MEAN GIRL Humiliates QUIET TEEN, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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i once was lost but now i am found was blind but now i see great job everyone oh everyone come on over here we have a new student joining us this is clara she just transferred here look at those thick glasses what a dork you want to help the cast get to know you a little bit better why don't you tell us a little fun fact about yourself oh no dear that's okay i remember what it's like to be the new girl and i'm sure you'll warm up to us soon enough i have a question yes yes how is she going to sing if she can't even speak [Music] i'm sure she has a beautiful voice and it doesn't matter how well you sing if you have a bad attitude [Music] why didn't you go and stand over there with the sopranos now everyone let's take it again from the top one two three four [Music] [Music] i don't even understand why you're in this class [Music] like i didn't even want to go you never show up i know oh my gosh but yeah i'm so excited for the showcase are you gonna audition for the solo again is that even a question [Music] dustin's just the dreamiest you've been in love with him since forever yeah he's just perfect omg he's coming this way how do we look hey dustin oh hey megan what's up uh not much we were just talking about the upcoming showcase you should come if you're not busy yeah uh that sounds cool i'll let you know yeah yeah cool do you have any idea how perfect it would be if he came he's never heard me sing before yeah it would just be amazing i am so sorry i i should have been watching where i was going uh can i buy you something else it's okay five second rule five second rule i like that by the way i'm i'm dustin what's your name clara clara cool oh i'll see you around claire looks like you might have some competition what are you talking about i'm not worried about her she's basically a mute you have to talk for someone to like you anyway i was thinking now who can give me the name of the character who delivered shakespeare's famous speech friends romans countrymen [Music] megan excuse me would you care to join us or are you going to keep scrolling on your phone seriously hand it over you can have it back at the end of the day now that i have your full attention do you know the name of the character who delivered the famous speech friends romans countrymen uh romeo um not even the same play [Laughter] anthony i'm sorry claire what was that uh anthony that's correct good job [Music] look at that she speaks she can say one word um maybe you need to focus on passing my class instead of teasing clara speaking of passing my class don't forget that you all have midterm presentations coming up you each need to evaluate and give a speech on a short film of your choosing okay [Music] oops sorry [Music] you know what you're right let's do the other one yeah all right that clara girl is starting to annoy me girl she barely says anything she doesn't need to hey megan i was uh i was checking that date seems like i don't have a game that day so i'll be at the showcase really that's awesome yeah i'm excited to see you perform [Music] excited to see you perform he's totally into you gosh i can't believe he's actually coming hey clara are you you in choir so you're going to the showcase right well sweet i'll i'll actually be there why is he talking to her again call me crazy but i think he may be into her yeah right as if that would ever happen i mean guys have all different types like i wouldn't be surprised dustin is finally noticing me i need to make sure that this isn't going to be a problem what are you going to do i mean you already tried to humiliate her that's it what i'll fill you in later sorry i gotta go uh hey clara hey uh do you have any plans after school today um want to come over to my house do you know practice choir i feel like we started off on the wrong foot i'm sorry for how i treated you how about we try being friends [Music] so how did you like your first day of school it was okay you never say much do you gosh i wish i had that problem i never stopped yapping did you meet anyone interesting today like any boys i couldn't help but notice you were talking to dustin he's kind of cute don't you think it seemed like he was into you do you know how you can really impress him by singing at her upcoming showcase oh i don't know i don't think i'm ready sure you are and i can even help you practice here why don't you give it a try now no next year yeah now silly and don't be shy it's just you and your new bf is it okay if i call myself that um [Music] but you know how you can make it sound really good if you held your nose and you sang with vocal fry like this amazing [Music] grace are you sure oh trust me it's the new thing everyone will love it come on would best friends ever lie to each other no exactly now try it ah amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me yes that was perfect let's try again and grace will lead us home and grace will lead us all righty now let's try some solos um [Music] clara i know you haven't been here very long but why don't you give it a shot um don't be nervous just do what we worked on amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me okay um not bad for your first time thanks clara that's okay i thought you sounded great who would like to go next um can i go sure go ahead naked [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound not saved or wretched like me beautiful as you would anyone else like to go after her no thank you all right i guess there's no question megan you'll be our lead singer again this year for the showcase okay thank you oh and i have one question is it okay if clara joins us well my only worry is she hasn't had enough time to practice oh that's okay i can help her prepare please very well then i'm sure with your help she'll be ready [Music] so [Applause] what are you doing with that you know dairy's terrible for your voice you can't drink that before you sing and it's chocolate that's literally the worst you think i don't know that this isn't for me this is for clay rod i don't understand remember i said i figured out a way to humiliate her in front of dustin tonight's the night not only is she bad as it is after i have her drink this she'll be even worse dustin will never talk to her again but she's not the one with the solo she will be [Music] oh clara [Music] [Music] okay everyone i'll do the intro curtains open in lesson five oh there you are i've been looking all over for you i got you a little something special to celebrate her first showcase together uh isn't milk bad for your voice no where did you hear that milk is great for your voice i drink it before every performance thanks drink it fast we're about to stardon oh no my throat feels really sore i don't know if i could do this solo i may need you to sing for me oh no i can't do that yes you can just remember what we practiced up megan [Music] good evening everyone tonight we have megan rogers leading the program are you sure well there's been a slight change of plans we have claire martin opening for us come on don't be shy [Applause] [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved our wretch like me i once was lost [Music] but now i see [Music] my heart to fear and raise my fears [Music] that grace [Music] [Applause] see [Music] [Applause] so you see this is why i chose to review darman because his videos show that you should never judge a book by its cover that was excellent clara does anybody have any questions for her dustin no questions but i did want to say that presentation was amazing thanks hey i was wondering if you're not doing anything later she won't come watch me play ball i don't get what you even see in her she's so quiet are we talking about the same claire here she would not stop talking when we hung out yesterday you guys [Music] hung out and she said more than three words you know quiet people are actually talkative but only around the right people wow you said full sentence i'm shocked i'm sorry i took your spot as lead soloist on the team but thanks for trying to help me bff you want to have lunch together that that sounds good after you megan megan i forgot to give this to you better look next time [Music] oh hey watch it i'm so sorry you wear wig hey is gonna cry say cheese hey buddy you're famous why are you doing this to me
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 8,794,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: DEYm3Kgpx1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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