Minecraft Speedrunner VS 4 Hunters GRAND FINALE

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Kinda Anticlimactic

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this video four of my friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating minecraft we said we would do it one final time for all the marbles and the 3v1 grand finale got over 65 million views so here we are the grand finale against four hunters tied two matches to two matches can they stop me from beating the ender dragon or will i survive no redos no rematches this is it minecraft manhunt also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video but before we get into this video i want to say thank you to monster legends for sponsoring it monster legends is a free to play mobile game on android and ios and i've been enjoying it a lot lately in their pvp modes since the developers were so cool and created my own monster in the game he looks sick and it comes in three different forms that grow as you play and feed it to become even stronger and honestly i'm just jealous of how many legs this guy has because he would be pretty good at manhunt it's one of the first monsters from the game's new era that is launching this month and of course it's the best but it's only available for a limited time if you want to find out how to get my monster and have a chance to win in a 5 000 giveaway check out the links in the description download the game and watch until the end of the video to find out enjoy the video of course we're in a jungle what are you guys doing you're like a ritual oh oh my god [Music] oh my gosh yes uh okay oh how far away are you guys wait does this do attacked him i think it might wait yeah oh my gosh what the heck guys i'm getting the other villagers i'm just like i can't get any of this i'm just running by structure after structure but did you lose this college uh no no no i didn't i'm at a uh temple is what happened to the ocean oh he's going around it okay no he took all three of them oh my god yeah i'm like i'm swimming along because they're all [ __ ] up oh my goodness what oh what my you're done god yeah i'm running out of food yeah oh i have seven iron okay oh i don't have any wood come on i'm in the middle of the ocean i literally like only water around me one of you guys uh george sat nap bring wood with you almost there but i'm in i'm in the middle of the desert oh my goodness george where are you at i'm in the ocean what uh we need wood and where are you i'm with a magic breaker now you know what i'm by the way mine the [ __ ] i got a dolphin i got a dolphin i can make a boat out of this yeah do that you miss iron i see you i have a crafting table now where are you guys i might ship in the middle of the ocean i'm right behind you i got dolphins i keep heading like what's up boys hello okay i'm down here i'm gonna get someone get someone uh yeah come pick me up i have nothing zapped up what oh my gosh here are you guys on this like the shipwreck yeah i see it i see it i'm swimming back back back i'm coming go go go george where he's here are you oh come on dream church let's go uh i'm creating stuff right now i'm at the ship oh rabbit just fell down and died he jumped down yeah he jumped in cause i have iron i can make this all a bunch of stuff but he's not even here he's not even here we need to hurry hurry all right i'll just make a boat and come then i won't get more there's like no wood in this entire game wait we can go back to that shipwreck that's right there yeah oh loot it loot it go go go no he went he loses the shipwreck right he looted it just someone start mining them hurry up oh he kills water there's water we can just jump downstairs we just need you to get over here with like i have a wood pickaxe yeah i got a wood one coming back coming back okay looking yes i'm over here i don't know that's just redstone i know it's not worth anything oh what creeper creeper guys i just found a god apple in this minecart wait seriously yes oh what we have two guys let's go we're unstoppable guys take taking a cold they're calling this i just took home oh i found lion i'm putting person down back through over here literally i'm not finding anything oh i found some iron actually perfect back back over here you've got diamonds diamonds are you actually kidding i can hear the christmas music it's beginning to look a lot like christmas we're not meant to be celebrating that because i don't even have like half i i have just i have chess playing leggings that's literally half iron yeah i only have a chess play i actually need some leggings please oh i found more iron ah someone here's iron right here to make an iron pick okay uh stay here mind the diamonds i don't know where you're at here the diamonds are here oh i and you want we actually should get more wood while we're down [Music] george stop messing around with the spiders get over here well there's iron up here as well so i want to kill them and then get the iron congrats any congrats congratulations oh diamond look look good uh i don't have a peg you use yours i got here uh yeah mine any gold you see there's a lot of gold over here did you get this there's like a bunch of gold this way i'm pretty sure um wait why is there redstone on the ground i could leather because i don't know i don't want it [Music] one more gold over here a little bit more gold i just realized i need an iron kick to my oh my god we were dying i'm suffocating there's like a gravel trap here get back [Music] there's a secret meme over here something up [Music] who's digging that's me [Music] oh you're walking around it he's the food anyone got any more carrots i'm sort of running low here's a car please y'all do i want to be mining oh you like george here take this golden apple hello is that one of you i already have one oh you already have one wait how many golden apples do we have uh so i have one regular and one god apple i have one regular where is dream even here like you haven't said anything it's just being where was the last time even made noise just getting way ahead of you guys there's no way there's four of us so we have to get four times as much stuff oh hello what is this bye man um i'm just in this like giant mine shaft any askers oh what what i'm sorry what the heck was that destroyed you yeah wow that's not even there we actually just did that was just mean i think we win i think we win you're bad now that was just me and actually we won sorry freaking literally just won i just want to quickly smell this iron because i can make a bucket okay i'm off to another the wonderful nether world george hurry i'm him all right staircase staircase it's the best way to get back up oh did we find that water hey bad just let's just fall asleep as like a faster way over here oh my god we just scammed them out the boat are you kidding me yes i don't know why i'm doing this i'm going to do it oh we're back here back where oh look [Music] oh is this oh yeah you ink they kill this pirate no i did it you can't just kill everything you see george okay [Music] what would your mother think i don't know if i can imagine what she'd say right now george try to steal the arrows for me stop recording it's 9 p.m let's go to bed george gosh well there's another power though what should i do to it leave it alone it's a parrot i killed it george what's wrong why did you kill the parrot wait i'm feeding the cocoa beans to the parrot so horrible what is wrong with you you must be close if he looted this yeah you're right it must be super close he said that now so i i don't think he's very close anymore [Laughter] melons nice nice head bones if you need any by the way uh nobody wants melons i have melons okay you have melons back melons you have melons bad dad show me your melons huge they're watermelons oh my god that they're watermelons okay what now we're heading back towards the gym we're going towards the jungle yeah yeah oh my gosh he's heading back like doing a loop-de-loop wait i assume he's right here where where where he's on the edge of the jungle he's right here he's a pet parrot what why he's getting hyped kill his parrot kill his period i'm gonna kill your parents no don't kill my parent i'm gonna kill your parrot don't kill my parents i'm gonna kill your parrot just keep stay on and this is the scented oh i see that little parrot dream kill i kill it kill it he's little and he's red and we'll give you a bit of leeway if you sit the power down so we can kill it what's wrong with you guys you guys are horrible i saw a lava pool over here that's why it's fine we're just going to catch up to you it's fine don't worry i already filled them all in i poured water on the mall we ran around filling them in poor dream oh yes he's here oh my god it's so [Music] oh god all the links that go for you crazy crazy come on hurry bye no no no no no no oh no goodness photographer you shouldn't have had time to set up a trap just be careful where is it where is he wait wait i see i see he's flying he came this way he came this way this way oh there's a little uh sand trail following all the sand trail oh my gosh crazy that's actually easy oh wood the wood trail the wood trail turn your shut off your shoulder guys i see him i see him he's right here oh let's get him let's go oh what who just shot at me dream stay on him come on hey where'd he go where is he oh wait he's all the way down there oh is the phone how's he down there let's oh my gosh oh no oh my god he's just around the corner he's right here he's right here guys oh dream i see him through the little gap oh no they don't see him this way this way he's going up he's going up going up oh my god oh wait what oh my gosh where'd he go down here wait what what what is even happening doing this watch out for the blaze what is he doing what's happening how is he doing this he's just floating in the sky he's gone he's repeating blaze you escaped but his parents your parents didn't what no yes i don't know wait how did you escape floating in the sky yeah are you kidding oh my gosh here we go guys what do we even do like how do we get across that yeah what do we do now do we get my gosh that was actually scary i wasn't sure i wasn't sure i was going to be able to make it what are we even meant to do now he's gone bad there's blazes here kill them had you hit the pigments white people do blazes that was awesome i was like i was literally like just flying across like the lava that's messed up how'd you even do that that's that's not allowed anymore yeah oh okay we're banning that afternoon oh yeah it says here you guys mushroomed the portal last time now and i think there's one over here all right destroy this one i go i got one get the other one oh you found a bastion we got the other one [Music] sebastian [Music] all right oh okay all right i bet how many of these do you have do you have any uh i have a couple oh this guy's beefy [Music] oh he disables your shield oh there's a bunch of them how many guys are the bruce [Music] now i'm getting some i'm getting more oh oh no way more my gosh go blazes please oh my gosh build a wall build a wall i saved you okay arrows the thing is giving us garbage blaze inside the building here this poor penguin we're just making him give us stuff game has blaze rods what oh what what wait what wait where is the throne did he find another stronghold fortress another fortress what i see him i see him where he's here he's gonna be here he's here [Music] don't let him get to the piglet [Music] oh my god get him let's go oh my gosh it's shooting and handling wait how is he getting down oh my god he jumped down with a with the scaffolding i think careful go go go go go quickly quickly go go go that's it go down go go oh my gosh has got this oh my gosh he's this way he's just where i see him he's over come on go guys go he's getting away careful there's no blaze come [Music] you're here i gotta pick up anywhere in here this is [Music] [Music] he's up there he's up there i'm gonna stop you dream oh my god i'm already there no you're not oh my goodness oh my god that's stupid yeah this is the way back that for you just follow the trail we made back we cut him off he's getting to the portal i know we're hurrying come on oh my god he's going let's go get him i see him oh my gosh mr is like students with lovable yeah george where are you george where are you oh audrey where's that we go wait where are you guys do you have my stuff yeah yeah where are you i'm right here i already got a stone expert taking oh no help me guys that's all me take that and that first step you didn't get my ammo what where did you what oh my god i feel like i've said like 10 words i've just been so concentrated can you leave some food behind for me like on the floor yeah yeah you guys that's so dumb can you leave some food they're like remember me they had a boat and i didn't have a boat oh george here how do you get so far ahead of us i don't know that was a good shot you almost hit him there i must be so far behind oh my god i've had to like farm if i hit the shot dream has to kiss me i'm oh oh my gosh guys it's literally guys here literally right here it's it's down here dig down are you sure yes i'm sure it's going down one yeah let's go go go little bit take one um this is like oh my gosh oh my goodness [Music] [Music] where nice oh my god yes george yes wait where's the hole wait what come on [ __ ] [ __ ] me come here george come here get out of the way [Music] where's the hole over here you have to find it i'm trying i'm trying oh my god stop me george oh no god yes god oh gosh why is he chasing me stream stop get him get him grab his stuff grab him oh my god my gosh i'm just living oh you just kill me and leave you come back all right i'm so far away there's stuff it's fine it's a georges i used so many pearls just purling after him why did you you're like wasting your paws you're not even gonna be able to go to the end now i have plenty um yep straight up two boots oh my god i'm swimming quick with me let's go i'm coming back i'm swimming so quick why is that why does that happen you guys don't have enough you guys don't have enough stuff to go to the go to the end though because we want to go to the end i got a vein of arthropods five sword you make a spider spawner all right [Music] all right let's just sort my inventory some all right [Music] oh we will i'm in a nice little flower area i'm gonna pick some flowers for you guys you can pick up uh some flowers for your grave oh that was pretty good actually thank you uh do you guys have water that was on the hall uh i can come over and put some i'm nearly close okay i'm kneading that like a couple hundred blocks away this way you need exactly what guys he's got he's cutting me off come here george please i want this to be a 3v1 [Music] [Music] oh my god come here get [Music] [Music] no i'm an idiot my dream i dropped my shield [Music] i'm safe i'm safe okay this way george this way i have your armor have your armor you're gonna [Music] get up [Music] listen up this this is this is my little speech okay i did i did one at the end of the grand finale last time this is this is mine here look it's the same thing basically there there's one in a trillion billion scenarios and this is the one where i win and yeah yeah i don't know i'll i'll be lighting lots of fireworks when i win what and we're gonna win though [Music] i see him he's through the wall he's through the rules just track him he's right there he's like let you look oh i see i see yeah [Music] oh my god oh my god what [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh let's go [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go oh oh my gosh incredible before the video is over once again thank you to monster legends for sponsoring today's video if you want to check out the game and get the super limited dream monster make sure you download the game with the link in my description and make sure to join in on the breeding events or keep an eye out for special offers before february 12th after that he's gone for good and if you want a chance to be one of five lucky people to win one thousand dollars make sure you feed my monster to level 10 and you'll be put into a random drawing to win there are hundreds of monsters to collect in this game and you can even breed two together to create your own but mine is obviously the best so don't miss out download the game now with my link below and good luck thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed
Channel: Dream
Views: 34,182,108
Rating: 4.9329734 out of 5
Keywords: Dream Minecraft, dream Minecraft youtube, minecraft, dream, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs someone trying to stop them, Beating Minecraft but my friend tries to stop me, Minecraft but water rises every minute, minecraft but lava rises every minute, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft 1.14, beating minecraft, rematch, finale, finale rematch, grand finale, grand, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters
Id: a8ds6SnOGow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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