r/Fatlogic [S3]{2}

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metabolism struggles other girls I can eat as many donuts as I want versus me I'll only take a bite oh I have a solution it could be that the other girls work out after eating all those donuts versus when you eat the one donut you go to sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] the research is very clear that almost no one can sustain intentional weight loss for more than a few years it's just the facts if it's just the facts then I wouldn't have any problem reading up on some material that supports your claim but you don't have any sources and I wouldn't expect you to plan any sources an Instagram post that's way that's way too high bar that's way past your pay grade and I understand that but I'm gonna still ask for some sources because you're saying it's just the facts yet I have never heard of something like this before right I'm sure everybody who's listening right now thinks that diets work because they do if you diet and exercise and make sure you eat within those parameters you can lose weight it's almost like it's a science something that's more proven than your quote unquote facts all right y'all it's about that time I'm sorry that you had to wait three seasons for it but hey we're gonna finally find out whether or not we have whether or not we have been privileged and if we benefit from it alright so number one you can comfortably sit in airplane seats weight room seats and other public okay alright you can [ __ ] you can easily find Halloween costumes are you see if you can't fit general Halloween costumes the shits that you buy at oh no Party City then that's a problem you need to lose weight whatever we have we have another you have another seven more to go anyway you can get life insurance that is both adequate and affordable that's what happens life I think life insurance is still know I'm not in the United States you they can't they can't deny you because of pre-existing conditions but they can still charge you more of you if they know you're gonna die if you can wear what you want without being sizes 'im isn't ism just like racism and sexism trying to shrink your body contributes to the problem that's right boys and girls if you try to diet or exercise in any way try to better yourself in a physical way to make yourself more attractive than those who are bigger than you you're both a sexist and a racist so uh I don't make the rules I see a lot of people whining whenever someone promotes obesity obesity doesn't need to be promoted as long as food remains delicious and exercise remains horrible obesity is going to be a thing better a fat country than a starving one though right I totally get it I understand why you want the world to look like you you especially once your nation to look like you because you'd rather see everybody else fail just like you you want to tear everybody else down because then everyone will be you you don't have to feel that shame anymore if everyone is failing with you right how about this get good go to the gym work out go to the store and buy some lettuce get something to eat that's not you know a Twinkie and understand this universal truth when you seek to tear other people down to bring yours to bring them down to your level you are you're only doing it to save yourself esteem save your ego because that's all you have left you already know that your obesity is killing you and it's probably the reason why you're ugly so why not just make the whole world resemble usually don't have to deal with that shame understand that truth bring it to heart and do better fatphobia is going to the doctor and having your labs show that you're perfectly healthy and having your doctor still recommend that you lose weight you do understand that doctors are trained and licensed to help you right if they're saying that you have good blood work but still want you to lose weight then something is wrong and that something is that yeah you have great blood work now but you're 250 pounds Lucy time for you to lose some [ __ ] weight one of the strongest predictors of weight gain is dieting regardless of the actual body weight of the dieter could you imagine writing an entire article about how dieting fails just so that you can justify your own obesity and ugliness yeah go ahead and tear down dieting while we're yous dieting to get better chief you can be obese go do you I hope you're happy living until the age of 54 health and weight are not correlated yes they are yes they are there's something called a BMI something that you guys go out of your way to discredit and try to disprove but is very much solid concrete health science BMI is health and weight correlated but wait there's more she actually tries to explain her claim in the bottom of the Instagram post so let's go ahead and tear this apart what I mean when I say this is that you don't know someone's health status by looking at the size of their body you can be fat and healthy and fat and unhealthy you can be thin and healthy and thin and unhealthy listen fat people can get sick and die of course like duh but smaller people can get sick and die - where is the higher risk for fat bodies to experience certain illnesses and the causes are well not known fat people are more likely to get type 2 diabetes but we don't know why I have an answer I have an answer maybe it's a movies cuz you know it's just something in my head it could be because individuals who are obese eat more sugary stuff than those who aren't that could be it that could trigger your your type-2 diabetes also yes can unhealth can thin people also be unhealthy and fat people can be healthy maybe that could be a thing yeah there are thin and unhealthy people and there are fat and healthy people but let me go ahead and give you the average most individuals who are obese have other issues obesity is a risk factor for other issues well being thin can more or less guarantee someone's general health throughout their lifetime when being obese are just overweight in general can shorten your lifetime 95% of dieters who will gain lost rate now some may regain more and up to 5% who are successful 98% of them show clinical signs and symptoms of eating disorders I can't help but tell that maybe just maybe these individuals are a little happy that our dieting is failing so badly for us what in reality it's more of very is super successful so successful that those who are obese and become thin become healthy and maybe even more attractive are somehow seen as traitors to the fat logic Huns who post dumb [ __ ] like this on the Internet another post from another rolie polie talking about how dieting is somehow a failure and talking about how happy she is that dieting is messing you up on purpose your body is trying to get off your diet that has never happened to me or any of the individuals who have watched this series and have changed their lives for the better I can easily talk to them and tell them hey is your body trying to get you off your diet no I bet your body loves your diet because you're like Wow I can see in here I can like perceive all colors and see through time about that's how it feels that's how I feel when I exercise like all the sudden that contains two colors for most humans keeping the weight off means fighting biology until eventually biology wins so you're saying those who have dieted and succeeded aren't human and we're aliens that are like more superior than regular humans holy [ __ ] I'm an alien bro I'm a Martian binge eating disorder is a scam it doesn't exist not as it's ever eating disorder anyway binging is nothing but the body's natural response to prolonged periods of starvation it stop it stop it no binge eating is real it's certainly not a scam and if you ask anybody who has struggles with anorexia or binging and purging whether or not it's real I'm sure they're going to give you a different answer they're gonna give you one answer probably might come with a fist too because they might want to fight you but you'll get an answer how dare you say it's not real so you can justify your your obsession with food you want to take down binge eating as a disorder so you can feel better about yourself so you can feel better about coming home from class or work and destroying that bridge completely scaring that fridge how many times you go into that bridge and just completely empty it just leave it hollow you just take everything it has I've bet that fridge is afraid of you weight science is eugenics weight science is not eugenics it isn't I shouldn't have to say that but the world we live in I think I have to shout that from a rooftop at this point on average women spend 13 years of their life dieting 13 years huh hmm it seems like a small sacrifice so that you could have the rest of your life you know healthy and happy you want to hear something spooky as Halloween approaches parents restricting their children of candy children are 242 times more likely to develop an eating disorder than type-2 diabetes so let me get this straight we should just let kids eat whatever they want because they have the they have the likelihood of developing an eating disorder okay so yes my child is obese I should just let them eat as many chicken nuggets candy whatever they want because I want to be a good progressive parent and I'm gonna let them get diabetes before they have an eating there you go big brain big brain eating to support your natural body sizes we're a healthy relationship with food flourishes you know what you can have this one I really don't want to know what you think and natural body sizes I swear I really really don't want to know I'm not going to argue with you about the fact that hidden privilege exists you're doing a pretty good job of providing a case in point example by in fact trying to argue with me you seriously can't win even if you argue with them you're still a thin privileged fat phob it's almost like they don't want to hear our arguments because we're right I don't know I don't know maybe maybe I've been wrong all three seasons obesity isn't an epidemic eating disorders and disordered eating are um sweetie you know what who's gonna tell them that is someone gonna tell them that obesity is an eating disorder is someone gonna tell is it I'm fat because I don't try different drugs I try different restaurants that's right ladies the secret to weight loss isn't you know dieting and exercise it's Nev I'm chubby because of my metabolism starter pack all right so let's see what's in this starter pack we got a full-time office job donuts Diet Coke don't mind if I do don't run or try to cook nice for yourself I was skinny in college too but you know your metabolism fat folks have spent their entire lives dealing with thin folks patronizing us and placating us we spot implicit bias in microaggressions from miles away our sentence our senses are so heightened we can really sense these things what are you a shitty x-men you know when someone being a mic micro aggressing you from miles away how about this instead of looking for microaggressions in implicit bias you should look for some celery and lettuce cuz that's what you need that's what's gonna keep you alive no one cares about microaggressions because I thought those weren't even real I thought that was just some sort of sjw buzzword guess it's not I guess it's serious now because people actually consider microaggressions a little thing if it was truly about health people wouldn't post before-and-after photos so yeah sorry Daniel yeah we know that you have your before-and-after photos of you breaking your arm you know with the cast and how you took it off yeah that's not about health that's not how not about you getting better it's about you being vain so stop being a thot and put that arm away the friendzone is real but it doesn't work how y'all think first the main people if the Fred sodor are fat black women and we don't even get to choose who want to be your friend people automatically assume our politeness is an invitation to exploit for our labor emotions in time oh wait oh I've gone too deep in the rabbit hole okay oh sweet Jesus so what's the solution how are we supposed to help something like this what get rid of the friendzone only for fat black women nobody else even though the friendzone doesn't exist it doesn't it's just called stop trying to date your friends who don't want to date you there you go friend zone is vanished go find other girls to date but since fat black women are a guest's affected by the friendzone every able-bodied man in the United States has to date one fat black woman just one so that we can make everything fair all right everybody in the comments I want to know what will your fat liberation coming-out party look like I want to know and let's make this a competition the best submission to the Ahlers subreddit the r /a ler separated us well you'll put this or in the comments down below I'll look at both places the best submission will be featured in the next episode you got to keep me to it you got remind me all right Fang I am curious what your fat liberation party would look like because uh because uh you guys are creative calorie counting is like wearing a snow suit in the summertime useless and dangerous when has calorie counting ever been useless I can see when it can be dangerous when it's done when it's overdone but useless no calorie counting is how you make sure you can keep your abs forever fat is a normal size it is normal for people to be fat because it's normal for people to be different sizes it's okay to be fat just a friendly reminder that weight is determined by genetics like height is determined by genetics fact that these people always fall back on the cop-out net fatness or weight is determined by genetics just goes to show that they don't want to better themselves they'd rather just fall back onto the same scapegoat that their parents [ __ ] up their genetics then to go to a gold gym and [ __ ] up them weights they would rather do that and I understand it's so much easier to fall back on that cuz really there's no work to be done you are not obligated to exercise ever if you don't want to you don't have to and no one has the right to force you to engage in an activity that makes you feel incongruent with your values and lifestyle ultimately you don't owe anyone your health she's right you don't have to be forced to exercise by anyone else and if you are being forced to exercise that's a bad thing exercise should be coming should come from the inside it should be something that you're you're pushing yourself to do but here's the big but if you want no one to care about whether you're not you're exercising dieting or you know participating in dieting lifestyle then you shouldn't be mad at us for trying to better ourselves and make ourselves look more attractive than you or trying to you know make sure our lifespans outlast yours you shouldn't care yet you do so we shouldn't care about your activities but for some reason you have to care about mine I think there's a joke what's up everybody - bye alias aka van - daddy now hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe BAM which do in watching videos is not subscribing if you're old makes you hit that bills and get my notifications every time seriously hit that Bell if you're enjoying my contents they can get that notification it's pretty dope and I'm just saying go ahead and do it I'm telling you to do it anyway as always you guys thank the beat job support is it thank you to Phinny Pro cookie Mia Lucy unholy trio and Julian thank you so much for your support it's greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel in any way there's two links in the description one of my merch store and one of my patreon folk funds go directly into the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 236,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, avcadon't, sorrowtv, soothouse, memes, fat acceptance, meme, meme compilation, r/niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/choosingbeggars, reddit memes, r/iamverysmart, pewdipie, meme cringe, cringe compilation, mlm, avon, younique, herbalife, sales, selling, marketing, boss babe, jontron, ailurus fatlogic, ailurus, Ailurus r/fatlogic, SSBU, make money today, get rich quick, apps, ailurus reddit, body postivity, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus Youtube, reddit reading, online jobs, online money
Id: tcnnUgtjiqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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