r/ExtremelyInfuriating · BRUH BRUH BRUH

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when Windows closes my work unannounced to apply an update that will quote unquote take a while great how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash extremely infuriating mom feels forced to move baby's grave to different cemetery after repeated theft and vandalism oh well that's just sad oh no I've seen this one whoo okay yeah it's like who started the trend one person parks wrong and everyone else is just like you know what this is how you park an African American security guard asked a student not to call him the n-word that request got him fired what laughing youth set fire to homeless man's tent while he is still inside oh my god this subreddit is all is already awful voice yourself let the FTC know that cop is too aggressive and will harm creators first common die how to lose weight in 28 days day one day six day 15 day 19 day 24 day 24 wait a second it's a Halloween Michael Myers mask however the shipping all take long you know just from November 8th to the 3rd of December but if you want in time for Halloween Weldon you're gonna have to pay up bub v $49 all right who cut this cheese like this alright who did it I'm gonna find them yeesh this guy get a load of this guy of course with a white pickup truck just thinking oh you know what my truck takes priority over every other car in this lot move that wheelbarrow go home you're drunk okay I'm looking at the building I'm looking at the building whoa oh no there's a panel missing the the top middle window there's a panel missing that that is unfortunate oh I don't drink soda anymore so like I haven't experienced this in a while but I can tell you when it did happen I felt extreme pain inside come on man this is this is sad this is actually yeah this is genuinely infuriating save the earth oh my God who did this who was in charge of this huh that is just the worst and also clean the ceiling geez us oh man I'm gonna vomit dude holy cow that is my stomach I gotta go to the next image I'm sorry I'll just save these for later I mean if this is just one person's donuts or whatever I guess I can understand but if this is like a shared doughnut box you you hate to see it you hate to see the rapper stick into the candy that is unfortunate the savegame is corrupt and cannot be loaded yikes as if fallout didn't have enough problems you know they say don't cry over spilled milk but I will I can and will cry over spilled ice cream the apps below were detected using permissions in the background the history will be automatically deleted after one month snapchat camera camera camera camera camera camera are / extremely infuriating rules isn't infuriating or is it extremely infuriating rules 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 it has to be more than infuriating rule num Jul 1 2013 10 e fix it put it back put it back in the middle oh man that this hurts me this hurts me this hasn't happened to me but the day it does I I probably will cry my grandma died in 2019 please put a like for her come on man what would your grandma think oh another piece of tech just ruined and that's like a guitar amp cord that who really I refuse to believe this is real bit this has to be photoshopped right right this looks like it's at a doctor strange this is this is me who did this how could this have happened someone like carved out a square lifted it up and then put it down come on oh god these are rules for a guy from a girl and it's one of those where it's like you can't you can't be talking to another girl you're not to look at a single girl you're not - you're not to go to Honda without me you're not to have a single girl's phone number if I catch you around girls I kill you who do get into these now why do they make charger so thick you know they're so clunky they're so they're so big Hey look at this meme nice you're a frickin disappointment these were some comments on my last community post about Atticus a Seuss I cannot believe that some of you are like this I'm absolutely disgusted if I see any more of this behavior especially on a very serious post I I don't know what it says I don't care more worst games on roblox worst games on roblox worst games on robot oh come on man who did this who who is eating pizza like this I'm gonna track down every single I'm gonna track down this family and I will I can and will show them honey pizza properly cuz just that's disgraceful oh come on man I mean that looks like a husky they like snow but you don't even like let them in the car or like you know close the back that's that's that's awful hmm you know I don't think that's how it works I'm gonna be real with you a Minecraft veteran here would you save your mother from drowning type yes ignore No yeesh the caption of this image though that is just God is so dumb also this isn't this is a fortnight account that's posted this I don't know planting 20 million trees my biggest project ever sorry you can't donate in this country region yet dang it if you beat this level Etica will come back to life that's that's disgusting oh no not the not the laptop god that's disgusting how do you let it get that bad seriously you know what this this does pain me as someone who takes organizing silverware very seriously this does not put a smile on my face edit oMG this mini amount of likes this mini matter likes this no one cares I can see the light counter down below just say oh my god look at like counter oh no why why would you do that why why why why would you eat the candy like that that's disgusting y'all eat your candy with or without the wrapper I don't know a game this is but that ad is sort of kind of in them middle of the screen really come on man you got a trash can right there why is why is all your stuff on the middle of the floor also there's no bag in there that's disgusting get a bag come on thirteen year old charged with felony after allegedly pointing fingers at classmates that's not real I I refuse to believe that's real farming simulator 19 muds yeah that's farming simulator huh what are you talking about that's it also holy cow all those ads all the ads Teletubbies three hours full episode compilation oh my god more ads again what the heck how much time is there in between each ad like ten minutes nice one it's all it's always the people with just the white cars you know there's like oh well you know whatever I'm gonna take a bowl of space cuz I'm Joe Schmo and I got a freakin 1994 insert car here not the tree not inside the tree come on come on who does this I'm gonna find them mall employees listening to Mariah Carey's all I want for Christmas is you for the three thousand five hundred and seventy eight time oh don't spill your drink on the bed don't not on the bed not the bed Bob Ross island in the wilderness six point seven K dislikes why are you gay I've never understood this come on who doesn't put doors on the freakin toilets in the in the bathrooms actually when I was in school there was a bathroom and there was like a door in the front but literally there was no wall on the sides people just see you using the bathroom the dumbest thing ever you know I'm sick and tired people even candy incorrectly I'm about to smack someone oh god this looks like how do you even know what goes to what that's what I want to know but also why are they all so different she lost her twin in an electrical shock if you have a heart don't scroll without liking follow the users below plus commenting Amen heart rip BB G the clock is ticking follow the instructions below to be safe god that's that's so awful that that is someone better don't go in there and get that blue nerd out of there I assume these are nerds now I want nerds I can't like this is infuriating because you know you can't open a chest if it's on the ceiling you know that it's touching the ceiling but um if you put slabs on the ceiling that's another case fun things to do when you're bored fun things to do with your board that's the wrong you're come on woman brought her dog to the vet because his bug bites kept getting worse turns out to be their neighbor was using the dog as target practice I will look for you I will find you and I will kill you same here that is same here that is just the worst I I feel incredibly sad looking at this image the youtuber caught hitting her dog in an unedited video will not face animal abuse charges wait what I never I didn't heard about the follow-up to this is this real no way that is I'm I'm actually mad right now whoops looks like you're using an ad blocker please disable the a blocker and try reloading this page thank you this is mobile now is this a this like a letter I just ruined and crumpled up that's sad dog thrilled to see owners at shelter but they're there to adopt a different dog that man that I'm I'm very upset I'm I'm so sad now I'm sorry for the - the mood change of a man that sucks sadly they think Cameron voices epilepsy may have been caused by childhood vaccinations can we put an end to this before another promising Disney star has to give his or her life so probe axes can feel sanctum sanctimonious man I hate hey yeah I do not like anti-vaxxers society male depression man up yeah that that's the sad truth fellas it's okay to be sad and be human it's just it's normal don't feel bad oh my god not morgues hey I hate these I hate these videos one kill equals one dare on for tonight with girlfriend yeah one kill equals one article of clothing removed on my sister fortnight did you mean fortnight drop into a new world after two is available now no and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash extremely infuriating and yeah it was infuriated and also saddening and yeah I'm gonna need to go watch some happy videos now but thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bells to get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and until the next time I'll see you around
Channel: undefined
Views: 198,167
Rating: 4.9103851 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating top posts, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, r/extremelyinfuriating ezpz, ezpz, ez pz
Id: _-SivnpofAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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