r/Fatlogic [S3]{8}

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I've stopped using body positivity and started focusing more on fat liberation and fat positivity I'm so bored of straight sized girls talking about loving themselves for likes hmm so you leave the body positivity movement because it was too inclusive two bodies that you feel are too privileged and undesirable right so you joined the fad positivity movement to get a little bit of that exclusive body positivity love because hey instead of just liking all bodies and being nice to everyone I want to feel like a special snowflake because instead of you know going to the gym and bettering myself I just want people to tell me that I'm okay so I can stop crying about my lack of character [Music] body positivity okay but instead of focusing on obesity which is you know curable use models with stretch marks for insecure moms deformities amputees those with skin deformities etc something that you can't control for example if you have scars on your legs from vasculitis it's non curable and the scars can and will be permanent people need to focus on body positivity with people like that because one you can't help it it's not your fault two problems are non curable while obesity is but those diagnosed with obesity give up or believe in body positivity people need to show those with permanent or non permanent skin problems or deformities or stretch marks that it's alright and you can still be beautiful people have been making this argument for a long time that body positivity has been co-opted by a bunch of people who just don't want to work out when in reality was meant for people who didn't have legs or those who have skin issues you know people who can't change things about their body and simply just want to feel beautiful in the public eye but no we live in the real world where nobody can have anything nice so yeah a movement that was meant to actually affect the lives of those who can't change something about themselves because it's permanent and they just want to feel beautiful about themselves was co-opted by people who have actual issues that can be cured simply because they don't want to see change in themselves alright so fat privilege yeah yeah it's called being born in a place in time where food is so abundant that you can gorge yourself while others starve all the while complaining of the social inconveniences that you suffer as a consequence of your choices now why can't tumbly be like this all the time if tumblr was like this no one would give tumblr crap but it isn't it's just it's a wonderful gym it's a gem of sanity and we all enjoy it obesity is a slur it's used to dehumanize oppress harm and kill it causes less harm than some slurs and more harm than others but it's no less valid wow there's a lot of cope in this post imagine just picking the word out of the out of the ether that you think is just mean because you don't like it when people call you obese and just claiming that it's a slur but having to justify it in the world's most cumbersome way it affects some people in some ways but most people in no ways but it's still valid get this there's a letter right after the letter M that people say and then follow it up with word because the the word itself is is so mean and crappy that most people can't say it even in this very moment I have to obfuscate I have to go out of my way to avoid this word and what it is because it carries a lot of social baggage obesity is a medical term it's nowhere near a slur listen morbidly obese is a ridiculous classification that many of you are so comfortable saying in front of and to people because you've been taught to package eyes fatness call me deadly fat at least it sounds cool yeah I'm sure it does sound cool it's a great way to cope with the fact that you're gonna die at 45 I want you guys to understand something when your doctor says you're morbidly obese they're not clowning on you they're not trying to make fun of you they're not trying to laugh at you or make you feel bad they're trying to tell you hey you got maybe 10 or 15 years left on this planet before you have a heart attack and die obesity morbidly obese overweight those are medical classifications those are meant to help you they're not meant to make fun of you making it softer language to make you feel better about your lifestyle choices isn't going to prevent the inevitable it's not gonna save your life last time I checked a word isn't a defibrillator thin privilege is about seeing yourself as thin it's about the freedom to move through the world easily thin privilege looks like walking into a store and easily finding your size it's about going to a restaurant without fear because you know you'll be able to fit into any seating available it's about not only being able to buy one plane ticket and nothing to worrying about fitting through the aisles or seats of airplanes then privileges the ease of existing in a fad phobic society that praises thinness it's about being represented in the media even by a plus-size model it's so much more than seeing yourself as in it's about living without worries and it makes me angry to see thin people say that they're only thin because they have privilege because literally nobody gets to choose whether they are thin to have privilege it's fine to have thin privilege but it's worth acknowledging and shipping the conversation to people who exist in larger bodies who have experienced that we can't speak on in any way shape or form wow I haven't seen so many tired arguments crammed one pointless paragraph but you know what I'm in the mood dirt somebody's feeling so let's tear this woman apart to begin with if you guys didn't already know if I didn't already tell you thin privilege is not a thing you can't have privilege for something that's normal something that's basic everybody starts as thin and yes I do acknowledge that some people are born larger than others but hey you can still lose the weight doesn't matter doesn't matter now she goes into detail about all the things that sidon people do that fat people can't write fitting into airplane seats and aisles finding clothes that fits you realizing that nobody wants to see you on any screen simply put the reason why you can't fit in a chair or an aisle or clothing your lifestyle choices in your diet have created a situation where you are literally incompatible for society you can't be mad that you can't fit clothes or can't sit in seats because you're 300 pounds you can't be upset you did that to yourself it's not society's role to cater for you you did that to yourself and now the media argument you mentioned that on television and online there's not a lot of plus-size bodies you want to know why because your body is undesirable nobody wants to see you jiggle on a screen like seriously nobody wants to see a cue ball squeeze into lingerie and pose on Instagram trust me nobody wants to see your rolls seriously get with the program you want to be on television you want to be looked fondly online why should the world change for you you aren't special you're just like me you're just a person all right if you want to feel special do something extraordinary like losing weight developing discipline and learning about yourself in ways that other people haven't tried to other people who aren't willing to okay so this is a list of helpful phrases at the doctor's office that are body-positive you know they're they're fat affirming and the person on the bottom who posted it literally said fat phobic doctors deserve to have their licenses stripped away for all time all money and assets earned during their time as a doctor repossessed and if they get hit by a bust I may or may not be driving it so be it Wow so um let's hope that she doesn't become president because if there's any doctors in the audience if you make the mistake in telling her that she has high cholesterol because you just got her blood work congratulations you now owe her all of your money all of your licensing and all of your hard work is gone because you you did you did your job hi if you're talking about your core team body you're contributing to fatphobia disordered eating and toxic body culture just stop no no I will tell the world that I've had ample opportunity ample opportunity to go outside and jog to stay inside and do my push-ups sit-ups and weight training all of that because I nearly have 5 months of just a long time that thank you for 2020 coming in and just wrecked my schedule but hey I have I have time to myself and I can actually look really good when I can go back into society and buy food then people actually think that they've earned their bodies they honestly believe their thinness is a product of their own work I'm not gonna read the rest I'm not gonna read the rest because that sentence alone not only invalidates my work but most importantly all the work that you guys have done every day I get a message from someone telling me how much late they've lost since they've started watching my videos there's a woman in particular who lost 52 pounds 52 pounds when they started watching my show that's nuts and this person wrote this paragraph simply telling you that hey if you've gotten thin through your own effort and through your own discipline you didn't really do it because it's not real it's not real to lose weight because your body isn't naturally thin that's bull they're saying that to drag you down they don't like the fact that you're looking attractive you have these gains you have these muscles you're about to have all these girls and guys on you because you're looking crispy they're mad because they can never have that feeling they don't want to recognize their own degeneracy you guys did and changed your life for the better and I am extremely proud of you like oh my god if I could hug all of y'all I would but I just I can't leave my house in all seriousness though I really hope you guys don't meet somebody like this in real life because I'm not afraid of what they'll do to you emotionally I'm afraid of what you'll do to them physically like you might just punch him in the face and that's a lawsuit so I'd really hope you guys can stay out of jail don't miss out on 95% of your life to waive 5% less last time I checked doing a couple sit-ups and push-ups at night doesn't equate to 95% of my life I mean it I don't know what type of new math you're doing and I hope you guys out there don't think that you know doing a couple push-ups sit-ups and jogging for an hour is taking away from your life because it isn't it's giving you life genuine exercise extends your life congratulations you're not dying at 85 like everybody else you're dying at 95 that's ten years of extra life and all for what what did you get from that oh you just went outside to jog it's that easy yes it's literally that easy oh you picked up a weight you just picked one up oh my god now I know I'm 200 years old I'm obviously joking you're not gonna live to be 200 you can live to be 2,000 you guys are kings what I want to say though is that spending a little bit of time outside or taking a little bit of hours out of your day just to do a quick simple workout will pay dividends for you you're gonna be the healthy old person you could be the old guy doing backflips in the park trust me it's like that obese is a slur and it's based on false premises badness does not cause health problems chair gym oh no it gets worse y'all it gets worse she pushes her patreon - Oh Lord she has a patreon to share her thoughts you know what hey it's the market it's capitalism if people want to give her money to to just lie go ahead a dollar a month to learn about structural oppression actually causing health problems last time I didn't know that someone calling you obese actually made you obese maybe I should stop saying obese diet culture count wait and measure your food for portion control still hungry after ten tries try to ignore hunger but craves one hour later in each a jar of almonds feels guilty and shameful diet culture rebel eat what feels good and call it a day eat what she wants and moves on joke's on you [ __ ] you still eatin almonds yeah keep on eating healthy nuts and grains you'll become one of us soon enough lose a little bit of weight you could become one of us one of us one of us how does it enabling with poor eating habits to continue their unhealthy path makes somebody an ally if you were heroin addicted instead of fad being told doing heroin is fine in society sucks would be enabling how was that different um one body size is not an indicator of health to supporting individuals to have a peaceful relationship with food while focusing on non weight-related health promoting factors is almost certainly being an ally and three individuals can do what they want with their bodies that's right you can eat yourself to death and not as soul would care no one no one would care your doctor cares maybe your family cares if you haven't chased them away but in reality strangers don't care yet you want the world to put you on a TV screen and make sure clothes fits you and change seats for you when in reality you don't register you're a nobody I love these posts so much because there's always just generalizations and bad information literally restricting dieting causes binge eating no that's not true you were born with the intuitive eater and that's not true there's no such thing as intuitive eating favorite one is the one in the swimsuit if you have to go hungry to be this body size you weren't likely meant to be this body size I love how fat logic and body-positive people always go to the extreme you know example they're like Oh dieters must be starving themselves no we eat throughout the entire day but we workout too and also we make sure to take care of what we're eating and since that we know that all something might have more calories something has more nutrients we just are more aware of what we're eating than you and that's why I and many others look really really good because we go out of a way to take very good care of ourselves and what we eat but you don't do that you just post stuff like this onto the internet and think that you've won the argument right in reality if you don't follow what we're doing in our advice you end up looking the way you do like someone who can fit into a piano box girl you need a cheeseburger idiot and you need a salad that model was really skinny but that's her job though oh my god I get that and I believe all women are beautiful however when I make it innocent and another female decides to tell me I need a salad that's just wrong yes I'm a thick chick but as thick ladies are just as pretty as skinny ones I've been bullied half of my life over my weight and now to be my age and adults are still doing it it's just not right at all no you're not thick thick women don't have to you know alert the world that they're thick you're fat you are big I truly feel sorry for all the curvy women out there who have had their words stolen from them the fat girls took that from you and now you guys are left with nothing and some people even look at you and think that you're fat now I'm sorry let's talk about how our PE teachers were fat phobic Wow god forbid your PE teacher asks you to workout asks you to run or do a sport that's the class there they weren't fat phobic they just want you to work out a thin acquaintance who assumes I've got nothing to do better than mother them into fully becoming me a fat person refusing to be a supporting actress in my own life this one's really an enigma I have no I have no clue what this is supposed to mean or what this is supposed to argue so um if you all know you can try to riddle it out but I I am lost it all depends on the way that you tell her by telling her you can potentially help develop a healthy diet or healthy workout routine and change your life around obesity isn't something to be proud of and I hate that the body positivity movement has warped it into a movement of enabling bad habits and hatred towards anyone who tries to help their friends fix them aka fat shaming back phobic etc yes I love body positivity but not as a mask for unhealthy habits that lead to a life of medical issues be extremely thoughtful about your approach so this poses in response to another one that I couldn't find it's essentially someone talking about how if you talk to your friend about their obesity and encouraging them to lose weight your being fat shaming you're being rude and that's not true I think you've really encountered a good friend if they're willing to go out of their way to sit you down and be like hey bro you want to go to the gym with me you want to you know go to the the swimming pool with me so we can do a couple laps do you want to do that you want to just come to my house and pick up a weight because I want you to be here I want you to be my friend for as long as possible and obesity is going to take you away from me it literally is I'm not gonna be able to be friendly with you if you're dead I want you around so come on man let's go to the gym that's a good friend have I mentioned how much I hate being plus-size like why is it a person with thin privilege can get a dress for 20 dollars because I'm plus-size the price instantly goes up to $30 for this same dress yes the dress may be similar in color and shape but what's not similar is the amount of fabric that goes into creating it you are a bigger person you require more fabric to cover your ginormous degenerate body please stop complaining about a 10 dollar difference it's not discrimination ha take as an overweight person fat acceptance and body positivity are not the same fat acceptance is toxic fat acceptance is encouragement of an eating disorder fat acceptance is detrimental body positivity is loving your body and choosing the healthier alternative and experiment try complimenting a fat win on something other than her hair her skin pretty face bravery or her inner beauty I'm sorry but last time I checked you can't experiment on something that's fundamentally impossible I always warn a bit when someone I admire intentionally starts losing weight it really does feel like a loss and it's hard not to feel like it's a repudiation of fatness and by extension fat people oh I'm so sorry that you feel inadequate because somebody that you admire is able to do something that you can never do why does health it every size only seem to apply to overweight people you never see fat activists saying that underweight people can be perfectly healthy you never see fat activists saying you can't tell someone's health by looking at them about a very thin person they rail against thin models actresses and celebrities on the basis of judging thin women's health by looking at them and making all kinds of assumptions about whether or not they're using drugs or having eating disorders it really makes you think huh was everybody itchy boy alias aka panda daddy no hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you do to my channel go ahead and subscribe BAM what are you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you all make [ __ ] that bells and get these notifications every time seriously hit that Bell it's important I hope you enjoyed today's content seriously if you want to have another installment of the phat logic series let me know in the comments down below we want to request any other reddit videos or horror stories videos on the patreon let me know in the comments down below and also go to the patreon so you can let me know they're speaking of the patreon the new horror stories content will be coming out for you guys around Friday or Thursday so if you're a patreon supporter look forward to that it's a really really nice video I think you guys are gonna like it if you want to catch that you can go ahead and check out the patreon one dollar gives you access to all the early content specifically early you know read it in horror stories content and speaking of the patreon thanks again to canned eggplant fini Jonas postmarked Rachel this fool Dustin will Billy Jade and taki thank you so much for your support it's greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there is a link to the description to the patreon that I've been talking about this entire time and the merch store both funds go directly into the channel to make sure we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 268,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, avcadon't, sorrowtv, soothouse, memes, fat acceptance, meme, meme compilation, r/niceguys, r/nicegirls, r/choosingbeggars, reddit memes, r/iamverysmart, pewdipie, meme cringe, cringe compilation, mlm, avon, younique, herbalife, sales, selling, marketing, boss babe, jontron, ailurus fatlogic, ailurus, Ailurus r/fatlogic, SSBU, make money today, get rich quick, apps, ailurus reddit, body postivity, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus Youtube, reddit reading, online jobs, online money, lizzo
Id: lh6nJ35hADg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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