DAUGHTER Comes Back AFTER 10 YEARS, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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uh leah honey i was thinking maybe that we could adoption will i want to have my own my own blood i'm not willing to give up yet i get that and i really want that as well but you heard what the doctor said maybe this is the only way just please consider it family doesn't require blood it requires love [Music] oh hi can i help you does will lancaster live here um it depends who might you be i think i'm his daughter [Music] hi sweetie what's your name josie josie franklin well it's very nice to meet you josie but i think there's been a little bit of a mistake you used to date my mom jamie she said she never told you about me jamie franklin wow that's been over a decade uh how old are you josie i'm 10. i'm gonna go i want to sit down i'm gonna need to sit down just give us a sec okay um just stay right there [Music] will what is going on the timing makes sense i mean she could be mine who wasn't jamie your crazy ex-girlfriend who always used to use you yeah i know and i haven't seen her in years where's your mom did she bring you here we were living on the streets and she passed away recently she told me my dad's name right before so i looked it up on the library computer well why don't you come inside come on in and and wash up the bathroom's right over there and we have plenty of towels what are you doing we don't know this girl you can't just let her into our home well what are we supposed to do just put her back in the streets she's a kid even if she gets help she'll be in foster care until she's 18. look if josie's my daughter i can't let that happen to her what if she's not she could be lying her mom could be lying she could be a total stranger i know that this sounds crazy okay i get that and that's totally unexpected but i feel responsible for that little girl all right so let's just do whatever we can to help or at least find her a good home hey are you hungry yeah do you like pasta according to police records jamie franklin is presumed dead without her mother it will take some time to get approval for a dna test uh so what can we do now well we can take her in or maybe we can sign you up for temporary custody i really don't want her going through the system so we can take her in i mean for now [Music] we're trying to have a kid so maybe this is universe you know giving us a test run just to be clear will this is only temporary i can help you get started with the paperwork meanwhile i'll try to find other family she may have please as soon as possible you've got a bad feeling about all of this this one's cute why don't you try on these and then meet us out here okay all right come on then you always want to do this take out a little princess make her look cute and take her to disneyland and get matching outfits yeah with my own daughter not with some girl i don't even know well while we have her can we just make her feel comfortable okay please three hundred dollars a ten-year-old girl does not need a purse this expensive well i did not realize it was that expensive [Music] look it's okay it's not a problem look she's never had stuff like this in her whole life i mean remember what she was wearing when we found her just because you're a lawyer and you make great money it doesn't mean you need to spend so much wow you look great this is perfect let's get this one do you like it leah me yeah you look beautiful i love your bracelet can i get one like that oh sweetie that's a very expensive bracelet but we'll save that for another time okay can i wear this out now i don't see why not but why don't you try on the rest of your outfits okay now she wants a bracelet she's just a little kid you know she doesn't know any better [Music] [Music] uh is that what you wanted yes thank you i love it hey guys have either of you seen any jewelry laying around i'm missing something from my box no i haven't i haven't seen your bracelet either how did you know it was my bracelet that was missing oh uh i just figured it was because you wear it the most interesting so you wouldn't mind me taking a look in your backpack hey josie why don't you take this and set it up in your bedroom and i'll be there in a few okay why would you ask her that you basically are accusing josie of stealing your bracelet don't you find it a little suspicious that she knew exactly what was missing without me saying anything it was a wild guess look i mean can you just please ease up she's just a kid what are you doing just making sure see i told you she didn't steal anything do you feel better now i will feel better once i find my bracelet do you ever consider there's other possibilities besides our daughter being a thief our daughter is that what you're calling her now you haven't even gotten your dna results back yet okay well regardless of that family doesn't just require blood i'm gonna go find my bracelet first stop bookside elementary all right there josie oh i want to be in trial and lea is going to be picking you up after school leah yes i know it isn't as good as your other bracelet but you can wear this until you find it i made it for you [Music] you made this for me wow thanks i'm so sweet of you you're welcome that's so nice josie all right well you don't want to be late have a great day at school bye bill bye mia how cute is that i have to say she's growing on me she's so sweet it's just hard to believe that she's jamie's kid but then again maybe she does have my blood and that would make a lot of sense we'll see gosh i feel so bad now i'm sorry for how i've been treating her i guess deep down i just feel sad because seeing josie is a reminder that we can that i can't hey it's okay it's okay i understand and i'm sorry that i rushed you into this whole thing you know and without even seeing how you felt oh my gosh some man just took josie what let's go who is he i don't know but i'm gonna find out just wait a sec it looks like they know each other she's giving her the demise switch why would she do that and the purse my bracelet i told you she took my bracelet i knew it that's it i'm gonna go confront them and wait a sec i'll be smart about this do you still have friends at the police station we should go there and talk to them and see what they have to say go from there i just knew there was something off about her i can't believe it i trusted her i should have listened to you [Music] we have to leave in five minutes oh and will i need the cash for the new bank account okay sure let me go get that are you done sweetie 500 right yeah i'm just gonna grab my purse then we can go all right sounds good oh i need to grab my watch okay sweetie so wait right here [Music] okay you ready to go all right don't forget your bag [Music] let me get that for you ladies all right is this all for you uh oh i love it let's get this one too mark you hurt the lady gotcha doesn't mommy look pretty sweetie alrighty that brings your total to about 6 17.89 you could uh excuse me one moment we don't have to change for these big bills up here [Music] okay this is good josie but we're gonna need more next time okay can you do that for us baby yeah the guy's a lawyer i bet he has so much fun that he won't even notice how much longer do i have to do this i don't like stealing from them they've been really nice to me this isn't about being nice josie don't forget the plan what's going on ma'am i'm gonna need you to change out of that dress what why she looks great in that thing you guys are coming with me you're using counterfeit bills wait there's no way that what did you do i don't know what's going on i swear come on you can explain this all to the cops they're on their way i swear officer this we didn't do anything wrong then how do you explain this counterfeit money huh we got it from someone else someone paid us with it that this is all one big misunderstanding you're not gonna believe this she's been presumed dead and he has a bunch of warrants out for his arrest [Music] come on now take it easy [Music] this is your fault she didn't do anything you fell for our trap should have known it was you behind us the whole time always finding ways to use me but this is a new low i have no idea what you're talking about let me give you some advice uh the next time that you're using a kid to scam someone make sure that your idiot boyfriend doesn't pick them up in front of their school i would never do that to my daughter technically she's not your daughter she's in our custody because you died remember i was going to clear that up you can't prove that i did anything wrong you're wearing the evidence well i wouldn't have to do this if he wasn't such a deadbeat dad he owes me 10 years of child support i never even knew that josie existed how do i owe you money for not even knowing that i had a daughter i'm not actually your daughter she told me to lie so that she can make money out of you i'm so sorry well this does complicate things seeing as how the mother is alive we're gonna have to take her into custody as well just so we sort this out come on let's go follow us it's okay [Music] well i guess you don't have to worry about josie [Music] look i'm sorry that i didn't listen to you [Music] i didn't bother to take my watches you see anything missing yeah my ps5 is gone did i take anything else no i don't think so why why would somebody just break into what's wrong nothing i'm fine how was your day good um i have a surprise for you oh yeah what's in the bag oh this too but first josie hi i don't understand what's going on well i thought about what you said about family doesn't require blood it only requires love and we're adopting josie that is fantastic josie welcome to the family again thanks and i'm so sorry oh no no sweetheart that was not your fault we know what happened i have a gift for you really we're going to disneyland oh so cute thanks leah thanks will [Music] if you want you could call us mom and dad i'd love that [Music] where's dad's ears uh right oh there's my ride i'm so sorry i'm late poor emmy's been sitting here waiting all by herself hi i'm a caseworker with cps child protective services seriously we received a complaint if you're such a great mother then you have nothing to worry about
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 18,436,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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