r/CringeTopia {6}

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[Music] men are trash in reality all women are hashtag trash yeah cause she carried you in her womb for nine months and your father carried you and his balls what the [ __ ] is this conversation why is twitter like this i remember when twitter was funny i don't know what happened in the past six years but twitter has essentially devolved into this this entire display this entire thread is exactly what the platform has been for six years also do you like my sweater it was my father's knee committed jesus why are you wearing that why are you why are you sharing that on your snapchat this can't possibly be a trend so you're essentially doing this for attention why can't you get attention for positive things why why would you choose the negative thing i bet you found that sweater folded up nicely somewhere and if your mom were to find out that you're wearing it she would probably freak out she would probably be very upset put that back it will never not shock me the lengths people will go for any crumb of attention online yeah bro you don't know who you're messing with that's me when i get angry oh oh scary oh oh oh oh i'll shiver my timbers shut up man okay what makes you think that was appropriate to wear to school i am nearly 100 certain that this has to be taken on a college or university campus because no way can a kid wearing this shirt and not get dress coded if they went to a high school or just a middle school or whatever so in my opinion that has to be the case even with that being said that this person could possibly be a grown adult the fact that they didn't have enough judgment to just keep this at home and not wear this outside speaks volumes about their strange character you need to get a grip because nobody's giggling nobody's laughing nobody's finding you cool or edgy they're just avoiding you from steins steinhauser what the [ __ ] i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm nordic as [ __ ] prussian german ethnicity it's always the gnat socks man it's always the dad socks who like promote racial purity right but they have the world's worst physiogamy and in this case this guy has the world's weakest chin oh my god i swear these people they're [ __ ] insane um puts head down nervously is this natalie yo i ain't down with this tail comes out of pants oh sorry you had to see that this is why chelsea doesn't like you eyes turn red want to say that again starts to turn into why [ __ ] should rule the world and cis-het men deserve death a presentation this is a presentation regardless of what your political beliefs are uh i think we can all agree that if you're advocating for the death of 98 percent of men you're a cringe and very terrible person just that's the truth this little girl just said thank you for your service to the mall security seriously i hate white people man those darn white people in there shuffles dick pics a card ah this is the run children's politeness oh no it's vice we can only expect the worst why i quit being a climate activist the climate movement is overwhelmingly white so i walked away you heard it here first everybody if you're white and you care about the environment you're a racist i don't know why you're a racist but since vice is a known arbiter of truth and reasonable thought i just gotta believe it you know it's just it is what it is you know this is just the rule so i would just start um just dumping your garbage out into the street or maybe into a local river lake you don't want to be a racist do you from nicki kato avocado i just [ __ ] pooped on my new boyfriend's dick it was too big that it made my mukbang food excuse me should i tell y'all the story in tonight's video or do you want to see the poop i haven't cleaned it out yet because i'm out of breath i i hope this is satire right this is a this is a joke right i i get that maybe the drama is the reason why people watch your channel dude but at this point it's just it's disturbing it was about time for us to see the you know the quintessential reddit meme something that a discord admin would show his e-girlfriend in order to prove that he is like more knowledgeable about modern day memes and this is a textbook example of that it's not funny super predictable and definitely something that somebody would overanalyze to prove their intellect over another person imagine ari having a slave and whenever they disobey her she hits them with the candy cane till their butt turns red hey hey sarah do you mind going outside for me just reaching down and touching some grass experience some outside world for me because you're down spectacular and you need to get off of twitter you just that's something that is required tell me you were the crazy x without telling me you were the crazy not so secret box i keep under my bed his hair from 2017 his eyelashes and mine mixed together yes they're real his gum i said i'd throw away for him from when he went to jail for me photos of me crying over him me under his back hickeys he bestowed upon me i love this one the only love letter he ever wrote me and he says he never loved me lol i paid him for hundred dollars to date me for three weeks hoping he'll want me for good our latest rendezvous good boy no i'm not i'm a bad boy i really hope these people are aware of how estranged they are from normal society like seriously i i genuinely hope that they understand if they were to tell anyone on the street that they do this that most likely that person will call the cops you guys need some psychological attention you need a professional to sort out why you feel the need to wear a dog mask and how the [ __ ] that becomes sexual i am truly at a loss as to where these people come from and how they arrive to this kink what is your story what trauma did you experience that encouraged you to do this so uh while being naked from the waist down i made eye contact with my boyfriend and lifted my leg to fart instead i pushed a little too hard and just pissed on the floor like a [ __ ] dog while making eye contact with this poor man [Music] hey champ that's really interesting next time keep it to yourself vacation update found out i have an appendix today also found out that my appendix is actual dog water so i have to get it surgically removed more updates soon the appendix was the imposter yeah so slim jim you're gonna need to fire your twitter person because as of right now i hate you my [ __ ] puppy just disappeared oh god it looks like dog [ __ ] it looks like this dude has been laying in dog [ __ ] for the past 20 years could you imagine the smell like oh that if this is what you think locks are supposed to look like you are horrendously mistaken you are actively making every single hairstylist watching this video right now cry jesus christ just cut it off there's no saving that it's done i have never seen somebody's locks that matted before jesus christ hey let's go together soon wait random but how much do you make every year 60k that's not six figures you work at taco bell yeah for now think about it this way homie you dodged the world's biggest bullet now you get to date somebody who isn't gonna date you for your money wow look at this normal modest instagram account of a pretty woman taking images maybe she's a model or she's a [ __ ] catfish because the dude forgot to what who are you gonna fool who are you gonna fool with this i don't know what your end game is most people nowadays know to reverse image search anything that they get over dms but thank you so much for being stupid because now we can actively avoid your account dog looks to his master i will turn my eyes to jesus there's a promise that i'm after and it's better than a bone i will walk beside still waters with the leash of love around me glory glory holy glory glory praise his name why go go and honey lemon from big hero 6 or girlfriends a thread this can only go wrong gogo looks like she would smack you if you came early or didn't come in her mouth like she wanted you to a real freak nearly all my exes looked like this honey lemon looks like she would be the fat clubber anything to stretch your holes always to try new [ __ ] yup you wrote this these are your fantasies extremely vivid and descriptive fantasies involving fictional women if that's what you're willing to vocalize on twitter god knows what you think about but you aren't bold enough to put in words i don't want to know what's going through your head but it can't be positive guys it literally says you are sus and there's a phone number on here what happened what is that because that's not just skin and hair that's grease and food and maybe vomit who lives like this you live like this i'm surprised that the keys even function i can't imagine pressing a button and hearing that mush because it's not going to crunch it's going to sink in when will people understand i'm only half insane jamie put on your t-shirt it's cold mom what'd i tell you about coming into the basement i'm taking a picture please don't give me another wedgie i'm just an innocent nerd [ __ ] nerd it's time for your wedgie you [ __ ] nerd please don't watching me oh wedgie i hate being a nerd [ __ ] [Music] okay so uh that was intense that was something he was he was in it oh my god like okay so i need a break and so do you so we're gonna just take a few moments to gather ourselves from that i'm sorry i put you through that but hey you you clicked the video he was he was in it i don't know if that's method acting or just a fetish but um yeah we just need i just need to give myself a moment to um you know just think ah god the voices he was making in his eyes bro they were out of focus all right all right i think we've had enough i think i think we're ready for the next post are you i hope you are because it's gonna be it's gonna be worse it's gonna be so much worse oh my god get it off of my screen get off my screen what the [ __ ] is this why are they wearing diapers what the [ __ ] hey if you're under 18 don't post observe yourself hey if you're under 18 do whatever the hell you want to do with your body because it's your body tumbler.com encouraging the distribution of cp in the name of body positivity since whenever this godforsaken site was founded and what are those oh my dear boy those are called toes which are simply delicious [Music] do they offend you you want some more girls get over here go away oh stop it this is not supposed to happen i don't know what's worse the fact that these people think that it was appropriate to wear this in public on an airplane no less or the fact that the dude's mask doesn't say [ __ ] it would make more sense and kind of be a little less cringe if it said [ __ ] but no the fact that it says i eat her vagina just makes me cringe it makes my skin crawl i genuinely forget sometimes what i put in this folder because i put like 40 to 50 images at a time in this folder then i just pick and choose which ones are really the best and uh yeah this this gave me a fright i'm gonna i'm gonna lose sleep we're talking teletubbies tinky winky dipsy some of y'all didn't get bullied enough yes this is true bring back bullying some people really just need to be discouraged from doing strange [ __ ] like this i get it it's your car you're allowed to put whatever you want on your car but if i see you getting into that car in the parking lot i am going to say something because god damn it somebody has to guess what i'm gonna do tonight reverse image search zero results found oh my god this is a genuine image and this dude just has a collection of lola bunnies oh man going hunting fine but only animals humans glad we had this conversation no animals things that walk on all fours oh you mean babies i like your style no humans got it yes ma'am okay we have a panel from a garfield comic you know pretty wholesome just something out of context oh god here's your special lasagna batch garfield it's extra creamy it's not even lasagna all right so this video is going to be really gross so if you don't want to watch it skip to this time uh i'm starting to think that tick tock makes people feel real comfortable with sharing strange things about themselves because who in their right mind would film this and then post it online please do it this if you can blow a duck called better is this a challenge i'm stuffed completely demolish these wings you don't deserve teeth you don't deserve the gift of eating you absolute maniac ah like a solid 70 of the meat is still on the bones did you just nibble off the skin i am unreasonably angry so this dude named green boy jones on tick tock makes tick tocks acting like a slave and it's i don't know if it's supposed to be a joke simply because it's extremely hard to watch and it it doesn't make a lot of sense it's kind of degrading to be honest hey my name is isaac 18. i have a different mac for every subject my school fees could pay off your debt that's a funny way of showing how broke you are i'm almost certain every single one of those dollars spent on every single one of those macbooks came out of your dad's bank account it pisses me off to no end when people who are born to wealthy families or just people with means brag on their parents money you guys are some of the lamest people on the planet without daddy and mommy bankrolling your whole life you would immediately become a bum transforming into kylie jenner's baby why why oh my god okay it's getting worse you're you are so weird why are you obsessive over somebody else's child at the end of the day this is a stranger's kid and you're gonna you're gonna paint yourself to look like them okay this is okay [Music] why are you crying no why are you crying i'm a woman and i can pump my own gas when you skip a week of class and decide to finally show up what's up [ __ ] hey you made it get out of here supreme what the [ __ ] is good did you miss me no what oh my god y'all my foot is stuck in the door at lodges can someone please open the door this hurts no joke i would have been on the other side licking your toes but that's just me sometimes i just really wish i was illiterate like i could just look at this screen it would look like gibberish to me but no no my brain could comprehend all of that and now i'm scarred [Music] oh my god my face oh my [ __ ] god love don't judge my girlfriend acts like a dog and i love it it would be an understatement to say that the internet has accelerated this type of activity i think all this exposure to social media and technology has encouraged people to think that their degenerate kinks are something to be practiced in public and now there's snapchat news articles about these people just normalizing their activity it shouldn't be normal but for some reason we're so far gone that i actually have to say that acting like a dog and acting sexually like a dog in the outside world where people can see you is bad the fact that i have to say that goes to show that we have gone so far we are just we are just so far gone it it's so sad hi thank you for giving me this drink you are pretty cute did he just close that are you kidding me what dude he's so rude i'm so embarrassed he's so rude i'm so embarrassed knock on the window oh my gosh he's literally walking away i'm not going to lose him get out and to end today's video we have a shirt for a baby girl and it's this future hooters girl make them drool early who in the right mind would put this on their baby girl and think that it's appropriate the fact that this shirt even exists is saddening it who would buy this i i would hope that if you would see this in public that you'd call a social worker because parents of this child are not good parents they are unfit for the job what's everybody it's your boy ayloris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure you hit that bell so you get these notifications every time i wanted to make sure that this cringe topia was a little extra long a little bit extra cringe a little bit extra enjoyable and if you got that go ahead and leave a like let me know in the comments down below all that stuff it helps so that other people can see the video and as always you gotta thank the patreon supporters who make videos like this possible a big thanks to donovan brett mina the swift isau izuku darth vader 12 destroyer trey muffey lou who noah vermont ethan john robinson eva catherine taylor arjun hannah keith will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there's two links in the description one of my merch store and one of my patreon both funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 553,850
Rating: 4.9208846 out of 5
Keywords: Ailurus, Ailurus Reddit, Reddit stories, Reddit posts, Reddit reading, r/CringeTopia, Cringe compilation, Red panda, Red panda cute, Furry, CringeTopia, r/Fatlogic, Ailurus fatlogic, Best reddit posts, Reddit TTS, Sales, Online work, money, MLM, Soothouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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