Rex CT-7567: COMPLETE Life Story (Canon) Part 1

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[Music] who's the youngling he's the jedi who keep my brothers enslaved to choose not to kill for a living that is not your choice to make what if i am choosing the life i want what if i'm staying in the army because it's meaningful to me this entire operation has been compromised because of your failure a planet cost us men not clones men i know commendator she would never do something like this what have they done to you [Laughter] stand down troopers now that's an order soldier ct-7567 an alphanumeric designation for a clone that was just one of millions all bred for a single purpose to be used and discarded at the whims of a sith lord but 7567 would become rex would become one of the most important people in anakin skywalker's life and live on to play a critical role in the formation of the rebel alliance eventually getting his revenge on the sith that had tortured and killed countless of his brothers over the decades we will see how his connection to the unorthodox jedi knight skywalker led to rex developing a very strong sense of individuality while still maintaining an undying loyalty to the republic we will see how rex was one of the most intelligent and competent clones in the gar but also how he had so much to learn from his brothers who though all genetically identical the clones that he would meet throughout the war will betray him confuse him and inspire him all forcing rex to carve out his own meaning in this incredibly complex galaxy this canon story will cover each and every important event in the life of rex and if you want to find more videos like this and find ways to support the channel be sure to check out the description but let us start rex's story on his remote watery home world like all clones his story starts on kamino the only parents he would know would be the technicians mercenaries and jedi his brothers would number in the millions all with the exact same dna but time would reveal that they each had their own emergent and unique personalities his exact date of birth is unknown but was sometime in the year 32 bby at the same time the mid-room world of naboo was being blockaded by the trade federation the cells of the first batches of clones were dividing in their growth chambers age acceleration would bring them to adulthood in just 10 years with their earliest memories being of constant combat training simulations instilling the visions of a never-ending conflict that consumed the dreams of every clone throughout their lives though genetically identical there were always little signs of differences in temperament and ability 7567 was one of these gifted youths and was assigned more intense command and combat training eventually leading to a promotion to the elite advanced recon commandos or arc troopers and being designated the clone captain of torrent company within the 501st legion rex and torrent company would be there at the very outbreak of the clone wars when the secret army was revealed during the battle of geonosis a move that would save the jedi order with countless droids of various makes and models ripping through the ranks of his brothers this war was off to a rough start but 7567's leadership and skills earned him the attention of his jedi generals anakin skywalker was the head of the 501st and with this clone's heroic actions here and on the aquatic world of de bruyne skywalker saw that this trooper even if a bit too wound up and rigid did show enormous potential the alphanumeric designation was too cumbersome and impersonal 7567 would become known as rex and receive the jay guys on his helmet part of the mandalorian tradition adopted by those that trained the clones and which was one of the highest signs of honor and combat with this anakin also made racks his second in command over the entire 501st legion and after this promotion their next fight would be the battle of arantara there are a few details on this battle but we see the jedi general found rex lying in a ditch barely clinging onto life an explosion had blown away part of the reinforced plastoid of his helmet tearing away much of the front and visor deeply bruising rex's face and jostling his brain leaving him unconscious as he came to the clone was shocked to see that the general was leaning over him trying to guide him back to the living not just in shock because of the explosion but that a jedi general would show such concern for a lowly clone skywalker even going so far as to say it should have been him on the front lines that a true leader always leads at the front an experience that would influence rex for the rest of his life but from here they headed to christophsis where rex would have an experience that would shatter all of his core beliefs this mission is extremely confidential the spy could be anyone after this meeting they see the clone who is listening in on this conversation this may very well have been the spy but that is one of the tricky parts about having millions of literal clones it's pretty hard to tell which of the jango faces it was that you saw he would escape for now but rex and cody were on his trail see how it shows up every few days then disappears day to day you wouldn't notice it rex thinks to use r2 to track any outgoing signals from the base once the jedi head behind separatist lines he picks up on an infrequent series of transmissions and finds that it was coming from sergeant six barracks and note that rex is the one that puts it all together here godi is definitely one of the most intelligent elite soldiers too but this is one of the many incidents that we will see that point to rex being significantly more intelligent and ingenious than many of his brothers while the jedi are battling ventress kodi and rex interrogates slick's men reviewing each of their actions since their arrival on the base in accounting for any lost time whittling it down to chopper as their spy but seeing that his sergeant was willing to blame him the trooper burst out with accusations against slick cody wanted to hear more but swiftly receives a punch to the jaw as the spy runs out of the room cody and rex with blasters in hand desperately try to apprehend this impossibility a clone that could betray his brothers but eventually they were able to figure out where the traitor was and set up a trap the fight that ensues is a violent display of their years of martial arts training and in this unprecedented battle between troopers we hear what drove slick to treason but she offered me something more important something you wouldn't understand freedom it's the jedi who keep my brothers enslaved we do your bidding we serve at your whim i just want something more it is unknown what became of slick though we can assume that he was sentenced to death for treason against the republic but these words must have burrowed themselves somewhere deep into the subconscious of all present even if all were outraged and astonished at the fact that a clone could act against the republic though each of these troopers came from the exact same dna raised in the same family and endlessly drilled with the same singular purpose we see that even in these early months of the war these clones were much more than just organic droids following their programming a foreshadowing of things to come when slick was trying to flee he ended up destroying a bunch of vehicles like attes and la-80 gunships but luckily the av-7 cannon survived which would be crucial against the coming cis offensive rex you and your men follow me displaying some of that elite 501st training we see them launch an attack utilizing jetpacks right into the thick of the droid army advance while kenobi and cody are protecting the forward base with this first wave defeated the troops and jedi would regroup and go to meet the arriving new class shuttle even though rex couldn't have known it at the time it would be an event that would forever change the course of his life all were shocked that the temple would send out a youngling to the front lines even if she swore that she was really a padawan this togruta was not what rex and anakin were expecting as you might expect he ignores the child and simply speaks to her superiors though in this very first conversation she is able to get a chunkle out of this elite warrior you're stuck with me sky guy what did you just call me and he calls her little one a name that would stick for a while and she is comfortable enough to joke around with rex as well so if you're a captain and i'm a jedi then technically i outrank you right in my book experience outranks everything and during this battle of christophsis we might be getting a glimpse into how rex was already rising above his clone brothers as cody isn't at the meeting here instead this two-part plan to counter the cis deflector shield is thought up by rex and anakin's plan was inspired by something ahsoka said you think they have a chance they better a relentless barrage of cannon fire from the a7s would prove still too weak to bring down the ever expanding shield but ahsoka and anakin were able to sneak past enemy lines similarly kenobi rex and the rest of the troops would alter the plan to covertly press forward with the shield passing over them and republic forces descending on the droids rex engaging with dual dc-17s blazing the clones would feign a defeat seemingly being pushed back towards the cannons while kenobi offered himself up for capture as the general was stalling the shield was finally destroyed and now rex was ready to send another volley with the a7s devastating the line of clankers and vehicles once the reinforcements arrive and the victory was complete we see the camaraderie building between rex skywalker and ahsoka great job general skywalker you too kid seeing that on her very first mission just how confident the little one was and back on the venator racing off to their next battle we see rex and the clones gathering around and already enjoying ahsoka's war stories is that true sir well most of it from being on the defensive in a dense urban environment the republic would now lead a full frontal assault via laat gunships and transports carrying att walkers the droids were now the ones entrenched with dsd1 droids acting as anti-aircraft guns in the omar monk monastery high upon a plateau rex leads the charge out of the laats as they landed at the base of the monastery fighting is intense but the jedi and clones were able to scale the vertical cliff with the help of their grappling hook attachments and walkers the mission objective was to rescue jabba's son roda and dooku framed the republic to make it look as if they were the ones that kidnapped the hutling sending in the massive c9979 landers who would deploy an army to rescue jabba's son a move which if successful would ensure a hut cis alliance as rex and the clones cover the front skywalker and ahsoka try to get the child off world when the separatist forces overrun rex and his men the captain lies still faking his death waiting for the right moment when he can get a shot on ventress this would have been a significant loss early on in the war though he had to have assumed that he would have been killed in this process as well but the sith deflects the oncoming bull and careens into the b1 battle droid in front of her calling on the force rex's blaster is flung away and he is choked and interrogated i don't talk to separatist stump but he was able to retain his wits even with ventress applying a force mind trick quick thinking rex uses this as a perfect way to warn skywalker about his defeat breaking protocol and speaking too casually tipping off the general anakin anakin that's not like rex what is your location when the assassin foolishly leaves simple clankers to hold the prisoners rex again leads from the front stripping his captors of their blasters and inspiring the troops to rush the droids opening fire on them with their own e5s and taking refuge on a destroyed att until reinforcements could arrive kenobi and is dealt to seven and the clones in their la-80s blasting the droids away and rescuing their brothers anakin was supposed to return for evac but ahsoka convinces him that roda was getting worse that the hut needed to be taken to the venator's med bay asap reluctantly skywalker had to tell rex that he would have to finish the fight on his own we're not going to be able to help you don't worry about us general we'll be all right showing true commitment to the republic and the war effort while still definitely fighting in the style of anakin despite the general's absence and once the mission to unite the huts was complete rex cody and the rest of the gang went to tatooine to evac while the next stop would be mimbon in the expansion region this swampy and muddy world would remain a war zone for years to come with even the empire having difficulties against the membanis the assault would include the 501st and the mud jumpers of the 212th the general was jedi lon tick and the ambassador intended to meet with the minbanis was none other than jar jar binks the gungan's cowardice ran in stark contrast to the bravery of the jedi and efficiency of the clones but when the general was killed command actually fell on jar jar here rex made the easy yet technically unauthorized decision he took command of republic forces and held a meeting with some of the top 500 and first boys any chance of victory would depend on taking out the shield generator but the cis forces were too powerful to lead a full-on assault though it might be a suicide mission rex decided that if he were to sneak in there alone that would be their only chance he ordered a shuttle for exfiltration and gave the orders that if the shields went down then they could launch an attack if the shuttles arrived before that they would leave him behind best case victory but worst case there would only be one casualty as he neared the complex battle droid spotted him in a clearing rex was blasted several times but the strong plastoid armor held up but looking down a clanker's barrel he thought that this was the end until a blue blade flashed through the torsos of the b1s and it was not the general but jar jar also roaming out in the jungles for some odd reason claiming to have picked up the lightsaber to ensure that it didn't fall into the hands of the enemy rex strips the weapon away from him and explains the mission the gungan says that rex was brave but not very smart with jar jar offering to help rex gives the senator his dc15 rifle and whips out the trusty dc-17 pistols the pair are able to ambush the droids just outside of the generator and deliver a republic victory on mimban after this series of battles rex and cody were given some time off the front now taking the new class transport the obecks to inspect crucial republic bases and inside of the rishi moon outpost you can actually hear a reference to the mud jumpers that rex was just with this next one goes out to the mud jumpers of the 224th slugging it out on mim bomb keep your heads down and your seals tight boys commando droids had used the meteor shower to conceal their george class landing pod and were successful in taking over the base impersonating clones via their ability to regulate their voice and actually wear the trooper's armor but when a droid attack flare was launched and rex caught this trooper saying one of the battle droid's favorite catch phrases the deception was over after the resulting fire fight they find the rookies that were able to escape take them off now when a rishi eel snaps at them a perfectly placed shot by rex takes it down though the names fives heavy and echo would be known throughout the galaxy as some of the most heroic clones to ever leave kamino at this point they were still too fresh for respect looks like we got ourselves a batch of shinies commander shinies sir that's right your armor it's shiny and new just like you again we see that rex is the one that comes up with the creative plan doing the complex task of being a clone and acting like a droid who is trying to act like a clone which surely would have made the camino theater teacher feel validated roger roger once the clankers opened up the troopers were able to push through and refresh their weapons hitting up the armory with heavy grabbing a z6 and with this they were able to hold off the next wave of droid reinforcements extra-large gunk droids full of tibana gas were used to power this remote station and by grouping them all together and setting up a charge the explosion should be big enough to destroy the entire base eliminating all the droid units but most importantly cutting off the all clear signal that was being sent to the republic this listening post protected a major route directly to kamino essentially giving the cis a super highway straight to the clone homeworld but as our troopers fled the base heavy was cut off he valiantly mowed down dozens of droids before being peppered with bolts falling right at the feet of the gonks with his final breath he would help save his homeworld and countless brothers can we take prisoners i don't evac would come via laat gunships and a ceremony was held on the venator of the resolute where respect was given to their fallen comrade but for their bravery fives and echo would receive medals and a personal invite to the 501st seeing that they were no longer shinies you showed me something today you're exactly the kind of men i need in the 500 first sorry yes sir from here it was back to the front we see what would become countless times that rex saw firsthand how the jedi would defy a superior's orders based on them coming up with their own battle strategies something unthinkable with the rigid command structure taught to them on kamino but the biggest takeaway was that these plans often worked you should listen to your padawan as you listen to yours my old master no we're going to stay and fight and i think i know how to beat grievous at his own game just one of those many seeds of independence that would be planted via the jedi bothaway was of great strategic importance to the republic being a gateway to the outer rim which was increasingly falling to the cis it was also home to the bothans and their crucial spy network which had been the galaxy's top information brokers for centuries with only three venators and grievous rolling his fleet over from a previous victory the obvious move was to retreat as several munificent class ships approached they took down a venator as they passed through the dense asteroid ring but anakin was not retreating ahsoka would coordinate between skywalker and the gold squadron in their v19s and rex in the 501st concealed on the asteroids with att's once in range the powerful mass driver cannons torn to the capital ships of course these guns were powerful but what gave them an extra edge is that they were solid projectiles not balls of plasma fired out of turbolasers so if energy shields were the issue the atte's high explosive projectiles were a perfect way to take out this cis fleet as we see that once grievous's fleet was critically wounded then ahsoka gives the order to open out with the all-out barrage of turbolaser fire from the remaining venators though this would destroy the fleet general grievous would make a quick getaway via his bell below 22. anakin was in hot pursue but a piece of debris from the exploding capital ships had penetrated the wing of his delta 7 causing a small explosion that sent its spiraling out of control in likely damaging life support systems a skywalker would black out and gain consciousness in a med bay with captain rex being the one to scramble the craft used to rescue him you owe rexter your skin sky guy just doing my job sir it was your plan that won the day but anakin learns that r2 was now missing in action obi-wan thinks that the loss of an astromech isn't a big deal i lost r2 in the field well our two units are a dime a dozen and though anakin's attachment is the real reason he's upset about this there was also the practical concern that anakin was not wiping the droid's memory what he's still programmed with our tactics and base locations if the separatists get a hold of him what possessed you not to erase that droid's memory there were scrappers in the area that could be tracked down and for this rescue mission the replacement was an r3 unit somehow this astromech was a plant from the cis a spy that leads them into a trap set by grievous would have successfully killed anakin by cutting off the laser cannons as hyenas were approaching but rex and ahsoka arriving in the twilight were able to save the day destroying the fighters skimming the capital ships and opening the bay doors for anakin to fly into then r2 is able to get a signal out which anakin picks up and rex is able to track down we have a lock on the droid's location sir this brings them to skytop station on one of the moons of russon a separatist battle sphere and listening post rex isn't too happy to bring this apparently malfunctioning droid along with him but it gets even worse we'll need goldie to open secured hatches and access the station's computer for us oh and rex you get to carry him rex troopers and jedi then make a jump out of the open bay doors dropping in on this secret cis station the squad and ahsoka would take the explosives to the reactors which could bring the station crashing down to the surface an alarm set off by the spydroid activated array shield and called in reinforcements the emp droid poppers would save them from the b1s and b2s but then grievous arrives quickly sends the young ahsoka flying away and turns towards the clones defeating some with deflected bolts while sending rex smashing into the wall and knocking him unconscious the cyborg scrambles over the captain and brings his lightsaber down on rex but ahsoka saves his life with just milliseconds to spare intercepting with her own green blade as he comes too he tells ahsoka that there are only two troopers left but ahsoka orders him to complete the mission with the bombs planted rex makes his way to the extraction and runs into anakin and with panic in his voice he tries to explain that ahsoka ordered him to continue on without her she engaged general grievous alone she distracted him while we completed the mission it was on her order sir and both instantly agree to rush back and rescue her from grievous but the traitorous astromech strikes again closing off the doors and activating hyenas and it can orders that rex set off the explosives which gives ahsoka a chance to escape while rex and the troopers blast away the battle droid reinforcements always with the keen eye and creative mind rex spots something that might buy them some time general skywalker there are fuel cells over here with a force push and a perfect shot by rex the explosion clears most of the remaining droids in the hangar and they escape once r2 opens the hangar doors as they pull off on the twilight rex is alarmed by the delta 7 being activated in the transports bay but ahsoka notes that it is just anakin going to rescue r2 from the collapsing skytop station this mission would stick with rex as a striking example of how crazy the jedi could be blowing up a station with them still in it a padawan taking on the cis general alone but also how loyal and brave they were going back for ahsoka and even an astromech at this point the republic is still desperately trying to hold on to the outer rim territories upon anakin's flagship the resolute they raced to aid ayla sakura and her fleet over the planet quell flying in with la-80s rex and his jedi would fight past the flak and v2 rps the flying variant of the super battle droids that were deadly efficient against the large republic gunships anakin hops on one and commandeers it while ahsoka and rex ride the damaged laat into an opening in the venator's hole hopping out and dispatching droids while trying to make it to the bridge they were able to rendezvous with sakura's forces and make their way to the dock c70 but anakin sees that they won't make it force pushing everyone into the charger while he absorbed the blow from the explosion ahsoka and ayla would be able to rescue him but when going to dock with the resolute one of the hyena's laser cannons fired through the cockpit and killed one of sakura's troopers his head smashing into the control panel the hyperdrive was activated damage to the charger systems made it impossible to turn this off forcing them to disengage from the venator bly and ahsoka would try to pilot the heavily damaged cruiser but it was heading right into a star by using the ship's momentum and the gravitational pull they were able to slingshot into the remote planet of meriden making an incredibly tough crash landing with rex not missing a beat and helping to evacuate and then set up the camp ayla tells ahsoka that they will have to go out and try and make contact with the local population hopefully finding a way to get in touch with the republic don't worry kid i'll take good care of him the padawan is worried to leave her unconscious master behind but rex promises to protect sky guy and tries to assure the little one hey kid good luck that night rex senses something is watching them and anakin wakes up only to lock eyes with a terrifying creature a mastiff phelons leaps out of the tall grass and whips rex about pinning his arm down but he is able to squeeze off a shot scaring the creature away meanwhile the jedi had found alarming village and after getting anakin to one of their healers he was starting to look better the next morning when a c9979 was spotted by rex the republic forces left the village to try and hide out commander bly we've got company not wanting to make it seem like these people were allies of the republic but the cis did not need any excuse to occupy this world i am general lockherd of the separatist alliance ransack this donkey blind rex help anakin on his feet while the battle droids rip apart the village and rex and ahsoka couldn't believe that the lerman would just sit by and let this happen you know i can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight no pride i guess i call it no courage while they try to figure out what to do to get off world and it can propose this stealing a separatist ship but they are spotted by a probe droid in pursuing it they discover a cis prefabricated base that was already dropped down and assembled rex and blind sneak closer to the base to see how they can infiltrate walk dirt reveals a new type of weapon that can kill organic matter without harming the droids the first test fire of this prototype would show that it unleashes an enormous circle of fire which nearly consumed our clone recon team that night ayla and ahsoka would scale the walls of this base and open the door while anakin and the troopers would silently eliminate b1s until they made it to an available shuttle but along the way rex spotted something very useful shield generator sir let's take them with us when they arrive back at the village the leader of the lerman was still refusing any aid but the jedi know that durd plans on testing this new weapon on the primitive peaceful people rex keeps look out while the generators are put into place how are the shields rex emerges from the shield to open fire with the dc-15 rifle as the separatists send wave after wave of droids eventually they were able to push rex and bly back into the shield ray b2 then opened fire on the generator disintegrating this protective bubble anakin would rush towards the defoliator while many lurman picked up arms to fight the clankers rex now blasting away with his dual pistols these combined forces were able to win the day and from this remote grassland the 501st would be shipped out to the icy and politically complex world of ordo plutonia in this thought inhospitable world we see the boys in blue sporting their cold weather assault gear this world's moon was pantora home to the blue skinned pantorans this is sovereign pantora territory there were worries that this was a separatist invasion but when they discovered a cis outpost that was also destroyed in a mysterious manner it seemed like some third unknown force was attacking and obi and annie eventually discovered that it was the native talls the pantoran chairman is furious and wants these savages to be slaughtered but rex is given orders from anakin not to let this turn into another war no matter what the politician wants rex does still need to keep him safe no matter what the chairman thinks we're not going to war as they're making their way back to the republic base they are ambushed by the talls once these natives started killing off his clone brothers rex did what he had to do with the trusty dc-17 snapping he was able to cut down dozens while spears came reigning in the chairman received a spear to the back but was still conscious while rex ordered a hasty retreat via the barc speeders and setting up a perimeter awaiting further air support and when the gunships arrived the towels stopped their assault 11 dead the rest wounded including the chairman the chairman's last words urged the senator to wipe out these savages but tucci offers them peace with the pantorans remaining and the tales becoming important republic allies now in the year 21 bby we head to the first planet to ever see clankers on the battlefield naboo dr vindy was by all definitions a mad scientist wanting to bring back the blue shadow virus one of the deadliest viruses in galactic history something that could kill all known species the separatists helped him craft this but the research lab was discovered by jar jar and padme though taken prisoner they were able to get a signal out to the republic by using thermal detonators they were able to blow a hole into the under swamp cave system repelling off the lats rex would lead the assault into these secret tunnels eventually resulting in the doctor's capture while the bomb squad led by kenobi would defuse the detonator but while annie and obi were transporting vindy one of the lep droids proved to be a very tenacious and dedicated assistant inserting one of the vials into a detonator with wrecks just feet away safety measures kept it from escaping the facility but it did make it into the room that ahsoka and the troopers were rushing towards no no no some of the virus got in here we didn't close the door fast enough knowing that they were already infected they teamed up and fought through the clouds of blue blasting the battle droids that were sent to open the facility up in hopes of infesting all of naboo droidikas in these small spaces were devastating but ahsoka's quick athletics and precise maneuvering of her lightsaber past the shield of these destroyers helped to save rex and the rest one of these stray bolts severed padme's suit and rendered her infected too at this point all were showing visible signs of the virus taking hold with these blue veins spreading across their face obi and annie were able to secure a route that is used to make a vaccine and once the republic forces were able to sterilize and extract them it was declared that all were going to make a quick recovery though jar jar's combo of constantly being involved in the action while not being able to actually contribute made the gar decide to give him official firearms training but remembering his time with the gungan back on minbon rex was not volunteering really oh boy i'm gonna be trained i am not training him from here it would be the twilight homeworld of ryloth where the separatists were keeping up a very effective blockade this would also be ahsoka's first time as commander leading blue squadron in their v-19s each with six missiles intent on taking out the command ship but this was a trap as vulture droids would dive bomb the venators and four more cruisers rushed into position to surround the republic flee rex was on board and heard how she disobeyed both admiral ularin and her jedi master resulting in the loss of nearly the entire squadron before finally turning back i'm ordering you to return to the ship i'm going to need your help ahsoka it's too risky get your pilots out of there no turning around did you train her not to follow orders though incredibly disappointed with ahsoka skywalker displays some amazing teaching skills entrusting his life with her and giving her even more responsibility to show that he still had faith in her alright men listen up i'm taking over the defender and i'm leaving commander ahsoka in charge and rex back this up snapping the boys into order and making sure everyone showed the little one respect as the now acting commander of the resolute commander on deck with just two venators remaining anakin decided to evacuate the heavily damaged ship the defender placing everyone on the resolute he would single-handedly pilot the venator into the cis command ship and jettison out via an escape pod to be rescued by ahsoka when rex hears this he thinks this is crazy even for skywalker i have to say this plan is questionable one of the other clones inadvertently shows the lack of confidence in ahsoka yes but normally we have general skywalker to lead us in i meant no offense commander as anakin approaches in the defender the plan is being explained to the rest of the bridge ahsoka's new plan involves shifting the venator on its side to protect the bridge and make it so the hangers are now releasing bombers above and below the frigates flanking them a move that would hopefully work long enough to extract sky guy yoloran awakes from his concussion and enters just in time to hear this bold plan also choosing to back up the padawan who is being grilled by some worried clones then the strategy will work sir well will it yes moments later the venator would careen into the lucra hulk and bombers would help disable the munificence followed by obi-wan and windu's arrival with the invasion force rex and you lauren were happily looking on as her strategy proved to be such an impressive victory next we see rex on felucia where republic forces were being overwhelmed and in need of immediate evac plokun and the wolf pack would be there to break the blockade and rescue anakin obi-wan and the 501st but ahsoka was resistant to leave a young one you will get on the gunship when we arrive where's osaka following your teachings rex and many of the clones looked on as ahsoka was fighting with the tenacity and skill of her master and after felucia was the planet devaron where cis fleet had arrived to help kadbane transport a stolen jedi holocron a republic fleet engaged but feared to completely destroy the frigates as jedi master bolo rapal was on board choosing to target specific systems to prevent the ships from escaping captain sir they hit the power converter so we can't go into hyperspace skywalker came up with the idea of using attes as boarding craft their pressurized interiors and magnetic feet making them surprisingly suited for space walks execute battalion take at 300 carnival battalion walker 773 let's go by positioning the ventral hanger the walkers simply drop down and opened fire engaging the vulture droids that swarmed them while rex's pistols were ripping apart droids in zero g and then on into the bridge of the munificent with the ship under their command they would have to search for both ropal and the holocron rex send a squad lock down the hangar bay and destroy all the escape pods no one gets off this ship yes sir finding the master they would move towards getting back to the venators but bane was able to cut off the power forcing the clones to activate night vision on their visors the bounty hunter was leading them into a trap with dozens of droids cutting the gravity generators the clones were temporarily disoriented but their magnetic boots were engaged in the fight continued even through the chaos rex reminds his brothers to look out for the artillery shells that line this room check your fire hit one of those shells and this fight is over for all of us but a battle droid accidentally fires right into one of these loose shells setting off a massive chain reaction soka would be separated chasing bane forcing anakin to search for her while the 501st sought at a shuttle that they could use to escape before the entire frigate blew in order to free ahsoka anakin opens the holocron for bane and reluctantly the jedi have to make it back to rex and leave the holocron in the hands of the enemy escaping just seconds before its munitions were completely set off from here it was back to the beginning the planning meeting right before the second battle of geonosis would involve many jedi along with rex and cody obi-wan and the 212th would be the first in being torn apart by the heavy anti-aircraft fire in nantex fighters skywalker in the 501st would be next with his laat being damaged and forced to make a crash landing after kyary mundi's craft was shot down as well the laatcs transporting the walkers were ordered to set down and create a defensive barrier and finally kenobi was also shot down the 501st landed closer to the target not knowing the condition of the rest of the republic forces rex we need to mobilize now get the men together we're going to rush the guns they pressed the bugs in trench positions other geonosian forces were surrounding the att ring rex and company pressed on but were stopped by an enormous wall packed with dozens of laser cannons mundi's forces would pass through a cave system employing flametroopers while anakin and ahsoka scale the wall the 501st was trying to draw their fire but lost several men fighting from the low ground but once the jedi were able to clear some of the top side droids rex was able to meet them and using anakin's slow blade to pass through the droidica shield technique he passes his blaster right up to the rolly poli's head and takes a shot and then he had to experience utter faith in the jedi being force pushed off the wall as the explosives were detonated jedi could call on the force to soften their landing but rex was screaming all the way down before being caught at the last second and gently sat down once y wings came to clear out some of the ground forces skywalker regrouped with the 212th and continued the assault destroying the massive geonosian shield generator array next would be the droid factory the 501st was joined by luminara and dooley and her padawan barissathi the lesser watched on as republic forces are enveloped in a canyon while the padawans would be charged with their own special mission to plant explosives in the base of the facility by infiltrating the catacombs the tactical droid tx 21 sees that as the republic broke through the canyon and set up their a7 artillery guns this major cis asset could be lost so he urges poggle to unleash the super tank sir you can't be asked to turn tail and run but unduly sees that this was just a plot to draw them onto the bridge where perfectly placed explosives would send them falling into the deep crevasse down in the reactor the g-notions had taken the bombs from the padawans but now they were in control of a super tank they made the selfless decision to take out the entire complex by firing on that reactor but which would also bring the complex down on top of them without missing a beat rex hopped into an lat and coordinated with the laat carriers to remove the rubble the tank lifters are here to move the debris eventually the jedi were able to be reunited with rax right at the general side as ahsoka was rescued this was another display of undying loyalty amongst the jedi but would be followed up by a second example of a clone trooper that had abandoned his brothers after the battle in orbit grievous had to crash land via an escape pod but kenobi orders the captain to track down the main wreckage once they search the main crash site kenobi then entrusts the 501st is spreading out in search of grievous and as they pull away on their barc speeders we get to see what kenobi and cody thought of him rex is a smart man indeed always thinking on his feet but tragedy would strike just moments later as a sniper team of commando droids zeroed in on rex delivering a powerful bolt to his upper chest which sent him flying off the back of his speeder unconscious his brothers were able to pursue and eliminate the droids and then rush him off to safety jesse was able to deduce that there must be a farm nearby due to there being domesticated wildlife and with the gurney bed feature of the speeder they made their way to the homestead they were intercepted by a rifle wielding twilight that was not too happy to have visitors but she did eventually let them set up and give rex medical treatment we see that the bowl actually punctured through the armor and almost completely passed through his body but he was already being recovered via the back to patch that would have gone straight through your heart had it been two inches to the left and then we see some of the dynamics of command when the captain is incapacitated that's an order sir as the team medic when it comes to the health of the men including you i outrank everyone meanwhile kenobi's men had discovered grievous escape pod and commanding officer jesse would now lead the 501st to the crash site in order to apprehend the general while rex recovered in the stables he discovers another unthinkable clone my name is liquaine cutlerqueen you're a deserter well i like to think i'm merely exercising my freedom to choose unlike slick who actively got clones killed with his treason this clone deserter went against every bit of their genetic engineering and years of training but he hurt no one and even had a family that he loved and supported cut knows that all clones no matter how seemingly dogmatic they appear still question things about their freedom and the debate that occurs between cut and rex gives us some of the best insight into these competing thoughts in a clone's mind name has to make you feel unique especially in an army where everyone looks like you and talks actually i've never really thought about it yes you have how would you know because i am as close to you as any life form can be admit it you've thought about what your life could look like if you would also leave the army choose a life you want what if i am choosing the life i want what if i'm staying in the army because it's meaningful to me because i'm part of the most pivotal moment in the history of the republic if we fail then our children and their children could be forced to live under an evil i can't well imagine isn't that what somebody programmed you to believe captain no cut it's simply what i believe it doesn't matter if it's my children or other people's children we learned that what pushed him to desert was that his transport was shot down during the battle of geonosis all of his brothers were killed in an instant everything he really cared for was dead he realized that this war wasn't about fighting for his brothers he just felt like a droid something pumped out by the millions to fight for some far-off politicians the republic forces were now deep in combat with grievous and droids but one of the escape pods that jettisoned off had landed in the laquan farm and now damaged commando droids were making their way to the homestead rex i need you to be the last line of defense for my family rex sees that again this is not a dishonorable man despite all of his instincts to despise a deserter though injured the captain is able to protect cutt's family grievous narrowly escapes kenobi and the following morning we see that rex promises not to turn cut into the republic authorities you're still a deserter cut but you're certainly not a coward and when cut offers him the chance to stay we hear rex say something very interesting this is your home cut my family is elsewhere note that he doesn't say that his home is with the republic or even his brothers of the 501st just a vague elsewhere perhaps showing that rex was now aware that his sense of purpose found with the gir was lacking not as deep and true as cuts was with his family sensing there must be something more but not quite sure what it could be at this time and i think this would be a good place to pause covering one of the greatest warriors in the history of the star wars galaxy takes a lot of time so thanks for watching and i hope to see you guys in part two there will track the rest of rex's career throughout the clone wars how his bond with skywalker and ahsoka is strengthened and how he would survive into the imperial era being one of the most valuable assets to the rebel alliance and eventually helping to bring down the emperor if you want to subscribe so you don't miss the next part and remember down in the description there's tons of ways to help support the channel for free or check out our patreon and paypal special shout out to our supporters over on patreon especially our 25 tier andrew van black phoenix feed me kittens and sarah diaz but most important of all remember always keep your dc 17s close and the force will be with you always you
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 2,015,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rex, rex complete life, star wars, empire day, 501st, clone wars, ct-7567 rex, ct-7567 death, captain rex, commander rex, captain rex order 66, captain rex death, captain rex rebels, clone wars lore, clone wars explained, clone trooper, clone troopers, clone trooper tribute, 501st legion, 501st explained, grand army of the republic, metanerdz, complete life of rex, rex history, clone wars season 7, clone trooper profile, republic army, captain rex life, rex tribute
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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