Every Lego Clone Trooper Ever Made!!! 2019 Update

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hey everybody welcome to brick fault today in front of us is every single Lego clone trooper minifigure ever made there are 78 in total I'm gonna be going through this collection chronologically from what years these guys came out what sets they came out in and how much they are currently worth on the collectors market so if you've got any clone troopers from back in the day this might be a good reference video to see what some of these guys are currently worth now and before I jump into this collection review I would like to say that if you like these display cases that you see in front of you you can't actually buy them at our webstore WWE brick vault toys made of all american red oak produced in america and there are four different colors so anyways that link is in the description below and there's a lot to get through today so let's start off with the very first guy so this is the first version of the clone trooper he's got the phase one armor with the old mold of the helmet where you can see the black head through the visor piece there he's got the old bull horn as the weapon and you see the sets that he was in flashing by the screen I'm not gonna mention it in this video because I've got to get through so many guys it would take too long this is the phase two armor the second version of the clone trooper 2005 release you can also see that the head has been set inside with the black visor being the actual head color there he's a little bit more common a little bit cheaper and then from the same year we have the star core basically a commander version of the same face two Clone Trooper his yellow highlights and orange pauldron make him unique he's the only clone trooper with an orange pauldron like this he's 14 bucks and we have this interesting aerial trooper he's basically got a neck bracket with this large build built onto the back of them though there's nothing actually different about the print or the helmet mold makes him considerably more expensive though 12 bucks compared to the guy without the backpack stuff then this guy with the green markings came out in the wookie catamaran he's a twenty dollar figure interestingly enough there's actually a lot of slight variations with different colors this guy's from the 94 to Recon Corps he's nine bucks and here is our first clone trooper pilot all the pilots are included in this video by far my favorite helmet detailing that we get so far in the collection in terms of moving chronologically and he is among the cheapest of the old figs that you can get now segwaying over to one of our our first of our more expensive figures this is the first scout clone trooper he's got the jungle armor he's roughly $25 as listed brand new on the brick link market and that's partially because he's so unique and he also came out in the turbo tank 2007 gave us this guy he's the same one that had the orange pauldron just he doesn't have it now and then from the same battle pack we get our first version of a shock trooper really really good printing I'd say for the first time seeing him out here just a year later we get an alternate version of the shock trooper with a white groin piece though the printing also feels a little bit different like the lion detailing is a little bit thinner on this later guy but then also in 2008 we get our first version of the updated phase 1 armor this guy came out in a ton of sets there was a few slight variations but he's one of the most common clone troopers you can get he's also the first clone trooper with an actual flesh head and face print which is super super common and then the only difference with this guy as you can see he's got some head accessories pushed into the side of the helmet which is a customizable helmet and now let's move on to some rare figures this is the first Captain Rex probably the most popular clone of them all he's got some special printing on the helmet he also comes with a plastic camera as well as some extra shoulder armor and Rex is one of the few figs to actually get his own special face printing I mean these are all clones after all but Rex has the 5 o'clock shadow all set and done brand-new he's $21 and then commander cody has a similar design the markings are a little bit different you see the orange highlights on him though he is $15 brand new and then commander Fox comes in the dark red slightly different design prints and stuff on each of the helmets also the armor is technically a little bit different in terms of where those color hi let's go 25 bucks for this guy as well and then here is another commander though he's not actually one of the main characters this is just another clone trooper with general commander Armour no extra color highlights for him still the armor makes him 12 bucks and then we get another pilot he appeared in several sets the only differences are you can see the printing on the helmet here and there's also just a little bit of a breathing apparatus print at the top of the chest this is kind of an odd one we've got a Commander Cody helmet on top of a regular body with no extra armor or printing to make it look like Commander Cody he was given out at a building event there's no listing for him online in the collectors market I'm gonna guess he's like 10 bucks cuz that helmet is actually kind of hard to come by and now we're looking at a jet trooper he's exactly like the other figs but a he's got a white jet pack looking like Boba Fett's jet pack so he can jump around it's molded in white though he's a seven dollar fig and then I really like the print for the helmet on the heavy gunner here the dark gray also differentiates him a little bit more at the end of the day he's actually a pretty common fig though and then we get another clone commander this time his armor is in black all the other ones were gray I kind of like that the black really sort of breaks it up a bit still his prints on his body aren't unique and he is a seven dollar fig this guy's boring he's just another standard clone but his antenna is black instead of gray and then 2010 had this weird kind of throwback he's got the old phase two helmet but the printing on the nose if i zoom in I can't really zoom in but the printing on the nose shows some line detailing it's called the dotted helmet and yes that's how detailed that this episode gets yeah he is a unique figure because of that and now we get to take a look at some pilots these two guys actually came out in the same set this is supposed to be Captain Jack possibly in general the open helmet here is awesome I really like the mold for this and it's just a different color prints on the helmet that makes them unique this guy is a little bit different though he flew Emperor Palpatine a shuttle so the print on the head is supposed to match up a bit with the the closed-off face mask though it is the same is the open one and then we get another commander in black like before this time he doesn't come with a camera that technically makes him different and then this guy's a weird one he came out in a Nintendo DS case you can see he's got blue eyes on brick link he's not even listed this way so this is kind of a weird one for collectors but then let's move on to maybe one of the most colorful troopers of them all he's from the bomb squad and I think he's awesome he's surprisingly accessible in terms of price and then we move on to another Captain Rex he's got an antenna on his helmet instead of a visor which technically makes him different and this version of them is listed for 25 bucks Commander Cody with no armor or cama makes him a unique figure from the GN Ocean Starfighter set he's twelve dollars though still exactly the same as the other print and then the only version of Captain Locke is here and I think he's got some of the best unique printing actually for a clone trooper his appearance in a battle pack makes him pretty cheap though he's five bucks and then for the most expensive figure in the collection we have commander Wolffe his sole appearance was in the republic frigate set he's got some amazing printing and he's also just a well sought-after character his expression is pretty dope too he's a very very recognizable clone and the cheapest you can find him is $33 but if you're a collector in the States and want to get him he's 45 bucks listed in the States or he want to pay the minimum 10 color shipping international fee so yeah he's probably well over 40 bucks if you wanted to collect him in the States and what is commander Wolffe without the Wolf Pack he came out from the same set he's got a jet pack in the back excellent printing though in fact I might actually like his helmet printing a little bit more he is a twenty dollar figure and then let's take a breather for a minute from the really expensive guys this is a fun one this a RF trooper has a new mold for a helmet he came out in a battle pack pretty accessible now here is the much more collectible version of the a RF trooper he's the shadow a RF trooper all black I think just about everything or at least his torso print and his helmet print is exclusive just to this guy he came out in a promo polybag and i just realized now that this guy is actually the he's actually the most expensive figure in the collection if you wanted to get them brand new he's 80 bucks and in the original poly bag unopened he goes for at least a hundred so a very very collectible Star Wars figure the silver Visor is personally my favorite part and let's move on this pilot is the same as the last one that you saw earlier only now he's got a black head instead of a flesh one with a face and now there is the elite clone a RF trooper he's part of a battle pack not too bad in terms of the detailing but then my absolute favorite detailing comes from this guy same battle pack and he's just got tons of accessories he's got the first of the cloth Camus's which is cool this is a little pack on his back that's I think a communications pack and to this day he remains the only clone trooper that has printing on his toes so just about every piece on him is exclusive really cool too config all around and then this is the first version of commander gree that we get to see all around a good-looking fig but the later versions of him are much better in my opinion and then we get an updated version of the clone trooper the print on the helmet is different also the body print has changed as well but perhaps the biggest difference is his head his face so the clone trooper has now been a Lego F ID they use this for the standard print of storm troopers as well but it first came out as a storm as a clone trooper this exact figure came out in a ton of different sets very very common but let's get back to some of the old-school the old face prints for some of the clones this guy's from the 212th he's got some really nice updated phase 2 helmet here and matching prints to go along with some wonderful yellow highlights and then we get an updated version the most updated version so far of Captain Rex p2 is rockin the phase 2 armor really really wonderful updated prints I love all those notches that he's got all over his armor and the blue camo here is special sorry the blue shoulder pauldron is special just to him he is a $25 and then this guy is 20 bucks he's another captain $20 figure really really good-looking helmet print and then we basically get him again in yellow my guess is his set wasn't as easy - or it was easier to get so he's a little bit of a cheaper fig and the same goes for this guy in light blue I think that's stripe along the front really pops here for the blue technically he is a lieutenant and then the other guy over here is a sergeant kind of annoying that they all have one stripe and well actually he's got Ford yeah they've all got four dots along the chest it really is the color I suppose the only thing that differentiates them though you did see commanders with differing colors as well so it's not super consistent and then Jake 14 has entered the picture a force imbued clone I don't believe his story is canon anymore interesting face print for sure I also like his clone armor he's 22 bucks and we're moving on to probably one of the most interesting looking guys in the collection this Special Forces clone trooper is all blue he's got the same mold as a regular stormtrooper helmet cuz that's phased through the armor and an interesting energy shield then from the same special forces unit this is the commander so he actually is less blue but he's supposed to be a higher rank interesting looking guy I wonder if those little triangles at the top are a wink to the original Boba Fett design for morale from aquarii I suppose we'll never know but now we're moving on to a guy this is the FIFO first I know a lot of people want a battle pack he's just not that easy to get this 2013 version of them is kind of resting here great look in print though he's 12 bucks brand-new and then also from the five-o first comes this clone pilot he flew the Z 95 headhunter exclusive mold for the helmet which is pretty cool kind of an odd shape for sure actually and now we're just moving on to sort of a more generic clone pilot the print for the helmet is updated and so is the body actually as well for the chest and now we've got a version of the clone a standard clone trooper with leg printing some of the more special guys did have it but not for the regular clone now we've got it his appearance was in the clone turbo tank he is a twelve dollar figure and then we get basically the same version he's from the advent calendar and because he's got a Santa hat it's not an exclusive piece but because it was released this way he's it's an exclusive release that is a $5 figure and then also updated Wolfpack guy the printing for him is very different now he's just got grey highlights and like anything Wolf Pack he's actually not too easy to get being a $17 fig now moving on here are a couple of Judah Powell troopers the one with the special helmet is the airborne over here but interestingly enough this guy is a little bit more expensive in the airborne I guess is just not as that much sought-after even though he's a lot more exclusive in a lot more ways with his prints and even comes with a special camera also you'll notice these stud shooter guns which is kind of a lower detail in my personal opinion more playable and then this is another version of Jake 14 he's got a white helmet now and also the print for his armor is different he is 15 bucks and then this bark trooper actually has some pretty nice detailing as well I think the the helmet is pretty subtle he's six bucks and then a way better version like I said of Cologne commander gree he has some wonderful camo printing Kashyyyk printing all around he's the only guy well so I mean if they released him later but he's the only guy that's got the the silver head here and he came out in a couple of sets he's nine bucks then here is a Kashyyyk scout trooper wonderful printing all around pretty much anything that comes from Kashyyyk always looks pretty good because their armor is so involved just three dollars and then a Kashyyyk regular Clone Trooper still with some wonderful camouflage detailing then Lego has decided to go back to a shock trooper he's got a new updated set of prints and updated print for the helmet and everything like printing he appeared in the police gunship set in sells for at least fifteen bucks but actually more expensive in the States now we've got an updated pilot for the V wing this ship later turned into the TIE fighter so they definitely have some detailing that resembles closer to a TIE fighter pilot and then here is an updated lieutenant with the light blue he's actually the same as the last time we saw him only now he's got printing on the legs yay then here's an awesome one this is the gia notion clone trooper really wonderful totally involved printing and unique coloration for the for the body helmet and armor and all that stuff and then just like the other battle pack from una Pao we've got the specialized guy he's not airborne even though he's got the same airborne helmet mold each of them are pretty cheap then we're making the rounds with the new pilot he's got leg printing so he is unique though of course there's nothing too special about them and then we get an updated version of another pilot with the open helmet maybe some of my favorite markings on a single helmet mold from any of the clone troopers then here are some of my favorite figs this is the old Captain Rex from captain Rex's 80 te Walker basic printing but it's just nice to see this character getting you know getting to turn old when you saw him in rebels same thing happens for wolf here he's got a lost eye that's what really makes him different and then you also get commander Gregor he actually has a pretty cool shirt printing I like it a lot and you can see a little bit of white stubble on the face which isn't a little nicer I think it's just a better face detailing but now we're working on to another updated gunner the chest printing is probably my favorite here it's just weird and jagged all in all pretty fun looking guy then this is the latest and greatest updated version of your standard phase one clone trooper they added more grey detailing to the body and helmet very subtle technically it's different though and now here's the second version like I said there is a second version of clone commander Greek and Kenya spot the difference his little stripe on his leg is now tan instead of gray you can look back in the video and see the difference if you want it's totally worth it but technically he's different and then this is the last guy he is the he's the updated version of this Scout trooper the print for his legs are slightly different it's also not worth looking back to see it but technically it's there and now let's look at them all together once again alright that is going to be it for this episode everybody thanks a lot for watching remember if you enjoy our content you can always like or subscribe if you have any ideas about another collection video you'd like to see us do in the future whether it's an update video from a previous collection or a brand new collection you haven't seen on the channel we'd like to know in the comments below and if we got any other type of updated or new figure for the clone wars the clone troopers here five-o First Battle Pack is probably number one on the list so be fun to see an update for that and I'm sure we're going to be getting a ton of new clone troopers from the next season of the Clone Wars that should be coming out pretty soon so anyways thanks so much for watching everybody and we'll see you next time at brick vault [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BrickVault
Views: 1,527,830
Rating: 4.9245038 out of 5
Keywords: Lego, sets, Lego Video, all lego clone troopers, clone trooper collection, lego guide, minifigure collection, top lego minifigures, arf trooper, clone wars, lego clone army, lego star wars collection, review, clone, lego star wars, collection, brick vault, brickvault, reviews, clone commander, star wars collection, star wars clone wars, every lego clone trooper
Id: rkhRkwfNlLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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