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our slash noah get the boat has everything awful it's the bottom it's the worst of the worst you think r slash i'm a piece is bad get ready cause you're about to cry are pride parades kid friendly parents say children can handle the kink parents say then we need to separate those children from those parents because that is perverse fetish gear in kink has no business being in front of a child that can be incredibly traumatizing and it's just morally wrong the whole point is to preserve a child's innocence not put them in front of fetterskier regardless of the parade that is wrong but for some reason we're supposed to make that permissible because it's pride month and because it's a pride parade no it's wrong it's gross you can have a parade that celebrates sexuality that isn't perverted that doesn't corrupt the minds of young children and to those who disagree would kink and fetish gear be permissible at a straight prior parade if that were to exist if you're cringing at that if you think that's creepy if you think that's gross the same thing applies here sister comes home to celebrate eid but brother kills her for pursuing dancing and modeling in an awful turn of events a fashion model was killed in the name of honor by her brother in a village near okra the victim sidra khalid had to come to her home to celebrate eid honor killings are oxymoronic there's no way to kill and preserve honor at the same time apparently dancing and modeling is dishonorable and the only way to preserve honor in the family is by killing your sister because for some reason that specific murder is permissible as long as it makes you guys look good it doesn't make any sense and i don't understand why that is even practiced in places in the world this poor woman came back to her home a place where she should feel safe and she was killed by her brother because she made the mistake of modeling so i was kicked from my esports team because my mom was on her last days and they assumed it would affect my performance i already knew for some time that this day would come since she had stage four cancer she passed away on monday imagine being fired from a job because you're about to lose a loved one you know what that sounds like a lawsuit i would definitely talk to a lawyer bro no way could they do you like that if you were willing to work and train for this specific competition they should let you work and train but instead they assume that you would lose games because you're upset that's not fair to you or to anyone else i hope this guy continues to air out his team online because people ought to know this is super messed up and i bet they didn't even give you proper time off i bet they didn't even give you money for leaving but instead they chose to impact your income in your life because they didn't want to risk losing a game how pathetic this is this is just cursed this is cursed nothing nothing good comes after this obviously we don't act on it because of the law but girls in that age range are mad sexy and have literally the perfect body composure for sexual activity i get it you're afraid to admit it it's fine but i know that deep down you want to screw up literally a per what if this post isn't indicative of what you might see on reddit i don't know what is people will go out of their way and just out themselves like this confidently on the website oh i'm not a weird guy yes you are yes you are incredibly strange oh my god someone needs to check your hard drive spanish sisters tortured to death and honor killings after refusing to help husbands emigrate from pakistan the practice of honor killings is illegal in the middle east don't get it twisted but in small villages and small communities it's still permissible and it's still culturally significant in said communities and according to this article and the previous one that we saw before it's incredibly unsafe for women to live in these communities for a multitude of reasons but honor killings specifically are egregious because they're seen as an entitlement these men genuinely believe that killing their wives made them honorable and they are justified in their actions because their wives defied them they refused to help them emigrate out of pakistan russian model who trashed putin on social media found dead in suitcase you can't say anything about vladimir putin without getting any sort of retribution and the sad thing is that you really don't know what type of person came after this woman was it just a random civilian who's a supporter of putin and felt that he or she needed to enact some sort of retribution on his behalf or was it something political was it something governmental the world may never know but what we do know is that an innocent woman voiced her opinion online and she lost her life over it that's foul a university student was trying to research ways to help turtles cross the road safely so he placed a fake turtle in the road to observe driver behavior disturbingly he found that six percent of people deliberately went out of their way to hit the turtle that's not surprising i've heard there's maniacs out there who purposefully hit deer who are trying to cross the street even though it will cause damage to their car they just want to end a life there's something really sick about these people there's something really broken about them that encourage them to kill an innocent creature that can't do anything but be in the street that can't get out of the way of a vehicle going 60 miles per hour woman runs kids over with suv sues victims for 1.35 million dollars in damages charlene simmon an ontario woman who struck three teenagers with her suv while speeding killing one is suing the dead teen his parents his deceased brother and the families of the other teenagers and the county for 1.35 million canadian dollars citing that she has suffered from depression anxiety irritability and post-traumatic stress since the incident she blames the boys for negligence simon was speeding at the time of the accident she may also have been talking on her cell phone the boy's family is in shock and even their lawyer has stated that he hasn't seen anything like this before let me get this straight you killed a teenage boy and you're suing their family the county and everyone who's associated with him because you're anxious and depressed over the situation you ended a life because you were on the phone you had something better to do right someone better to talk to and you killed a child someone who's barely lived a life you took his and you want money and the fact that this is a legitimate lawsuit means that the world or at least the community has to deal with the court case that follows that we genuinely have to hear your argument in court that you need money for ending this kid's life because you're so bothered by the incident because you're anxious and you're depressed and you have post traumatic stress for speeding and striking a child on the street with a suv this kid died on impact and you want money and we have to sit there and and humor your argument i don't even need to research whether or not you lost the suit because this is such a ridiculous claim but the fact that you had the gall to even put this claim forward to even put this lawsuit forward goes to show that you're just a new type of evil a new type of despicable alrighty so a dark side of the apartment living these people have abandoned i'm sorry i'm furious right now the apartment is filthy there's pet waste everywhere and they left their dog here it's okay it's okay i know i know [Music] we do have to call you call the authorities um pet waste everywhere i'm shaking i'm so angry look how thin i swear i hate people this is ridiculous look at this glass shattered hold on boy it's okay just ridiculous they left they skipped that left there left their animal the apartment like this definitely calling the authorities absolutely appalling blind men verbally abused by activists claiming using guide dogs is cruel a blind disability activist has spoken out about how he and a blind friend were verbally abused by animal rights activists who had become angered by the sight of their guide dogs in what way is a trained animal an abused animal please make it make sense explain how that works it's such a strange hill to die on because it's obvious that the dogs aren't being abused and their job helping these people see because they can't see by themselves is crucial but no no no you just got a best blind people for having the audacity of trying to help themselves see in any way possible gang horror three women rude man 23 for three days after kidnapping man in taxi and force-feeding him energy drinks in south africa if you didn't think that was bad already this post is more focused on the responses and the reactions to this story than the actual story itself lucky guy i need a holiday i'm living in the wrong country i don't understand why there's people out there who genuinely think getting assaulted is good if you're a man and terrible if you're a woman this mentality can be found everywhere on the planet for some reason men who get assaulted by women are seen as wimpy and cowards for going to the cops because you should be happy that she forced herself on you because you're getting some when in reality it's probably the most terrifying experience that this man will ever have in his entire life and don't even get me started about young boys who get assaulted by their teachers and people online saying that that's a fantasy for them oh i wish my teacher did that to me oh i wish a hot teacher did that to me no that young teen boy is going to be traumatized for the rest of his life because he was taken advantage of by someone he's meant to trust and look up to i swear if it's really easy for us to point out the fact that women being assaulted is an awful and terrible thing why does that mentality not exist for men 26 year old woman sends to death over whatsapp messages the pakistani woman told the court she believes she was entrapped into a religious discussion on whatsapp after rejecting a man's advances and this court sentenced her to death because of that because she was lured into a religious conversation with a man who wanted to be romantic with her and when she rejected his advances he reported this blasphemy he reported these messages that she had about religion and now she's dead what is going on in pakistan so i don't know if you guys can tell but the dog is literally hiding under the grass from how hot he is again no food no water this poor thing dude look at that sun dad says he poisoned and stabbed wife kids and dog to death because they needed to pass over before apocalypse they they couldn't be with you during the apocalypse dude they couldn't fight they had to die they couldn't be with you during the apocalypse during when all the monsters come out of the ground and start eating people instead you had to kill him i i'm smelling bs that's what i'm saying i think that you just wanted to end your family and what did the dog's death have to do with it if anything he would help you during the apocalypse all of this just doesn't make sense and maybe it's because you're mentally ill maybe that's just why there's no inconsistency because you don't have a consistent brain chemistry pakistan unidentified men dig up girls grave corpse in a shocking incident reported from pakistan some identified men allegedly dug up a teenage girl's body and enter in chanuk kamal village of punjab province of gurjat on thursday the deceased girl buried on wednesday evening was reportedly mentally and physically challenged seventeen suspects have been found in relation to this crime seventeen people did something to this corpse seventeen people seventeen people let that sink in i don't know if they targeted this grave or if they just chose a random one but yeah 17 people dug up a dead girl's grave and performed some of the most depraved acts imaginable and then left the body unburied to be found in the morning seventeen people fourteen-year-old boy guilty of murdering twelve-year-old girl after snapchat argument ava white was stabbed to death in liverpool last november in a case that reflects rising lethal violence among young people in the uk a 14 year old boy has been found guilty of murdering a 12 year old girl after stabbing her in the neck and liverpool city center last year boy a who cannot be named for legal reasons attacked ava white on november 25th following an argument over him filming her on snapchat while she was out with friends the 14 year old boy's name is protected because he's still a minor and they don't want violence acted against him in my opinion that's bs he became an adult the very day that he chose to end someone else's life he made a big decision there he's not a kid anymore he's not a kid anymore and we need to know who he is i find it really really funny that we're concerned with the safety and well-being of a murderer just because they're a minor no no no you made the decision to end another life so whatever comes after that whatever consequences happen as a result of people knowing who you are or yours to bear there were books about anatomy and puberty when i was a child and those books were very insightful but this book in particular has been catching a lot of controversy because it includes a lot of images and descriptions about sexual intercourse and this book is meant for four to eight ages four to eight many parents and some teachers feel that this is incredibly inappropriate that books that are specifically about sexual intercourse should not be given to children who aren't even teenagers yet there are books though that are geared towards ages 8 and up that talk about individual anatomy not intercourse and those books are permissible they make sense and they can be read with a parent but books like this they are simply inappropriate what four-year-old needs to be exposed to full color drawn uh intercourse scenes in a book it doesn't make any sense to me it's incredibly strange what are the benefits of marrying a 100 service connected veteran i'm currently dating several guys i don't know who to pick one guy is a veteran and he's 100 service connected i don't really like disabled people but he's the most put together out of the current group i'm dating if he's getting benefits does that mean i'll get benefits too i am so glad that no one commented i'm sure everybody saw this and just moved on they didn't even bother to vote cheating on all of your dates aside it seems like you're just in this for money you just want money you want a freebie and it's funny that you're even asking for money because you already don't like being with him because he's disabled that's already messed up enough i swear i really hope that this guy finds out that he's dating a monster that he's dating somebody who's just simply there for a payday male nurse 51 who sexually abused and filmed four unconscious patients and recorded staff using the toilet as jailed for 12 years only 12 years not not a lifetime he filmed unconscious patience and sexually abused them and he only got 12 years most likely he'll be out early too with good behavior are you serious what would this guy have to do to get any more extra time kill them because it seems like he already took advantage of his position as a nurse somebody who people put implicit trust into to assault these women so what's up why why can't we give this guy life i just don't understand what's up everybody it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure hit that bell so you get these notifications every 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Channel: Ailurus
Views: 255,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: Gl51DJB0xqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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