redo men don't do redoos looks like you didn't hit the bullseye you are eliminated oh what's your mustache so good Griffin and rip it let's go what are we ripping oh you guys come on grow up so uh what do you think about your sister getting kicked out of summer camp I don't know I feel like she would have beat all of us no way she's a girl yeah she doesn't belong here yeah I'd never get bean by a girl yeah especially an archery right yeah yeah oh he just went up to you don't mess with the stash yeah okay I want to back off this is a race now the potato sack race this will determine your position in the next challenge let's do this men ready men go tonight oh yeah I'd like to thank this staff and the fact that I am a man winning this oh yeah yeah all right next challenge tug of war oh no a tug of war Rebecca did this against a 10 year old it did not go well since this man won the potato sack race he gets to pick his partner this is an important decision because if I picked the wrong partner I could be eliminated but I also want to choose someone that wouldn't judge me if they find out my true identity I'm going with this guy yeah yeah I partnered with the stash let's go whoever falls in the Slime pool is eliminated ready men Tug come on we gotta win there how are we supposed to beat the stash there's only one stash and two of us I can do this you need to not give up and pull this rope like your sister would pull when I say three are you ready one two three all right you two are eliminated you two move on to the next round that boys but that's how real men do it yeah man I need that stash final challenge survival hacks the first man to break out of his rope wins the entire competition May the best man win ready man Escape [Music] let's go oh no this could ruin everything that's not a man that's a woman wait a second that's a fake mustache you didn't grow that this morning you're a woman you're disqualified that's not fair this man wins no wait I thought camp counselor of the year was supposed to be the best she beat us at every challenge she deserves to win you're right this woman won fair and square she's the real Champion oh my gosh I got it well so this means we can start talking about our feelings now right no get back to work oh yeah mom goes right here take it off what's the next button orange orange level six is a babysitter retrieve a page from the diary of a diving about I didn't read any of those okay Ambassador this should be easy I just need to find the kids now oh good there you are I need to go run some errands but I need you to keep an eye on my daughter I don't trust her and do not let her bring any of her friends over they are trouble okay where where is your daughter she's probably in her room I'll be back in 30. easy babysitting one kid God fist oh there she is hey you must be Lexi you must be my babysitter since obviously my mom doesn't trust me oh no no she trusts you and besides I'm like a cool babysitter like I love furry things is that like a diary yeah can I see it really no this is mine yeah I just want to see okay we're friends hey we're here to help is this the babysitter uh yes and I got Specific Instructions that you can't have people over when she's gone you guys probably have to go sorry we'll see how long she lasts how long what no no buddy Rebecca has to babysit a spoiled brat and she invited her friends this is a good example what am I going to do she is not allowed to have friends over but I do need to gain her trust so that I can get that page from her diary so you can't be that bad you know what I thought about Alexi and it's totally cool if you have your friends here in fact here let me just hang out what you guys Snapchatting about you pick talking do you want to play a game with us no I'm down let's do this we need your phone oh yeah let's go you ready yep go go with this game like an AI thing okay they destroyed her phone they're lucky I am not in there I would bust some schools why did you do that Lexie did you like that let's just go watch a movie okay no I'm gonna need a new phone but right now I have to figure out a way to get that diary you're talking now's my chance to sneak it so weird I don't even get it I know yeah he just goes on and on about the most random things for real like we're in math class and he's talking about history Rebecca hey Lexi did you just try to take her diary no no no I was stretching you guys as you get older it's important to keep your limber get out of here let's go okay okay ow that Colonel hit me in my eye hey wait stop sorry Becca we were just joking oh thank goodness you gotta have some candy oh this is tell us about your day Rebecca okay well honestly I'm not supposed to be letting you guys over here right now but you guys aren't that bad and you know I just wanted to get to know you guys a little bit better do my job as an amazing babysitter and you have something on your leg what you need to go to the bathroom what is that oh my God I think I got a little nervous when my phone went in the toilet yeah for real this time what'd you think Lexi this is awkward what is this Nutella why are they pranking her they're making it harder for her to get the paint from the diary and she's running out of time you're trying to get rid of me there is no way I am leaving until I get the page in that diary so you know what no more Miss Nutella that was our pie Rebecca we were gonna eat that we're starving can you at least get us burgers in sure can I borrow your phone nothing is working I'm trying my best to get that page out of her diary but if I don't get it before her mom gets home I am not going to pass this level I just need to get her to trust me I just need to figure out how I can do that nothing's making her any better we have to keep on trying because the last prank we have is pretty epic I think it will work hey Rebecca hey where is Lexi in the bathroom like brushing her hair see are you crying no no I just got something in my eye you know I might have messed up your pie sorry about that but these burgers are delicious eat up can you get us some water anything as long as he trusts me someone grab something I'm not a server right now okay we've got our water we've got our Burgers now eat up can I tell you something yeah what I actually am kind of starting to like you you're a really cool babysitter that means so much to me I'm so happy that you're starting to trust me I want to prove to you how trustworthy I am let's just eat um [Music] you know what we're not really hungry anymore you could just meet us by the pool Rebecca I'm pretty sure see Burgers but I must though did you hear that she trusts me I think I'm getting closer to getting to that diary exam fam what do you guys do let's do a diary well actually starting to trust you and so are we so we're thinking about letting you into our friend group I am in you can trust me as a babysitter they're letting her into the friend group she's gonna get the page from the diary but to be in our friend group you have to go through this special secret ritual Count Me In what do I have to do you're gonna turn around and face us three steps back one two three for your eyes closed yep three two one let's go inside it's a diary I can finally pass this level I just need to get a page dear diary I'm still really sad about breaking up with Kevin it's been really hard but at least my friends are here to cheer me up and take my mind off the breakup is that why she's been acting this way she must be so what are you doing did you read my diary I did and I'm supposed to take a page from it but I can't listen breaking up with someone especially your first love it is literally the hardest thing he broke up with me he doesn't deserve you I feel so bad for her she's not a spoiled brat her friends would just there to cheer her up here's your diary thank you what are you I don't I told no friends until you had them over I knew that I can entrust you you are grounded no no it was me I invited her friends over she knew nothing about it this is your first and last time babysitting my daughter and you are not getting paid thanks you didn't have to do that no problem here [Applause] are you sure I'm over him anyways thanks for being a good babysitter I got the page that was a lot harder than I expected thank goodness you got out of there that Mom seemed terrible what color we're running out of time blue okay level seven is a waitress solve the mystery and get the necklace okay so if I solve this mystery we can get zadie out of the program okay so I'm in a restaurant and I have to find a necklace what are you doing just standing there do something oh don't listen to her she's been here so long she thinks she owns the place hey hey hey hey somebody served table tennis I want her out of here special order table number ten can you take table 10 I'm slammed sure I'm sorry but it's just not gonna happen here you guys go what a pretty necklace it's beautiful you could never afford it and enjoy your meal did you see that that's the necklace I have to get oh my God never did took my necklace it's worth ten thousand dollars it's a murder mystery and that's my best friend Sean Travis what are you doing here Daniella what are you doing here I work here I think it was poison with a deadly weapon the chef definitely did it of course he's the only one with a knife but whoever it was was wearing gloves I felt it on my neck look the doors are locked and the Killer is still here complete the challenges or the consequences will be severeign thank you oh who is she anyway it's my new girlfriend yeah he upgraded how long you've been working here anyways it's been a week you better not have taken her necklace I didn't before and I didn't now whoever did this is definitely wearing gloves and I want to get my necklace back there's another page there's a map to different challenges it says complete the challenges or the consequences will be severe if we don't complete these challenges then we might die challenge one is over there well challenge one first Define the spatula wins I have to find that spatula where do you think it is so we have to get that necklace whoever killed customer is definitely the one with the necklace we gotta get out of here around next where's the spatula I'm gonna go check the freezer okay you do that there's no way there's a spatula here I know every inch of this place I'm scared your ex is gonna kill me next don't worry babe I'm not gonna let anything happen to you stay right here look for the spatula where's the spatula you guys I have to be the first step where is this I found it I found the spatula you found the spatula yeah where's my girlfriend girlfriend I don't know where is she oh no no no no no it was you she knew this would happen it was you I didn't kill her where's the shop dead body goodbye oh no it looks like she was poisoned just like the other one you obviously killed her I was in the freezer the chef was in the kitchen where that waitress died Rebecca accused him and finish this level you definitely killed my girlfriend and YouTube never got along you could have killed both of that I bought my necklace back you can't do that you can't just keep making accusations we need proof we need to keep going Challenge number two is that way and hopefully no one else dies damn Fam I'm really nervous right now I have no idea who the Killer is but I have to find out who it is and get that necklace or I don't pass this level challenge two don't choose the wrong straw everyone must take turns sipping from one straw or else no there's no way I'm doing this there's a chance we could drink poison why because you're the killer I'm not the killer my bosses what are you talking about it says or else we're obviously gonna get killed if we don't who wants to go first all right fine step side step aside [Music] it's hot but this is not poison the chances of us getting the poison are going up right now I better give her my best Jab it's carbonated beverage of course you didn't get the poison I bet you the chef prepared these drinks oh sour Gatorade who's left just you and me do you want to just go at the same time one two three sour oh my gosh that is like lemon joke oh no she gets a poison all right we need to keep going where's the mat another person just died Challenge number three is that way I still don't know who the Killer is I really hope I can figure this out and find out where that necklace is it looks like this is spill your guts or fill your guts you have to pour milk into one of these coffee cups and whatever food it says you have to eat or you have to reveal a secret about someone in this group I'll go first please don't be something gross dead box I'm gonna eat it oh gosh it's fine oh that's disgusting oh I feel like a reptile I get bugs there's no way I'm eating that say raw octopus oh no way I'll reveal a secret someone here is a collector of fine jewelry that explains why somebody stole my necklace okay who's up I'll go move over whoa Pizza cupcake bon appetit oh is it good I wouldn't even serve this as someone I want dead you should know by now I'm not eating anything disgusting then we're gonna reveal more secrets chicken feet absolutely not person who died is the son of someone who works here and he doesn't even care how is your son that died it's my best friend the boy that died was the owner's son and he was kind of cute it's my turn now I will eat anything I will tell any secret I don't care I'm just glad to be alive eliminate it what's going on obviously you lost let's keep moving where's the map he died next challenge looks like the next challenge is that way let's go this is McDonald's food versus restaurant food there are two burgers in front of us and we have to decide which one is from the restaurant and which one's from McDonald's all we can do is take a bite if you guessed wrong you're out winner gets to make an accusation I'm a chef I was made for this point to the Burger you think is from McDonald's easy dry tough and disgusting lift up your plates yes you're out I guess dinner was served now it's french fries eat up hey oh no oh no did someone die everyone's alive okay well what about the chef the chef I'm right here I guess we just continue the challenge I still don't know killer is but if I don't win this Challenge and I'm not gonna be able to get that necklace these ones are saltier okay hey don't kill him no no no what do we do gotta keep playing the winner gets to make an accusation it wasn't me I promise it was not me okay choose McDonald's fries you're out if you're wrong yeah we both got it now it is milkshakes [Music] I think the McDonald's is definitely the orange one green Rebecca wins she gets to make the accusation it is time for me for me to make my accusation now most of the people died from Poison but I'm gonna have to say that you you are the killer I saw sneak past Danielle and go into the kitchen for the other waitress was killed and then I saw you use the back entrance to kill Travis's girlfriend when the lights went off in the coffee competition you were conveniently on the edge which made it very easy for you to go and kill the boss and finally I saw some green liquid right next to your finger coincidentally right after Travis died I think that you are the one who killed Sean in the beginning and I think you fake taking your necklace bravo bravo you figured it all out didn't you well I was trying to buy this place and you know what happened when I asked he said no so here you go little missy happy now I did it don't even think about it what's the last and final button gold gold let me do the pattern orange pink blue green orange blue I mean any second where's Maddie I knew we couldn't trust her now we're trapped in here with zadie Sadie's out too she's just trapping the two of us damn this is bad we're okay how did you guys get out before us I have no idea zamfam I don't know how we did it but we survived every summer job make sure that you are subscribed and click and watch this video right here I still don't understand how you guys got out before us
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 16,871,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surviving, summer, first, job, in real life, daughter, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: m8E4lyNIeCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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