Finding Rex in Attack of the Clones

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technically i outrank you right in my book experience outranks everything captain rex was a loyal clone who fought in the grand army of the republic against the confederacy of independent systems serving throughout the entire war rex was present all the way from the first battle of geonosis up until order 66. he would later serve in the rebellion from around two years before the battle of yavin all the way up through the battle of endor with rex being present for three major battles across the films the question must be asked where was he during the movies well you probably know the answer for some of these battles there's some information that may surprise you so today we're gonna be talking about captain rex and where he can be found during the original star wars saga before we begin today's video is brought to you by manscaped are you tired of this happening to you hard to use too much work and dangerous old landscaping tools are scary and the fear of getting hurt could make you 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through the timeline as soon as captain rex made his appearance in season 2 of star wars rebels fans began to notice that the old wrecks bore an uncanny similarity to a background rebel that we see on the ground team present during the battle of endor this prompted a huge part of the community to espouse that in their personal head canon this was actually captain rex himself albeit much older this was originally a little more than a fan theory but it didn't really change the lore much which made it work great for personal head canons if true the result would be little more than a retroactive easter egg day fellow eventually came out to voice approval for the fan theory while he didn't officially confirm anything at first his official stance basically amounted to it's possible so why not eventually however there was a little bit more confirmation with the series finale for star wars rebels dave filoni inserted his approval once more in sabine's epilogue monologue included in the line hera fought in the battle of endor as did commander rex validating lore scholars and head cannoners who believed that this was indeed captain rex making the theory even better is one small little coincidence that just made my day see the main screenshot we see of captain rex is the scene where they ambush this scout trooper and take him hostage we only see him once more after that and it's here where the rebels have surrendered to the empire here you can see rex once again and he is the only rebel who has disguised himself with that scout trooper's armor i mean rex is the only one who disguised himself as a storm trooper something that we know him to do on several occasions throughout star wars rebels i can't believe you shot us i mean you you were dressed like storm troopers yeah you showed us [Laughter] given that return of the jedi premiered several decades before this idea had even never existed this was obviously just a coincidence but i think it is officially the best coincidence ever anyway lucasfilm under disney eventually canonized the theory turning theory into fact and it is now canonically captain rex here in the battle of endor who disguises himself with stormtrooper armor all thanks to the head cannons of loyal fans and the passion of dave filoni for those fans now going back in the star wars timeline 20 or something years rex cannot be seen during revenge of the sith and that's because he's actually on the planet mandalore during the entire duration of the film and exists completely off-screen so this brings us only with one battle left the first battle of geonosis during attack of the clones see the battle of geonosis was pretty localized we see almost the entire scope at one point or another and so with that information it's reasonable to assume that one of these clones is rex and one fan claims to have found him so this theory was first posed by jailbreak bob or at least as far as i can find with a video titled rex in attack of the clones this video in its entirety is 21 seconds long and plays out this scene are you all right i can link his video in the description but i don't play fast and loose with youtube's copyright guidelines i'm not brave like you jailbreak bob now we know that rex fought in the first and second battles of geonosis so it's reasonable to assume that he is on screen somewhere the idea that this was rex fascinated me and so i started digging for evidence i dug and i dug and you know what i found nothing absolutely nothing so that's it video over well not so fast because there are still some things worth talking about so first why would someone think that this clone was rex well there really isn't much in the way of actual evidence except that it would be really cool to see rex who becomes anakin's trusted captain being the one to take care of padme who is anakin's beloved wife side note i wanted to take this moment to highlight the absolute gold in the top comment on jailbreak bob's video fox mcleod says omg it sounds just like him it's totally him i bet they even look alike which is just an absolute treasure of the comment in any case there is no evidence to suggest that lucasfilm acknowledges the identity of this clone as rex nor have they given us any actual evidence to suggest that this clone is rex but there is one thing george lucas himself never intended for this old rebel to be rex as well it was the collective headcanons of fans across the world that canonized that we wheeled that into existence and dave filoni heard us and lucasfilm responded in affirmation there is no reason that this can't be done again here why can't this clone be rex as i said i love the idea that rex is the clone that looks after padme so let's ask the question for real is there any reason that this clone can't be rex well there is one sort of clone ranking structure is super weird aside from the fact that commander is higher than captain there's also the issue of clone promotions see most clones in positions of command aren't necessarily promoted but more raised to be in command given special training so that when they are actually sent into combat they can automatically and immediately take over roles as that rank from the start look at the grand army of the republic in episode two many of them already bear the designations that mark them as captains commanders etc it's also part of captain rex cannon backstory that he received the rank of captain due to receiving special training not a battlefield promotion or special recognition for his combat prowess he was literally raised to be a captain it's also worth noting that during the first battle of geonosis colorful markings on a clone's armor were not an indication of their battalion regiment legion etc but rather an indication of their rank captains in particular were identified by the red striped cross on their helmets and the four red dots on their left chest plate along with the red stripes on their arms the clone who rescues padme is pure white clearly showing us that he is not a captain but a standard rank-and-file clone if it's true that rex was already a captain during the first battle genosis it would make much more sense for rex to be like this clone here talking to yoda rather than the one who rescues padme a view already espoused by emil anderson another youtube channel that posted an 11 second video basically to that same effect however that does not make this connection totally impossible as i said it makes more sense for this clone captain with yoda to be rex but i think it's more poetic for the clone with padme to be rex and we know that george lucas loves poetry it's like poetry so if they rhyme and especially since we don't have any definitive material confirming that rex was already a captain during the first battle geonosis i think it's fairly reasonable to say that this with padme could very well be rex furthermore notice what padme asks him to do find a transport gather troops lead a counter-offensive against the hangar these are leaderly things could padme's instructions actually be the reason that rex was promoted as we said earlier according to his already established backstory he was promoted to captain due to the training he received but i still really like this idea we've seen before that the collective head cannon from fans can bring these little easter eggs into true canon it's even been done with captain rex himself before we can will this into existence so now i'm going to ask you and leave you with three options do you think that rex should be the captain speaking with yoda a character who doesn't really do anything but is already a captain or alternatively do you think that this should be rex a clone who looks after padme and gathers force as needed to storm dooku's hanger or a third option we didn't really mention in the video is this rex now more than ever is the time to leave your thoughts in the comments below not only do i want to know what you my friends have to say about our favorite galaxy far far away but there is much more at stake this time we have the power and the opportunity to retroactively place captain rex inside attack of the clones but we need to come together and speak out and maybe just maybe dave filoni will hear us and confirm our theories once again thank you to jailbreak bob and emil anderson for their original propositions and thank you all for watching don't forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video or if you learned absolutely nothing new you can feel free to leave a thumbs down completely guilt-free because that tells me i'm not doing my job thank you all so much for watching and as always may the lord be with you now and forever
Channel: Lore Star
Views: 687,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars explained, star wars theory, star wars lore, clone wars, captain rex, darth vader, rex, rex aotc, rex attack of the clones, attack of the clones, episode 2, rex episode 2, lightsaber, clone trooper, clone armor, clone ranks
Id: 8LnzYmfiadE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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