✨ Text To Speech ✨ ASMR Cake Storytime || @BRIANNA GUIDRYY || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #127

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huh Mommy I got 1 000 years don't say that so loud come on we're leaving no one can ever know how many years you have put it to private immediately hey girl why do you always keep your ears on private I just don't see the need to share it that's all he probably has no years left that's why Jake don't be mean hey Mom my ears are still going up it's almost at 3 000. can you tell me why it's such a bad thing don't ever mention this to me again now go to your room everyone Reveal Your years immediately who are these guys the legend has it that the girl who receives over thousands of years in her lifetime is the long lost princess honey reveal your letter wait I want to get it on video are you recording I am reveal it sweetie and f f must mean for failure Steven be nice keep this on at all times no one can know your letter Mommy I don't want to wear this I look silly you have to wear it okay why do you always wear that headband you look ridiculous I just like it take it off I need to see where you stand in the hierarchy don't I said take it off move your hand that must stand for failure you must be the lowest ranking in the hierarchy how embarrassing you got an F wait did I just hear you got an F F's are actually very special Brianna can you come with me for a minute there's something really important you should know I can't wear these anymore you have to smile or I'm going to put the clothing pins back on okay okay honey you know I'm doing this because I love you right if you get caught not smiling you'll be executed ah you made me fall sorry I think I broke my leg you're not smiling we have a code red hurry smile you look so beautiful when you smile babe well that's that's all we're allowed to do so my mother was just executed baby they're not smiling smile I can't believe she's gone baby they're watching hurry up smile baby smile we've got a code red what are these hearts on my face for Mom the hearts represent how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soul mate when they fall in love you lose a heart what's the gold heart for I represent your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soulmate falls in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your life what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never gonna happen I'm a loser you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's that fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't snort I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart [Music] you really do love me makeover's working great hey Bree stop if you want to hit boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore Brianna look at this insect I found clown let me see Brianna tell him Kevin I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I'm trying to get boys to fall in love with me so I can't be seen with the weird guy I really hope that getting boys and being popular is worth losing who you are so after class we'll go looking for the next guy Brianna don't wear your glasses I can't see anything why do I have to change everything about myself to get boys to like me why can't I just beat me Brianna wait this is just so boys will fall in love with you so you can find your soul mate once you find your soulmate you can go back to being yourself again and who's the same my soulmate's going to love me for who I am no one else does Brianna you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new ah you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoa is everything okay here little man yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover's working great hey Bree stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore plus another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you or his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop we don't like it when you cry I don't I don't care about Jam I'm in love with Kevin it's Kevin more important than your soul mate he is then go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia if you're happy and you know it clap your hands I'm not doing it I'm not happy if you hear if you're happy and you know it you must do whatever she says happily if you don't do what she says with a smile you'll die scary if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet it's 7 A.M bro it's too early for this uh oh Chad wasn't happy and you know it John Renee are you okay I know Chad was your boyfriend if you're happy and you know it cuts your hair I love cutting my hair so happy so happy no my beautiful hair oh Britney wasn't happy and you know it if you're happy and you know it push someone down the stairs if you're happy and you know it kill your teacher with this apple apple look in your pocket Miss Applewood I got you an apple because you're my favorite teacher are you hungry thank you you can just leave it on the desk Brianna Miss Applewood you've been working really hard you should really take a bite okay I will I am a little hungry it's actually pretty where's Miss Applewood class started 10 minutes ago if she's not here in 15 minutes legally we can wait if you're happy and you know it throw your pen at Eugene oh why would you is it just me or are we getting a lot more happy and you know it's recently I'm not I've only gotten one today Brianna you know if you're getting a lot of happy and you know it's it means they're trying to eliminate you right if you're happy and you know it clap your hands if you're happy and you know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you're alive if you're happy and you know it put your hands in the air principal Stevens you're alive yes I'm alive and I know what you did I saw it all in the security footage my boy's gone because of you time to get my revenge look a woman in a bikini where if you're happy and you know it stomped your feet you lied to me there wasn't a woman in a bikini revenge is gonna be sweet honey are you okay come with me Mom what are you doing here mom please take me home I'm scared the Happy and You Know It game is trying to eliminate me yes I know surprisingly you're a lot harder to eliminate than I expected sweetie you help run happy and you know it if you're happy and you know it give your mom a hug I thought you said you have a government job this is my government job uh oh you didn't complete your happy and you know it so how was the kiss it was all right thanks professor only two more to go and then I can finally meet my soul mate good luck Brianna who's next on your list Eugene that'll be easy he's such a nerd Hey Eugene basically in quantum physics what do you want wanna kiss I don't know I'm kind of out of your league Eugene just give me a chance please please I guess just don't tell anyone I don't want anyone finding out about this trust me neither do I think Eugene you're so mad only one more to go kids in a thousand people is a lot of work I only had to kiss 10. I have to kiss Jason so he's my best friend I'll make things weird Jason may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soul mate when you kiss Steph I received a lit Mark right after okay just don't tell Stephanie what are you doing why were you trying to kiss my boyfriend it's not what it looks like Steph he might be my soul mate we've been best friends for 10 years and you'd really just go behind my back like that go ahead kiss him I wish the best for you too Steph so should we still kiss yes Steph already hates me and I need to know the truth [Music] Chad you're so funny Steph I Brianna say that I'm not mad at you anymore I'm with Chad now [Music] it's Steph bye Brie I'm heading home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I have him received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we just had our first kiss wow that is so great I gotta go good morning Steph you haven't received a lit Mark yet I guess Jason's not your soul mate even if Jason's not my soul mate I'm still going to be with him maybe I just haven't received my lip Mark yet maybe uh oh you received another lip Mark looks like your soulmate kissed another girl yeah I guess he has Jason may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soul mate when you kiss Steph I received a lit Mark right after okay just don't tell Stephanie what are you doing honey [Music] uh oh you got a mark five mistakes and you're out out like yes exactly two plus two Brianna what's the answer um I can't answer it I don't want to make a mistake I know the answer it's three that was Timmy's fifth mistake five mistakes and you're out we're gonna hold this what is wrong with you why did you give that to me to hold when I wasn't ready chill out it's no big deal no no I can't chill out I need two marks now three more and I'm out giving her that to hold was a mistake what how is that a mistake was it a mistake Brianna if you agree I'll take away one of your marks no you go to mark that means someone 's always you can good idea hey you have a mark on your face hi my name is Brianna nice to meet you I'm Johnny it's not you excuse me excuse me hi my name is Brianna nice to meet you I'm Eugene it's not him I'm glad that you're not my soul mate I am way out of your league anyways what Brianna how'd it go find your soulmate today not good I couldn't find him someone in the school is my soulmate I just need to figure out who guess you'll have to try again tomorrow yeah hey what where you're going Dory my nose your soulmate candy cane no don't eat it you need it to find your soulmate only your soulmate's candy cane will match with yours making a heart but every year you'll only be given the candy cane for the month of December one month to find my soulmate every year yes so you better get looking hi Bree Jimmy let me see your candy cane let's see if we're soul mates does it match no too big you broke my candy cane it's finally the month of December it's time to look for our soul mates this year is going to be the year I found my soulmate I just know it Jake let me see your candy cane is it a match it's too small Size Doesn't Matter in this case it does what it's December 31st already and I still haven't found anyone that matches my candy cane hey Bree I'm having a New Year's party everyone's invited want to come through New Year's party that's a perfect place to meet your soul mate the leader for today everyone they're choosing the leader for today I hope it's me it's me that means you all have to follow what I do or you die Timmy you'll be a good leader right you won't make anyone do anything terrible begin your exam oh I don't want to write my exam everyone take your exam paper crumple it up and throw it in the garbage what no no I need straight A's I have to write this exam Eugene you have to follow whatever the leader does or you'll die no I have to get into Harvard I have to write everyone stop we're doing 100 jumping jacks Jimmy why one two one hundred Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader 100 Timmy that was a lot of jumping jacks maybe we should all drink water no there's no time for that we're going to rob a bank they're changing the leader the no leader no way I'm the new leader everyone let's touch the top of the lockers Kayla no you know I'm too short to reach the top of the locker exactly Timmy You're the Reason Eugene's dead he was the love of my life now this is what you get enough everyone we can all put our arms down now who am I going to get revenge on next I know you're hurt but another person dying isn't going to take away your pain looks like you're next Brianna everyone we're going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does everyone we're going to cut off a chunk of our hair what no I love my hair you must do as the leader does wait I'm going to choose a piece from the back hurry up okay I really didn't think you'd actually do it Brianna they're changing the leader they're no leader no it's me so leader what are we doing now right I'm the leader okay everyone we're going to drink some Perrier water and then we're gonna have lunch everyone for lunch we are eating a peanut butter wrap Brianna no I'm deathly allergic to peanuts Kayla you have to do as a leader does it will kill you but if I eat peanut butter I'll die you'll have to try no wait mother may I ask for a truce you may try [Laughter] I don't want to truce you don't deserve it Steph was my best friend and now she's gone look I know what I did was wrong but you don't have to be like me you're better than that you're right I am better than that but don't think we're friends anymore you're dead to me [Music] yeah school's out mother may I go home school's over no you may not you may stay at school why is mother doing she's not letting anyone go home today I'm hungry I want dinner I'm starving mother may I eat my bagel you may but anyone has a chance to steal your meal Brianna stop mother may I eat this bagel and only I can eat this Bagel hmm mother may I go to sleep I'm so tired no you may not Jake Jake what do you want I was sleeping Jakey Jakey you forgot to ask mother may I oh no mother I wasn't really sleeping I was just pretending Jakey lying to mother you may die Jake you may not cry it's mother I can't keep my eyes open I'm gonna fall asleep alive I can't stay awake much longer mother may I go to sleep no you may not you may stay awake I'm exhausted if only there was a way we could stop playing mother may I mother may I stop playing mother may I you mother may I eat this bag only I can eat this Bagel hmm you may I'm so dizzy um Emma I I she's too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagel I guess you may here um you need to eat this you okay Em I'm feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you'll die [Music] all right you may live mother may I go to sleep I'm so tired no you may not full or be popular I've always wanted to be beautiful honey I always thought you were beautiful no one else thinks so Mom it's still loading ugly loser do us a favor and walk around with a bag over your head just just you guys wait I chose to be beautiful I'm going to be the most beautiful girl in the school there's no way that you could ever be beautiful I am going to be beautiful that's what I chose I'm the most beautiful girl in the school there's no way you'd ever look better than me let's make a deal when you become beautiful if you can get Chad to go to prom with you over me then I'll believe you deal I like your shirt Brianna really thank you you why is Chad talking to ugly Brianna I'll talk to you again once I'm beautiful beautiful huh it stopped loading didn't work nothing's changed to me look at these stickers they're going Brianna you killed Timmy you can never wink it's for population control it kills people I didn't know wink killer you're the one who killed my little brother Timmy 10 years ago I'm going to get revenge you better watch your back Watchers Earth oh no Emma she fell to the floor somebody help get the nurse nurse is Emma going to be all right no she's not breathing such a I can't believe Emma passed away I know it's so sad did they say what the cause of death was they figured the only way she could die so suddenly is from winking really yeah and you were the only one around Emma at that time that means you're the 100 every time someone lies to you or thirty thousand dollars I need to know who's lying to me I gotta cut out the fake people in my life hey girlie wow I love your sweater thank you [Music] oh you little what oh you have gum can I have a piece sorry that was my last piece you could just say no class we have a new student today you can go sit next to Brianna oh that's me so what's your name it's Jake where are you from Texas do you think we can meet up after school I really need help with math sure great we can go to my house is it time for school yes I think so sweetie you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf what time is it Mr Wolf it is 8 A.M it's time for school mmm lunchtime Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is what time is it Mr Wolf it is 12 p.m it's time for everybody to eat lunch except Timmy it's time for Timmy to be my lunch don't Mr Wolf please what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3 P.M it's time for me to eat you Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is hurry what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3 P.M it's time for me to eat you [Music] Brianna you need to ask Mr Wolf what time it is hurry [Music] what time is it Mr Wolf it is 3 P.M it's time for everyone to go home it's time to go home I'll see you tomorrow bestie stay safe mom I'm home I'm so hungry mom is it time for dinner what time is it Mr Wolf it is 5 p.m it's time for me to have my dinner mom where's Mommy it's time for dinner she's just sleepy why is there a timer above my head hurry you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf ask what why is there a timer above my head is he hurry you need to ask what time is it Mr Wolf ask what what time is it Mr Wolf what time is it Mr who Mr Wolf Mr Wolf oh oh looks like little ran out of time it's time to be my meal thank you [Music] go away what time is it Mr Wolf it is 9 A.M it's time for school you're late I don't care I'm not going my mom and sister are gone what what time is it Mr Wolf it is 9 A.M it's time for you to go to school I told you I'm not going now why is a pretty girl like you standing in the hallway all by herself I don't know come here Jake you did it no no it wasn't me you must have been in love with Jake and seen him kiss me broke your heart and now he's dead because of you wouldn't you be allowed near her she's dangerous hey Bree hey bestie I haven't seen you all day we can't be friends anymore everyone's judging me for being friends with someone like you you're too dangerous I'm sorry thirsty she just killed her best friend she's evil an absolute monster hey stay away from me I'm a monster you're not a monster look you have a black rose is your hair tie back seriously you're giving it back now I don't even want it anymore well you need to take it I need to fulfill all my promises and get into Harvard so no I don't want it take it okay geez thank you you're so much better than my girlfriend hey babe it's not what it looks like I was uh giving her CPR come on we're going to get married right now and then we're going to get a divorce wait but I don't want to let's go the only marks I have left is to fulfill all my promises and become famous how am I gonna become famous let's brainstorm some ideas I know I'm gonna post thirst traps on Tick Tock Brianna know how the video do did it get any views yeah a lot of views then why don't you look happy everyone's laughing at me that's my super future I wonder how that could be useful hey sis wow you straightened your hair it looks so good hey wait did you remember to unplug the straightener oh no I totally forgot Hey Brianna want to skip class with me and go to a party no and I don't think you should either who what just so you have a good future okay whatever I'm a dip oh no I'm gonna miss the bus sorry hey watch it what's my superpower today time control yes that's what I'm talking about hey sis can you say yes for me real quick uh okay pause can I borrow your car for school today yes perfect thanks since when do you have a car huh this is for kissing my boyfriend [Music] and this is for being a bad friend [Music] play oh I think my new nose job is broken oh no what happened hey baby this is what you get for cheating on me stop right there this is the time police manipulating time is a serious crime we're going to have to kill you oh me no I think it's that guy over there a four-letter word that shouldn't be too hard ugh my contacts are all blurry I can't even see now what letter should I guess next this word seems hard I don't think you'll be able to guess it okay whatever [Music] actually thank you just two more letters to go I can have three wrong answers I'm just going to guess p d blank c k come on we all know what word this is guess I okay I it's wrong I only have one guess left oh it was oh the next prize is 100k hurry give me my word oh no I don't have any words today how can I still talk honey how many words did you get today um one million wow that's a lot hey girlie have you ever tried to talk when you didn't have any words left no you can't talk if you don't have any words why are you asking oh no reason look at Jimmy over there he has no words again let's all throw pencils at him guys wait this isn't right one day it could be you that has no words left yeah but it's Jimmy that's true come with me you're being arrested for Words there worth it but I didn't feel any words no no you need to keep the handcuffs on that's it you're going to jail for life wait has anyone ever had infinite words no that's impossible then you might want to see this
Channel: Jenny EATING
Views: 191,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YuKgmY7Vc6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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