Rex CT-7567: COMPLETE Life Story (Canon) Part 3

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75-67 it's honing in on something seven five six seven seven five six seven captain Rick's you were a hero once you know it's not over Rex Rex Cody welcome back for the final part of the complete life story of Rex we learn how he went from the growth chambers on Kamino to lead the 501st at general Skywalker side we saw how he and the so close friendship grew throughout the Clone Wars also many of his own brothers and even Jedi generals revealed themselves as traitors and then there were his brothers that were tortured by this war the mind of tup was shattered fives was framed and killed echo was made a machine slave and Jesse and many of his five-o first brothers died in the Venator crash following order 66 or even he was forced to try and kill ahsoka but as long as these two survived the emperor could not claim victory last we saw Rex is in the year nineteen BBY we wouldn't see him again for another 15 years just four years before the Battle of Yavin Sokka was heavily involved in building up rebel cells across the galaxy and they felt it was time to set up a hidden permanent base she thought her old friend would know the best location no one would have a better understanding of the sites in the outer rim that could be of military importance than him a great military commander with a vast knowledge of the outer rim he could assist us in finding a base but the use of a t series is computational powers as a tool they could predict where one would have gone into hiding on the desert planet ceelo's making a point to fellow order 66 survivor Kanan to trust this person and Kanan if you find my friend you must trust him the spectres team would split up in the T series starts to pick up on a code that ahsoka must have used to locate her old friend [Music] out of a heavily modified ATT emerged three old men they're clones Jedi they've come for revenge stand out troopers now that's an order soldier the clones and Cain in the order 66 survivor both think that the other wants to kill them shots are fired but Rex's cooler headed prevails well the young rebel Ezra shouts out that it was a soca that sent them ahsoka tano I fought by her side from the Battle of Christophsis to the siege of Mandalore as they go inside to talk you can see the dust covered helmets of a bygone era and even what may be a helmet from the 212 Ezra is eager to get the veterans to help but they are less enthused the emperor said the Clone Army is out served its purpose and retired us now we spend our days just telling stories my days as a soldier are over we need a base ahsoka said you knew about all sorts of secret locations in the outer rim there are a few spots I never bothered to report to the Empire here we learn how we experienced this fade into obscurity and being tossed aside by the Empire it wasn't on the run he was simply forgotten and deemed irrelevant but Rex secretly told the real purpose of the Clone Wars to wolf and Gregor how it was all darth sidious his plot to turn the republic into an empire while using all of his clone brothers to kill off the jedi and so these two also had their bio inhibitor chips removed would choose to live with him in this more simple life hunting joopa meanwhile on an imperial star destroyer agent Kallus is informed that they were receiving a transmission with a clone encryption but he was informed that this was most likely just an old clone who's degenerating mines still had him fighting in the war while the clones number checks out he has a record of calls of delusional distress I wouldn't take him to serious things again pointing to the fact that the new Imperial leadership and troopers that phased out the clone and Republic personnel we're accustomed to seeing these Clone Wars relics degrading into madness as the Empire simply waited for them to arrive at their age accelerated deaths and back in the Walker we see how unnerved Kanan is by Ezra's acceptance of these troopers I watched them kill my master she fought beside them for years and they gunned her down in a sec the agreement was that to repay the clones for the info on the new base the spectres would help to take down an enormous chupa and though everyone seemed to get along that evening Kanan is venting to Hera about having to deal with these clones and she reminds him that clone troopers saved billions of lives including hers when Ezra is asking Rex about the war he talks about what Anakin told him all those years ago at the beginning a great Jedi once told me that the best leaders lead by example you do that well but Sabine rushes in and says that the clones sold them out there was a transmission sent by the Walker to the Empire and multiple calls from ahsoka were being ignored confirming Kanan spheres that they were still working to kill the Jedi but Rex is adamant that this didn't happen while noticing that wolf is suspiciously silent I wanted to protect you guys protect our squad the war is over we are free men the argument was interrupted by an imperial probe droid but the old captain proves he still had it with the DC 15 blasting the probe with a single bowl thinking they were free to go Rex gives them a list of locations that would be great for starting up a rebel base the coordinates of every Republic base separatist installation pirate hideout and Smuggler's den in the outer rim plus a few Mandalorian bases that even the Dave forgotten about a bit of a dark remark there at the end by Wolfe noting that their list is more accurate of Mandalorian base locations than in now decimated humiliated and scattered Mandalorian people after the Empire used the siege of Mandalore to permanently place this world under the Imperial yoke but just then they get hailed by agent Kallus responding to ops claim of having spotted a Jedi to which he now denies unamused the Imperial shows him the probe droid footage but the spectres known shuttle spotted on top of the clones home Rex is given an ultimatum that turned the Jedi over or die I hope you brought a better class of soldier than those stolen troopers these clones were not rusty immediately moving into position opening up a crate of ger weaponry including an RPS 6 rocket launcher that Gregor uses to pick off a TIE fighter after the smoke clears Ezra is still curious about the Clone Wars as it always seemed far off and exciting growing up on the thaw and with him being born on the very same day that the Empire was formed I don't think the fighting ever got too low though general I fought with was among the greatest of the Jedi I trusted him with my life more times than I can count when the M's dropped their new walkers Rex was curious and honestly impressed reinforced armor plating heavy cannons and anti-personnel blasters and he knows that this is not a fight that they could win instead turning away and trying to run with an enormous sandstorm coming this might be their only hope as he knows with Jedi you can pull off some pretty amazing things Kanan can feel the m's presence in the force and uses it to guide while everyone else is walking around blind I always trust my general the Jedi puts them in the center of the 380 ATS and with Ezra using the force as well he's able to let it guide its shot perfectly placed on the relatively weak neck joint to bring it down the spectres need to use this break in the storm to escape back to the ghost you're not abandoning anyone we're covering your escape now move and the ISD in orbit happens to be recalled at that same moment by none other than lord Vader the Rex's old general inadvertently saving him once again while the clones take on the two remaining Imperial walkers the fight would have been their last but Kanan could not bring himself to let the clones died after protecting their escape turning back they were able to drop in on the Walker while the ATT II was recklessly charging the other this combo of clone troopers and Jedi leadership proved effective once more just like the old days and this fight convinced Rex to join the rebels where he sees that the little one is all grown up Amanda you got old had to happen sometime Rex with the specters Rex and joy seeing the old Master and Padawan relationship again eager to share some of his wisdom that he picked up from watching his Jedi general and he actually disagrees with canons teaching methods even going so far as to directly insult Kanan implying that he was the source of the boys lack of discipline there's where the boys lack of discipline comes from you're saying I lack discipline yeah that's exactly what I said him and Kanan continued to fight about the balance between being trained as a soldier versus being trained as a Jedi and Ezra just leaves to join Sabine and Seb's mission one of his base recommendations led him to check out an older public medical station but there attract here by an Inquisitor luckily Zeb was able to blast them with the Phantom and scoop up the rest of the team a return to Phoenix squads mobile base the next day we would see how the young Ezra was being pulled between these Clone Wars veterans and while Ezra was searching for a lost ship with Jun Sato they were pulled out of hyperspace to bring them back Hera ordered Kanan and Rex to go undercover and neither of them were too happy about taking on this mission together not Rex he can also impersonate a stormtrooper right that's because he is a stormtrooper and Rex wasn't too keen on donning this new armor I would never be on their side or wear that junk armor but the duo take a stolen sentinel class and make their way towards Ezra's last-known location as they approach Rex's knowledge of the codes proves invaluable 7/5 testing zone and off-limits to us two five seven we're gonna have a three three seven six on our hands and Rex had to admit that this Jedi had some useful tools of his own once they find out where as where is they race to him but are accidentally shot with a stun blast from the boy as he was already working on rescuing himself and Rex notices that this was not republic phase one or phase two armor this armor doesn't protect you from anything well I told you when Ezra wants to disable the interdictor Rex agrees going against Kanan and now requiring them to split up and search the ship with chopper and the main reactor he was able to sabotage the systems while Kanan and Rex liberated Sato and his crew blasting their way down to the ship and trying to make it back to the shuttle but the old clone was having a hard time adjusting to this new gear as they press on towards the Sentinel the waves of stormtroopers keep increasing forcing Rex to make the decision to hold them off on his own forced to rush them Rex who is now 56 and the twice aged clone years was still able to defeat three of the bucket heads but when a fourth came in blast them with two stun bolts he was taken prisoner and robe ROM Titus is shocked to see a clone helping the rebel scum why would you lower yourself to fight with traitors where is your loyalty our loyalty was to the Republic not Shore Empire out of respect for the decorated veteran the Admiral offers him a chance to work at a major Imperial training facility Rex could redeem his military career and proudly wear the stormtrooper armor you could wear that armor and be proud of your service again oh I'm proud of my service really hate this armor as the interrogator droid comes for Rex Kanan can sense that this clone is in trouble can't believe what he's about to do but he runs back for the captain my friend Titus is furious that the clone is still resisting intell's reacts that like the rest of his brothers this decorated hero would be thrown away like trash you will be discarded and Olga more like an obsolete piece of field equipment now free the rebels are able to make their escape via The Sentinel and though their first jump would see them ripped back into real space chopper set it up so that when the interdictor activated its gravity wells the effect would be uncontrollable pulling in all the other Imperial ships in this area creating a dazzling display of capital ship carnage back at the Republic fleet as recumbents on how he really understands why Jedi and clones make such a perfect pair thanking each other for their sacrifices these two Clone Wars veterans salute each other for giving the past and focusing on the future with the rebellion but still without a permanent base the rebels HQ is just a fleet that stays in obscure parts of space while the Empire increased their patrols across the galaxy and we're locking down major hyperspace lanes the Mandalorian Sabine knows of a shortcut to the Thal Concord on space which was not an imperial territory when Azhar asked why Rex explains how fiercely independent these people are on court dawn is known for its elite warriors they were brought in to Train clones back in the war and Sabine explains that there were another faction besides Death Watch in malls converted mandos but who were allied to the Duchess serving as the Royal Guard during the Clone Wars and once the Imperial takeover being forced out to Concord dawn hoping to find an ally Hera leads a squadron of a wings but the protectors shut down any hope of talks Sabine's info was incorrect the Empire having struck a deal with Fenn rau to keep his face independent essentially allowing the protectors to hold on to it as long as they didn't go against the Empire and gave up any rebels that they wanted Hera was nearly killed in Sabine demanded vengeance against Rao in these mandos a man that both Rex and Kanan called an ally during the Clone Wars Ben Rao was a fighter pilot instructor for the Grand Army of the Republic he also served at the Battle of Megiddo I know I was there in the next mission would result in his capture from here the spectres were tasked with investigating reports that the Empire was building something massive over Geonosis as soon as they emerge from hyperspace they can seize some sort of Imperial construction modules before they approach rex warns them of the countless gia notions on the surface well when chopper says that there are no life-forms on the surface the veteran of 2g notion battles doesn't believe it no life you cross wired the billions of bugs on Geonosis once on board the seemingly abandoned imperial facility they were ambushed by callouses forces Rex man's a laser cannon on the ghost and opens fires on the 80 DPS while Zeb is forced to make an escape from the station via escape pod and Rex tries to reassure Ezra that they can find him shooting down several pursuing TIE fighters and even taking out more of those walkers while Zeb's pod with calles in it was knocked off-course and crash-landed onto an icy Geonosian moon and though the search would take a while they do eventually find him when we next see the rebels the fleet has grown both Rex's list of suitable locations in a map of areas from Zeb's nearly extinct species that Assad both identified at elan as the world's so incredibly remote that there was no Imperial presence in this way Rex was instrumental in providing this major stepping stone towards finally defeating the Emperor and restoring the Republic though there were the local Creek now that had attacked one of their scouts and even captured the captain forcing the specters to venture deep into the creatures cave systems where countless eggs were discovered and dangling from the ceiling they found Rex this rescue alerted the whole colony his creatures rushed out or so aggressive that they even attacked the ship covering it with their thick webs and preventing escape all worried that they had discovered why this world was never inhabited the Crick know most made it inside of the ship but were repelled with an impressive flying kick from Rex meanwhile outside Sabine accidentally discovers that they were agitated and repelled by the sensor arrays and even though they made it out alive Rex worried that this was not the right location after all yes we should inform commander Sato our sight might not work out but all was not lost however by simply creating a perimeter with these sensor arrays the rebels had their secret base and now a sea of violent spiders that would scare away any unwanted visitors the rebellion would continue to grow its strength in numbers but they were about to take one of the most devastating losses you know I could have ordered you to take me home you don't exactly outrank me anymore in my book experience outranks everything hmm Rex was forced to attend to matters at the rebels chopper base but Yoda had instructed Ezra to go to Mallik or in order to find the secret to defeating the Sith on this ancient Sith world they would be attacked by the inquisitors and Darth Maul would reveal himself trying to turn Ezra into his apprentice and even fighting alongside the Jedi having spent these years plotting his own revenge on the Emperor and having long abandoned his Darth title though by the end of this battle he would try to kill Kanan and turn his blades on the Jedi that had freed him from his Mandalorian coffin all those years ago Darth Vader would show up and the entire system would be activated causing an enormous burst of energy that destroyed the complex was ahsoka inside of it when the spectres arrived on chopper base Rex was there waiting broken had already having heard the reports to make this even worse their next mission would be made even more difficult because of his memories with her from the end of the Clone Wars as so many of his loved ones from the Clone Wars era were being the rebels got reports that a remote imperial facility was scrapping y-wings the bomber that Rex used to save ahsoka during the events of order 66 these bombers would indeed make a great asset and so they headed out to recomm station flying through the thick atmosphere they see that these bombers are being scrapped at an alarming rate the orders were to simply recon but Hera placed Ezra in charge of this mission to give him more responsibility as a reason that the spirit of the mission was to steal the white wings and if they waited there would be none left when Rex disagreed we see the young Jedi his power struggle against the veteran we're going in now that's in order as they near the facility they are swarmed by this mantle or droids Rex crawls out to shoot but they are forced to crash-land on the station all while these clone war hero vehicles are being spit out as scrap Ezra Road run to commandeer another Sentinel while the rest of the rebels had to fight to free the y-wings Hondo betrays them but at least the Bombers were free with the help of chopper letting them get away with seven y-wings with the astromech remote piloting but there was one crucial part that the EM salvaged before destroying them an ISD would emerge out of hyperspace and release a squadron of TIE fighters just then a rebel fleet would also pop into real space allowing the y-wings to fly into the hanger of a quasar fire class carrier meanwhile back on chopper base arrow states that these bombers are not for Phoenix squadron but for general Jan de Donna's unit as this network of rebel cells was rapidly expanding next they would need to gather more weapons and explosives and an old CIS supply ship was a great place to start as they approached the wreckage Rex tells him about the droids and how his brothers used to battle them those droids wiped out a lot Republic troopers many of them were my friends Mata's lead scores some you can't see inside the hangar they find that they came for more proton bombs and you could carry but as they approach they trip a ray shield and Rex hears a voice that he hasn't heard for over 15 years the crew is stunned unconscious and brought to the command center and as Rex comes to he has a flashback to the old war it's not over Rex Rex Cody general Kalani looms over them and explains how he and his droid soldiers are still active Rex tells them that he knows this t series that he's extremely intelligent by my calculations our probability of being defeated was only twenty three point six percent I assumed it was a republic trick and prevented the shutdown command Kalani explains that he wishes to prove that his tactics would have won the war desperate to have one final battle against Jedi and clones uber the objective was to make it back to the command center and free Zeb and together they would fight through the b-1s and make it into the hangar but Rex senses a trap as more droids don't blindly rush out to meet them he can tell Kalani has been modifying their tactics it means a lot to his programming it's a lot to mine as well as they make it deeper into the CIS ship droidekas appear on the catwalk above them and Kanan has to tell Ezra to run that these type of droids cannot be defeated by a simple lightsaber deflection they split up sending Ezra to use the crane to bring the Droid smashing down as the vets keep him occupied but Kalani had predicted that they would split up and now deploys another wave of clankers flanking Rex and exposing him to take a droid akka bolt to the chest a seconds later Ezra would bring them down but Rex is upset at the Padawan for taking too long having been distracted by chopper if we're gonna survive this we're gonna do it with strategy and discipline nearing the command center they are pinned down by another pair of destroyers it looks as though these clankers would have their final victory blasting Ezra knocking Rex's helmet off out of anger and frustration he Chuck's the helmet at the shield and to everyone's shock it flickered and short-circuited leaving an opening to blast it shield overheated that droids too old just like me now free to take the bridge Rex nearly blasts Kalani but Ezra steps in at the last second saying this was pointless that they were replaying the Clone Wars but only in the sense that they were both fighting each other instead of recognizing the real enemy the clone war ended but why if none of you won who right on cue the imperials head tracks chopper signal for help and we're descending on this old Clone Wars crash site with a TDP SAT 80s and the squads of storm troopers descending on their location clones battle droids you destroyed each other and when you were both weak enough the Empire took over the plan would be to use some of these proton bombs against the walkers while the be ones in droidekas drew fire allowing for the combine the clone Jedi droid forces to escape via sheath of feed chattels once they make it out to space the hell Kalani and Rex says that they both had their victory we all just won the clone war and you ended it Ezra all I did was point out that none of you were meant to win you couldn't and we needed to hear it from here they would head to my capo and try to rescue rebel sympathizers with Rex being aboard the Spooner class while the ghost meet up with iron squadron in their whitey 2400 iron squads captain was June Santos nephew and with Rex's support on world and the successful evac in orbit they had an important moral win for the rebels and then it was back to the bug world of Geonosis Bail Organa would personally explain the mission to the spectres saying their initial report of no life-forms on Geonosis had troubled them so they had already sent a team to investigate but lost contact with them a team led by someone that Rex had trained during the Clone Wars I've known saw a long time and I've learned when he's concerned about something it's usually worth taking a closer look when they approach Hera notes that all of the space debris that they saw the first time was now gone while they pull through the atmosphere they are swallowed by an enormous sandstorm upon landing they split up to search for Sol on his team and navigate through the maze of underground tunnels finding the helmets and weapons of Salzman strewn about Kanan senses that they are being watched but decides to press on eventually getting deep enough to encounter be ones in a droid akka who are out flames by Rex's old pal it's good to see alive my old friend topside Sabine and ZEB have discovered a series of shield generators that someone has been keeping active sohow claims that it was Aegean Ocean the same one that had been maintaining these droids even though it killed his men saw knows that this bug is the only one who knows what the Empire did to the Geonosian people more importantly for him would be the only bug to know what they were building in orbit across the cavern they spot their target and it activates an army of droidekas on the surface Zeb and Sabine have to activate the shield generators to survive but it won't hold for long when Kanan comes up with a creative way to cross the cavern the Clone Wars vet still remember the Jedi's heroism Abner Skywalker the bug keeps running deeper into the caverns where Ezra is able to wrestle him down towards the rest of the team with the signal destroyed the droid ACCA's shut down and Saul rushes to interrogate this lone Gaea notion when the Onderon ian gets violent rex tried to calm them down all they could get out of him was a vague drawing of a circle within a circle when he leads him to his workshop Rex figures they could use this terminal to boost choppers signal in order to contact the ghost but Saul was tearing apart the bugs room eventually forcing him to reveal that click-clack was hiding Aegean Ocean egg the last one of his people after the Empire tried to make them extinct at this point the ghost was infamous within the Empire and with all these broadcasts going back and forth Imperials were eager to capture them the ghost was barely able to descend on this rocky shaft but eventually the teams are reunited though they now have different ideas on how to finish the mission saw demands the G notion tells them more about the imperial project but click-clack just wants to be set free with his egg Saul gets more violent forcing Rex to jump in and grab him at one time the Onderon ian was but the apprentice but with Rex's age acceleration Guerrera is able to overpower and flip the old clone the debate is cut short when Imperial jump troopers descend on the ghost the spectres and Saul rush out to meet them while Rex mans the dorsal turret and since the ark Wooden's blocks the tunnel exit they are forced to go down deeper now far under the surface of Geonosis they find the gas canisters that the Empire used to kill off the G notion population Saul sees that this bug species though his enemy and the clone wars have suffered an even worse fate than the Onderon ian's so they plan to use this evidence to rally the Imperial Senate against the Emperor but these canisters would be dislodged during the battle with the ark word ends as the spectres tried to punch their way out of the shaft the images are frightening but will not be enough to convince the the Empire's atrocities now in the year - BBY agent Kallus has been secretly assisting the rebels ezra chopper and a p5 would purposely be captured in order to free the imperial defector after it was discovered that Grand Admiral Thrawn was monitoring callouses transmissions Kanan and Rex were to pick them up with a captured shuttle but the prisoners removed to throw on Star Destroyer the Chimera when they meet calles sees that his old mentor and clone wars hero will Aafia Lauren is there as well while they try to determine who the traitor is they review a star map which has been narrowed down to the possible locations of the rebel base from billions of possible locations sir on now just has a handful forcing Calais and Ezra to return to the Admirals quarters with Chopper in order to edit this map while also making sure the landing codes for the Camaro were sent out to Rex and Kanan while Calais was now forced to cover their tracks all of this new ping was done with lieutenant lists cylinder code while Orinda price was acting on thron suspicions that any arriving transport would be evacuating the spy and she immediately intercepts Kanan and Rex as they exit the shuttle placing you under arrest there must be some kind of mistake sir I'm sure we can shoot him list was overzealous and desperate to get a promotion so all he saw was price shooting stormtroopers figuring she was the traitor haste under praising his capture before being tackled by Calais which allowed the Spectre crew to escape while simultaneously making it look like list was the one who was trying to help them get away despite all those layers Thorin felt something was off and never stopped the intense monitoring of outgoing and fuel transfer is hiding out in the wreckage of old CIS capital ships when they received a message from Senator Mon Mothma being the first of the Senators to openly challenge the Emperor citing the massacres of the peaceful people of Corman and our self-appointed Emperor is this more than a lying executioner their mission would be to safely extract her to rebel forces and over the Outer Rim world of Dantooine she would give the speech that would rally together all of the disparate rebel groups under one banner a Rebel Alliance to restore the Republic with Rex watching an amazement from the rebels first permanent base which he helped to create in weeks later it would be on chopper base that Ezra would claim that the force was trying to show him that Kenobi was alive and that Maul was still hunting him but Rex has to explain why this is not possible no matter how much he wishes the old general was still with them no one would like to believe general Kenobi's alive more than I would but senator Organa confirmed his death and though Ezra would eventually confirmed that Kenobi was indeed alive it is not likely that Rex would ever get a reunion with his fellow Clone Wars veteran still two years out from the Battle of Yavin the run is ready to put to use all of the Intel he gained on the rebels the planet at along and it's chopper base had been discovered throne in the 7th fleet would prepare for a full planetary invasion luckily fulcrum was able to get a few words off the chopper base before Thrawn captured him providing crucial seconds to scramble the fleet and alert doe donnas forces who had just arrived in orbit however the interdictor would prevent a simple jump to hyperspace Sato would sacrifice himself and take out the interdictor allowing Ezra to break free with Maul ship the gauntlet meanwhile on the surface Rex would lead the ground forces against the invasion lousy fooled Vegas as the planetary bombardment was beginning has returned with Sabine and Mandalorian allies but the walkers were plucking rebel ships out of the sky and Rex and the spectres were surrounded when thrown personally led a squad of elite death troopers just then the Bendu an ancient force wielder that is neither Sith nor Jedi would start raining down death upon the entire battlefront scrambling everyone and allowing the rebels to make it to their ships as random Ando's would take out the second interdictor allowing them all to make the escape to the rebels emergency rally point at yabin but Rex advises they should take extra precautions second hyperspace jump before we want to cover our tracks we should make it three months would pass we are now in the final year before the destruction of the first Death Star it is unclear if Rex's maps were used to select Yavin but it is operated by the Musashi group rebel cell named after the ancient species that built these pyramid structures we see even more y-wing bombers here the squadron of them having just arrived from a mission led by Hera which also shows us how Rex is in charge of many of these bases operations The Imperials keep responding quicker than the rebels expect thanks to a newly created communications outpost on Jelani something the Rebel Alliance did not figure out which was only revealed by solid partisans how does saws ragtag group have better Intel than we do with Mon Mothma and Calais pointing out that he is willing to torture and terrorize people in order to get what he wants that night saw makes an appeal to the rebels an insults mon mothma continue to allow this war to be fought on the Empire's turns not gos you are going to lose though mothma was outraged by this she knows that he is right about the danger of this outpost the spectres would take it out with the help of the partisans in their powerful youing Starfighter chucking proton bombs onto the dish and setting it in the arc Wooden's above ablates now they would turn to the liberation of bow fall while the Phoenix rebel cell wanted to liberate low fall the homeworld of Ezra and where Thorin was setting up many of his imperial projects like the Tai defender most of the other rebel cells did not see the strategic importance of this planet mon mothma also refused so rex would return to see those and try to recruit his brothers in this mission wolf and Gregor never got involved with the rebel fighting at large but they did keep in contact hera wanted to rally up as many of the disparate allies as they could find everyone from the pirate and in a way a Clone Wars veteran as well hondo ohnaka and the bounty hunter ketsu onyo this mission isn't for the rebellion it's for Ezra as they approach the Thal they are met by an enormous planetary blockade while planetside their enemies are under heavy attack by thrones forces and just then a cargo freighter pops out of hyperspace just next to them wax the magnetic clamp so yes sir and as governor price was taking them prisoner the ghost shows up to blast the imps away Rex and the boys launching off the ship and onto the Battlefront to blast the souls out of the ugly stormy Armour and Gregor loves seeing their new allies and gets a kick out of the connection to his brother just like that they would be a victory but the next would be to take the capital and drive the EM Safa loathe all completely this battle gave them the la Atle s that they needed to approach the massive Imperial command center a mobile base that can be dropped on occupied cities and act as a hub of imperial power the hope would be to take it and launch it away destroying it in a brazen display they would ignite hope and all of those oppressed by the Empire but the codes supplied by price they were able to take the comm center by using Imperial protocol 13 they were able to issue an immediate evac order to all of the Imperial forces on the Thal getting them all into the dome before sending it away Rex would monitor the domes comm systems while Callison Azadi would send this order out to the ends though throne would not be this easily outmaneuvered he plants his Star Destroyer right above the dome if they wish to lift off and crash into them the rebels could destroy all of the Imperials would they be forced to take out the entire capital along with them or ezra could simply surrender to rush the boys decision the Admiral opens fire on the civilians below providing him hollow footage of the destruction Ezra gives up while the spectres try to figure out what to do Ezra sneaks out and heads to Thrawn while wolf and his allies were ambushed by throngs assassin rook mark matin Santos nephew from iron squadron was entrusted with Ezra's secret back-up plan telling wolf that they have to get near Thrawn's ISD the Chimera and blast out a frequency through hyperspace a signal that has been not been used by travelers for ages back in the dome Rex Gregor and the team would fight to try and activate the shield generators to protect the city Zeb and rock would battle between the energy emitters and while Gregor and Callas rushed the shield operators one of the Imps was able to get off a bowl into the Clone Wars veteran providing one final loss for wreck there was an honor to fight with you for something that we chose to believe in we did it Gregor these clones who had been bred to serve a Sith Lords plot and realized that they chose this fight with the rebellion and this sacrifice saved the city the shield generator was large enough to envelop the entire capital removing the threat of bombardment Ezra was able to deny a temptation from the Emperor and actually took Thrawn prisoner directing the chest to look out the viewports and see part two of his plan swarms of per goal had followed this old signal through hyperspace and acting on a strange force enabled bond that they formed with Ezzor earlier they ripped through the planetary blockade and captured the Chimera the Ezra and throngs still on board while Rex was looking on with the rest of the spectres mouth agait at this incredible site to finish the fight they would send the dome up into the atmosphere trying to survive the hordes of troopers locked in there with them Rex blasting away with the inferior yet still effective V 11 enabling them to exit onto the dome surface and evac via the ghost before setting the whole station ablaze over a barren area just outside of the capital while the dome erupts and explosions in the city erupts and Cheers they survived Thrones attack and would be finally free of Imperial oppression but Rex is still focused on the mission but the Empire won't just let us keep this planet we need to prepare for how we're going to fight back this would be the first planet to be completely liberated of a major Imperial occupation and know what is unclear what role Rex played in the major battles to come battle over scare if ya VIN or Hoth it seems that he and wolf remained here to turn the locals into a proper military fighting force these men trained by the Kaminoans and they're Mandalorian advisers and led by their Jedi generals the Thrax even turning down an offer to give up the rebellion and trained stormtroopers this was a role that Rex chose where he would now again be called commander Rex and helped to build up such a strong force here that the Empire never came back for a fight but there was one last battle for the old clone when the Rebel Alliance discovered that a second Death Star was being constructed and that the Emperor and lord Vader would be on board mothma decided to throw everything the Rebel Alliance had at finally ending the war during the Battle of Endor commander Rex's decades of fighting and stealth operations made him an invaluable member of general solo strike team which would take lamda shuttles down to the surface of Endor in order to shut off the massive shield generator and that shuttle with them would be Luke Skywalker though Rex would not know that this was the child of his beloved general from all those years ago it just shows the interesting ways the force works and as they approach we see that just as Anakin had once told him it was leading the rebel troopers from the front right behind Chewbacca as the team made their approach once they arrived at the target it is Rex to disarms the stormtrooper and as always thinking ahead as we see that Rex donned the scout troopers armor just in case the Imps need to be tricked during the next stages of the plan when the Ewoks emerged to save the day this idea could have gotten him killed to think that Rex could have been accidentally cut down by friendly fire this hero of two galactic scale wars could have been killed by an Ewok rock to the head but luckily this was not the case and in the confusion him and the other rebels were able to get the upper hand while up in orbit Rex's long-lost general his close friend Anakin would finish the fight just like the old days ending this decades-long war against Darth Sidious a war that started at the moment of Rex's inception all those decades ago on Kamino after the fireworks cleared the galaxy rejoiced in ct-7567 Rex would get some much earned R&R an honorable end and upholding his oath to defend the Republic he helped to defeat the Empire and the secrets if that was the Republic's true enemy during the Clone Wars while spending the remainder of his years training the next generation of soldiers in order to protect the New Republic and that concludes the complete life story of Rex we'll be making more complete life and complete history videos like this as well as the ton of other ships vehicles species and planet breakdowns so be sure to subscribe if you'd like to see more to see more videos like this and to help ensure that we can make more of these videos please check out the description where you see links to our patreon and PayPal as well as affiliate links to cool Star Wars stuff and even ways to help support this channel for free it all link down below special shout-out to our supporters over on patreon especially our $25 tier and Rabanne black Phoenix feed me kittens serif Diaz and Chris Garcia a most important of all remember never underestimate the clones and the force will be with you always
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 1,491,166
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Keywords: rex, rex complete life, star wars, empire day, 501st, clone wars, ct-7567 rex, ct-7567 death, captain rex, commander rex, captain rex order 66, captain rex death, captain rex rebels, clone wars lore, clone wars explained, clone trooper, clone troopers, clone trooper tribute, 501st legion, 501st explained, grand army of the republic, metanerdz, complete life of rex, rex history, clone wars season 7, clone trooper profile, republic army, captain rex life, rex tribute
Id: eJ5DpEdKJzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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