r/Iamapieceofsh!t [S2]{7}

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so what horrible memory from high school lives in your head rent free you should be 11th grade entrepreneurship business class mr breton i will never forget you i was away from school for about a week i came back to school he called me out in front of everyone in the class and pulled me out of the class to scold me for being out of his class for a week i told him i was not in your class because my sisters my baby sisters died and i took a week off of school and he told me that my baby sister's dying was not a good enough reason to miss his class and then on top of all of it he made my mom who just experienced the loss of her children call the school to prove that i was telling the truth drunk driver 32 streamed herself on facebook saying screw the police downing vodka shots just hours before she killed a cop in a hit and run then sobbed i'm sorry he's dead after her arrest wow i want to say that i'm glad that you're off the street and that you're gonna be behind bars so that you can never hurt somebody again but that's the result of you hurting someone somebody had to die for you to get caught and after your terrible action all you had to say was i'm sorry hmm i wonder if that was the alcohol talking were you if anyone knows this woman please call the police she punched my one-month-old grandson in the head and knocked him unconscious for half an hour the cops are looking for her this is her there is also a picture of the child but i'm not gonna share that it's pretty terrible he has a giant bruise and welt on his face after literally getting punched by this creature i can't think of any reasons why someone would need to punch a baby but after giving a good look at this person's profile picture and the picture of them being arrested you need to be a full tilt idiot and a 100 nobody to feel justified in your decision to punch a baby remembering waco in the 17 innocent lives lost including 25 children february 28 1993. no great loss they probably would have grown up to be trump supporters imagine lacking so much tact and so much self-awareness that you think posting something like this is remotely appropriate are you seriously advocating for the death of people who disagree with you politically and to make this even darker you're advocating for the death of people who potentially will disagree with you these kids couldn't grow up and voice their opinion because they were too busy being set on fire by the fbi and atf both government organizations that to this day have yet to apologize for what happened they straight up blame the branch davidians for their own deaths when there is ample amount of information proving that that entire situation the whole siege was a botched situation and there were many opportunities where those 25 kids and the 76 individuals stuck in the compound could have survived anyway with all that being said it's still disconcerting to know that there's many people on twitter and just multiple social media platforms who speak directly like this individual who hold these values simply because another group of people disagrees with them you won't believe this race dog tests positive for meth trainer disqualified this dude was apparently giving meth to his racing dogs to make them run faster who thinks to themselves i'm going to give my dog methamphetamine just so that you can get an edge on a race are you serious i would assume that the dog would just die let alone run faster so not only are you abusing your animals but you're cheating as well it really begs the question what tests did they have to do to find out that these dogs were given meth is this a common thing in dog racing man busted at jfk with 35 live finches inside hair curlers i think in all societies people recognize that animal poachers are the worst it's one thing to be an animal poacher it's another thing to be a bad animal poacher what made this guy think that no one was going to notice a bunch of bird skeletons pop up on the x-ray while he's being processed through the airport and even if it's not that detailed there is going to be heat signatures around this dude's waist and ankles that scream he's smuggling something this dude is smuggling something and that's exactly what it was this guy is so dumb and hey i love dumb animal poachers it makes it so much easier for everybody to save the animals and now those birds won't potentially suffocate and die inside of a hair curler telling him it's okay to vent so i can use his lows against him in the next argument i'm happy to say that most of humanity is filled with very kind people people who have ethics and morals and understand that if someone opens up to you it means that they trust you and they maybe are bringing that up to seek some help and then there's the people like you who ruin it for everyone else it's the reason why most people don't open up it's the reason why most men keep stuff locked up they don't say anything because they're afraid the one woman they're talking to the one woman that they trust is gonna use their traumas against them in an argument and that's gotta be the cruelest thing ever for the girls and women who are watching this video right now you guys have been sharing your emotions with each other and other people for your whole lives you've encountered snakes like this and you've learned how to deal with it you can bounce back when you encounter somebody who is this vindictive from the guy perspective from the male perspective not many of us can deal with that opening up and taking on that vulnerability is uncharted territory for a lot of men and women like this can break a guy down and make him never speak his emotions again a dude will move on maybe even start a whole family and his future wife will ask herself why he doesn't open up why won't he share his feelings and his struggles with me this is why he will never do it again bubba disapproves so those fish are all dead right now uh goldfish her freshwater fish and she released them into the ocean what are you thinking buddy and goldfish or fresh water you know what happens when you put a goldfish in ocean level salt water their gills basically get fried up and they die a horrible death so one you didn't rescue them you killed them painfully and even if you did release them into a freshwater system they're extremely invasive you do not release goldfish into the wild they're menace and by rescuing them you're literally giving money to the business that you had to rescue them from you're like you're financially supporting the bad practice so like every aspect of that video is wrong mom influencer katie sorensen faces six months in jail after going viral with fake tale of latino couple trying to snatch her kids yeah let's waste the police department's time just for instagram clicks yup that sounds like a great idea the lengths people will go for some digital clout will always surprise me because there's never a ceiling to this stuff there's always going to be someone going above and beyond to net a few thousand likes on instagram and as a result these stories will only ever get more outlandish beloved one-legged turkey stolen from indiana animal rescue why is why you're not gonna get anything for the turkey there's not like there's a ransom for the turkey it's just a local turkey that's disabled that people happen to care about i'm certain someone just kidnapped the bird just so they could eat it because they think that's funny i'm almost certain that that's what's going down like oh let's eat the bird that everybody cares about because we're so edgy and cool when in reality people are just sad that a disabled turkey is now lost like seriously nobody's laughing there's a legitimate news segment about you because you stole an animal from an animal shelter dear oak park resident i'm really sorry for taking your flowers out of your garden all the grocery stores ran out and i literally went to six different stores i'm tired and my mom is waiting put myself in my shoes alright before you decide to be upset happy mother's day so you were at least aware that you were wrong in what you did right to the point where you made this goofy little quirky post on facebook instead of just going up to the person's doorstep and maybe paying them for the roses i'm sure people would understand like hey it's mother's day you have roses if i can slide you like 20 bucks can i get some somebody will understand your play and will be willing to do that but no you stole instead because you're a trashy person i've made six videos about this but every single one of them has gotten taken down so i'm gonna try this again without cursing this girl who i strongly disliked posted this video which has seven million views that's mine basically she took this video from my page and put it on her page and out of context it makes me look like a horrible person because people can't click on my account and see that it's clearly fake and she's pretending that i'm her ex-boyfriend and that i'm calling her ugly and saying that she needs to wear makeup which i never i don't even know her i'm upset one because she's making money off my video like my literal video that she cropped my tag off of and put on her own page like it's not like she made her own video inspired by mine it's like literally cropped out my tag and put it on her account and two i'm upset cause she keeps liking comments making fun of my like physical appearance i asked her to tell the truth and she's refusing because she says she's afraid of losing followers gasoline 16 i filled up a few canisters with regular gasoline two weeks ago to use up my harris teeter fuel perks selling in five gallon increments at eighty dollars each 16 bucks a gallon i prefer you come to west carry i will fill the gas for you if you need to take the canister i will need a 20 deposit for each canister the deposit will be returned when you return the canister delivery available at five dollars per mile the delivery fee needs to be prepaid via venmo are you serious really while people need gasoline because there's a gasoline shortage on the east coast of the united states you're really going to charge people 16 per gallon really instead of just helping people instead of just selling it at a regular price just so that people can use their cars you'd rather take advantage of this situation to make a quick buck are you serious and on top of that you're charging people for delivery like you're going to use that money to buy gasoline to recoup the miles right well that can't be true because there's no gasoline to buy so while you're delivering all of this gas you're just pocketing the delivery money it's not like you're going to use that to refill your car so you're just stealing from people this is just robbery hey kind of a late notice but do you want to get coffee in the morning oh that sounds great actually i'm actually pretty glad you asked i had a pretty shitty day today oh this wasn't meant for you ah okay my bad all good i kind of figured you know this wasn't meant for you what do you mean i mean do people actually ever ask you to do things with them like why would you think i would want to go out with you you know the conversation could have easily stopped right here but instead you chose to take a [ __ ] on somebody to bolster your [ __ ] bankrupt personality and sense of self i want to say that i don't understand why people act like this but no i completely understand i get the science behind it this is a perfect opportunity for you to be cruel to somebody else because you have to no other way can someone like you with a personality like yours be maintained if you weren't a terrible person most people wouldn't even say this much they would have been like oh yeah this wasn't meant for you and this text message was by accident that was my bad most normal people would say that but you saw this as an opportunity to take somebody else down i really hope whoever this is who had to deal with this text who had to get this response doesn't take it personally just realize that the person's only being this way because they don't value themselves they feel the need to be a bully because they know that they're inadequate in some capacity don't take it personal just move on and talk to people who actually care about you i don't even need to go anywhere i just bought it so no one else could have it i seriously hope that a stray spark or stray bullet catches the trunk of your car so you can be reminded violently reminded that it's bad to be a greedy person during a shortage but in all seriousness the people who are hoarding gas right now are going to have a serious rude awakening when they find out that gasoline evaporates very easily and it seriously doesn't keep for long that's going to be useless water in like two to three weeks so yeah there's a silver lining here people who are you know hoarding this gas during this difficult time are gonna just blow their wallets and bank accounts on fuel that they'll never use and said fuel will be useless in a few weeks time there's no way there's no [ __ ] way dude there's no [ __ ] way i ran out of gas yesterday and left my car here and i couldn't get a ride to come back and my [ __ ] wheels are gone my [ __ ] rims and tires what the [ __ ] [ __ ] me bro [ __ ] they [ __ ] everything up bro i hate thieves [ __ ] my employer paid me in crypto it rose 700 in value now he wants employees to return the crypto and accept dollars i hope you can go to court for that because no way should that be legal no way can your employer just request back that currency when it's worth more that's not how this works or at least it shouldn't work that way like if the federal reserve were to just stop printing us dollars today thereby creating deflation would this employer then go to all of his employees and request what a couple thousand dollars of their salary back because the us dollar now has more buying power that makes no sense you wouldn't do that with regular currency so why would you do that with crypto hi i couldn't help but notice that you posted your story i'm sorry to hear that hey uh what exactly are you talking about you know the post about pants not fitting anymore you must have been a lot of stress and lost so much weight you look so malnourished ah that it's not a big deal it's not stress i wanted to lose weight and i'm eating enough no need to feel sorry eat a damn burger fat phobe i was worried for you but you're a piece of [ __ ] anorexic [ __ ] are you sure that she's the piece of [ __ ] cause in this entire conversation you've been condescending you've been very rude and you called her anorexic she has yet to be rude to you once in this entire conversation it's crazy to see these people stand on a soapbox and really think that they're the best person in the room when they're the rudest and most obnoxious people that you'll ever meet the type of person to put all of their problems on society and other people because they're insecure and hyper aware of their health and their issues and they'd rather not solve them but they'd rather take the easy way out and blame everybody else one star just awful we had to put our beloved family member kuzo to sleep on november 2nd the doctor walked in and introduced himself as i will be your executioner today really after my dog was put asleep they asked you you need help carrying him out no bag no nothing my husband picked up our 96 pound terrier and proudly carried him through the lobby never mind the fact that my 13 year old daughter had to endure the horrific event you should be ashamed of yourself executioner there's a lot about this that doesn't add up the fact that you're offended that he tried to make a joke about something pretty dark the fact that you're putting down your dog this doctor attempted to make a joke so that you could laugh and everybody isn't too sad about the situation but you're also mad that he didn't give you a to-go bag for your dog that you put down you somehow care about your dog's dignity and respect for the family yet you can't manage to pick up the dog that you put down that you killed so much so that you're mad that they didn't give you a to-go bag to hold your dead animal are you serious you seem like the type to be real fun at parties huh jesus like you're attempting to ruin this person's reputation in business for doing their job all because they made a joke and didn't offer you a plastic bag so that you didn't have to carry a dead animal that you put down tell me you have a shitty mom without telling me you have a shitty mom oh i've been waiting on this one it's my time to shine so when i was 20 me and my first husband were trying to buy a house well the loan officer was like you don't need to be on this loan and i was like what why and she was like you have a lot of stuff on your credit report so i go to look my mother put all of her utilities in my name her apartments in my name her tv stuff and my name and never ever paid it then when i confronted her about it she told me that it was my problem and that i needed to figure it out while also informing me that all of her friends friends promised to pay all of the stuff that was in my name and they never did so that they need that's their problem now as well and not hers hi everyone i'm selling this flower and plant photo collection for ten dollars one star didn't realize i was ordering the collection i thought i was ordering a la latanta plant don't need photos let me give this straight the business gets a bad rating because you can't read this is etsy what makes you think that you're gonna get live plants from this platform what individual person has the logistics necessary to mail you live plants if you wanted live plants etsy isn't the place for that put a figure down really really specific edition put a finger down if you've secretly been sleeping with your best friend's boyfriend for the past three months but told her you were at the hospital visiting your aunt dying covered what the [ __ ] are you gonna put a finger down are you [ __ ] kidding me is this a joke i didn't she wasn't listening to you are you [ __ ] kidding me i had to say something on this earth day i'll be driving down the road chugging empty beer cans urinating out of doors and doing an oil change and dumping it into the mirrors waterway jesus christ attention seeking much i get it you don't care about the environment and i can tell that you haven't picked up on the memo so here it is no one gives a [ __ ] nobody cares if you care about the planet nobody cares if you don't care about the planet you know what people do care about if you do something if you actively are trashing highways and littering and polluting you're just gonna go to prison and if you are cleaning up the street if you are trying to prevent pollution congratulations that's what most people care about if you're doing something no one gives a [ __ ] about what you have to say on facebook what you're telling the world is that you're an obnoxious loser who is desperate for attention thugs who lay in wait for wheelchair-bound pensioner beat him to death for 120 pounds so 120 pounds is about 169 dollars in some change that's how much life is worth to these two people they purposefully targeted someone who was disabled who couldn't fight back and they look like they're mad that they got caught well one of them looks like they're upset for getting caught the other one looks like he's about to break out in tears because of it i really really hope that the other prisoners in that jail treat them with the same amount of compassion and care that they did with the elderly person they robbed i hope that they're treated exactly the same way i go to get this homeless lady food being nice oh she's this [ __ ] she throws this [ __ ] at me bro that's why i don't give him food what the [ __ ] bro she threw the rice on the door that [ __ ] is dirty now now i gotta clean it are you [ __ ] serious what the [ __ ] yo this [ __ ] crazy yo vegan couple banned from owning pets after feeding their severely malnourished puppies of meat-free diet look at them how did these people not know that they're harming their pets why do people treat dogs like humans dogs are pets and if you don't treat the dog like a pet you end up harming the dog like these people did and it's not like these people are giving these dogs carrots and lettuce there's dog food that's branded as vegan so the industry supports this when there's already ample amount of evidence that it's a net detriment for dogs to be vegan hey yo shout out to the most selfish couples someone was having a heart attack at roma's and the server was helping the man out and this couple started complaining about their food not being served to them immediately this next clip is of two young women who thought it was really funny to dress up as klansmen on halloween oh [Music] my response to when people in other countries get upset when the u.s government blows up their children make new ones there is something special about twitter and the people who share their hot takes on the platform these people are enthusiastic about sharing their ignorance with as many people as humanly possible they have made a sport out of proving to others how little they know about a specific situation or specific political conversation or topic whatever it is they can do it they can prove that they know the bare minimum or less this bottom of the bell curve statement is so bad and fundamentally misinformed that it's barely political it's just a cruel take that is only going to encourage people to point out how terrible she is there's no conversation being had here you're just a piece of [ __ ] who wanted a reason to be mean to others dad sues mom for tricking him into believing three sons were his for 21 years i don't know where this is taking place but the united states and many states within the united states him simply being married to her makes him legally the father of those three sons which means if he divorces her and those children are below the age of 18 he has to pay child support and alimony to maintain her and her son's lifestyles and there is no way for him to back out of that because he is legally the father probably the only thing that he can do is initiate the divorce on his side first and negotiate seriously low alimony payments but that's about it he can't do anything else than that given that it was 21 years i'm assuming that the kids are grown so he doesn't have to pay child support but if he doesn't play his cards right that alimony is going to hit him like a freight train it's wildly unfair but it is what it is it's how things are here and i'm pretty sure it's how things are in many other places you ever try to steal a package but you're really really bad at it yo [Music] indiana couple arrested after three-year-old daughter test positive for meth and fentanyl officers allegedly found meth heroin a syringe and drug paraphernalia in the couple's peru indiana home there's only two situations i can think of where a child a three-year-old child can come into contact with meth and fentanyl it's either you two or psychopaths and you gave it to the kid or the kid found it got into it and nearly died because of it it's really something that there are millions of people on this planet who simply cannot have children for x y and z but here you guys are with a child a couple of deplorables neglecting that child and threatening that child's life because you're irresponsible and you couldn't be bothered [Music] i've got boyfriends honestly honestly oh it doesn't matter what my boyfriend's name is that i've got a boyfriend i'll see y'all see you later i'll see you i'll see you later 3 a.m confession once sophomore year in college i rubbed coke on my gums right before i made out with the dude because i thought he would get a rush and fall in love with me it worked though so so you just admitted to a felony if the guy ever finds out that you did that and presses charges you're going to prison that's just how it's going to happen but with all that being said what if the guy in that moment had a heart attack and died because he was unaware that you gave him cocaine you don't know if he had a heart condition what if he [ __ ] died but yeah i guess that doesn't cross your mind because you think you're the main character you think that you live in a movie and that he would fall in love with you after you drugged him it's seriously hard to believe that there's people on this planet who genuinely think that this activity is cute or something worth bragging about it's really terrible that since you post this on twitter there's going to be a whole bunch of lackeys in the comments who agree with you this next clip is of two young women berating and verbally abusing an uber driver because he won't let them eat in the car this is the racist car ride i've ever been in him right here whatever his name is i didn't call this ride he said i couldn't eat my food in the uber mind you i never even i only took a bite you get him saying he was on me from then he's a racist [ __ ] a racist indian [ __ ] yes you you you you whatever your [ __ ] name is we could see you yes you at the end of the day that's extremely racist i don't care [ __ ] cops if you want to wait keep quiet with no problems this is new york this is america [ __ ] this is america we can say whatever the [ __ ] we want shut the [ __ ] up now you shut the [ __ ] up talking about us we need to be quiet american with no medical training ran a center for malnourished ugandan kids 105 died what is there even to say how many different systems and checks failed to cause this woman to slip through the cracks and ultimately kill 105 ugandan children there's almost certainly more people than her who's responsible for this this is a great example of incompetence 100 incompetence [Music] [Music] to whoever stole the apple tree out of my yard within the last 20 minutes april 29 606 i hope you're happy with yourself i'm a 23 year old suffering with bpd bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety gardening is one of if not my only outlet for my mental health during this pandemic i'm writing this in tears just finally being able to calm myself down enough to write this i cannot believe how horrible people are at such a sad time in this world it might just be a plant or a tree to you but right now these are the things that keep me happy and who said you could go around stealing other people's happiness this next clip is of a 15 year old girl trying her best to become a nail tech and her client is actively making fun of her while she's doing the client's nail work my nails done by a 15 year old i asked for shorter damn she's a little aggressive and starving oh it's taking forever aren't you the nail tech you the nail tech a girl with this she hurting me why [Music] she is so slow like hurry what next h he's low-key cute all right so we have a receipt for 80 at a restaurant huh that's funny there's no tip oh yeah the reason why is because next time say happy mother's day are you [ __ ] serious you just deprived somebody of rent and risked their job because they didn't stroke your ego and you posted this on instagram thinking that people would like you no one likes you you're a bad person the funny thing is people like you really aren't concerned with happy mother's day or whatever like that or anything that really strokes your ego you were just looking for a reason not to pay a tip because you're a cheap [ __ ] four and a half years ago in 2016 i wrote and directed a short called groundhog day for a black man which is about a black man who relives the same day over and over and tries different methods to survive a police interaction then one year ago after the murder of george floyd i got an email from now this news they said we've recently seen your short film groundhog day for a black man and found it very powerful we would love to amplify it and share the message with our audience they ended up posting it to their facebook and their twitter page then one year after now this posts my short netflix puts out a short called two distant strangers on april 9th 2021 and it's about a black man who lives the same day over and over again and tries to survive a police interaction it also got nominated for an oscar this hit me when i saw an opening credits in association with now this this past sunday they just won an oscar for that short two distant strangers and i don't know what happened i'm not making any assumptions asian lives don't matter until black lives matter with the recent trend of black on asian violence in the united states i think it's a good idea to remind the asian community that their lives won't matter until black lives matter that is some mental gymnastics whoa so the growth in reporting on just random attacks on the street robbery and murder of asian people by black people in the united states it isn't because these people are racist criminals who have a hatred for asian people it's because apparently black lives don't matter enough and if black lives don't matter asian lives don't matter which justifies all the crime and violence against the asian community coming from the black community is that really your logic i doubt that you just have a hatred for asian people and you really don't like the fact that that hatred isn't really coming from the white community it's coming from the black community and that looks really [ __ ] bad but that's really not even the point i don't care what your justification is at the end of the day this solves nothing all this does is foster and encourage racial animosity between the asian community and the black community no problems are solved and everybody hates each other that sounds like a pretty shitty reality this next clip is of a woman who held up an entire plane because she didn't want to wear a mask and couldn't find her glasses no that's illegal you didn't get my permission this is my fiance okay i'll stop when you stop i'll stop we've been listening to your crap for hours she's two lanes how did i just no that's disrespectful with this bald ass you probably don't get your dick stuck [ __ ] 40 year old virgin right here hey 40 year old virgin going to vegas with his token [ __ ] you want to pick out a person that can't see [ __ ] baby and last but not least we have this bottom feeder if a man cheats a real woman will go on her knees kiss his feet and apologize for not being perfect i don't know who needs to hear this but if your boyfriend cheats on you you need to understand that you lacked something that made him cheat instead of leaving him find out what you're lacking and apologize to him and be a better girlfriend a good loyal woman stays and supports her unfaithful man in difficult times no that's what women do who don't recognize their own value you don't have to put up with that he did a bad thing he cheated you can leave it's not your fault that he went and [ __ ] somebody else he made that decision he's a grown man he chose to disrespect your relationship and there's no obligation for you to stay he disrespected you there is no reason for you to stay why would you date someone who has so much contempt for you who doesn't respect you who doesn't care about your relationship just go dip seriously men and women if your partner is acting like this if they say that you have to put up with their adultery because you did something bad know that you did nothing wrong and you can leave you're worth so much more than that that man or woman who's cheating on you is low value there's plenty of other men and women on this planet you'll be able to find better trust me you are worth so much more than that what's up everyone it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you like the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're all make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time yeah i know this video is a little late in the day i think i'm uploading this at like seven or maybe eight o'clock you know today but it's what it is you guys wanted the content so here it is i hope you enjoyed it and as always i think the patreon supporters that make this stuff happen a big thank you to light 1636 broken to asters jackson the business lady laughs a lot brett and meena the swift esau azuku destroyer trey muffey luhu noah vermont john robinson eva catherine taylor arjun hannah keith myers will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one on my patreon and one of my merch store both funds go directly into the channel we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 1,265,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: e5g4t2g-ICg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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